E-Preprints astro-ph/9809 at DESY

 Paper: astro-ph/9809002
From: Winfried Zimdahl < >zimdahl(at)spock.physik.uni-konstanz.de<
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 08:56:53 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Inflation in a self-interacting gas universe
Authors: Winfried Zimdahl and Alexander B. Balakin
Categories: astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 10 pages, Revtex, Journal reference: Phys.Rev.D58 063503 (1998)
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 063503
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809002 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809018
From: Anibal Gattone < >gattone(at)tandar.cnea.edu.ar<
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 19:05:36 GMT   (62kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:09:14 GMT   (62kb)

Title: Search for an annual modulation of dark-matter signals with a germanium
  spectrometer at the Sierra Grande Laboratory
Authors: D. Abriola, F.T. Avignone III, R.L. Brodzinski, J.I. Collar, D.E. Di
  Gregorio, H.A. Farach, E. Garcia, A.O. Gattone, C.K. Guerard, F. Hasenbalg,
  H. Huck, H.S. Miley, A. Morales, J. Morales, A. Ortiz de Solorzano, J.
  Puimedon, J.H. Reeves, A. Salinas, M.L. Sarsa, J.A. Villar (TANDAR/USC/PNL/UZ
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: New version accepted by Astroparticle Physics. Changes suggested by
  the referee about the theoretical prediction of rates are included.
  Conclusions remain unaffected. 14 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures. Uses epsfig macro
Journal-ref: Astropart.Phys. 10 (1999) 133-139
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809018 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809032
From: Jes Madsen < >jesm(at)dfi.aau.dk<
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 12:04:23 GMT   (98kb)

Title: Physics and Astrophysics of Strange Quark Matter
Authors: Jes Madsen
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 45 pages incl. figures. To appear in "Hadrons in Dense Matter and
  Hadrosynthesis", Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag (ed. J.Cleymans)
Journal-ref: Lect.Notes Phys. 516 (1999) 162-203
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 Paper: astro-ph/9809035
From: Diego Torres < >dtorres(at)venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar<
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 13:35:49 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Precision cosmology as a test for statistics
Authors: Diego F. Torres
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: to appear in Physica A
Journal-ref: Physica A261 (1998) 512
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 Paper: astro-ph/9809045
From: Winfried Zimdahl < >zimdahl(at)spock.physik.uni-konstanz.de<
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 06:42:00 GMT   (43kb)

Title: Cosmic evolution during primordial black hole evaporation
Authors: Winfried Zimdahl and Diego Pav\'{o}n
Categories: astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 12 pages, Revtex, two figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 103506
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809045 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809048
From: Ren Xin Xu < >rxxu(at)bac.pku.edu.cn<
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:29:37 GMT   (15kb)

Title: A strange star model for GRO J1744-28
Authors: Ren Xin Xu (1, and 3), G. J. Qiao (2, 1 and 3) ((1) Department of
  Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China, (2) CCAST (World
  Laboratory), Beijing, P. R.China, (3) CAS-PKU Joint Beijing Astrophysics
  Center, Beijing, P. R. China)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 1 Postscript figures, LaTeX, Submitted to Astronomy and
  Astrophysics Letters
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 Paper: astro-ph/9809051
From: Fabrizio Tavecchio < >fabrizio(at)ravel.brera.mi.astro.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 12:53:39 GMT   (100kb)

Title: Constraints on the Physical Parameters of TeV Blazars
Authors: F. Tavecchio (1), L. Maraschi (1), G. Ghisellini (1) ((1) Osservatorio
  Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 36 pages, incl. 6 figures in PS format, AAS LaTeX, to be published in
  ApJ, Dec 1998
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809051 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809053
From: Joao Magueijo < >j.magueijo(at)ic.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 14:36:48 GMT   (22kb)

Title: CMB and density fluctuations from strings plus inflation
Authors: Carlo Contaldi, Mark Hindmarsh, and Joao Magueijo
Categories: astro-ph
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 2034-2037
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809053 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809101
From: Dallas Kennedy < >kennedy(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 21:56:36 GMT   (47kb)

Title: The Cosmic Ray Antiproton Spectrum and a Limit on the Antiproton
Authors: Stephen H. Geer (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Dallas C.
  Kennedy (University of Florida)
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph physics.space-ph
Comments: 7 pages, 3 encapsulated Postscript figures, uses REVTeX, submitted to
  Physical Review Letters
Report-no: FERMILAB-PUB-98/265-A, UF-IFT-HEP-98-13
Subj-class: Astrophysics; Space Physics
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809101 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809130
From: Pedro Pina Avelino < >pedro(at)astro.up.pt<
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 14:02:36 GMT   (30kb)

Title: Cosmological Consequences of String-forming Open Inflation Models
Authors: P.P. Avelino (CAUP, Porto), R.R. Caldwell (Physics, Penn) and C.J.A.P.
  Martins (DAMTP, Cambridge)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 11 LaTeX pages with 3 eps figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 123509
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809130 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809144
From: Ray Protheroe < >rprother(at)physics.adelaide.edu.au<
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 01:13:33 GMT   (42kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 22 Oct 1998 02:52:20 GMT   (44kb)

Title: High energy neutrino astrophysics
Authors: R.J. Protheroe
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 7 figures, invited talk at Neutrino 98, Takayama 4-9 June
  1998. Discussion and figures related to AGN have been revised, and two
  references added
Report-no: ADP-AT-98-8
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809144 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809163
From: Arnon Dar < >dar(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 17:29:58 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Cosmic Rays and Gamma Ray Bursts From Microblazars
Authors: Arnon Dar
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph
Comments: Cosmic rays above the GZK cutoff will be discussed in a separate
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 Paper: astro-ph/9809164
From: Gail C. McLaughlin < >gail(at)alph01.triumf.ca<
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 23:04:47 GMT   (32kb)

Title: Prospects for Detecting Supernova Neutrino Flavor Oscillations
Authors: G. M. Fuller, W. C. Haxton and G. C. McLaughlin
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 27 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 085005
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809164 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809214
From: Marc Kamionkowski < >kamion(at)cuphy3.phys.columbia.edu<
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 18:01:19 GMT   (352kb)

Title: Possible Relics from New Physics in the Early Universe: Inflation, the
  Cosmic Microwave Background, and Particle Dark Matter
Authors: Marc Kamionkowski
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph
Comments: 32 pages LaTeX. Invited lectures given at "The Early and Future
  Universe," the CCAST workshop, Beijing, China, June 22--27, 1998
Report-no: CU-TP-917, CAL-669
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809214 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809242
From: Bradley S. Meyer < >brad(at)cosmo.phys.clemson.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 22:58:51 GMT   (153kb)

Title: Neutrino Capture and r-Process Nucleosynthesis
Authors: Bradley S. Meyer (1), Gail C. McLaughlin (2), and George M. Fuller (3)
  ((1) Clemson University, (2)University of Washington, (3) University of
  California, San Diego)
Categories: astro-ph nucl-th
Comments: 20 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Physical Review C
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 3696-3710
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809242 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809250
From: Priya Natarajan < >priya(at)cita.utoronto.ca<
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:30:19 GMT   (30kb)

Title: Accretion history of super-massive black holes
Authors: Priyamvada Natarajan (CITA)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 10 pages LaTeX, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of the workshop
  on `The Dynamics of Astrophysical Disks', eds. Sellwood et al. 1998, ASP
  Conf. Series
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809250 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809260
From: Daniele Fargion < >daniele.fargion(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 16:28:57 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:53:49 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Galactic Gamma Halo by Heavy Neutrino annihilations?
Authors: Daniele Fargion, Rostislav Konoplich, Marco Grossi, Maxim Khlopov
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, Latex text,in press in Astroparticle Physics 1999
Report-no: Preprint INFN n.1220, 15/09/1998,Rome1
Journal-ref: Astropart.Phys. 12 (2000) 307-314
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809260 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809272
From: Andrew Liddle < >A.Liddle(at)sussex.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 11:42:47 GMT   (67kb)

Title: A classification of scalar field potentials with cosmological scaling
Authors: Andrew R Liddle and Robert J Scherrer
Categories: astro-ph gr-qc hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages RevTeX file with four figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 023509
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809272 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809273
From: Stefan Kretzer < >kretzer(at)hal1.physik.uni-dortmund.de<
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 15:28:17 GMT   (36kb)

Title: Dynamical QCD Predictions for Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Cross Sections
Authors: M. Gl"uck, S. Kretzer and E. Reya (Univ. Dortmund)
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, uses epsfig and amssymb style
Report-no: DO-TH 98/20
Journal-ref: Astropart.Phys. 11 (1999) 327-334
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809273 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809326
From: Hiroyuki Matsunaga < >matunaga(at)icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 09:49:37 GMT   (262kb)

Title: Measurement of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray Antiprotons at Solar Minimum
Authors: H. Matsunaga (1), S. Orito (1), H. Matsumoto (2), K. Yoshimura (1), A.
  Moiseev (3), K. Anraku (1), R. Golden (4), M. Imori (1), Y. Makida (5), J.
  Mitchell (3), M. Motoki (2), J. Nishimura (6), M. Nozaki (2), J. Ormes (3),
  T. Saeki (1), T. Sanuki (1), R. Streitmatter (3), J. Suzuki (5), K. Tanaka
  (5), I. Ueda (1), N. Yajima (6), T. Yamagami (6), A. Yamamoto (5) and T.
  Yoshida (5) ((1) University of Tokyo, (2) Kobe University, (3) NASA/GSFC, (4)
  New Mexico State University, (5) KEK, (6) ISAS)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: REVTeX, 4 pages including 4 eps figures. Submitted to PRL
Report-no: RESCEU 20/98, UT-ICEPP 98-02
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 4052-4055
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809326 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809328
From: Martin G. Haehnelt < >haehnelt(at)mpa-garching.mpg.de<
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:27:26 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Supermassive black holes as sources for LISA
Authors: Martin G. Haehnelt (IoA Cambridge and MPA Garching)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 postscript figures included; invited talk at the
  Second International LISA Symposium, Pasadena, July 1998 (ed. W. Folkner,
  American Institute of Physics)
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809328 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809334
From: Sergio J. Sciutto < >sciutto(at)venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar<
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 22:18:39 GMT   (47kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 4 Mar 1999 13:23:46 GMT   (67kb)

Title: Influence of the LPM effect and dielectric suppression on particle air
Authors: A. N. Cillis, H. Fanchiotti, C. A. Garcia Canal and S. J. Sciutto
Categories: astro-ph hep-ph
Comments: 18 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. To appear in Phys. Rev. D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 113012
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809334 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809385
From: Jorge Horvath < >jhorvath(at)as.arizona.edu<
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 20:00:10 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Neutrino sparking and the neutron to strange stars conversion
Authors: J.E.Horvath (IAG/USP-Sao Paulo U.) and H.Vucetich (FCAGLP,La Plata U.)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: RevTex file, no figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 023003
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809385 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: astro-ph/9809395
From: Kunihito Ioka < >iokakuni(at)tap.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 05:38:18 GMT   (163kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:29:25 GMT   (164kb)

Title: Low frequency gravitational waves from black hole MACHO binaries
Authors: Kunihito Ioka, Takahiro Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura
Categories: astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 49 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Physical Review D
Report-no: KUNS-1533, OU-TAP 84, YITP-98-65
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 083512
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of astro-ph/9809395 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 16. November 2006.