Review Talks

LIST:hep-lat/9711017 LIST:hep-lat/9710075 LIST:hep-lat/9710029 LIST:hep-lat/9802026 LIST:hep-lat/9709044 LIST:hep-lat/9710013 LIST:hep-lat/9709110 LIST:hep-lat/9802027 LIST:hep-lat/9710087 LIST:hep-lat/9710005 LIST:hep-lat/9710026 LIST:hep-lat/9710095 LIST:hep-lat/9709080 LIST:hep-lat/9802030 LIST:hep-lat/9709066

Topical Talks

LIST:hep-lat/9710084 LIST:hep-lat/9709113 LIST:hep-lat/9709125


A. QCD Spectrum and Quark Masses

LIST:hep-lat/9709139 LIST:hep-lat/9710046 LIST:hep-lat/9709004 LIST:hep-lat/9711023
Title: Improvement and the quenched light hadron spectrum and matrix elements
Authors: UKQCD collaboration: P. Rowland(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9710030 LIST:hep-lat/9709016 LIST:hep-lat/9711013 LIST:hep-lat/9712014 LIST:hep-lat/9709152 LIST:hep-lat/9711020 LIST:hep-lat/9801013 LIST:hep-lat/9709083 LIST:hep-lat/9708012 LIST:hep-lat/9708013
Title: Exotic hybrid mesons and four-quark states
Authors: C. Bernard, T. DeGrand, C. DeTar, S. Gottlieb, U. Heller, J. Hetrick, C. McNeile, K. Rummukainen, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint(*) and M. Wingate
Title: The QCD hadron spectrum and the number of dynamical quark flavors
Authors: R. Mawhinney(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9710063 LIST:hep-lat/9709137 LIST:hep-lat/9710059 LIST:hep-lat/9709151

B. Light Hadron Phenomenology

LIST:hep-lat/9709036 LIST:hep-lat/9710037 LIST:hep-lat/9709077 LIST:hep-lat/9710044 LIST:hep-lat/9710053 LIST:hep-lat/9709159 LIST:hep-lat/9709064 LIST:hep-lat/9709160 LIST:hep-lat/9711037 LIST:hep-lat/9709147 LIST:hep-lat/9709046 LIST:hep-lat/9709158 LIST:hep-lat/9710050 LIST:hep-ph/9709405 LIST:hep-lat/9711016 LIST:hep-lat/9710090 LIST:hep-lat/9709136 LIST:hep-lat/9711012 LIST:hep-lat/9710051 LIST:hep-lat/9709123 LIST:hep-lat/9709146 LIST:hep-lat/9710022 LIST:hep-lat/9709090

C. Heavy Quark Phenomenology

LIST:hep-lat/9711050 LIST:hep-lat/9710007 LIST:hep-lat/9710036 LIST:hep-lat/9709138 LIST:hep-lat/9802025 LIST:hep-lat/9710069 LIST:hep-lat/9709131 LIST:hep-lat/9709001 LIST:hep-lat/9710058 LIST:hep-lat/9709029 LIST:hep-lat/9710072 LIST:hep-lat/9711005 LIST:hep-lat/9710097 LIST:hep-lat/9711010
Title: Decay constants of heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons in the Fermilab formalism
Authors: S. Ryan(*) and J. Simone
LIST:hep-lat/9711043 LIST:hep-lat/9709043 LIST:hep-lat/9709142 LIST:hep-lat/9710061 LIST:hep-lat/9711028 LIST:hep-lat/9709085 LIST:hep-lat/9709134 LIST:hep-lat/9710025 LIST:hep-lat/9711021 LIST:hep-lat/9708025 LIST:hep-lat/9709150

D. Finite Temperature and Density

LIST:hep-lat/9709045 LIST:hep-lat/9709071 LIST:hep-lat/9710031 LIST:hep-lat/9710038 LIST:hep-lat/9710045 LIST:hep-lat/9710002 LIST:hep-lat/9709116
Title: On the effect of a lattice asymmetry parameter on the phase structure of SU(N) pure gauge theories
Authors: L. Averchenkova(*), K. Petrov, V. Petrov and G. Zinovjev
Title: Non-relativistic QCD at finite temperature
Authors: J. Fingberg
LIST:hep-lat/9709024 LIST:hep-lat/9709065 LIST:hep-lat/9710010 LIST:hep-lat/9709011 LIST:hep-lat/9709127 LIST:hep-lat/9709067
Title: Lattice gauge theory simulations at nonzero chemical potential in the chiral limit
Authors: I. Barbour, J. Kogut and S. Morrison(*)
Title: The critical points of QCD at non-zero density, $T=0$, $g = \infty$
Authors: I. Barbour, S. Morrison, E. Klepfish, J. Kogut and M.-P. Lombardo(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709118 LIST:hep-lat/9709144
Title: Quark confinement in the deconfined phase
Authors: K. Holland(*) and U.-J. Wiese
LIST:hep-lat/9708016 LIST:hep-lat/9710047 LIST:hep-lat/9709006
Title: Spectral analysis of mesonic channels at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices
Authors: QCD-TARO collaboration: T. Hashimoto(*)

E. Topology and Confinement

LIST:hep-lat/9709031 LIST:hep-lat/9710004 LIST:hep-lat/9709092 LIST:hep-lat/9709156 LIST:hep-lat/9709155 LIST:hep-lat/9709140 LIST:hep-lat/9709038
Title: Flux tubes in U(1) - do they attract or repel each other?
Authors: M. Zach(*), M. Faber and P. Skala
Title: A lattice calculation of the R-torsion for U(1) Chern-Simons theory
Authors: D. Adams, S. Sen, S. Sen and J. Sexton(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9712025 LIST:hep-lat/9709026 LIST:hep-lat/9709107 LIST:hep-lat/9709130 LIST:hep-lat/9709070 LIST:hep-lat/9709074 LIST:hep-lat/9709133 LIST:hep-lat/9709039 LIST:hep-lat/9709114 LIST:hep-lat/9709009 LIST:hep-lat/9709084 LIST:hep-lat/9709095 LIST:hep-lat/9710062 LIST:hep-lat/9709042
Title: Glueballs and monopoles in U(1) lattice gauge theory
Authors: J. Stack(*) and R. Filipczyk
LIST:hep-lat/9709005 LIST:hep-lat/9709132
Title: Suppression of colour magnetic currents - a first study of its influence on confinement
Authors: P. Skala(*), M. Faber and M. Zach
LIST:hep-lat/9710001 LIST:hep-lat/9709032 LIST:hep-lat/9709014 LIST:hep-lat/9709128

F. Electroweak Phase Transition

LIST:hep-lat/9709020 LIST:hep-lat/9709019 LIST:hep-lat/9709098 LIST:hep-lat/9709060
Title: Sphaleron transition rate: recent numerical results
Authors: J. Ambj{\o}rn and A. Krasnitz

G. Chiral Gauge Theories

LIST:hep-lat/9709115 LIST:hep-lat/9709149 LIST:hep-lat/9709148 LIST:hep-lat/9709037 LIST:hep-lat/9709027 LIST:hep-lat/9708020 LIST:hep-lat/9709058 LIST:hep-lat/9709119 LIST:hep-lat/9710094

H. Higgs, Yukawa, SUSY and Spin Models

LIST:hep-lat/9709089 LIST:hep-lat/9709087 LIST:hep-lat/9709008
Title: Critical behaviour of the three-dimensional gonihedric Ising model
Authors: E. Cirillo, G. Gonnella and A. Pelizzola(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709078 LIST:hep-lat/9709050
Title: Canonical versus microcanonical analysis of first-order phase transitions
Authors: W. Janke(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709062 LIST:hep-lat/9709057 LIST:hep-lat/9709094 LIST:hep-lat/9710032 LIST:hep-lat/9712013 LIST:hep-lat/9710079 LIST:hep-lat/9711051
Title: Analytic continuation of Matsubara Green's functions
Authors: E. Klepfish(*), C. Creffield and E. Pike
LIST:hep-lat/9710035 LIST:hep-lat/9709161 LIST:cond-mat/9802082
Title: The ground state of the non-linear sigma model ($O(4)_{3+1})$
Authors: N. Ligterink(*), N. Walet and R. Bishop
LIST:hep-lat/9710085 LIST:hep-lat/9709041 LIST:hep-lat/9708002 LIST:hep-lat/9709104 LIST:hep-lat/9709030 LIST:hep-lat/9709075 LIST:hep-lat/9709093 LIST:hep-lat/9709054 LIST:hep-lat/9801004 LIST:hep-lat/9709081
Title: Massless QED on random-block lattice
Authors: T.-W. Chiu(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709061 LIST:hep-lat/9709023
Title: Magnetic current and chiral symmetry breaking in quenched QED
Authors: R. Wensley(*), T. Bielefeld, S. Hands and J. Stack
Title: Analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros in a dynamical mass generation model in three dimensions
Authors: I. Barbour, W. Franzki and N. Psycharis(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709059 LIST:hep-lat/9708006 LIST:hep-lat/9709112 LIST:hep-lat/9709051 LIST:hep-lat/9709091

J. Gravity and Random Surfaces

LIST:hep-lat/9711008 LIST:hep-lat/9709099 LIST:hep-lat/9711001 LIST:hep-lat/9709025 LIST:hep-lat/9709072 LIST:hep-lat/9709063 LIST:hep-lat/9708014 LIST:hep-lat/9709069 LIST:hep-lat/9710017 LIST:hep-lat/9709101 LIST:hep-lat/9709056 LIST:hep-lat/9710014
Title: Standard and Z2-Regge theory in two dimensions
Authors: E. Bittner(*), A. Hauke, C. Holm, W. Janke, H. Markum and J. Riedler

K. Theoretical Developments

LIST:hep-lat/9709120 LIST:hep-lat/9802002 LIST:hep-lat/9710081 LIST:hep-lat/9710043 LIST:hep-lat/9710018 LIST:hep-lat/9710074 LIST:hep-lat/9709105 LIST:hep-lat/9709106 LIST:hep-lat/9710020
Title: The spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator and chiral symmetry
Authors: M. Berbenni-Bitsch(*) and S. Meyer(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709102 LIST:hep-lat/9709141 LIST:hep-lat/9710086 LIST:hep-lat/9709086 LIST:hep-lat/9709103 LIST:hep-lat/9711036 LIST:hep-lat/9710003 LIST:hep-lat/9710040

L. Improvement and Renormalisation

LIST:hep-lat/9710054 LIST:hep-lat/9709022 LIST:hep-lat/9709096 LIST:hep-lat/9710064 LIST:hep-lat/9709126 LIST:hep-lat/9710015 LIST:hep-lat/9710052 LIST:hep-lat/9710034 LIST:hep-lat/9709049 LIST:hep-lat/9710027 LIST:hep-lat/9710023
Title: Ward identities and non perturbative determination of renormalization constants
Authors: G. de Divitiis(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709088 LIST:hep-lat/9709122 LIST:hep-lat/9709035 LIST:hep-lat/9709157 LIST:hep-lat/9709018 LIST:hep-lat/9709117 LIST:hep-lat/9709100 LIST:hep-lat/9709013 LIST:hep-lat/9709012 LIST:hep-lat/9709052 LIST:hep-lat/9710096 LIST:hep-lat/9709048
Title: String tension and thermodynamics with tree level and tadpole improved actions
Authors: B. Beinlich(*), F. Karsch, E. Laermann and A. Peikert
LIST:hep-lat/9711035 LIST:hep-lat/9802006 LIST:hep-lat/9711042

M. Algorithms and Machines

LIST:hep-lat/9708018 LIST:hep-lat/9709121 LIST:hep-lat/9709033 LIST:hep-lat/9712012 LIST:hep-lat/9712020 LIST:hep-lat/9709108
Title: Fractional inversion in Krylov space
Authors: B. Bunk(*)
LIST:hep-lat/9709143 LIST:hep-lat/9708029 LIST:hep-lat/9709082 LIST:hep-lat/9804013 LIST:hep-lat/9708004 LIST:hep-lat/9710067 LIST:hep-lat/9708028 LIST:hep-lat/9710028
Title: The full order weak schemes of the Langevin simulations
Authors: H. Nakajima(*)
Title: Parallel computing and molecular dynamics of biological membranes
Authors: G. La Penna, S. Letardi, V. Minicozzi, S. Morante, G. Rossi(*) and G. Salina
Title: Gaussian limits for discrepancies
Authors: A. van Hameren(*), R. Kleiss and J. Hoogland
Title: Using a commercial symmetric multiprocessor for lattice QCD
Authors: R. Brower, D. Chen, J. Negele and A. Pochinsky(*)
Title: QCDMPI - pure QCD Monte Carlo simulation code with MPI
Authors: S. Hioki