Go to the DESY-Library Homepage. Library, June 2011.BARTELS, Christoph FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg WIMP Search and a Cherenkov Detector Prototype for ILC Polarimetry Dissertation, 181 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-034, October 2011 (FLC)
BICK, Daniel FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Setup of a Drift Tube Muon Tracker and Calibration of Muon Tracking in Borexino Dissertation, 118 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-010, April 2011 (IIT)
BÖDEWADT, Jörn FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Transverse Beam Diagnostics for the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH Dissertation, 113 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-043, December 2011 (UNI.EXP)
BOT, Danny FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of Beauty Quark Production from Dimuon Events with the ZEUS Detector at HERA II Dissertation, 187 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-032, October 2011 (ZEUS)
BREUNLIN, Jonas FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Commissioning of an Electro-Optic Electron Bunch Length Monitor at FLASH Diplomarbeit, 75 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-017, May 2011 (FLA)
BUHNÉ, Lukas Univ. Hamburg Properties of Integral Morava K-Theory and the Asserted Application to the Diaconescu-Moore- Witten Anomaly Diplomarbeit, 129 S. Hamburg preprint: Buhné, L., February 2011
CHOLEWA, Axel FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg D*± Meson Production at Low Q2with the H1 Detector and Determination of Unintegrated Gluon Densities Dissertation, 131 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-005, February 2011 (FH1)
DAMMANN, Dirk FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Production Cross Section Measurement of Top-Antitop Pairs in the Dimuon Decay Channel at √s = 7TeV with the CMS Experiment Dissertation, 109 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-016, May 2011 (CMS)
DRAEGER, Jula FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Track Based Alignment of the CMS Silicon Tracker and its Implication on Physics Performance Disseration, 144 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-026, August 2011 (CMS)
FEEGE, Nils FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Low-Energetic Hadron Interactions in a Highly Granular Calorimeter Dissertation, 139 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-048, December 2011 (FLC)
FISCHER, David- FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Johannes Inclusive Neutral Current ep Cross Sections with HERA II and Two-Dimensional Unfolding Dissertation, 165 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-020, June 2011 (FH1)
FISCHER, Gordon FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Determination of the τ-Lepton Reconstruction and Identification Efficiency Using Z → ττ Events in First Data at ATLAS Dissertation, 178 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-036, October 2011 (ATLAS) FRANCK, Joachim Inst. Exp., Univ. Hamburg Experimentelle Untersuchung der Higgs-b/c-Kopplungen in Photon-Proton-Kollisionen Diplomarbeit, 88 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-018, Juni 2011 (ZEUS)
GLISKE, Stephen V. Univ. of Michigan Transverse Target Moments of Dihadron Production in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERMES Dissertation, 163 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-027, September 2011 (HERMES)
GOEBEL, Martin FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Tests of the Electroweak Standard Model and Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle with the ATLAS Detector Dissertation, 157 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-029, September 2011 (ATLAS)
GOSDZIK, Björn FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Identification of Hadronic τ Decays and Observation Potential of CP-Violating Effects in SUSY at ATLAS Dissertation, 179 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-007, March 2011 (ATLAS)
GREFE, Michael FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Unstable Gravitino Dark Matter Prospects for Indirect and Direct Detection Dissertation, 206 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-039, November 2011 (T)
GUEN, Teoman Univ. Hamburg Dauerstrich-Festkörperlaser im tief-ultravioletten Spektralbereich Dissertation, 130 S. Diss. P Guen: Guen, T., 2011
HAMBROCK, Christian FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg b-baryon Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes and a Dynamical Theory for [bq][bar-b bar-q]-Tetraquarks Dissertation, 144 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-012, April 2011 (T)
HEMPEL, Maria TU Brandenburg Study of the Performance of the Data Acquisition Chain for BCM1F Software Upgrade Bachelorarbeit, 53 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-014, May 2011 (ZEU)
HENNEKEMPER, Eva Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg Simulation and Calibration of the Specific Energy Loss of the Central Jet Chambers of the H1 Detector and Measurement of the Inclusive D*± Meson Cross Section in Photoproduction at HERA Dissertation, 141 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-042, HD-KIP-11-042, December 2011 (FH1)
HERBST, Michael Clemens Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg A Search for R-Parity Violating Squark Production with the H1-Experiment at HERA Dissertation, 154 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-046, HD-KIP-11-158, December 2011 (FH1)
Hinterstein, Jan Manuel TU Darmstadt Mikrostrukturanalyse von Piezokeramiken mit Hilfe von Neutronen- und Synchrotronstahlung Dissertation, 224 S. Diss. P Hin: Hinterstein, J. M., 2011
JUNKES, Alexandra FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Influence of Radiation Induced Defect Clusters on Silicon Particle Detectors Dissertation, 210 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-031, October 2011 (CMS)
KASCHUBE, Kolja FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Search for Stable Stau Production at the LHC Dissertation, 138 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-030, October 2011 (I.Inst.Exp.)
KIRSCHENMANN, Henning Inst. Exp., Univ. Hamburg Exploitation of Jet Properties for Energy Scale Corrections for the CMS Calorimeters Diplomarbeit, 132 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-006, February 2011 (Inst.Exp.)
KLEIN, Sebastian TU Dortmund Charm Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering: Mellin moments of Heavy Flavor contributions to F2(x,Q2) at NNLO Dissertation, 241 S. Diss. E Kle: Klein, S., 2011
KOGLER, Roman FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of Jet Production in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA Dissertation, 276 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-003, February 2011 (FH1)
KRAUSE, Maria TU Cottbus Studies of the Influence of the Geomagnetic Field on the Sensitivity of Gamma-Ray Observatories Bachelorarbeit, 50 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-011, April 2011 (ZEU/CMS)
LAMB, Thorsten DESY Femtosekundengenaue Stabilisierung von optischen Glasfaserstrecken basierend auf HF-Leistungs- messung Diplomarbeit, 134 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-001, Januar 2011 (MSK)
LISOVYI, Mykhailo FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of Charm Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering Using Lifetime Tagging for D± Meson Decays with the ZEUS Detector at HERA Dissertation, 147 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-033, October 2011 (ZEUS)
LÜHR, Anneke HAW, Hamburg Univ. of Appl. Sci. Einführung eines Product-Lifecycle-Management- gestützten Änderungsprozesses in einem internationalen Großprojekt Masterarbeit, 92 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-037, Oktober 2011 (IPP)
MAKEDONSKI, Mathias II. Inst. Theor. Phys. Allgemein kovariante Quantenfelder höheren Spins Diplomarbeit, 79 S. Hamburg preprint: Makedonski, M., Mai 2011
MARCHESINI, Ivan FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Triple Gauge Couplings and Polarization at the ILC and Leakage in a Highly Granular Calorimeter Dissertation, 210 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-044, December 2011 (FLC)
MARIENFELD, Markus FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in the Muon-Electron Decay Channel at √s = 7 TeV with the CMS Experiment Dissertation, 129 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-023, July 2011 (FLA)
MEIJER, Melvin Amsterdam Univ. A WH → τνbb Higgs Search with the DØ Detector at the Tevatron or How to Find the Higgs at the End of a Circular Collider Dissertation, 165 p. E-report: Meijer, M., 2011
MITTENZWEY, Manuel FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg High Harmonic Generation for the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH Dissertation, 127 p. 2011
MOST, Knut FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Berechnung der Myon-Effizienz-Korrekturen für ZEUS in HERA II Diplomarbeit, 101 S. Hamburg preprint: Most, K., October 2011
MOVSISYAN, Aram Yerevan Phys. Inst. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off a Deuterium Target at the HERMES Experiment Dissertation, 138 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-015, May 2011 (HERMES)
NAUMANN-EMME, Sebastian FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Simultaneous Measurement of Top Quark Mass and Jet Energy Scale Using Template Fits at the CMS Experiment Dissertation, 102 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-022, July 2011 (CMS)
PANDUROVIC, Mila Univ. of Belgrad Physics Background in Luminosity Measurement at ILC and Measurement of the Proton b-Content at H1 Using Multivariante Method Dissertation, 124 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-045, December 2011 (FH1)
PERREY, Hanno FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Jets at Low Q2 at HERA and Radiation Damage Studies for Silicon Sensors for the XFEL Dissertation, 227 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-021, June 2011 (ZEUS)
PINGEL, Almut Maria Inst. Exp., Univ. Hamburg Measurement of the Tau Misidentification Probability from the QCD Jets with ATLAS Data at √s = 7 TeV Diplomarbeit, 127 p. Hamburg preprint: Pingel, A.M., April 2011
POLIFKA, Richard Charles Univ., Prague Analysis of Dijet Events in Diffractive ep Interactions with Tagged Leading Proton at the H1 Experiment Dissertation, 157 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-025, August 2011 (FH1)
REHMANN, Waqaas FB 08, Johannes Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz Aufbau eines LED-Lichtpulsersystems für das OLYMPUS-Experiment Bachelorarbeit, 62 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-047, Dezember 2011 (OLYMPUS)
REJZNER, Katarzyan Anna FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism in Locally Covariant Field Theory Dissertation, 128 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-041, December 2011 (IIT)
ROLOFF, Philipp FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of Charm and Beauty Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA Dissertation, 247 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-049, December 2011 (ZEUS)
SAGER, Christian FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Zeitaufgelöste Untersuchung atomarer Ordnung in Tetrathiafulvalen-Tetracyanochinodimethan (TTF-TCNQ)-Einkristallen nach Anregung mit ultrakurzen Lichtpulsen Dissertation, 323 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-004, Februar 2011 (II.Inst.Exp)
ŠÁLEK, David Univ. Prague and Univ. Paris-Sud XI Measurement of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function in Diffraction at the H1 Experiment and Prospects for Diffraction at LHC Dissertation, 224 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-013, May 2011 (FH1)
SCHLEITZER, Stefan TU Claustal and DESY Dynamics of Soft Nanoparticle Dispersions Studied by Dynamic Dynamic Light Scattering and Photon Correlation Imaging Diplomarbeit, 80 p. DESY report: Schleitzer, S., November 2011 (FS-CXS)
SCHMID, Karl MPI, Garching Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration: A Novel Approach Employing Supersonic Microjets and Fewcycle Laser Pulses Dissertation, 164 p. Heidelberg, Springer, 2011 E Schmi: Schmid, E., 2011
SCHMIDT, Christian TU Hamburg-Harburg RF System Modeling and Controller Design for the European XFEL Dissertation, 118 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-019, June 2011 (MSK)
SCHMIDT, Maximilian Univ. Hamburg Characterization of a Positron Emission Tomography Test Device Diplomarbeit, 73 p. Hamburg preprint: Schmidt, M., August 2011
SCHUBERT, Sven FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg An Experimental Test of Newton's Law of Gravitation for Small Accelerations Dissertation, 94 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-035, October 2011 (ZEUS)
SCHUBERT, Sebastian Univ. Hamburg Über die Charakterisierung von Zuständen hinsichtlich der Erwartungswerte quadratischer Operatoren Diplomarbeit, 79 S. Hamburg preprint: Schubert, S., Mai 2011
SCHÜTTE, Bernd FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Laser-Based Terahertz-Field-Driven Streak Camera for the Temporal Characterization of Ultrashort Processes Dissertation, 123 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-028, September 2011 (Dynamix)
SEN, Niladri FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of the Energy Flow at Large Pseudorapidities for √s=0.9 TeV and √s=7TeV at the Large Hadron Collider Using the Compact Muon Solenoid Dissertation, 140 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-040, November 2011 (CMS)
SHCHERBAKOVA, Elena S. FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Quantum Corrections to Drell-Yan Production of Z Bosons Dissertation, 91 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-024, August 2011 (IIT)
SIEMSSEN, Daniel II. Inst. Theor. Phys. Quantization of the Electromagnetic Potential in Asymtotically Flat Spacetimes Diplomarbeit, 67 p. E-report: Siemssen, D., 2011
STAYKOVA, Zlatka FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Measurement of D* Meson with Two Jets in Photoproduction with the H1 Detector at HERA Dissertation, 113 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-002, February 2011 (FH1)
TRAN, Trong Hieu Univ. Paris XI Mesures de précision de la section efficace des processus courant chargé et courant neutre à grand Q2 à HERA avec le faisceau d'électrons polarisés Dissertation, 196 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-009, Avril 2011 (FH1)
VAN Hulse, Charlotte Univ. Gent The HERMES Recoil Photon Detector and the Study of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Dissertation, 177 p. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-008, March 2011 (HERMES)
WALZ, Bente FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg Untersuchung von Fremdatomen in kristallinen Materialien mit kinematischen stehenden Röntgenwellen Dissertation, 124 S. DESY report: DESY-THESIS-2011-038, November 2011 (FS-DO)