E-Preprints hep-ph/9807 at DESY

 Paper: hep-ph/9807201
From: Matthew Tully < >mbt(at)physics.unimelb.edu.au<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 05:11:33 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 01:58:36 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Fermion Masses and Mixing in 331 Models with Horizontal Symmetry
Authors: M. B. Tully and G. C. Joshi (University of Melbourne)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, no figures. Typos corrected
Report-no: UM-P-97/21
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 2065-2076
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807201 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807202
From: Tom Sizer < >tsizer(at)physics.adelaide.edu.au<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 06:00:09 GMT   (69kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 8 Jul 1998 01:23:01 GMT   (69kb)

Title: Dimensionally Regularized Study of Nonperturbative Quenched QED
Authors: Andreas W. Schreiber, Tom Sizer and Anthony G. Williams
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages including 4 .eps files comprising 2 figures; uses
   sprocl.sty. To appear in the proceedings of the Workshop on Methods in
   Nonperturbative Field Theory, Adelaide, Australia, February 1998
Report-no: ADP-98-033/T306
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807202 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807203
From: Hang Bae Kim < >hbkim(at)muon.kaist.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 07:39:35 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Very Light Axion
Authors: Jihn E. Kim
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk presented at The 5th IFT Workshop on Axions, Gainesville,
   Florida, March 11-13, 1998
Report-no: SNUTP 98-069, KIAS-P98011
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 72 (1999) 14-22
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807204
From: Massimo < >Massimo.Testa(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 08:21:29 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Exploring the Light-Cone through Semi-Inclusive Hadronic Distributions
Authors: M. Testa
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, plain Latex
Journal-ref: JHEP 9809 (1998) 006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807205
From: < >jillana(at)particle.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 08:35:18 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:23:40 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Dipole Moments in Supersymmetry
Authors: J.I. Illana (Institut f\"ur Theoretische Physik, Karlsruhe)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures. LaTeX using appb.sty (included) and epsf.sty.
   Contribution to the Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics "Loops
   and Legs in Gauge Theories", Rheinsberg, April 19-24, 1998. Typo in Eq. (5b)
   corrected. The complete ps-file is also available via WWW at
   this url 
Report-no: KA-TP-9-1998
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2753-2761
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807205 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807206
From: Ying Shuqian < >sqying(at)fudan.edu.cn<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 08:55:36 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and nucleon structure
Authors: S. Ying
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figures, RevTeX file, published in 1996, Comments on
   recent progresses added in the appendix
Journal-ref: J.Phys. G22 (1996) 293-303
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807207
From: C. G. Papadopoulos < >papadopo(at)alice.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 09:42:17 GMT   (26kb)

Title: On the computation of multigluon amplitudes
Authors: P.Draggiotis, R.Kleiss and C.G.Papadopoulos
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 157-164
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807208
From: Beata Ziaja < >beataz(at)solaris.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 12:09:54 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Improved Intermittency Analysis of Individual Events
Authors: R. A. Janik, B. Ziaja
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, latex, 2 figures in separate file Talk given on the
   International Workshop on Multiparticle Production "Correlations and
   Fluctuations' 98", Matrahaza 1998. To be published in the Proceedings of the
   Workshop, World Scientific 1998
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807208 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807209
From: Takashi Nasuno < >nasuno(at)qcd.phys.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 13:42:48 GMT   (68kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 8 Oct 1998 03:18:30 GMT   (83kb)

Title: QCD Corrections to Spin Correlations in Top Quark Production at Lepton
Authors: Jiro Kodaira (Hiroshima Univ.), Takashi Nasuno (Hiroshima Univ.),
   Stephen Parke (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 32 pages, REVTeX, 13 Postscript figures, psfig.sty and here.sty are
   required. Several references added, Tables 3, 4 and 5 are changed
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014023
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807210
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >Boris.Kopeliovich(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 14:41:06 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 2 Jul 1998 10:08:25 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations in Nuclei Revisited
Authors: Joerg Huefner (U. Heidelberg), Boris Kopeliovich (MPI-K, Heidelberg
   and JINR, Dubna)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: To be published in proc. of the Workshop on Future Directions in
   Quark Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, March 9 - 20, 1998
Report-no: MPIH-V29-1998
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 2385-2392
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807211
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >Boris.Kopeliovich(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 14:52:33 GMT   (33kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:55:14 GMT   (33kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:10:04 GMT   (33kb)

Title: Challenges of Nuclear Shadowing in DIS
Authors: B.Z. Kopeliovich (MPI-K, Heidelberg and JINR, Dubna), J. Raufeisen
   (U. Heidelberg), A.V. Tarasov (U. Heidelberg and JINR, Dubna)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: Few changes in citation
Report-no: MPIH-V30-1998
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 151-156
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807212
From: Sharon Jensen < >sharon(at)slac.stanford.edu<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 16:30:37 GMT   (30kb)

Title: QCD Phenomena and the Light-Cone Wavefunction of Hadrons
Authors: Stanley J. Brodsky
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTex, 14 pages
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-7870
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807213
From: Jorge Eduardo Cieza Montalvo < >cieza(at)uerj.br<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 16:50:21 GMT   (114kb)

Title: Pair Production of Heavy-Exotic-Fermions
Authors: Jorge Eduardo Cieza Montalvo
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, 10 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 095007
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807214
From: Myriam Mondragon < >myriam(at)ft.ifisicacu.unam.mx<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:37:08 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 4 Feb 1999 19:10:52 GMT   (26kb)

Title: The breaking of the flavour permutational symmetry: Mass textures and
   the CKM matrix
Authors: A. Mondragon and E. Rodriguez-Jauregui (IF, Nat. Autonomous Univ. of
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages, 1 fig. Content enlarged, references added and typos
   corrected. To be published in Phys Rev D
Report-no: IFUNAM-FT98-12
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807215
From: Momchil Velkovsky < >velkovsk(at)muon.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 20:49:30 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 3 Jul 1998 18:14:49 GMT   (39kb)

Title: Mean Field, Instantons and Finite Baryon Density
Authors: Momchil Velkovsky
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages LaTeX, 3 eps-figures included, to appear in the Proc. of the
   'QCD at Finite Baryon Density'-Workshop (Bielefeld, 27.-30.04.98)
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 58-64
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807215 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807216
From: John N. Bahcall < >jnb(at)ias.edu<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 18:00:50 GMT   (343kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 4 Aug 1998 01:00:12 GMT   (352kb)

Title: Where do we stand with solar neutrino oscillations?
Authors: J. N. Bahcall, P. I. Krastev, and A. Yu. Smirnov
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-ex nucl-ex
Comments: LaTeX file. Added Figure comparing with SuperK spectrum. Predictions
   for LENS experiment. Viewgraphs and related information at
   this url 
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 096016
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807217
From: Basim Kamal < >kamal(at)quark.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 01:07:36 GMT   (57kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 5 Nov 1998 23:29:28 GMT   (56kb)

Title: Transversity and Mass Singularities in Dimensional Regularization
Authors: Basim Kamal (Brookhaven)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages with figures included, Latex, includes style files;
   shortened somewhat
Report-no: BNL-HET-98/24
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807218
From: Passeram < >passeram(at)scivis.acf.nyu.edu<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 05:45:25 GMT   (440kb)

Title: Radiative Corrections to W and Quark Propagators in the Resonance Region
Authors: M. Passera and A. Sirlin (New York University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX. Uses epsfig. Talk given at Zeuthen
   Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Gauge Theories,
   Rheinsberg, Germany, 19-24 Apr 1998
Report-no: NYU-TH/98-06-01
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2901-2915
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807219
From: Gregory W. Carter < >carter(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 07:27:39 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Towards a Theory of Instantons at Non-zero Fermion Density
Authors: Gregory W. Carter and Dmitri Diakonov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages LaTeX, 3 figures incl.; to appear in Proceedings of the
   Intl Workshop on QCD at Finite Baryon Density, Bielefeld, Germany, April 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 78-89
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807220
From: < >xujs(at)ibm320h.phy.pku.edu.cn<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 13:45:03 GMT   (55kb)

Title: Associated jpsi + gamma diffractive production: the nature of Pomeron
   and test of hard diffractive factorization
Authors: Jia-Sheng Xu (Peking University), Hong-An Peng (CCAST and Peking
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX, 5 PS figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014028
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807221
From: Jos Vermaseren < >t68(at)nikhef.nl<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:41:32 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Some problems in loop calculations
Authors: J. A. M. Vermaseren
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX, uses appb.sty and axodraw.sty, talk given at 'Loops
   and Legs in gauge theories', Rheinsberg 1998
Report-no: NIKHEF-98-021
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2599-2609
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807222
From: Georg Weiglein < >georg(at)particle.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:59:57 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Results for Precision Observables in the Electroweak Standard Model at
   Two-Loop Order and Beyond
Authors: G. Weiglein
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures, presented at the Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary
   Particle Physics, "Loops and Legs in Gauge Theories", Rheinsberg, April
   19-24, 1998, to appear in Acta Phys Pol
Report-no: KA-TP-11-1998
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2735-2741
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807223
From: Melikhov < >melikhov(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 14:16:17 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Form factors of exclusive $b\to u$ transitions
Authors: M. Beyer and D. Melikhov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: revtex, 6 pages, 1 figure
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B436 (1998) 344-350
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807224
From: Carlo Ewerz < >carlo(at)mail.desy.de<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 16:02:29 GMT   (97kb)

Title: QCD at large and short distances (annotated version)
Authors: Vladimir Gribov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 38 pages, Latex, 108 figures included using epsfig.sty. Annotated
   version of hep-ph/9708424, misprints eliminated, equations checked and some
   corrected, comments added (see abstract for further details)
Report-no: Bonn TK 97-08
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C10 (1999) 71-90
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807225
From: Alaa Abd El-Hady < >alaa(at)iastate.edu<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 18:04:20 GMT   (7kb)

Title: $B_c$ mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter model
Authors: A. Abd El-Hady,M.A.K. Lodhi, and J.P. Vary
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages
Report-no: ISU-NP-98-04, IITAP-98-002
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 094001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807226
From: Mike Seymour < >seymour(at)v2.rl.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 18:04:50 GMT   (107kb)

Title: Jets in hadron collisions in QCD
Authors: Michael H. Seymour (RAL)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 6 figures, uses moriond.sty (included). Presented at the
   XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, "QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions",
   Moriond, Les Arcs, March 21-28 1998
Report-no: RAL-TR-1998-047
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807227
From: Adrian Ghinculov < >adrian(at)kramers.physics.lsa.umich.edu<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 18:41:31 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Perturbative and nonperturbative Higgs signals
Authors: A. Ghinculov (Michigan U. & CERN) and T. Binoth (LAPP)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Invited talk presented by A. Ghinculov at the Theory of LHC
   Processes meeting, 9--13 February 1998, CERN, Geneva
Report-no: CERN-TH 98-210
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B30 (1999) 99-105
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807228
From: John K. Elwood < >jelwood(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 20:02:16 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 12 Nov 1998 22:07:31 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Family Symmetry and Neutrino Mixing
Authors: John K. Elwood, Nikolaos Irges, and Pierre Ramond
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, no figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Letters
Report-no: UFIFT-HEP-98-14
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 5064-5067
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807229
From: Christian Weiss < >weiss(at)tp2.ruhr-uni-bochum.de<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 20:23:07 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Pion and photon light-cone wave functions from the instanton vacuum
Authors: V.Yu. Petrov, M.V. Polyakov, R. Ruskov, C. Weiss, and K. Goeke
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures included using epsf
Report-no: RUB-TPII-8/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 114018
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807230
From: Michael Klasen < >klasen(at)sgi1.hep.anl.gov<
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 21:18:48 GMT   (58kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 12 Feb 1999 17:10:50 GMT   (58kb)

Title: Scale Dependence of Squark and Gluino Production Cross Sections
Authors: Edmond L. Berger (Argonne), Michael Klasen (Argonne), Tim Tait
   (Argonne & Michigan State U.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 30 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, version to appear in Phys.Rev.D
Report-no: ANL-HEP-PR-98-48
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 074024
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807230 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807231
From: Sechul Oh < >ohs(at)colorado.edu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 00:42:16 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 4 Jul 1998 00:28:26 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 14 Sep 1998 21:45:20 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Alpha_s and Gauge Coupling Unification in Flipped SU(5) Models with
   Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking
Authors: K.T. Mahanthappa and Sechul Oh (University of Colorado)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages including 3 figures, LaTeX; a few comments added; to appear
   in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: COLO-HEP-409
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 178-184
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807231 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807232
From: < >iwazaki(at)tanashi.kek.jp<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 08:13:10 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Axionic Boson Stars in Magnetized Conducting Media and Monochromatic
Authors: Aiichi Iwazaki
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 13 Pages, Revtex
Report-no: Nisho-98/2
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807233
From: P. Peter < >peter(at)prunelle.obspm.fr<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 08:33:48 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Global vs local cosmic strings from pseudo-anomalous U(1)
Authors: P. Binetruy, C. Deffayet, and P. Peter
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, uses RevTeX, no figure
Report-no: LPTHE-ORSAY/9840
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 52-59
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807234
From: Bodenmueller < >bm(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 09:44:52 GMT   (13kb)

Title: The Mixing of Quarks and Leptons and Neutrino Degeneracy
Authors: Harald Fritzsch, Zhi-Zhong Xing
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 latex pages
Report-no: LMU 07/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807235
From: Alessandro Strumia < >strumino(at)mailbox.difi.unipi.it<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 11:40:21 GMT   (132kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:13:18 GMT   (139kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 20 Nov 1998 11:56:24 GMT   (145kb)

Title: Oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos
Authors: R. Barbieri, L.J. Hall, D. Smith, A. Strumia and N. Weiner
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages, 7 figures. Final version: one reference added; fit of
   atmospheric neutrinos improved
Report-no: LBNL-42020 and UCB-PTH-98/44 and SNS-PH/98-15 and IFUP-TH/98-25
Journal-ref: JHEP 9812 (1998) 017
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807236
From: Rohini Godbole < >rohini(at)theory.tifr.res.in<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 13:22:11 GMT   (45kb)

Title: Eikonalised minijet model analysis of sigma_(gamma gamma)^(inel)
Authors: A. Corsetti, R.M. Godbole and G. Pancheri
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, requires equation.sty, epsfig.sty,to
   appear in PLB
Report-no: LNF-98/022(P)
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B435 (1998) 441-448
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807237
From: Vanya Shushpanov < >shushpan(at)heron.itep.ru<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:00:57 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Chiral Pertubation Theory with lattice regularization
Authors: I. A. Shushpanov, A. V. Smilga
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 3 Postscript figures
Report-no: ITEP-PH-3/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 054013
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807238
From: F. . Krauss < >krauss(at)ptprs1.phy.tu-dresden.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:17:16 GMT   (238kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:25:09 GMT   (288kb)
Date (revised v3): Sun, 23 Aug 1998 11:28:35 GMT   (488kb)
Date (revised v4): Wed, 31 Mar 1999 13:33:09 GMT   (449kb)

Title: Next-to-Leading Order QCD corrections to $B\bar B$-mixing and
   $\epsilon_K$ within the MSSM
Authors: F. Krauss, G. Soff
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 38 pages, references added, typos corrected, extended discussion of
   gluino-mediated corrections
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B633 (2002) 237-249
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807239
From: Douglas A. Singleton < >das3y(at)erwin.phys.virginia.edu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:14:22 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 2 Oct 2000 17:51:20 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Orbital and field angular momentum in the nucleon
Authors: D. Singleton and V. Dzhunushaliev
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages latex. Revised title and major revision of text.
   Corresponds to published version
Journal-ref: Found.Phys. 30 (2000) 1093-1105
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807240
From: Sachiko Takeuchi < >sachiko.hlth(at)med.tmd.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:16:48 GMT   (52kb)

Title: Spin-Orbit Force of Instanton-Induced Interaction in Strange and
   Charmed Systems
Authors: Sachiko Takeuchi
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 22 pages & 2 figures
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 543-561
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807241
From: Bernd Kniehl < >kniehl(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:53:52 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Effective QCD Interactions of CP-odd Higgs Bosons at Three Loops
Authors: K.G. Chetyrkin, B.A. Kniehl, M. Steinhauser, W.A. Bardeen
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages (Latex), 2 figures (Postscript)
Report-no: TTP98-21, NYU-TH/98/04/02, MPI/PhT/98-032, FERMILAB-PUB-98/126-T
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B535 (1998) 3-18
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807242
From: Leonard Lesniak < >lesniak(at)solaris.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 17:43:36 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Photoproduction of Pion and Kaon Pairs
Authors: L. Lesniak (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 3345
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807243
From: Edward Shuryak < >shuryak(at)dau.physics.sunysb.edu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:38:52 GMT   (22kb)

Title: QCD phases at high density and instantons
Authors: E.V.Shuryak
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: invited talk at "QCD at finite baryon density", Bielefeld, 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 14-25
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807244
From: Joan Sola < >sola(at)ifae.es<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 17:41:12 GMT   (159kb)

Title: Quantum SUSY signatures in low and high energy processes
Authors: Joan Sola
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, 7 figs included with epsfig. Talk at the 5th
   International Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-5). To
   appear in the Proceedings
Report-no: UAB-FT-444
Journal-ref: Pramana 51 (1998) 239-248
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807245
From: John R. Hiller < >jhiller(at)d.umn.edu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 18:28:18 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Pauli-Villars Regularization in a Discrete Light-Cone Model
Authors: J. R. Hiller (University of Minnesota Duluth)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, 2 figures; LaTeX, sprocl.sty, psfig.sty; to appear in the
   proceedings of the third workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD, Minneapolis,
   Minnesota, April 16-19, 1998
Report-no: UMN-D-98-3
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807246
From: Konstantin < >matchev(at)fnth21.fnal.gov<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 21:05:21 GMT   (27kb)

Title: A Chiral Supersymmetric Standard Model
Authors: Hsin-Chia Cheng, Bogdan A. Dobrescu and Konstantin T. Matchev
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX
Report-no: FERMILAB-PUB-98/205-T
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 301-308
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807247
From: Levai Peter < >plevai(at)sunserv.kfki.hu<
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 22:10:03 GMT   (64kb)

Title: Jet Quenching and Cronin Enhancement in A+A at s^1/2=20 vs 200 AGeV
Authors: Miklos Gyulassy (Columbia Univ.) and Peter Levai (Columbia Univ. and
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, Latex and 3 EPS figures are included, submitted to Phys.
   Lett. B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 1-6
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807248
From: Luis M. Bettencourt < >lmbett(at)t6-serv.lanl.gov<
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 01:15:23 GMT   (104kb)

Title: The length distribution of vortex strings in U(1) equilibrium scalar
   field theory
Authors: N.D. Antunes (U. of Sussex) and L.M.A. Bettencourt (Los Alamos)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex
Report-no: SUSX-TH-98-015
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 3083-3086
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807249
From: Kotikov A. V. < >kotikov(at)sunse.jinr.ru<
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 14:54:26 GMT   (57kb)

Title: Small x behaviour of parton distributions with soft initial conditions
Authors: A. V. Kotikov and G. Parente
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages, latex + 3 ps figures
Report-no: US-FT/13-98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 242-262
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807250
From: Masaaki Kuroda < >mkuroda(at)minami.kek.jp<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 04:51:51 GMT   (63kb)

Title: A Simple Born-Form Approximation for e^+ e^- to W^+W^- at One Loop
Authors: M. Kuroda and D. Schildknecht
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 27 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-172, BI-TP 98/13
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B531 (1998) 24-48
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807251
From: Dimitar Stamenov < >stamenov(at)inrne.acad.bg<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 07:15:34 GMT   (132kb)

Title: Polarized Parton Densities in the Nucleon
Authors: E. Leader, A. V. Sidorov and D. B. Stamenov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages, LaTeX file, 10 figures appended as 10 separate ps files.
   Paper submitted to Phys. Rev. D. and presented at ICHEP98, Vancouver, Canada
   and XIV Int. Seminar on HEP Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and
   Quantum Chromodynamics", 1998, Dubna, Russia
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 114028
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807252
From: Jacek Wosiek < >wosiek(at)thrisc.if.uj.edu.pl<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 08:31:17 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Studying thermodynamics in heavy ion collisions
Authors: A. Bialas, W. Czyz and J. Wosiek (Jagellonian University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX with two eps figures
Report-no: TPJU-15/98
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B30 (1999) 107-117
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807253
From: George Lazarides < >lazaride(at)eng.auth.gr<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 09:10:36 GMT   (63kb)

Title: Atmospheric Neutrino Anomaly and Supersymmetric Inflation
Authors: G. Lazarides, N. D. Vlachos (Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures
Report-no: UT-STPD-5/98, THES-TP/98-05
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 46-51
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807254
From: Fukae Seiji < >sf(at)theo3.phys.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:52:14 GMT   (53kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 8 Jul 1998 21:45:25 GMT   (53kb)

Title: A Model Independent Analysis of the Rare B Decay B -> X_s l^+ l^-
Authors: S. Fukae (1), C.S. Kim (2), T. Morozumi (1), T. Yoshikawa (3) ((1)
   Hiroshima University, (2) Yonsei University, (3) KEK)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 32 pages, 21 figures, LaTex
Report-no: HUPD-9820, SNUTP 98-070, KEK-TH-578
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 074013
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807255
From: Gianni Salme' -Sanita' < >gslm(at)iss.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:54:07 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Electromagnetic and weak current operators for interacting systems
   within the front-form dynamics
Authors: F.M. Lev (JINR-Dubna), E. Pace (Rome University), G. Salme` (INFN-Rome)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 40 pages, submitted to Nucl. Phys. A
Report-no: INFN 1214/98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A641 (1998) 229-259
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807256
From: Erhan Iltan < >eiltan(at)rorqual.cc.metu.edu.tr<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 13:20:39 GMT   (86kb)

Title: The exclusive \bar{B} --> \pi e^+ e^- and \bar{B} --> \rho e^+ e^-
   decays in the two Higgs doublet model with flavor changing neutral currents
Authors: E. O. Iltan (METU, Ankara)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 27 pages, 14 Figures
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 4365-4394
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807257
From: Qinghui Zhang < >qinghui.zhang(at)rphs1.physik.uni-regensburg.de<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:52:42 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:03:23 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Multipion symmetrization effects on the source distribution
Authors: Q. H. Zhang (Regensburg University)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex nucl-ex nucl-th
Comments: invited Talk given at the 8-th international workshop on
   multiparticle production(correlation and fluctuation'98), June 14-21, 1998
   Hungary. To be published in the procceding
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807258
From: Nestor Armesto < >nestor(at)mail.desy.de<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:02:10 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:40:22 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 23 Oct 1998 14:21:49 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Charmonium Suppression in Lead-Lead Collisions: Is There a Break in the
   $J/\psi$ Cross-Section?
Authors: N. Armesto (Hamburg), A. Capella and E. G. Ferreiro (LPTHE Orsay)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 31 pages, LaTeX, 9 postscript figures included using epsfig;
   references updated and comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. C
Report-no: LPTHE Orsay 98/27, DESY 98-086
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C59 (1999) 395-404
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807259
From: Georgy Jikia < >jikia(at)pheno.physik.uni-freiburg.de<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:11:16 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Two-loop large Higgs mass contribution to vector boson anomalous
   quartic couplings
Authors: G. Jikia (Albert--Ludwigs--Universit"at Freiburg)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses appb.sty, to appear in the
   Proceedings of the Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics "Loops and
   Legs in Gauge Theories", Rheinsberg, 19-24 April 1998
Report-no: Freiburg-THEP 98/14
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2719-2725
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807260
From: Adrian Dumitru < >dumitru(at)star.physics.yale.edu<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 15:46:29 GMT   (86kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:01:00 GMT   (86kb)

Title: Effect of quark-jet energy loss on direct photons in ultrarelativistic
   heavy-ion collisions
Authors: Adrian Dumitru, Nils Hammon
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 10 pages, 2 eps-figures, REVTEX. Some references added
Report-no: YRHI-98-14
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807261
From: Wojciech Broniowski < >broniows(at)solaris.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:37:50 GMT   (33kb)

Title: Solitons in a chiral quark model with non-local interactions
Authors: Bojan Golli, Wojciech Broniowski, and Georges Ripka
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages
Report-no: INP-1801/PH
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B437 (1998) 24-28
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807262
From: Brian W. Harris < >harris(at)fsheb2.hep.fsu.edu<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 18:03:53 GMT   (147kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 30 Sep 1998 18:46:13 GMT   (148kb)

Title: The Reach of CERN LEP2 and Fermilab Tevatron Upgrades for Higgs Bosons
   in Supersymmetric Models
Authors: Howard Baer, B. W. Harris (Florida State U.), Xerxes Tata (U. Hawaii)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages + 7 figures. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Several
   references added, stated value of A-parameters corrected, note added
   reguarding sgn(mu) dependence in MSSM case. To appear in Physical Review D
Report-no: FSU-HEP-980626, UH-511-908-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015003
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807263
From: < >gay(at)if.ufrgs.br<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 19:26:42 GMT   (31kb)

Title: On the Determination of Small x Shadowing Corrections at HERA
Authors: A. Ayala (UFPel), M. B. Gay Ducati (UFRGS) and Victor P. Goncalves
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 19 pages, 7 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 054010
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807264
From: Chris Quigg < >quigg(at)fnal.gov<
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 22:03:52 GMT   (461kb)

Title: Neutrino Interactions at Ultrahigh Energies
Authors: Raj Gandhi, Chris Quigg, Mary Hall Reno, Ina Sarcevic
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 32 pages, 11 figures, uses RevTeX and boxedeps
Report-no: FERMILAB-PUB-98/087-T
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 093009
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807265
From: Takeo Moroi < >moroi(at)thsrv.lbl.gov<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 23:47:45 GMT   (74kb)

Title: Cosmological Moduli Problem in a Supersymmetric Model with Direct Gauge
Authors: Takeo Moroi
Categories: hep-ph
Report-no: LBNL-42005
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 124008
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807266
From: Chikage Habe < >chabe(at)particle.sci.hokudai.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 03:02:50 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Note on the field theory of neutrino mixing
Authors: K. Fujii (Hokkaido Univ.), C. Habe (Hokkaido Univ.), T. Yabuki
   (Rakunou Gakuen Univ.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages, revtex, no figure
Report-no: EPHOU-98-008
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 113003; Erratum-ibid. D60 (1999) 099903
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807267
From: Dharam V. Ahluwalia < >av(at)p25hp.lanl.gov<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 03:10:22 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:06:31 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Reconciling Super-Kamiokande, LSND, and Homestake neutrino-oscillation
Authors: D. V. Ahluwalia (Los Alamos and Zacatecas)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: Mod. Phys. Lett. A (in press). 16 pages. Revised. In the revison the
   discussion on the solar neutrino anomaly has been refined. The argument that
   "the L/E-flatness of the e-like events, observed in the recent
   atmospheric-neutrino data from SuperK, yields a severe constraint on the
   neutrino mixing matrix" remains unaltered
Report-no: LA-UR-98-2905 and EFUAZ FT-98-62
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 2249-2264
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807268
From: Ralph R. Engel < >eng(at)lepton.bartol.udel.edu<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 03:37:13 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Phenomenological description of the gamma* p cross section at low Q2
Authors: A. Rostovtsev (1), M.G. Ryskin (2), and R. Engel (3) ((1) ITEP,
   Moscow, (2) Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, St. Petersburg, (3) Bartol
   Research Institute, Newark)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, revtex, epsfig, 2 figures
Report-no: BA-98-33
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014021
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807269
From: John McDonald < >mcdonald(at)pcu.helsinki.fi<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 07:51:15 GMT   (113kb)

Title: MSSM Dark Matter Constraints and Decaying B-balls
Authors: Kari Enqvist and John McDonald
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTex, 12 pages, 5 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 59-65
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807270
From: Mohamed Chabab < >chababm(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:05:25 GMT   (10kb)

Title: More Insight into Heavy Quark Masses from QCD
Authors: M. Chabab, R. Markazi, E.H. Saidi
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, Latex file, 4 figures (upon request)
Report-no: UFR-HEP/98-05
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807271
From: Dmitri Yurevitch Peressounko < >Dmitri.Yurevitch.Peressounko(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 12:04:53 GMT   (60kb)

Title: Direct emission of light mesons from quark-gluon plasma surface
Authors: D.Yu.Peressounko, Yu.E.Pokrovsky (Russian Research Center ''Kurchatov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Submitted to PRL
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807272
From: Jes Madsen < >jesm(at)dfi.aau.dk<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 12:39:50 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 21 Oct 1998 21:41:30 GMT   (0kb,I)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 2 Aug 1999 11:28:27 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Free energy of bubbles and droplets in the quark-hadron phase transition
Authors: Gregers Neergaard and Jes Madsen
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph nucl-th
Comments: Published version, 25 pages including 16 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 054011
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807273
From: Luca Silvestrini < >luca_silvestrini(at)physik.tu-muenchen.de<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 13:07:18 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Pre-LHC SUSY Searches: an Overview
Authors: A. Masiero and L. Silvestrini
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTeX, 23 pages, invited talks given by A. Masiero at the Tropical
   Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology and at the Second Latin American
   Symposium on High Energy Physics, Puerto Rico, April 1-10, 1998
Report-no: TUM-HEP-318/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807274
From: Traini Marco < >traini(at)science.unitn.it<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 13:31:45 GMT   (107kb)

Title: Nucleon Structure Functions and Light-Front Dynamics
Authors: Marco Traini, Pietro Faccioli, Vicente Vento
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: Talk given at the ECT*/CEBAF Workshop on N* Physics, ECT*,
   Villazzano, (Trento), Italy, May 1998. LaTEX, 6 pages, 6 figs included with
Report-no: UTF-417
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 347-354
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807275
From: Jose Ramon Espinosa < >espinosa(at)langacker.hep.upenn.edu<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 13:42:27 GMT   (10kb)

Title: A No-Lose Theorem for Higgs Searches at a Future Linear Collider
Authors: J.R. Espinosa (CERN) and J.F. Gunion (UC Davis)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-225, UCD-98-12, IEM-FT-176/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 1084-1087
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807276
From: Kostas Philippides < >kostas.philippides(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 13:44:49 GMT   (20kb)

Title: A set of sum rules for anomalous gauge boson couplings
Authors: Joannis Papavassiliou (CERN) and Kostas Philippides (Univ. of Durham)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 19 pages, 2 figures, uses axodraw.sty
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-22, DTP/98/44
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 053002
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807277
From: Jose Bordes < >jose.m.bordes(at)uv.es<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 14:08:22 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 3 Mar 1999 12:02:20 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Flavour-Changing Neutral Currents in the Dualized Standard Model
Authors: J. Bordes (Valencia), H.M. Chan (Rutherford Appleton Lab.), J.
   Faridani (Rutherford Appleton Lab.), J. Pfaudler (Oxford), S.T. Tsou (Oxford)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 23 pages, Latex
Report-no: FTUV-98-51, IFIC/98-52
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 013005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807278
From: < >lyth(at)lavhep.lancs.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 14:37:00 GMT   (155kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 14 Aug 1998 17:20:30 GMT   (157kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 26 Oct 1998 18:48:25 GMT   (163kb)
Date (revised v4): Tue, 16 Mar 1999 13:17:32 GMT   (161kb)

Title: Particle Physics Models of Inflation and the Cosmological Density
Authors: David H. Lyth (Lancaster) and Antonio Riotto (CERN/Oxford)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph gr-qc hep-th
Comments: 156 pages, after final proof corrections and additions
Journal-ref: Phys.Rept. 314 (1999) 1-146
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807279
From: Alessandro < >ballestrero(at)to4bvs.to.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 16:10:00 GMT   (144kb)

Title: Six Fermion Production at LC
Authors: Alessandro Ballestrero (INFN and Dip. Fisica Teorica - Torino)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Presented at the Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics -
   Loops and Legs in Gauge Theories - Rheinsberg, 19--24 April 1998 8 pages, 4
   ps figures, uses epsfig,appb2,axodraw
Report-no: DFTT 34/98
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2811-2819
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807280
From: < >datta(at)medb.physics.utoronto.ca<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 17:56:37 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Large CP Violation in $B\to K^{(*)} X$ Decays
Authors: T.E. Browder, Alakabha Datta, X-G. He and Sandip Pakvasa
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, latex, 4 figures. Talk given at 20th Annual MRST
   (Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto) Meeting on High-Energy Physics: MRST
   98: Toward the Theory of Everything, Montreal, Canada, 13-15 May 1998
Report-no: UTPT-98-10
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807281
From: Kazuhiro Tobe < >tobe(at)niven.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 20:44:49 GMT   (124kb)

Title: The Phenomenology of SUSY models with a Gluino LSP
Authors: Stuart Raby, Kazuhiro Tobe (The Ohio State University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 34 pages, 16 figures color coded
Report-no: OHSTPY-HEP-T-98-012
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B539 (1999) 3-22
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807282
From: John N. Bahcall < >jnb(at)ias.edu<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 00:51:22 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 9 Oct 1998 22:25:12 GMT   (20kb)

Title: High Energy Neutrinos from Astrophysical Sources: An Upper Bound
Authors: Eli Waxman and John Bahcall
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-ex
Comments: Added discussion showing bound cannot be evaded by invoking magnetic
   fields. Accepted Phys Rev D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 023002
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807283
From: Morimitsu Tanimoto < >tanimoto(at)edserv.ed.ehime-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 01:27:45 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 13 Sep 1998 06:38:52 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Vacuum Neutrino Oscillations of Solar Neutrinos and Lepton Mass Matrices
Authors: Morimitsu Tanimoto
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, LaTex file, 2 figures included using epsfig, some mistakes
   corrected, references added, numerical results unchanged
Report-no: EHU-98-07Revised
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 017304
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807284
From: H. S. Sharatchandra < >sharat(at)imsc.ernet.in<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 04:39:42 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Systematic technique for computing infrared properties of 2+1- and 3+1-
   dimensional Yang-Mills theory
Authors: H.S.Sharatchandra
Categories: hep-ph hep-lat hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, Latex file, e-mail:sharat@imsc.ernet.in
Report-no: imsc/98/06/30
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807285
From: Kari Enqvist < >enqvist(at)rock.helsinki.fi<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 09:53:50 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Q-balls in the MSSM
Authors: Kari Enqvist
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, 1 postscript figure; talk given at the PASCOS-98 conference
Report-no: HIP-1998-40/th
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807286
From: Dr Ian Kogan < >i.kogan1(at)physics.oxford.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 10:15:00 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:37:56 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Chiral Symmetry Breaking without Bilinear Condensates, Unbroken Axial
   Z_N Symmetry, and Exact QCD Inequalities
Authors: Ian I. Kogan, Alex Kovner and M. A. Shifman
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, Latex, clarifying comments and several references added
Report-no: OUTP-98-50P; TPI-MINN-98/05-T; UMN-TH-1708-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 016001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807287
From: Mikko Vanttinen < >mikko_vaenttinen(at)physik.tu-muenchen.de<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:01:48 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 4 Aug 1998 09:40:44 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 16 Oct 1998 12:54:54 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Exclusive $J/\psi$ photoproduction and gluon polarization
Authors: M. V\"anttinen and L. Mankiewicz (TU Munich)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, Latex, psfig, 2 figures; v2: references and
   acknowledgement updated; v3: sign of asymmetry reversed, conclusions
   unchanged, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: TUM/T39-98-21
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 157-162
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807288
From: Christian Schubert < >schubert(at)lapp.in2p3.fr<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 12:23:48 GMT   (8kb)

Title: On the Calculation of QED Amplitudes in a Constant Field
Authors: Christian Schubert (LAPTH, Annecy-le-Vieux)
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 7 pages, standard latex, no figures, talk given at Workshop on
   Frontier Tests of Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of the Vacuum,
   Sandansky, Bulgaria, June 9-15 1998
Report-no: LAPTH-687/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807289
From: Iwannis Rizos < >irizos(at)cc.uoi.gr<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:39:06 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:55:58 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Suppressing dimension-5 operators in general SU(5) models
Authors: M. E. Gomez, J. Rizos and K. Tamvakis (Ioannina U.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, Latex2e, minor changes, references added
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015015
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807290
From: Steve Godfrey < >godfrey(at)physics.carleton.ca<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 16:06:16 GMT   (138kb)

Title: Leptoquark Production and Identification at High Energy Lepton Colliders
Authors: Michael A. Doncheski and Stephen Godfrey
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTex file uses aipproc.sty, epsfig, and rotating. 9 pages with 8
   postscript figures. Talk given at 20th Annual MRST
   (Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto) Meeting on High-Energy Physics: MRST
   98: Toward the Theory of Everything, Montreal, Canada, 13-15 May 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807291
From: Yuri Shtanov < >shtanov(at)ap3.gluk.apc.org<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:26:00 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Collapse of topological texture
Authors: O.V.Barabash (Shevchenko University, Kiev) and Yu.V.Shtanov
   (Bogolyubov Institute, Kiev)
Categories: hep-ph gr-qc
Comments: 23 pages, LaTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev. D
Report-no: ITP-98-2E
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 085015
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807292
From: Mariana Kirchbach < >mariana(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:47:49 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 20 Jul 1998 13:47:56 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Lorentz Covariant Spin-Grouping of Baryon Resonances
Authors: M. Kirchbach
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 4 pages RevTex, 1 figure; Typos in the index notations of the fields
   in Eq. (3) corrected; Talk given at `N* physics and non-perturbative QCD',
   May 18 - 29, 1998, ECT, Trento, Italy
Report-no: MKPH-T-98-12
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 47-52
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807293
From: Giuseppe Degrassi < >giuseppe.degrassi(at)pd.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 17:03:54 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Accurate prediction of electroweak observables and impact on the Higgs
   mass bound
Authors: Giuseppe Degrassi
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 9 pages, LaTex, uses appb.sty. Talk presented at the Zeuthen
   Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory "Loops and Legs in Gauge Theories"
   Rheinsberg, Germany, April 19-24, 1998
Report-no: DFPD-98/TH/33
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2683-2690
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807294
From: Jean-Rene Cudell < >cudell(at)nuclth02.phys.ulg.ac.be<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 19:07:39 GMT   (205kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:47:09 GMT   (208kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 3 Dec 1998 16:56:20 GMT   (173kb)

Title: Fermi Motion and Quark Off-Shellness in Elastic Vector-Meson Production
Authors: I. Royen and J.R. Cudell
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 23 pages, LaTeX, 14 figures. Some equations have been corrected, and
   the figures are updated to include the latest published data from ZEUS.
   Following the injunction of the chairman of the H1 collaboration, we have
   removed all H1 public preliminary data from our comparative plots
Report-no: ULG-PNT-98-2-JRC
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B545 (1999) 505-525
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807295
From: Phuoc Dai Ha < >phuoc(at)theory1.physics.wisc.edu<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 20:31:13 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 28 Oct 1998 14:42:52 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Baryon masses in a loop expansion with form factor
Authors: Phuoc Ha and Loyal Durand
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Title changed, the
   introduction and discussion of the results rewritten
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807296
From: < >verbaarschot(at)nuclear.physics.sunysb.edu<
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 21:06:04 GMT   (158kb)

Title: Random Matrix Theory and QCD at nonzero chemical potential
Authors: J.J.M. Verbaarschot
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, Latex and 3 postscript figures; Invited talk given at the
   workshop "QCD at Finite Baryon Density: A Complex System with a Complex
   Action", Bielefeld, 27-30 April 1998
Report-no: SUNY-NTG-98/25
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 305-317
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807297
From: Kari Eskola < >kjeskola(at)phys.jyu.fi<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 09:18:35 GMT   (213kb)

Title: The scale dependent nuclear effects in parton distributions for
   practical applications
Authors: K.J. Eskola, V.J. Kolhinen and C.A. Salgado
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 14 pages, including 4 eps-figures
Report-no: JYFL-8/98, US-FT/14-98
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C9 (1999) 61-68
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807298
From: Nicos Stefanis < >nicos(at)tp2.ruhr-uni-bochum.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:26:47 GMT   (40kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 11 Mar 1999 17:50:03 GMT   (64kb)

Title: Pion form factors with improved infrared factorization
Authors: N. G. Stefanis (U. of Bochum), W. Schroers (U. of Wuppertal), and
   H.-Ch. Kim (U. of Pusan)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages; 3 figures as PS files (1 figure added); modified text;
   added references. To appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: RUB-TPII-03/98, PNU-NTG-02/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 299-305
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807299
From: Edmond Iancu < >iancu(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:08:00 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Classical effective theory for hot QCD
Authors: Edmond Iancu (Service de Physique Theorique, Saclay, France)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX, Invited talk at the Third Workshop on Continuous
   Advances in QCD, April 16--19, 1998, Minneapolis, USA
Report-no: Saclay-T98/073
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807300
From: Wolfgang Lucha < >v2032dac(at)helios.edvz.univie.ac.at<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:41:36 GMT   (91kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:31:36 GMT   (96kb)

Title: Bounds on Schr\"odinger Energies
Authors: Han Liang, Wolfgang Lucha, Ma Wen-Gan, and Franz F. Sch\"oberl
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 26 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX
Report-no: HEPHY-PUB 690/98, UWThPh-1998-29
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807301
From: Vladimir Eletsky < >eletsky(at)theorie3.physik.uni-erlangen.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:54:13 GMT   (12kb)

Title: In-medium modification of $\rho$-mesons produced in heavy ion collisions
Authors: V.L.Eletsky(Erlangen, ITEP), B.L.Ioffe (ITEP) and J.I. Kapusta
   (University of Minnesota)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures (available from the authors), Latex using
   espcrc1.sty, presented at "QCD at Finite Baryon Density", April 27-30, 1998,
   Bielefeld, Germany
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807302
From: < >mikeb(at)a12.ph.man.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 11:18:24 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:12:07 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:00:22 GMT   (19kb)

Title: A renormalisation-group treatment of two-body scattering
Authors: Michael C. Birse, Judith A. McGovern and Keith G. Richardson
   (University of Manchester)
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat hep-th nucl-th
Comments: 6 pages (RevTeX), 1 figure (epsf); picture of RG flow and more
   discussion of momentum dependence added
Report-no: MC/TH 98/11
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B464 (1999) 169-176
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807303
From: Zimanyi Jozsef < >jzimanyi(at)sunserv.kfki.hu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:01:31 GMT   (96kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 8 Apr 1999 13:31:11 GMT   (97kb)

Title: Hadronization with a confining equation of state
Authors: T.S. Biro, P. Levai and J. Zimanyi (KFKI RMKI, Budapest)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th
Comments: 21 pages, Latex and 3 EPS figures are included, published version
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C59 (1999) 1574-1584
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807304
From: David Miller < >dmiller(at)physik.uni-bielefeld.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:21:30 GMT   (29kb)

Title: The Gluon Condensate in QCD at Finite Temperature
Authors: David E. Miller (Pennsylvania State University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures,Presented at the XXXVII Cracow School of
   Theoretical Physics, Zakopane, Poland, May 30-June 10,1997
Report-no: BI-TP 97/23
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B28 (1997) 2937-2947
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807305
From: Orlando L. G. Peres < >operes(at)flamenco.ific.uv.es<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 13:00:42 GMT   (151kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 28 Sep 1998 16:40:31 GMT   (181kb)

Title: Active-active and active-sterile neutrino oscillation solutions to the
   atmospheric neutrino anomaly
Authors: M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia (1),H. Nunokawa (2), O. L. G. Peres (1),J. W.
   F. Valle (1) ((1) U. of Valencia,(2) Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin,
   Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-ex nucl-ex
Comments: Updated to 535 days of Super-Kamiokande and corresponding
   modifications in the discussion and figures. Some References added
Report-no: FTUV/98-56, IFIC/98-57
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B543 (1999) 3-19
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807306
From: Filippo Martelli < >martelli(at)fi.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 13:52:10 GMT   (70kb)

Title: Solar models and neutrino deficit
Authors: G. Conforto, C. Grimani, F. Martelli and F. Vetrano (University of
   Urbino, Italy and INFN Florence, Italy)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 2 figures, contributed paper to the XVIII Int. Conf. on
   Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Takayama, Japan, 4-9 June 1998
Report-no: UB/FI 98-1
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807307
From: Utpal Sarkar < >utpal(at)prl.ernet.in<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 14:01:13 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Gauged $B - 3 L_\tau$ and Baryogenesis
Authors: Ernest Ma and Utpal Sarkar
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages including two postscript figures
Report-no: DESY 98-082 ; UCRHEP-T230
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 95-102
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807308
From: Galit Eyal < >galit(at)wizard.weizmann.ac.il<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 15:02:18 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 4 Aug 1998 08:04:41 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Models of Supersymmetric $U(2)\times U(1)$ Flavor Symmetry
Authors: Galit Eyal
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX, typos corrected in eqs. 28,40
Report-no: WIS-98/20/JULY-DPP
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 191-197
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807309
From: Michal Brhlik < >mbrhlik(at)feynman.physics.lsa.umich.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 15:40:32 GMT   (66kb)

Title: $b\to s\gamma$ Decay in Supersymmetric Theories
Authors: Michal Brhlik
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pp., Talk given at the 6th International Symposium on Particles,
   Strings, and Cosmology (PASCOS 98), Boston, MA, March 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807310
From: Marek Jezabek < >mj(at)ttpux9.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 16:59:27 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 23 Aug 1998 11:23:41 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Neutrino mixing and see-saw mechanism
Authors: M. Jezabek and Y. Sumino
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 7 pages; added: new references, a paragraph (Note added) on
   bi-maximal mixing and double beta decay; footnotes changed
Report-no: TP-USl/98/6 and TTP98-26
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 327-331
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807311
From: Arwed Schiller < >schiller(at)tph204.physik.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 17:22:44 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 24 Jul 1998 19:39:33 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Production of $e^+e^-$ pairs to all orders in $Z\alpha$ for collisions
   of high-energy muons with heavy nuclei
Authors: D. Ivanov, E.A. Kuraev, A. Schiller, V.G. Serbo
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, LaTex; Introduction slightly enlarged, 2
   references added
Report-no: UL-NTZ 14/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 453-458
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807312
From: Jan Kalinowski < >Jan.Kalinowski(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 17:30:30 GMT   (76kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:42:02 GMT   (76kb)

Title: R-Parity Violating Signals at Existing Colliders
Authors: J. Kalinowski
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: latex, 16 pages, 5 figures included, talk given at the 12th Les
   Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste, La Thuile, March 1998, one
   reference added
Report-no: IFT/19/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807313
From: Zhang < >zhang(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 18:25:32 GMT   (103kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:02:58 GMT   (104kb)

Title: Formation of color-singlet gluon-clusters and inelastic diffractive
   scattering. Part I: Theoretical arguments and experimental indications for
   self-organized criticality (SOC) in systems of interacting soft gluons
Authors: C. Boros, Meng Ta-chung, R. Rittel and Zhang Yang
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 30 pages, 12 PS figures
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807314
From: Zhang < >zhang(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 18:27:14 GMT   (81kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 15 Jul 1998 15:22:35 GMT   (82kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:19:19 GMT   (83kb)

Title: Formation of color-singlet gluon-clusters and inelastic diffractive
   scattering. Part II: Derivation of the $t$- and $M_x^2/s$-dependence of
   cross-sections in the SOC-approach
Authors: Meng Ta-chung, R. Rittel, K. Tabelow and Zhang Yang
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages, 4 PS figures
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807315
From: < >pati(at)katherine.physics.umd.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 19:18:40 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Implications of the Superkamiokande result on the nature of new physics
Authors: Jogesh C. Pati
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Based on the talk presented at the Neutrino-98 Conference, Takayama,
   Japan, June 4-9, 1998
Report-no: UMD-PP-99-01
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 77 (1999) 299-307
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807316
From: C.-P. Yuan < >yuan(at)pa.msu.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 19:33:33 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Gluon Resummation in Vector Boson Production and Decay
Authors: C.-P. Yuan (Michigan State University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, with 3 eps figures; Talk given at the XXXIIIrd
   Rencontres de Moriond, ``QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions'', 21-28
   March 1998, Les Arcs, France
Report-no: CTEQ-851 and MSUHEP-80531
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807317
From: Thabit Barakat < >barakat(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 20:18:55 GMT   (13kb)

Title: The K^{+}--->\pi^{+}\nu\bar{nu} Rare Decay in Two Higgs Doublet Model
Authors: Thabit Barakat
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, latex file, 3 figures, postscript files
Report-no: CV-HEP/98-03
Journal-ref: Nuovo Cim. A112 (1999) 697-704
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807318
From: Krisha Rajagopal < >krishna(at)thecafe.mit.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 21:06:04 GMT   (31kb)

Title: Three-Flavor QCD at High Density: Color Flavor Locking and Chiral
   Symmetry Breaking
Authors: Krishna Rajagopal (MIT)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 13 pages, latex with espcrc1, 2 figures. Invited talk given at the
   Bielefeld workshop on QCD at Finite Density, 27-30 April 1998
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2757
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 26-38
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807319
From: Ed Stoeffhaas < >ed(at)phenxs.physics.wisc.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 21:15:21 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Generalized Neutrino Mixing from the Atmospheric Anomaly
Authors: V. Barger, T. J. Weiler, and K. Whisnant
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, Latex2.09, 2 postscript figures embedded using epsf.sty
Report-no: MADPH-98-1070, VAND-TH-98-11, AMES-HET-98-10
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 1-6
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807320
From: < >jpsilva(at)alf4.cii.fc.ul.pt<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 21:59:05 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Detecting new physics contributions to the D0-D0bar mixing through
   their effects on B decays
Authors: Carlos C. Meca and Joao P. Silva
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, Revtex, no figures. To appear in PRL
Report-no: CFNUL/98-03
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 1377-1380
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807321
From: Lisa L. Everett < >lle(at)sas.upenn.edu<
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 23:59:09 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Effects of Heavy States on the Effective N=1 Supersymmetric Action
Authors: Mirjam Cveti\v{c}, Lisa Everett, and Jing Wang
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, 3 figures
Report-no: UPR-802-T
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B538 (1999) 52-66
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807322
From: Jihn E. Kim < >jekim(at)phyp.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 00:09:51 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Superstring Axion, Gaugino Condensation, and Discrete Symmetries
Authors: Jihn E. Kim
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk presented at PASCOS-98, Northeastern Univ., March 22-29, 1998
Report-no: SNUTP 98-071 and KIAS-P98013
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807323
From: Hai-Yang Cheng < >phcheng(at)ccvax.sinica.edu.tw<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 04:28:55 GMT   (86kb)

Title: Hadronic Charmless B Decays and Nonfactorizable Effects
Authors: Hai-Yang Cheng
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, 1 figure. Invited talk presented at the IVth International
   Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, Sun-Yat Sen University,
   Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 18-21, 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807324
From: Roland Kirschner < >Roland.Kirschner(at)itp.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 06:52:00 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Polarization in diffractive electroproduction of light vector mesons
Authors: D. Yu. Ivanov and R. Kirschner
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 23 pages LATEX, 2 EPS figures included
Report-no: NTZ 20/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 114026
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807325
From: Yasunori Nomura < >yasunori(at)siren.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 08:24:31 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:28:49 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Bi-Maximal Neutrino Mixing in SO(10)_{GUT}
Authors: Yasunori Nomura and T. Yanagida
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, Latex
Report-no: UT-823
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 017303
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807326
From: Ken-ichi Hikasa < >hikasa(at)tuhep.phys.tohoku.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 09:34:32 GMT   (32kb)

Title: Another look at $\pi\pi$ scattering in the scalar channel
Authors: Keiji Igi and Ken-ichi Hikasa
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX
Report-no: TU-552, RCNS-98-12, KNGU-INFO-PH-1
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807327
From: Eung Jin Chun < >ejchun(at)supy.kaist.ac.kr<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 11:47:04 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:41:48 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Supersymmetric Neutrino Masses and Mixing with R-parity Violation
Authors: E. J. Chun, S. K. Kang, C. W. Kim and U. W. Lee
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Revtex, 16 pages. Extended version published in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: KIAS-P98014
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B544 (1999) 89-103
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807328
From: Rainer Jakob < >rainer(at)theorie.physik.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 12:38:24 GMT   (3kb)

Title: Comment on the paper: ``The perturbative proton form factor
   reexamined'' by Kundu et al
Authors: J. Bolz, R. Jakob, P. Kroll and N. G. Stefanis
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages, RevTeX is used, no figures
Report-no: RUB-TPII-11/98, WU-B 98-23
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807329
From: Yuan Feng < >yf(at)ccastb.ccast.ac.cn<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:14:00 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 12 Oct 1998 02:38:06 GMT   (22kb)

Title: D-wave heavy quarkonium production in fixed target experiments
Authors: Feng Yuan, Cong-Feng Qiao, Kuang-Ta Chao (PKU)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13pages, 4 PS figures, final vertion to appear in PRD
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014009
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807330
From: Michael G. Sotiropoulos < >mgsot(at)maxwell.physics.lsa.umich.edu<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 15:24:03 GMT   (10kb)

Title: An operator expansion for the elastic limit
Authors: R. Akhoury, M. G. Sotiropoulos (U. of Michigan) and G. Sterman (SUNY
   Stony Brook)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 1 figure, uses REVTEX 3.1 and axodraw
Report-no: UM-TH-98-11, ITP-SB-98-48
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 3819-3822
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807331
From: Nicholas Petropoulos < >nicholas(at)a13.ph.man.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 15:47:05 GMT   (66kb)

Title: Linear sigma model and chiral symmetry at finite temperature
Authors: Nicholas Petropoulos
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 5 eps figures, RevTex, axodraw.sty
Report-no: MC/TH 98/12
Journal-ref: J.Phys. G25 (1999) 2225-2241
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807332
From: Michael Melles < >Michael.Melles(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 16:06:55 GMT   (459kb)

Title: All-Orders Resummation of Leading Logarithmic Contributions to Heavy
   Quark Production in Polarized \gamma \gamma Collisions
Authors: Michael Melles, W. James Stirling
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 30 pages, Latex2e with eps-figure format, submitted to Phys. Rev. D
Report-no: DTP/98/42
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 094009
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807333
From: N. B. Demchuk < >demchuk(at)phys.psu.edu<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:02:21 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Sep 1998 15:21:20 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Heavy quark limit in the light front quark model
Authors: N.B. Demchuk
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 1 figure
Report-no: PSU/TH/203
Journal-ref: JHEP 9808 (1998) 008
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807334
From: Richard F. Lebed < >lebed(at)jlab.org<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:48:51 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Masses of Orbitally Excited Baryons in Large N_c QCD
Authors: Carl E. Carlson, Christopher D. Carone, Jose' L. Goity, Richard F.
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, revtex
Report-no: WM-98-108 and JLAB-THY-98-26
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B438 (1998) 327-335
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807335
From: Igor Halperin < >higor(at)physics.ubc.ca<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 22:10:57 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Axion potential, topological defects and CP-odd bubbles in QCD
Authors: Igor Halperin and Ariel Zhitnitsky (Univ. of British Columbia)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: Latex, 16 pages, no figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 77-88
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807336
From: Moultaka Gilbert < >moultaka(at)lpm.univ-montp2.fr<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 23:21:04 GMT   (49kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:01:41 GMT   (49kb)

Title: Inverting the Supersymmetric Standard Model Spectrum: from Physical to
   Lagrangian Ino Parameters
Authors: J.-L. Kneur and G. Moultaka
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 28 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, some typos corrected, one
   paragraph extended in section 4.2. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D
Report-no: PM/98-16
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807337
From: Jose R. Pelaez < >pelaez(at)slac.stanford.edu<
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 23:28:40 GMT   (102kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 27 Jul 1998 18:33:21 GMT   (103kb)

Title: On the Size of the Chiral Condensate, Generalized Chiral Perturbation
   Theory and the DIRAC experiment
Authors: A. Dobado, J. R. Pelaez
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: To appear in the "Gribov Memorial Volume" Heavy Ion Physics. Acta
   Physica Hungarica New Series. Discussion on quark masses from QCD sum rules
   corrected and new references added
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-7881
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Hung. 8 (1998) 307-321; Heavy Ion Phys. 8 (1998) 307-321
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807338
From: He Xiao-Gang < >hexg(at)dirac.ph.unimelb.edu.au<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 00:47:22 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 16 Dec 2003 07:41:05 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Interactions of a neutrino with an extremely light scalar
Authors: Xiao-Gang He, Bruce H J McKellar and G J Stephenson Jr
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: This replacement contains, in order, the Erratum and corrigendum to
   the paper published in Phys. Lett. B444, 75(1998), and the original published
   verion. Several errors in section III and IV are corrected. 13 pages, Revtex
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B444 (1998) 75-80; Erratum-ibid. B581 (2004) 270-271
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807339
From: Lev Kofman < >kofman(at)kot.ifa.hawaii.edu<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 00:40:53 GMT   (157kb)

Title: Preheating of Fermions
Authors: Patrick B. Greene and Lev Kofman (Univ. of Hawaii)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph chao-dyn hep-th nlin.CD
Comments: LaTex 5 pages, 6 figs, submitted for publication
Report-no: UH-IfA-98-44
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Chaotic Dynamics
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B448 (1999) 6-12
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807340
From: Zack Sullivan < >zack(at)hepux0.hep.uiuc.edu<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 01:04:26 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:27:04 GMT   (32kb)

Title: Single-top-quark production at hadron colliders
Authors: T. Stelzer, Z. Sullivan and S. Willenbrock
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Version to appear in PRD, 31 pages, LaTeX, 8 ps figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 094021
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807341
From: Alon Faraggi < >faraggi(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 01:31:17 GMT   (10kb)

Title: The $Z_2\times Z_2$ Orbifold and the SUSY Flavor Problem
Authors: Alon E. Faraggi
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages. Standard Latex
Report-no: UFIFT-HEP-98-11
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807342
From: Wolfgang Lucha < >v2032dac(at)helios.edvz.univie.ac.at<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 06:47:31 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Spinless Salpeter Equation: Analytic Results
Authors: Wolfgang Lucha and Franz F. Sch"oberl
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX, invited talk at the "XI International Conference:
   Problems of Quantum Field Theory," July 13 - 17, 1998, JINR, BLTP, Dubna,
Report-no: HEPHY-PUB 692/98, UWThPh-1998-39
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807343
From: Alexander S. Sakharov < >sakhas(at)landau.ac.ru<
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 18:41:25 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Formation of Black Holes in First Order Phase Transitions
Authors: M.Yu. Khlopov, R.V. Konoplich, S.G. Rubin, and A.S. Sakharov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, Latex
Report-no: Preprint 1203 (1998), I Roma University
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807344
From: Dvali Georgi < >dvali(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 01:02:42 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Phenomenology, Astrophysics and Cosmology of Theories with
   Sub-Millimeter Dimensions and TeV Scale Quantum Gravity
Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos and Gia Dvali
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-th
Comments: 51 pages, latex
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-7864, SU-ITP-98/142, IC/98/44
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 086004
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807345
From: S. G. Rajeev < >rajeev(at)pas.rochester.edu<
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 01:34:31 GMT   (20kb)

Title: A Model of Interacting Partons for Hadronic Structure Functions
Authors: G. S. Krishnaswami and S. G. Rajeev
Categories: hep-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: Latex2e, 18 pages 2 figs
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 429-436
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807346
From: Johann Rafelski < >rafelski(at)marc.physics.arizona.edu<
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 03:00:29 GMT   (29kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:54:58 GMT   (29kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:24:02 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Quark-Gluon Plasma in Pb--Pb 158 A GeV collisions: Evidence from
   strange particle abundances and the Coulomb effect
Authors: Jean Letessier and Johann Rafelski (LTHE-Paris 7 and Department of
   Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages including one figure, to appear in Acta Phys. Pol. B
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B30 (1999) 153-168
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807347
From: Gorbunov < >gorbunov(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 19:47:34 GMT   (35kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:16:21 GMT   (36kb)

Title: Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with
   messenger-matter mixing
Authors: S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 25 pages, 3 figures; the cases of high and low $\tan{\beta}$ are
   considered separately, the limits are stronger for high $\tan{\beta}$
Report-no: INR-SD-14-98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B557 (1999) 119-145
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807348
From: Raman Sundrum < >sundrum(at)budoe.bu.edu<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 20:56:54 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Compactification for a Three-Brane Universe
Authors: Raman Sundrum
Categories: hep-ph gr-qc hep-th
Comments: Latex, 18 pages
Report-no: BUHEP-98-20
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 085010
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807349
From: Hong-Jian He < >hjhe(at)pa.msu.edu<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 04:42:51 GMT   (361kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 14 Jul 1998 00:12:52 GMT   (361kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 17 Nov 1998 05:11:35 GMT   (362kb)

Title: Probing Higgs Bosons with Large Bottom Yukawa Coupling at Hadron
Authors: C. Balazs, J.L. Diaz-Cruz, H.-J. He, T. Tait, C.-P. Yuan
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D, RevTex, 52 pages, including
   16 EPS figures, typos corrected plus minor refinements for discussions
Report-no: MSUHEP-80515, FermiLab-Pub-98/182-T, ANL-HEP-PR-98-55
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 055016
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807350
From: < >pospelov(at)mercure.phy.uqam.ca<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 04:36:25 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Higgs-mediated FCNC in Supersymmetic Models with Large $\tan\beta$
Authors: C. Hamzaoui, M. Pospelov and M. Toharia
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, latex, 3 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 095005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807351
From: Joern Knoll < >j.knoll(at)gsi.de<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 09:56:01 GMT   (34kb)

Title: Self-Consistent Approximations to Non-Equilibrium Many-Body Theory
Authors: Yu. B. Ivanov, J. Knoll and D. N. Voskresensky
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat.stat-mech nucl-th
Comments: 31 pages, Latex elsart-style
Report-no: GSI-Preprint-98-34
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Statistical Mechanics
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A657 (1999) 413-445
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807352
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >Boris.Kopeliovich(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 15:09:22 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Charmonium and lepton pair production with medium energy antiprotons
Authors: Boris Kopeliovich (MPI-K Heidelberg & JINR Dubna)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: The talk given at the meeting "Perspectives of Hadron Physics", GSI,
   Darmshtadt, June 8, 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807353
From: Ferruccio Feruglio < >ferruccio.feruglio(at)pd.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:56:44 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 20 Jul 1998 13:20:27 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Neutrino Mass Textures from Oscillations with Maximal Mixing
Authors: Guido Altarelli and Ferruccio Feruglio
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX; a new model discussed in sec. 3, references added
Report-no: CERN-TH.98-226, DFPD-98/TH-34
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 112-118
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807354
From: Andre Likhoded < >likhoded(at)mx.ihep.su<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 17:00:56 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$
Authors: V.V. Kiselev, A.K. Likhoded, A.I. Onishchenko
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, Latex file, 3eps figes
Report-no: DESY-98-079
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 014007
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807355
From: Miroslaw Kurzela < >miroslaw.kurzela(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:21:20 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Phenomenological Analysis of Data on Inclusive and Semi-inclusive Spin
Authors: M. Kurzela, J. Bartelski, S. Tatur
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages LaTeX, 11 ps figures included
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B30 (1999) 1041-1054
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807356
From: Ananthanarayan Balasubramanian < >anant(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 12:50:11 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 3 Jun 1999 05:22:08 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 9 Jun 1999 04:04:47 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Effective Lagrangians in $2 + \epsilon$ Dimensions
Authors: B. Ananthanarayan (Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute
   of Science, Bangalore, India)
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat hep-th
Comments: 13 pages plain LaTeX, to be run twice. Replaced with expanded and
   corrected version. One footnote added
Report-no: IISc-CTS-6/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D61 (2000) 076001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807357
From: Kresimir Kumericki < >kkumer(at)macbeth.phy.hr<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 13:54:34 GMT   (52kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 10 May 1999 15:31:56 GMT   (56kb)

Title: On the instanton-induced portion of the nucleon strangeness
Authors: D. Klabucar, K. Kumericki, B. Melic and I. Picek
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, 3 ps figures included, plain LaTeX2e, revised version to
   appear in Eur. Phys. J. C, several points clarified and references added,
   results compared to recent experiments at TJNAF (HAPPEX)
Report-no: ZTF-98/01
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C9 (1999) 589-599
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807358
From: Xiangdong Ji < >xdj(at)pion.umd.edu<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:34:43 GMT   (53kb)

Title: Off-Forward Parton Distributions
Authors: Xiangdong Ji
Categories: hep-ph
Report-no: UMD PP#98-092
Journal-ref: J.Phys. G24 (1998) 1181-1205
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807359
From: John LoSecco < >losecco(at)muon.hep.nd.edu<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:50:01 GMT   (233kb)

Title: Problems with Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
Authors: J.M. LoSecco
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures
Report-no: UNDPDK-98-02
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807360
From: Villante Francesco < >villante(at)osfe02.fe.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 16:21:10 GMT   (72kb)

Title: Solar neutrino interactions: Using charged currents at SNO to tell
   neutral currents at Super-Kamiokande
Authors: F.L. Villante, G. Fiorentini, E. Lisi
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 14 pages (RevTeX), incl. 3 figures (epsf), submitted to Phys. ReV. D
Report-no: INFNFE-06-98, BARI-TH/306-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 013006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807361
From: Emilio Torrente Lujan < >torrente(at)itp.unibe.ch<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 19:08:49 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:05:54 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 15:47:13 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Finite dimensional systems with random external fields and Neutrino
   propagation in fluctuating media
Authors: E. Torrente-Lujan
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pags., Latex. 1 fig., ps. epsfig macro. minor typo errors corrected
Report-no: IFIC-9831, FTUV-9831, PETL-9801
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 073001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807362
From: Juergen Berges < >berges(at)ctpanimal.mit.edu<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 18:26:48 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:29:55 GMT   (23kb)

Title: QCD at high Baryon Density and Temperature: Competing Condensates and
   the Tricritical Point
Authors: J. Berges
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk given at the Workshop on QCD at Finite Baryon Density: A
   Complex System with a Complex Action, Bielefeld, Germany, 27-30 Apr 1998; 7
   pages; references added
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2758
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 51-57
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807363
From: Photis Moulatsiotis < >mppf6(at)pcss.maps.susx.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 18:48:12 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 16 Dec 1998 11:13:51 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Constraints on Axion Models from $K^+\to\pi^+ a$
Authors: Mark Hindmarsh and Photis Moulatsiotis (Sussex)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15pp RevTeX, 1 eps fig, uses graphics style. Expanded discussion on
   massive scalars and pseudoscalars, typos. To appear in Physical Review D
Report-no: SUSX-TH-98-017
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 055015
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807364
From: Joao P. Silva < >jpsilva(at)alf3.cii.fc.ul.pt<
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 22:14:53 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 8 Sep 1998 19:54:07 GMT   (26kb)

Title: New CP-violating parameters in cascade decays
Authors: A. Amorim, Mario G. Santos and Joao P. Silva
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 22 pages, latex, 5 figures, corrected missing signs in the
   discussion of the CP conservation limit
Report-no: CFNUL/98-07
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 056001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807365
From: Atsushi Hosaka < >hosaka(at)la.numazu-ct.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 03:09:00 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Phenomenological Study of Excited Baryons
Authors: A. Hosaka (Numazu College of Technology)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 2 eps figures "Talk given at the workshop Future Directions
   in Quark Nuclear Physics", Adelaide, March (1998)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807366
From: Francesco Murgia < >francesco.murgia(at)ca.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 08:20:17 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Single spin asymmetries and vector meson production in DIS
Authors: Mauro Anselmino (1) and Francesco Murgia (2) ((1) University and
   INFN, Torino, Italy, (2) University and INFN, Cagliari, Italy)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX, no figures; talk delivered by M. Anselmino at the
   Workshop on "Physics and Instrumentation with 6-12 GeV Beams", June 15-18,
   1998, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
Report-no: DFTT 38/98, INFNCA-TH9808
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807367
From: Thorsten Feldmann < >feldmann(at)wpta14.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 09:00:15 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Mixing and decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons: Octet-singlet vs.
   quark flavor basis
Authors: Thorsten Feldmann (Univ. Wuppertal)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex nucl-th
Comments: 4 pages Latex, uses espcrc2.sty, contribution to "QCD 98",
   Montpellier 2-8 July 1998
Report-no: WUB 98-25
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 74 (1999) 151-154
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807368
From: Yurii Shil'nov < >visit2(at)ieec.fcr.es<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 11:19:54 GMT   (28kb)

Title: Dynamical symmetry restoration for a higher-derivative four-fermion
   model in an external electromagnetic field
Authors: E. Elizalde, S. P. Gavrilov, S. D. Odintsov, Yu. I. Shil'nov
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: LaTeX, 14 pages, 4 ps-figures
Journal-ref: Braz.J.Phys. 30 (2000) 573-580
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807369
From: Andreas Vogt < >avogt(at)physik.uni-wuerzburg.de<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 14:49:04 GMT   (147kb)

Title: DIS'98 Structure Functions Summary, Part II
Authors: Andreas Vogt (W"urzburg Univ.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages Latex including 5 figures (9 eps-files), uses sprocl.sty.
   Talk presented at DIS'98, Brussels, April 1998. To appear in the proceedings
Report-no: WUE-ITP-98-031
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807370
From: Massimo Blasone < >m.blasone(at)ic.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 16:35:37 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Green's Functions for Neutrino Mixing
Authors: Massimo Blasone, Peter A. Henning, Giuseppe Vitiello
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, LaTeX (need sprocl.sty). To appear in the Proceedings of
   the 6th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS
   98), Boston, 22-27 March 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807371
From: Emilio Torrente Lujan < >torrente(at)itp.unibe.ch<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 17:54:08 GMT   (92kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 16:51:41 GMT   (92kb)

Title: Neutrino Spin Flavour Precession in Fluctuating Solar Magnetic Fields
Authors: E. Torrente-Lujan
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pags., Latex. 3 figs., ps. epsfig macro. Minor typo errors
Report-no: FTUV-9832, IFIC-9832, PETL-9802
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 093006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807372
From: Photis Moulatsiotis < >mppf6(at)pcss.maps.susx.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:04:32 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Constraints on Axion Models
Authors: Mark Hindmarsh and Photis Moulatsiotis (Sussex)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk given at the 5th IFT Workshop: Axions, U. of Florida,
   Gainesville, Florida, USA, 13-15 Mar 1998. Based on hep-ph/9708281 and
   hep-ph/9807363. 5pp, 1 eps fig, uses espcrc2 and graphics styles
Report-no: SUSX-TH-98-018
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 72 (1999) 31-35
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807373
From: Sreerup Raychaudhuri < >Sreerup.Raychaudhuri(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 19:21:23 GMT   (54kb)

Title: Signals of R-Parity Violation at a Muon Collider
Authors: Debajyoti Choudhury and Sreerup Raychaudhuri
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 29 pages LaTeX, 12 postscript figures, macros included
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-222, MRI-PHY/P980756
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807374
From: Pierre Sikivie < >sikivie(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 20:17:04 GMT   (281kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Sep 1998 15:13:29 GMT   (282kb)

Title: Studies of the motion and decay of axion walls bounded by strings
Authors: S. Chang (U. of Florida), C. Hagmann (LLNL) and P. Sikivie (U. of
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 37 pages, 10 figures, a minor mistake was corrected, several
   references and comments were added
Report-no: UFIFT-HEP-98-12
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 023505
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807375
From: Andre Likhoded < >likhoded(at)mx.ihep.su<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 20:36:07 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 20 Jan 1999 21:08:56 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and
Authors: S.S. Gershtein, V.V. Kiselev, A.K. Likhoded and A.I. Onishchenko
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, Latex file, 1 fig, corrected some typos
Report-no: DESY 98-080
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 135-146
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807376
From: Lawrence M. Krauss < >krauss(at)theory1.phys.cwru.edu<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 21:44:10 GMT   (20kb)

Title: A New Cosmological Paradigm: the Cosmological Constant and Dark Matter
Authors: Lawrence M. Krauss (Case Western Reserve University)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 11 pages, latex, including 4 embedded figs. Based on invited
   lectures at PASCOS98, Boston; Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and
   Cosmology and Particle Physics, San Juan; WEIN 98, Santa Fe. To appear in
   these proceedings
Report-no: CWRU-P21-98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807377
From: Shufang Su < >ssu(at)mit.edu<
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 22:23:49 GMT   (30kb)

Title: CP Violating Lepton Asymmetries from B Decays and Their Implication for
   Supersymmetric Flavor Models
Authors: Lisa Randall and Shufang Su
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 22 pages, 2 figs
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2755 CERN-TH/98-159
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B540 (1999) 37-57
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807378
From: Kunihiko Terasaki < >terasaki(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 03:46:15 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Non-factorizable contributions in hadronic weak decays of charm mesons
Authors: K. Terasaki (YITP, Kyoto University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 22 pages, RevTex
Report-no: YITP-98-37
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 114001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807379
From: Rohini Godbole < >rohini(at)theory.tifr.res.in<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 08:37:22 GMT   (78kb)

Title: Beamstrahlung induced Minijet Backgrounds at future colliders and a
   model for sigma^{inel}_{\gamma \gamma}
Authors: R.M. Godbole (Centre for theoretical studies, Indian Institute of
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, requires epsfig.sty, sprocl.sty,
   axocolor.sty, invited talk presented at the International Conf. on Quantum
   aspects of beam physics, to appear in the proceedings
Report-no: IISc-CTS/8/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807380
From: Ellwanger < >ellwange(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:01:09 GMT   (67kb)

Title: Field Strength Correlator and an Infrared Fixed Point of the Wilsonian
   Exact Renormalization Group Equations
Authors: Ulrich Ellwanger
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 28 pages, LaTex, 4 figures
Report-no: LPTHE Orsay 98-48
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C7 (1999) 673-683
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807381
From: Roberto Pittau < >Roberto.Pittau(at)cern.ch<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:53:57 GMT   (12kb)

Title: WEXTER and ERAFITTER: two programs to fit M_W at LEP2 using the best
   measurable kinematical variables
Authors: F. A. Berends (University of Leiden), C. G. Papadopoulos (Democritos
   Nuclear Research Center), R. Pittau (CERN)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 19 pages, Latex file
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-221 and DEMO-HEP/98-02
Journal-ref: Comput.Phys.Commun. 115 (1998) 32-44
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807382
From: Kacper Zalewski < >zalewski(at)chall.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:02:18 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Bose-Einstein condensation and independent emission: statistical
   physics interpretation
Authors: A. Bialas and K. Zalewski (Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages Latex
Report-no: TPJU 17/98
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Slov. 49 (1999) 145-150
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807383
From: Hirotsugu Fujii < >hfujii(at)phyppro1.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:09:32 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Long-Range Interactions of Small Color Dipoles
Authors: H. Fujii and D. Kharzeev (RIKEN BNL Research Center)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: Talk at the 3rd "Continuous Advances in QCD" Workshop dedicated to
   the memory of V.N. Gribov; Minneapolis, April 16-19, 1998. 12 pages, 2
   figures included
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807384
From: Judith McGovern < >judith(at)a3.ph.man.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:18:09 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 12:04:59 GMT   (11kb)

Title: On the absence of fifth-order contributions to the nucleon mass in
   heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory
Authors: Judith A. McGovern, Michael C. Birse
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 4 pages RevTex, 4 eps figures
Report-no: MC/TH 98/13
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B446 (1999) 300-305
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807385
From: Ktoridis Christos < >cktorid(at)cc.uoa.gr<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 17:06:17 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:27:20 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Worldline Approach to Forward and Fixed Angle fermion-fermion
   Scattering in Yang-Mills Theories at High Energies
Authors: A. I. Karanikas and C. N. Ktorides (University of Athens)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 28 pages, 10 figures in three files
Report-no: UA/NPPS-9-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 016003
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807386
From: Ernest Ma < >ma(at)ucrph0.ucr.edu<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 17:40:49 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:34:06 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Dynamical Neutrino Mass Matrix: Large (Small) Mixing Solution to
   Atmospheric (Solar) Neutrino Oscillations
Authors: Ernest Ma (UC Riverside)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages including 4 figures, Eq.(13) corrected, conclusions unchanged
Report-no: UCRHEP-T234 (July 1998)
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 238-242
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807387
From: < >phr34pd(at)vmsa.technion.ac.il<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:37:18 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Hybrid Baryons in Large-N_c QCD
Authors: Chi-Keung Chow, Dan Pirjol and Tung-Mow Yan
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages and one figure, ReVTeX
Report-no: CLNS 98/1569
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 056002
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807388
From: Stephen Wong < >wong(at)theorie.physik.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 18:41:03 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Open Charm, Photon and Dilepton Production in an Increasingly Strongly
   Interacting Parton Plasma
Authors: S.M.H. Wong
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 10 pages, revtex style with 8 embedded PS figures, to appear in
   Phys. Rev. C
Report-no: WU-B 97/32
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 2358
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807389
From: < >gay(at)if1.if.ufrgs.br<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 19:20:27 GMT   (23kb)

Title: The DLLA limit of BFKL in the Dipole Picture
Authors: M. B. Gay Ducati (UFRGS) and Victor P. Goncalves (UFRGS)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B437 (1998) 177-183
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807390
From: David J. Muller < >qgd(at)okstate.edu<
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 23:00:59 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Signals at the Tevatron Involving Tau
Authors: B. Dutta, D. J. Muller and S. Nandi
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Revtex, 22 pages, 12 figures. Uses epsf
Report-no: OSU-HEP-98-4, OITS-654, FERMILAB-Pub-98/222-T
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B544 (1999) 451-468
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807391
From: Zhang Ai Lin < >zhangal(at)hptc5.ihep.ac.cn<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 00:48:45 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Determination of the scalar glueball mass in QCD sum rules
Authors: Tao Huang, HongYing Jin and Ailin Zhang
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, 5 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034026
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807392
From: < >hnli(at)ibm65.phys.ncku.edu.tw<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 07:50:30 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Unified derivation of evolution equations
Authors: Hsiang-nan Li
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: one latex file, four figures in one postscript file
Report-no: NCKU-HEP-97-04
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807392.

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 Paper: hep-ph/9807393
From: Benjamin Tseng < >btseng(at)phys12.phys.sinica.edu.tw<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 08:45:02 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Exclusive charmless $B_s$ hadronic decays into $\eta'$ and $\eta$
Authors: B. Tseng
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages
Report-no: NCKU-TH-98-04
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B446 (1999) 125-134
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807394
From: Philip G. Ratcliffe < >pgr(at)fis.unico.it<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:17:37 GMT   (18kb)

Title: SU(3) Breaking in Hyperon Beta Decays: a Prediction for Xi0 -> Sigma+ e
Authors: Philip G. Ratcliffe
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Presented at the III Int. Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty
   Hadrons (Genova, June-July 1998). 3 pages, LaTeX2e, uses fleqn, espcrc2,
   acromake and axodraw packages (incl.)
Report-no: EPTCO-98-003
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 75B (1999) 60-62
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807395
From: < >Evangelos.Matsinos(at)psi.ch<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 11:22:05 GMT   (37kb)

Title: The low-energy constants of the pion-nucleon system
Authors: E. Matsinos
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX
Report-no: ZU-TH 8/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807396
From: Bronislav ZakharovLandau < >bgz(at)dxnhd5.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:12:51 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Quark energy loss in an expanding quark-gluon plasma
Authors: B.G.Zakharov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk given at 33rd Rencontres de Moriond; QCD and High Energy
   Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, France, Mar 21-28, 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807397
From: Alan M. Nathan < >nathan(at)uinpla.npl.uiuc.edu<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:21:05 GMT   (81kb)

Title: Real Compton Scattering at High Transverse Momentum Transfer
Authors: Alan M. Nathan (for the E97-108 Collaboration)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Contribution to the Jefferson Lab Workshop on Physics &
   Instrumentation with 6-12 GeV Beams; 4 pages, 3 figures
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807398
From: Mohammad Ahmady < >ahmady(at)postman.riken.go.jp<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:45:43 GMT   (36kb)

Title: Possible large direct CP asymmetry in hadronic B+- -> \pi+- \eta' decays
Authors: Mohammad R. Ahmady (RIKEN) and Emi Kou (Ochanomizu Univ.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, Revtex, 4 figures (included)
Report-no: RIKEN-AF-NP-292, OCHA-PP-121
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 054014
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807399
From: Howard Georgi < >georgi(at)physics.harvard.edu<
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 21:33:04 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:33:18 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 18 Sep 1998 21:16:11 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v4): Fri, 12 Feb 1999 15:20:14 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Soft Superweak CP Violation and the Strong CP Puzzle
Authors: Howard Georgi and Sheldon L. Glashow
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, embedded figures - this version was further revised after
   acceptance for publication
Report-no: HUTP-98/A048
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B451 (1999) 372-381
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807400
From: Phillip Page < >prp(at)qmc.lanl.gov<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 00:48:55 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 29 Sep 1998 01:00:56 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 6 Oct 1998 21:31:08 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v4): Wed, 25 Nov 1998 23:38:32 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Scalar Glueball Mixing and Decay
Authors: Leonid Burakovsky and Philip R. Page
Categories: hep-ph hep-lat
Comments: 25 pages, LaTeX, 1 encapsulated postscript figure. Formula changed
   in Appendix A. Eq. (5.1) changed and two-photon width predictions changed
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014022; Erratum-ibid. D59 (1999) 079902
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807401
From: Sachiko Takeuchi < >sachiko.hlth(at)med.tmd.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 03:17:34 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Symmetric and Antisymmetric Spin-Orbit Forces in YN Interaction by a
   Quark Model
Authors: Sachiko Takeuchi
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages (LaTeX), 2 figures (eps); Talk at the 1st SUT-KEK seminar on
   6 Apr 1998 at Science Univ of Tokyo, Noda campus
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807402
From: Rohini Godbole < >rohini(at)theory.tifr.res.in<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:41:05 GMT   (168kb)

Title: Resolved Photon Processes
Authors: R.M. Godbole
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, requires epsfig.sty. Plenary talk
   presented at Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology, V, January 12-25,
   1998, Pune, India
Report-no: IISc-CTS/7/98
Journal-ref: Pramana 51 (1998) 217-228
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807403
From: Lucchesi < >Claudio.Lucchesi(at)iph.unine.ch<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 12:49:45 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 10 Sep 1998 10:20:55 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Realizations of Thermal Supersymmetry
Authors: J.-P. Derendinger, C. Lucchesi
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 27 pages, no figures, LaTeX. Typos corrected and references added.
   To appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: NEIP-98-006
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B536 (1998) 483-510
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807404
From: Agaev Shahin Sabir < >agaev(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 12:51:51 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Single Meson Photoproduction via Higher Twist Mechanism and IR
Authors: S.S.Agaev
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the ECT*/CEBAF Workshop on N*
   Physics and non-perturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, 18-29 May 1998. To appear in
   Proceedings; "Few-Body Systems Suppl."
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 263-266
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807405
From: Marco Stratmann < >Marco.Stratmann(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 14:52:48 GMT   (81kb)

Title: Photoproduction of Heavy Quarks in Next-to-Leading Order QCD with
   Longitudinally Polarized Initial States
Authors: I. Bojak (Dortmund Univ.) and M. Stratmann (Durham Univ.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 47 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures, uses amssymb, axodraw, and epsfig styles
Report-no: DO-TH 98/12, DTP/98/36
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B540 (1999) 345-381
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807406
From: R. Sekhar Chivukula < >sekhar(at)ziz.bu.edu<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:49:50 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 28 Jul 1998 14:46:21 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Saturating the Bound on the Scale of Fermion Mass Generation
Authors: R. Sekhar Chivukula
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, Latex (minor typo fixed)
Report-no: BUHEP-98-21
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 389-392
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807407
From: Jerry Franklin < >v5030e(at)vm.temple.edu<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 19:08:57 GMT   (4kb)

Title: Comment on Octet Baryon Magnetic Moments in the Chiral Quark Model with
   Configuration Mixing
Authors: Jerrold Franklin
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, Latex file
Report-no: TUHE9871
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D61 (2000) 098301
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807408
From: Masayasu Harada < >harada(at)physics.unc.edu<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 17:14:42 GMT   (277kb)

Title: Chiral Phase Transition of QCD at Finite Temperature and Density from
   Schwinger-Dyson Equation
Authors: Masayasu Harada (Univ. of North Carolina, USA), Akihiro Shibata (KEK,
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 23 pages (LaTeX-RevTeX), 14 PostScript figures
Report-no: IFP-762-UNC, KEK preprint 98-106
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014010
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807409
From: Andrew Akeroyd < >akeroyd(at)flamenco.ific.uv.es<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 17:38:05 GMT   (54kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 8 Dec 1998 19:23:07 GMT   (55kb)

Title: Cascade decays of triplet Higgs bosons at LEP2
Authors: A.G. Akeroyd (Universidad de Valencia)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages Latex, 6 figures, some graphs changed slightly, a formula
   corrected, to appear in Physics Letters B
Report-no: FTUV/98/60, IFIC/98/61
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 335-343
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807410
From: Tomas Blazek < >blazek(at)gluon2.physics.indiana.edu<
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 22:31:22 GMT   (8kb)

Title: MSSM with Large tan$\beta$ Constrained by Minimal SO(10) Unification
Authors: T. Blazek
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk presented at PASCOS-98, Boston, MA, March 1998. 3 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: IUHET-392
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807411
From: Kazakov Dmitri < >kazakovd(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 09:57:32 GMT   (47kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:09:48 GMT   (47kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 1 Oct 1998 07:19:54 GMT   (45kb)
Date (revised v4): Fri, 26 Mar 1999 07:08:16 GMT   (46kb)

Title: Infrared Quasi Fixed Points and Mass Predictions in the MSSM
Authors: G. K. Yeghiyan, M. Jurcisin and D. I. Kazakov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages, LateX file with 13 eps figures, Corrected version,
   references are added. Final version to be published in Modern Physics Letters A
Report-no: YERPHY-1520(20)-98
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 601-619
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807412
From: Ken Kiers < >kiers(at)wind.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 17:31:25 GMT   (21kb)

Title: The neutrino ground state in a neutron star
Authors: Ken Kiers and Michel H.G. Tytgat
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, Latex (uses espcrc2.sty); contribution to the
   proceedings of Neutrino 98, Takayama, Japan, 4-9 June, 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 77 (1999) 445-449
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807413
From: Tatsu Takeuchi < >takeuchi(at)quantum.phys.vt.edu<
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 20:20:58 GMT   (41kb)

Title: An analysis of Precision Electroweak Measurements: Summer 98 Update
Authors: Aaron K. Grant (UCLA) and Tatsu Takeuchi (Virginia Tech)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTeX2e, 23 pages, 18 postscript figures, uses epsf.sty
Report-no: VPI-IPPAP-98-1, UCLA/98/TEP/20
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807414
From: < >suzuki(at)kelvin.lbl.gov<
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:23:27 GMT   (29kb)

Title: The final-state interaction in the two-body nonleptonic decay of a
   heavy particle
Authors: M. Suzuki (LBNL and Ucb)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 24 pages and one eps figure
Report-no: LBNL-42025
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807415
From: Constantin Bachas < >bachas(at)cpht.polytechnique.fr<
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 11:09:17 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 27 Oct 1998 14:41:44 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:35:41 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Unification with Low String Scale
Authors: Constantin P. Bachas (Ecole Polytechnique)
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, uses harvmac. Two minor changes. Final version to appear in
Journal-ref: JHEP 9811 (1998) 023
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807416
From: Wu Ning < >wuning(at)tofj1.ihep.ac.cn<
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 14:00:56 GMT   (8kb)

Title: General Gauge Field Theory And Its Application
Authors: Ning Wu
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, no figures, invited talk given at XI International
   Conference on "PROBLEMS OF QUANTUM FIELD THEORY", Dubna, Russia, July
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807417
From: < >baur(at)ubhep.physics.buffalo.edu<
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 14:28:40 GMT   (242kb)

Title: Electroweak Radiative Corrections to W Boson Production in Hadronic
Authors: U. Baur (SUNY Buffalo), S. Keller (Fermilab), and D. Wackeroth (PSI)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 38 pages, Revtex, 13 embedded postscript figures
Report-no: Fermilab-Pub-98/164-T
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 013002
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807418
From: Gudrun Hiller < >ghiller(at)mail.desy.de<
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 17:38:37 GMT   (47kb)

Title: Phenomenological Profiles of the Inclusive Hadron Spectra in the Decay
   $B \to X_s \ell^+ \ell^-$
Authors: A. Ali and G. Hiller (DESY, Hamburg)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 24 pages, 21 figures (require epsf.sty)
Report-no: DESY 98-031, July 1998
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 034017
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807419
From: Herbert Weigel < >weigel(at)pion08.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:05:33 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Hyperons as collective excitations of chiral solitons
Authors: Herbert Weigel (Tuebingen U)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages, uses col2.sty (included), Talk presented at the III Int.
   Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, Genova, June--July 1998
Report-no: UNITU-THEP-13/1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 75B (1999) 57-59
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807420
From: German Rodrigo < >rodrigo(at)ttpux9.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 16:20:38 GMT   (233kb)

Title: Charge asymmetry of heavy quarks at hadron colliders
Authors: J.H. K\"uhn and G. Rodrigo
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTeX, 16pp, 14 figures, uses revtex. The complete paper, including
   figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at
   this url , or via www at
   this url 
Report-no: TTP98-15
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 054017
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807421
From: A. A. Penin < >penin(at)ms2.inr.ac.ru<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 12:21:58 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:19:40 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Bottom quark pole mass and $|V_{cb}|$ matrix element from $R(e^+e^-\to
   b\bar b)$ and $\Gamma_{sl}(b\to cl\nu_l)$ in the next-to-next-to-leading order
Authors: A.A.Penin and A.A.Pivovarov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: revised version to appear in Nucl.Phys. B
Report-no: preprint INR-98-0986
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 217-241
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807422
From: Michael Buballa < >michael.buballa(at)physik.tu-darmstadt.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 14:33:29 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Quark Droplets in the NJL Mean Field
Authors: M. Buballa and M. Oertel
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 6 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps-figures included, to appear in the Proc. of
   the workshop 'QCD at Finite Baryon Density', Bielefeld, April 27-30, 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 39-44
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807423
From: Sven Heinemeyer < >sh(at)particle.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:48:06 GMT   (33kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:14:26 GMT   (33kb)

Title: Precise Prediction for the Mass of the Lightest Higgs Boson in the MSSM
Authors: S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, G. Weiglein
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, requires epsfig.sty, reference added, to
   appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: KA-TP-13-1998
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 296-304
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807424
From: Tao Han < >than(at)pheno.physics.wisc.edu<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:00:16 GMT   (45kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 1 Dec 1998 21:58:24 GMT   (45kb)

Title: Extending the Higgs Boson Reach at the Upgraded Fermilab Tevatron
Authors: Tao Han and Ren-Jie Zhang
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: revised version, to appear in PRL
Report-no: MADPH-98-1067
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 25-28
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807425
From: Helmut Neufeld < >Helmut.Neufeld(at)cern.ch<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:41:03 GMT   (14kb)

Title: The Super-Heat-Kernel Expansion and the Renormalization of the
   Pion-Nucleon Interaction
Authors: H. Neufeld (CERN)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, Latex
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-231
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C7 (1999) 355-362
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807426
From: Emilio Torrente Lujan < >torrente(at)itp.unibe.ch<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 19:13:43 GMT   (175kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 16:23:51 GMT   (176kb)

Title: Solar Antineutrinos from Fluctuating Magnetic Fields at Kamiokande
Authors: E. Torrente-Lujan
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pags. latex. 3 figures, 3 ps files. epsfig.sty neccesary. Version
   with minor typo errors corrected
Report-no: IFIC-9833, FTUV-9833, UQbar-TH/98345
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 305-312
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807427
From: Christian Schappacher < >cs(at)itpaxp3.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 20:00:12 GMT   (87kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:39:33 GMT   (92kb)

Title: Supersymmetric one-loop corrections to the process e^+e^- to f fbar
Authors: W. Hollik and C. Schappacher
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 48 pages, LaTex. Typos corrected, some comments added, diagram
   classes changed. Paper accepted by Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: KA-TP-3-1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B545 (1999) 98-140
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807428
From: Christian Hagmann < >hagmann1(at)llnl.gov<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:06:23 GMT   (126kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 10 Aug 1998 22:14:32 GMT   (126kb)

Title: Axions from string decay
Authors: C. Hagmann, S. Chang, P. Sikivie
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the Proc. of the 5th IFT
   Axion workshop, Gainesville FL, Mar 13-15 1998, 2 sentences slightly changed
Report-no: UCRL-JC-131307
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 72 (1999) 81-86
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807429
From: Samsonov < >sams(at)heron.itep.ru<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:28:03 GMT   (4kb)

Title: Decay constant of eta-meson from QCD sum rule
Authors: A.V. Samsonov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807430
From: Mari-Carmen Banuls < >banuls(at)titan.ific.uv.es<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 21:43:57 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 29 Jun 1999 17:01:21 GMT   (12kb)

Title: The CP-Conserving Direction
Authors: M.C. Banuls, J. Bernabeu
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, no figure. Version to appear in JHEP
Report-no: FTUV 98/37
Journal-ref: JHEP 9906 (1999) 032
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807431
From: Eric C. Martell < >martell(at)sunphy1.phy.uic.edu<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:06:31 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 27 Aug 1998 19:02:57 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Resonant Bound State Production at e- e- Colliders
Authors: David Bowser-Chao, Tom D. Imbo, B. Alex King, Eric C. Martell
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, 1 table, plain TeX, requires harvmac. Brief comparison to
   leptoglueball production at e+e- colliders added. Other minor changes. To
   appear in Physics Letters B
Report-no: UICHEP-TH/98-6
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 468-472
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807432
From: John LoSecco < >losecco(at)muon.hep.nd.edu<
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:24:40 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 27 Nov 1998 16:56:18 GMT   (36kb)

Title: $\Delta m^{2}$ Limits from $R(E_{\nu})$
Authors: J.M. LoSecco
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures. The revisions include a full fit to R(E) and a
   discussion of geomagnetic effects
Report-no: UNDPDK-98-03e
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807433
From: Phillip Page < >prp(at)qmc.lanl.gov<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 00:25:13 GMT   (28kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 4 Aug 1998 23:00:32 GMT   (28kb)

Title: The 1.4 GeV J^PC = 1^-+ state as an interference of a non-resonant
   background and a resonance at 1.6 GeV
Authors: Alexander Donnachie and Philip R. Page
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, LaTeX, 4 encapsulated postscript figures. Contributed talk
   (Abstract 459) presented by P.R. Page at the 29^th Int. Conf. on High Energy
   Physics (ICHEP'98), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, July 23-29, 1998. Comparison
   with experimental data added in Figure 3
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807434
From: Ian Balitsky < >balitsky(at)jlab.org<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 00:49:48 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Factorization for high-energy scattering
Authors: Ian Balitsky
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, Latex, 1 postscript figure, to appear in PRL
Report-no: JLAB-THY-98-19
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 2024-2027
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807435
From: Genrel < >grl%phys(at)puniv.chd.nic.in<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 05:12:14 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 29 Nov 1998 14:19:15 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:49:28 GMT   (10kb)

Title: A New Regime for Dense String Networks in the One Scale Model with
Authors: Charanjit S. Aulakh, Michiyasu Nagasawa and Vikram Soni
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, REVTEX. Version to appear in Physics Letters B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B471 (1999) 13-19
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807436
From: Igor Dremin < >dremin(at)td.lpi.ac.ru<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 06:50:20 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Schroedinger cats, quantum slings and azimuthal effects in
   nucleus-nucleus collisions
Authors: I.M. Dremin and V.I. Man'ko
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, LATEX, no Figs
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807437
From: < >hnli(at)ibm65.phys.ncku.edu.tw<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 06:51:20 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 12 May 1999 09:09:48 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 7 Jul 1999 07:40:22 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v4): Mon, 16 Aug 1999 05:40:11 GMT   (25kb)

Title: New unified evolution equation
Authors: Jyh-Liong Lim and Hsiang-nan Li
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: revised version, 21 pages in Latex, 2 figures in postscript
Report-no: NCKU-HEP-98-08
Journal-ref: Chin.J.Phys. 38 (2000) 801-813
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807438
From: Conrad John Burden < >cjb105(at)rsphy1.anu.edu.au<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 06:54:58 GMT   (118kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 3 Nov 1998 00:53:11 GMT   (120kb)

Title: The effect of the ultraviolet part of the gluon propagator on the heavy
   quark propagator
Authors: C.J.Burden
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages and one postscript figure
Report-no: ANU-HEP-98-5
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 037502
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807439
From: Asmaa Abada < >Asmaa.Abada(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 13:25:22 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 8 Jan 1999 13:38:36 GMT   (11kb)

Title: An infrared singularity in the damping rate for longitudinal gluons in
   hot QCD
Authors: A. Abada and O. Azi
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, RevTeX. Two signs corrected. Same result but substantially
   rewritten with more emphasis on the infrared problem. References added
Report-no: ENSK-TP-10
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B463 (1999) 117-125
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807440
From: Kotikov < >kotikov(at)herm-p.jinr.dubna.su<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:05:03 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 26 Jul 1998 06:32:26 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Compact analytical form for a class of three-loop vacuum Feynman diagrams
Authors: A. V. Kotikov (JINR, Dubna)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, latex + 1 ps figure
Journal-ref: JHEP 9809 (1998) 001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807441
From: Sasa Prelovsek < >Sasa.Prelovsek(at)ijs.si<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:25:14 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Signal for CP violation in $B^{\pm} \to P {\bar P} \pi^{\pm}$ decays
Authors: B. Bajc, S. Fajfer, R.J. Oakes, T.N. Pham and S. Prelovsek
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages, latex, no figures, Talk given by S. Fajfer at the Hyperons,
   Charm and Beauty Hadrons, Genova, Italy, 30 June -3 July 1998, to appear as
   proceedings in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: IJS-TP-98/16
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 75B (1999) 294
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807442
From: Walter Grimus < >grimus(at)doppler.thp.univie.ac.at<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:45:10 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 7 Sep 1998 15:53:32 GMT   (17kb)

Title: The field-theoretical approach to coherence in neutrino oscillations
Authors: W. Grimus, P. Stockinger, S. Mohanty
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 18 pages, revtex, no figures. Typos corrected and improved
   presentation of sections I, V and VI, assumptions and conclusions unchanged
Report-no: UWThPh-1998-40, PRL-TH-1998
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 013011
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807443
From: Martin Beneke < >Martin.Beneke(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 10:05:39 GMT   (284kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 1 Jan 1999 13:40:48 GMT   (285kb)

Title: Renormalons
Authors: M. Beneke (CERN)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 168 pages, LaTeX, 23 figures, rmpbib.sty file required and included.
   v2: minor rearrangements, bibliographical style changed
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-233
Journal-ref: Phys.Rept. 317 (1999) 1-142
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807444
From: Agaev Shahin Sabir < >agaev(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 12:58:18 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Light Mesons elm Form Factor and Running Coupling Effects
Authors: S.S.Agaev
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the Euroconference QCD98,
   Montpellier 2-8th July 1998, France; to appear in Proceedings
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 74 (1999) 155-158
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807445
From: Athar Husain < >athar(at)fpaxp1.usc.es<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:37:09 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Bounds on R-parity violating SUSY Yukawa couplings from semileptonic
   decays of baryons
Authors: Farida Tahir, M. Sadiq, M. Anwar Mughal and K. Ahmed (Quaid-i-Azam
   University, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: Latex (8 pages), no figure
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 316-318
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807446
From: Denner Ansgar < >Ansgar.Denner(at)psi.ch<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:58:33 GMT   (45kb)

Title: Electroweak radiative corrections to polarized Moeller scattering at
   high energies
Authors: Ansgar Denner and Stefano Pozzorini
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 18 pages, LaTeX, 15 eps figures
Report-no: PSI-PR-98-16
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C7 (1999) 185-195
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807447
From: Gronau < >gronau(at)fnth15.fnal.gov<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 15:11:08 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Final State Interaction Effects on $\gamma$ from $B \to D K$
Authors: Michael Gronau and Jonathan L. Rosner Comments 8 pages, 1 figure, Latex
Categories: hep-ph
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B439 (1998) 171-175
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807448
From: Michael Rueter < >rueter(at)post.tau.ac.il<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:14:54 GMT   (69kb)

Title: Energy and Q^2 dependence of elastic vectormeson production and the
   proton structure function F_2
Authors: Michael Rueter (Tel-Aviv University)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 28 pages, LaTex2e, uses graphicx package for eps-figures
Report-no: TAUP-2507-98
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C7 (1999) 233-249
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807449
From: Ikuo Sogami < >sogami(at)cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:55:48 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 11 Aug 1998 11:30:50 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Single and Double Universal Seesaw Mechanisms with Universal Strength
   for Yukawa Couplings
Authors: I. S. Sogami, H. Tanaka, and T. Shinohara
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX; a reference added
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-239
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 707-719
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807450
From: Carlos Alberto Salgado Lopez < >salgado(at)fpaxp1.usc.es<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:12:05 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Multiparticle Production and Percolation of Strings
Authors: C. Pajares, C.A. Salgado and E.G. Ferreiro
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Talk given in the workshop Particle
   Distributions in Hadronic and Nuclear Collisions, University of Illinois at
Report-no: US-FT/16-98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807451
From: Jonathan R. Ellis < >John.Ellis(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 17:12:48 GMT   (27kb)

Title: High-Energy QCD as a Topological Field Theory
Authors: John Ellis and N.E. Mavromatos
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 24 pages LATEX, one eps figure incorporated
Report-no: OUTP-98-51P
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C8 (1999) 91-102
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807452
From: Michael Chanowitz < >chanowit(at)thsrv.lbl.gov<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 18:02:23 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Higgs boson mass constraints from precision data and direct searches
Authors: Michael S. Chanowitz
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 27 pages, plain Latex, 1 embedded postscript figure
Report-no: LBNL-42103
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 073005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807453
From: Bugra Borasoy < >borasoy(at)het.phast.umass.edu<
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 18:31:29 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Sigma-terms in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory revisited
Authors: B. Borasoy
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C8 (1999) 121-130
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807454
From: < >Antonio.Riotto(at)cern.ch<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:33:19 GMT   (195kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 28 Jul 1998 07:05:26 GMT   (196kb)

Title: Theories of Baryogenesis
Authors: Antonio Riotto (CERN-TH)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, 90 pages, 12 figures. Lectures delivered at the Summer
   School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Trieste, Italy, 29 June -17 July
   1998. New references added
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-204
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807455
From: Douglas Murray < >dwm(at)phys.unsw.edu.au<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 05:58:55 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Dyons as a source of CP and time invariance violation: electric dipole
   moments and K-meson decays
Authors: D.W. Murray and V.V. Flambaum
Categories: hep-ph physics.atom-ph
Comments: 22 pages, 5 figures, RevTex
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Atomic Physics
Journal-ref: J.Phys. G25 (1999) 2059-2069
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807456
From: Shan Lian-you < >shanly(at)itp.ac.cn<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 07:43:38 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 2 Aug 1998 02:47:52 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v3): Sun, 23 Aug 1998 12:15:15 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v4): Sun, 14 Mar 1999 12:22:04 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Alternative mass shell renormalization for minimal supersymmetric Higgs
Authors: Lian-You Shan (ITP, Academia Sinica)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: preprint-aps revtex, 13 pages argument for tan\beta -> M_H and 4
   figures added
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C12 (2000) 113
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807457
From: Shinohara Tadatomi < >sinohara(at)cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:57:54 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 4 Nov 1998 10:51:11 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Universal Seesaw Mechanism with Universal Strength for Yukawa Couplings
Authors: Tadatomi Shinohara (Kyoto Sangyo University), Hajime Tanaka (Kyoto
   Sangyo University) and Ikuo S. Sogami (Kyoto Sangyo University and CERN)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 16 pages, no figures
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 100 (1998) 615-625
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807458
From: Antonio Vairo < >vairo(at)qhepu3.oeaw.ac.at<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:25:36 GMT   (30kb)

Title: The Barbieri-Remiddi solution of the bound state problem in QED
Authors: Antonio Vairo
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures
Report-no: HD-THEP-97-30
Journal-ref: Found.Phys. 28 (1998) 829
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807459
From: Alexei P. Martynenko < >mart(at)info.ssu.samara.ru<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:46:43 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Corrections of order (Z\alpha)^6 m_e^2/m_\mu in the muonium fine
Authors: R.N.Faustov and A.P.Martynenko
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, LaTEX, 2 figures, uses linedraw.sty
Report-no: SSU-HEP-98/03
Journal-ref: J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 88 (1999) 672-680; Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 115 (1999)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807460
From: Antonio Vairo < >vairo(at)qhepu3.oeaw.ac.at<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:11:57 GMT   (41kb)

Title: Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in heavy-light quark systems
Authors: P. Bicudo, N. Brambilla, E. Ribeiro and A. Vairo
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, 2 figures, elsart.sty
Report-no: HEPHY-PUB 694/98, UWThPh-1998-31
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 349-358
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807461
From: < >huangmq(at)hptc5.ihep.ac.cn<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 11:43:13 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Semileptonic B decays into excited charmed mesons from QCD sum rules
Authors: Yuan-ben Dai(ITP,CAS), Ming-qiu Huang(CCAST & Ihep,CAS)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: RevTeX, 17 pages including 2 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034018
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807462
From: Heribert Weigert < >weigert(at)hep.phy.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:32:47 GMT   (42kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 7 Aug 1998 16:01:00 GMT   (42kb)

Title: Unitarization of Gluon Distribution in the Doubly Logarithmic Regime at
   High Density
Authors: Jamal Jalilian-Marian (LBNL), Alex Kovner (Oxford U), Andrei Leonidov
   (Lebedev Inst.) and Heribert Weigert (Cambridge U)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, 2 figures, references added, some typos corrected
Report-no: LBNL-42095, OUTP-98 55P, Cavendish-HEP-98/12
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034007; Erratum-ibid. D59 (1999) 099903
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807463
From: < >yangjj(at)bepc3.ihep.ac.cn<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:49:15 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Nonperturbative Corrections to One Gluon Exchange Quark Potentials
Authors: J.J. Yang, H.Q. Shen, G.L. Li, T. Huang, P.N. Shen
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTex, 16 pages, three figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys. A
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A640 (1998) 457-470
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807464
From: Silvano Simula < >simula(at)hpteo1.roma3.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 14:15:49 GMT   (65kb)

Title: Probing right-handed currents in B -> K* l+ l- transitions
Authors: D. Melikhov, N. Nikitin and S. Simula
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: latex, 10 pp., 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: preprint INFN-RM3 98/1, July 1998
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 381-389
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807465
From: Guido Montagna < >Guido.Montagna(at)pv.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 14:20:56 GMT   (119kb)

Title: Single- and multi-photon final states with missing energy at e+e-
Authors: G. Montagna, M. Moretti, O. Nicrosini and F. Piccinini
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: LaTeX, 20 pages, 10 figures included
Report-no: CERN/TH 98-238, FNT/T 98/07
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B541 (1999) 31-49
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807466
From: Utpal Sarkar < >Utpal.Sarkar(at)cern.ch<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:02:49 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Naturally light sterile neutrinos
Authors: Utpal Sarkar
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages latex file and one postscript figure
Report-no: DESY 98-083
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 031301
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807467
From: Gabor Papp < >papp(at)tpri6l.gsi.de<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:14:32 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Chiral Disorder and Diffusion of Light Quarks in the QCD Vacuum
Authors: Romuald A. Janik, Maciej A. Nowak, Gabor Papp and Ismail Zahed
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat hep-lat nucl-th
Comments: 9 pages in APPB sty (included). Invited talk by MAN at the Workshop
   on the Structure of Mesons, Baryons and Nuclei, Cracow, May 26-30, 1998
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 3215-3224
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807468
From: K. Zuber < >zuber(at)physik.uni-dortmund.de<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 17:51:02 GMT   (73kb)

Title: Status and perspectives of neutrino oscillation searches
Authors: K. Zuber
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Inv. Plenary talk at 6th Symp. on Particles, Strings and Cosmology
   (PASCOS'98), Boston, March 1998. 8 pages, 5 eps-figures included, needs
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807469
From: Elizabeth H. Simmons < >simmons(at)smyrd.bu.edu<
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 21:54:05 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Top-Bottom Splitting in Technicolor with Composite Scalars
Authors: Bogdan A. Dobrescu and Elizabeth H. Simmons
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21 pages
Report-no: FERMI-PUB-98/225-T; BUHEP-98-16
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015014
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807470
From: Peter Kroll < >kroll(at)theorie.physik.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 06:56:16 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Higher Fock states and power counting in exclusive charmonium decays
Authors: Peter Kroll
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 6 pages, amsmath
Report-no: WU B 98-15
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 2789-2796
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807471
From: Peter Kroll < >kroll(at)theorie.physik.uni-wuppertal.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 08:08:15 GMT   (22kb)

Title: The Diquark Model for Exclusive Reactions
Authors: Peter Kroll
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, 3 Postscript figures, amsmath, epsfig
Report-no: WU B 98-22
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 255-262
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807472
From: < >fiore(at)cs.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 08:10:46 GMT   (11kb)

Title: The Generalized Non-forward BFKL Equation and the ``Bootstrap''
   Condition for the Gluon Reggeization in the NLLA
Authors: V.S. Fadin, R. Fiore
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: BUDKERINP/98-54, UNICAL-TP 98/3
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 359-366
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807473
From: Dominik Schwarz < >dschwarz(at)th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 09:31:57 GMT   (56kb)

Title: Cosmological and astrophysical aspects of finite-density QCD
Authors: Dominik J. Schwarz (Univ. Frankfurt)
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, 4 figures. Invited talk at 'QCD at Finite Baryon Density',
   Bielefeld (Germany), April 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A642 (1998) 336-348
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807474
From: Akaki Rusetsky < >rusetsky(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 11:45:33 GMT   (14kb)

Title: pi+pi- Atom in Chiral Theories
Authors: M. A. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna), V. E. Lyubovitskij (JINR, Dubna and Tomsk
   State University), E. Z. Lipartia (JINR, Dubna and IHEP, Tbilisi State
   University), A. G. Rusetsky (JINR, Dubna and IHEP, Tbilisi State University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, LaTeX-file (dubna98.sty) Talk given at the International
   Workshop "Hadronic Atoms and Posirtonium in the Standard Model", 26-31 May
   1998, Dubna, Russia
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807475
From: < >Paolo.Lipari(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 12:57:16 GMT   (106kb)

Title: Atmospheric neutrinos, long-baseline neutrino beams and the precise
   measurement of the neutrino oscillation parameters
Authors: Giuseppe Battistoni, Paolo Lipari
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 31 pages, 7 eps-figures. To appear in the proceedings of the
   1998 'Vulcano workshop on Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807476
From: Helmut Schlattl < >schlattl(at)mpa-garching.mpg.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:03:08 GMT   (204kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 3 Dec 1998 17:10:40 GMT   (226kb)

Title: Helioseismological constraint on solar axion emission
Authors: Helmut Schlattl, Achim Weiss (MPA Garching), Georg Raffelt (MPP
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Astrop. Phys, minor changes
   in figures and text
Journal-ref: Astropart.Phys. 10 (1999) 353-359
DOI: 10.1016/S0927-6505(98)00063-2
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807477
From: Lev N. Lipatov < >lipatov(at)charly.desy.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:57:26 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:48:36 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Duality of Reggeon Interactions in QCD
Authors: L.N. Lipatov
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk given at DIS 98, Brussels, April 1998, 5 pages, Latex, typos
   corrected, one reference added
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807478
From: Sasa Prelovsek < >Sasa.Prelovsek(at)ijs.si<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 14:06:02 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Can FCNC transition $c\to ul^+l^-$ be seen in $D\to Vl^+l^-$ decays?
Authors: S. Prelovsek, S. Fajfer and P. Singer
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages, latex, 3 figures, Talk given by S. Prelovsek at the
   Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, Genova, Italy, 30 June -3 July 1998, to
   appear as proceedings in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: IJS-TP-98/17
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 75B (1999) 141-143
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807479
From: Mirjam Cvetic < >cvetic(at)cvetic.hep.upenn.edu<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 23:32:44 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 12 Nov 1998 20:21:33 GMT   (71kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:21:19 GMT   (72kb)

Title: Physics Implications of Flat Directions in Free Fermionic Superstring
   Models I: Mass Spectrum and Couplings
Authors: G. Cleaver, M. Cvetic, J. R. Espinosa, L. Everett, P.Langacker, and
   J. Wang
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 36 pages, 5 tables, 4 figures, RevTeX, minor changes
Report-no: UPR-0811-T
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 055005
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807480
From: Bernd Kniehl < >kniehl(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:50:53 GMT   (39kb)

Title: W^+- H^-+ Associated Production at the Large Hadron Collider
Authors: A.A. Barrientos Bendezu, B.A. Kniehl (MPI Munich)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 16 pages (Latex), 8 figures (Postscript)
Report-no: MPI/PhT/98-054
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015009
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807481
From: Toby Falk < >falk(at)pheno.physics.wisc.edu<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:28:39 GMT   (83kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 22:25:59 GMT   (83kb)

Title: LEP Constraints on Neutralino Relic Densities, and the Fate of Higgsino
   Dark Matter
Authors: Toby Falk
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 17 pages in LaTeX, with 8 encapsulated postscript figures. Corrected
   one reference. To appear in the proceedings of the 1998 International
   Symposium on Lepton and Baryon Number Violation
Report-no: MADPH-98-1071
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807482
From: Nemanja Kaloper < >kaloper(at)leland.stanford.edu<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:23:31 GMT   (53kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:59:01 GMT   (52kb)

Title: Topological $R^4$ Inflation
Authors: John Ellis, Nemanja Kaloper, Keith A. Olive, Jun'ichi Yokoyama
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph gr-qc hep-th
Comments: 25 pages, latex, 2 eps figures, minor changes, accepted for
   publication in Phys. Rev. D
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-217, SU-ITP-98-44, UMN-TH-1710/98, YITP-98-41
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 103503
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807483
From: Kingman Cheung < >cheung(at)gluon.ucdavis.edu<
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:01:44 GMT   (33kb)

Title: Constraints on Electron-quark Contact Interactions
Authors: Kingman Cheung (UCD)
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 9 pages and 2 figures. Plenary talks presented at the IVth
   International Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, National
   Sin-yat-sun University, Taiwan R.O.C., June 18--21 1998 and at the D0
   Collaboration meeting, Davis, CA, March 1998; and in a parallel session at
   PASCOS-98, Northeastern University, Boson MA, March 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807484
From: Georg Raffelt < >raffelt(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:11:26 GMT   (51kb)

Title: Some Astrophysical Implications of Experimentally Favored Neutrino
   Masses and Mixings
Authors: G.Raffelt (MPP, Munich)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 3 eps figs included, to be publ. in Proc. New Trends in
   Neutrino Physics, 24-29 May 1998, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807485
From: Akaki Rusetsky < >rusetsky(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:04:24 GMT   (28kb)

Title: Bound q\bar q Systems in the Framework of the Different Versions of the
   3-Dimensional Reductions of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
Authors: T. Babutsidze (IHEP, Tbilisi State University), T. Kopaleishvili
   (IHEP, Tbilisi State University), A. G. Rusetsky (JINR, Dubna and IHEP,
   Tbilisi State University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 22 pages, 5 postscript figures, LaTeX-file (revtex.sty)
Report-no: TSU-HEPI/98-06
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C59 (1999) 976-985
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807486
From: < >vgusynin(at)gluk.apc.org<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:08:48 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Electron Self-Energy in Strong Magnetic Field: Summation of Double
   Logarithmic Terms
Authors: V. P. Gusynin and A. V. Smilga
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, revtex, 6 eps figures
Report-no: NORDITA 98/39-HE
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 267-274
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807487
From: Jean-Marc Virey < >Jean-Marc.Virey(at)cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:19:20 GMT   (44kb)

Title: A light leptophobic Z' in polarized hadronic collisions
Authors: P. Taxil and J.-M. Virey
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex file, 13 pages and 3 ps fig. included in tex file with psfig.sty
Report-no: CPT-98/P.3667
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B441 (1998) 376-382
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807488
From: Robert Peschanski < >pesch(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 16:28:18 GMT   (319kb)

Title: Hard diffraction at HERA in the dipole model of BFKL dynamics
Authors: S. Munier, R. Peschanski, Ch. Royon (saclay)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: uuencoded (latex file + 11 eps.figures), 27 pages
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B534 (1998) 297-317
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807489
From: Arcadi Santamaria < >arcadi.santamaria(at)uv.es<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 17:18:12 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 5 Aug 1999 15:46:27 GMT   (21kb)

Title: $m_b(m_Z)$ from jet production at the $Z$ peak in the Cambridge algorithm
Authors: Mikhail Bilenky, Susana Cabrera, Joan Fuster, Salvador Marti, German
   Rodrigo, Arcadi Santamaria
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures. Enlarged version including a section on
   hadronisation corrections. The list of authors has also changed
Report-no: FTUV/99-36, IFIC/98-37
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 114006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807490
From: James Osborn < >osborn(at)tonic.physics.sunysb.edu<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 19:53:27 GMT   (77kb)

Title: Thouless Energy and Correlations of QCD Dirac Eigenvalues
Authors: J.C. Osborn and J.J.M. Verbaarschot
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, Latex and 3 postscript figures
Report-no: SUNY-NTG-98/22
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 268-271
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807491
From: Otto Kong < >kong(at)pas.rochester.edu<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 21:25:00 GMT   (4kb)

Title: Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking and Spontaneous CP Violation as a
   Solution to the Strong CP Problem
Authors: Otto C. W. Kong (Rochester U.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages + cover, in LATEX with sprocl.sty, talks given by PASCOS 98
   and 4th International Workshop on Particle Phenomenology (Taiwan)
Report-no: UR-1537, ER/40685/919
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807492
From: Geoffrey Bodwin < >gtb(at)hep.anl.gov<
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 22:45:02 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 3 Jun 1999 18:59:23 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Renormalon Ambiguities in NRQCD Operator Matrix Elements
Authors: Geoffrey T. Bodwin (Argonne), Yu-Qi Chen (Ohio State)
Categories: hep-ph hep-lat hep-th
Comments: 29 pages, REVTEX; revised Abstract, Introduction, Summary, corrected
   some typos
Report-no: ANL-HEP-PR-98-29, OHSTPY-HEP-T-98-008
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 054008
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807493
From: Andrei Linde < >linde(at)physics.stanford.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 21:11:29 GMT   (57kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 28 Jul 1998 03:42:53 GMT   (57kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 14 Aug 1998 04:53:26 GMT   (58kb)

Title: A Toy Model for Open Inflation
Authors: Andrei Linde
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph gr-qc hep-th
Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, revtex, a discussion of density perturbations is
Report-no: SU-ITP-98-45
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 023503
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807494
From: Georges Grunberg < >grunberg(at)cpht.polytechnique.fr<
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 15:48:59 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:50:20 GMT   (30kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 10 Nov 1998 16:06:29 GMT   (30kb)
Date (revised v4): Tue, 8 Dec 1998 18:01:32 GMT   (31kb)

Title: On power corrections in the dispersive approach
Authors: G. Grunberg (Ecole Polytechnique)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 40 pages, no figures, final version, improved notation and
   additional comments with respect to the version published in JHEP
Report-no: CPTh/S 635.0798
Journal-ref: JHEP 9811 (1998) 006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807495
From: A. Khodjamirian < >ak(at)physik.uni-wuerzburg.de<
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 16:25:44 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Exclusive Nonleptonic Decays of Heavy Mesons in QCD
Authors: A. Khodjamirian and R. R\"uckl
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, LaTex, 2 figures, epsf; talk presented by A. Khodjamirian
   at the 3rd Workshop ``Continuous Advances in QCD'', Minneapolis, April 1998
Report-no: WUE-ITP-98-032
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807496
From: Ji-Ho Jang < >jhjang(at)muon.kaist.ac.kr<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 01:05:14 GMT   (22kb)

Title: A new method for extracting the weak phase gamma from B ---> D K(*)
Authors: Ji-Ho Jang and Pyungwon Ko
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages with 2 figures
Report-no: KAIST-14/98, SNUTP 98-079
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 111302
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807497
From: Krzysztof Golec-Biernat < >golec(at)solaris.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 13:31:34 GMT   (46kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:53:27 GMT   (48kb)

Title: Off-diagonal parton distributions and their evolution
Authors: K. Golec-Biernat and A. D. Martin
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 22 pages, Latex, 6 ps figures. Improved presentation after
   discussions with X.Ji and A.Radyushkin
Report-no: DTP/98/48
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014029
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807498
From: Jin-Mo Chung < >jmchung(at)photon.kyunghee.ac.kr<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 11:24:08 GMT   (160kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 14 Aug 1998 08:36:32 GMT   (161kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 21 Aug 1998 01:31:29 GMT   (161kb)
Date (revised v4): Mon, 23 Nov 1998 16:50:23 GMT   (155kb)

Title: Three-Loop Effective Potential of O(N) $\phi^4$ Theory
Authors: J.-M. Chung and B. K. Chung
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: RevTex, 22 pages, 9 ps figures plus 4 embeded figures, macro
   dratex.sty included, typos corrected
Report-no: KHUTP-9807
Journal-ref: J.Korean Phys.Soc. 33 (1998) 643-654
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807499
From: Gabor Papp < >papp(at)tpri6l.gsi.de<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 14:43:32 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Two-Color QCD and Aharonov-Bohm Fluxes
Authors: Romuald A. Janik, Maciej A. Nowak, Gabor Papp and Ismail Zahed
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat hep-lat
Comments: 4 pages RevTeX
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807500
From: < >hmchoi(at)unity.ncsu.edu<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 15:33:12 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 2 Oct 1998 01:21:05 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Kaon electroweak form factors in the light-front quark model
Authors: Ho-Meoyng Choi and Chueng-Ryong Ji(NCSU)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, 6figures, modified Sec.III and added an appendix, version
   to appear in Phys. Rev. D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034001
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807501
From: Pran Nath < >nath(at)neu.edu<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 18:47:37 GMT   (10kb)

Title: The Neutron and the Lepton EDMs in MSSM, Large CP violating Phases, and
   the Cancellation Mechanism
Authors: Tarek Ibrahim and Pran Nath
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, Latex, no figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 111301; Erratum-ibid. D60 (1999) 099902
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807502
From: < >tavzur(at)fe.infn.it<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 19:41:41 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 17 Mar 1999 19:17:56 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Phenomenology with Supersymmetric Flipped SU(6)
Authors: Qaisar Shafi and Zurab Tavartkiladze
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 24 pp. LATEX. Modified version accepted for Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: BA-98-32, INFN-FE 12-98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B552 (1999) 67-87
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807503
From: Zygmunt Lalak < >zygmunt.lalak(at)cern.ch<
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 23:30:24 GMT   (38kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 18 Sep 1998 20:34:09 GMT   (38kb)

Title: Beyond the Standard Embedding in M-Theory on S^1/Z_2
Authors: Zygmunt Lalak, Stefan Pokorski, Steven Thomas
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 32 pages, LaTex, no figures, references added
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-230
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 63-97
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807504
From: Robert Delbourgo < >delbourg(at)oberon.phys.utas.edu.au<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 00:40:19 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Dynamical Generation of Linear $\sigma$ model SU(3) Lagrangian and
   Meson Nonet Mixing
Authors: R. Delbourgo and M.D. Scadron
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 19 printed pages, requires plain Tex, now published in IJMPA 13, 657
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 657
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807505
From: Robert Delbourgo < >delbourg(at)oberon.phys.utas.edu.au<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 00:41:53 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Regularizing the quark-level $\sigma$ model
Authors: R. Delbourgo, A.A. Rawlinson and M.D. Scadron
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 2 figures, Latex, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A
Report-no: UTAS-PHYS-96-11
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 1893-1898
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807506
From: Herbert Weigel < >weigel(at)pion08.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 07:01:09 GMT   (60kb)

Title: Nucleon structure functions from a chiral soliton
Authors: H. Weigel, L. Gamberg, H. Reinhardt and O. Schroeder
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, uses col2.sty (included). Talk presented by HW at the Int.
   Conf. QCD-98, Montpellier, July 1998. To appear in the proceedings
Report-no: UNITU-THEP-14/1998, OKHEP-98-04
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 74 (1999) 125
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807507
From: He Xiao-Gang < >hexg(at)dirac.ph.unimelb.edu.au<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 07:51:48 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Direct CP Violation in Angular Distribution of $B\to J/\psi K^{*}$ Decays
Authors: Xiao-Gang He and Wei-Shu Hou
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, Revtex
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 117502
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807508
From: Cao Jun < >caoj(at)hptc5.ihep.ac.cn<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 11:17:21 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Electromagnetic Transition Form Factor of Pseudoscalar Meson and
   $\eta-\eta'$ Mixing
Authors: Jun Cao, Fu-Guang Cao, Tao Huang, and Bo-Qiang Ma
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, RevTeX, 4 ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D
Report-no: BIHEP-TH-97-21
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 113006
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807509
From: Marc Chemtob < >chemtob(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:16:15 GMT   (167kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 17 Nov 1998 12:43:20 GMT   (155kb)

Title: Systematics of single superpartners production at leptonic colliders
Authors: Marc Chemtob and Gr\'egory Moreau
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex File. 31 pages. 13 postscript figures. 3 tables. Revised version
Report-no: Saclay T98/061
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 055003
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807510
From: Michael Bordag < >michael.bordag(at)itp.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:00:25 GMT   (155kb)

Title: Electroweak phase transition in a strong magnetic field
Authors: V. Skalozub, M. Bordag
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 27 pages, 10 figures
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807511
From: Yuval Grossman < >yuval(at)slac.stanford.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:02:29 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Atmospheric \nu_\mu Deficit from Decoherence
Authors: Yuval Grossman and Mihir P. Worah
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, latex, no figures
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-7888
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807512
From: Gina Canali < >gina(at)ovation.physics.yale.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:08:51 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 3 Aug 1998 20:02:58 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 5 Aug 1998 15:41:39 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v4): Wed, 4 Nov 1998 19:38:45 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Modelling Sonoluminescence
Authors: Alan Chodos (Yale University), Sarah Groff (Yale University)
Categories: hep-ph chao-dyn nlin.CD quant-ph
Comments: Expanded introduction, appendix on duality, 18 pages, plain TeX
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Chaotic Dynamics
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. E59 (1999) 3001-3007
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807513
From: Mark Wusthoff < >mark.wusthoff(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 17:07:01 GMT   (73kb)

Title: Saturation Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering at low $Q^2$ and its
   Implications on Diffraction
Authors: K. Golec-Biernat, M. Wusthoff
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 24 pages, 12 figures, Latex-file
Report-no: DTP/98/50
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014017
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807514
From: Gilda Reyes < >reyes(at)physics.ucla.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 21:26:48 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Reflections on the Strong CP Problem
Authors: R. D. Peccei (University of California, Los Angeles)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages, Latex file
Report-no: UCLA/98/TEP/21
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807515
From: Elena Accomando < >elena(at)chaos.physics.tamu.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:59:53 GMT   (370kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 30 Dec 1998 18:26:10 GMT   (421kb)

Title: Higgs Production in Charged Current Six Fermion Processes at Future
   $e^+e^-$ Colliders
Authors: Elena Accomando, Alessandro Ballestrero and Marco Pizzio
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 16 pages, 8 Ps figures included. Revised version. One fig.
   added, qcd curve in fig.5 corrected, various changes in the text
Report-no: DFTT-40-98, CTP-TAMU-31-98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B547 (1999) 81-95
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807516
From: Gilda Reyes < >reyes(at)physics.ucla.edu<
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:17:19 GMT   (344kb)

Title: Discrete and Global Symmetries in Particle Physics
Authors: R. D. Peccei (University of California, Los Angeles)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 50 pages, 2 figures, Latex file
Report-no: UCLA/98/TEP/22
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807517
From: Morimitsu Tanimoto < >tanimoto(at)ed.ehime-u.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 03:37:05 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Large Neutrino Flavor Mixings and Lepton Mass Matrices
Authors: Morimitsu Tanimoto
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, LaTex file, no figure Reort-no: EHU-98-08
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807518
From: S. Y. Tsai < >tsai(at)phys.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 04:18:52 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Further Study on Possible Violation of CP, T and CPT Symmetries in the
   $K^0$-$\bar{K^0}$ System --- Remarks and Results ---
Authors: Y.Kouchi, A.Shinbori, Y.Takeuchi and S.Y.Tsai
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages
Report-no: NUP-A-98-10
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807519
From: Valera Lyubovitskij < >lubovit(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:58:38 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:36:48 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v3): Sun, 2 Aug 1998 11:59:30 GMT   (11kb)

Title: One-Pion Charm Baryon Transitions in a Relativistic Three-Quark Model
Authors: M. A. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna), J. G. Korner (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.), V.
   E. Lyubovitskij (JINR, Dubna and Tomsk U.), A. G. Rusetsky (JINR, Dubna and
   Tbilisi U.)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX-file
Report-no: Preprint Mainz Univ. MZ-TH/98-14
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 435-442
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807520
From: < >smbarr(at)bartol.bartol.udel.edu<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:29:59 GMT   (8kb)

Title: A superweak solution of the Strong CP Problem
Authors: S.B. Barr (Bartol Research Institute, Univ. of Delaware)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTex 12 pages
Report-no: BA-98-36
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B448 (1999) 41-45
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807521
From: Daniele Steer < >d.a.steer(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 18:21:33 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Evolution of a Network of Cosmic String Loops
Authors: D.A.Steer
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Talk presented at PASCOS-98, Boston, MA, March 1998. 4 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: DAMTP-1998-94
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807522
From: Keith Dienes < >Keith.Dienes(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:34:55 GMT   (17kb)

Title: TeV-scale GUTs
Authors: Keith R. Dienes, Emilian Dudas, and Tony Gherghetta
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures. Talk Proceedings
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-245 (July 1998)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807523
From: < >bereraa(at)ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:38:01 GMT   (6kb)

Title: The Warm Inflation Early Universe
Authors: Arjun Berera
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 5 pages, Latex, Presented at PASCOS98
Report-no: VAND-TH-98-12
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807524
From: Keith L. Frost < >frost(at)fermi.phys.washington.edu<
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 21:33:36 GMT   (97kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:22:17 GMT   (0kb,I)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 4 Dec 1998 21:03:01 GMT   (105kb)

Title: Periodic Euclidean Solutions of SU(2)-Higgs Theory
Authors: Keith L. Frost and Laurence G. Yaffe
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Results in Figure 6, and following discussion, corrected. References
   added. Results recently confirmed by direct calculation
Report-no: UW/PT 98-9
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 065013
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807525
From: John N. Bahcall < >jnb(at)ias.edu<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:40:13 GMT   (40kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:26:27 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Do hep neutrinos affect the solar neutrino energy spectrum?
Authors: John Bahcall and Plamen Krastev
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph hep-ex nucl-ex nucl-th
Comments: Accepted Phyics Letters B. Related information at
   this url . LaTeX file. 12 pages including 2 figures. Typo
   in Table 2 corrected
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B436 (1998) 243-250
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807526
From: Xerxes Tata < >tata(at)uhheph.phys.hawaii.edu<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:48:10 GMT   (134kb)

Title: Developments in Supersymmetry Phenomenology
Authors: Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, uses psfig.sty, sprocl.sty, Talk presented at
   PASCOS-98, March 1998
Report-no: UH-511-911-98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807527
From: Victor S. Fadin < >V.S.Fadin(at)inp.nsk.su<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 03:50:16 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Next-to-Leading BFKL
Authors: V.S.Fadin
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, latex, Talk given at the International Conference "DIS98",
   April 4-8, Brussels, Belgium, 1998
Report-no: Budker INP 98-56
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807528
From: Victor S. Fadin < >V.S.Fadin(at)inp.nsk.su<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 03:50:33 GMT   (29kb)

Title: BFKL News
Authors: V.S.Fadin
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 30 pages, latex, Talk given at "LISHEP98", LAFEX school on high
   energy physics, February 14-21, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998
Report-no: Budker INP 98-55
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807529
From: Sergey Goloskokov < >goloskkv(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 06:54:27 GMT   (199kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 8 Feb 2000 11:50:33 GMT   (206kb)

Title: Spin effects in high-energy proton-proton scattering within a diquark
Authors: S.V.Goloskokov and P. Kroll
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 19 pages, 9 PS figures. Final version of the paper, published in
   Phys. Rev, D 60, 014019, 1999
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 014019
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807530
From: Tadek Wibig < >wibig(at)zpk.u.lodz.pl<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:20:09 GMT   (56kb)

Title: Three steps in intranuclear cascading
Authors: Tadeusz Wibig (Univ. of Lodz)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4pp (4 eps figures)
Report-no: ZPK-UL-980729a
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807531
From: Tadek Wibig < >wibig(at)zpk.u.lodz.pl<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:20:54 GMT   (63kb)

Title: Nuclei cross sections in Extensive Air Showers
Authors: Tadeusz Wibig (Univ. of Lodz)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4pp (4 eps figures)
Report-no: ZPK-UL-980729b
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807532
From: Bryan Webber < >webber(at)mail.cern.ch<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 10:03:14 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Comparisons of New Jet Clustering Algorithms for Hadron-Hadron Collisions
Authors: A.T. Pierce and B.R. Webber
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex
Comments: 25 pages, REVTex, 13 figures
Report-no: Cavendish-HEP-98/10
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 034014
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807533
From: Qiao Cong Feng < >qcf(at)ccastb.ccast.ac.cn<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 10:02:41 GMT   (77kb)

Title: Demonstration of the double Q^2-rescaling model
Authors: Hong-an Peng, Cong-feng Qiao, Jia-sheng Xu and Zhen-min He
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 19 page, RevTex, 5 figures in postscript
Report-no: PKU-TP-98-31
Journal-ref: Commun.Theor.Phys. 32 (1999) 443-452
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807534
From: Keiichi Akama < >akama(at)saitama-med.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 11:20:20 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 8 Aug 1998 03:32:20 GMT   (9kb)

Title: A Dynamical Origin of the Mass Hierarchy among Neutrinos, Charged
   Leptons, and Quarks
Authors: Keiichi Akama and Kazuo Katsuura (Dept. of Phys., Saitama Medical
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages
Report-no: SMC-PHYS-158
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807535
From: Tadek Wibig < >wibig(at)zpk.u.lodz.pl<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 11:18:32 GMT   (213kb)

Title: On the Extensive Air Shower density spectrum
Authors: Aleksander Zawadzki (College de France), Tadeusz Wibig (Univ. of
   Lodz), Jerzy Gawin (Institute of Nuclear Studies, Lodz)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16pp (13 eps figures) (+ cimento.cls)
Report-no: ZPK-UL-980729c
Journal-ref: Nuovo Cim. A111 (1998) 329-345
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807536
From: Jorge Crispim Romao < >fromao(at)alfa.ist.utl.pt<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:37:09 GMT   (75kb)

Title: Vector Boson decays of the Higgs Boson
Authors: J. C. Romao, S. Andringa
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 26 pages, 15 Figures in Postscript
Report-no: FISIST/10-98/CFIF
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C7 (1999) 631-642
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807537
From: Heath O'Connell < >hoconnel(at)physics.adelaide.edu.au<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:28:15 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 5 Mar 1999 00:16:23 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Vector meson dominance and the rho meson
Authors: M. Benayoun, H.B. O'Connell and A.G. Williams
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 18 pages, REVTEX
Report-no: ADP-98-45/T315, LPNHE 98-03, UK/98-04
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 074020
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807538
From: Bjoern Poetter < >poetter(at)mail.desy.de<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:51:05 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Jet Cross Sections in gamma^*-gamma Scattering at e+e- Colliders in NLO
Authors: B. P\"otter
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures, espcrc2 style used. Talk given at
   International Euroconference on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 98), Montpellier,
   France, 2-8 Jul 1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 74 (1999) 68-71
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807539
From: Leonard Lesniak < >lesniak(at)solaris.ifj.edu.pl<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 15:38:18 GMT   (101kb)

Title: Phenomenology of Scalar Mesons
Authors: L. Lesniak (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Confinement III Conference
   Proceedings, uses worldsci.sty
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807540
From: Bronislav ZakharovLandau < >bgz(at)dxnhd5.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:32:21 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:54:21 GMT   (39kb)

Title: Light-cone path integral approach to the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect
Authors: B.G.Zakharov
Categories: hep-ph
Journal-ref: Phys.Atom.Nucl. 61 (1998) 838-854; Yad.Fiz. 61 (1998) 924-940
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807541
From: Markus Ringner < >markus(at)thep.lu.se<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 16:40:27 GMT   (87kb)

Title: Is there screwiness at the end of the QCD cascades?
Authors: B. Andersson, G. Gustafson, J. Hakkinen, M. Ringner and Peter Sutton
   (Lund University)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 21+1 pages
Report-no: LU TP 98-14
Journal-ref: JHEP 9809 (1998) 014
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807542
From: Vito Antonelli < >antonell(at)itp.unibe.ch<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 19:33:01 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Discussion about the orthopositronium decay rate and analysis of some
   $O(\alpha^2)$ contributions
Authors: V. Antonelli
Categories: hep-ph hep-ex physics.atom-ph
Comments: Extended version of the talk given at the International Workshop
   11 pages, latex, 4 figures
Report-no: BUTP-98/17
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology; Atomic Physics
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807543
From: Allan Widom < >widom(at)max.physics.neu.edu<
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 21:12:12 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Neutrino Mass Difference Induced Oscillations in Observed Muon Decays
Authors: Y. N. Srivastava, S. Palit, A.Widom and E. Sassaroli
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: LaTeX 4 pages and two figures
Report-no: MQT 610
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807544
From: Masahiro Kawasaki < >kawasaki(at)icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 06:33:14 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 31 Jul 1998 08:01:22 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 18 Dec 1998 01:28:44 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Primordial Black Hole Formation in Supergravity
Authors: M. Kawasaki and T. Yanagida
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: 15pages (RevTeX file), final version to be published in Phys. Rev. D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 043512
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807545
From: Bernd Kniehl < >kniehl(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 09:09:40 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Mass and Width of a Heavy Higgs Boson
Authors: B.A. Kniehl and A. Sirlin (MPI Munich)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages (Latex), 1 figure (Postscript)
Report-no: MPI/PhT/98-056
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B440 (1998) 136-140
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807546
From: Nils Hammon < >hammon(at)th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 09:24:10 GMT   (517kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:19:27 GMT   (537kb)

Title: Charmonium suppression from purely geometrical effects
Authors: N. Hammon, L. Gerland, H. St\"ocker, W. Greiner
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: corrected some typos, improved shadowing ratios
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C59 (1999) 2744-2752
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807547
From: Alexei Gladyshev < >gladysh(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:02:21 GMT   (43kb)

Title: Could we learn more about HERA high $Q^2$ anomaly from LEP200 and
   TEVATRON? R-parity violation scenario
Authors: A.S.Belyaev, A.V.Gladyshev
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX file with 9 eps figures
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807548
From: Elisabeth Kraus < >kraus(at)theo11.physik.uni-bonn.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:21:15 GMT   (37kb)

Title: The Callan-Symanzik equation of the electroweak Standard Model and its
   1-loop functions
Authors: Elisabeth Kraus (1), Georg Weiglein (2) ((1) Univ. Bonn, (2) Univ.
Categories: hep-ph hep-th
Comments: 39 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: Bonn-TH-98-16, KA-TP-12-1998
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 117-154
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807549
From: Joaquim Inacio da Silva Marcos < >juca(at)nikhef.nl<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 10:32:18 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 20 Oct 1998 12:21:02 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Special Symmetric Quark Mass Matrices
Authors: J. I. Silva-Marcos
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, LaTex
Report-no: NIKHEF 98-008
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B443 (1998) 276-284
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807550
From: Gabor Papp < >papp(at)tpri6l.gsi.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:46:37 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Chiral Disorder and QCD Phase Transitions
Authors: Romuald A. Janik, Maciej A. Nowak, Gabor Papp and Ismail Zahed
Categories: hep-ph cond-mat hep-lat nucl-th
Comments: 5 pages RevTeX
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 300-306
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807551
From: Bodenmueller < >bm(at)hep.physik.uni-muenchen.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 12:00:03 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Mass Hierarchies, Hidden Symmetry and Maximal CP-Violation
Authors: Harald Fritzsch
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 latex pages
Report-no: LMU 05/98
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807552
From: Haba Naoyuki < >haba(at)eken.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 12:32:26 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Composite model with neutrino large mixing
Authors: Naoyuki Haba
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages, Latex, no figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 035011
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807553
From: M. V. Libanov < >ml(at)ms2.inr.ac.ru<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 12:35:27 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Cosmology with non-minimal scalar field: graceful entrance into inflation
Authors: M.V. Libanov, V.A. Rubakov and P.G. Tinyakov
Categories: hep-ph astro-ph
Comments: LaTeX, uses axodraw style, 7 pages, 1 ps-figure
Report-no: INR-ML-15-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 63-67
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807554
From: Rajiv V. Gavai < >gavai(at)mayur.tifr.res.in<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 12:35:51 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Re-assessing the anomalous J/psi-suppression in the CERN NA50 data
Authors: Rajiv V. Gavai (TIFR, Mumbai and CCP, Tsukuba)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 7 pages, Latex with epsfig, 2 figures (PS-files)
Report-no: TIFR/TH/98-31, UTCCP-P-42
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 821-826
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807555
From: < >Stanislaw.Mrowczynski(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 22:32:48 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Elementary Atom Interaction with Matter
Authors: Stanislaw Mrowczynski
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: to appear in the workshop proceedings
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807556
From: George Siopsis < >siopsis(at)utkux.utcc.utk.edu<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:38:52 GMT   (8kb)

Title: First-Order QCD Effects in t-tbar Production at the NLC Above Threshold
Authors: George Siopsis
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, sprocl + 2 figures (included with psfig). Presented at
   PASCOS 98, Boston, MA, March 1998; to appear in the Proceedings of PASCOS 98
   (World Scientific)
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807557
From: Michael Pluemacher < >pluemi(at)mail.desy.de<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 15:21:56 GMT   (207kb)

Title: Baryon Asymmetry, Neutrino Mixing and Supersymmetric SO(10) Unification
Authors: M. Plumacher
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: Ph.D. thesis, latex2e, 109 pages, 26 figures
Report-no: DESY-THESIS 1998-009
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807558
From: Doreen Wackeroth < >Doreen.Wackeroth(at)psi.ch<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:19:36 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Loop-induced SUSY Effects in Strong Top Pair Production
Authors: D. Wackeroth
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX, 5 postscript figures, uses sprocl.sty, talk
   presented at PASCOS-98, Boston, MA, March 1998
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807559
From: < >omgavr(at)gluk.apc.org<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 17:57:42 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 21 Dec 1998 20:03:15 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:59:22 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Quantum Groups as Flavor Symmetries: Account of Nonpolynomial
   SU(3)-Breaking Effects in Baryon Masses
Authors: A. M. Gavrilik, N. Z. Iorgov (BITP, Kiev)
Categories: hep-ph hep-th nucl-th quant-ph
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX. v2: minor revisions in the text, title changed; v3:
   reference added
Journal-ref: Ukrain. J. Phys. 43 (1998) 1526-1533
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 Paper: hep-ph/9807560
From: Jian Tang < >jtang(at)ctpa03.mit.edu<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 18:30:29 GMT   (34kb)

Title: Probing the Nucleon's Transversity Via Two-Meson Production in
   Polarized Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions
Authors: Jian Tang (MIT,LNS)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2769
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807560 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807561
From: Bob Holdom < >holdom(at)utcc.utoronto.ca<
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:10:37 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 28 Jan 1999 15:21:21 GMT   (32kb)

Title: New Axial Interactions at a TeV
Authors: B. Holdom and T. Torma
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, 1 figure, PRD version
Report-no: UTPT-98-12
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 075005
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807561 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807562
From: Stefan Scherer < >scherer(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 06:33:48 GMT   (43kb)

Title: Virtual Compton Scattering---Generalized Polarizabilities of Nucleons
   and Pions
Authors: S. Scherer (Institut f. Kernphysik, Mainz)
Categories: hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 8 pages, LaTex file, 3 postscript figures, uses fbssuppl.sty,
   invited talk given at the joint ECT*/Jefferson Lab Workshop on N* Physics and
   non-perturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, May 18-29, 1998, to appear in Few-Body
   Systems Suppl
Report-no: MKPH-T-98-14
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 327-334
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807562 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807563
From: G. J. Gounaris < >gounaris(at)physics.auth.gr<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 10:09:27 GMT   (211kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 29 Sep 1998 13:23:07 GMT   (212kb)

Title: Glue constraining asymmetries in W, $\gamma$ or Z production at CERN LHC
Authors: P. Chiappetta, G.J. Gounaris, J. Layssac and F.M. Renard
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages including 14 figures. Minor corrections included
Report-no: THES-TP 98/06
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 014016
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807563 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807564
From: Gashi < >gashi(at)physik.unizh.ch<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 12:33:29 GMT   (12kb)

Title: The Derivation of Deser's Formula and Electromagnetic Corrections to
   the Pionium Life Time
Authors: G. Rasche and A. Gashi (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik der
   Universitaet Zuerich)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX-file (dubna98.sty) Talk given at the International
   Workshop "Hadronic Atoms and Posirtonium in the Standard Model", 26-31 May
   1998, Dubna, Russia
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807564.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807564 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807565
From: Thomas Hahn < >hahn(at)particle.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 13:28:21 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Automatized One-Loop Calculations in 4 and D dimensions
Authors: T. Hahn, M. Perez-Victoria
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, uses amstex and axodraw, 1 eps figure
Report-no: UG-FT-87/89, KA-TP-7-1998
Journal-ref: Comput.Phys.Commun. 118 (1999) 153-165
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807565.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807565 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807566
From: Andre Sopczak < >Andre.Sopczak(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 13:53:00 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Aspects of Higgs Boson Searches at LEP2
Authors: Andre Sopczak (University of Karlsruhe)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, presented at the Sixth International
   Symposium on Particles, Strings, and Cosmology, PASCOS--98, Boston, March
   22--29, 1998
Report-no: IEKP-KA/98-15
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807566.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807566 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807567
From: Enrico Meggiolaro < >E.Meggiolaro(at)thphys.uni-heidelberg.de<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:45:33 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 27 Nov 1998 09:53:56 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Field strength correlators in QCD: new fits to the lattice data
Authors: Enrico Meggiolaro
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX file, + 4 PS figures. Revised version including new
   figures, new references, revised tables and new comments on the results
Report-no: HD-THEP-98-34
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B451 (1999) 414-421
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807567.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807567 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807568
From: Carlo Giunti < >giunti(at)to.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 15:02:40 GMT   (63kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Sep 1998 08:43:17 GMT   (63kb)

Title: Neutrino mass spectrum and mixing from neutrino oscillation data
Authors: S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti, W. Grimus
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages. Talk presented by S.M. Bilenky at the Ringberg
   Euroconference "New Trends in Neutrino Physics", 24-29 May 1998, Ringberg
   Castle, Tegernsee, Germany
Report-no: UWThPh-1998-47, TUM-HEP-322/98, SFB-375-303, DFTT 43/98
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9807568.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807568 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807569
From: Carlo Giunti < >giunti(at)to.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 15:12:15 GMT   (73kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Sep 1998 08:58:42 GMT   (76kb)

Title: Four-neutrino mixing, oscillations and BBN
Authors: S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti, W. Grimus, T. Schwetz
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 11 pages. Talk presented by C. Giunti at the Ringberg Euroconference
   "New Trends in Neutrino Physics", 24-29 May 1998, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee,
Report-no: UWThPh-1998-46, TUM-HEP-323/98, SFB-375-304, DFTT 44/98
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-ph/9807569.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807569 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807570
From: Michelangelo Mangano < >Michelangelo.Mangano(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:29:05 GMT   (54kb)

Title: A new approach to multi-jet calculations in hadron collisions
Authors: F. Caravaglios, M.L. Mangano, M. Moretti and R. Pittau
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages, Latex, 5 figures
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-249
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B539 (1999) 215-232
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807570.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807570 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807571
From: Bhaskar Dutta < >dutta(at)oregon.uoregon.edu<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 19:02:29 GMT   (4kb)

Title: Signatures of Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Models at the
Authors: B. Dutta
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 3 pages, Talk presented at PASCOS-98, March 1998
Report-no: OITS-355
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807571 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807572
From: Pietro Santorelli < >Pietro.Santorelli(at)ba.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 19:22:17 GMT   (76kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 25 May 1999 13:00:30 GMT   (74kb)

Title: A Semianalytical Method to Evolve Parton Distributions
Authors: Pietro Santorelli and Egidio Scrimieri
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages LaTeX + 6 figures; typos corrected, added reference, to
   appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: Bari-TH/98-308
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B459 (1999) 599-606
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Access the local version of hep-ph/9807572.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807572 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-ph/9807573
From: Sharon Jensen < >sharon(at)slac.stanford.edu<
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 21:32:34 GMT   (54kb)

Title: Why e+ e- to T Tbar is Different
Authors: Stephen Parke (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Categories: hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures, Latex, epsf. Dedicated to Sid Drell on the
   occasion of the ``Sid Drell Symposium'' held at the Stanford Linear
   Accelerator Center, Stanford University, California on July 31, 1998
Report-no: FERMILAB-Conf-98/212-T
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-ph/9807573 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 20. November 2006.