E-Preprints hep-ph/9406 at DESY

E-Preprints hep-ph/9406 at DESY

 Paper: hep-ph/9406201
From: ypkuang(at)bepc2.ihep.ac.cn
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 16:10:31 +0800   (10kb)

LASINIO MODEL, Qing Wang, Yu-Ping Kuang, Yu-Ping yi, and Tian-Fang Cai, 12
pages, TUIMP-TH-94/58
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 70-76
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406202
From: keum(at)lpthe.jussieu.fr
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 12:09:58 +0200   (67kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 2 Jun 94 16:37:15 +0200

M. Gourdin, A.M Kamal, Y.Y.Keum and X.Y.Pham,9pages(Latex)+4 figures(PS file
appended), PAR/LPTHE/94-22
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 507-513
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406203
From: vicere(at)sun10.difi.unipi.it (Andrea Vicere')
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 16:00:45 +0200   (236kb)

QCD corrections to electroweak processes in an unconventional scheme:
application to the b -> s gamma decay. Giancarlo Cella, Giuseppe Curci, Giulia
Ricciardi and Andrea Vicere', 40 pages, report IFUP-TH 9/94, HUTP-94/A001
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B431 (1994) 417-452
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406204
From: Ansgar Denner < >denner(at)physik.uni-wuerzburg.de<
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 16:19:14 MESZ   (52kb)

Gauge Invariance of Green Functions: Background-Field Method versus Pinch
Technique, by A. Denner, S. Dittmaier and G. Weiglein, 10 pages, 2 figures
(appended at the end of text as a compressed and uuencoded file), Latex,
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 420-426
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406205
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 10:52:21 -0700 (PDT)   (67kb)

Title: Electroweak effective lagrangians.
Author: Jose Wudka (89 pages, report# UCRHEP-T121)
Journal-ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A9 (1994) 2301-2362
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406206
From: NARISON(at)crnvma.cern.ch
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 94 16:05:08 SET   (15kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 08 Jun 94 18:41:51 SET

version. Latex file (run twice). Talk given at the {\it XXIXth Rencontre de
Moriond on `` QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions"}, M\'eribel,
Haute-Savoie, 19--26th March 1994 and at the {\it Rencontre entre
experimentateurs et theoriciens sur ``la violation de CP"}, Orsay, 6--7th May
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406207
From: "Kingman Cheung, 708/491-3235 or 491-8628" < >CHEUNG(at)nuhepe.phys.nwu.edu<
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 15:15:35 -0500 (CDT)   (5kb)

Beauty Quark Fragmentation Into Strange B Mesons, by Kingman Cheung and Robert
J. Oakes, 8 pages, 2 figures (not included but available upon request),
standard LaTeX file, Report # NUHEP-TH-94-12.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B337 (1994) 181-184
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406208
From: "Jicai Pan, McGill University" < >pan(at)merckx.physics.mcgill.ca<
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 94 17:38:46 -0400   (146kb)

Probing quark gluon plasma with jets, Jicai Pan and Charles Gale, 15 pages, 6
figures in 5 ps files included, McGill/94-16.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 3235-3242
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406209
From: manohar(at)sphal.UCSD.EDU (Aneesh V. Manohar)
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 15:31:08 -0700   (18kb)

BARYONS IN THE LARGE N LIMIT, Aneesh V.~Manohar, (12 pages, 3 figures.
Uses harvmac and uufiles), UCSD/PTH 94-01
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406210
From: schaefer(at)nuclear.physics.sunysb.edu
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 18:26:25 EDT   (101kb)

The Chiral Phase Transition and Instanton Anti-instanton Molecules, T.
Schaefer, E. Shuryak and J. Verbaarschot, 31 pages, 10 figures (appended as
uuencoded ps files), SUNY-NTG-94-24
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 1267-1281
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406211
From: colangel < >colangel(at)butp.unibe.ch<
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 10:19:10 +0200   (15kb)

On the Pais--Treiman method to measure $\pi\pi$ phase shifts in $K_{e4}$
decays, G. Colangelo, M. Knecht and J. Stern, 10 pages, LaTex, 1 fig. appended
as postscript file, IPNO/TH 94-36,BUTP-94/11,ROM2F-94/19
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 543-548
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406212
From: Thomas Gehrmann < >T.K.Gehrmann(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 10:41:07 BST   (49kb)

Spin-dependent Parton Distributions from Polarized Structure Function Data,
T.Gehrmann and W.J.Stirling, 23 pages, DTP/94/38
Journal-ref: Z. Phys. C65 (1995) 461-470
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406213
From: "Cesareo A.Dominguez" < >CAD(at)physci.uct.ac.za<
Date: 2 Jun 94 14:27:50 GMT+0200   (9kb)

Comment on current correlators in QCD at finite temperature, by C. A. Dominguez
and M. Loewe, 10 pages, LATEX file, UCT-TP-208/94, April 1994.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 3143-3146
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406214
From: Randy Kobes < >kobes(at)lapphp1.in2p3.fr<
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 16:32:49 BST   (18kb)

Transformations of real-time finite-temperature Feynman rules, by M. A. van
Eijck, R. Kobes, and Ch. G. van Weert, 21 pages, LaTeX, no figures, ITFA-94-15,
ENSLAPP-A-471/94, NSF-ITP-94-61.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 4097-4109
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406215
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 13:56:37 -0400 (EDT)   (14kb)

The Status of Molecules, by T.Barnes (Presented at the XXIX Recontres de
Moriond, Meribel, France, 19-26 March 1994), 10 pages, LATEX, ORNL-CCIP-94-08 /
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406216
From: "Mikhailov Serge" < >mikhs(at)thsun1.jinr.dubna.su<
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 22:56:22   (8kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 3 Jun 94 23:44:26 MSK

Journal-ref: JETP Lett. 60 (1994) 150-155
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406217
From: irothstein(at)umd02.physics.lsa.umich.edu
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 16:46:30 -0400   (6kb)

Eikonal Wave Functions and Model Independent Exclusive B Decays, R. Akhoury and
I.Z. Rothstein, 8 pages (3 figures available upon request), UM-TH-94-05
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B337 (1994) 176-180
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406218
From: hioki(at)ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp (Z.Hioki)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 12:03:04 JST   (5kb)

Title: Is the Standard Electroweak Theory Happy with $m_t\sim$ 174 GeV?
authors: Zenr\=o HIOKI and Ryuichi NAJIMA
#pages: 6
report#: TOKUSHIMA 94-02, YCCP-9404
Journal-ref: Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 (1995) 121-124
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406219
From: kiselev(at)mx.ihep.su
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 11:17:39 GMT+03:00   (13kb)

"Model for anomalous $\Upsilon'' \to \Upsilon \pi \pi$ transition with account
of chiral phase shift in hadron bag of quarkonium" by V.V.Kiselev and
A.K.Likhoded, 20 pages, IHEP 94-46, Protvino, Russia.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406220
From: Thorsten Feldmann < >feldmann(at)pha2.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 13:56:53 BST   (26kb)

Effective Meson Lagrangian with Chiral and Heavy Quark Symmetries from Quark
Flavor Dynamics; D.Ebert, T.Feldmann, R.Friedrich, H.Reinhardt; 31 pages
(LaTex); HUB--IEP--94/8, UNIT\"U-THEP-11/94.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B434 (1995) 619-646
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406221
From: Thorsten Ohl < >ohl(at)crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 14:56:17 +0200   (149kb)

AT LEP-II AND BEYOND, Harald Anlauf, Hans D. Dahmen, Angelika Himmler,
Panagiotis Manakos, Thomas Mannel and Thorsten Ohl, 6 pages LaTeX (Elsevier
proceedings style) with 7 PostScript figures, (Contribution to the Teupitz
Workshop 1994), IKDA 94/9.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406222
From: Georg Botz < >botz(at)next1.thphys.uni-heidelberg.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 15:19:13 +0100   (400kb)

Authors: G.W. Botz, D. Bru\ss, O. Nachtmann,
71 pages, LaTeX (uses rotating.sty), 27 pages with figures
(compressed ps-file, uuencoded) appended at the end. Preprint HD-THEP-94-14
Journal-ref: Ann. Phys. 240 (1995) 107-202
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406223
From: ejw(at)cuphyf.phys.columbia.edu (Erick J. Weinberg)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 13:27:11 -0400   (12kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 5 Jun 1994 23:28:01 -0400

CORRECTIONS, Erick J. Weinberg, 12 pages, 1 figure (not included),  CU-TP-633
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406224
From: pomarol(at)langacker.hep.upenn.edu (Alex Pomarol)
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 94 14:01:28 -0500   (77kb)

GUT effects in the soft supersymmetry breaking terms, Nir Polonsky and Alex
Pomarol, 11 pages, UPR-0616T, LaTex + RevTex 3.0, uuencoded postscript file
(including 3 figures) is attached. Also available via anonymous ftp from
dept.physics.upenn.edu (dir pub).
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 2292-2295
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406225
From: nir(at)langacker.hep.upenn.edu (Nir Polonsky-3C13-x2949)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 15:43:13 -0400   (80kb)

VACUUM STABILITY CONSTRAINTS, Nir Polonsky, talk presented at SUSY-94, 7 pages,
LaTex, uuencoded postscript file (including 5 figures) is attached. Also
available via anonymous ftp from dept.physics.upenn.edu (dir pub). Report No.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406226
From: mizutanit(at)vtinte.phys.vt.edu
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 15:45:01 -0400   (15kb)

Heavy quark limit in the model with confined light quarks and infrared heavy
quark propagators by M. A. Ivanov, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research, Head Post Office P.O.Box 79, 101000 Moscow,
Russia and T. Mizutani, Department of Physics Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406226 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406227
From: CARONE(at)huhept.harvard.edu
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 16:24:36 -0400 (EDT)   (26kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 15 Jun 1994 15:19:18 -0400 (EDT)

Decays of $\ell=1$ Baryons --- Quark Model versus Large-$N_c$, by Christopher
D. Carone, Howard Georgi, Lev Kaplan and David Morin, LaTeX 49pp. (38 pp.
landscape), PicTex, PrePicTex, PostPicTex required for 3 figures, Harvard
Preprint HUTP-94/A008. (Two additional operators are included, but conclusions
are unchanged.)
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5793-5807
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406228
From: "Kingman Cheung, 708/491-3235 or 491-8628" < >CHEUNG(at)nuhepf.phys.nwu.edu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 18:11:56 -0500 (CDT)   (14kb)

Studies of Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at Photon Colliders, by Kingman
Cheung, 22 pages, 7 figures (not included but available upon request), standard
LaTeX, Report number NUHEP-TH-94-13.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 4290-4298
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406228 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406229
From: NIKOLAEV(at)to.infn.it
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 21:21:18 +0200 (WET-DST)   (21kb)

Why more hadronlike photons produce less particles on nuclear targets.
N.N.Nikolaev, B.G.Zakharov and V.R.Zoller, 28 pages, 7 figures (to be requested
from kph154@zam001.zam.kfa-juelich.de), Juelich preprint KFA-IKP(TH)-1994-13.
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406229 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406230
From: kalash(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 16:32:53 +0900   (4kb)

O.K.Kalashnikov, 6 pages, LaTeX, Yukawa Institute Preprint YITP/K-1075 (June
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406231
From: Igor Dremin < >dremin(at)fian.free.net<
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 12:20:14 +0400   (38kb)

P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia Submitted to Physics - Uspekhi
Latex document, 60 pages. Preprint number FIAN TD-6, 1994
Journal-ref: Phys. Usp. 37 (1994) 715-736
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406232
From: pittau(at)rulgm0.LeidenUniv.nl (Roberto Pittau 30.46 5531)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 10:38:23 +0200   (38kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 6 Jun 94 21:37:37 +0200

Four fermion production in e+ e- annihilation, F.A. Berends,
R. Kleiss and R. Pittau, .ps file, 6 pages, preprint INLO-PUB-7/94
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406232 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406233
From: pittau(at)rulgm0.LeidenUniv.nl (Roberto Pittau 30.46 5531)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 11:02:16 +0200   (14kb)

Four quark processes at LEP 200, R. Pittau, 9 pages, INLO-PUB-8/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 490-493
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406234
From: hsu(at)hsunext.harvard.edu (Stephen Hsu)
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 12:23:03 EDT   (22kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 6 Jun 94 13:33:45 EDT

Quantum Scattering and Classical Solutions
Stephen D.H. Hsu, 17 pages, uses latex and pictex
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406235
From: "Jim Ohnemus, Tel. 916-752-0820" < >ohnemus(at)ucdhep.ucdavis.edu<
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 15:23:09 PST   (50kb)

Walsh, and P.M. Zerwas, 7 LaTex pages plus 2 uuencoded postscript files
appended, DESY 94--086, UCD--94--17, UMN--TH--1258/94. Latex and postscipt
files are also available via anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu in directory
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B334 (1994) 203-207
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406236
From: roberts(at)cebth6.cebaf.gov
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 14:20:44 -0400   (104kb)

Roberts, 41 pages, uses revtex, epsf. 16 uuencoded postscript figures appended
after `\end{document}
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 3459-3477
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406237
From: radyush(at)oduph1.physics.odu.edu
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 94 19:36:58 -0400   (48kb)

Workshop "Continuous Advances in QCD", Anatoly Radyushkin, 11 pages + appended
uuencoded ps file with 8 figures, Latex, CEBAF-TH-94-13
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406238
From: Tatsuo Kobayashi < >kobayasi(at)hep.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 94 12:10:01 +0900   (15kb)

Minimal String Unification and Yukawa Couplings in Orbifold Models T.Kobayashi
26 pages, KANAZAWA-94-10, Latex file
Journal-ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A10 (1995) 1393-1412
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406238 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406239
From: Marco Ciuchini < >CIUCHINI(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 12:13:23 +0200 (WET-DST)   (44kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 9 Jun 1994 15:46:57 +0200 (WET-DST)
Date (revised): Mon, 13 Jun 1994 11:59:41 +0200 (WET-DST)

$b \rightarrow s \gamma$ AND $b \rightarrow s g$: A THEORETICAL REAPPRAISAL, M.
Ciuchini, E. Franco, G. Martinelli, L. Reina and L. Silvestrini, 17 pages (4
postscript file included), LaTeX, CERN-TH.7283/94, ROME prep. 94/1020, ULB-TH
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B334 (1994) 137-144
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406240
From: KLINKHAMER(at)nikhef.nl (Frans Klinkhamer)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 13:29:11 +0200   (7kb)

Latex, 6 pages, preprint NIKHEF-H / 94-19
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406240.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406241
From: bm(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Bodenmueller)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 14:13:06 MET DST   (8kb)

The Breaking of Subnuclear Democracy as the Origin of Flavour Mixing,
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B338 (1994) 290-294
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406242
From: thoma(at)theorie.physik.uni-giessen.de (Markus Thoma)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 14:40:17 +0200   (14kb)

by Markus H. Thoma, 5 pages, REVTEX, postscript figures appended, UGI-94-05
Journal-ref: Z. Phys. C66 (1995) 491-494
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406243
From: kiselev(at)mx.ihep.su
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 16:35:15 GMT+03:00   (10kb)

"Scaling behaviour of leptonic decay constants for heavy quarkonia and heavy
mesons" by V.V.Kiselev, IHEP 94-63, Protvino, Standard LATEX, 17 pages.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406244
From: mikeb(at)a3.ph.man.ac.uk
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 15:53:16 +0100   (14kb)

Constraints on Four-Point Couplings in Low-Energy Meson Interactions,
by D. Kalafatis and M. C. Birse, 19 pages, plain TeX, MC/TH 94/10
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. A584 (1995) 589-603
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406245
From: Hitoshi Murayama (LBL) < >MURAYAMA(at)theor3.lbl.gov<
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 23:34:33 -0700 (PDT)   (27kb)

"Low-Energy Effective Lagrangian in Unified Theories with Non-Universal
Supersymmetry Breaking Terms", by Yoshiharu Kawamura, Hitoshi Murayama, and
Masahiro Yamaguchi, 29 pages, LaTeX, DPSU-9402,LBL-35731,UCB-PTH-94/16,TU-459
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 1337-1352
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406246
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 1994 13:45:47 -0500 (CDT)   (8kb)

Comparison of SO(10)-Symmetric Fermion Mass Matrices with and without
Degenerate Neutrinos, Carl H. Albright and Satyanarayan Nandi, 12 pages,
FERMILAB-PUB-94/119-T and OSU Preprint 289, plain LaTeX
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406247
From: leandros(at)cfata3.harvard.edu (leandros perivolaropoulos)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 16:38:16 -0400   (5kb)

Perivolaropoulos. Talk presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop
`Electroweak Physics and the Early Universe', Sintra, Portugal, March 23-25,
1994. To appear in the conference proceedings. 6 pages plus 1 figure (available
in postscript from the author). Use LaTeX.
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406247.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406248
From: My Account < >me(at)cryptons.tamu.edu<
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 15:48:06 -0500   (28kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 7 Jun 94 17:11:05 -0500

"Supersymmetry at the DiTevatron", T. Kamon, J. Lopez, P.
McIntyre, and J. White, 38 pages, Latex, 12 figures (not included). Figures are
available via anonymous ftp from hplaa02.cern.ch (/pub/lopez) as one uuencoded
file (DiTevFigs.uu, 0.731MB). CTP-TAMU-19/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5676-5691
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406249
From: jfgucd(at)ucdhep.ucdavis.edu
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 19:10:24 PST   (16kb)

BELOW THE TOP? by J.F. Gunion, Douglas W. McKay, and H. Pois, 13 pages,
requires phyzzx.tex, tables.tex, full postscript file including embedded
figures available via anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu as
[anonymous.gunion]4th.ps, preprint UCD-94-25.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B334 (1994) 339-347
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406250
From: rainer(at)wpts0.physik.uni-wuppertal.de (Rainer Jakob)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 11:57:51 +0200   (35kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 8 Jun 94 12:26:58 +0200

Rainer Jakob, 23 pages , ReVTeX, 5 figures (appended as uuencoded compressed
tar file) preprint WU-B 94-13, BUGH Wuppertal
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5647-5656
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406251
From: kim(at)cskim.yonsei.ac.kr (C. S. Kim)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 20:17:15 KDT   (9kb)

Title: New Approach for Measuring  $|V_{ub}|$ at Future $B$-Factories.
Authors: C.S. Kim (kim@cskim.yonsei.ac.kr), Pyungwon Ko, Daesung Hwang
        and Wuk Namgung.
# pages: 11 pages not including 1 figure
Report#: SNUTP-94-49, YUMS-94-17 (May 1994)
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5762-5766
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406252
From: Taku Izubuchi < >izubuchi(at)theory.kek.jp<
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 21:18:49 +0900   (167kb)

Gluon and Charm Distributions in the Photon, by K. Hagiwara, T. Izubuchi, M.
Tanaka and I. Watanabe, 59 pages, REVTeX, PostScript figures appended,
KEK-TH-376, KEK preprint 93-160, UT--659
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 3197-3219
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406253
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 10:12:35 -0400 (EDT)   (5kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Jun 1994 7:58:14 -0400 (EDT)

 SUSY GUTs without light Higgs bosons, Marc Sher, 7 pages (no figures), LaTex,
WM-94-107 (One paragraph changed and references added--results unchanged.)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406254
From: My Account < >me(at)cryptons.tamu.edu<
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 10:06:23 -0500   (46kb)

"A light stop and its consequences at the Tevatron and LEPII", J. Lopez, D.
Nanopoulos, and A. Zichichi, CERN-TH.7296/94, 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures
(included as uuencoded file).
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406255
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 12:34:04 -0400 (EDT)   (48kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 12 Dec 1994 18:09:29 -0500 (EST)
Date (revised): Tue, 13 Dec 1994 9:52:07 -0500 (EST)

Title: Measuring Parton Densities in the Pomeron
Authors: John Collins, Joey Huston, Jon Pumplin, Harry Weerts, and Jim Whitmore
Comments: Contains revisions based on Phys. Rev. D referee comments. RevTeX
  version 3, epsf, 31 pages. Uuencoded compressed postscript figures appended.
  Uncompressed postscript files available at
  this url. Report-no: CTEQ/PUB/02, psu/th/136
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 3182-3196
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406256
From: zwirner(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 13:01 PST   (17kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 11 Jul 1994 00:37 PST

Towards a dynamical determination of parameters in the Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model, by C.Kounnas, I.Pavel and F.Zwirner, 18 pages, 6 figures
available upon request, (plain LATEX, to be run twice), CERN-TH.7185/94,
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 403-415
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406257
From: couture(at)osiris.phy.uqam.ca (Gilles Couture)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 16:44:45 -0400   (10kb)

COLLIDERS, by G. Couture and S. Godfrey, 14 pages with 8 figures (available on
request), preprint # OCIP/C 94-4, UQAM-PHE-94-09
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5607-5612
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406258
From: papavass(at)MAFALDA.PHYSICS.NYU.EDU (Joannis Papavassiliou)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 16:56:38 -0400   (19kb)

 Gauge independent transverse and longitudinal self-energies and vertices via
the pinch technique, Joannis Papavassiliou, 29 pages, NYU--TH--94/05/02
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5958-5970
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406259
From: DIETER(at)SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 15:59 -0800 (PST)   (10kb)

Light-Ray Operators and their Application in QCD, by B. Geyer, D. M\"uller, D.
Robaschik, Presented at the Leipzig Workshop on `Quantum Field Theoretical
Aspects of High Energy Physics', Bad Frankenhausen, Germany, Sept. 20-24, 1993,
10 pages LaTeX (1 LaTeX picture included), SLAC-PUB-6495
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406259.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406260
From: DIETER(at)SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 16:02 -0800 (PST)   (10kb)

The Parton Distribution Functions in the Limit $x_{Bj}\to 1$, by D. M\"uller,
Presented at the Leipzig Workshop on `Quantum Field Theoretical Aspects of High
Energy Physics', Bad Frankenhausen, Germany, Sept. 20-24, 1993, 9 pages LaTeX
(2 LaTeX picture included), SLAC-PUB-6496
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406260.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406261
From: jec(at)phy.duke.edu (Julia Clark)
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 94 10:39:37 -0400   (14kb)

Quark Pair Production in the Chiral Phase Transition, Carsten Greiner,
9 pages, three figures, DUKE-TH-94-71
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406262
From: PHCHENG(at)ccvax.sinica.edu.tw
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:05:43 +0008   (11kb)

Nonfactorizable Contributions to Nonleptonic Weak Decays of Heavy Mesons,
by Hai-Yang Cheng, 14 pages, IP-ASTP-11-94
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 428-435
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406263
From: Marco Ciuchini < >CIUCHINI(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 10:50:39 +0200 (WET-DST)   (58kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 9 Jun 1994 15:48:11 +0200 (WET-DST)
Date (revised): Mon, 13 Jun 1994 12:00:44 +0200 (WET-DST)

Ciuchini, M. Crisafulli, E. Franco, V. Lubicz and G. Martinelli, 26 pages (2
postscript file included), LaTeX, CERN-TH.7256/94, ROME prep. 94/1018
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B431 (1994) 667-685
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406264
From: pisarski(at)jimi.phy.bnl.gov (Robert D. Pisarski)
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 94 05:10:53 EDT   (15kb)

Korthals Altes, Kimyeong Lee, and Robert D. Pisarski; 4 pages in ReVTeX plus 1
figure; Columbia Univ. preprint CU-TP-632.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 1754-1757
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406265
From: troshin(at)mx.ihep.su
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:30:09 GMT+03:00   (10kb)

Beyond the black disk limit: antishadow scattering mode,
S. M. Troshin, N. E. Tyurin; 15 pages, plain LaTeX
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406266
From: "Mark Gibbs, Cavendish Lab., Cambridge." < >gibbs(at)hep.phy.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 12:31:28 BST   (260kb)

Monte Carlo simulation of baryon and lepton number violating processes at high
energies, by M.J. Gibbs, A. Ringwald, B.R. Webber and J.T Zadrozny, 40 Pages
uuencoded LaTeX (20 PostScript figures included), Cavendish-HEP-93/6,
Journal-ref: Z. Phys. C66 (1995) 285-302
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406266.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406267
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 13:07:28 -0700 (PDT)   (39kb)

Charge form factors of pseudoscalar mesons, by Felix Schlumpf,
18 pages, ReVTeX, 6 figures included, SLAC-PUB-6483
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6895-6898
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406268
From: laine(at)surya11.cern.ch (Mikko Laine)
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 23:00:38 +0200 (MET DST)   (36kb)

The 2-Loop Effective Potential of the 3d SU(2)-Higgs Model in a General
Covariant Gauge, by M.Laine, 7 LaTeX-pages with 4 ps-figures appended at the
end, preprint HU-TFT-94-20
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 173-178
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406269
From: Geoffrey B. West 505-667-5382 < >gbw(at)cheese.lanl.gov<
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 94 15:15:45 -0600   (75kb)

Deep Inelastic Electropion Production, A. Calogeracos, Norman Dombey,
Geoffrey B. West, 23 pages, harvmac, 9 figures included, LA-UR-93-1153
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406269.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406270
From: "Neil Turok" < >neil(at)puhep1.Princeton.EDU<
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 94 18:06:09 -0400   (17kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 9 Jun 94 19:16:40 -0400
Date (revised): Fri, 10 Jun 94 15:30:53 -0400

Z Condensation and Standard Model Baryogenesis, Salim Nasser and Neil Turok, 4
pages, PUPT-94-1456. Revised version 6/10/94 (with minor modifications to the
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406270.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406271
From: hasimoto(at)theo.phys.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Shoji Hashimoto)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 94 15:32:23 JST   (41kb)

THE BACKGROUND FIELD METHOD: Alternative Way of Deriving the Pinch Technique's
Results, Shoji Hashimoto, Jiro KODAIRA, Yoshiaki YASUI and Ken SASAKI, 32 pages
in LaTeX including 8 figures using epsf.sty, uuencoded-compressed-tar format,
HUPD-9408, YNU-HEPTh-94-104.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 7066-7076
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406272
From: "Andrzej J. Buras" < >buras(at)feynman.t30.physik.tu-muenchen.de<
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 09:48:05 +0200   (20kb)

TUM-T31-64/94, Latex file, figures not included.
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406272.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406273
From: leike(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Arnd Leike)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 94 11:50:07 MET DST   (37kb)

Riemann, 6 latex pages; 3 figures, feinman.sty and nuclphys.sty included as
uuencoded file, CERN-TH.703/94, LMU 08/94
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406273.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406274
From: graudenz(at)surya11.cern.ch (Dirk Graudenz)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 12:03:58 +0200 (MET DST)   (22kb)

SCATTERING" by Dirk Graudenz, 20 pages (LaTex) + 4 pages of figures appended in
the end of the file as a uuencoded postscript file, CERN-TH.7300/94
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B432 (1994) 351-376
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406274.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406275
From: thg(at)hybrid.tphys.uni-heidelberg.de (Thomas Gasenzer)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 94 13:47:27 +0200   (14kb)

Effective light front quantization of scalar field theories and two-dimensional
electrodynamics; E.V. Prokhvatilov, H.W.L. Naus and H.--J. Pirner; 15 pages;
LaTeX; local no. HD-TVP-94-7;
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 2933-2942
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406276
From: smhw(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (stephen man hoe wong)
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 94 14:11:38 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 13 Jun 94 21:42:58 GMT
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Jun 94 14:01:50 GMT
Date (revised): Mon, 21 Nov 1994 19:52:49 GMT

Non-Debye Screening in Finite Temperature QCD, 12 pages (latex), by S.
 Peign\'e and S.M.H. Wong, LPTHE-Orsay 94/46. (Due to the appearance of 
 more recent related works, we changed our conclusion somewhat.)
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B346 (1995) 322-328
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406277
From: Edmond Iancu < >iancu(at)amoco.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: 10 Jun 94 14:29:37+0200   (15kb)

"QCD Transport Theory", Edmond Iancu, 8 pages LaTex, preprint Saclay T94/068,
Invited talk given at the 5th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and
Nuclear Physics, May 31 -- June 6, 1994, St. Petersburg, Florida.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406277.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406278
From: "STEVE GODFREY, (613) 788-4386" < >GODFREY(at)physics.carleton.ca<
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 8:56:56 -0400 (EDT)   (20kb)

Stephen Godfrey, 24 pages, uses worldsci.sty, figures available by fax after
July 4 1994, OCIP/C 94-5
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406278.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406279
From: Rey Soo Jong < >sjrey(at)phyb.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 0:28:28 KST   (30kb)

 "Instanton Contribution to $B \rightarrow X_{s} \gamma $ Decay", Junegone CHAY
and Soo-Jong REY, REVTEX, 15 pages + 3 postscript figures appended, SNUTP 94-54
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406279.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406280
From: DIAZMA(at)ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 10:38:09 -0500 (CDT)   (10kb)

Constraints on Supergravity in the Light Gluino Scenario, Marco Aurelio Diaz,
14 pages (plain tex), 4 figures not included, VAND-TH-94-11. Presented in the
International Symposium ``Physics Doesn't Stop: Recent Developments in
Phenomenology'', University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, April 11-13, 1994.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406280.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406280 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406281
From: GOLDEN(at)huhept.harvard.edu
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 11:39:33 -0400 (EDT)   (12kb)

The Higgs Boson Width is Adjustable, R. Sekhar Chivukula, Michael J. Dugan, and
Mitchell Golden, 16 pages, uses harvmac for tex and pictex (optional) for the
figures. BUHEP-94-10, HUTP-94/A014
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 62-69
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406282
From: < >RRITCHIE(at)scinet.up.ac.za<
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 17:47:03 GMT+2   (38kb)

Gorenstein, H.G. Miller, R.M. Quick and R.A. Ritchie, 10 pages in Latex + 4 ps
figures , preprint UP-TP 94/1
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B340 (1994) 109-114
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406282.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406283
From: Leutwyler Heinrich < >HLEUTWYLER(at)ITP.unibe.ch<
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 18:00:42 MET   (47kb)

The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406283.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406284
From: mannel(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 18:10:01 +0100   (28kb)

On the Determination of $|V_{ub}|$ from Inclusive Semileptonic Decay Spectra,
by Boris Blok and Thomas Mannel, LaTeX, 19 pages, 8 figures appended after
\end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed .eps files, uses epsf,
Technion-PH-94/9, CERN-TH.7308/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 2208-2216
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406285
From: Claudio Lucchesi < >LUCCHESI(at)PIERRE.MIT.EDU<
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 16:23:53 -0400 (EDT)   (17kb)

P.F.~Kelly, Q.~Liu, C.~Lucchesi and C.~Manuel, MIT--CTP #2320, 23 pages,
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 4209-4218
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406285.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406286
From: ANLAUF(at)SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 17:00:39 -0700   (71kb)

On the QCD corrections to $b \to s \gamma$ in supersymmetric models, H. Anlauf,
LaTeX, 43 pages + 4 embedded Postscript figures (requires epsf.sty),
SLAC-PUB-6525, June 1994.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B430 (1994) 245-277
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406287
From: cyq(at)itp.ac.cn (Chen Yu-qi)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 12:18:28 CDT   (9kb)

On The Spin-Dependent Potential Between Heavy Quark And Antiquark; by Yu-Qi
Chen, Yu-Ping Kuang and Robert J. Oakes; 12 pages, REVTEX; NSF-ITP-94-49,
TUIMP-TH-94/59, NUHEP-TH-94-10
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 264-270
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406287.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406288
From: pene(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (pene)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 18:33:05 GMT   (73kb)

Standard Model CP-violation and  Baryon asymmetry Part I: Zero Temperature,
M.B. Gavela, M. Lozano, J. Orloff, O.P\`ene, 38 pages, CERN-TH.7262/94,
HD-THEP-94-19, FAMNSE-12-94, NSF-ITP-94-64
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B430 (1994) 345-281
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406289
From: pene(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (pene)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 18:34:06 GMT   (155kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 12 Jun 94 10:30:12 GMT

Standard Model CP-violation and Baryon asymmetry Part II: Finite Temperature,
M.B. Gavela, P. Hernandez, J. Orloff, O.P\`ene, C. Quimbay, 44 pages,
CERN-TH.7263/94, LPTHE Orsay-94/49, HUTP-94/A015, HD-THEP-94-20, FTUAM-94/14,
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B430 (1994) 382-426
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406290
From: Ken-ichiro Aoki < >ken(at)phys.titech.ac.jp<
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 23:54:03 JST   (70kb)

Triviality, perturbation theory and $Z\to b \overline b$, Kenichiro Aoki and
Santiago Peris, 12pages (incl. figs.), TIT/HEP--258,CERN-TH.7287/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 470-478
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406290.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406291
From: xing(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Xing Zhi-Zhong)
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 16:54:02 MET DST   (12kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 18 Sep 94 17:37:49 MET DST
Date (revised): Sun, 18 Sep 94 17:51:18 MET DST

On Measuring $CP$ Violation in Neutral $B$-meson Decays at the $\Upsilon (4S)$
Resonance, H. Fritzsch, D. Wu, and Z. Xing, Latex file 13 pages,
CERN-TH.7194/94 and PVAMU-HEP-94-2 (Phys. Lett. B328 (1994) 477). (A few minor
typing errors have been corrected.)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406292
From: xing(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Xing Zhi-Zhong)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 10:50:49 MET DST   (8kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 11 Oct 94 17:32:41 MET
Date (revised): Tue, 11 Oct 94 20:03:23 MET

On the Unitarity Triangles of the CKM Matrix; Dan-di WU and Zhi-zhong XING; 9
Latex pages; LMU-07/94 and PVAMU-HEP-94-5 (A few minor changes are made,
accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B)
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B341 (1995) 386-390
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406292.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406293
From: xing(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Xing Zhi-Zhong)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 10:39:33 MET DST   (10kb)

pages; LMU-02/94 (Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D as a Rapid
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406294
From: Levan Surguladze < >levan(at)jet.uoregon.edu<
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 1994 16:13:17 -0700   (7kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 12 Jun 1994 17:22:17 -0700

QCD, by Levan R. Surguladze, 8 pages, LATeX, preprint OITS 544 (University of
Oregon, USA, June 1994).
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B338 (1994) 229-234
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406295
From: DIBARTOL(at)sc2a.unige.ch
Date: Mon, 13 JUN 94 10:59 GMT   (11kb)

On the coupling of heavy mesons to pions in QCD, P. Colangelo, A. Deandrea, N.
Di Bartolomeo, F. Feruglio, R. Gatto and G. Nardulli, 11 pages, LaTeX, UGVA-DPT
1994/06-856 and BARI-TH/94-171
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B339 (1994) 151-159
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406296
From: Jihn E. Kim < >jekim(at)phyb.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 18:54:14 KST   (9kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 13 Jun 94 19:02:11 KST
Date (revised): Mon, 13 Jun 94 23:38:04 KST

Symmetry Principles toward Solutions of $\mu$ Problem, by
Jihn E. Kim and Hans Peter Nilles, Latex file, 13 pages.
Journal-ref: Mod. Phys. Lett. A9 (1994) 3575-3584
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406296.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406297
From: r.rivers(at)ic.ac.uk
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 14:12:54 bst   (22kb)

Fluctuations at Phase Transitions, R.J. Rivers, 17 pages, LaTeX,
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406297.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406297 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406298
From: kelly(at)marie.mit.edu (Patrick Kelly)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 12:32:16 -0400   (18kb)

P.F.~Kelly, R.~Kobes, and G.~Kunstatter, MIT--CTP--2299, WIN--93--09,
ENSLAPP--A--470/94, NSF--ITP--94--62, In plain TeX
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 7592-7602
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406298.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406299
From: tt(at)ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de (Thomas Teubner)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 18:51:41 WET DST   (40kb)

Quartic Mass Corrections to $R_{had}$, by K.G.Chetyrkin and J.H. K\"uhn, 17
pages, LaTex (uses epsf.sty, figures appended as uuencoded ps- and eps-files).
A complete postscript file, including figures, is available via anonymous ftp
at ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de ( as
/pub/ttp94-08/ttp94-08.ps, Local preprint# TTP94-08.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B432 (1994) 337-350
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406300
From: < >qiping(at)medb.physics.utoronto.ca<
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 15:33:25 -0400   (11kb)

Strong and Radiative $D^\ast$ Decays by Patrick J. O'Donnell and Q. P. Xu, 14
pages, Latex, Postscript figure included at the end, UTPT--94--15.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 113-118
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406300.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406301
From: HUET(at)SLACVM.SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 14:00 -0800 (PST)   (13kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Jun 1994 13:07 -0800 (PST)

Electroweak Baryogenesis and the Standard Model,
by Patrick Huet, 16 pages, uses PHYZZX, SLAC-PUB-6492
(The previous version suffers from TeXnicalities.)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406301.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406301 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406302
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 20:21:51 -0700 (PDT)   (19kb)

Top Ten Models Constrained by b to s gamma, J.L. Hewett, 21 pages (LaTex,
figures obtainable by request), SLAC-PUB-6521
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406302.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406303
From: Steve King < >sfk(at)hep.ph.soton.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 13:29:50 +0100 (BST)   (16kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 16 Feb 1995 17:43:53 +0000 (GMT)
Date (revised): Fri, 17 Feb 1995 09:23:27 +0000 (GMT)
Date (revised): Thu, 5 Oct 1995 17:02:51 +0100 (BST)
Date (revised): Fri, 6 Oct 1995 14:16:25 +0100 (BST)

Title: Unification Constraints in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard
Authors: T. Elliott, S. F. King and P. L. White
Comments: Uses revtex macros. This is the published version, Phys. Lett. B351
  (1995) 213
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B351 (1995) 213-219
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406303.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406304
From: "Tomislav Prokopec" < >prokopec(at)puhep1.Princeton.EDU<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 94 10:56:18 -0400   (6kb)

PHASE TRANSITION, by Tomislav Prokopec, 4 pages, LaTeX, Princeton University
report PUPTH-1472 (1994)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406304.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406304 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406305
From: SEGURAS(at)vm.ci.uv.es
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 94 16:51:01 SET   (8kb)

F.J. Botella and J.A. Pe\~{n}arrocha, 11 pages (+3 figures, available upon
request),Standard Latex, FTUV/94-34.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 93-98
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406305.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406305 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406306
From: YLWU(at)cmphys.phys.cmu.edu
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 10:59:19 -0400 (EDT)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:11:29 -0400 (EDT)

12 pages, LaTex, DOE-ER/40682-71, CMU-HEP94-17
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406306.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406307
From: Owe Philipsen < >t00phi(at)x4u2.desy.de<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:15:17 +0200 (MET DST)   (32kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:57:21 +0200 (MET DST)

On the problem of the magnetic mass, O.Philipsen, 4pp., 2figs, uuencoded
ps-file; Contribution to the NATO Advanced Research workshop 'Electroweak
Physics and the Early Universe', 23-25 March 1994, Sintra, Portugal.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406307.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406307 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406308
From: "Dave Seckel, Bartol Research Institute" < >"UDBRI::SECKEL"(at)BARTOL.BARTOL.UDEL.EDU<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 13:47:01 -0400 (EDT)   (18kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 15 Jun 1994 9:10:06 -0400 (EDT)

Axion Dissipation Through the Mixing of Goldstone Bosons, K.S. Babu, S.M. Barr
and D. Seckel, 20 pages, Latex, (3 uuencoded compressed tarred postscript
figures attached), Bartol Preprint, BA-93-16
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 213-220
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406308.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406308 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406309
From: Ed Stoeffhaas < >ed(at)phenxe.physics.wisc.edu<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 94 13:00:44 -0500   (192kb)

J.E.Jacobsen. Talk presented by F.~Halzen at MRST-94: "What Next? Exploring the
Future of High-Energy Physics", McGill University, Montreal, Canada, May 1994.
16 pages, Latex file, uses epsf.sty to place figures. 7 postscript figures
included (tar-compressed-uuencoded using uufiles). MAD/PH/838
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406309.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406309 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406310
From: Lee Jaeyoung x5129 < >leej(at)eta.pha.jhu.edu<
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 14:55:50 -0400 (EDT)   (8kb)

$SU(2)_{\scriptscriptstyle{L}}\otimes U(1)$ GAUGE THEORY, By A. Erdas, C. W.
Kim and J. A. Lee, 12 Pages, JHU-TIPAC-940008/INFNCA-TH-94-8
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B357 (1995) 379-386
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406311
From: chlee(at)phya.snu.ac.kr (Chang-Hwan Lee)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 16:53:59 KDT   (128kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 24 Jun 94 15:20:31 KDT

An Effective Chiral Lagrangian Approach to Kaon-Nuclear Interactions: Kaonic
atom and kaon condensation, Chang-Hwan Lee, G. E. Brown, Dong-Pil Min and
Mannque Rho, 40 pages(LaTeX) and 13 figures, SNUTP-94-50. There were
modifications according to the change in the References.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. A585 (1995) 401-449
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406312
From: Wolfgang LUCHA < >V2032DAC(at)helios.edvz.univie.ac.at<
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 10:03:15 MEZ   (5kb)

A Variational Approach to the Spinless Relativistic Coulomb Problem, by
Wolfgang LUCHA and Franz F. SCH\"OBERL, 7 pages, HEPHY-PUB 606/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5443-5445
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406313
From: geng(at)phys.nthu.edu.tw (Chao-Qiang GengT)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 17:12:17 +0800   (10kb)

CP Conserving and Violating Contributions to $K_L\to\pi^+\pi^-\nu\bar{\nu}$, by
C.Q. Geng, I.J. Hsu and Y.C. Lin, 15 pages (LaTex), 3 figures (not included),
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5744-5750
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406314
From: pnath(at)axcrnc.cern.ch
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 10:35:11 +0200   (12kb)

Unification of Fundamental Interactions in Supersymmetry, Pran Nath and R.
Arnowitt, invited talk at the Conf. on " Unified Symmetry in the Small and in
the Large", at Coral Gables, Florida,Jan27-30,94; 9 pages,LaTex+2 figs (hard
copies available on request),CERN-TH.7167/94,NUB-TH-3085/94,CTP-TAMU-7/94.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406315
From: W James Stirling < >W.J.Stirling(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 12:27:16 +0100   (28kb)

Parton Distributions of the Proton, A.D. Martin, R.G. Roberts and W.J.
Stirling, preprint DTP/94/34, 26 pages, 21 figures (not included, available on
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6734-6752
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406316
From: CONCHA%PHENOC.DecNet(at)wigate.nic.wisc.edu
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:42 BSC (-0300 C)   (20kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Jun 94 13:40 CDT

$\epsilon_b$ Constraints on Self--Couplings of Vector Bosons, by O.J.P. Eboli,
S.M. Lietti, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and S.F. Novaes, MAD/PH/836, IFT-P 020/94,
IFUSP-P 1116. Revised version of hep-ph/9406316, same text only some reference
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B339 (1994) 119-126
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406317
From: "G." Abu-Leil < >G.F.Abuleil(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 15:22:14 +0100   (17kb)

Anomalous quartic couplings in $    W^+W^- \gamma $ production at $e^+e^- $
 colliders, Ghadir Abu Leil, W.J. Stirling, 15 pages, DTP/94/10
Journal-ref: J. Phys. G21 (1995) 517-524
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406318
From: Rajesh Ramchand Parwani < >parwani(at)amoco.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: 15 Jun 94 17:19:58+0200   (11kb)

The Free Energy of Hot QED at Fifth Order, by Rajesh R. Parwani; 1+9+1 pages
(figures attached as .ps file after end{document}); preprint SPhT/94-065.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406319
From: "Big Bad Bob, Bartol R. I., Univ. of Del." < >"UDBRI::BOB"(at)BARTOL.BARTOL.UDEL.EDU<
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 13:39:45 -0400 (EDT)   (26kb)

Dvali, Q. Shafi, and R. Schaefer, LaTEX, 14 pp. + 1 postscript figure appended,
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 1886-1889
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406320
Date: Wed, 15 JUN 94 20:24 GMT   (8kb)

QCD RELATIVISTIC POTENTIAL MODEL, P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio and G. Nardulli,
LaTex, 11 pages, BARI-TH/94-180
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B334 (1994) 175-179
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406321
From: montigny(at)prism.physics.mcgill.ca (Marc de Montigny)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 14:56:13 -0400   (9kb)

``Production of Pairs of Sleptoquarks in Hadron Colliders'', by M. de Montigny,
L. Marleau, and G. Simon, 8 pages, REVTEX, (1 fig. available on request),
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 533-536
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406322
From: ZHANG(at)isuhep.hep.ameslab.gov
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:20:48 -0500 (CDT)   (9kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 4 Mar 1995 14:59:24 -0600 (CST)

Title: Electroweak Sphaleron For Effective Theory In The Limit Of Large Higgs
  Boson Mass
Authors: Xinmin Zhang, B.-L. Young and S.K. Lee
Comments: TeX file, 11 pages, 1 figure available by request, to appear in Phys.
  Rev. D. Implications to EW baryogenesis in dynamical EW symmetry breaking
  theory are discussed.
Report-no: Ames-Het-94-07 
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 5327-5330
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406323
From: Tom Gould < >gould(at)fermi.pha.jhu.edu<
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 23:38:26 -0500   (6kb)

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406324
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 18:35:32 -0400 (EDT)   (18kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 28 Oct 1994 11:56:52 -0400 (EDT)

 Bounds on $g_5^Z$ from Precision LEP Measurements, by S. Dawson and G.
Valencia, Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 207. A few minor errors in the table are
corrected and updated experimental and theoretical numbers are used. The
conclusions are unchanged. These changes will appear in an erratum to the
published paper.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 207-211
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406325
From: catani(at)vaxfi.cern.ch
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 12:10:20 +0200   (18kb)

LOW-x STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS by Stefano Catani, 19 pages (+ 9 figs. available in
hard copy upon request to catani@fi.infn.it), LaTeX, DFF 207/6/94
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406326
From: RKAMINSKI(at)vsb01.ifj.edu.pl
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 15:57 GMT+1   (8kb)

R. Kaminski and L. Lesniak, 9 pages in LATEX, report no INP-1675/PH
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406327
From: Kazutoshi Ohta < >kohta(at)oskth.kek.jp<
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 20:37:03 +0900   (9kb)

13 pages and 4 figures (not included), in phyzzx, OU-HET-194
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406328
From: rmohapatra(at)umdhep.umd.edu
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 16:33:16 EDT   (18kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 17 Jun 1994 15:03:47 EDT
Date (revised): Fri, 24 Jun 1994 13:58:56 EDT

by Dae-Gyu Lee and R. N. Mohapatra, UMD-PP-94-166 (some minor misprints
corrected; Latex file; one figure available on request )
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 1353-1361
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406329
From: "Cesareo A.Dominguez" < >CAD(at)physci.uct.ac.za<
Date: 16 Jun 94 15:24:14 GMT+0200   (8kb)

Mass of the charm-quark from QCD sum rules, by C.A.Dominguez, G.R.Gluckman, and
N.Paver, UCT-TP-207/94, Latex File, 5 figures available upon request. To be
published in Phys. Lett. B.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 184-189
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406330
From: Karol Kolodziej < >karol(at)graviton.hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de<
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 17:09:53 METDST   (32kb)

SEARCH FOR NEW PHYSICS IN e-e- SCATTERING, F. Cuypers, K. Kolodziej and R.
Rueckl; 11 LaTeX pages; axodraw.sty and 6 figures included as an uuencoded
file; MPI-PhT/94-33 and LMU-09/94.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406331
From: Mary Hall Reno < >reno(at)hephp1.physics.uiowa.edu<
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 11:19:06 CDT   (65kb)

Hadron collider limits on anomalous $WW\gamma$ couplings, by Kevin R. Barger
and M. H. Reno, Revtex 23 pages + 8 figures, UIOWA-94-10.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 90-98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406332
From: YULIA(at)vitep5.itep.msk.su
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 11:30:24 +0400 (EET-DST)   (14kb)

Yu.S.Kalashnikova, Preprint ITEP-40-94, 24 pages, 4 fugures available by
request from the authors.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406333
From: raby(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 15:14:55 +0100   (20kb)

SO(10) SUSY GUTs and Fermion Masses, Stuart Raby, 31 pages, Ohio State Univ.
Preprint - OHSTPY-HEP-T-94-010 (figures may be obtained on request)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406334
From: pene(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (pene)
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 18:43:23 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 17 Jun 94 19:23:57 GMT

B To Light Meson Form Factors, R. Aleksan, A. Le Yaouanc, L. Oliver, O.P\`ene,
J.-C. Raynal, 8 pages LPTHE Orsay-94/53, Talk at Beauty 94 Workshop, april 94,
Mont St Michel, France.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A351 (1994) 15-18
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406335
From: Fernando Cornet < >cornet(at)ugr.es<
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 18:34:03 UTC+0200   (36kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:20:48 UTC+0200

Fernando Cornet and J.I. Illana, 11 pages, UG-FT-37/94 (names of the figures in
the TeX file changed to match the ones in the uuencoded postscript file)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406336
From: GIAMPIERO(at)to.infn.it
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 9:39:30 +0300 (MET-DST)   (7kb)

The Z Line-shape in the Standard Model (Talk given at the 1994 Zeuthen Workshop
on Elementary Particle Theory). Giampiero Passarino. Latex, 5 pages (Figures
upon request, GIAMPIERO@TO.INFN.IT)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406337
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 16:34:30 -0800 (PST)   (23kb)

Possible Detection of a Higgs Boson at Higher Luminosity Hadron Colliders,
Stephen Mrenna and G.L. Kane, 20 REVTEX pages plus 3 figures using psfig.sty,
CIT 68--1938
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406338
From: jain(at)phyast.nhn.uoknor.edu (Pankaj Jain)
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 94 12:29:27 CDT   (21kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 7 Oct 94 09:52:45 CDT

Heavy Meson Radiative Decays and Light Vector Meson Dominance, Pankaj Jain,
Arshad Momen and Joseph Schechter, 14 pages, 1 figure as compressed uuencoded
file appended at the end of the paper, report# SU-4240-581
Journal-ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A10 (1995) 2467-2478
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406339
From: kiselev(at)mx.ihep.su
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 10:19:59 GMT+03:00   (22kb)

"$B_c$ spectroscopy" by V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze,
IHEP 94-51, LATEX, 39 pages.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 3613-3627
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406340
From: Dietrich Lehner < >lehner(at)ifh.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 11:45:05 +0100 (MET)   (17kb)

Semi-Analytical Approach to Four-Fermion Production in $e^+ e^-$ Annihilation,
D. Bardin, M. Bilenky, D. Lehner, A. Olchevski, T. Riemann, 15 pages (LaTeX), 3
figures (not included, a uuencoded file containing the LaTeX and all ps files
is available via anonymous ftp from convex.ifh.de as
/pub/preprint/desy94-093.uu), CERN-TH.7295/94, DESY 94-093.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406341
From: pene(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (pene)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 12:13:26 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Jun 94 18:27:04 GMT
Date (revised): Tue, 21 Jun 94 09:54:36 GMT
Date (revised): Tue, 21 Jun 94 10:46:15 GMT

B Decays, an Introductory Survey,  A. Le Yaouanc, L Oliver, O.P\`ene, J.-C.
9 pages, talk at the XXIXth Rencontre de Moriond, ``QCD and High Energy
Hadronic Interactions'', march 1994, M\'eribel France.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406342
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 13:24 +0200   (14kb)

STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE IN $\pi\rightarrow\bf\ell\nu,\pi\rightarrow\ell\nu\gamma$
AND $\pi^0\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ DECAYS, D. Ghilencea, L. Micu, no. pages 16
+ 6 pages with figures by request, LATEX, IFA-FT-395-1994
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 1577-1587
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406343
From: mtrodden(at)het.brown.edu (Mark Trodden)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 13:32:59 EDT   (9kb)

MODEL", M. Trodden (Brown University), 12 pages, 4 figures (available from the
author), uses phyzzx, BROWN-HET-945
Journal-ref: Mod. Phys. Lett. A9 (1994) 2649-2659
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406344
From: LANE(at)buphyc.bu.edu
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 14:50:00 -0500 (EST)   (43kb)

Top-Quark Production and Flavor Physics, (Submitted to the International
Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland, July 20-27, 1994),
Kenneth Lane, 16 pages plus 10 uuencoded figures appended at the end of the TeX
file. BUHEP-94-12
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406345
From: kaplan(at)nsfitp.itp.ucsb.edu
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 16:15:26 -0700   (45kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Jun 1994 16:46:37 -0700

Diffusion Enhances Spontaneous Electroweak Baryogenesis, by A. G. Cohen, D. B.
Kaplan, A. E. Nelson, 15 pages, NSF-ITP-94-67
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 41-47
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406346
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 21:17:04 CDT   (11kb)

Constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay, by
Jizhi Wu, Richard Arnowitt, and Pran Nath, 12 pages, plain tex file, three
figures avaliable upon request, CTP-TAMU-03/94, NUB-TH.7316/94, and
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 1371-1376
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406347
From: physteo(at)univ.yars.free.net (Department of theoretic physics)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 09:14:59 +0200 (EDT)   (9kb)

Vector Leptoquarks Could Be Rather Light? by A.V. Kuznetsov and N.V. Mikheev,
10 pages, LaTeX, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl State University preprint YARU-HE-94/02.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B329 (1994) 295-299
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406348
From: wshou(at)phys.ntu.edu.tw (W.S.Hou)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 13:35:08 CST   (12kb)

Direct $CP$ Violation in a Variety of  $B$ Decays,
George W. S. Hou, 7 pages, LaTeX (requires espcrc2.sty, contact:
crc@elsevier.nl), NTUTH--94--05.
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 37A (1994) 35-42
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406349
From: machet(at)lpthe.jussieu.fr
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 10:03:51 +0200 (MET DST)   (48kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 3 Apr 1995 10:05:32 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: Comments on the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions
Author: B. Machet
Comments: some misprints have been corrected, references added, and an
  incorrect remark suppressed. 33 pages Latex [amssymb,times,epsf], 8 (tarred,
  compressed, uuencoded) postscript figures included (instructions at the
  beginning of the latex file).
Report-no: PAR-LPTHE 94/24 (June 1994, revised March 1995)
Journal-ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, Vol.11 No 1 (1996) 29-63
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406350
From: Peter Landshoff < >P.V.Landshoff(at)damtp.cambridge.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 10:20:59 +0100   (40kb)

The small $x$ behaviour of $g_1$, by S D Bass and P V Landshoff, 6 pages plus
2 figures, uuencoded ps file, Cavendish preprint HEP 94/4, DAMTP 94/50
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 537-542
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406351
From: Bill Scott < >SCOTTW(at)v2.rl.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 11:00 GMT   (8kb)

W. G. Scott 8 pages of text; no figures. RAL-94-072
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 471-475
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406352
From: abada(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (abada)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 16:35:45 GMT   (22kb)

Heavy Flavours Leptonic and Semi-leptonic Decays on the Lattice,  As. Abada,
7 pages, talk given at the XXIXth Rencontre de Moriond, ``QCD and High Energy
Hadronic Interactions'', march 1994, M\'eribel France, preprint LPTHE
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406353
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 12:10:16 -0400 (EDT)   (9kb)

Hadronic Molecules and Low-Energy Hadron-Hadron Scattering Amplitudes (Expanded
version of results presented at Few Body XIV, Williamsburg, Virginia, 26-31 May
1994), by T.Barnes, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee. LATEX using
epsfig and wrapfig. postscript file incorporating figures available by
anonymous ftp to COMPSCI.CAS.VANDERBILT.EDU, subdirectory QSM, file fbpp.ps.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406354
From: GAUTAM(at)crnvma.cern.ch
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 18:08:42 SET   (9kb)

"Bounds on the Masses and Couplings of Leptoquarks from Leptonic Partial Widths
of the Z", Gautam Bhattacharyya, John Ellis and K. Sridhar, 11 pages + 3
Figures (available upon request), Latex file, CERN preprint CERN-TH.7280/94.
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406354.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406355
From: mtrodden(at)het.brown.edu (Mark Trodden)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 13:28:06 EDT   (9kb)

Cambridge), R. Brandenberger and M. Trodden (Brown University), 13 pages, 1
figure (available from the authors), uses phyzzx, BROWN-HET-950, DAMTP 94-46
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406356
From: "Michael Joyce" < >joyce(at)puhep1.Princeton.EDU<
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 94 17:08:47 -0400   (5kb)

  A Note on Spontaneous Baryogenesis, by Michael Joyce, 4 pages, LaTeX,
  Princeton University preprint PUHEP-1475 (1994)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406357
From: MOULTAKA(at)SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 20:41 -0800 (PST)   (78kb)

Fermion and Sfermion Effects in $e^+ e^-$ charged Higgs pair production, A.
Arhrib, M. Capdequi Peyranere and G. Moultaka, latex, 16 pages and 9 figures
(appended as a postscript file) SLAC--PUB--6529, PM/94-17,
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B341 (1995) 313-324
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406358
From: SEGURAS(at)vm.ci.uv.es
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 10:57:13 SET   (11kb)

Bernab\'{e}u, S.M. Bilenky, F.J. Botella, J.A. Pe\~{n}arrocha and J. Segura, 13
pages (+6 figures, available upon request),Standard Latex, FTUV/94-29,Submitted
to ICHEP94.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406359
From: Annette Holtkamp < >holtkamp(at)x4u2.desy.de<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 11:43:14 +0200 (MET DST)   (91kb)

Heavy baryons, by J.G. Koerner, D. Pirjol, M. Kraemer, 93 pages,
18 figures not included, latex, DESY 94-095, MZ-THEP-94-08
Journal-ref: Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1994) 787-868
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406360
From: Robert Peschanski < >pesch(at)amoco.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: 22 Jun 94 11:42:57+0200   (4kb)

INTERMITTENCY AND EXOTIC CHANNELS, A. Bialas and  R. Peschanski, 5 p., plain
tex, preprint T94/078(Saclay), LPTHE 94/58(Orsay).
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6003-6004
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406361
From: JIN(at)het.physik.uni-dortmund.de
Date: 22 Jun 94 12:55:00 CET   (6kb)

Semileptonic B-Meson Decays in the Parton Model, by C.H. Jin, W.F. Palmer, and
E.A. Paschos, 8 pages (7 figures available upon request), Latex file, talk
given at the XXIXth Rencontres de Moriond, ``Electroweak Interactions and
Unified Theories'', M\'eribel, France, March 12--19, 1994, DO-TH 94/12.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406362
From: Dam Thanh Son < >son(at)Amber.INR.Free.NET<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 17:02:11 +0400 (MSK MSD)   (7kb)

THE THRESHOLD, by V. A. Rubakov and D. T. Son, based on talk at International
Seminar Quarks-94, 11-18 May 1994, Vladimir, Russia, REVTEX 3.0, 13pp, 3
figures included (use bezier.sty).
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406362.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406363
From: Oleg Tarasov < >oleg(at)HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 16:48:38 MESZ   (9kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 15 Feb 1995 11:04:13 MEZ

Title: $O(\alpha \alpha_s^2)$ correction to the electroweak $\rho$ parameter
Authors: L. Avdeev, J. Fleischer, S. Mikhailov, O. Tarasov
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX. This is the corrected version with $\zeta(4)$
  coefficient fixed.
Report-no: BI-TP-93/60, Phys. Lett. B 336 (1994) 560
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406364
From: Paco del Aguila < >faguila(at)ugr.es<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 16:39:06 UTC+0200   (25kb)

Patterns of quark mass matrices in a class of Calabi-Yau models, F. del Aguila,
M. Masip and L. da Mota, 30 (including Tables and Figures), UG-FT-38/94
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B440 (1995) 3-23
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406365
From: csorgo(at)hercules.elte.hu (Tamas Csorgo)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 16:58:05 -0200   (17kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 27 Jun 1994 17:44:49 -0200 (GMT-2:00)

Quark-Gluon Plasma Freeze-Out from a Supercooled State? by T. Csorgo and L. P.
Csernai, 14 pages, ReVTeX, epsf, uses 1 uuencoded postscript file, Phys. Lett.
B in press (hep-ph preprint number correctly included)
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 494-499
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406366
From: Stephen S Kelley < >kelley(at)miu.edu<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 13:38:51 +1000   (10kb)

Using Gauge Coupling Unification and Proton Decay to Test Minimal
Supersymmetric SU(5), by John S. Hagelin, S. Kelley, and Veronique Ziegler, 10
pages (2 figures not included, available upon request), MIU-THP-94/68
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B342 (1995) 145-151
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406367
From: sasha(at)insti.physics.sunysb.edu (Alexander Kusenko)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 11:52:43 -0500 (EDT)   (7kb)

Some model-independent properties of quark mixing (talk presented at the YUKAWA
COUPLINGS AND THE ORIGINS OF MASS workshop, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, February, 1994), A. Kusenko, 9 pages, latex, ITP-SB-94-30
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406367.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406368
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 12:20:55 -0400 (EDT)   (20kb)

On the Spontaneous CP Breaking at Finite Temperature in a Nonminimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model, D. Comelli, M. Pietroni and A. Riotto, 28 pages,
4 figures available upon request, DFPD 94/TH/38 and SISSA 94/81-A preprints,
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 7703-7714
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406369
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 12:54:23 -0400 (EDT)   (23kb)

On Spontaneous Baryogenesis and Transport Phenomena, by D. Comelli, M.
Pietroni, and A. Riotto, 23 pages, 5 LaTeX figures, to be processed with
feynman.tex, DFPD 94/TH/39
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406370
From: fontanna(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (fontannaz)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 18:55:03 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 23 Jun 94 11:32:27 GMT

JETS IN PHOTON-PHOTON COLLISIONS, M. Fontannaz, 12 pages,missing figures are
sent on request, LPTHE-Orsay 94/44 ( This title and abstract replace the wrong
title and abstract of paper hep-ph/9406370 )
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406371
From: Patrick O'Donnell < >pat(at)medb.physics.utoronto.ca<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 14:40:36 -0400   (17kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 6 Feb 1995 11:24:17 -0500

Title: A Model for the Three Lepton Decay Mode of the Proton
Author: Biswajoy Brahmachari, Patrick J. O'Donnell and Utpal Sarkar
Comments: We have added a section discussing the question of numerical values
  of the different scales in the evolution of the coupling constants. The
  figure is included at the end of the paper.
Report-no: UTPT-94-13
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406372
From: Plamen Krastev < >krastev(at)physics.unc.edu<
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 14:59:40 -0400 (EDT)   (108kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 22 Jun 1994 20:57:53 -0400 (EDT)

Boron neutrino flux and the MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem,
P.I.Krastev and A.Yu.Smirnov, 16 pages + 3 figures (4 uuencoded postscript
files), DOE/ER/40561-137-INT94-13-02
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B338 (1994) 282-289
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406373
From: YAMAWAKI < >yamawaki(at)eken.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 14:57:24 +0900   (13kb)

Extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model vs QCD Sum Rules, Koichi Yamawaki and V.I.
Zakharov, LaTeX, 18 pages, UM-TH-94-19, DPNU-94-19
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406374
From: jfgucd(at)ucdhep.ucdavis.edu
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 23:27:35 PST   (41kb)

Tevatron and LEP-II Probes of Minimal and String-Motivated Supergravity Models,
by H. Baer, J.F. Gunion, C. Kao and H. Pois, 44 pages, requires phyzzx.tex,
tables.tex, full postscript file including embedded figures available via
anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu as [anonymous.gunion]bgkp.ps, preprint
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 2159-2179
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406375
From: Nobuhiro Maekawa < >maekawa(at)tuhep.phys.tohoku.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 20:15:49 JST   (7kb)

`Vector-like Strong Coupling theory with small S and T parameters'
Nobuhiro Maekawa.
Journal-ref: Prog. Theor. Phys. 93 (1995) 919-926
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406376
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 17:28:00 CDT   (7kb)

(Talk at Lake Louise Winter Institute, 1994) and PRAN NATH, Latex file, 7
figures avaliable upon request, CERN-TH. 7289/94, CTP-TAMU-30/94, and
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406376.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406377
From: Svjetlana.Fajfer(at)IJS.si
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 16:11:56 +0200   (10kb)

"ROLE OF SCALAR MESON RESONANCES IN $K_{L}^{0} \rightarrow \pi^{0} \gamma
\gamma DECAY", S.Fajfer; #18 pages of text, 2 figures (available upon request);
preprint IJS-TP-16-94 , TUM-T31-63-94#;
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 1101-1106
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406378
From: schild(at)HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 10:14:07 EDT   (12kb)

S. Dittmaier, C. Grosse-Knetter and D. Schildknecht, University of Bielefeld,
Department of Theoretical Physics, 10 pages latex, BI-TP 94/31
Journal-ref: Z. Phys. C67 (1995) 109-114
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406379
From: kibble(at)icva.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk 
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 15:35 BST   (11kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 21 Nov 1994 14:38:46 +0100

Title: Characteristics of Cosmic String Scaling Configurations
Authors: Daren Austin, E.J. Copeland and T.W.B. Kibble
Comments: 11 pp, Revtex, major revision of earlier preprint
Report-no: SUSX-TH-93/3/6, IMPERIAL/TP/93-94/45, hep-ph/9406379
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 2499-2503
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406380
From: langfeld(at)sunelc1.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de (Kurt Langfeld)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 17:01:09 +0200   (9kb)

pages (3 figures available on request), in press by Physics Letters B,
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B333 (1994) 396-402
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406380.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406381
From: mirkes(at)phenos.physics.wisc.edu (Erwin Mirkes)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 12:25:28 -0500   (260kb)

W and Z Polarization Effects in Hadronic Collisions, E. Mirkes and J.Ohnemus,
23 pages (LaTeX) plus 13 postscript figures, MAD/PH/834, UCD--94--23. Figures
are available from the authors or as a compressed tar file via anonymous ftp at
phenom.physics.wisc.edu in directory ~pup/preprints/madph-94-834-figs.tar.Z
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5692-5703
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406382
From: fontanna(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (fontannaz)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 20:13:56 GMT   (19kb)

Parton Distributions in the Photon, P.Aurenche-M.Fontannaz-J.Ph.Guillet, 26
pages, postscript files appended to the TEX file contain fig. 1,2,3, 5,6,7.
Missing figures are sent on request , ENSLAPP-A-435-93-a and LPTHE Orsay
Journal-ref: Z. Phys. C64 (1994) 621-630
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406383
From: "Igor Klebanov" < >klebanov(at)puhep1.Princeton.EDU<
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 15:36:20 -0400   (13kb)

On Hyperfine Splittings of Strange Baryons in the Skyrme Model,
Karl M. Westerberg and Igor R. Klebanov, 14 pages, PUPT-1476.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 5834-5840
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406383.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406385
From: rball(at)surya11.cern.ch (Richard Ball)
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 13:58:12 +0200   (34kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 20 Jul 94 21:25:47 +0200
Date (revised): Fri, 5 Aug 94 11:46:29 +0200

A Direct Test of Perturbative QCD at Small x, R. D. Ball and S. Forte, 6 pages,
3 figures in compressed postscript, TeX with harvmac, CERN-TH.7331/94, error in
specification of cuts corrected.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 77-79
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406386
From: SRIDHAR(at)crnvma.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 13:59:18 SET   (8kb)

"Fragmentation contribution to quarkonium production in hadron collision", D.P.
Roy and K. Sridhar, 9 pages + 4 figures (available upon request), Latex File,
CERN-TH.7329/94, TIFR/TH/94-21.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B339 (1994) 141-147
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406387
From: farrar(at)physics.rutgers.edu (Glennys R. Farrar)
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 08:33:08 EDT   (3kb)

 Note Added to ``Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe in the Standard
Model", G. R. Farrar and M. E. Shaposhnikov, 3 pages, RU-94-40
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406388
From: lam(at)hep.Physics.McGill.CA (C. S. (Harry) Lam)
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 09:40:00 -0400   (12kb)

STRING-ORGANIZED FIELD THEORY (Based on a talk given at the MRST meeting at
McGill University, May 11--13, 1994); by C.S. Lam; 9 pages in Plain Tex,
including four figures in postscript files.
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406388.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406389
From: pnath(at)axcrnc.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 18:49:25 +0200   (11kb)

MATTER, Pran Nath and R. Arnowitt, 10 pages LaTeX+ 2 Figs ( hard copies
available on request) CERN-TH.7214/94,NUB-TH.3093/94,CTP-TAMU-32/94.
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 395-401
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406390
From: Francesca Borzumati < >francesc(at)x4u2.desy.de<
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 17:34:41 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 29 Aug 1994 22:16:25 GMT
Date (revised): Mon, 29 Aug 1994 22:22:15 GMT

DECAYS, by Francesca M. Borzumati, Manuel Drees and Mihoko M. Nojiri, 12 pp + 5
uuencoded PS figures.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 341-347
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406391
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 15:01:16 -0400 (EDT)   (20kb)

CP Violation in  $B^\pm\to \gamma\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^-$,
D. Atwood and A. Soni, 8, SLAC-PUB-6524
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 220-223
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406392
From: manohar(at)sphal.UCSD.EDU (Aneesh V. Manohar)
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 12:39:01 -0700   (48kb)

Manohar and Mark B. Wise, (12 pages, 2 figures, uses harvmac and uufiles),
UCSD/PTH 94-11
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B344 (1995) 407-412
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406393
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 15:43:07 -0700 (PDT)   (7kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 12 Jul 1994 16:45:44 -0700 (PDT)

 EXCLUSIVE AND SEMI-INCLUSIVE B DECAYS BASED ON \hspace{0.3cm} b $\rightarrow$
s \hspace{0.01cm}$\eta_c$ \hspace{0.3cm} TRANSITION, N. G. DESHPANDE and JOSIP
TRAMPETIC,12 pages LATEX, (used new data on B decays, give determination of
$f_{\eta_c}$ and more models)
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B339 (1994) 270-274
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406394
From: jain(at)phyast.nhn.uoknor.edu (Pankaj Jain)
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 94 11:27:05 CDT   (20kb)

Evidence for Gluon Energy Loss as the Mechanism for Heavy Quarkonium
Suppression in $pA$ Collisions, Pankaj Jain and John P. Ralston, 26 pages, 15
figures (not included, hard copy available upon request), report # KANSAS
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406394.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406395
From: Zhora Jikia < >jikia(at)mx.ihep.su<
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 01:27:01 GMT+03:00   (114kb)

SIGNAL (Talk given at the Workshop on gamma--gamma colliders, March 28-31,
1994, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory), by George Jikia. LaTeX, 9 pages, 6 figures
(compressed + uuencoded)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406395.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406396
From: Lawrence M. Krauss < >krauss(at)genesis1.PHYS.CWRU.Edu<
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 94 16:04:27 -0400   (63kb)

NEUTRINO MODELS AND DATA, Evalyn Gates, Lawrence M. Krauss, Martin White, 29
pages (incl figs), latex, 6 figures (appended as separate uuencoded file. To
embed figures in text, uncomment 6 \epsfysize lines which appear before
bibliography), CWRU-P5-94, CfPA-94-TTH-29, Fermilab-Pub-94/176-A
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51(1995)2631
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406397
From: Hitoshi Murayama (LBL) < >MURAYAMA(at)theor3.lbl.gov<
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 16:46:17 -0700 (PDT)   (84kb)

"Upper bound on Hot Dark Matter Density from $SO(10)$ Yukawa Unification", by
Andrea Brignole, Hitoshi Murayama (LBL) and Riccardo Rattazzi (Rutgers U.),
LBL-35774, RU-94-51, 18 pages, plain LaTeX, two PostScript figures appended in
uuencoded format
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 345-354
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406398
From: sasha(at)tauon.ph.unimelb.edu.au (Alexander Ignatiev)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 13:09:50 +1000   (6kb)

STATISTICS, by A.Yu.Ignatiev, G.C.Joshi and M.Matsuda, 9 pages, in REVTEX,
RCHEP-94/17, UM-P-94/63
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406398.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406399
From: YAMAWAKI < >yamawaki(at)eken.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 14:40:09 +0900   (7kb)

Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model vs QCD, Koichi Yamawaki and V.I. Zakharov, LaTeX, 9
pages, UM-TH-94-20, DPNU-94-23
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406399.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406400
From: Stefan Dittmaier < >didi(at)physik.uni-wuerzburg.de<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 10:17:03 MESZ   (39kb)

Green functions from a gauge-invariant effective action for the electroweak
Standard Model, by A.Denner, S.Dittmaier, G.Weiglein, to appear in Nucl. Phys.
B Proc. Suppl., proceedings to the 1994 Zeuthen workshop on elementary particle
theory, "physics at LEP200 and beyond", 6 pages uuencoded postscript, BI-TP
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 37B (1994) 87-92
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406401
From: Steve King < >sfk(at)hep.phys.soton.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 11:52:41 +0100 (BST)   (46kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Mar 1995 11:00:24 +0000 (GMT)

Title: Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
Authors: Stephen F King
Comments: This revised version contains some minor changes and is somewhat
  shorter than the original.
Journal-ref: Rept. Prog. Phys. 58 (1995) 263-310
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406402
From: yoshida(at)gauge.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 20:56:14 +0900   (45kb)

 QCD S Parameter from Inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter Equation, by Masayasu Harada
and Yuhsuke Yoshida, 22 pages (LaTeX), 6 PostScript figures are included as
uuencoded-compressed-tar file at the end (need 'epsf.tex' macro package),
KUNS-1270 HE(TH)94/09
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6902-6910
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406403
From: pnath(at)axcrnc.cern.ch
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 13:02:44 +0200   (16kb)

 SUSY PARTICLES, Pran Nath [ invited talk at the Les Recontres de Physique de
la Vallee d'Aoste,at La Thuile Italy,6-12 March 1994] and R. Arnowitt, 16
pages+ 6 figs( hard copies available on request).CERN-TH.7227/94,
NUB-TH.3089/94,and CTP-TAMU-28/94.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406404
From: Georg Weiglein < >schorsch(at)physik.uni-wuerzburg.de<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 21:13:12 MESZ   (94kb)

Calculation of two-loop self-energies in the electroweak Standard Model, S.
Bauberger, F.A. Berends, M. B\"ohm, M. Buza and G. Weiglein, LaTeX, 21 pages,
postscript files of four figures added as uuencoded tar-compressed file, to
appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proceedings Supplements), INLO-PUB-17/93
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406404.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406405
From: jfgucd(at)ucdhep.ucdavis.edu
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 14:33:31 PST   (27kb)

Searching for the Higgs Boson(s), by J.F. Gunion, 16 pages, latex file,
requires nuclphys.sty, which is included at top of file, and psfig.tex, figures
are not included, but the full postscript file including embedded figures is
available via anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu as
[anonymous.gunion]zeuthen_preprint.ps, preprint UCD-94-24.
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406405.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406406
From: Michael P. Mattis < >mattis(at)skyrmion.lanl.gov<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 15:24:39 -0600   (57kb)

Solvability, Consistency and the Renormalization Group in Large-$N_c$ Models of
Hadrons (by N. Dorey, J. Hughes, M. Mattis) (LaTeX file with accompanying
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 1211-1214
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406407
From: Davison Soper < >soper(at)gluon.uoregon.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 18:07:50 -0700   (37kb)

Davison E. Soper and Levan R. Surguladze, 10 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with 4
postscript figures compressed with uufiles, University of Oregon preprint OITS
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 2958-2961
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406408
From: HEGYI(at)rmk530.rmki.kfki.hu
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:31 GMT+1   (18kb)

by S. Hegyi, 8 pages, Plain TeX, 1 figure using uufiles
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 226-230
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406409
From: Antonio Lopez Maroto < >maroto(at)fis.ucm.es<
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 10:10:36 UTC+0100   (11kb)

Inflatonless inflation, A. Dobado and A. Lopez, 24 pages, FT/UCM/13/94
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 1895-1901
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406409.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406410
From: dimitri(at)a3.ph.man.ac.uk
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 13:36:53 +0100   (58kb)

Towards a unified theory of mesons and baryons, Dimitri Kalafatis,
97 pages, (figures available upon request), in french, MC/TH 94/15, TeX.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406410.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406411
From: bf08(at)ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 94 16:09   (21kb)

TOP QUARK PHYSICS, by M. Je\.zabek, 16 pages (12 figures not included),
Karlsruhe Univ. preprint TTP94-09. (Talk presented at DESY-Zeuthen Workshop on
Elementary Particle Theory: "Physics at LEP200 and Beyond", Teupitz, Germany,
April 1994; to appear in the proceedings, Nucl.Phys.B (Suppl.) ). Latex +
espcrc2.sty. A complete postscript file, including figures, is available via
anonymous ftp at ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de ( as
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406411.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406412
From: LONDON(at)LPS.UMontreal.CA
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 10:35:11 -0400 (EDT)   (69kb)

postscript file (hardcopy available on request), 14 pages, UdeM-LPN-TH-94-199
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406413
From: berger(at)phenov.physics.wisc.edu
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 94 13:06:46 -0500   (41kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 29 Jun 94 11:49:36 -0500

Strong WW Scattering at Photon Linear Colliders, by M. S. Berger and M. S.
Chanowitz, 13 pages including 6 figures (uuencoded), some rewording to the
text, LBL-35746, MAD/PH/837
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406413.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406414
From: DREES%WISCPHEN.BitNet(at)wigate.nic.wisc.edu
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 94 16:33 CDT   (9kb)

Minijets in gamma p and gamma gamma collisions, Manuel Drees, 8 pages plus 5
figs (not included, available on request), LaTeX with equation.sty; talk
presented at the meeting on Two-Photon Physics at LEP and HERA, Lund, May 1994;
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406414.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406415
From: mohanty(at)iopb.ernet.in
Date: Tue Jun 28 16:43:53 1994   (9kb)

Solution of the Strong CP problem in the low energy effective Standard Model,
Subhendra Mohanty, IP/BBSR/93-79, ReVTeX, 11pages
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406416
From: G_WU(at)yalph2.physics.yale.edu
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 22:11:35 -0400 (EDT)   (30kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 09 Jul 1994 18:36:58 -0400 (EDT)

The Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian and CP-Violating Effects in Technicolor
Theories, Thomas Appelquist and Guo-Hong Wu, 34 pages, YCTP-P9-94, LaTex.
(minor changes in wording and notation, the figures are appended at the end as
one postscript file)
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 240-250
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406417
From: Takeo Moroi < >moroi(at)tuhep.phys.tohoku.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 12:12:56 JST   (10kb)

Suppression of Proton Decay in the Missing-Partner Model for Supersymmetric
SU(5) GUT, by J. Hisano, T. Moroi, K. Tobe, and T. Yanagida
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B342 (1995) 138-144
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406418
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 23:16:52 -0400 (EDT)   (91kb)

MEASUREMENT OF STRONG AND WEAK PHASES (Based on two talks presented at the
Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto Conference, McGill University, May 1994,
and to appear in the proceedings published by World Scientific.), by OSCAR F.
HERNANDEZ and DAVID LONDON, 15 pages and 8 figures in one simple Postscript
file, UdeM-LPN-TH-198
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406419
From: deboer(at)ekpux9.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:18:47 +0100   (6kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:26:53 +0100
Date (revised): Wed, 29 Jun 94 11:53:17 +0100

Bounds on the Ratio of Higgs Vacuum Expectation Values in the Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model from the Top and Bottom Quark Masses. V.A.
Bednyakov, W. de Boer, S.G. Kovalenko 6 pages,IEKP-KA/94-08, latex
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406419.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406420
From: weigel(at)ptsun1.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de (Herbert Weigel)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 15:11:49 +0200   (57kb)

Topologically non--trivial chiral transformations: The chiral invariant
elimination of the axial vector meson, by R. Alkofer, H. Reinhardt, J. Schlienz
and H. Weigel, 28 pages LaTeX, 4 figures appended as postscript files,
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406420.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406420 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406421
From: Christoph Greub < >greub(at)physik.unizh.ch<
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 15:45:42 MET DST   (32kb)

 Branching ratio and direct CP-violating rate asymmetry of the rare decays $B
\to K^\ast \gamma$ and $B \to \rho \gamma$ by C. Greub, H. Simma and D. Wyler,
17 pages and 4 Figures, DESY 94-089 and ZU-TH 14/94.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406421.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406422
From: brahm(at)fermi.phys.cmu.edu (David Brahm)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 15:02:10 -0400   (38kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 19 Jan 95 15:54:41 -0500
Date (revised): Tue, 14 Nov 95 01:51:42 -0500

Title: Thermal Activation Rates in the Chirally Asymmetric Gross-Neveu Model
Authors: D. Boyanovsky, David E. Brahm, R. Holman, Da-Shin Lee
Comments: 20 pages, LaTeX, 9 figures using epsf.tex. Now auto-generates PS
Report-no: CMU-HEP94-20
Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B441 (1995) 609-628
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406422.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406423
From: Hitoshi Murayama (LBL) < >MURAYAMA(at)theor3.lbl.gov<
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 22:04:59 -0700 (PDT)   (13kb)

"Family Symmetries and Proton Decay", by Hitoshi Murayama (LBL) and D.B. Kaplan
(INT, U. Washington), NSF-ITP-94-69, LBL-35807, DOE/ER/40561-148-INT94-00-61,
13 pages, written with harvmac
Journal-ref: Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 221-228
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406423.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406424
From: GAUTAM(at)crnvma.cern.ch
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 09:21:28 SET   (33kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 30 Jun 94 17:53:05 SET

"Radiative B-decay as a test of CKM unitarity", Gautam Bhattacharyya, Gustavo
C. Branco and Debajyoti Choudhury, 11 pages (Latex) + 4 postscript figures
(compressed, tared, uuencoded) included at the end of the paper - [please check
before printing that the uncompressed fig2.ps and fig3.ps files do not contain
blank lines in the beginning], CERN-TH.7294/94, MPI-PhT/94-32.
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406424.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406424 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406425
From: bijnens(at)nordita.dk (Johan (Hans) Bijnens)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 17:24:47 +0200   (23kb)

Introduction to Extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Models,
Johan Bijnens, 10 pages, 3 figures, NORDITA - 94/27 N,P
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406425.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9406426
From: YVONNE(at)urhep.pas.rochester.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:26:23 -0500 (EST)   (7kb)

12 pages, UR-1361, ER40685-811
Journal-ref: Mod. Phys. Lett. A9 (1994) 3383-3392
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406427
From: My Account < >me(at)cryptons.tamu.edu<
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 10:54:01 -0500   (15kb)

"New constraints on supergravity models from $b\to s\gamma$", J. Lopez, D.
Nanopoulos, X. Wang, and A. Zichichi, 26 pages, 11 figures (not included),
Latex. Figures are available via anonymous ftp from hplaa02.cern.ch /pub/lopez
as uuencoded file BsgFigs.uu. Complete ps file is also available (BsgPaper.ps).
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 147-157
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406427.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406427 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406428
From: Zhora Jikia < >jikia(at)mx.ihep.su<
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 22:01:50 GMT+03:00   (53kb)

the Workshop on gamma--gamma colliders, March 28-31, 1994, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory), by George Jikia and Avto Tkabladze. LaTeX, 5 pages, 3 figures
(compressed + uuencoded PS file)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406428.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406428 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406429
From: Jens Erler (215) 898-5942 < >erler(at)langacker.hep.upenn.edu<
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 16:03:01 -0500   (14kb)

The SLD Asymmetry in View of the LEP Results, Jens Erler, 6 pages, UPR-0619T
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 Paper: hep-ph/9406430
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 16:42:08 -0400 (EDT)   (54kb)

Higgs particles at future hadron and electron-positron colliders, by A.
Djouadi, 64 pages / 29 figures (available by mail from the author), Preprint
UdeM-GPP-TH-94-01 (invited review paper for Int.J.Mod.Phys.A), Latex style.
Journal-ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A10 (1995) 1-64
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406430.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406430 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406431
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 16:42:33 -0400 (EDT)   (27kb)

QCD corrections to Higgs boson self--energies and fermionic decay widths, by A.
Djouadi and P. Gambino, 22 pages, 3 figures (ps files are included at the end),
Latex style, Preprint UdeM-GPP-TH-94-02 and NYU--TH--94/06/01.
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D51 (1995) 218-228
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406431.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406431 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406432
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 16:43:23 -0400 (EDT)   (15kb)

Leading electroweak correction to Higgs boson production at proton colliders,
by A. Djouadi and P. Gambino, 8 pages (in latex style) with 2 figures (the ps
files are included at the end of the text), Preprint UdeM-GPP-TH-94-03 and
Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 2528-2531
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406432 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406433
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 16:44:05 -0400 (EDT)   (12kb)

THE SEARCH FOR HIGGS BOSONS: A SUMMARY, by A. Djouadi, 8 pages (no figure),
Preprint UdeM--GPP--TH--04 (talk given at the Meeting ``What next? Exploring
the Future of High--Energy Physics", 11--13 May 1994, Montr\'eal, Canada).
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406433.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406433 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406434
From: Rey Soo Jong < >sjrey(at)phyb.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 8:02:22 KST   (39kb)

 Nonperturbative QCD Effects in Inclusive B Decays (14 pages LATEX,
ip-author.sty appended) SNUTP-94-53 Soo-Jong REY, Seoul National University,
Seoul 151-742 KOREA
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406434.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406434 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406435
From: "J.R. CUDELL, MC GILL UNIVERSITY" < >"MUHEP::CUDELL"(at)hep.Physics.McGill.CA<
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 21:41:20 -0400 (EDT)   (10kb)

THE DONNACHIE-LANDSHOFF POMERON VS. QCD, J.R. Cudell, 11 pages, Preprint McGill
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9406435.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406435 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).
 Paper: hep-ph/9406436
From: kim(at)cskim.yonsei.ac.kr (C. S. Kim)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 14:20:20 KDT   (8kb)

Title: Fermi motion parameter $p_F$ of $B$ meson from relativistic quark model
Authors: Daesung Hwang, C.S. Kim and Wuk Namgung
# pages: 11 pages (no figures)
Report #: SNUTP 94-58, YUMS 94-18 (June 1994)
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9406436.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of hep-ph/9406436 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 06. July 1996.