Go to the DESY-Library Homepage. Library , March 2005.ADAM, Mihai Sorin FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Spectroscopic Investigation of Deposited InP Nanocrystals and Small Cu Clusters Dissertation, 127 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-026, July 2004 (HASYLAB)
BAHNS, Dorothea Karoline FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Perturbative Methods on the Noncommutative Minkowski Space Dissertation, 118 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-004, February 2004 (IIT)
BECHTLE, Philip FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg SUSY Higgs Boson Searches at LEP and SUSY Parameter Measurements at TESLA Dissertation, 202 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-040, October 2004 (FLC)
DAVAADORJ, Bayansan FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Nucleon Nucleon Potential Using Dirac Constraint Dynamics Dissertation, 281 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-039, September 2004 (INST.EXP)
DE RIESE, Mathias FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Simple Space-Time Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory Dissertation, 136 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-030, September 2004 (IIT)
ELDIK, Christopher van FB Physik, Univ. Dortmund K*0(892) Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions Dissertation, 148 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-019, July 2004 (HERA-B)
ELLINGHAUS, Frank Humboldt-Univ., Berlin Beam-Charge and Beam-Spin Azimuthal Asymmetries in Deeply-Virtual Compton Scattering Dissertation, 148 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-005, February 2004 (HERMES)
ELLERBROCK, Malte Ruperto-Carola Univ., Heidelberg Measurement of the Neutral Current Cross Section and Search for Contact Interactions with the H1 Experiment Dissertation, 185 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-015, June 2004 (FH1)
FLEGE, Jan Ingo FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Charakterisierung der Photon-stimulierten Desorption von halogenierten Siliziumoberflächen mit stehenden Röntgenwellenfeldern Dissertation, 200 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-003, Februar 2004 (HASYLAB)
FLEISCHMANN, Philipp FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Elastic J/psi Production a HERA Dissertation, 123 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-013, May 2004 (FH1)
FRISING, Gilles RWTH, Aachen Rare Phenomena and W Production in Electron-Proton Scattering at HERA Dissertation, 128 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-048, December 2004 (FH1)
FURLETOVA, Julia FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Search for Exotic Processes in Events with Large Missing Transverse Momentum in ZEUS at HERA Dissertation, 200 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-046, December 2004 (ZEUS)
GRABOWSKA-BOLD, Iwona AGH Univ. of Sci. and Techn., Cracow Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Using the ZEUS Detector at HERA Dissertation, 113 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-034, August 2004 (ZEUS)
HAMANN, Jan C. FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Hybrid Inflation with a Local Gauge Symmetry Diplomarbeit, 47 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-006, February 2004 (T)
HELLWIG, Susanne Univ. Hamburg Untersuchung der D* - pislow Double Methode in Charmanalysen Diplomarbeit, 114 S. Hamburg preprint: Hellwig, S., Mai 2004
JANSSEN, Matthias Enno Univ. Dortmund Auflösungsstudien an einer Zeit-Projektions- Kammer (TPC) mit GEM Gasverstärkungssystem Diplomarbeit, 105 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-049, Dezember 2004 (FLC)
JANUTTA, Benjamin Univ. Hamburg Entstehung topologischer Defekte am Ende der Inflation Diplomarbeit, 55 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-051, Dezember 2004 (T)
KLÄMKE, Gunnar Friedrich Schiller Univ., Jena Studien zur Chargino-Produktion in Photon- Photon Kollisionen Diplomarbeit, 64 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-037, September 2004 (ZEU-EXP)
KLUGE, Thomas RWTH, Aachen Measurement and QCD Analysis of Event Shape Variables in Deep-Inelastic Electron-Proton Collisions at HERA Dissertation, 129 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-024, July 2004 (FH1)
KRUMNACK, Nils FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Three Jet Events in Deep Inelastic Scattering Dissertation, 135 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-011, May 2004 (ZEUS)
KRÄMER, Thomas FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of Heavy Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetries and the B Mixing Parameter Using Z Decays Recorded with the OPAL Detector at LEP Dissertation, 206 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-042, October 2004
LASTOVICKA, Tomás Humboldt-Univ., Berlin Measurement of the Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Section at Low Q2 Dissertation, 119 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-016, June 2004 (ZEU-EXP)
LEHMANN, Claudia FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Gauge Covariant Multiscale Analysis of Complex Systems Dissertation, 127 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-007, February 2004 (IIT)
LELAS, Damir FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg tau Leptons at HERA Dissertation, 138 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-017, June 2004 (ZEUS)
LERCHE, Michael FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Untersuchungen zum Bau eines Fabry-Pérot Interferometers für Mössbauerstrahlung Dissertation, 104 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-032, August 2004 (INST.EXP)
LIEBING, Patricia FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Can the Gluon Polarization in the Nucleon Be Extracted from HERMES Data on Single High-pT Hadrons Dissertation, 234 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-036, September 2004 (HERMES)
LIPKA, Dirk Humboldt-Univ., Berlin Untersuchungen zum longitudinalen Phasenraum an einem Photoinjektor für minimale Strahlemittanz Dissertation, 145 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-021, Juli 2004 (ZEU-EXP)
LONGHIN, Andrea Sci. Fac., Padova Univ. Measurement of Beauty Production at HERA with a D* + mu Tag Dissertation, 207 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-050, December 2004 (ZEUS)
LORBEER, Bastian FB Elektrotechnik, FH Lübeck Phase Noise Measurements of the New Master Oscillator for TTF2 Diplomarbeit, 75 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-023, July 2004 (MHF-P)
MADDOX, Erik Univ. Amsterdam Study of Heavy Quark Production at HERA Using the ZEUS Microvertex Detector Dissertation, 158 p. Amsterdam preprint: Maddox, E., December 2004
MARECKI, Piotr FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Quantum Electrodynamics on Background External Fields Dissertation, 139 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-002, January 2004 (IIT)
MICHELS, Volker Inst. Exp., Univ. Hamburg Diffraktive Photoproduktion von J/psi-Mesonen im H1-Detektor bei hohen Energien Diplomarbeit, 84 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-001, Januar 2004 (FH1)
PADHI, Sanjay McGill Univ., Montreal Charm Jets in Photoproduction at HERA Dissertation, 269 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-012, May 2004 (ZEUS)
PETERS, Krisztian FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Higher Order Corrections to Vector Boson Scattering at Small Scattering Angles Dissertation, 101 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-025, July 2004 (IIT)
RISLER, Christiane FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Produktion seltsamer neutraler Teilchen in tiefinelastischer Streuung bei HERA Dissertation, 234 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-038, September 2004 (FH1)
SCHMIDT, Sebastian MPI für Phys., TU München Messung charminduzierter Zweijetereignisse in tief inelastischer ep-Streuung mit dem H1-Detektor bei HERA Dissertation, 185 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-043, MPP-2004-140, Dezember 2004 (FH1)
SEIDL, Ralf-Christian Friedrich-Alexander-Univ., Erlangen-Nürnberg Single Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Electropro- duction of Pions and Kaons on a Transversely Polarized Hydrogen Target at HERMES Dissertation, 158 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-029, August 2004 (HERMES)
STAHL, Jörg FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Defect Characterization in High-Purity Silicon after gamma- and Hadron Irradiation Dissertation, 196 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-028, July 2004 (ZEUS)
STRAUCH, Ingo FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Jets with High Transverse Momenta in Photoproduction at HERA Dissertation, 136 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-047, December 2004 (FH1)
STULLE, Frank FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg A Bunch Compressor for Small Emittances and High Peak Currents at the VUV Free-Electron Laser Dissertation, 112 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-041, October 2004 (MPY)
SYMALLA, Michael FB Physik, Univ. Dortmund Produktion von phi-Mesonen in inelastischen Proton-Kern-Wechselwirkungen Dissertation, 130 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-020, Juli 2004 (HERA-B)
SZUBA, Dorota AGH-UST Univ. of Sci. and Techn., Cracow The Study of Diffractive Photoproduction of J/psi at Large gamma - p Energy in the ZEUS Experiment at HERA Dissertation, 91 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-033, August 2004 (ZEUS)
TU, Huitzu FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Neutrinos and Physics beyond the Standard Model Dissertation, 142 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-018, June 2004 (T)
UNGER, Michael Humboldt-Univ., Berlin Measurement of the Momentum Spectrum of Atmospheric Muons with the L3 Detector Dissertation, 171 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-008, February 2004 (ZEU-LC)
URBAN, Max Christoph Univ. Zürich The New CIP2k z-Vertex Trigger for the H1 Experiment at HERA Dissertation, 159 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-044, December 2004 (FH1)
VEST, Anja RWTH, Aachen Search for Bosonic Stop Decays in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry in e+p Collisions at HERA Dissertation, 120 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-031, August 2004 (FH1)
VOIGT, Bernhard Inst. Exp., Univ. Hamburg A Test Setup for the Investigation of Charge Transfer Processes of a GEM Based TPC Diplomarbeit, 81 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-014, May 2004 (FLC)
WAGNER, Jeannine FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Charm and Beauty Production at HERA with D*-Muon Events Dissertation, 204 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-022, July 2004 (FH1)
WEINSTEIN, Amanda Stanford Univ., Stanford Jacqueline Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonic Decays of the B Meson Dissertation, 191 p. SLAC report: SLAC-R-743, December 2004
WESSELS, Martin RWTH, Aachen General Search for New Phenomena in ep Scattering at HERA Dissertation, 147 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-035, August 2004 (FH1)
WESSLING, Bengt FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of the Beauty Cross Section Using the Semileptonic Decay into Electrons at HERA Dissertation, 113 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-045, December 2004 (FH1)
WIESENFELDT, Sören FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Proton Decay in Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories Dissertation, 94 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-009, May 2004 (T)
WINTER, Axel RWTH, Aachen Bunch Length Measurements Using Electro-Optical Sampling at the SLS Linac Diplomarbeit, 124 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-027, July 2004 (FLA)
WONSAK, Björn DESY, Hamburg Superfield Supergravity and an Almost No- Scale Scenario Diplomarbeit, 70 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2004-010, May 2004 (T)