E-Preprints hep-lat/9609 at DESY

 Paper: hep-lat/9609001
From: twchiu(at)twchiu.phys.ntu.edu.tw (Ting -Wai Chiu)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 13:09:21 +0800   (48kb)

Title: Dynamical Fermion on Random-Block Lattice
Author: Ting-Wai Chiu (Physics Dept., National Taiwan University)
Comments: 4 pages, Latex, 2 Postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty, Presented at
Report-no: NTUCP002
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609001.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609001 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609002
From: Noritsugu Tsuda < >ntsuda(at)theory.kek.jp<
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 21:06:32 +0900   (76kb)

Title: Complex structure of a DT surface with $T^2$ topology
Author: H. Kawai, N. Tsuda and T. Yukawa (KEK)
Comments: 3 pages, 5 ps-figures, espcrc2.sty included. Talk presented at
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609002.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609002 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609003
From: Massimo Campostrini < >campo(at)ipifidpt.difi.unipi.it<
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 15:39:27 +0200   (61kb)

Title: The large-N expansion of unitary-matrix models
Authors: Paolo Rossi, Massimo Campostrini, and Ettore Vicari
Comments: 81 pages. Style elsart.sty. To be published in Physics Reports
Report-no: IFUP-TH 54/96
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609003 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609004
From: "MICHAEL P. GRADY" < >GRADY(at)fredonia.edu<
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 2:28 pm EDT (18:28:00 UT)   (71kb)

Title: Deconfinement from Action Restriction
Author: Michael Grady
Comments: 4 pages latex, 6 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty (included). Poster
  presented at LATTICE96(topology)
Report-no: SUNY-FRE-96-03
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609004 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609005
From: Tom Blum < >tblum(at)wind.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 15:15:16 MDT   (41kb)

Title: SU(3) Flavor Breaking in Hadronic Matrix Elements for $B - \bar B$
Authors: C. Bernard, T. Blum, and A. Soni
Comments: Poster presented at LATTICE96(heavy quarks). LaTeX, uses espcrc2.sty
  and epsf, 4 pages, 4 postscript figures included
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609005.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609005 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609006
From: Gregory Kilcup < >kilcup(at)clarke.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 09:06:09 MDT   (54kb)

Title: On the Nf and a Dependence of BK
Authors: G. Kilcup, D. Pekurovsky and L. Venkataraman
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(phenomenology)
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609006 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609007
From: Gregory Kilcup < >kilcup(at)clarke.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 09:35:05 MDT   (44kb)

Title: The Staggered Eta-prime with Smeared Operators
Authors: L. Venkataraman, G. Kilcup and J. Grandy
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(chirality in qcd)
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609007.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609007 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609008
From: Gerrit Schierholz < >gsch(at)x4u2.desy.de<
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 09:51:13 +0200 (MST)   (63kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 3 Sep 1996 14:49:31 +0200 (MST)

Title: The Light Hadron Mass Spectrum with Non-Perturbatively O(a) Improved
  Wilson Fermions
Authors: M. G\"ockeler, R. Horsley, H. Perlt, P. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A.
  Schiller and P. Stephenson
Comments: 15 pages, uuencoded Z-compressed postscript file. Also available from
  this url.
Report-no: DESY 96-173
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609008.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609008 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609009
From: nagai(at)het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp (Keiichi Nagai)
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 96 22:53:07 JST   (13kb)

Title: Domain-wall fermions with U(1) dynamical gauge fields in
Authors: S. Aoki and K. Nagai
Comments: 3 pages, latex, 5 figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(chiral gauge)
  by K. Nagai
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609009.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609009 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609010
From: Emanuele Panizzi < >panizzi(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 08:02:59 MDT   (8kb)

Title: APEmille: a parallel processor in the teraflop range
Authors: Emanuele Panizzi
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(machines)
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 Paper: hep-lat/9609011
From: Stefano Capitani < >sc(at)hep.ph.soton.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 18:47:32 +0100 (BST)   (9kb)

Title: DIS Structure Functions in Lattice QCD
Author: Stefano Capitani (Southampton) and Giancarlo Rossi (Rome)
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(theoretical developments) by S. Capitani;
  3 pages, LaTeX and espcrc2.sty (included)
Report-no: SHEP 96/20, ROM2F/96/45
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 Paper: hep-lat/9609012
From: Jeffrey Grandy < >grandy(at)west.llnl.gov<
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 09:59:54 MDT   (16kb)

Title: Effect of Improving the Lattice Gauge Action on QCD Topology
Authors: J. Grandy and G. Kilcup
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, poster presented at LATTICE96(improvement)
Report-no: UCRL-JC-125116
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 Paper: hep-lat/9609013
From: Philippe de Forcrand < >forcrand(at)sitter.ethz.ch<
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 20:35:44 +0200 (MET DST)   (11kb)

Title: Exact Local Bosonic Algorithm for Dynamical Quarks
Authors: Andrea Galli and Philippe de Forcrand
Comments: 3 pages, 1 PostScript figure; Talk presented at LATTICE96(algorithms)
Report-no: SCSC-TR-96-23
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609013 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609014
From: onogi(at)theo.phys.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Tetsuya Onogi)
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 96 12:38:17 JST   (11kb)

Title: Light Quark Masses with an $O(a)$-Improved Action
Authors: T. Onogi, A.X. El-Khadra, B.J. Gough, G.M. Hockney, A.S. Kronfeld,
  P.B. Mackenzie, B.P. Mertens, J.N. Simone
Comments: 3 pages, 3 figures. Latex. Talk presented at LATTICE96(phenomenology)
Report-no: HUPD-96-9616, FERMILAB-CONF-96/281-T
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609014.

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 Paper: hep-lat/9609015
From: "Harry B. Thacker" < >thacker(at)landau3.phys.virginia.edu<
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 10:32:54 -0400   (8kb)

Title: Electromagnetic Splittings and Light Quark Masses
Authors: A. Duncan, E. Eichten, and H. Thacker
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum)
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609015 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609016
From: Roy Wensley < >rwensley(at)stmarys-ca.edu<
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 10:12:18 -0700 (PDT)   (9kb)

Title: Monopoles and the Chiral Phase Transition in $SU(2)$ Lattice Gauge
Authors: Roy Wensley (Saint Mary's College)
Comments: 3 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty and psfig.sty, Talk
  presented at LATTICE96(topology)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609016.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609016 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609017
From: LEONARDO GIUSTI < >GIUSTI(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 0:03:49 +0100 (WET-DST)   (6kb)

Title: Light Quenched Hadron Spectrum and Decay Constants on different Lattices
Authors: C.R. Allton, V. Gimenez, L. Giusti and F. Rapuano
Comments: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum)
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609017.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609017 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609018
From: Davison E. Soper < >soper(at)lepton.uoregon.edu<
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 16:54:36 MDT   (158kb)

Title: Parton Distribution Functions
Authors: Davison E. Soper
Comments: Talk at Lattice 96 Conference, St. Louis, June 1996. 12 pages
  including 15 figures; Latex with epsf.tex and Elsevier style esprc2.sty
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609018.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609018 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609019
From: Anthony Maurice Green < >green(at)rock.helsinki.fi<
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 07:54:32 MDT   (10kb)

Title: Sum rules and 2-quark flux-tube structure
Authors: A.M. Green, P.S. Spencer (University of Helsinki) and C. Michael
  (University of Liverpool)
Comments: 4 pages, 2 ps figures, Talk presented at Quark Confinement and The
  Hadron Spectrum II, June 1996, Como, Italy
Report-no: HU-TFT-96-36
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609019.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609019 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609020
From: polykarp(at)hep.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 16:52:46 +0900 (JST)   (54kb)

Title: Recent Results on the Abelian Projection of Lattice Gluodynamics
Authors: M.I. Polikarpov
Comments: 7 pages, LaTeX, 7 PS figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96
Report-no: KANAZAWA96-19
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609020 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609021
From: Tetsuya Takaishi < >takaishi(at)scsc.ethz.ch<
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 23:33:03 +0200 (MET DST)   (44kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 12 Sep 1996 20:23:57 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: Finite Temperature Gauge Theory on Anisotropic Lattices
Author: M. Fujisaki, M. Okuda, Y. Tago, T. Hashimoto, S. Hioki, H. Matsufuru,
  O. Miyamura, A. Nakamura, Ph. de Forcrand, T. Takaishi, M. Garcia Perez,
  I. O. Stamatescu
Comments: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature)
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609021 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609022
From: Yoichi Iwasaki < >iwasaki(at)rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 96 14:49:21 JST   (96kb)

Title: Scaling of Chiral Order Parameter in Two-Flavor QCD
Author: Y. Iwasaki, K.Kanaya, S. Kaya and T. Yoshie
Comments: 13 pages, 6 figures
Report-no: UTHEP-344, UTCCP-P-18
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609022 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609023
From: Shigemi Ohta < >ohta(at)lattice.riken.go.jp<
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 18:42:46 +0900   (17kb)

Title: Quenched KS light hadron mass at \beta=6.5 on a 64\times 48^3 lattice
Authors: Seyong Kim (CTP, Seoul National University) and Shigemi Ohta (RIKEN)
Comments: 4 pages, espcrc2.sty, epsf.sty, Poster presented at LATTICE96
Report-no: RIKEN-AF-NP-234, SNUTP-96-086
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609023.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609023 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609024
From: alles(at)ibmth.difi.unipi.it (Bartolomeo ALLES)
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 15:06:31 +0200 (DFT)   (2kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 12 Sep 1996 11:55:31 +0200 (DFT)

Title: Reply to A. Patrascioiu's and E. Seiler's comment on our paper "The
  two-phase issue in the O(n) non-linear sigma-model: a Monte Carlo study"
Authors: B. Alles, A. Buonanno and G. Cella
Comments: 3 pages, latex file, no figures. Corrected english mistakes and 
  improved the exposition of point 1
Report-no: IFUP-TH 56/96
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 Paper: hep-lat/9609025
From: alles(at)ipifidpt.difi.unipi.it (Bartolomeo ALLES)
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 15:42:57 +0200 (METDST)   (17kb)

Title: The three-loop beta function in SU(N) lattice gauge theories
Authors: B. Alles, A. Feo and H. Panagopoulos
Comments: 17 pages, 2 postcript files corresponding to a figure
Report-no: IFUP-TH 58/95 (Pisa) and UCY-PHY 96/9 (Nicosia)
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609025 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609026
From: GLIOZZI(at)to.infn.it
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 15:42:28 +0200 (MET-DST)   (33kb)

Title: Nature of the Vacuum inside the Color Flux Tube
Authors: Ferdinando Gliozzi and Stefano Vinti
Comments: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(topology)
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609026.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609026 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609027
From: CASELLE(at)to.infn.it
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 16:11:06 +0200 (MET-DST)   (11kb)

Title: Effective actions for finite temperature Lattice Gauge Theories
Authors: M. Billo', M. Caselle, A. D'Adda and S. Panzeri
Comments: Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature)
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609027.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609027 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609028
From: Thomas Lippert < >lippert(at)wptu21.physik.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 18:46:10 +0200 (MET DST)   (15kb)

Title: Full QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions on a 24^3 x 40-lattice -- a
  feasibility study
Authors: T-chi-L-Collaboration: L. Conti, N. Eicker, L. Giusti, U. Glaessner,
  S. Guesken, H. Hoeber, Th. Lippert, G. Martinelli, F. Rapuano, G.
  Ritzenhoefer, K. Schilling, G. Siegert, A. Spitz, and J. Viehoff
Comments: Latex, 3 pages, postscript figures
Report-no: HLRZ 63/96
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609028 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609029
From: Stephen R. Sharpe < >sharpe(at)fermi.phys.washington.edu<
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 16:07:48 MDT   (92kb)

Title: Chiral Perturbation Theory and Weak Matrix Elements
Authors: Stephen R. Sharpe
Comments: 16 pages, 11 figures, Latex using espcrc2.sty and psfig. Talk
  presented at LATTICE96(phenomenology)
Report-no: UW/PT-96-16
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609029 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609030
From: Karim Yildirim < >yildirim(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 16:31:49 +0200 (CEST)   (12kb)

Title: New Universality Classes in One--Dimensional $O(N)$--Invariant
  Spin--Models with an $n$--Parametric Action
Authors: Erhard Seiler, Karim Yildirim
Comments: 13 pages
Report-no: MPI-PTh/96-8
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 Paper: hep-lat/9609031
From: Herbert Neuberger < >neuberg(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:54:23 -0400   (14kb)

Title: Massless Composite Fermions in Two Dimensions and the Overlap
Authors: R. Narayanan (Univ. of Washington), H. Neuberger (Rutgers Univ.)
Comments: 12 pages, Plain TeX with epsf, 2 PS figures
Report-no: RU--96--84
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609031 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609032
From: heg(at)obelix.kfunigraz.ac.at (Helmut Gausterer)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 16:59:39 +0200   (36kb)

Title: Classical U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in D=2
Authors: H. Gausterer, M. Sammer
Comments: 20 pages, 7 figures, 3 style files
Report-no: UNIGRAZ-UTP-17-09-96
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609032 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609033
From: araki(at)hozumi.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.JP (RCNP Fumiaki Araki)
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 00:42:49 +0900   (87kb)

Title: Confinement and Topological Charge in the Abelian Gauge of QCD
Authors: H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, F. Araki (RCNP, Osaka U.) and O.
  Miyamura (Hiroshima U.)
Comments: 3 pages, LaTeX, Talk presented at LATTICE96(topology)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609033 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609034
From: Philippe de Forcrand < >forcrand(at)sitter.ethz.ch<
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 18:11:38 +0200 (MET DST)   (73kb)

Title: Thermodynamics of 1-flavor QCD
Authors: C. Alexandrou, A. Bori\c{c}i, A. Feo, Ph. de Forcrand, A. Galli, F.
  Jegerlehner and T. Takaishi
Comments: 3 pages, 3 PostScript figures; Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609034.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609034 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609035
From: Rainer Sommer < >Rainer.Sommer(at)cern.ch<
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:47:23 +0200 (MET DST)   (115kb)

Title: Non-perturbative O(a) improvement of lattice QCD
Authors: Martin Luescher, Stefan Sint, Rainer Sommer, Peter Weisz and Ulli
Comments: 26 pages, postscript file
Report-no: CERN-TH/96-218
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609035 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609036
From: Doug Toussaint < >doug(at)klingon.physics.arizona.edu<
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 14:52:56 -0700   (17kb)

Title: Improving flavor symmetry in the Kogut-Susskind hadron spectrum
Authors: Tom Blum, Carleton DeTar, Steven Gottlieb, Urs M. Heller, James E.
  Hetrick, Kari Rummukainen, R.L. Sugar, Doug Toussaint, and Matthew Wingate
Comments: 9 pages, 1 figure, uses epsf.sty
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609036.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609036 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609037
From: XUE(at)mi.infn.it
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:59:32 +0200 (WET-DST)   (21kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:59:58 +0200 (WET-DST)

Title: A Possible Lattice Chiral Gauge Theory
Authors: She-Sheng Xue
Comments: 26 pages, Latex, sections 1 and 5 are revised
Report-no: MITH 96/11
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Access the local version of hep-lat/9609037.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609037 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609038
From: "Giancarlo Rossi, Universita' di Roma" < >ROSSIG(at)ROMA2.INFN.IT<
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 14:06:37 +0100 (WET-DST)   (74kb)

Title: Non-perturbative renormalization in lattice QCD
Authors: G.C. Rossi
Comments: Plenary talk presented at LATTICE96, LaTeX 13 pages, uses espcrc2, 7
  postscript figures
Report-no: ROM2F/96/46
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609038.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609038 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609039
From: Paul Rakow < >rakow(at)ifh.de<
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 16:48:15 +0200 (MET)   (16kb)

Title: The Drell-Yan process and Deep Inelastic Scattering from the lattice
Authors: M. Goeckeler, R. Horsley, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, H. Oelrich, H. Perlt,
  P.E.L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller and P. Stephenson
Comments: 3 pages, Latex, 3 figures, espcrc2.sty included, Talk presented at
Report-no: DESY 96-152, HUB-EP-96/37
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609039.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609039 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609040
From: GLIOZZI(at)to.infn.it
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 16:10:22 +0200 (MET-DST)   (75kb)

Title: Probing the interior of the Colour Flux Tube
Author: F. Gliozzi
Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses sprocl.sty (included). Talk given at Quark
  Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum II, Como, June 1996
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609040.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609040 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609041
From: PROVERO(at)to.infn.it
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 18:10:28 +0200 (MET-DST)   (21kb)

Title: String Effects in the Wilson Loop: a high precision numerical test
Authors: M. Caselle, R. Fiore, F. Gliozzi, M. Hasenbusch and P. Provero
Comments: 19 pages, LaTeX file + two .eps figures
Report-no: DFTT 45/96
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609041.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609041 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609042
From: WIESE(at)mitlns.mit.edu
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 16:13:29 -0400 (EDT)   (14kb)

Title: Quantum Link Models: A Discrete Approach to Gauge Theories
Authors: S. Chandrasekharan and U.-J. Wiese (MIT)
Comments: 17 pages, Latex, no figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: CTP 2573
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609042.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609042 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609043
From: ssasaki(at)hozumi.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp (RCNP Shoichi Sasaki)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 09:42:54 +0900   (25kb)

Title: Instanton, Monopole and Confinement
Authors: Shoichi Sasaki(1), Masahiro Fukushima(1), Atsunori Tanaka(1), Hideo
  Suganuma(1), Hiroshi Toki(1), Osamu Miyamura(2) and Dmitri Diakonov(3)((1)
  RCNP (2) Hiroshima Univ. (3) INP St. Petersburg)
Comments: Talk presented by S. Sasaki at International Conference on Quark
  Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum II, Como, Italy, 26-29 Jun 1996. Latex,
  uses epsf.tex and sprocl.sty, 4 pages, 3 postscript figures included
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609043.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609043 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609044
From: janke(at)miro.physik.uni-mainz.de (Wolfhard Janke)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 00:12:29 +0100   (11kb)

Title: Softening Transitions with Quenched 2D Gravity
Authors: C.F. Baillie, W. Janke, D.A. Johnston
Comments: 3 pages, LaTeX + 1 postscript figure. Talk presented at
  LATTICE96(other models). See also
  this url. Report-no: KOMA-96-37
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609044.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609044 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609045
From: janke(at)miro.physik.uni-mainz.de (Wolfhard Janke)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 19:16:06 +0100   (22kb)

Title: Logarithmic Corrections in the 2D XY Model
Authors: Wolfhard Janke (JGU Mainz)
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX + 8 postscript figures. See also
  this url. Report-no: KOMA-96-17
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609045.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609045 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609046
From: Tanmoy Bhattacharya < >tanmoy(at)gita.lanl.gov<
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 12:56:44 MDT   (28kb)

Title: Light Quark Masses and the CP violation parameter $\epsilon'/\epsilon$
Authors: R. Gupta and T. Bhattacharya
Comments: 3 Pages LaTex. Axis files of figures included. Talk presented at
Report-no: LAUR-96-3337
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609046.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609046 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609047
From: janke(at)miro.physik.uni-mainz.de (Wolfhard Janke)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 20:07:44 +0100   (132kb)

Title: Monte Carlo Study of Cluster-Diameter Distribution: A New Observable to
  Estimate Correlation Lengths
Authors: Wolfhard Janke, Stefan Kappler (JGU Mainz)
Comments: 20 pages, LaTeX + 13 postscript figures. See also
  this url. Report-no: KOMA-96-33
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609047.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609047 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-lat/9609048
From: Tanmoy Bhattacharya < >tanmoy(at)gita.lanl.gov<
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 13:41:36 MDT   (37kb)

Title: $B$ and $B_c$ mesons with NRQCD and Clover actions
Authors: A. Ali Khan and T. Bhattacharya
Comments: 6 Pages LaTex. Axis files of figures included. Joint writeup of two
  talks presented at LATTICE96(heavy quarks)
Report-no: LAUR-96-3338
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-lat/9609048.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-lat/9609048 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 26. October 1996.