E-Preprints hep-th/9707 at DESY

 Paper: hep-th/9707001
From: sjs(at)dirac.hanyang.ac.kr
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 15:47:34 +0900   (17kb)

Title: p-Branes and Exact solutions in Brans-Dicke cosmology with matter
Authors: Seung-geun Lee and Sang-Jin Sin
Comments: 13 pages, two figures, revtex
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707001 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707002
From: Tamiaki Yoneya < >tamy(at)hep2.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 97 15:35:11 +0900   (19kb)

Title: D-Particles, D-Instantons, and A Space-Time Uncertainty Principle in
  String Theory
Author: Tamiaki Yoneya
Comments: Talk given at the APCTP-ICTP Joint International Conference '97 (May
  26-30, Seoul, Korea), 17pages, latex in mprocl.sty, no figures
Report-no: UT-KOMABA/97-10
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707002 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707003
From: Chanyong Park < >chanyong(at)hepth.hanyang.ac.kr<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 16:47:02 +0000 (GMT)   (54kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 1 Sep 1998 04:25:26 GMT

Title: p-Brane cosmology and phases of Brans-Dicke theory with matter
Authors: Chanyong Park and Sang-Jin Sin
Comments: 26 pages, 5 figures, Contents and references added; published in
  Phys. Rev. D57(1998) 4620
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 4620-4628
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707003 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707004
From: "A.K.Mishra" < >mishra(at)imsc.ernet.in<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 14:39:19 +0530 (GMT+05:30)   (14kb)

Title: Dynamics in a noncommutative phase space
Authors: R. P. Malik, A. K. Mishra and G. Rajasekaran
Comments: LaTeX-twice, 16 pages
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 4759-4776
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707004 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707005
From: Haruhiko Terao < >terao(at)dipfis.ge.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:28:54 +0200   (39kb)

Title: CP, Charge Fractionalizations and Low Energy Effective Actions in the
  SU(2) Seiberg-Witten Theories with Quarks
Authors: Kenichi Konishi, Haruhiko Terao
Comments: 38 pages, LaTex file with 3 PostScript figures
Report-no: GEF-Th-6/1997, KANAZAWA 97-11
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B511 (1998) 264-294
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707005 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707006
From: VLASOV(at)hep.phys.msu.su
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 12:26:22 +0300   (11kb)

Title: Classical Electrodynamics: Problems of Radiation Reaction
Author: Alexander A.Vlasov
Comments: 18 pages, LATEX
Journal-ref: enlarged version of talk given at XX International Workshop on the
  Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory, 24-26 June
  1997, Protvino, Russia
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707006 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707007
From: Javier Borlaf < >javier(at)delta.ft.uam.es<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 12:23:19 +0100 (WET DST)   (17kb)

Title: Geometry of T-duality
Authors: Javier Borlaf(Universidad Aut\'onoma de Madrid)
Comments: Latex, 18 pages
Report-no: FTUAM-97-8
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B514 (1998) 721-739
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707007 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707008
From: "Stepanyantz" < >stepan(at)theor.phys.msu.su<
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 17:06:57   (6kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 04 Jul 1997 14:15:53

Title: One-loop counterterms for higher derivative regularized Lagrangians
Authors: P.Pronin, K.Stepanyantz
Comments: 10 pages, Latex, minor typos corrected
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 117-122
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707008 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707009
From: pms4 < >P.M.Sutcliffe(at)ukc.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 14:20:44 +0100   (288kb)

Title: BPS Monopoles
Author: Paul Sutcliffe
Comments: A 43 page review to appear in the International Journal of Modern
  Physics A
Report-no: UKC/IMS/97-24
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A12 (1997) 4663-4706
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707009 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707010
From: Erhard Seiler < >ehs(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 15:52:57 +0200 (CEST)   (41kb)

Title: Comment on "Scaling Hypothesis for the Spectral Densities in the
  Nonlinear Sigma Model"
Authors: A. Patrascioiu, E. Seiler
Comments: 3 pages
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707010 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707011
From: "Y. Lozano" < >Y.Lozano(at)fys.ruu.nl<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 17:42:12 +0200   (7kb)

Title: Eleven Dimensions from the Massive D-2-brane
Author: Yolanda Lozano (Univ. of Utrecht)
Comments: 8 pgs, latex file
Report-no: THU-97/17
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 52-57
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707011 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707012
From: Kenji Mohri < >mohri(at)theory.kek.jp<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 00:47:10 +0900 (JST)   (20kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 17 Jul 1997 23:38:15 +0900 (JST)
Date (revised): Mon, 2 Mar 1998 13:45:25 GMT

Title: D-Branes and Quotient Singularities of Calabi-Yau Fourfolds
Author: Kenji Mohri (KEK)
Comments: 24 pages, version 2.1, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B521 (1998) 161-182
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707012 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707013
From: Ignatios Antoniadis < >Ignatios.Antoniadis(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 17:34:42 +0200 (MET DST)   (19kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 16 Sep 1997 17:58:50 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: R^4 Couplings in M and Type II Theories
Author: I.Antoniadis, S. Ferrara, R. Minasian and K.S. Narain
Comments: 21 pages, harvmac, misprints corrected, version to appear in Nuclear
  Physics B
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-94, CPTH-S512.0697
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B507 (1997) 571-588
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707013 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707014
From: Paul S. Aspinwall < >psa(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 09:49:56 MDT   (24kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 21 Jul 1997 09:00:59 MDT

Title: M-Theory Versus F-Theory Pictures of the Heterotic String
Authors: Paul S. Aspinwall
Comments: 19 pages, 5 figues, references added
Report-no: RU-97-55
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 127-147
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707014 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707015
From: Gabriel German < >gabriel(at)ce.ifisicam.unam.mx<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 10:54:15 -0500   (71kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 2 Jul 1997 14:25:55 -0500

Title: Perturbative Approach at Finite Temperature and the $\phi^4$ model
Authors: G. German (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM)
Comments: 9 pages LaTeX. 2 figures added. Uses revtex.sty
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 328-332
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707015 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707016
From: Jose Daniel Edelstein < >edels(at)dartagnan.fisica.unlp.edu.ar<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 97 09:25:47 -0300   (16kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:49:32 GMT

Title: Kinks Inside Supersymmetric Domain Ribbons
Authors: Jose D. Edelstein, Marta L. Trobo (Univ. Nac. de La Plata), Francisco
  A. Brito and Dionisio Bazeia (Univ. Fed. da Paraiba)
Comments: 23 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Discussion on the formation and the
  stability of the solutions improved; some issues of section 4 clarified; a
  misprint corrected and a reference added
Report-no: DF/UFPB 11/97, La Plata-Th 97/11
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 7561-7569
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707016 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707017
From: ijmpa(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 97 19:02:52 +0200   (162kb)

Title: Softly Broken N=2 QCD with Massive Quark Hypermultiplets, II
Authors: Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Marcos Marino, Frederic Zamora
Comments: 41 pages, 32 figures, LaTeX file
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-144, US-FT-21/97, UB-ECM-PF 97/10
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 1847-1880
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707017 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707018
From: Boris Pioline < >Boris.Pioline(at)cern.ch<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 23:36:32 +0200 (MET DST)   (25kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 00:03:13 +0200 (MET DST)
Date (revised): Thu, 31 Jul 1997 16:58:49 +0200 (MET DST)
Date (revised): Wed, 24 Sep 1997 17:02:33 GMT
Date (revised): Thu, 2 Apr 1998 18:45:46 GMT

Title: On $R^4$ threshold corrections in IIB string theory and (p,q) string
Authors: Elias Kiritsis, Boris Pioline (CERN, Ecole Polytechnique)
Comments: 24 pages, Latex, eqs. (3.8) and (4.2) corrected
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-146, CPTH-S539.0697
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 509-534
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707018 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707019
From: Duiliu Diaconescu < >duiliu(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 16:36:27 -0400   (18kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:37:33 -0400

Title: Duality in Matrix Theory and Three Dimensional Mirror Symmetry
Author: Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu, Jaume Gomis (Rutgers University)
Comments: Some changes in the discussion of non-critical strings; few
  references added; 18 pages, 5 figures
Report-no: RU-97-53
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B517 (1998) 53-68
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707019 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707020
From: sharon(at)SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Date: 01 Jul 1997, 14:00:39 PST   (45kb)

Title: A Short Introduction to Bit-String Physics
Author: H. Pierre Noyes (SLAC)
Comments: LaTex
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-7205
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707020 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707021
From: Jeremy Michelson < >jeremy(at)cosmic1.physics.ucsb.edu<
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 97 18:49:55 -0700   (10kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 08 Jul 97 14:13:36 -0700

Title: Scattering of Several Multiply Charged Extremal D=5 Black Holes
Authors: David M. Kaplan, Jeremy Michelson
Comments: 12 pages, ReVTeX. Minor typos corrected, including an unimportant
  sign for which the corresponding comment was removed. One reference added
Report-no: UCSBTH-97-15
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B410 (1997) 125-130
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707021 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707022
From: Hisao Suzuki < >hsuzuki(at)particle.sci.hokudai.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 11:10:11 JST   (11kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 14 Jul 97 10:57:41 JST

Title: Evaluation of Periods via Fibrations in Seiberg-Witten Theories and in
  Type-II String
Author: Hisao Suzuki
Comments: 16 pages, Latex, no figures, a reference corrected
Report-no: EPHOU 97-007
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2847-2858
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707022 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707023
From: castro(at)hubble.cau.edu (Carlos Castro)
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 23:06:28 -0400   (20kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 2 Jul 1997 21:36:22 -0400
Date (revised): Sun, 3 May 1998 20:13:15 GMT
Date (revised): Sat, 8 Aug 1998 18:16:36 GMT

Title: The Spinning Membrane and Skyrmions Revisited
Authors: Carlos Castro
Comments: 18 pages, revised Tex file. It is further discussed how the Skyrmion
  action contains the action of the large N limit of N coincident D0-branes
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707023 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707024
From: Park daegil < >dkpark(at)chep5.kaist.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 01:13:44 -0400   (11kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 1 Nov 1997 04:48:41 GMT

Title: Propagator for spinless and spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb systems
Authors: D.K.Park and Sahng-Kyoon Yoo
Comments: Slightly changed, to appear in Annals of Physics. 18 pages, Latex
Journal-ref: Annals Phys. 263 (1998) 295-309
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707024 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707025
From: ichinose(at)smail.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp (shoichi Ichinose)
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 15:59:55 +0900   (13kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 14 Jul 1997 15:34:39 +0900
Date (revised): Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:53:06 +0900 (JST)
Date (revised): Fri, 14 Nov 1997 07:13:16 GMT
Date (revised): Fri, 6 Feb 1998 06:51:46 GMT

Title: Weyl Anomaly of 2D Dilaton-Scalar Gravity and Hermiticity of System
Authors: Shoichi Ichinose (Univ. of Shizuoka)
Comments: 10 pages,Latex,no figures,minor changes, Phys.Rev.D to appear
Report-no: US-97-06
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 6224-6229
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707025 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707026
From: Park daegil < >dkpark(at)chep5.kaist.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 04:19:02 -0400   (6kb)

Title: The incident wave in Aharonov-Bohm scattering wavefunction
Authors: Sahng-Kyoon Yoo and D.K.Park
Comments: 9 pages, Latex
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707026 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707027
From: Changhyun Ahn < >chahn(at)ctp.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:04:04 +0900 (KST)   (23kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 21 Jul 1998 04:32:55 GMT

Title: Branes, Geometry and N=1 Duality with Product Gauge Groups of SO and Sp
Authors: Changhyun Ahn, Kyungho Oh and Radu Tatar
Comments: 26 pages, latex, 6 figures, 4 tables, 1 appendix, v2: changed the
  sign of A^5 in page 4, corrected geometric configuration of Calabi-Yau 3-fold
  in the text, added O6 plane charge in page 7, and inserted the appendix
Report-no: APCTP-97-13, SNUTP-97-093, UM-TG-196
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707027 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707028
From: Stanislaw.Glazek(at)fuw.edu.pl
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 12:35:24 +0200   (54kb)

Title: Asymptotic Freedom and Bound States in Hamiltonian Dynamics
Author: Stanislaw D. Glazek (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw
  University) and Kenneth G. Wilson (Department of Physics, The Ohio State
Comments: plain latex file, 15 pages, 6 latex figures 1 page each, 1 table
Report-no: IFT/8/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 3558-3566
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707028 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707029
From: "Dr G. A. Jaroszkiewicz" < >jag(at)maths.nott.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 13:19:18 BST   (75kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:05:04 GMT

Title: Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics: III. Quantum Field Theory
Authors: Keith Norton and George Jaroszkiewicz (Mathematics Department,
  Nottingham University, UK)
Comments: 29 pages LateX+5 figures, published version with discussion of
  discretisation frame
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A31 (1998) 977-1000
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707029 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707030
From: "Dr G. A. Jaroszkiewicz" < >jag(at)maths.nott.ac.uk<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 12:59:08 BST   (23kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 21 Jan 1998 15:07:08 GMT

Title: Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics: IV. The Dirac Equation, Particles
  and Oscillons
Authors: Keith Norton and George Jaroszkiewicz (Mathematics Department,
  Nottingham University, UK)
Comments: 27 pages LateX; published version
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A31 (1998) 1001-1023
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707030 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707031
From: Jacob Sonnenschein < >cobi(at)post.tau.ac.il<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 15:11:34 +0300 (IDT)   (12kb)

Title: More on Screening and Confinement in 2D QCD
Authors: J. Sonnenschein
Comments: 12 pages,latex, l-school.sty . Talk presented at ``New
  non-perturbative methods and Quantification on the light-cone", Les Houches
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707031 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707032
From: Juan Carlos Perez Bueno < >pbueno(at)lie.ific.uv.es<
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 16:06:35 METDST   (9kb)

Title: Generalized Jacobi structures
Author: J. C. Perez Bueno
Comments: Latex2e file. 11 pages. To appear in J. Phys. A
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A30 (1997) 6509-6515
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707032 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707033
From: Eduardo Marino < >marino(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:39:31 -0300   (7kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 6 Aug 1997 12:35:11 -0300

Title: A New Approach for Bosonization of Massive Thirring Model in Three
Authors: R.Banerjee and E.C.Marino
Comments: Latex, 8 pages. Minor misprints are corrected
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 593-600
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707033 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707034
From: zuber(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr (Jean-Bernard Zuber)
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 17:39:18 +0200   (27kb)

Title: C-algebras and their applications to reflection groups and conformal
  field theories
Authors: Jean-Bernard Zuber
Comments: 19 pages, plain tex, 2 figures
Report-no: SPhT 97/077
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707034 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707035
From: Theory Group Member < >ghlee(at)theory.yonsei.ac.kr<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 05:41:30 +0900 (KST)   (11kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 3 Jul 1997 12:23:05 +0900 (KST)
Date (revised): Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:09:24 +0900 (KST)

Title: Perturbative Expansion around the Gaussian Effective Action: The
  Background Field Method
Authors: Geon Hyoung Lee and Jae Hyung Yee
Comments: 16 pages, 3 eps figures, uses RevTeX and epsf. Errors in Table 1 are
  corrected and new references are added
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6573-6578
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707035 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707036
From: bastianelli(at)imoax1.unimo.it
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 00:08:07 +0200   (8kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 3 Sep 1997 13:46:11 +0200

Title: 't Hooft Anomaly Matching Conditions for Generalized Symmetries in 2D
Authors: Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Olindo Corradini
Comments: 10 pages, TeX, corrected minor misprints in text and references
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 349-354
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707036 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707037
From: Gabriel German < >gabriel(at)ce.ifisicam.unam.mx<
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 18:27:59 -0500   (151kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 2 Jul 1997 20:40:58 -0500

Title: On quark mass correction to the string potential
Authors: G. German (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM), Yu Jiang (Facultad de Ciencias,
Comments: 15 pages LaTeX. 8 figures. Uses revtex.sty
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C8 (1999) 689-695
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 Paper: hep-th/9707038
From: "Y.M Cho" < >ymcho(at)yongmin.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 15:06:13 +0900 (KST)   (63kb)

Title: Finite Energy Electroweak Monopoles
Authors: Y. M. Cho and Kyoungtae Kimm
Comments: 22 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures
Report-no: APCTP-97-12, SNUTP-97-065
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 Paper: hep-th/9707039
From: Vladimir Dzhunushaliev < >dzhun(at)freenet.bishkek.su<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 13:44:20 +0600 (GMT+0500)   (17kb)

Title: A Single Classical Quark
Author: V. Dzhunushaliev
Comments: LATEX, 7 pages, 3 EPS fig's
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 Paper: hep-th/9707040
From: Ivan Avramidi < >avramidi(at)rz.uni-greifswald.de<
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 10:12:08 METDST   (19kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 10 Apr 1998 23:58:44 GMT

Title: Green functions of higher-order differential operators
Author: Ivan G. Avramidi (University of Iowa)
Comments: 26 pages, LaTeX, 65 KB, no figures, some misprints and small mistakes
  are fixed, final version to appear in J. Math. Phys. (May, 1998)
Report-no: University of Greifswald (July, 1997)
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 39 (1998) 2889-2909
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 Paper: hep-th/9707041
From: liebl(at)tph36.tuwien.ac.at (Herbert Liebl)
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 14:24:53 +0200 (MET DST)   (7kb)

Title: Hawking Radiation for Non-minimally Coupled Matter from Generalized 2D
  Black Hole Models
Authors: W. Kummer, H. Liebl (Vienna, Tech. U.), D.V. Vassilevich (St.
  Petersburg University)
Comments: 8 pages
Report-no: TUW-97-07
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2683-2690
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 Paper: hep-th/9707042
From: Ashoke Sen < >sen(at)mri.ernet.in<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 22:09:22 +0530   (9kb)

Title: Dynamics of Multiple Kaluza-Klein Monopoles in M- and String Theory
Author: Ashoke Sen
Comments: LaTeX file, 12 pages
Report-no: MRI-PHY/P970716
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 115-126
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 Paper: hep-th/9707043
From: Oleg Soloviev < >O.Soloviev(at)qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 16:50:52 +0000   (4kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 6 Jul 1997 10:58:22 +0000

Title: Random lattice strings vs. type IIB matrix models
Authors: Oleg A. Soloviev (QMW College, London)
Comments: 3 pages, latex. Some mistakes have been corrected
Report-no: QMW-PH-97-21
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 3139-3142
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 Paper: hep-th/9707044
From: Dmitri Sorokin < >dsorokin(at)linda.kipt.kharkov.ua<
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 19:22:52 +0300   (5kb)

Title: Covariant Actions for the Bosonic Sector of D=10 IIB Supergravity
Authors: Gianguido Dall'Agata, Kurt Lechner and Dmitri Sorokin
Comments: LaTeX file, 5 pages
Report-no: DFPD 97/TH/31
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 14 (1997) L195-L198
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 Paper: hep-th/9707045
From: Noriaki Ikeda < >nori(at)kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 01:07:31 JST   (6kb)

Title: The Exact Solution of Born-Infeld Theory in Two Dimension
Authors: Noriaki Ikeda
Comments: 9 pages, latex, no figures
Report-no: RIMS-1141
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 Paper: hep-th/9707046
From: zuber(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr (Jean-Bernard Zuber)
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 18:27:17 +0200   (49kb)

Title: Generalized Dynkin diagrams and root systems and their folding
Authors: Jean-Bernard Zuber
Comments: plain tex, 7 figures
Report-no: SPhT/97078
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 Paper: hep-th/9707047
From: Jan Louis < >jlouis(at)hermes.physik.uni-halle.de<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 97 20:05:42 MESZ   (12kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 27 Aug 97 17:48:14 MESZ

Title: Singularities in d=4, N=1 Heterotic String Vacua
Authors: Matthias Klein and Jan Louis
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, minor corrections, references added
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 67 (1998) 40-47; Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 68
  (1998) 319-326
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 Paper: hep-th/9707048
From: Charles Thorn < >thorn(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 97 15:00:00 -0400   (50kb)

Title: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics for String-Bits
Authors: Charles B. Thorn
Comments: 17 pages, Latex
Report-no: UFIFT-HEP-97-20
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6619-6628
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 Paper: hep-th/9707049
From: Govindan Rajesh < >rajesh(at)claude.ph.utexas.edu<
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 14:55:52 -0500   (20kb)

Title: Matter from Toric Geometry
Authors: Philip Candelas, Eugene Perevalov and Govindan Rajesh
Comments: 19 pages, Plain TeX, 2 figures
Report-no: UTTG-17-97
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B519 (1998) 225-238
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 Paper: hep-th/9707050
From: pmathieu(at)phy.ulaval.ca (Pierre Mathieu)
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 17:17:30 -0400   (32kb)

Title: Probing integrable perturbations of conformal theories using singular
  vectors II: N=1 superconformal theories
Authors: Pierre Mathieu and Gerard Watts
Comments: 30 pages, Latex2e (rotating.sty,amssymb.sty,a4wide.sty)
Report-no: LAVAL-PHY-97-23 and KCL-MTH-97-41
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B510 (1998) 577-607
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 Paper: hep-th/9707051
From: "Matthias R. Gaberdiel" < >gaberdie(at)physics.harvard.edu<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 97 20:19:06 EDT   (15kb)

Title: Tensor Constructions of Open String Theories II: Vector bundles,
  D-branes and orientifold groups
Authors: Matthias R. Gaberdiel and Barton Zwiebach
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: HUTP-97/A030, MIT-CTP-2655
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B410 (1997) 151-159
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 Paper: hep-th/9707052
From: Li Jiarong < >ljr(at)iopp.ml.org<
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 06:25:56 +0800 (HKT)   (8kb)

Title: The Asymptotic Method Developed from Weak Turbulent Theory and the
  Nonlinear Permeability and Damping Rate in QGP
Authors: Zheng Xiaoping and Li Jiarong
Comments: 16pages
Report-no: HZPP9703
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B409 (1997) 45-50
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 Paper: hep-th/9707053
From: GASPERINI(at)to.infn.it
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 11:05:09 +0200   (17kb)

Title: A class of non-singular gravi-dilaton backgrounds
Authors: A. Buonanno, M. Gasperini and C. Ungarelli
Comments: 9 pages, LATEX, four figure included using EPSFIG. Essay written for
  the 1997 Awards of the Gravity Research Foundation, and selected for
  "Honorable Mention". To appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-41
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 1883-1889
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 Paper: hep-th/9707054
From: modugno michele < >modugno(at)andrea.fi.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 06:10:23 MDT   (309kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 7 Apr 1998 08:19:47 GMT

Title: Chaos in effective classical and quantum dynamics
Authors: Lapo Casetti, Raoul Gatto and Michele Modugno (Departement de Physique
  Theorique, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland)
Comments: 6 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures, uses psfig, changed indroduction and
  conclusions, added references
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. E57 (1998) 1223-1226
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 Paper: hep-th/9707055
From: DATTA DHURJATI PRASAD < >dpd(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 15:42:13 +0200 (MET DST)   (11kb)

Title: Duality and Scaling in Quantum Mechanics
Author: Dhurjati Prasad Datta
Comments: 10 pages, Latex, email: dpd@nerist.ernet.in, To appear in Physics
  Letters A
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 Paper: hep-th/9707056
From: Tsuneo Uematsu < >uematsu(at)phys.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 22:41:47 +0900   (12kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 05 Jul 1997 23:28:32 +0900

Title: Nonlinear Realization of Partially Broken N=2 Superconformal Symmetry in
  Four Dimensions
Authors: Yoshinori Gotoh and Tsuneo Uematsu
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX, minor typos corrected
Report-no: KUCP-108
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B420 (1998) 69-76
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 Paper: hep-th/9707057
From: Marek Wieckowski < >Marek.Wieckowski(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 17:02:36 +0200 (MET DST)   (7kb)

Title: 4th order similarity renormalization of a model hamiltonian
Author: Tomasz Maslowski and Marek Wieckowski (Institute of Theoretical
  Physics, Warsaw University)
Comments: plain latex, 9 pages
Report-no: IFT/9/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 4976-4980
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 Paper: hep-th/9707058
From: Ricardo Amorim < >amorim(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 12:38:16 -0300   (9kb)

Title: Supersymmetry and the Chiral Schwinger Model
Authors: Ricardo Amorim and Ashok Das
Comments: one 9 pages Latex file, one ps file with one figure
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 2599-2602
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 Paper: hep-th/9707059
From: Juan Garcia-Bellido < >Juan.Garciabellido(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 20:22:58 +0200 (MET DST)   (30kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 5 Nov 1997 14:09:17 GMT

Title: Dual inflation
Authors: Juan Garcia-Bellido (CERN)
Comments: 5 pages, RevTeX, epsf, 2 figures (included in the text). Slightly
  improved version, accepted in Physics Letters B
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-149
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B418 (1998) 252-257
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 Paper: hep-th/9707060
From: "Shahin Rouhani" < >ROUHANI(at)netware2.ipm.ac.ir<
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 15:45:16 -3:30   (6kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 14 Jul 1997 15:50:21 -3:30
Date (revised): Wed, 7 Jan 1998 08:48:10 GMT

Title: Zamalodchikov's C-Theorem and The Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
Authors: M. R. Rahimi Tabar and S. Rouhani
Comments: 10 pages, latex, no figures, some references are added, The role of
  coefficients of the OPE in LCFT on the beta-functions are disscused
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B431 (1998) 85-89
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 Paper: hep-th/9707061
From: Jonathan Bagger < >bagger(at)bohr.pha.jhu.edu<
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 18:45:55 +0000   (6kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 11 Sep 97 13:58:26 -0400

Title: The tensor Goldstone multiplet for partially broken supersymmetry
Authors: Jonathan Bagger, Alexander Galperin
Comments: 7 pages, Latex. Expanded discussion of duality symmetries
Report-no: JHU-TIPAC-97012
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B412 (1997) 296-300
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 Paper: hep-th/9707062
From: Cliff Burgess < >cliff(at)physics.mcgill.ca<
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 97 01:55:26 -0500   (17kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 5 Sep 97 09:46:32 -0500

Title: Fixing the Dilaton with Asymptotically Expensive Physics?
Authors: C.P. Burgess, A. de la Macorra, I. Maksymyk and F. Quevedo
Comments: 14 pages, (typos corrected and reference added)
Report-no: McGill-97/07, IFUNAM FT97-10
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B410 (1997) 181-187
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 Paper: hep-th/9707063
From: brandt(at)ecm.ub.es
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 06:16:37 +0200   (12kb)

Title: The rigid symmetries of bosonic D-strings
Authors: Friedemann Brandt, Joaquim Gomis, Joan Simon
Comments: 7 pages, revtex, no figures
Report-no: UB-ECM-PF-97/12
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B419 (1998) 148-156
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 Paper: hep-th/9707064
From: Maxim Zabzin < >zabzin(at)vanosf.physto.se<
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 09:54:59 +0200   (8kb)

Title: Zamolodchikov's C-theorem and phase transitions
Author: Maxim Zabzine (Stockholm University)
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX, Poster at Summer School ``Confinment, Duality and
  Non-perturbative aspects of QCD'' June 24 - July 4, 1997, Cambridge, UK
Report-no: USITP-97-11
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 Paper: hep-th/9707065
From: "POPOWICZ Ziemowit" < >ZIEMEK(at)proton.ift.uni.wroc.pl<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 10:30:28   (8kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Oct 1997 07:19:19 GMT

Title: Extensions of the N=2 Supersymmetric a=-2 Boussinesq Hierarchy
Author: Z. Popowicz (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw,
Comments: LaTex, new references added, minor typos corrected, e-mail:
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 Paper: hep-th/9707066
From: "Ruslan Metsaev" < >metsaev(at)td.lpi.ac.ru<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 13:51:00 +0400 (MSD)   (8kb)

Title: Free totally (anti)symmetric massless fermionic fields in d-dimensional
  anti-de Sitter space
Authors: R.R.Metsaev, (Lebedev Physical Institute)
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 14 (1997) L115-L121
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 Paper: hep-th/9707067
From: kopelio(at)al20.inr.troitsk.ru
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 15:06:23 +0300   (20kb)

Title: Semiclassical quantization of SU(3) skyrmions
Authors: V. B. Kopeliovich
Comments: 16 pages, 2 figures (available upon request). Submitted to JETP on
  May 6, 1997; in print. A preliminary short version of this paper is
Journal-ref: Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 112 (1997) 1941-1958; J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 85
  (1997) 1060-1069
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707067 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707068
From: "tel. +3911 670 7211; fax +3911 670 7214" < >SCIUTO(at)to.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 17:49:35 +0200   (18kb)

Title: Classical p-branes from boundary state
Authors: P. Di Vecchia, M. Frau, I. Pesando, S. Sciuto, A. Lerda, and R. Russo
Comments: 19 pages, plain Latex
Report-no: DFTT 40/97, Nordita 97/49-P
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B507 (1997) 259-276
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707068 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707069
From: Christoph Schweigert < >Christoph.Schweigert(at)cern.ch<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 16:47:42 +0200 (MET DST)   (44kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 28 May 1998 14:50:29 GMT

Title: A representation theoretic approach to the WZW Verlinde formula
Authors: J. Fuchs and C. Schweigert
Comments: 37 pages, LaTeX2e. wrong statement in subsection 4.2 corrected and
  rest of the paper adapted
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Algebraic Geometry; Quantum Algebra
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 Paper: hep-th/9707070
From: "Mikhail S. Plyushchay" < >mikhail(at)ibitipoca.fisica.ufjf.br<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 21:16:14 -0300 (EST)   (11kb)

Title: Symmetries and classical quantization
Authors: Khazret Nirov and Mikhail Plyushchay
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: TUM-HEP-269/97, NF/DF-03/97
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B405 (1997) 114-120
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 Paper: hep-th/9707071
From: Martin Gremm < >gremm(at)theory.caltech.edu<
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 18:13:55 -0700 (PDT)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:41:47 GMT

Title: The Coulomb branch of N=1 supersymmetric SU(N_c) x SU(N_c) gauge
Authors: Martin Gremm
Comments: 16 pages, no figures, revtex; typos corrected
Report-no: CALT-68-2125
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 2537-2542
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 Paper: hep-th/9707072
From: VALTANCOLI(at)fi.infn.it
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 10:27:39 +0200   (54kb)

Title: Dirac's Observables for the SU(3)XSU(2)XU(1) Standard Model
Authors: L. Lusanna and P. Valtancoli
Comments: 90 pages, RevTeX, no figures
Report-no: DFF 8/7/97
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 4605-4690
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 Paper: hep-th/9707073
From: Matt Visser < >visser(at)kiwi.wustl.edu<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 97 02:59:19 -0500   (19kb)

Title: Casimir effect in dielectrics: Surface area contribution
Authors: Carmen Molina-Paris (Los Alamos) and Matt Visser (Washington
Comments: 12 pages; ReV-Tex in double-column format
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6629-6639
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 Paper: hep-th/9707074
From: Suzuki Junji < >suz(at)hep1.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 97 16:58:24 +0900   (18kb)

Title: From Fusion Hierarchy to Excited State TBA
Authors: G. Juettner, A. Kluemper (Cologne) and J. Suzuki(Tokyo)
Comments: Plain Tex, 17pages, 2 postscript figures will be sent upon request
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B512 (1998) 581-600
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 Paper: hep-th/9707075
From: Angel Uranga < >uranga(at)delta.ft.uam.es<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 14:55:01 +0100 (WET DST)   (41kb)

Title: D=6, N=1 String Vacua and Duality
Authors: L.E.Ibanez, A.M.Uranga
Comments: 52 pages, plain Latex. To appear in the proceedings of the APCTP
  Winter School on Duality, Mt. Sorak (Korea), February 1997
Report-no: FTUAM-97/9
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 Paper: hep-th/9707076
From: suw(at)phys.nthu.edu.tw (Wang-Chang Su|601|3288|960923|980831)
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 21:30:47 +0800 (CST)   (10kb)

Title: A Comment on Duality in SUSY SU(N) Gauge Theory with a Symmetric Tensor
Authors: Wang-Chang Su
Comments: 12 pages, LaTex, 1 figure
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 Paper: hep-th/9707077
From: Heinrich Saller < >hns(at)mppmu.mpg.de<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 15:59:24 +0200 (CEST)   (34kb)

Title: Realizations of Causal Manifolds by Quantum Fields
Author: Heinrich Saller (MPI f. Physik)
Comments: 36 pages, latex, macros included
Report-no: MPI-PhT/97-42
Journal-ref: Int.J.Theor.Phys. 36 (1997) 2783-2826
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 Paper: hep-th/9707078
From: Harutada Sato < >sato(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 16:08:58 +0200   (18kb)

Title: On thermal phase structure of deformed Gross-Neveu model
Authors: H. Tochimura and H-T. Sato
Comments: 13 pages plus 6 figures
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A11 (1996) 3091-3102
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 Paper: hep-th/9707079
From: Eva Silverstein < >evas(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 18:13:00 -0400   (11kb)

Title: Matrix Description of Interacting Theories in Six Dimensions
Authors: O. Aharony, M. Berkooz, S. Kachru, N. Seiberg, and E. Silverstein
Comments: 10 pages, harvmac big
Report-no: IAS-97-74, RU-97-57
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 148-157
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 Paper: hep-th/9707080
From: Masoud Alimohammadi < >alimohmd(at)physics.ipm.ac.ir<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 10:29:26 -0900 (HDT)   (7kb)

Title: Uniqueness of the minimum of the free energy of the 2D Yang-Mills theory
  at large N
Authors: A. Aghamohammadi, M. Alimohammadi and M. Khorrami
Comments: 8 pages,Latex
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 751-758
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 Paper: hep-th/9707081
From: Masoud Alimohammadi < >alimohmd(at)physics.ipm.ac.ir<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 10:30:25 -0900 (HDT)   (8kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 1 Feb 1998 12:43:12 GMT

Title: Large-N limit of the generalized 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theories
Authors: M. Alimohammadi, M. Khorrami, A. Aghamohammdi
Comments: 10 pages, minor typos corrected, one reference updates
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B510 (1998) 313-323
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 Paper: hep-th/9707082
From: Thomas Nowotny < >nowotny(at)Theorie.Physik.UNI-Goettingen.DE<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 10:00:37 +0200 (MESZ)   (79kb)

Title: Dimension Theory of Graphs and Networks
Authors: Thomas Nowotny, Manfred Requardt
Comments: 20 pages, 7 figures, LaTex2e, uses amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb,
  latexsym, epsfig
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Functional Analysis
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A 31 (1998) 2447
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 Paper: hep-th/9707083
From: Michael Bordag < >Michael.Bordag(at)itp.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 12:13:47 +0200   (22kb)

Title: Casimir energy in the MIT bag model
Authors: E. Elizalde, M. Bordag and K. Kirsten
Comments: 19 pages, Latex, 1 Postscript figure, submitted to J. Phys. A
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 Paper: hep-th/9707084
From: "Frank Thuillier" < >Frank.Thuillier(at)lapp.in2p3.fr<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 14:16:18 +0200   (16kb)

Title: Some remarks on topological 4d-gravity
Authors: Frank Thuillier
Comments: 10 pages, Latex
Report-no: ENSLAPP-A-648/97
Journal-ref: J.Geom.Phys. 27 (1998) 221-229
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 Paper: hep-th/9707085
From: Harutada Sato < >sato(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 14:59:58 +0200   (7kb)

Title: Note on thermodynamic fermion loop under constant magnetic field
Author: H-T. Sato
Comments: 8 pages
Report-no: NBI-HE-97-30
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 39 (1998) 4540
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 Paper: hep-th/9707086
From: Gerhard Kulzinger < >G.Kulzinger(at)ThPhys.Uni-Heidelberg.DE<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 15:22:53 +0200 (MET DST)   (10kb)

Title: Modified similarity renormalization of Hamiltonians. QED on the light
Authors: E.L.Gubankova
Comments: posters presented on the workshop "Confinement, duality and
  non-perturbative aspects of QCD", 23 June-4 July, Cambridge, England; 9
  pages, Latex, 4 eps-figures loaded, using special package with command
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 Paper: hep-th/9707087
From: Mario Trigiante < >trigiant(at)susy.he.sissa.it<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 18:37:21 +0200 (METDST)   (60kb)

Title: E_{7(7)} Duality, BPS Black-Hole Evolution and Fixed Scalars
Authors: L. Andrianopoli, R. D'Auria, S. Ferrara, P. Fre' and M. Trigiante
Comments: 60 pages, 1 LaTeX file, 3 eps figures included
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B509 (1998) 463-518
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 Paper: hep-th/9707088
From: Richard Woodard < >woodard(at)phys.ufl.edu<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 13:06:45 -0400   (6kb)

Title: The Initial Value Problem For Maximally Non-Local Actions
Authors: D. L. Bennett (1), H. B. Nielsen (1), R. P. Woodard (2) ((1) Niels
  Bohr Institute, (2) University of Florida at Gainesville)
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilon
Report-no: UFIFT-HEP-97-19
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 1167-1170
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 Paper: hep-th/9707089
From: Ken Intriligator < >keni(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 12:30:03 MDT   (16kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 18 Jul 1997 09:40:41 -0400

Title: Renormalization Group Fixed Points and Connections with Duality in
  Various Dimensions
Author: Kenneth Intriligator
Comments: 13 pages. Added reference. To appear in Proc. of Puri Conference '96
Report-no: IASSNS 97/79
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 Paper: hep-th/9707090
From: Michael Flohr < >flohr(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 14:31:12 -0400 (EDT)   (257kb)

Title: Singular Vectors in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories
Authors: Michael Flohr
Comments: 26 pages, LaTeX with two eps figures included
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-97/73
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B514 (1998) 523-552
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 Paper: hep-th/9707091
From: "Sergei Lukyanov:/bin/ocs" < >sergei(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 1997 15:35:12 -0400   (18kb)

Title: Angular quantization and form-factors in massive integrable models
Authors: V. Brazhnikov, S. Lukyanov
Comments: 23 pages, harvmac.tex
Report-no: RU-97-58, CLNS 97/1488
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B512 (1998) 616-636
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 Paper: hep-th/9707092
From: Lori Paniak < >paniak(at)theory.physics.ubc.ca<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 00:34:57 -0700 (PDT)   (97kb)

Title: Order Parameter for Confinement in Large N Gauge Theories with
  Fundamental Matter
Author: L.D. Paniak
Comments: 15 pages LaTeX, 6 eps figures, uses epsf
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6566-6572
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 Paper: hep-th/9707093
From: Edward Witten < >witten(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 22:14:49 -0400   (24kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:40:47 -0400

Title: On The Conformal Field Theory Of The Higgs Branch
Author: Edward Witten
Comments: 27 pp, harvmac. Claims about a single fivebrane have been reduced.
  Clarifications and references added
Journal-ref: JHEP 9707 (1997) 003
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 Paper: hep-th/9707094
From: Federica.Vian(at)PR.infn.it
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 12:33:30 +0200   (26kb)

Title: Chiral gauge theories and anomalies in the Wilson renormalization group
Authors: M. Bonini and F. Vian
Comments: 16 pages, 4 figures, LaTex, uses epsfig, amssymb
Report-no: UPRF 97-07
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B511 (1998) 479-494
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 Paper: hep-th/9707095
From: Naoki Sasakura < >sasakura(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 14:48:49 +0200   (18kb)

Title: U(1) lattice gauge theory and N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Authors: Jan Ambjorn (Niels Bohr Inst.), Domenec Espriu (Univ. of Barcelona)
  and Naoki Sasakura (Niels Bohr Inst.)
Comments: 19 pages, LaTex
Report-no: NBI-HE-97-22, UB-ECM-PF 97/13
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2665-2682
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 Paper: hep-th/9707096
From: hongsr(at)theory.ewha.ac.kr
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 19:43:15 +0900 (KST)   (25kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 20 Feb 1998 05:03:28 GMT

Title: Classical and Quantum Instantons in Yang-Mills Theory in the Background
  of de Sitter Spacetime
Authors: Hongsu Kim, Sung Ku Kim (Ewha Women's Univ., Korea)
Comments: 39 pages, Revtex
Journal-ref: Nuovo Cim. 114B (1999) 207-233
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 Paper: hep-th/9707097
From: "D.V. Antonov" < >antonov(at)pha2.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 97 14:34:41 METDST   (9kb)

Title: Curvature Expansion for the Gluodynamics String including Perturbative
  Gluonic Contributions
Authors: D.V.Antonov (ITEP, Moscow and Humboldt University, Berlin) and D.Ebert
  (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures
Report-no: HU-EP-97/41
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2047-2056
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 Paper: hep-th/9707098
From: Olav Tirkkonen < >tirkkone(at)nordita.dk<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:10:42 +0200   (19kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 14 Jan 1999 15:29:01 GMT

Title: Excited states in the twisted XXZ spin chain
Authors: T. Nassar and O. Tirkkonen
Comments: 16 pages, Latex; added discussion on quantum group invariance and
  arbitrary magnon number
Report-no: NORDITA-97/33 P
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31 (1998) 9983-9996
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 Paper: hep-th/9707099
From: Soo-Jong Rey < >sjrey(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 15:55:25 -0400 (EDT)   (37kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 15 Jul 1997 23:45:05 -0400 (EDT)
Date (revised): Wed, 8 Oct 1997 22:03:33 GMT

Title: Wilson Lines and T-Duality in Heterotic M(atrix) Theory
Authors: Daniel Kabat and Soo-Jong Rey
Comments: Latex, 39 pages, 2 figures, part of subsection 3.3 corrected
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP 97-49, NYU-97/05/01, SNUTP 97-059
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 535-568
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 Paper: hep-th/9707100
From: Rabin Banerjee (Visit.) < >rabin(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 16:45:46 -0300   (14kb)

Title: Different Approaches for Bosonization in Higher Dimensions
Authors: R. Banerjee and E.C. Marino
Comments: LateX 22 pages
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B507 (1997) 501-518
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 Paper: hep-th/9707101
From: speight(at)math.utexas.edu
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 16:55:45 -0500 (CDT)   (144kb)

Title: Lump dynamics in the CP^1 model on the torus
Author: J.M. Speight (University of Texas at Austin)
Comments: 22 pages, Latex, 7 postscript figures
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 194 (1998) 513-539
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 Paper: hep-th/9707102
From: John < >jpierre(at)sbphy.physics.ucsb.edu<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 16:56:00 MDT   (7kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:36:28 MDT

Title: Comparing D-branes and Black Holes with 0- and 6-brane Charge
Authors: John M. Pierre
Comments: 8 pages, harvmac; Typos corrected, reference added
Report-no: UCSBTH-97-16
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6710-6713
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 Paper: hep-th/9707103
From: Seth Rosenberg < >seth(at)physics.ucsb.edu<
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 17:49:04 MDT   (38kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 10 Jul 1997 18:05:12 MDT

Title: Testing causality violation on spacetimes with closed timelike curves
Authors: Seth Rosenberg
Comments: 28 pages, 8 figures, latex
Report-no: UCSBTH-97-17
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 3365-3377
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 Paper: hep-th/9707104
From: ts(at)berlin.snafu.de (Thomas Schmitt)
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 02:57:19 +0200 (MET DST)   (35kb)

Title: Supermanifolds of classical solutions for Lagrangian field models with
  ghost and fermion fields
Authors: Thomas Schmitt
Comments: 28 pages, AmsLaTeX 1.2
Report-no: Sfb 288 Preprint No. 270
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Differential Geometry
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 Paper: hep-th/9707105
From: George Kraniotis < >kran(at)pc75.ph.rhbnc.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 02:33:59 +0100   (143kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 28 Sep 1997 19:18:38 GMT

Title: The Supersymmetric CP problem in Orbifold Compactifications
Authors: D. Bailin, G.V. Kraniotis and A. Love
Comments: LaTeX file 20 pages,16 ps figures (one figure added), two references
  added and typos corrected. Submitted to NPB
Report-no: SUSX-TH-97-12
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B518 (1998) 92-116
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 Paper: hep-th/9707106
From: KACKKACHI KACKKACHI < >kachkach(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:34:36 +0200 (MET DST)   (8kb)

Title: Gauge Theories: Geometry and cohomological invariants
Authors: M. Kachkachi, A. Lamine and M. Sarih (D\'epartement de
  Math\'ematiques, Universit\'e Hassan 1er, Settat, Morocco)
Comments: 15 pages, revtex. Submitted to J. Phys. A: Mathematical and General
Journal-ref: Int.J.Theor.Phys. 37 (1998) 1681-1692
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 Paper: hep-th/9707107
From: Jean-Loup Gervais < >Jean-Loup.Gervais(at)lpt.ens.fr<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 09:40:21 +0200 (MET DST)   (29kb)

Title: T Duality of Perturbative Characters for Closed Bosonic and Type II
  String Theories
Authors: Eugene Cremmer, Jean-Loup Gervais
Comments: 44 pages LateX 2E, 2 figures (eps)
Report-no: LPTENS-97/26
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B509 (1998) 83-121
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 Paper: hep-th/9707108
From: r-kuriki(at)fs.cc.ocha.ac.jp (Rie KURIKI(BUTURI))
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:43:10 +0900   (9kb)

Title: BRST Cohomology and Renormalizability of Quantum Gravity near Two
Authors: Yoshihisa Kitazawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Rie Kuriki (Tokyo
  Institute of Technology) and Katsumi Shigura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Comments: 12 pages, Mod. Phys. Lett. A (to be published)
Report-no: TIT/HEP-364
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 1871-1878
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 Paper: hep-th/9707109
From: Subrata Pal < >subrato(at)tnp.saha.ernet.in<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:44:50 +0530   (8kb)

Title: Screening in Anyon Gas
Author: Subir Ghosh (Dinabandhu Andrews College, Calcutta)
Comments: 10 pages Latex
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A30 (1997) L821-L828
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 Paper: hep-th/9707110
From: bandos < >bandos(at)tph32.tuwien.ac.at<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 13:13:13 +0200 (MET DST)   (14kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 17 Dec 1997 09:51:55 GMT

Title: A Polynomial First Order Action for the Dirichlet 3-brane
Authors: Igor Bandos and Wolfgang Kummer
Comments: Eq. (53) corrected, acknowledgement added, 13 pages, LATEX, no
Report-no: TUW/97-11, published in Phys.Lett.B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 311-321; Erratum-ibid. B420 (1998) 405
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 Paper: hep-th/9707111
From: Nikita Nekrasov < >nikita(at)string.harvard.edu<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 07:16:11 -0400   (10kb)

Title: On a Duality in Calogero-Moser-Sutherland Systems
Authors: Nikita Nekrasov
Comments: 6 pp., Harvmac (l) mode
Report-no: ITEP-TH-16/97, HUTP-97/A017
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 Paper: hep-th/9707112
From: Tomas Sykora < >sykora(at)hp03.troja.mff.cuni.cz<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:17:40 +0200 (METDST)   (25kb)

Title: On the Point-Splitting Method of the Commutator Anomaly of the Gauss Law
Authors: R. A. Bertlmann (Universitat Wien), Tomas Sykora (Charles University,
Comments: 16 pages, RevTex, 1 figure + 1 table, uses psbox.tex
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 2236-2241
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 Paper: hep-th/9707113
From: Tomas Ortin Miguel < >Tomas.Ortin(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:41:02 +0200 (MET DST)   (7kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 16 Jul 1997 17:28:52 +0200 (MET DST)
Date (revised): Thu, 31 Jul 1997 15:51:13 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: A Note on the D-2-Brane of the Massive Type IIA Theory and Gauged Sigma
Authors: Tomas Ortin, (CERN)
Comments: Latex file. A reference added
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-161
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 39-44
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 Paper: hep-th/9707114
From: Andras Szenes < >szenes(at)math-inst.hu<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:56:41 +0200   (13kb)

Title: Iterated Residues and Multiple Bernoulli Polynomials
Authors: Andras Szenes
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, Mittag-Leffler Inst. preprint
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Algebraic Geometry
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 Paper: hep-th/9707115
From: liebl(at)tph36.tuwien.ac.at (Herbert Liebl)
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:25:18 +0200 (MET DST)   (26kb)

Title: Nonperturbative path integral of 2d dilaton gravity and two-loop effects
  from scalar matter
Authors: W. Kummer, H. Liebl (Vienna, Tech. U.), D.V. Vassilevich (St.
  Petersburg University)
Comments: 15 pages
Report-no: TUW-97-08
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 723-734
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 Paper: hep-th/9707116
From: Zbigniew Was < >wasm(at)surya11.cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 17:38:39 +0200   (15kb)

Title: Trefoil knot and ad-hoc classification of elementary fields in the
  Standard Model
Authors: Z. Was
Comments: uuencoded and gtar: was.tex was1.eps was2.eps. Use latex; in total 8
  pages including front and 2 figure pages
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-162
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 369-372
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 Paper: hep-th/9707117
From: Marcos Alvarez < >pyma(at)swansea.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 10:05:30 MDT   (9kb)

Title: Physical states of dyons
Authors: Marcos Alvarez
Comments: 9 pages, no figures
Report-no: SWAT-97-156
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 Paper: hep-th/9707118
From: Jose M Figueroa-O'Farrill < >j.m.figueroa(at)qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 11:07:46 MDT   (20kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 3 Nov 1997 15:16:06 GMT
Date (revised): Wed, 5 Nov 1997 13:31:16 GMT

Title: Euclidean D-branes and higher-dimensional gauge theory
Authors: BS Acharya, JM Figueroa-O'Farrill, M O'Loughlin and B Spence
Comments: 23 pages (some changes in section 4.5 -- equations 27 and 28 change
  slightly) (missing bibliography added!)
Report-no: QMW-PH-97-20, IC/97/59
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Differential Geometry
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B514 (1998) 583-602
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 Paper: hep-th/9707119
From: John Schwarz < >jhs(at)schwarz.theory.caltech.edu<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97 11:11:12 -0700   (10kb)

Title: Remarks on the M5-Brane
Author: John H. Schwarz
Comments: 11 pages, latex, no figures; talk presented at Strings`97
Report-no: CALT-68-2126
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 68 (1998) 279-284
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 Paper: hep-th/9707120
From: Andrei Mironov < >mironov(at)heron.itep.ru<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 12:03:17 +-400   (63kb)

Title: Multiscale N=2 SUSY field theories, integrable systems and their
  stringy/brane origin -- I
Authors: A.Gorsky, S.Gukov and A.Mironov
Comments: LaTeX with epsf, 5 figures, 42 pages
Report-no: ITEP/TH-25/97, FIAN/TD-8/97
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B517 (1998) 409-461
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 Paper: hep-th/9707121
From: Sergei Nechaev < >nechaev(at)ipno.in2p3.fr<
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 18:10:06 MDT   (27kb)

Title: Correlation functions for some conformal theories on Riemann surfaces
Authors: Michael Monastyrsky, Sergei Nechaev
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, 1 Postscript figure
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 589-596
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 Paper: hep-th/9707122
From: Kimball A. Milton < >milton(at)phyast.nhn.ou.edu<
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 10:00:36 MDT   (13kb)

Title: Observability of the Bulk Casimir Effect: Can the Dynamical Casimir
  Effect be Relevant to Sonoluminescence?
Authors: Kimball A. Milton and Y. Jack Ng
Comments: 13 pages, REVTeX
Report-no: OKHEP-97-04
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. E57 (1998) 5504-5510
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 Paper: hep-th/9707123
From: Ashoke Sen < >sen(at)mri.ernet.in<
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 16:34:56 +0530   (10kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 11 Aug 1997 09:43:23 +0530

Title: A Note on Enhanced Gauge Symmetries in M- and String Theory
Author: Ashoke Sen
Comments: LaTeX file, 12 pages, minor sign errors corrected
Report-no: MRI-PHY/P970717
Journal-ref: JHEP 9709 (1997) 001
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 Paper: hep-th/9707124
From: Arundhati Dasgupta < >dasgupta(at)imsc.ernet.in<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 01:43:20 +0530 (GMT+05:30)   (7kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 26 Jul 1997 02:50:52 +0530 (GMT+05:30)
Date (revised): Sat, 23 Aug 1997 01:29:01 +0530 (GMT+05:30)

Title: Black hole fermionic radiance and D brane decay
Author: Saurya Das, Arundhati Dasgupta, Parthasarathi Majumdar and Tapobrata
Comments: Some errors corrected and a reference added. 4 pages
Report-no: IMSc-97/06/21
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 Paper: hep-th/9707125
From: jtliu(at)summit.rockefeller.edu (James T. Liu)
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 01:58:09 -0400   (18kb)

Title: U-branes and T^3 fibrations
Authors: James T. Liu and Ruben Minasian
Comments: 21 pages, harvmac
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-157
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B510 (1998) 538-554
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 Paper: hep-th/9707126
From: Pierre Vanhove < >vanhove(at)pth.polytechnique.fr<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 12:56:47 +0200 (MET DST)   (48kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:19:21 +0200 (MET DST)
Date (revised): Tue, 21 Oct 1997 13:53:55 GMT

Title: Heterotic / type I duality and D-brane instantons
Authors: C. Bachas, C. Fabre, E. Kiritsis, N.A. Obers and P. Vanhove
Comments: latex 23 pages, 3 figures eps included. Final version to appear in
  Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-65, CPTH-S500-0497
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B509 (1998) 33-52
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 Paper: hep-th/9707127
From: "Mohammad Reza Rahimi Tabar" < >RAHIMI(at)netware2.ipm.ac.ir<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 15:34:24 -3:30   (6kb)

Title: The Instanton Solution of Forced Burgers Equation in Polyakov's Approach
Author: M. R. Rahimi Tabar
Comments: 10 pages, latex, no figures
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 Paper: hep-th/9707128
From: Felix Finster < >felix(at)MATH.HARVARD.EDU<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 09:32:16 -0400 (EDT)   (24kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 3 Sep 1998 04:12:25 GMT
Date (revised): Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:37:43 GMT

Title: Light-Cone Expansion of the Dirac Sea to First Order in the External
Authors: Felix Finster
Comments: 28 pages (published version)
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Michigan Math.J. 46 (1999) 377-408
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 Paper: hep-th/9707129
From: Silvio Paolo Sorella < >sorella(at)symbcomp.uerj.br<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 11:55:08 -0300   (15kb)

Title: A No-Go Theorem for the Nonabelian Topological Mass Mechanism in Four
Authors: M. Henneaux, V.E.R. Lemes, C.A.G. Sasaki, S.P. Sorella, O.S. Ventura
  and L.C.Q. Vilar
Comments: 12 pages, latex file
Report-no: CBPF-NF-041/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B410 (1997) 195-202
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 Paper: hep-th/9707130
From: E.A.Eyras(at)phys.rug.nl (Eduardo Eyras)
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 17:08:18 +0200 (MET DST)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 4 Aug 1997 16:15:13 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: Gauged Supergravity from Dimensional Reduction
Authors: E. Bergshoeff, M. de Roo, E. Eyras
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, one reference added
Report-no: UG-7/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 70-78
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 Paper: hep-th/9707131
From: Cumrun Vafa < >vafa(at)string.harvard.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 97 11:18:27 -0400   (6kb)

Title: Geometric Origin of Montonen-Olive Duality
Authors: Cumrun Vafa
Comments: 8 pages
Report-no: HUTP-97/A034
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 158-166
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 Paper: hep-th/9707132
From: justin(at)theory.tifr.res.in (Justin Raj David)
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 97 23:23:31 -0155   (11kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 23 Jul 97 18:54:04 IST

Title: Probing Type I' String Theory Using D0 and D4-Branes
Authors: Justin R. David, Avinash Dhar and Gautam Mandal
Comments: 12 pages, latex. References added and some typos corrected
Report-no: TIFR-TH-97/39
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 135-143
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 Paper: hep-th/9707133
From: Hitoshi Murayama < >murayama(at)mack.lbl.gov<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 12:26:51 -0700   (37kb)

Title: Holomorphy, Rescaling Anomalies and Exact beta Functions in
  Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed and Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley, LBNL)
Comments: 35 pages, LaTeX, no special macros
Report-no: UCB-PTH-97/38, LBNL-40460
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 Paper: hep-th/9707134
From: a.tseytlin(at)ic.ac.uk
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 23:26:48 +0100   (17kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 15 Jul 1997 20:00:44 +0100
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 21:45:56 +0100

Title: One-loop four-graviton amplitude in eleven-dimensional supergravity
Authors: J. Russo and A.A. Tseytlin
Comments: 14 pages, harvmac. Remarks on the amplitude in uncompactified D=11
  space and on explicit structure of R^4 terms added
Report-no: Imperial/TP/96-97/53
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 245-259
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 Paper: hep-th/9707135
From: Alec Matusis < >alec_m(at)ctp.mit.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 20:08:06 -0400 (EDT)   (7kb)

Title: Interaction of non-parallel D1-branes
Authors: Alec Matusis
Comments: 10 pages, LaTex, no figures
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2657
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 1153-1162
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 Paper: hep-th/9707136
From: pavel(at)darss.mpg.uni-rostock.de
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 97 10:55:56 +0200   (22kb)

Title: Hamiltonian reduction of SU(2) Dirac-Yang-Mills mechanics
Author: S.A. Gogilidze, A.M. Khvedelidze, D.M. Mladenov, H.-P. Pavel
Comments: 25 pages Revtex, no figures
Report-no: Rostock prepr. MPG-VT-UR 109/97 and Dubna prepr. E2-97-217
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 7488-7500
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 Paper: hep-th/9707137
From: BASSETTO(at)vxcern.cern.ch
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 12:18:25 +0200   (19kb)

Title: The Schwinger Model in Light-Cone Gauge
Authors: A. Bassetto, G. Nardelli and E. Vianello
Comments: CERN-TH/97-164, 35 pages, revTeX, no figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 3631-3645
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 Paper: hep-th/9707138
From: Giampiero.Esposito(at)na.infn.it
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 12:45:03 +0200   (3kb)

Title: New Results in One-Loop Quantum Cosmology
Authors: Giampiero Esposito and Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik
Comments: 4 pages, plain Tex, talk given in Jerusalem during the Quantum
  Cosmology session of the Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (June 1997)
Report-no: DSF preprint 97/32
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 Paper: hep-th/9707139
From: Neil Lambert < >lambert(at)mth.kcl.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 17:23:53 +0100 (BST)   (9kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 5 Aug 1997 18:04:08 +0100 (BST)

Title: A New Massive Type IIA Supergravity From Compactification
Authors: P.S. Howe, N.D. Lambert and P.C. West
Comments: 13 pages, phyzzx. The introduction is clarifed and a reference added
Report-no: KCL-TH-97-46
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 303-308
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 Paper: hep-th/9707140
From: KACKKACHI KACKKACHI < >kachkach(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 20:37:38 +0200 (MET DST)   (9kb)

Title: Symplectic structure of electromagnetic duality
Author: M. Kachkachi (F.S.T.S. Settat, Morocco)
Comments: 18 pages, Revtex
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Access the local version of hep-th/9707140.

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 Paper: hep-th/9707141
From: YAMAWAKI < >yamawaki(at)eken.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 12:04:34 +0900   (10kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 21 Jul 1997 20:33:04 +0900

Title: Zero Mode and Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front
Authors: Koichi Yamawaki (Nagoya University)
Comments: 12 pages, LaTex, no figure, talk given at International Workshop
  ``New Nonperturbative Methods and Quantization on the Light Cone'', Les
  Houches, France, Feb. 24 - March 7, 1997, Minor correction on the
  author-names in the reference
Report-no: DPNU-97-33
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 Paper: hep-th/9707142
From: "Shin'ichi NOJIRI (2200)" < >nojiri(at)cmr4w1.cc.nda.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 17:36:32 +0900   (10kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 20 Oct 1997 01:46:53 GMT
Date (revised): Sun, 12 Apr 1998 09:00:55 GMT

Title: Effective Potential for D-brane in Constant Electromagnetic Field
Author: Shin'ichi Nojiri and Sergei D. Odintsov
Comments: LaTeX file,17 pages, few misprints and mistakes are corrected
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 2165-2178; Erratum-ibid. A13 (1998)
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707142 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707143
From: marek_olechowski(at)physik.tu-muenchen.de
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:54:10 +0200 (MET DST)   (10kb)

Title: Supersymmetry Breaking and Soft Terms in M-Theory
Authors: H.P. Nilles, M. Olechowski and M. Yamaguchi
Comments: 9 pages, latex, no figures
Report-no: TUM-HEP-282/97, SFB-375/201
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 24-30
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 Paper: hep-th/9707144
From: Alexander Dimitrov Mitov < >amitov(at)inrne.acad.bg<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 07:34:45 MDT   (10kb)

Title: On the Bound States in a Non-linear Quantum Field Theory of a Spinor
  Field with Higher Derivatives
Authors: A.D. Mitov, M.N. Stoilov and D.Ts. Stoyanov
Comments: 14 pages, no figures, LaTeX
Report-no: INRNE - TH-97/7
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 1651-1662
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 Paper: hep-th/9707145
From: SEDRA MOULAY BRAHIM < >sedra(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:23:21 +0200 (MET DST)   (10kb)

Title: Explicit Derivation of New Hyper-Kahler metric
Author: Moulay Brahim Sedra (Universit\'e Ibn Tofail, K\'enitra Morocco)
Comments: 18 pages, Revtex
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 709-722
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 Paper: hep-th/9707146
From: Francesco Antonuccio < >antonucc(at)trick.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 18:24:43 +0200 (MET DST)   (22kb)

Title: On Matrix Strings, the Large N Limit and Discretized Light-Cone
Authors: F.Antonuccio, H.C.Pauli and S.Tsujimaru
Comments: 21 pages, LaTex2e; 5 figures (.eps files)
Report-no: MPIH-1997
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 Paper: hep-th/9707147
From: Donald Spector < >spector(at)hws.edu<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 13:38:27 -0500   (9kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 3 Dec 1997 18:19:50 GMT

Title: Anyon Statistics and the Witten Index
Authors: Donald Spector
Comments: 10 pages, harvmac, no figures; revised to elaborate on two details
Report-no: HWS-9718, NIKHEF-96-035
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B442 (1998) 159-164
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 Paper: hep-th/9707148
From: Keith Dienes < >dienes(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 19:32:23 -0400 (EDT)   (25kb)

Title: Duality without Supersymmetry: The Case of the SO(16)xSO(16) String
Authors: Julie D. Blum and Keith R. Dienes (Institute for Advanced Study,
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-97/67 (July 1997)
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 260-268
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 Paper: hep-th/9707149
From: Joseph A. Minahan < >minahan(at)physics1.usc.edu<
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 14:41:34 MDT   (16kb)

Title: Partition Functions for BPS States of the Non-Critical E_8 String
Authors: J. A. Minahan, D. Nemeschansky and N. P. Warner
Comments: 17 pages, harvmac(b)
Report-no: USC-97/009, NSF-ITP-97-091
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 167-183
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 Paper: hep-th/9707150
From: Phillial Oh < >ploh(at)dirac.skku.ac.kr<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:13:15 +0900   (27kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 19 Feb 1998 10:36:42 GMT
Date (revised): Sat, 17 Oct 1998 06:34:11 GMT

Title: Bogomol'nyi Solitons and Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
Author: Phillial Oh
Comments: 10 pages, 2 ps figures, Latex, A revised version to be published in
  Reports on Mathematical Physics
Report-no: SNUTP/97-096
Journal-ref: Rept.Math.Phys. 43 (1999) 271-281
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 Paper: hep-th/9707151
From: alexush(at)mvii.uni.lodz.pl
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 13:02:41 EDT   (42kb)

Title: New Fundamental Symmetries of Integrable Systems and Partial Bethe
Author: A. Ushveridze
Comments: 49 pages, LaTeX
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics;
  Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Annals Phys. 266 (1998) 81-134
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 Paper: hep-th/9707152
From: Matthias Burkardt < >burkardt(at)theorie3.physik.uni-erlangen.de<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 14:58:57 +0200 (MET DST)   (8kb)

Title: A 3+1 Dimensional LF-Model with Spontaneous $\chi SB$
Author: M. Burkardt and H. El-Khozondar
Comments: 6 pages, LaTex, 1 figure, invited talk at International Workshop on
  ``New Nonperturbative Methods and Quantization on the Light Cone'', Les
  Houches, France, Feb. 24 - March 7, 1997
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 Paper: hep-th/9707153
From: Patrizia Vitale < >Patrizia.Vitale(at)na.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 15:56:15 +0200 (MET DST)   (21kb)

Title: Hidden Quantum Group Structure in Einstein's General Relativity
Authors: G. Bimonte, R. Musto, A. Stern and P. Vitale
Comments: LaTex file, 21 pages, no figures
Report-no: DSF-33/97, UAHEP 9711
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B525 (1998) 483-503
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 Paper: hep-th/9707154
From: Andrei Slavnov < >slavnov(at)ben3.benasque.cesca.es<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:12:32 +0200   (5kb)

Title: Phase of a chiral determinant and global SU(2) anomaly
Authors: A. A. Slavnov
Comments: 6 pages, Latex, no figures
Report-no: SMI-15-97
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 390-394
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 Paper: hep-th/9707155
From: Rafael I. Nepomechie < >nepomechie(at)physics.miami.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:51:01 MDT   (7kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 26 Nov 1997 13:38:38 GMT

Title: Factorization of Multiparticle Scattering in the Heisenberg Spin Chain
Authors: Anastasia Doikou, Luca Mezincescu and Rafael I. Nepomechie
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures
Report-no: UMTG-198
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2591-2598
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 Paper: hep-th/9707156
From: Neil Lambert < >lambert(at)mth.kcl.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:56:46 +0100 (BST)   (12kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 28 Jul 1997 13:34:03 +0100 (BST)
Date (revised): Thu, 8 Jan 1998 10:51:49 GMT

Title: D-brane Bound States and the Generalised ADHM Construction
Authors: N.D. Lambert
Comments: 17 pages Phyzzx. Minor corrections, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: KCL-TH-97-45
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B519 (1998) 214-224
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 Paper: hep-th/9707157
From: David Kastor < >kastor(at)het.phast.umass.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:00:02 -0400 (EDT)   (16kb)

Title: A Very Effective String Model?
Authors: David Kastor and Jennie Traschen
Comments: 19 pages, harvmac (b)
Report-no: UMHEP-444
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 4862-4869
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 Paper: hep-th/9707158
From: Seiberg < >seiberg(at)ias.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:42:44 MDT   (14kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 00:45:00 MDT
Date (revised): Wed, 6 Aug 1997 09:24:38 MDT

Title: The Coulomb Branch of (4,4) Supersymmetric Field Theories in Two
Authors: Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu and Nathan Seiberg
Comments: 18 pages, minor changes
Report-no: IAS-97-84, RU-97-62
Journal-ref: JHEP 9707 (1997) 001
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 Paper: hep-th/9707159
From: Andre Leclair < >leclair(at)itp.ucsb.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:19:08 -0700 (PDT)   (24kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 18 Jul 1997 13:34:58 -0700 (PDT)

Title: Integrability of Coupled Conformal Field Theories
Authors: A. LeClair, A. Ludwig, and G. Mussardo
Comments: 23 pages, four figures
Report-no: ITP/97-081, ISAS/90/97/EP
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B512 (1998) 523-542
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 Paper: hep-th/9707160
From: Keith Dienes < >dienes(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 23:21:31 -0400 (EDT)   (108kb)

Title: Strong/Weak Coupling Duality Relations for Non-Supersymmetric String
Authors: Julie D. Blum and Keith R. Dienes (Institute for Advanced Study,
Comments: 7 ounces by weight, LaTeX, 15 figures
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-97/80 (July 1997)
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B516 (1998) 83-159
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 Paper: hep-th/9707161
From: Hirofumi Yasuta < >yasuta(at)physun1.sci.ibaraki.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 17:12:27 +0900   (23kb)

Title: Resummation of Vacuum Bubble Diagrams in Gaussian Propagator Model
Author: Hirofumi Yasuta (Ibaraki University)
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX
Report-no: IU-MSTP/22
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B418 (1998) 145-148
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 Paper: hep-th/9707162
From: Nofumi Kitsunezaki < >kitsune(at)eken.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 17:37:42 +0900 (JST)   (26kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 18 May 1998 07:38:06 GMT

Title: Unitary IIB Matrix Model and the Dynamical Generation of the Space Time
Authors: Naofumi Kitsunezaki and Jun Nishimura (Nagoya Univ.)
Comments: 30 pages, 1 Postscript figure, The final version accepted by NPB
Report-no: DPNU-97-32
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B526 (1998) 351-377
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 Paper: hep-th/9707163
From: Anton Rebhan < >rebhana(at)tph16.tuwien.ac.at<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 14:33:37 +0200 (METDST)   (16kb)

Title: No saturation of the quantum Bogomolnyi bound by two-dimensional
  supersymmetric solitons
Authors: A. Rebhan and P. van Nieuwenhuizen
Comments: 23 pages, LATeX
Report-no: TUW-97-12, ITP-SB 97-37
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 449-467
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 Paper: hep-th/9707164
From: Suresh Govindarajan < >suresh(at)avzw02.physik.uni-bonn.de<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 07:10:01 MDT   (21kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 30 Jul 1997 05:53:22 MDT

Title: Heterotic M(atrix) theory at generic points in Narain moduli space
Authors: Suresh Govindarajan (University of Bonn, Germany)
Comments: LaTeX, 28 pages, no figures, Secs. 4.1 and 5.2 slightly modified,
  same conclusions
Report-no: BONN-TH-97-08
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B507 (1997) 589-608
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 Paper: hep-th/9707165
From: Rainer Haeussling < >haeussli(at)tph100.physik.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 07:45:49 MDT   (28kb)

Title: Complete control of gauge parameter dependence in the Abelian Higgs
Authors: Rainer H\"au\ss{}ling and Stephan Kappel
Comments: LaTeX 34pp
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C4 (1998) 543-556
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 Paper: hep-th/9707166
From: Andreas U. Schnmidt < >aschmidt(at)math.uni-frankfurt.de<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 08:24:44 MDT   (23kb)

Title: Mathematical Problems of Gauge Quantum Field Theory: A Survey on the
  Schwinger Model
Authors: Andreas U. Schmidt
Comments: 22 pages, AMSTeX with PICTeX macros. To appear in: Universitatis
  Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Fasc. XXXIV, Krakow, Poland
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Functional Analysis
Journal-ref: Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Math., Fasc. XXXIV, 113-134 (1997)
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 Paper: hep-th/9707167
From: Sangmin Lee < >sangmin(at)phoenix.Princeton.EDU<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 11:00:41 -0400 (EDT)   (21kb)

Title: Strings and D-Branes at High Temperature
Authors: Sangmin Lee and Larus Thorlacius (Princeton University)
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure
Report-no: PUPT-1708
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 303-310
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 Paper: hep-th/9707168
From: Giampiero.Esposito(at)na.infn.it
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 19:27:13 +0200   (16kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 15 Dec 1997 07:14:44 GMT
Date (revised): Sat, 27 Jun 1998 19:37:50 GMT

Title: On the Zero-Point Energy of a Conducting Spherical Shell
Authors: Giampiero Esposito, Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik and Klaus Kirsten
Comments: 29 pages, Revtex, revised version. In this last version, a new
  section has been added, devoted to the zero-point energy of a conducting
  spherical shell in the axial gauge. A second appendix has also been included
Report-no: DSF preprint 97/31
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 281-300
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 Paper: hep-th/9707169
From: speight(at)math.utexas.edu
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 17:26:59 -0500 (CDT)   (7kb)

Title: Geodesic incompleteness in the CP^1 model on a compact Riemann surface
Authors: L.A. Sadun and J.M. Speight (University of Texas at Austin)
Comments: 5 pages, Latex, no figures
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Lett.Math.Phys. 43 (1998) 329-334
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 Paper: hep-th/9707170
From: Joe Polchinski < >joep(at)itp.ucsb.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 17:10:46 MDT   (13kb)

Title: Self Gravitating Fundamental Strings
Authors: Gary T. Horowitz and Joseph Polchinski
Comments: 20 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: NSF-ITP-97-097
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 2557-2563
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 Paper: hep-th/9707171
From: castro(at)hubble.cau.edu (Carlos Castro)
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 19:54:18 -0400   (20kb)

Title: Beyond Strings, Multiple Times and Gauge Theories of Area-Scalings
  Relativistic Transformations
Authors: Carlos Castro
Comments: 18 pages, revised Tex file
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 Paper: hep-th/9707172
From: Harunobu KUBO < >kubo(at)hep-th.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 12:19:24 +0900   (8kb)

Title: An extended q-deformed su(2) algebra and the Bloch electron problem
Authors: Kazuo Fujikawa, Harunobu Kubo
Comments: 11 pages, Latex
Report-no: UT-782
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. A239 (1998) 21-26
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 Paper: hep-th/9707173
From: "Mohammad Reza Rahimi Tabar" < >RAHIMI(at)netware2.ipm.ac.ir<
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 16:51:35 -3:30   (7kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:41:25 -3:30
Date (revised): Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:36:11 GMT

Title: Exact Two-Point Correlation Functions of Turbulence Without Pressure in
Authors: A. R. Rastegar, M. R. Rahimi Tabar and P. Hawaii
Comments: 9 pages, latex, no figures, we have corrected the our basic
  equations. We predict the inertial-range exponent for the energy spectrum for
  3D-turbulence without pressure. We will present the detail of calculation and
  the results for 2D-turbulence elsewhere. Also some references are added
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 Paper: hep-th/9707174
From: Nikita Nekrasov < >nikita(at)string.harvard.edu<
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 97 18:02:51 -0400   (28kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 25 Jul 97 12:29:45 -0400
Date (revised): Fri, 26 Dec 1997 18:38:08 GMT
Date (revised): Wed, 11 Feb 1998 18:22:05 GMT

Title: Chern-Simons and Twisted Supersymmetry in Higher Dimensions
Authors: L.Baulieu, A.Losev, N.Nekrasov
Comments: 26pp. harvmac b mode, refs added, analysis of wavefunctional
Report-no: ITEP-TH-34/97, HUTP-97/A035, LPTHE-9733
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B522 (1998) 82-104
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 Paper: hep-th/9707175
From: Mihai Visinescu < >mvisin(at)theor1.ifa.ro<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 10:18:03 +0200 (EET)   (6kb)

Title: Spinning particles in Taub-NUT space
Authors: Diana Vaman and Mihai Visinescu
Comments: LaTeX, 8 pages
Report-no: IFA-FT-429-1997
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 3790-3793
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 Paper: hep-th/9707176
From: Mikhail Volkov < >volkov(at)physik.unizh.ch<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 97 19:37:06 +0200   (19kb)

Title: Non-Abelian BPS Monopoles in N=4 Gauged Supergravity
Authors: Ali H. Chamseddine and Mikhail S. Volkov
Comments: 5 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: ETH-TH/97-16, ZU-TH/97-15
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 (1997) 3343-3346
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 Paper: hep-th/9707177
From: Francis Vendrell < >f.vendrell(at)ic.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:06:11 +0100 (BST)   (25kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 19 Jun 1998 12:51:49 GMT

Title: Thermal radiation in non-static curved spacetimes: quantum mechanical
  path integrals and configuration space topology
Authors: M.E. Ortiz, F. Vendrell
Comments: 20 pages, major revised version, 9 figures, new title
Report-no: Imperial/TP/96-97/55
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 084005
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 Paper: hep-th/9707178
From: Tekin Dereli < >tekin(at)dereli.physics.metu.edu.tr<
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1997 16:20:39 +0300 (EET DST)   (5kb)

Title: Seiberg-Witten Equations on R^8
Authors: A. H. Bilge, T. Dereli, S.Kocak
Comments: 7 pages, Latex file. No figures. Published in the Proceedings of 5th
  Gokova Geometry-Topology Conference
Journal-ref: Turk.J.Math 21 (1997) 87-92
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 Paper: hep-th/9707179
From: Feike_Hacquebord < >hacquebo(at)phys.uva.nl<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 17:24:32 +0200   (14kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 29 Jul 1997 17:00:53 +0200 (MET DST)

Title: Duality symmetry of N=4 Yang-Mills theory on T^3
Authors: Feike Hacquebord and Herman Verlinde
Comments: 16 pages, Latex, no figures. Some eqns in section 4 on Nahm duality
Report-no: ITFA-97/12
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B508 (1997) 609-622
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 Paper: hep-th/9707180
From: Brett van de Sande < >bvds(at)theorie3.physik.uni-erlangen.de<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 17:29:13 +0200   (68kb)

Title: Colour-Dielectric Gauge Theory on a Transverse Lattice
Authors: B. van de Sande and S. Dalley
Comments: Invited talk at New Nonperturbative Methods and Quantization of the
  Light Cone, Les Houches, France, 24 Feb - 7 Mar 1997. 7 pages Latex, uses
  Boxedeps.tex macro
Report-no: FAU-TP3-97/5
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 Paper: hep-th/9707181
From: Jack Gegenberg < >lenin(at)math.unb.ca<
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:31:39 -0300 (ADT)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 13 Aug 1997 14:56:08 -0300 (ADT)
Date (revised): Fri, 19 Sep 1997 09:24:57 -0300 (ADT)

Title: Solitons and Black Holes
Authors: J. Gegenberg and G. Kunstatter
Comments: Substantial revisions in sections 4-5, Latex file, 13 pages.
  Typographical errors corrected; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 274-280
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 Paper: hep-th/9707182
From: Chris Pope < >pope(at)absinthe.tamu.edu<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 13:18:13 -0500   (19kb)

Title: Cosmological solutions, p-branes and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation
Authors: H. Lu, J. Maharana, S. Mukherji and C.N. Pope
Comments: 11 pages (2-column), Revtex
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 2219-2229
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 Paper: hep-th/9707183
From: Porfyriadis < >Porfyriadis(at)physics.auth.gr<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 06:49:02 +0300   (6kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 31 Oct 1997 15:01:42 GMT

Title: Null Strings in Kerr Spacetime
Authors: P.I. Porfyriadis and D. Papadopoulos
Comments: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures, final version to be published in
  Phys.Lett.B, references added
Report-no: THES-TP 97/05
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B417 (1998) 27-32
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 Paper: hep-th/9707184
From: Paul Howe < >phowe(at)mth.kcl.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 17:22:47 +0100 (BST)   (10kb)

Title: Weyl Superspace
Authors: P.S. Howe
Comments: 9 pages, latex
Report-no: KCL-TH-97-30
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 149-155
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 Paper: hep-th/9707185
From: Markus Quandt < >quandt(at)pthp8.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 97 16:54:41 MESZ   (39kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:52:18 GMT

Title: Field Strength Formulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory in the Maximal
  Abelian Gauge: Perturbation Theory
Authors: M. Quandt, H. Reinhardt (Tuebingen U.)
Comments: 29 pages LaTeX, 6 postscript figures. Version to be published in Int.
  J. Mod. Phys. A
Report-no: UNITU-THEP-13-1997
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 4049-4076
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 Paper: hep-th/9707186
From: Bobby Acharya < >R.Acharya(at)qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 97 17:57:06 +0100   (14kb)

Title: On Mirror Symmetry for Manifolds of Exceptional Holonomy
Author: B.S.Acharya
Comments: 20 Pages, Latex
Report-no: QMW-PH-97-22
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B524 (1998) 269-282
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 Paper: hep-th/9707187
From: Alexandre Grezzi de Miranda Schmidt < >schmidt(at)ift.unesp.br<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 12:39:09 MDT   (15kb)

Title: Negative Dimensional Integration for Massive Four Point Functions--I:
  The Standard Solutions
Authors: Alfredo T. Suzuki and Alexandre G. M. Schmidt
Comments: 12 pages, uses elsart.cls, axodraw.ps and axodraw1.sty
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 Paper: hep-th/9707188
From: Ivo Sachs < >ivo(at)stp.dias.ie<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 20:03:49 +0100 (BST)   (9kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 7 Sep 1997 15:45:56 +0100 (BST)

Title: Three-Dimensional Black Holes and String Theory
Authors: D. Birmingham (University College Dublin) I. Sachs (DIAS) S. Sen
  (Trinity College Dublin)
Comments: 11 pages, Latex, References added, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: DIAS-STP-97-10
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 281-286
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 Paper: hep-th/9707189
From: Denny Fliegner < >D.Fliegner(at)ThPhys.Uni-Heidelberg.DE<
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 23:09:27 +0200 (MET DST)   (34kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 11 Mar 1998 09:10:55 GMT

Title: The Higher Derivative Expansion of the Effective Action by the String
  Inspired Method. Part II
Authors: D. Fliegner (Heidelberg U., ITP), P. Haberl (RWTH Aachen, ITP), M.G.
  Schmidt (Heidelberg U., ITP), C. Schubert (Humboldt U. Berlin)
Comments: 37 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, typos corrected, to appear in Ann. Phys.
Report-no: HD-THEP-97/24, HUB-EP-97/42
Journal-ref: Annals Phys. 264 (1998) 51-74
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 Paper: hep-th/9707190
From: David Fairlie B < >fairlie(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:06:41 +0900 (JST)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:40:45 +0900 (JST)

Title: Moyal Brackets in M-Theory
Author: David B. Fairlie
Comments: 10 pages, Latex, no figures. References altered, typos corrected
Report-no: YITP-97-40, DTP-97-37
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 263-274
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 Paper: hep-th/9707191
From: kamimura(at)ph.sci.toho-u.ac.jp (Kiyoshi Kamimura)
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 12:10:22 +0900   (10kb)

Title: Super-Weyl Invariant 2D Supergravity, Anomaly and WZ Action
Authors: K.Kamimura and R.Kuriki
Comments: 9 pages, Latex
Report-no: TOHO-FP-9755, OCHA-PP-102
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B515 (1998) 535-545
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 Paper: hep-th/9707192
From: HORI(at)theor3.lbl.gov
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 14:08:40 -0700   (63kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 17 Aug 1997 16:33:00 -0700

Title: Branes and N=2 Theories in Two Dimensions
Authors: Amihay Hanany and Kentaro Hori
Comments: 70 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures. Minor changes, references added
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-97/81, UCB-PTH-97/39, LBNL-40571
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 119-174
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 Paper: hep-th/9707193
From: Kostya Zyablyuk < >zyablyuk(at)yuling.physics.lsa.umich.edu<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 00:32:00 -0400 (EDT)   (7kb)

Title: N=2, D=6 supergravity with E_7 gauge matter
Author: Konstantin Zyablyuk
Comments: 7 pages, latex
Report-no: UM-TH-97-16
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 Paper: hep-th/9707194
From: klimcik(at)ihes.fr
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 23:45:05 +0200 (METDST)   (9kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 29 Jul 1997 09:28:23 +0200 (METDST)

Title: Poisson-Lie T-duality and (1,1) supersymmetry
Author: C. Klimcik
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX,(one reference corrected)
Report-no: IHES/P/97/58
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 85-91
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 Paper: hep-th/9707195
From: Rainer Dick < >Rainer.Dick(at)Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 97 17:50:53 -0500   (6kb)

Title: The string scale and the Planck scale
Author: Rainer Dick
Comments: 6 pages, REVTeX (preprint style)
Report-no: LMU-TPW-97/19
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 Paper: hep-th/9707196
From: chienliu(at)phyvax.ir.miami.edu
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:16:49 EST   (85kb)

Title: Remarks on the Geometry of Wick Rotation in QFT and its Localization on
Author: Chien-Hao Liu, U.Miami-Physics
Comments: 24 pages, 9 Postscript figures
Report-no: UMTG-192
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 Paper: hep-th/9707197
From: Nick Evans < >nevans(at)budoe.bu.edu<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 11:43:25 -0400   (18kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:54:09 -0400

Title: Softly Broken SQCD: in the Continuum, on the Lattice, on the Brane
Authors: Nick Evans (Boston University)
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, espcrc2, 2 figs, talk presented at SUSY 97, reference
Report-no: BUHEP-97-21
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 62 (1998) 331-338
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 Paper: hep-th/9707198
From: Ralph Blumenhagen < >blumenha(at)IAS.EDU<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:09:50 -0400 (EDT)   (17kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:50:16 -0400 (EDT)

Title: Target Space Duality for (0,2) Compactifications
Authors: Ralph Blumenhagen
Comments: 22 pages, TeX, harvmac, (minor changes, references added)
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-97/86
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 573-590
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 Paper: hep-th/9707199
From: Gerardo Rossini < >rossini(at)ctpa03.mit.edu<
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:24:02 -0400 (EDT)   (15kb)

Title: Abelian and Non-Abelian Induced Parity Breaking Terms at Finite
Authors: C.D.Fosco (1), G.L.Rossini (2,3) and F.A.Schaposnik (3) ((1) Centro
  Atomico Bariloche, Argentina (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (3)
  Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)
Comments: 13 pages, RevTeX, no figures
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2659, La Plata-Th 97/17
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6547-6555
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 Paper: hep-th/9707200
From: Kiyoshi Ezawa < >ezawa(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 11:40:49 +0900   (26kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 30 Jul 1997 19:53:18 +0900
Date (revised): Wed, 26 Nov 1997 09:13:42 GMT

Title: Matrix Regularization of an Open Supermembrane ---towards M-theory
  five-branes via open supermembranes ---
Authors: K. Ezawa, Y. Matsuo and K. Murakami
Comments: 30 pages, Latex, references and Appendix E added, some minor changes
Report-no: UT-783, YITP-97-37
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 5118-5133
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 Paper: hep-th/9707201
From: Patrizia Vitale < >Patrizia.Vitale(at)na.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 15:25:12 +0200 (MET DST)   (14kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:33:27 GMT

Title: New Tetrads for General Relativity
Authors: G. Bimonte, R. Musto, A. Stern and P. Vitale
Comments: Latex file, 14 pages, no figures. Major changes in text. Contribution
  to the proceedings of the conference "Quantum Groups, Deformations and
  Contractions" Istanbul 1997, to be published in Turkish Journal of Physics.
  Title changed in journal to "The Quantum Poincare' Group as Hidden Symmetry
  of General Relativity"
Report-no: UAHEP 9712, DSF-34/97
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
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 Paper: hep-th/9707202
From: Fedele Lizzi < >f.lizzi1(at)physics.oxford.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 12:00:30 +0100 (BST)   (65kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 30 Apr 1998 17:57:37 GMT

Title: Duality Symmetries and Noncommutative Geometry of String Spacetime
Authors: F. Lizzi and R.J. Szabo (Oxford)
Comments: 70 pages, Latex, No Figures. Typos and references corrected. Version
  to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics
Report-no: OUTP-97-22P, DSF/22-97
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 197 (1998) 667-712
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 Paper: hep-th/9707203
From: "RICCARDO D'AURIA 5647338" < >DAURIA(at)polito.it<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 14:22:02 GMT+1   (40kb)

Title: Flat Symplectic Bundles of N-Extended Supergravities, Central Charges
  and Black-Hole Entropy
Authors: L. Andrianopoli, R. D'Auria and S. Ferrara
Comments: Based on lectures given by S. Ferrara at the 5th Winter School on
  Mathematical Physics held at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics,
  Seul (Korea), February 1997
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 Paper: hep-th/9707204
From: Clovis Wotzasek < >clovis(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 11:28:16 -0300   (11kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:53:03 -0300
Date (revised): Mon, 27 Oct 1997 22:00:23 GMT
Date (revised): Thu, 30 Oct 1997 00:15:21 GMT

Title: Bose Symmetry and Chiral Decomposition of 2D Fermionic Determinants
Authors: E.M.C. de Abreu, R. Banerjee and C.Wotzasek
Comments: LaTex file, 17 pages, Ref.(5) corrected, final version to appear in
  Nucl. Phys. B
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B509 (1998) 519-528
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 Paper: hep-th/9707205
From: Katsuyuki Sugiyama < >sugiyama(at)phys.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 00:10:59 +0900   (44kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 6 Apr 1998 08:52:40 GMT

Title: D-brane Analyses for BPS Mass Spectra and U-duality
Authors: Yuji Sugawara, Katsuyuki Sugiyama
Comments: 44 pages, Latex, 9 figures (eps. files), Analyses based on M-theory
  are added. final version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: UT-781, KUCP-0109
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B522 (1998) 158-192
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707205 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707206
From: S.C. Woon < >scw21(at)cus.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 15:40:10 MDT   (97kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 30 Jul 1997 21:08:34 MDT

Title: Analytic Continuation of Operators -- operators acting complex s-times
  -- Applications: from Number Theory and Group Theory to Quantum Field and
  String Theories
Authors: S. C. Woon (DAMTP, Cambridge)
Comments: 37 pages, LaTeX, 14 figures. Related papers are at
  this url. Corrections to equations.
  Detailed calculations on Quantum operator section expanded to a forthcoming
Report-no: DAMTP-R-97/33
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics;
  Functional Analysis; Quantum Algebra
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 Paper: hep-th/9707207
From: Chris Pope < >pope(at)absinthe.tamu.edu<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 12:02:27 -0500   (28kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 18 Aug 1997 12:25:36 -0500

Title: Spectrum-generating Symmetries for BPS Solitons
Authors: E. Cremmer, H. Lu, C.N. Pope and K.S. Stelle
Comments: References added. Latex, 29 pages
Report-no: CTP TAMU-29/97, Imperial/TP/96-97/54, LPTENS-97/34, SISSARef.
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B520 (1998) 132-156
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 Paper: hep-th/9707208
From: QUIROS(at)vxcern.cern.ch
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 19:38:58 +0200   (13kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 27 Oct 1997 17:51:06 GMT

Title: On the M-theory description of gaugino condensation
Authors: I. Antoniadis and M. Quiros
Comments: 14 pages, LateX, no figures. Some remarks about supersymmetry
  breaking in the observable sector added
Report-no: CERN-TH/97165, CPTH-S548.0797, IEM-FT-160/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 327-333
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 Paper: hep-th/9707209
From: Silvio Paolo Sorella < >sorella(at)symbcomp.uerj.br<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 16:17:09 -0300   (37kb)

Title: Algebraic Renormalization: perturbative twisted considerations on
  topological Yang-Mills theory and on N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories
Authors: F. Fucito, A. Tanzini, L.C.Q.Vilar, O. S. Ventura, C.A.G. Sasaki and
  S.P. Sorella
Comments: 58 pages, LateX2e file
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 Paper: hep-th/9707210
From: Enrique F. Moreno < >moreno(at)scisun.sci.ccny.cuny.edu<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 13:28:53 MDT   (9kb)

Title: Duality between Topologically Massive and Self-Dual models
Authors: J. C. Le Guillou, E. F. Moreno, C. Nunez and F.A. Schaposnik
Comments: 13 pages, LaTex
Report-no: ENSLAPP-A-655/97, CCNY-HEP 97/6, La Plata Th-16/97
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A12 (1997) 2707-2716
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 Paper: hep-th/9707211
From: Beatriz Gato-Rivera < >t38(at)nikhef.nl<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:03:48 +0200   (14kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 25 Jul 97 16:55:59 +0200

Title: The Even and the Odd Spectral Flows on the N=2 Superconformal Algebras
Authors: Beatriz Gato-Rivera
Comments: 15 pages, Latex. Minor improvements in the last paragraph of the
  conclusions. Numbering of references has changed
Report-no: NIKHEF 97-033, IMAFF-FM-97/03
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B512 (1998) 431-444
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 Paper: hep-th/9707212
From: Matthias Klein < >mklein(at)hera2.physik.uni-halle.de<
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 22:46:02 +0200 (MET DST)   (20kb)

Title: Singular Yukawa and gauge couplings in d=4 Heterotic String Vacua
Authors: Matthias Klein, Jan Louis
Comments: 20 pages, Latex
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B511 (1998) 197-215
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 Paper: hep-th/9707213
From: "Joachim Maeder [Physik]" < >maeder(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 11:21:06 +0200 (MES)   (16kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 13 Aug 1997 12:34:18 +0200 (MES)

Title: On the critical behaviour of hermitean f-matrix models in the double
  scaling limit with f >= 3
Authors: S. Balaska, J. Maeder, W. Ruehl
Comments: 24 pages, LaTex, correction of some notation errors and addition of
  four references
Report-no: KL-TH 97/6
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 97-118
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 Paper: hep-th/9707214
From: Michael Douglas < >mrd(at)mike.rutgers.edu<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 97 05:44:09 -0400   (15kb)

Title: Metrics on D-brane Orbifolds
Authors: Michael R. Douglas and Brian R. Greene
Comments: harvmac, 14 pages
Report-no: RU-97-54, CU-TP-850
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 1 (1998) 184-196
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 Paper: hep-th/9707215
From: bars(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 97 12:46:39 +0200   (16kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 27 Jul 97 21:44:25 +0200

Title: Superstrings with new supersymmetry in (9,2) and (10,2) dimensions
Author: Itzhak Bars and Cemsinan Deliduman
Comments: LaTeX, revtex, 9 pages
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-181, USC-97/HEP-B5
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6579-6587
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 Paper: hep-th/9707216
From: Jri rd < >jyri(at)hexagon.fi.tartu.ee<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 06:17:56 MDT   (7kb)

Title: Kinematics and uncertainty relations of a quantum test particle in a
  curved space-time
Authors: P. Kuusk, J. Ord
Comments: 6 pages, LaTeX, talk given in the session ``Quantum Fields in Curved
  Space'' at the VIII Marcel Grossmann Conference in Jerusalem, Israel, June
Report-no: IP-HEP-1/97
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B421 (1998) 99-104
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 Paper: hep-th/9707217
From: GIVEON(at)vxcern.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 14:31:11 +0200   (21kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 27 Jul 1997 10:54:51 +0200
Date (revised): Sun, 25 Jan 1998 16:42:47 GMT

Title: Algebraic Aspects of Matrix Theory on T^d
Authors: S. Elitzur, A. Giveon, D. Kutasov, E. Rabinovici
Comments: 28 pages, harvmac, note added in version published in NPB: 8-brane
  naturally completes the weyl multiplets into E_d representations
Report-no: WIS/97/25
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B509 (1998) 122-144
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 Paper: hep-th/9707218
From: "Norma Mankoc Borstnik,Dept.of Phys.Jadranska" < >Norma.S.Mankoc(at)ijs.si<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 14:59:45 +0001   (18kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 16 Oct 1997 12:03:59 GMT

Title: Left and right handedness of fermions and bosons
Authors: Norma Mankoc Borstnik, Anamarija Borstnik
Comments: 18 pages, LaTeX, no figures, typographical errors corrected and a few
  sentences added to clarify some issues
Report-no: IJSTP-7732
Journal-ref: J.Phys. G24 (1998) 963-977
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 Paper: hep-th/9707219
From: Vincenzo CIRIGLIANO < >cirigli(at)ibmth.difi.unipi.it<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 15:14:41 +0200 (METDST)   (17kb)

Title: Magnetic monopoles in U(1)_4 Lattice Gauge Theory with Wilson action
Authors: V. Cirigliano and G. Paffuti (Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita`
  e I.N.F.N., Pisa)
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX 2.09 (revtex), submitted to Communications in
  Mathematical Physics
Report-no: IFUP-TH / 29-97
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 200 (1999) 381-398
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 Paper: hep-th/9707220
From: greenberg(at)umdhep.umd.edu
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 10:16:28 EST   (8kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 10 Oct 1997 18:06:04 GMT

Title: Spin-Statistics, Spin-Locality, and TCP: Three Distinct Theorems
Authors: O. W. Greenberg
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, no figures. References added. To appear in Phys.
  Lett. B
Report-no: UMD-98-002
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 144-149
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 Paper: hep-th/9707221
From: Charles Torre < >TORRE(at)cc.usu.edu<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 10:03:49 -0600 (MDT)   (27kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 3 Jul 1998 16:03:33 GMT

Title: Quantum Fields at Any Time
Authors: C. G. Torre (Utah State U.) and M. Varadarajan (Raman Research
Comments: 42 pages, LaTeX, typos fixed, some additional discussion and an
  appendix added. To appear in Physical Review D
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 064007
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 Paper: hep-th/9707222
From: Boris Pioline < >Boris.Pioline(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 10:59:08 MDT   (21kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 21 Oct 1997 16:04:58 GMT

Title: Calculable e^{-1/\lambda} Effects
Authors: I. Antoniadis, B. Pioline and T.R. Taylor
Comments: LaTex, 24 pages; typos corrected, 4 references added, D-brane
  interpretation improved at end of Section 5. Final version
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-179, CPTH-S550.0797
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B512 (1998) 61-78
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 Paper: hep-th/9707223
From: steven thomas < >thomas(at)strings3.ph.qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 17:59:37 MDT   (21kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 25 Jul 1997 18:33:15 MDT
Date (revised): Wed, 26 Nov 1997 20:09:58 GMT

Title: Gaugino Condensation, Moduli Potentials and Supersymmetry Breaking in
  M-Theory Models
Authors: Zygmunt Lalak and Steven Thomas
Comments: Latex file, 21 pages, various typos corrected, references added.
  Version to appear in Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: QMW-PH-97-23
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B515 (1998) 55-72
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707223 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707224
From: "\"Dileep Jatkar\"" < >dileep(at)mri.ernet.in<
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 15:20:13 +0530   (21kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 01 Sep 1997 11:31:29 +0530
Date (revised): Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:46:10 GMT

Title: Gravitational Couplings and $Z_2$ Orientifolds
Authors: Keshav Dasgupta, Dileep P. Jatkar, Sunil Mukhi
Comments: 24 pages, harvmac,Numerical coefficients of R^4 couplings have been
  corrected, and are now in agreement with recent results of hep-th/9812071 and
  hep-th/9812088. No other changes. This revision supercedes the published
  version of this paper
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B523 (1998) 465-484
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 Paper: hep-th/9707225
From: christof(at)butp.unibe.ch (Christof Schmidhuber)
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 08:38:47 +0200   (23kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 13 Sep 1997 15:02:43 +0200
Date (revised): Sun, 23 Nov 1997 14:23:05 GMT

Title: Wrapped M-branes and Three-dimensional Topologies
Author: Christof Schmidhuber
Comments: Comments, corrections and references added. 19 pages, 3 figures
Report-no: BUTP 97/20
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B515 (1998) 217-232
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 Paper: hep-th/9707226
From: Christophe GROJEAN < >grojean(at)mail.cern.ch<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 09:48:51 +0200 (MET DST)   (12kb)

Title: Geometrical approach to duality in N=1 supersymmetric theories
Authors: Ph Brax, C. Grojean and C.A. Savoy
Comments: 14 pages, LaTex
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-171, Saclay T97/084
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 Paper: hep-th/9707227
From: Manuel Calixto Molina < >calixto(at)goliat.ugr.es<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 13:27:10 +0200 (MET DST)   (23kb)

Title: Generalized Conformal Symmetry and Extended Objects from the Free
Authors: M. Calixto, V. Aldaya, and J. Guerrero
Comments: 20 pages, latex, no figures
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 4889-4912
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 Paper: hep-th/9707228
From: Michael Douglas < >mrd(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 97 10:14:33 -0400   (21kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 29 Jul 97 07:56:17 -0400
Date (revised): Wed, 6 Aug 1997 05:43:44 -0400
Date (revised): Thu, 21 Aug 1997 07:24:53 -0400

Title: D-branes and Matrix Theory in Curved Space
Author: Michael R. Douglas
Comments: LaTeX with espcrc2; 13 pages, STRINGS97. References added; a
  speculation refuted
Report-no: RU-97-66
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 68 (1998) 381-393
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 Paper: hep-th/9707229
From: fujiwara(at)mito.ipc.ibaraki.ac.jp
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 97 17:28:10 JST   (8kb)

Title: On the Three-Point Couplings in Toda Field Theory
Authors: T. Fujiwara, H. Igarashi and Y. Takimoto (Ibaraki Univ.)
Comments: 10 pages, latex, no figures
Report-no: IU-MSTP/23
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 99 (1998) 45-54
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 Paper: hep-th/9707230
From: Bert Schroer < >schroer(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 16:42:18 +0200 (MET DST)   (0kb,I)
Date (revised): Mon, 2 Mar 1998 22:26:43 GMT
Date (revised): Fri, 15 May 1998 16:38:11 GMT

Title: A Course on: "An Algebraic Approach to Nonperturbative Quantum Field
Authors: Bert Schroer (FU-Berlin)
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 Paper: hep-th/9707231
From: SADHAN KUMAR ADHIKARI < >adhikari(at)axp.ift.unesp.br<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 12:15:08 EDT   (8kb)

Title: Lattice Discretization in Quantum Scattering
Authors: Sadhan K. Adhikari, T. Frederico and R. M. Marinho
Comments: 9 pages
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A29 (1996) 7157
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 Paper: hep-th/9707232
From: Gary Gibbons < >G.W.Gibbons(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 97 18:06:17 BST   (9kb)

Title: Hyperk\"ahler Manifolds and Multiply Intersecting Branes
Authors: G. W. Gibbons
Comments: 6 pages Latex with Elsevier's espcr2.sty macros. Written version of
  my talk at SUSY97
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 62 (1998) 422-427
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 Paper: hep-th/9707233
From: Patricia Schwarz < >patricia(at)theory.caltech.edu<
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:37:40 MDT   (348kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 1 Aug 1997 16:41:52 MDT

Title: Colliding Axion-Dilaton Plane Waves from Black Holes
Authors: Patricia Schwarz
Comments: 19 pages, 6 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 7833-7845
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 Paper: hep-th/9707234
From: Theory Group Member < >ghlee(at)theory.yonsei.ac.kr<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:42:59 +0900 (KST)   (26kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:31:53 +0900 (KST)

Title: Variational Approach to Quantum Field Theory: Gaussian Approximation and
  the Perturbative Expansion around It
Authors: Jae Hyung Yee (Yonsei Univ.)
Comments: To appear in the proceedings of APCTP-ICTP Joint International
  Conference '97 on "Recent Developments in Nonperturbative Quantum Field
  Theory". new references are added
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 Paper: hep-th/9707235
From: Edward Corrigan < >corrigan(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 22:11:50 +0900 (JST)   (14kb)

Title: On duality and reflection factors for the sinh-Gordon model
Authors: E Corrigan (University of Durham, UK)
Comments: 17 pages, harvmac(b)
Report-no: DTP-97/33
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A13 (1998) 2709-2722
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 Paper: hep-th/9707236
From: kurt.lechner(at)pd.infn.it
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 13:19:34 +0100   (25kb)

Title: N = 1, D = 6 Supergravity: Duality and non Minimal Couplings
Authors: Gianguido Dall'Agata and Kurt Lechner
Comments: LaTeX2e file, 29 pages, uses package latexsym, no figures
Report-no: DFPD 97/TH/27
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B511 (1998) 326-352
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 Paper: hep-th/9707237
From: Manuel Calixto Molina < >calixto(at)goliat.ugr.es<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 13:17:55 +0200 (MET DST)   (39kb)

Title: Modular Invariance on the Torus and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Authors: J. Guerrero, M. Calixto and V. Aldaya
Comments: 23 pages, latex, 1 figure
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 Paper: hep-th/9707238
From: Ulrich Theis < >utheis(at)itp.uni-hannover.de<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 15:45:48 +0200 (MET DST)   (9kb)

Title: Supergravity with a Noninvertible Vierbein
Authors: N. Dragon, H. Guenther and U. Theis (Institut fuer Theoretische
  Physik, Universitaet Hannover)
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, uses AMS-Latex
Report-no: ITP-UH-21/97
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Access the local version of hep-th/9707238.

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 Paper: hep-th/9707239
From: Djamel Dou < >dou(at)sissa.it<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 17:43:54 +0200 (MET_DST)   (21kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 16 Dec 1997 13:40:55 GMT

Title: The Running Gravitational Couplings
Authors: Djamel Dou and Roberto Percacci
Comments: 19 pages, TeX file, revised and expanded
Report-no: SISSA 117/97/EP
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 15 (1998) 3449-3468
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 Paper: hep-th/9707240
From: BELLUCCI(at)lnf.infn.it
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:01:49 +0200   (20kb)
Date (revised): Tue, 12 Aug 1997 17:28:24 +0200

Title: Nonlinear realizations of superconformal and W algebras as embeddings of
Authors: S. Bellucci, V. Gribanov, E. Ivanov, S. Krivonos, A. Pashnev
Comments: 23 pages, LaTeX, PACS: 11.17.+y, some misprints corrected, section 5
  slightly modified, one reference added
Report-no: LNF-97/028 (P), JINR E2-97-141
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B510 (1998) 477-501
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 Paper: hep-th/9707241
From: Jorge Russo < >russo(at)bilbo.sissa.it<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:30:29 +0200 (METDST)   (10kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 6 Aug 1997 18:20:03 +0200 (METDST)
Date (revised): Wed, 11 Feb 1998 20:00:24 GMT

Title: An ansatz for a non-perturbative four-graviton amplitude in type IIB
  superstring theory
Authors: J.G. Russo
Comments: Version appeared in Phys.Lett. B. Discussion expanded. 7 pages,
Report-no: Imperial/TP/96-97/57
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B417 (1998) 253-258
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 Paper: hep-th/9707242
From: Nathan Jacob Berkovits < >nberkovi(at)ift.unesp.br<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 18:15:22 -0300   (13kb)

Title: An Introduction to Superstring Theory and its Duality Symmetries
Author: Nathan Berkovits (IFT/UNESP. Sao Paulo)
Comments: 14 pages harvmac tex
Report-no: IFT-P.040/97
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707242 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707243
From: Bjoern Andreas < >andreas(at)qft3.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 97 23:16:22 METDST   (8kb)

Title: A Note on a Class of Cosmological String Backgrounds
Author: B. Andreas
Comments: 7 pages, latex
Report-no: HUB-EP-97/43
Journal-ref: JHEP 9812 (1998) 024
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707243 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707244
From: Matthew J. Strassler < >strasslr(at)ias.edu<
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 19:36:43 MDT   (112kb)

Title: Confinement and Strings in MQCD
Authors: Amihay Hanany, Matthew J. Strassler and Alberto Zaffaroni
Comments: 39 pages, 17 figures, uses harvmac
Report-no: IASSNS--HEP--97/91
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B513 (1998) 87-118
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 Paper: hep-th/9707245
From: "D.V. Antonov" < >antonov(at)pha2.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 97 13:11:36 METDST   (11kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:11:09 GMT
Date (revised): Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:26:29 GMT
Date (revised): Fri, 5 Dec 1997 17:59:04 GMT

Title: Fluctuating Strings in the Universal Confining String Theory and
Author: D.V.Antonov (Humboldt University, Berlin and ITEP, Moscow)
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, references are added
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 581-592
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707245 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707246
From: mourad(at)qcd.th.u-psud.fr (mourad)
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:31:12 +0100   (10kb)

Title: Open Supermembranes Coupled to M-Theory Five-Branes
Authors: Ph. Brax and J. Mourad
Comments: Latex, 14 pages
Report-no: LPTM 97/33, SPht 97/85
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 295-302
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707246 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707247
From: sjs(at)dirac.hanyang.ac.kr
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 23:24:05 +0900   (12kb)
Date (revised): Sun, 31 Aug 1997 16:31:29 +0900

Title: Superpotentials of N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories from M-theory
Authors: Soonkeon Nam, Kyungho Oh, Sang-Jin Sin
Comments: 15pages, latex, typos corrected, a line regarding M\"obius
  transformation in page 4 and angle dependence in page 12 corrected
Report-no: SNUTP/97-106
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 319-326
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707247 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707248
From: Naoki Tanimura < >naoki(at)higgs.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 03:00:12 +0900   (647kb)

Title: Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model Coupled to Constant Electromagnetic Fields in
Authors: M. Ishi-i, T. Kashiwa, and N. Tanimura (Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka, Japan)
Comments: 27 pages, 17 figure files, LaTeX
Report-no: KYUSHU-HET-40
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 100 (1998) 353-374
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707248 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707249
From: Zurab Kakushadze < >zurab(at)string.harvard.edu<
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 97 16:43:13 -0400   (10kb)

Title: Three-Family Grand Unification in String Theory
Author: Zurab Kakushadze
Comments: Talk presented at SUSY'97. 5 pages, Latex with espcrc2.sty
Report-no: HUTP-97/A042, NUB 3166
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 62 (1998) 182-186
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707249 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707250
From: Samson Shatashvili < >samson(at)euler.physics.yale.edu<
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 17:10:33 +0500   (28kb)

Title: M&m's
Authors: Andrei Losev, Gregory Moore and Samson L. Shatashvili
Comments: harvmac, 24 pages
Report-no: YCTP-P13-97
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B522 (1998) 105-124
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707250 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707251
From: henning(at)nxth04.cern.ch
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 97 23:20:32 +0100   (41kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 13 Aug 97 10:48:51 +0100

Title: Four-dimensional BPS-spectra via M-theory
Authors: Mans Henningson and Piljin Yi
Comments: 18 pages, 3 figures, uses harvmac. References added
Report-no: CERN-TH/97-175, CU-TP-852
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 1291-1298
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707251 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707252
From: Phillial Oh < >ploh(at)dirac.skku.ac.kr<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 15:41:54 +0900 (KST)   (18kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 14 Feb 1998 03:57:01 GMT
Date (revised): Thu, 19 Feb 1998 07:26:10 GMT

Title: Soliton and Domain Wall in the Self-Dual CP(1) Model
Authors: Sung-Soo Kim, Phillial Oh, and Chaiho Rim
Comments: 16 pages, Latex, A revised version
Report-no: SNUTP/97-100
Journal-ref: J.Korean Phys.Soc. 32 (1998) 655-660
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707252 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707253
From: pirozhen(at)thsun1.jinr.dubna.su (Irina Pirozhenko)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 18:52:19 +0400   (11kb)

Title: Simple method for calculating the Casimir energy for sphere
Authors: V. V. Nesterenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia) and I.
  G. Pirozhenko (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia)
Comments: 14 pages, 2 tables
Report-no: JINR E2-97-240
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 1284-1290
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707253 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707254
From: alexush(at)mvii.uni.lodz.pl
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 11:34:53 EDT   (7kb)

Title: Infinite Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models
Authors: H.D. Doebner, K. Lazarow, A.G. Ushveridze
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707254 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707255
From: Stanislav Boldyrev < >boldyrev(at)pppl.gov<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 18:23:19 -0400 (EDT)   (11kb)

Title: Burgers turbulence with pressure
Author: S. Boldyrev
Comments: 4 pages, revtex
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707255 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707256
From: laroche(at)lpthe.jussieu.fr (Celine LAROCHE)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:04:45 +0200 (MET DST)   (11kb)

Title: A Note on Consistent Anomalies
Authors: L. Baulieu, C. Laroche, N. Ohta, M. Picco
Comments: 11 pages, Latex
Report-no: PAR-LPTHE-97-35, OU-HET-273
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B414 (1997) 77-84
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707256 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707257
From: eli(at)ecm.ub.es (Emili Elizalde)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 12:09:32 +0200   (14kb)

Title: Multidimensional extension of the generalized Chowla-Selberg formula
Authors: E. Elizalde
Comments: LaTeX, 15 pages, no figures
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 198 (1998) 83-95
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707257 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707258
From: Kazutoshi Ohta < >kohta(at)truth.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 97 20:51:43 +0900   (106kb)
Date (revised): Sat, 16 Aug 97 21:54:48 +0900

Title: Higgs Branch of N=2 SQCD and M theory Branes
Authors: Toshio Nakatsu, Kazutoshi Ohta, Takashi Yokono and Yuhsuke Yoshida
Comments: LaTeX, 21 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, references added
Report-no: OU-HET 275
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B519 (1998) 159-179
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707258 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707259
From: Andreas Karch < >karch(at)qft1.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 97 17:32:24 METDST   (14kb)

Title: Matrix Description of M-theory on $T^6$
Authors: Ilka Brunner, Andreas Karch
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, using utarticle.cls (included)
Report-no: HU-EP-97/44
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B416 (1998) 67-74
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-th/9707259.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707259 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707260
From: Nick Evans < >nevans(at)budoe.bu.edu<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 14:14:35 -0400   (16kb)
Date (revised): Mon, 4 May 1998 14:24:13 GMT

Title: Lattice Tests of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory?
Authors: Nick Evans (Boston University), Steve Hsu (Yale), Myck Schwetz (Yale)
Comments: 17 pages, Latex, some corrections, added discussion
Report-no: BUHEP-97-20, YCTP-P11-97
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-th/9707260.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707260 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707261
From: Bernard de Wit < >B.deWit(at)fys.ruu.nl<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 20:40:50 +0200 (MET DST)   (12kb)

Title: The supermembrane with winding
Authors: B. de Wit, K. Peeters and J.C. Plefka
Comments: Contribution to the proc. SUSY '97, Latex with espcrc2 style file
Report-no: THU-97/20, NIKHEF 96-032
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 62 (1998) 405-411
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707261 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707262
From: Bernard de Wit < >B.deWit(at)fys.ruu.nl<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 21:33:02 +0200 (MET DST)   (33kb)
Date (revised): Thu, 12 Feb 1998 21:26:31 GMT

Title: Special geometry in hypermultiplets
Authors: J. De Jaegher, B. de Wit, B. Kleijn and S. Vandoren
Comments: Latex 36 pp. A few minor corrections
Report-no: KUL-TF-97/14, THU-97/09, SWAT-97/150
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B514 (1998) 553-582
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707262 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9707263
From: Max Chaves < >mchaves(at)cariari.ucr.ac.cr<
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 17:51:14 MDT   (42kb)

Title: Boson metastable ground states with spontaneous symmetry breaking
Authors: M. Chaves
Report-no: UCR-EF-51
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B415 (1997) 175-178
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9707263 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 06. January 2000.