E-Preprints hep-th/9812 at DESY

 Paper: hep-th/9812001
From: Young-Jai Park < >yjpark(at)ccs.sogang.ac.kr<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 01:35:39 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Lagrangian Approach of the First Class Constrained Systems
Authors: Yong-Wan Kim, Seung-Kook Kim, and Young-Jai Park
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages, no figure
Report-no: SOGANG-HEP 235/98
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A13 (1998) 2653-2663
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812001 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812002
From: Kazuo Fujikawa < >fujikawa(at)siren.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 05:37:51 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Comment on anomaly matching in N=1 supersymmetric QCD
Authors: Kazuo Fujikawa (Department of Physics, Univ. of Tokyo)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages. Progress of Theoretical Physics (in press)
Report-no: UT-831, September 1998
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 161-170
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812002 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812003
From: Michael Gutperle < >m.gutperle(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 23:14:08 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 23 Feb 1999 21:50:25 GMT   (7kb)

Title: The charge radius of a Dpbrane
Authors: Michael Gutperle and Vipul Periwal (Princeton University)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 5 Pages, Revtex, no figures, revised version to appear in JHEP
Report-no: PUPT-1824
Journal-ref: JHEP 9902 (1999) 018
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 Paper: hep-th/9812004
From: PierAlberto Marchetti < >march(at)pd.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 09:59:43 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Gauge-invariant charged, monopole and dyon fields in gauge theories
Authors: J.Froehlich,P.A.Marchetti
Categories: hep-th
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 770-812
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 Paper: hep-th/9812005
From: Sergei Klishevich < >klishevich(at)th1.ihep.su<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 11:15:16 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 26 May 1999 08:51:46 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Massive Fields of Arbitrary Integer Spin in Symmetrical Einstein Space
Authors: S. M. Klishevich
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 15 pages, latex, no figures,minor changes
Report-no: IHEP 98-81
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 2915-2927
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 Paper: hep-th/9812006
From: Miguel Socolovsky < >miguel(at)exf11.mdp.edu.ar<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 16:35:55 GMT   (19kb)

Title: On the Topology of the Symmetry Group of the Standard Model
Authors: M. A. Aguilar and M. Socolovsky
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 20 pages. Latex. Submitted to International Journal of Theoretical
Journal-ref: Int.J.Theor.Phys. 38 (1999) 2485-2509
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812006 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812007
From: Ulf H. Danielsson < >ulf(at)janus.teorfys.uu.se<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 16:37:41 GMT   (38kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 3 Feb 1999 17:13:27 GMT   (38kb)

Title: Vacua, Propagators, and Holographic Probes in AdS/CFT
Authors: Ulf H. Danielsson, Esko Keski-Vakkuri, and Martin Kruczenski
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, 35 pages, 3 postscript figures. Uses epsfig and JHEP.cls
  References added. To appear in JHEP
Report-no: UUITP-10/98
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 002
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 Paper: hep-th/9812008
From: Hambli Noureddine < >hamblin(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 16:48:51 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Dec 1998 16:41:06 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Type IIB Matrix Theory at Two Loops
Authors: N. Hambli (ICTP, Trieste)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 19 pages, Latex, corrected some typos and 1 figure added
Report-no: IHES/98/70
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 126003
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812008 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812009
From: Marco Moriconi < >moriconi(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 18:24:55 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 1 Mar 1999 17:09:01 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Boundary S-matrix for the Gross-Neveu Model
Authors: A. De Martino, M. Moriconi
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, latex file, final version to appear in PLB
Report-no: LPENSL-TH-12/98, IC/98/223
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B451 (1999) 354-364
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 Paper: hep-th/9812010
From: Martin Schmaltz < >schmaltz(at)abel.bu.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 18:27:40 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 7 Dec 1998 22:52:32 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Field Theoretic Branes and Tachyons of the QCD String
Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed and Martin Schmaltz
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, 5 figures, references added
Report-no: SLAC-PUB-8020
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 92-98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812011
From: Jianxin Lu < >jxlu(at)chaos.physics.tamu.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 20:13:05 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 29 Jan 2004 19:56:22 GMT   (10kb)

Title: On the Construction of SL(2,Z) Type IIB 5-Branes
Authors: J. X. Lu and Shibaji Roy
Categories: hep-th
Comments: A reference added
Report-no: CTP-TAMU-48/98, SINP-TNP/98-30
Journal-ref: Published in the proceedings of the Trieste Conference on
  Superfivebranes and Physics in 5 + 1 dimensions, April 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812012
From: Edward Witten < >witten(at)ias.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 21:56:26 GMT   (28kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 24 Jan 1999 16:03:24 GMT   (28kb)

Title: AdS/CFT Correspondence And Topological Field Theory
Authors: Edward Witten
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 33 pp, minor corrections
Journal-ref: JHEP 9812 (1998) 012
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 Paper: hep-th/9812013
From: Steve Carlip < >sjcarlip(at)ucdavis.edu<
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 22:29:31 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 4 Dec 1998 02:54:26 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 8 Jan 1999 01:50:20 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Black Hole Entropy from Conformal Field Theory in Any Dimension
Authors: S. Carlip
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Slightly shortened and polished for
  journal; no significant changes in substance
Report-no: UCD-98-18
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 2828-2831
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 Paper: hep-th/9812014
From: Takeshi Sato < >tsato(at)icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 02:26:46 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 4 Dec 1998 02:35:24 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 10:03:24 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v4): Tue, 2 Feb 1999 15:57:27 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Superalgebras in Many Types of M-Brane Backgrounds and Various
  Supersymmetric Brane Configurations
Authors: Takeshi Sato
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 28pages, Latex, in v2 the title is a bit changed, minor errors
  corrected. in v3 errors in wv soliton corrected. in v4 two refs. by A.
  Tseytlin et. al. added and some misprints corrected, to appear in Nucl. Phys.
Report-no: ICRR-Report-439-98-35
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B548 (1999) 231-257
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 Paper: hep-th/9812015
From: Philippe Pouliot < >pouliot(at)sarek.physics.ucsb.edu<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 04:54:57 GMT   (4kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 21 Jan 1999 18:19:17 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Molien Function for Duality
Authors: Philippe Pouliot
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, clarifications to sections 3,4 and a reference added, thanks
  to O. Aharony, C. Cummins and A. Schwimmer
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 021
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812015 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812016
From: Hyung Won Lee < >hwlee(at)physics.inje.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 06:52:27 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 22 Mar 1999 10:11:50 GMT   (11kb)

Title: New gauge bosons and logarithmic corrections in an exact AdS$_3$
Authors: Jin Young Kim (Kunsan University), H.W. Lee, Y.S. Myung (Inje
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, no figures, RevTeX, title and the other are changed to
  include gauge bosons as singletons
Report-no: INJE-TP-98-9
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 Paper: hep-th/9812017
From: Shin'ichi Nojiri < >nojiri(at)cmr4w1.cc.nda.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 07:15:06 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Two-Boundaries AdS/CFT Correspondence in Dilatonic Gravity
Authors: Shin'ichi Nojiri and Sergei D. Odintsov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, 13 pages, no figure
Report-no: NDA-FP-53
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 39-47
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 Paper: hep-th/9812018
From: T. Padmanabhan < >nabhan(at)iucaa.ernet.in<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 07:39:52 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Conceptual issues in combining general relativity and quantum theory
Authors: T. Padmanabhan
Categories: hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 6 pages, no figures. Invited article to be published in the
  Festschrift volume to be brought out in honour of Professor J.V. Narlikar;
  Editors: Naresh Dadhich and Ajit Kembhavi [Kluwer 99]
Report-no: Preprint no. IUCAA-41/98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812019
From: Hiroshi Suzuki < >hsuzuki(at)mito.ipc.ibaraki.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 07:49:32 GMT   (5kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:38:41 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 10 Jun 1999 07:27:19 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Simple Evaluation of the Chiral Jacobian with the Overlap Dirac Operator
Authors: Hiroshi Suzuki (Ibaraki University)
Categories: hep-th hep-lat
Comments: 11 pages, uses PHYZZX, evaluation of lattice integrals is revised.
  The final version to appear in Prog. Theor. Phys
Report-no: IU-MSTP/31
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 102 (1999) 141-147
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 Paper: hep-th/9812020
From: Jaime Julve < >imtjj51(at)fresno.csic.es<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 13:02:43 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Higher-derivative scalar field theories as constrained second-order
Authors: F.J.de Urries and J.Julve
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, Plain TeX
Report-no: Preprint IMAFF-98/14
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 Paper: hep-th/9812021
From: Barak Kol < >barak(at)beauty.tau.ac.il<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 13:41:16 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 3 Aug 2000 10:00:51 GMT   (39kb)

Title: Thermal Monopoles
Authors: Barak Kol (Tel-Aviv University)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages. JHEP modified version, see note added to introduction
Journal-ref: JHEP 0007 (2000) 026
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 Paper: hep-th/9812022
From: Stefano Arnone < >stefano.arnone(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 14:17:45 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:18:07 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Exact renormalization group equation in presence of rescaling anomaly
Authors: S. Arnone, C. Fusi and K. Yoshida
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 19 pages, no figures; an appendix and reference added; typos corrected
Journal-ref: JHEP 9902 (1999) 022
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 Paper: hep-th/9812023
From: Daniel Franco < >franco(at)manon.he.sissa.it<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 14:35:25 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 25 Mar 1999 13:40:03 GMT   (16kb)

Title: On the trace identity in a model with broken symmetry
Authors: Daniel H.T. Franco
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, Revtex file, final version to appear in Phys.Rev. D
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 125017
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 Paper: hep-th/9812024
From: Ori Ganor < >origa(at)puhep1.princeton.edu<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 17:05:45 GMT   (37kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Dec 1998 15:13:13 GMT   (37kb)

Title: U-duality Twists and Possible Phase Transitions in 2+1D Supergravity
Authors: Ori J. Ganor
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 40pp TeX, a typo corrected and references added
Report-no: PUPT-1792
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 145-180
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 Paper: hep-th/9812025
From: Esperanza Lopez < >elopez(at)tph44.tuwien.ac.at<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 18:11:16 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:01:47 GMT   (21kb)

Title: A Family of N=1 SU(N)^k Theories from Branes at Singularities
Authors: E. Lopez
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 18 pages, 1 figure, TeX; v2 minor changes
Journal-ref: JHEP 9902 (1999) 019
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 Paper: hep-th/9812026
From: Richard Grimm < >richard.grimm(at)cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 18:59:24 GMT   (9kb)

Title: N=2 central charge superspace and a minimal supergravity multiplet
Authors: G. Akemann, R. Grimm, M. Hasler and C. Herrmann
Categories: hep-th
Report-no: CPT-98/P.3727
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 1617-1623
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 Paper: hep-th/9812027
From: David Kutasov < >kutasov(at)theory.uchicago.edu<
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 19:35:06 GMT   (30kb)

Title: String Theory in Magnetic Monopole Backgrounds
Authors: D. Kutasov, F. Larsen, R. Leigh
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 36 pages, harvmac
Report-no: EFI-98-58, ILL-(TH)-98-06
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B550 (1999) 183-213
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 Paper: hep-th/9812028
From: Tamas Hauer < >hauer(at)mit.edu<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 01:40:00 GMT   (52kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 6 Aug 1999 23:56:56 GMT   (57kb)

Title: Uncovering the Symmetries on [p,q] 7-branes: Beyond the Kodaira
Authors: Oliver DeWolfe, Tamas Hauer, Amer Iqbal and Barton Zwiebach
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 32 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures. A relation between the trace of the
  monodromy and the determinant of the Cartan matrix is established. The role
  of the asymptotic charge constraint is clarified
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2804
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 3 (1999) 1785-1833
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 Paper: hep-th/9812029
From: Moshe Moshe < >moshe(at)physics.technion.ac.il<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 06:24:34 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Quantum Field Theory in Singular Limits
Authors: Moshe Moshe
Categories: hep-th
Comments: This is a short summary of Lecture 16 - Les-Houches, February 1997
  (Latex file,7 pages, no figures)
Report-no: Technion-PH-45-1997
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 Paper: hep-th/9812030
From: Fedor Gubarev < >Fedor.Gubarev(at)itep.ru<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:38:15 GMT   (118kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 13 Feb 1999 07:48:55 GMT   (149kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 24 May 1999 19:22:16 GMT   (149kb)
Date (revised v4): Thu, 5 Aug 1999 11:51:19 GMT   (118kb)
Date (revised v5): Sat, 7 Aug 1999 06:43:16 GMT   (121kb)

Title: Short Strings in Abelian Higgs Model
Authors: F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, V.I. Zakharov
Categories: hep-th hep-lat hep-ph
Comments: Error in previous submission corrected
Report-no: ITEP-TH-73/98, FISIST/16-98/CFIF
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 Paper: hep-th/9812031
From: Ashoke Sen < >Ashoke.Sen(at)cern.ch<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:36:31 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:06:56 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 16 Feb 1999 08:50:41 GMT   (21kb)

Title: BPS D-branes on Non-supersymmetric Cycles
Authors: Ashoke Sen
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, epsf.sty, 26 pages, 2 figures, minor changes
Report-no: MRI-PHY/P981171
Journal-ref: JHEP 9812 (1998) 021
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 Paper: hep-th/9812032
From: Mans Henningson < >mans(at)fy.chalmers.se<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 13:05:49 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Holography and the Weyl anomaly
Authors: Mans Henningson and Kostas Skenderis
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages. Talk delivered at the 22nd Johns Hopkins Workshop in
  Goteborg, Sweden, the 32nd International Symposium Ahrenshoop in Buckow,
  Germany, and the conference `Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry
  and unification' in Corfu, Greece, to appear in the proceedings
Report-no: Goteborg ITP 98-14, SPIN-1998/8
Journal-ref: Fortsch.Phys. 48 (2000) 125-128
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 Paper: hep-th/9812033
From: < >ader(at)pth.u-bordeaux.fr<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:26:19 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Supersymmetric structure of the induced W gravities
Authors: Jean-Pierre Ader, Franck Biet, Yves Noirot
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, Latex. To appear in Class. Quantum. Gravity
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 1027-1037
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 Paper: hep-th/9812034
From: Paul Townsend < >P.K.Townsend(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 19:13:32 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 4 Dec 1998 15:21:33 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 5 Feb 1999 19:33:25 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v4): Tue, 23 Feb 1999 17:36:38 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Black Holes and Calogero Models
Authors: G.W. Gibbons and P.K. Townsend
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Revtex 5pp. Revision includes improved discussion of entropy and
  includes an additional reference
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B454 (1999) 187-192
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 Paper: hep-th/9812035
From: Krzysztof Pilch < >pilch(at)physics1.usc.edu<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 19:51:15 GMT   (15kb)

Title: New Vacua of Gauged N=8 Supergravity
Authors: A. Khavaev, K. Pilch and N.P. Warner
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, 1 table, harvmac
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-387, USC-98/18
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B487 (2000) 14-21
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 Paper: hep-th/9812036
From: Francesco Antonuccio < >anton(at)pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 20:34:51 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Hyperbolic Numbers and the Dirac Spinor
Authors: Francesco Antonuccio
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, LaTex. To appear in "The Photon and Poincare Group", Nova
  Science Publishers
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 Paper: hep-th/9812037
From: John Schwarz < >jhs(at)theory.caltech.edu<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 00:37:28 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:37:54 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Introduction to M Theory and AdS/CFT Duality
Authors: John H. Schwarz
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 26 pages; To be published in the Proceedings of a conference held in
  Corfu, Greece in September 1998. v2: reference added
Report-no: CALT-68-2204
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 Paper: hep-th/9812038
From: < >akhmedov(at)vitep5.itep.ru<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 09:30:22 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:40:52 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 1 Feb 1999 09:04:15 GMT   (9kb)

Title: D-instantons probing D3-branes and the AdS/CFT correspondence
Authors: E.T.Akhmedov (ITEP)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8pp., Latex. Minor changes, misprints are corrected
Report-no: ITEP-TH-69/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 101901
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 Paper: hep-th/9812039
From: Marco Serone < >serone(at)wins.uva.nl<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 11:49:41 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Spin dependent D-brane interactions and scattering amplitudes in matrix
Authors: J.F. Morales, J.C. Plefka, C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone and A.K. Waldron
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, no figures, talk presented at the conference "Quantum
  aspects of gauge theories, supergravity and unification", Corfu, Greece, to
  appear in the proceedings
Journal-ref: Lect.Notes Phys. 525 (1999) 456-465
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 Paper: hep-th/9812040
From: Nicola Maggiore < >nicola.maggiore(at)ge.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 13:42:52 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Renormalizability of Nonrenormalizable Field Theories
Authors: Alberto Blasi, Nicola Maggiore, Silvio P. Sorella and Luiz C. Q. Vilar
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 3 pages, revtex, no figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 121701
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 Paper: hep-th/9812041
From: Taichi Itoh < >taichi(at)newton.skku.ac.kr<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 13:52:48 GMT   (49kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 15 Dec 1998 07:42:51 GMT   (49kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 2 Apr 1999 17:44:56 GMT   (49kb)

Title: Magnetization and dynamically induced finite densities in
  three-dimensional Chern-Simons QED
Authors: Taichi Itoh and Hiroshi Kato
Categories: hep-th cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.str-el hep-lat hep-ph
Comments: 47 pages, 5 figures, revtex; revised for publication in Nucl. Phys.
  B, added some references in section 1 and corrected typos
Report-no: DPNU-98-20
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Strongly Correlated Electrons;
  Statistical Mechanics
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 723-769
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 Paper: hep-th/9812042
From: A. Sagnotti < >Augusto.Sagnotti(at)roma2.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 16:52:04 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:07:13 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 22 Jan 1999 12:04:56 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v4): Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:52:42 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Self-dual Tensors in Six-Dimensional Supergravity
Authors: Fabio Riccioni, Augusto Sagnotti
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, LATEX. LATEX error corrected
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 Paper: hep-th/9812043
From: S. Kalyana Rama < >krama(at)imsc.ernet.in<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 17:39:01 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:34:25 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Holographic Principle during Inflation and a Lower Bound on Density
Authors: S. Kalyana Rama, Tapobrata Sarkar
Categories: hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: 12 Pages. Latex. Typos fixed; references added
Report-no: IMSc/98/12/56
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 55-60
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 Paper: hep-th/9812044
From: Dimitri Polyakov < >polyakov(at)ictp.trieste.it<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 18:16:53 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:52:05 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:18:16 GMT   (12kb)

Title: On the NSR formulation of String Theory on AdS_5 X S^5
Authors: Dimitri Polyakov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 15 pages more corrections and references added
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B470 (1999) 103-111
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 Paper: hep-th/9812045
From: Henrique Boschi Filho < >boschi(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 18:32:24 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Quasiperiodic fields and Bose-Einstein condensation
Authors: P. F. Borges, H. Boschi-Filho and C. Farina
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Cover plus 9 Latex pages, no figures
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 Paper: hep-th/9812046
From: Hirosi Ooguri < >ooguri(at)thsrv.lbl.gov<
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 21:54:42 GMT   (30kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 00:40:15 GMT   (30kb)

Title: String Theory on AdS_3
Authors: Jan de Boer, Hirosi Ooguri, Harlan Robins and Jonathan Tannenhauser
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 22 pages, 4 figures, LateX; references added, minor corrections
Report-no: UCB-PTH-98/43, LBNL-42229
Journal-ref: JHEP 9812 (1998) 026
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 Paper: hep-th/9812047
From: Toshio Nakatsu < >nakatsu(at)phys.wani.osaka-u.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 20:47:32 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:16:33 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Comments On Hamiltonian Formalism Of $AdS/CFT$ correspondence
Authors: Toshio Nakatsu and Naoto Yokoi
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Eq.(38) besides some typos are corrected. Latex file, 16 pages
Report-no: OU-HET 309
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 147-160
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 Paper: hep-th/9812048
From: Serge E. Parkhomenko < >spark(at)itp.ac.ru<
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 17:05:58 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 15 Dec 1998 15:04:14 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:14:09 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v4): Sat, 27 Feb 1999 11:42:15 GMT   (16kb)

Title: On the Quantum Poisson-Lie T-duality and Mirror Symmetry
Authors: S.E.Parkhomenko
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, LaTex, misprints and references corrected
Journal-ref: J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 89 (1999) 5-12; Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 116 (1999)
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 Paper: hep-th/9812049
From: Frederik Denef < >fredd(at)tfdec1.fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 14:51:30 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:28:24 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Attractors at weak gravity
Authors: Frederik Denef
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 21 pages, Latex, no figures, references added
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/55
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B547 (1999) 201-220
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 Paper: hep-th/9812050
From: Horikoshi Atsushi < >horikosi(at)hep.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp<
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 10:04:32 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group and Quantum Tunnelling
Authors: Ken-Ichi Aoki, Atsushi Horikoshi, Masaki Taniguchi and Haruhiko Terao
  (Kanazawa University)
Categories: hep-th hep-ph quant-ph
Comments: Latex 9 pages, 12 eps figures, to be published in the Proceedings of
  the Workshop on the Exact Renormalization Group held in Faro, Portugal, in
  September 10-12 1998, World Scientific
Report-no: KANAZAWA/98-22
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 Paper: hep-th/9812051
From: Sergei Ketov < >ketov(at)itp.uni-hannover.de<
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 12:09:11 GMT   (35kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:45:32 GMT   (35kb)

Title: Born-Infeld-Goldstone superfield actions for gauge-fixed D-5- and
  D-3-branes in 6d
Authors: Sergei V. Ketov (MPI Potsdam, and ITP Hannover)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 39 pages, LaTeX; a few style and sign corrections, a reference added
Report-no: AEI-097, DESY 98-190 and ITP-UH-32/98
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B553 (1999) 250-282
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 Paper: hep-th/9812052
From: Burt Ovrut < >ovrut(at)ovrut.hep.upenn.edu<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 01:09:26 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Dec 1998 01:14:58 GMT   (32kb)

Title: Cosmology and Heterotic M-Theory in Five-Dimensions
Authors: Andre Lukas, Burt A. Ovrut, Daniel Waldram
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 37 pages, LaTex, Lectures presented at the Advanced School on
  Cosmology and Particle Physics, Peniscola, Spain, June 1998
Report-no: UPR-825T, OUTP-98-85P
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 Paper: hep-th/9812053
From: David Berman < >D.Berman(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:16:16 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:24:48 GMT   (8kb)

Title: The M five brane on a torus
Authors: D. S. Berman
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages. To appear in proceedings of "Quantum aspects of gauge
  theories, supergravity and unification", Corfu, September 1998, typos
Report-no: SPIN-98/9, THU-99/02
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 Paper: hep-th/9812054
From: Andrei M. Malokostov < >malokost(at)genesis.mi.ras.ru<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:20:42 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Wigner function for free relativistic particles
Authors: O.I.Zavialov, A.M.Malokostov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, 6 pages
Journal-ref: Theor.Math.Phys. 119 (1999) 448-453; Teor.Mat.Fiz. 119 (1999) 67-72
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 Paper: hep-th/9812055
From: Marcos Marino < >marcos.marino(at)yale.edu<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 23:01:33 GMT   (87kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:41:21 GMT   (88kb)

Title: Superconformal invariance and the geography of four-manifolds
Authors: Marcos Marino, Gregory Moore, Grigor Peradze
Categories: hep-th math.DG
Comments: 59 pages, harvmac b mode, four figures, some clarifications and
  references added
Report-no: YCTP-P26-98
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Differential Geometry
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 205 (1999) 691-735
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 Paper: hep-th/9812056
From: S. Solodukhin < >S.Solodukhin(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 12:07:38 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 18 Dec 1998 14:58:43 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 24 Feb 1999 10:32:08 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v4): Fri, 16 Apr 1999 08:20:40 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Conformal description of horizon's states
Authors: Sergey N. Solodukhin
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 13 pages, latex, no figures; the final version to appear in Phys.
  Lett. B
Report-no: SPIN-1998/10
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B454 (1999) 213-222
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 Paper: hep-th/9812057
From: Duviryak < >duviryak(at)icmp.lviv.ua<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 12:58:27 GMT   (43kb)

Title: Fokker-Type Confinement Models from Effective Lagrangian in Classical
  Yang-Mills Theory
Authors: A. Duviryak (Inst. for Cond. Matt. Phys.)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 40 pages, 8 figures, submit. to Internat. J. Modern Phys. A
Report-no: ICMP-98-24E
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 4519-4548
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 Paper: hep-th/9812058
From: Nelson R. F. Braga < >braga(at)if.ufrj.br<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 15:28:01 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:54:34 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Compensating fields, bosonization and soldering in QCD2
Authors: Ricardo Amorim and Nelson R. F. Braga
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Problems in the data transfer corrected; 16 pages, Latex, no figures
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A32 (1999) 8437-8446
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 Paper: hep-th/9812059
From: < >nesterenko(at)vaxsa.csied.unisa.it<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:28:02 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Casimir Energy of a Ball and Cylinder in the Zeta Function Technique
Authors: G. Lambiase, V.V. Nesterenko, M. Bordag
Categories: hep-th
Comments: REVTeX, 16 pages, no figures, no tables
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 40 (1999) 6254-6265
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 Paper: hep-th/9812060
From: Michael Bordag < >michael.bordag(at)itp.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:41:04 GMT   (52kb)

Title: The ground state energy of a spinor field in the background of a finite
  radius flux tube
Authors: M. Bordag and K. Kirsten
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 25 pages, 3 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 105019
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 Paper: hep-th/9812061
From: Christos Kokorelis < >c.kokorelis(at)sussex.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 18:31:37 GMT   (140kb)

Title: Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Superstring Theories
Authors: Christos Epameinonda Kokorelis
Categories: hep-th cond-mat hep-ph math-ph math.AG math.MG math.MP math.SG
Comments: Ph. D Thesis, LaTex, 187 pages, Sussex university, approved December
  1997 Complete abstract appears on the main body of the Thesis
Report-no: CK-TH-98-002
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Physics and Society; Algebraic
  Geometry; Symplectic Geometry; Mathematical Physics; Metric Geometry
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 Paper: hep-th/9812062
From: Rey Soojong < >sjrey(at)phya.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 07:58:20 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Green-Schwarz Superstring on AdS3 * S3
Authors: Jaemo Park, Soo-Jong Rey
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex, 11 pages, no figure
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP 98-84, SNUTP 98/121
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 001
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 Paper: hep-th/9812063
From: Jerzy Lukierski < >heplu(at)proton.ift.uni.wroc.pl<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 09:50:43 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:17:19 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Deformed Quantum Relativistic Phase Spaces -- an Overview
Authors: J. Lukierski (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw,
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX. Revised version. Added: To be published in the
  Proceedings of III International Workshop ``Classical and Quantum Integrable
  Systems", Yerevan, July 1998, Eds. L.D. Mardoyan et al., JINR Dubna Publ.
Report-no: December 1998, IFT UWr 921/98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812064
From: Martin Speight < >Martin.Speight(at)mis.mpg.de<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 10:59:18 GMT   (123kb)

Title: Topological discrete kinks
Authors: J.M. Speight
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages LaTeX, 7 postscript figures
Report-no: MPI fuer Mathematik i. d. Naturwissenschaften, preprint 65
Journal-ref: Nonlinearity 12 (1999) 1373-1387
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 Paper: hep-th/9812065
From: Mikio Nakahara < >nakahara(at)math.kindai.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 11:45:18 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Left-Right Symmetric Model from Geometrical Formulation of Gauge Theory
  in $M_4 \times Z_2 \times Z_2$
Authors: G. Konisi and T. Saito (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) and Z. Maki and M.
  Nakahara (Kinki Univ.)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, 5 figures, requires PTP style files
Report-no: KU-TP-02
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 1105-1118
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 Paper: hep-th/9812066
From: Piet Claus < >Piet.Claus(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 12:38:14 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:08:24 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:48:53 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v4): Thu, 7 Dec 2000 08:19:28 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Conformal Symmetry on World Volumes of Branes
Authors: Piet Claus, Renata Kallosh and Antoine Van Proeyen
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 20 pages, LaTeX (needs sprocl.sty), contribution to the proceedings
  of the "Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5 + 1
  dimensions", Trieste, April 1-3, 1998, to appear in the proceedings, minor
  typos corrected; v4: correction to table of real forms of Lie superalgebras,
  in the exceptional superalgebra F(4)
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/54, SU-ITP-98/67
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 Paper: hep-th/9812067
From: Laura Andrianopoli < >Laura.Andrianopoli(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 14:16:49 GMT   (15kb)

Title: On short and long SU(2,2/4) multiplets in the AdS/CFT correspondence
Authors: L. Andrianopoli, S. Ferrara
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 21 pages, Latex, no figures
Journal-ref: Lett.Math.Phys. 48 (1999) 145-161
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 Paper: hep-th/9812068
From: Christos Kokorelis < >c.kokorelis(at)sussex.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 14:28:28 GMT   (24kb)

Title: The Master Equation for the Prepotential-Pub
Authors: Christos kokorelis
Categories: hep-th hep-ph math.AG
Comments: Shorter version of hep-th/9802099 to appear in Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: CK-TH-98-003
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Algebraic Geometry
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B542 (1999) 89-112
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 Paper: hep-th/9812069
From: Winder Alexander de Moura-Melo < >winder(at)cbpf.br<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 15:13:13 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:19:58 GMT   (14kb)

Title: On Massive Vector Bosons and Abelian Magnetic Monopoles in D=(3+1): a
  Possible Way to Quantise the Topological Mass Parameter
Authors: Winder A. Moura-Melo, N. Panza and J.A. Helayel-Neto
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figure (Feynman graph)
Report-no: CBPF-NF-062/98
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 3949-3961
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 Paper: hep-th/9812070
From: Gaida < >gaida(at)icmp.lviv.ua<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 16:09:46 GMT   (14kb)

Title: On Relativistic Models in the Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Authors: V. Tretyak (Inst. for Cond. Matt. Phys.)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, no figures, submit. to Cond. Matt. Phys
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 Paper: hep-th/9812071
From: Marco Serone < >serone(at)wins.uva.nl<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 18:50:33 GMT   (28kb)

Title: Anomalous couplings for D-branes and O-planes
Authors: Jose F. Morales, Claudio A. Scrucca and Marco Serone
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 24 pages, LaTex, 5 figures
Report-no: SPIN-1998/13, LMU-TPW 98-17
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B552 (1999) 291-315
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 Paper: hep-th/9812072
From: Andreas Karch < >karch(at)qft1.physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 23:05:39 GMT   (113kb)

Title: Field Theory Dynamics from Branes in String Theory
Authors: Andreas Karch
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 104 pages, LaTeX2e; based on PhD Thesis, Humboldt University, Berlin
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 Paper: hep-th/9812073
From: Jeremy Michelson < >jeremy(at)bohr.harvard.edu<
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 22:31:52 GMT   (36kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 9 Dec 1998 01:59:10 GMT   (36kb)

Title: Anti-de Sitter Fragmentation
Authors: Juan Maldacena, Jeremy Michelson and Andrew Strominger
Categories: hep-th
Comments: harvmac (uses epsf), 27 pages with 6 eps figures
Report-no: HUTP-98/A088, UCSBTH-98-8
Journal-ref: JHEP 9902 (1999) 011
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 Paper: hep-th/9812074
From: Bandos Igor < >bandos(at)tph51.tuwien.ac.at<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:00:48 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 13 Dec 1998 20:22:55 GMT   (16kb)

Title: New Superparticle Models Outside the HLS Supersymmetry Scheme
Authors: Igor Bandos, Jerzy Lukierski
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, Latex, no figures. To be published in the Proceedings of
  12-th Max Born Symposium: Theoretical Physics - Fin de Siecle, held
  24-27.09.1998 in Wroclaw (Poland), ed. by A. Borowiec, B. Jancewicz, W.
  Karwowski and W. Cegla, Springer Verlag. Few misprints corrected
Report-no: FTUV/98-97, IFIC/98-99, TUW-98-25
Journal-ref: Lect.Notes Phys. 539 (2000) 195-210
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 Paper: hep-th/9812075
From: Tsukanov < >tsukanov(at)kipt.kharkov.ua<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 13:53:15 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:12:56 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Relativistically Invariant Description of Fluctuations Against the
  Background of Classical Kink Solutions
Authors: V. D. Tsukanov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, LaTex, corrected some typos
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 Paper: hep-th/9812076
From: Patrizia Vitale < >vitale(at)na.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:40:21 GMT   (29kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:11:26 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Temperature induced phase transitions in four fermion models in curved
Authors: Patrizia Vitale
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex file, 24 pages, 3 eps figures. Minor corrections. To appear in
  Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: DFTUZ-98/32
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 490-510
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 Paper: hep-th/9812077
From: Eduardo Ramos < >ramos(at)delta.ft.uam.es<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:45:46 GMT   (4kb)

Title: A geometrical particle model for anyons
Authors: A. Nersessian and E. Ramos
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 2 pages, revtex macros
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 2033-2038
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 Paper: hep-th/9812078
From: Andrei Mironov < >Andrei.Mironov(at)itep.ru<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:04:25 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Seiberg-Witten theory for a non-trivial compactification from five to
  four dimensions
Authors: H.W.Braden, A.Marshakov, A.Mironov, A.Morozov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures using emlines.sty
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B448 (1999) 195-202
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 Paper: hep-th/9812079
From: Sergei Ketov < >ketov(at)itp.uni-hannover.de<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:44:58 GMT   (10kb)

Title: AdS/CFT correspondence and coincident D-6-branes
Authors: Sergei V. Ketov (MPI Potsdam, and ITP Hannover)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 4 pages, contributed to the Proceedings of the 32nd International
  Ahrenshoop Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, Germany,
  1-5 Sep 1998
Report-no: ITP-UH-33/98
Journal-ref: Fortsch.Phys. 48 (2000) 147-150
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 Paper: hep-th/9812080
From: Roger D. Kylin < >kylin(at)pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 17:30:38 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 21 Jan 1999 19:05:27 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 6 Jul 1999 15:34:49 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Systematic Renormalization in Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory: The
  Massive Generalization
Authors: Roger D. Kylin, Brent H. Allen, and Robert J. Perry
Categories: hep-th hep-ph nucl-th
Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures. Corrected error in Eq. (11), v3: Added extra
  disclaimer after Eq. (2), and some clarification at end of Sec. 3.3. Final
  published version
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 067704
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 Paper: hep-th/9812081
From: Alok Kumar < >kumar(at)cpht.polytechnique.fr<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 18:42:00 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 6 Jan 1999 12:38:52 GMT   (17kb)

Title: String Multiplets from an Invariant 2-Brane
Authors: Sandip Bhattacharyya, Alok Kumar and Subir Mukhopadhyay
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, Latex, minor corrections
Report-no: CPHT/694.1298, IP/BBSR/98-38, MRI-PHY/P981272
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 106003
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 Paper: hep-th/9812082
From: G. Lopes Cardoso < >cardoso(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 19:31:53 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:16:50 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Corrections to macroscopic supersymmetric black-hole entropy
Authors: Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Bernard de Wit and Thomas Mohaupt
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX; one reference corrected
Report-no: THU-98/44
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B451 (1999) 309-316
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 Paper: hep-th/9812083
From: Bayram Tekin < >tekin(at)mnhepw.hep.umn.edu<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 19:42:26 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 14 Dec 1998 05:22:23 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 5 Jan 1999 03:35:02 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Monopole-Instanton Type Solutions In 3D Gravity
Authors: Bayram Tekin
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 7 pages, major conceptual changes were made, title has changed
Report-no: UMN-TH-1732/98, TPI-MINN-98/28-T
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 Paper: hep-th/9812084
From: Eric R. Sharpe < >ersharpe(at)cgtp.duke.edu<
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 23:50:43 GMT   (7kb)

Title: D-Branes and Spin^c Structures
Authors: Robert L. Bryant and Eric R. Sharpe
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: DUKE-CGTP-98-11
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 353-357
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 Paper: hep-th/9812085
From: Yuji Ohta < >ota(at)kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 07:48:06 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 16 Mar 1999 07:51:42 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Picard-Fuchs Ordinary Differential Systems in N=2 Supersymmetric
  Yang-Mills Theories
Authors: Yuji Ohta (Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: \documentstyle[12pt,preprint,aps,prb]{revtex}, to be published in J.
  Math. Phys
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 40 (1999) 3211-3226
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 Paper: hep-th/9812086
From: Kellogg S. Stelle < >k.stelle(at)ic.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 15:23:35 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Domain Walls and the Universe
Authors: K.S. Stelle (Imperial College, London)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, Latex. To appear in the proceedings of the Conference on
  Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 Dimensions, Trieste, Italy, 1-3 Apr 1998
Report-no: Imperial/TP/98-99/24
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 Paper: hep-th/9812087
From: Renata Kallosh < >kallosh(at)linde.stanford.edu<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 23:52:26 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Superisometries of the adS*S Superspace
Authors: Piet Claus and Renata Kallosh
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 30 pages, Latex
Report-no: SU-ITP-98/61, KUL-TF-98/56
Journal-ref: JHEP 9903 (1999) 014
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 Paper: hep-th/9812088
From: B. Stefanski jr. < >b.stefanski(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:49:24 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:53:37 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Gravitational Couplings of D-branes and O-planes
Authors: B. Stefanski Jr
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, LaTeX; v2 some typos corrected, results unaltered
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B548 (1999) 275-290
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 Paper: hep-th/9812089
From: Igor Klebanov < >klebanov(at)puhep1.princeton.edu<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 19:47:21 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Dec 1998 20:47:11 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:42:51 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v4): Wed, 3 Feb 1999 21:03:04 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Asymptotic Freedom and Infrared Behavior in the Type 0 String Approach
  to Gauge Theory
Authors: Igor R. Klebanov and Arkady A. Tseytlin
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 15 pages, harvmac; v2: a reference added; v3: last section revised;
  v4: numerical coefficients corrected
Report-no: PUPT-1825, Imperial/TP/98-99/20
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B547 (1999) 143-156
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 Paper: hep-th/9812090
From: Antti Niemi < >aniemi(at)pcu.helsinki.fi<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 20:39:26 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 11 Dec 1998 14:19:34 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 8 Jan 1999 20:54:49 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Partial duality in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory
Authors: L. Faddeev and Antti J. Niemi
Categories: hep-th
Comments: small revision
Report-no: UU-ITP 98/12
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 214-218
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 Paper: hep-th/9812091
From: Lukyanov Sergei < >sergei(at)pion.rutgers.edu<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 21:40:26 GMT   (16kb)

Title: On nonequilibrium states in QFT model with boundary interaction
Authors: V. Bazhanov, S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov
Categories: hep-th cond-mat
Comments: 19 pages, harvmac.tex
Report-no: RU-98-51
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 529-545
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 Paper: hep-th/9812092
From: Alexandros Kehagias < >alexandros.kehagias(at)cern.ch<
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 22:07:05 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Subleading Corrections and Central Charges in the AdS/CFT Correspondence
Authors: D. Anselmi and A. Kehagias
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 15 pages
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-394
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B455 (1999) 155-163
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 Paper: hep-th/9812093
From: Costas Bachas < >Costas.Bachas(at)lpt.ens.fr<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 04:06:46 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Mar 1999 17:43:18 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Branes and the Gauge Hierarchy
Authors: I. Antoniadis and C. Bachas
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 15 pages, TeX file, harvmac, one eps.figure. Small changes and added
  references. Final version to appear in Physics Letters B
Report-no: CPTH-S693.1298, LPTENS-98/44
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 83-91
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 Paper: hep-th/9812094
From: Fidel Schaposnik < >fidel(at)athos.fisica.unlp.edu.ar<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 12:39:51 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Supersymmetric Non-Abelian Born-Infeld Theory
Authors: S.Gonorazky, F.A.Schaposnik, G.Silva (Univ. La Plata)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, Latex, no figures
Report-no: La Plata-Th 98/21
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 187-193
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 Paper: hep-th/9812095
From: Joan Simon < >jsimon(at)ecm.ub.es<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 15:19:38 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 8 Jan 1999 19:07:02 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 1 Nov 1999 08:29:50 GMT   (8kb)

Title: T-duality and Effective D-Brane Actions
Authors: Joan Sim\'{o}n
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 4 pages, RevTex, no figures. Final version to appear in Physical
  Review D
Report-no: UB-ECM-PF-98/22
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 Paper: hep-th/9812096
From: Victor O. Rivelles < >rivelles(at)fma.if.usp.br<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 15:34:50 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Feb 1999 14:47:29 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Canonical and Functional Schrodinger Quantization of Two--Dimensional
  Dilaton Gravity
Authors: S. Cassemiro F. F. and Victor O. Rivelles
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 12 pages, revtex Minor corrections
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B452 (1999) 234-239
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 Paper: hep-th/9812097
From: Radu Tatar < >tatar(at)het.brown.edu<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 20:09:28 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 16 Jan 1999 17:48:49 GMT   (21kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 29 Jun 1999 17:24:42 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Moduli Space for Conifolds as Intersection of Orthogonal D6 branes
Authors: Robert de Mello Koch, Kyungho Oh and Radu Tatar
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 23 pages, Latex, final version to appear in Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: BROWN-HET-1162
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B555 (1999) 457-476
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 Paper: hep-th/9812098
From: Vincent G. J. Rodgers < >vincent(at)hepaxp.physics.uiowa.edu<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 20:10:09 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 19 Apr 2000 20:20:07 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Interactions of a String Inspired Graviton Field
Authors: Thomas P. Branson, V.G.J.Rodgers, Takeshi Yasuda
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages, more readable, references added
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A15 (2000) 3549-3562
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 Paper: hep-th/9812099
From: Jim Wheeler < >jwheeler(at)cc.usu.edu<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 20:33:52 GMT   (18kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 4 May 1999 19:28:19 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 13 May 1999 02:57:54 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Conformal actions in any dimension
Authors: A. Wehner (Utah State University) and J.T. Wheeler (Utah State
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 35 pages, now includes comparisons with other theories; one added
Report-no: USU-FTG-117
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B557 (1999) 380-406
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 Paper: hep-th/9812100
From: Kazuo Hosomiti < >hosomiti(at)siren.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 23:50:22 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 21 Dec 1998 05:58:15 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 14 Jan 1999 05:13:24 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Hilbert Space of Space-time SCFT in AdS_3 Supersting and T^{4kp}/S_{kp}
Authors: K. Hosomichi (Univ. of Tokyo), Y. Sugawara (Univ. of Tokyo)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 23pages, no figures, LaTeX. Some discussions added. The final version
  to be published in JHEP
Report-no: UT-832
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 013
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 Paper: hep-th/9812101
From: pt2817 Aalok Misra fc phy < >aalok(at)iitk.ac.in<
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 12:49:27 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:38:23 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:16:39 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v4): Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:41:53 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Relating Green's Functions in Axial and Lorentz Gauges using Finite
  Field-Dependent BRS Transformations
Authors: S. D. Joglekar, A. Misra (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of
  Technology, Kanpur, UP, India)
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 20 pages, LaTex, Section 4 expanded, typos corrected; last 2
  references modified; (this) revised version to appear in J. Math. Phys
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 41 (2000) 1755-1767
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 Paper: hep-th/9812102
From: Wifredo Garcia Fuertes < >wifredo(at)pinon.ccu.uniovi.es<
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 19:32:35 GMT   (24kb)

Title: On the solitons of the Chern-Simons-Higgs model
Authors: W. Garcia Fuertes (Universidad de Oviedo) and J. Mateos Guilarte
  (Universidad de Salamanca)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 27 pages, 3 figures, to appear in The European Physical Journal C
Report-no: FFUOV-98-17, FTUS preprint (Universidad de Salamanca)
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C9 (1999) 167-179
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 Paper: hep-th/9812103
From: Wifredo Garcia Fuertes < >wifredo(at)pinon.ccu.uniovi.es<
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 19:32:58 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Low Energy Vortex Dynamics in Abelian Higgs Systems
Authors: W. Garcia Fuertes (Universidad de Oviedo) and J. Mateos Guilarte
  (Universidad de Salamanca)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 26 pages, 1 figure, to appear in The European Physical Journal C
Report-no: FFUOV-98-18, FTUS preprint (Universidad de Salamanca)
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C9 (1999) 535-547
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 Paper: hep-th/9812104
From: Joe Polchinski < >joep(at)itp.ucsb.edu<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 00:44:04 GMT   (55kb)

Title: Quantum Gravity at the Planck Length
Authors: Joseph Polchinski
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 33 pages, LaTeX, 11 epsf figures
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 2633-2658
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 Paper: hep-th/9812105
From: Jose M. F. Labastida < >labasti(at)fpaxp1.usc.es<
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 17:58:14 GMT   (129kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:52:09 GMT   (66kb)

Title: Vassiliev Invariants in the Context of Chern-Simons Gauge Theory
Authors: J. M. F. Labastida and Esther Perez
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Invited lecture at the Workshop on New Developments in Algebraic
  Topology, Faro 1998, 17 pages, latex, epsf, 7 figures, 2 tables, figure 7 has
  been improved
Report-no: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela preprint USC-FT-18/98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812106
From: Mathias Pillin < >map(at)mth.kcl.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 10:36:52 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Exact two-particle Matrix Elements in S-Matrix Preserving Deformation of
  Integrable QFTs
Authors: M. Pillin (King's College, London)
Categories: hep-th math.QA
Comments: 9 pages, Latex, no figures
Report-no: KCL-MTH-98-64
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B448 (1999) 227-233
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 Paper: hep-th/9812107
From: Gaida < >gaida(at)icmp.lviv.ua<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:59:17 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Quasi-Relativistic Center-of-Mass Variables in Applications
Authors: R. Gaida, V. Tretyak, Yu. Yaremko (Institute for Condensed Matter
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages, Latex2e
Journal-ref: J.Phys.Condens.Matter 3 (1998) 425-437
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 Paper: hep-th/9812108
From: Euro Spallucci < >euro(at)ts.infn.it<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:15:10 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Spacetime Duality and Two-dimensional Gauge Field Theory
Authors: A.Smailagic, E.Spallucci
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 10 pages, no figures, RevTeX
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B465 (1999) 163-168
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 Paper: hep-th/9812109
From: Harald Dorn < >dorn(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:53:36 GMT   (27kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 15 Jan 1999 16:44:11 GMT   (27kb)

Title: On Wilson loops and $Q\bar Q$-potentials from the AdS/CFT relation at
  $T\geq 0$
Authors: H. Dorn, H.-J. Otto
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages, one figure (eps), Latex, uses lamuphys.sty and bibnorm.sty,
  based on conference talks. a reference added
Report-no: HU Berlin-EP-98/71
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 Paper: hep-th/9812110
From: Jens Bockenhauer < >BockenhauerJM(at)cardiff.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 14:26:12 GMT   (47kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 21 Jun 1999 17:57:39 GMT   (47kb)

Title: Modular Invariants, Graphs and $\alpha$-Induction for Nets of
  Subfactors. III
Authors: J. B\"ockenhauer and D.E. Evans
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 59 pages, latex2e; final version, minor changes
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 205 (1999) 183-228
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 Paper: hep-th/9812111
From: J. S. Anandan < >J.S.Anandan(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 17:20:47 GMT   (5kb)

Title: The Secret Life of the Dipole
Authors: Jeeva S. Anandan
Categories: hep-th quant-ph
Comments: 6 pages, latex. A shorter version of this article, but with two
  figures, appeared in Nature, vol. 387, 558-559 (5 June 1997)
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 Paper: hep-th/9812112
From: D. V. Antonov < >antonov(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 17:02:35 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Confining Properties of Abelian(-Projected) Theories
Authors: Dmitri Antonov and Dietmar Ebert (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 18 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures
Report-no: HUB-EP-98/73
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C12 (2000) 349-359
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 Paper: hep-th/9812113
From: Christian R. Preitschopf < >preitsch(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:07:22 GMT   (29kb)

Title: Conformal Field Theory in Conformal Space
Authors: C. R. Preitschopf and M. A. Vasiliev
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 32 pages, latex
Report-no: FIAN TD/98-23, HUB EP-98/72
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B549 (1999) 450-480
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 Paper: hep-th/9812114
From: Joachim Rahmfeld < >rahmfeld(at)leland.stanford.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:30:55 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 2 Apr 1999 19:52:30 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Symmetries of the Boundary of AdS_5 x S^5 and Harmonic Superspace
Authors: Piet Claus, Renata Kallosh, and J. Rahmfeld
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, minor changes and corrections
Journal-ref: JHEP 9912 (1999) 023
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 Paper: hep-th/9812115
From: Andreas Fring < >fring(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 23:32:41 GMT   (14kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 1 Feb 1999 09:46:46 GMT   (14kb)

Title: A Note on ADE-Spectra in Conformal Field Theory
Authors: A.G. Bytsko and A. Fring
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: 7 pages Latex
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B454 (1999) 59-69
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 Paper: hep-th/9812116
From: Mikhail Voloshin < >voloshin(at)tpi8.spa.umn.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:31:52 GMT   (112kb)

Title: On intersection of domain walls in a supersymmetric model
Authors: S.V. Troitsky and M.B. Voloshin
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, eps
Report-no: TPI-MINN-98/29-T, UMN-TH-1734-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 17-23
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 Paper: hep-th/9812117
From: Paul H. Frampton < >frampton(at)physics.unc.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:32:38 GMT   (7kb)

Title: ADS/CFT String Duality and Conformal Gauge Field Theories
Authors: P.H. Frampton
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages LaTeX
Report-no: IFP-765-UNC
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 041901
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 Paper: hep-th/9812118
From: Emilian Dudas < >Emilian.Dudas(at)cern.ch<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:56:22 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:14:41 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Partial breaking of supersymmetry, open strings and M-theory
Authors: I. Antoniadis, G. D'Appollonio, E. Dudas, A. Sagnotti
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 28 pages, LaTeX, typos corrected
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-382, CPHT-S691.1198, LPTHE-ORSAY 98/70, ROM2F-98/41
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B553 (1999) 133-154
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 Paper: hep-th/9812119
From: Sergei Frolov < >frolov(at)gluino.ph.ua.edu<
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:59:12 GMT   (25kb)

Title: On Lorentz invariance and supersymmetry of four particle scattering
  amplitudes in $S^N\R^8$ orbifold sigma model
Authors: G.Arutyunov, S.Frolov and A.Polishchuk
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex, 23 pages
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 066003
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 Paper: hep-th/9812120
From: Giulio Bonelli < >bonelli(at)sissa.it<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:11:54 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:09:52 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 15 Jan 1999 17:47:13 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Interacting Strings in Matrix String Theory
Authors: G. Bonelli
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, no figures, two references added
Report-no: SISSA REF 98/EP/142
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 Paper: hep-th/9812121
From: Rong Gen Cai < >cai(at)wormhole.snu.ac.kr<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 11:55:37 GMT   (13kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:25:48 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Critical Behavior in the Rotating D-branes
Authors: Rong-Gen Cai, Kwang-Sup Soh
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: Revtex, 17 pages, minor changes, the discussion on the Hawking-Page
  transition and references added
Report-no: SNUTP 99-005
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 1895-1908
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 Paper: hep-th/9812122
From: Eduard Volodymyrouych Gorbar < >gorbar(at)ift.unesp.br<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 12:04:16 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 18 Feb 1999 11:23:58 GMT   (10kb)

Title: On the Effective Potential for Local Composite Operators
Authors: E. V. Gorbar (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, the analysis of the O(N) model with finite cut-off
  have been reconsidered and the corresponding important reference have been
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 Paper: hep-th/9812123
From: Matej Pavsic < >matej.pavsic(at)ijs.si<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:14:49 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Pseudo Euclidean-Signature Harmonic Oscillator, Quantum Field Theory and
  Vanishing Cosmological Constant
Authors: Matej Pavsic
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. A254 (1999) 119-125
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 Paper: hep-th/9812124
From: Ruslan Metsaev < >metsaev(at)td.lpi.ac.ru<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:17:33 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Effective Lagrange function of intense electromagnetic field in QED
Authors: V.I. Ritus, (Lebedev Physical Institute)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 18 pages, LaTeX
Journal-ref: Published in Proceedings of the conference `Frontier Tests of QED
  and Physics of the Vacuum' Sandanski, Bulgaria, 9-15 June, 1998 (Eds.
  E.Zavattini, D.Bakalov, C.Rizzo) Heron Press, Sofia, 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812125
From: Gaida < >gaida(at)icmp.lviv.ua<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:51:47 GMT   (115kb)

Title: Isotropic Forms of Dynamics in the Relativistic Direct Interaction
Authors: A. Duviryak, V. Shpytko, V. Tretyak (Institute for Condensed Matter
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 49 pages, 12 figures, Latex2e
Journal-ref: J.Phys.Condens.Matter 3 (1998) 463-512
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 Paper: hep-th/9812126
From: Douglas J. Smith < >smith(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 16:12:25 GMT   (5kb)

Title: Equivalence of Geometric Engineering and Hanany-Witten
Authors: Douglas J. Smith
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages. Talk to appear in proceedings of the 32nd International
  Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, Germany,
  1-5 September 1998 and "Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supergravity and
  unification", Corfu, September 1998. This talk is based on work in
  collaboration with A. Karch and D. Lust: hep-th/9803232
Report-no: HUB-EP-98/75
Journal-ref: Fortsch.Phys. 48 (2000) 209-212
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 Paper: hep-th/9812127
From: Cumrun Vafa < >vafa(at)string.harvard.edu<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 16:00:39 GMT   (16kb)

Title: M-Theory and Topological Strings--II
Authors: Rajesh Gopakumar and Cumrun Vafa
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 19 pages
Report-no: HUTP-98/A070
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 Paper: hep-th/9812128
From: < >rubakov(at)ms2.inr.ac.ru<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 16:02:09 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Induced charges as probes of low energy effective theories
Authors: V.A. Rubakov (INR, Moscow)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, no figures
Report-no: INR-652/98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812129
From: George Chapline < >chapline1(at)llnl.gov<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 00:38:43 GMT   (33kb)

Title: The Vacuum Energy in a Condensate Model for Spacetime
Authors: George Chapline
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Postscript, 10 pages
Journal-ref: Mod.Phys.Lett. A14 (1999) 2169-2178
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 Paper: hep-th/9812130
From: < >nesterenko(at)vaxsa.csied.unisa.it<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 17:18:42 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Regularizing Property of the Maximal Acceleration Principle in Quantum
  Field Theory
Authors: V.V. Nesterenko, A. Feoli, G. Lambiase, G. Scarpetta
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, REVTeX, no figures, no tables
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 065001
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 Paper: hep-th/9812131
From: Nicola Maggiore < >nicola.maggiore(at)ge.infn.it<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 17:41:30 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 17 May 1999 08:59:10 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 20 May 1999 14:06:20 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Repairing Broken Algebras
Authors: Alberto Blasi and Nicola Maggiore
Categories: hep-th
Comments: one section containing a remarkable (and unexpected) result on N=4
  supersymmetric sigma model has been added. 10 pages, plain LaTeX, no figures
Report-no: GEF-TH-12/1998
Journal-ref: JHEP 9905 (1999) 008
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 Paper: hep-th/9812132
From: Jin-Mo Chung < >chung(at)ctpa03.mit.edu<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:02:16 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 30 Dec 1998 19:18:07 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 8 Jan 1999 18:58:38 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v4): Thu, 3 Jun 1999 16:17:11 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Lorentz and CPT Violating Chern-Simons Term in the Derivative Expansion
  of QED
Authors: J.-M. Chung and Phillial Oh
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, no figure, RevTex, A revised version
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2809
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 067702
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 Paper: hep-th/9812133
From: P. S. Howe < >phowe(at)mth.kcl.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:08:42 GMT   (12kb)

Title: On Harmonic Superspace
Authors: P.S. Howe
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages. Contribution to the seminar "Supersymmetries and Quantum
  Symmetries" in honour of Prof. V.I. Ogievetsky, Dubna 1997
Report-no: KCL-TH-98-62
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 Paper: hep-th/9812134
From: Andrew Chamblin < >H.A.Chamblin(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 21:54:29 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Existence of Majorana fermions for M-branes wrapped in space and time
Authors: A. Chamblin (Cambridge U.)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 10 pages REVTeX
Report-no: DAMTP R-98/18
Journal-ref: J.Math.Phys. 41 (2000) 5510-5516
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 Paper: hep-th/9812135
From: Petr Horava < >horava(at)theory.caltech.edu<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 23:20:07 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:20:08 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v3): Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:56:58 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v4): Fri, 14 May 1999 14:37:40 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Type IIA D-Branes, K-Theory, and Matrix Theory
Authors: Petr Horava
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 32 pages (published version)
Report-no: CALT-68-2205
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 2 (1999) 1373-1404
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 Paper: hep-th/9812136
From: Domenico Seminara < >Domenico.Seminara(at)lpt.ens.fr<
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 23:58:47 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Counterterms/M-theory Corrections to D=11 Supergravity
Authors: S. Deser and D. Seminara
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 16 pages RevTeX
Report-no: BRX-TH-443
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 2435-2438
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 Paper: hep-th/9812137
From: Domenico Seminara < >Domenico.Seminara(at)lpt.ens.fr<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 07:47:10 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Parity and Large Gauge Invariance in Thermal QED_3
Authors: D. Seminara
Categories: hep-th cond-mat.supr-con
Comments: 5 pages sprocl.tex, Talks presented at Pascos98
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Superconductivity
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 Paper: hep-th/9812138
From: Soo-Young Lee < >sylee(at)genphys.kyungnam.ac.kr<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:53:35 GMT   (582kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:42:05 GMT   (412kb)

Title: Critical value of symmetry breaking parameter in the phase transition of
  decay rate
Authors: Hungsoo Kim, Soo-Young Lee, Sahng-Kyoon Yoo, D. K. Park, Jae Kwan kim
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Several mistakes including figures are corrected. Accepted version in
  Phys. Lett. B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B453 (1999) 269-274
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 Paper: hep-th/9812139
From: Niels Obers < >obers(at)mail.cern.ch<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:23:31 GMT   (22kb)

Title: U-duality and M-theory, an algebraic approach
Authors: N.A. Obers (Nordita, NBI) and B. Pioline (Ecole Polytechnique)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, Latex, to appear in the proceedings of Quantum Aspects of
  Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, September 1998
Report-no: NORDITA-98/78 HE, NBI-HE-98-42, CPHT-PC698.1298
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 Paper: hep-th/9812140
From: Bernard Knaepen < >bknaepen(at)ulb.ac.be<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:39:58 GMT   (31kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 8 Dec 1999 14:20:47 GMT   (32kb)

Title: The Wess-Zumino Consistency Condition For p-Form Gauge Theories
Authors: Marc Henneaux and Bernard Knaepen
Categories: hep-th
Comments: latex 2.09, 46 pages, no figures, requires multibox style, available
  at this url 
  -- misquotes in references corrected
Report-no: ULB-TH-98/17, ESI 644 (1998)
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B548 (1999) 491-526
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 Paper: hep-th/9812141
From: Alon Faraggi < >faraggi(at)mnhepw.hep.umn.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 00:43:08 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 29 Aug 1999 21:21:12 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Elevating the Free-Fermion $Z_2\times Z_2$ Orbifold Model to a
  Compactification of F-Theory
Authors: Per Berglund, John Ellis, Alon E. Faraggi, D.V. Nanopoulos and Zongan
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 19 pages. Standard Latex. The lack of global section for the (27,3)
  model is emphasized, as well as a possible relation with the gravitational
Report-no: ACT-12/98; CERN-TH-98/395; CPT-TAMU-49/98; NSF-ITP-98-128;
  TPI-MINN-98/24; UFIFT-HEP-98-39; UMN-TH-1733-98
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A15 (2000) 1345-1362
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 Paper: hep-th/9812142
From: Rob Leigh < >rgleigh(at)uiuc.edu<
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 22:52:32 GMT   (134kb)

Title: String Junctions and Bound States of Intersecting Branes
Authors: David Berenstein and Robert G. Leigh
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages; 2 figures; uses latex with epsf and hyperref packages
Report-no: ILL-(TH)-98-07
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 026005
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 Paper: hep-th/9812143
From: Pei-Ming Ho < >pmho(at)phys.ntu.edu.tw<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 08:58:27 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 28 Dec 1998 06:26:37 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Matrix Compactification On Orientifolds
Authors: Pei-Ming Ho, Yong-Shi Wu
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 28 pages, latex
Report-no: APCTP-98-025
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 026002
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 Paper: hep-th/9812144
From: Martin Cederwall < >tfemc(at)fy.chalmers.se<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:18:13 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Finite Tensor Deformations of Supergravity Solitons
Authors: Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Magnus Holm and Bengt E.W. Nilsson
Categories: hep-th
Comments: plain tex, 12 pp
Report-no: Goteborg-ITP-98-19
Journal-ref: JHEP 9902 (1999) 003
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 Paper: hep-th/9812145
From: Francesco Fucito < >francesco.fucito(at)roma2.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:59:21 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Non-Perturbative Results in Global SUSY and Topological Field Theories
Authors: D. Bellisai,F. Fucito, A. Tanzini, G. Travaglini
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 5 pages,talk delivered at ichep98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812146
From: Jacques Bros < >bros(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 15:32:58 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Universality of low-energy scattering in three-dimensional field theory
Authors: Jacques Bros, Daniel Iagolnitzer
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, LaTex
Report-no: SPhT t98/026
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 081701
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 Paper: hep-th/9812147
From: Dean Lee < >dlee(at)het.phast.umass.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:34:10 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:43:24 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Fermions in spherical field theory
Authors: Dean Lee (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Categories: hep-th cond-mat hep-lat hep-ph
Comments: corrected journal info
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B444 (1998) 474
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 Paper: hep-th/9812148
From: M. B. Paranjape < >paranj(at)lps.umontreal.ca<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:38:25 GMT   (598kb)

Title: Recent mathematical developments in the Skyrme model
Authors: T. Gisiger, M.B. Paranjape
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 129 pages, about 30 figures, original manuscript of published Physics
Report-no: UdeM-GPP-TH-98-57
Journal-ref: Phys.Rept. 306 (1998) 109-211
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 Paper: hep-th/9812149
From: Ben Craps < >ben.craps(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:50:05 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 5 Feb 1999 13:43:39 GMT   (7kb)

Title: (Non-)Anomalous D-brane and O-plane couplings: the normal bundle
Authors: Ben Craps and Frederik Roose
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, latex, no figures; version accepted for publication in Phys.
  Lett. B
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/58
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 358
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 Paper: hep-th/9812150
From: Jacques Bros < >bros(at)spht.saclay.cea.fr<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:54:54 GMT   (76kb)

Title: Complex Angular Momentum in General Quantum Field Theory
Authors: J. Bros, G.A. Viano
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 86 pages, 9 figures, tcilatex
Report-no: SPTh t98/142
Journal-ref: Annales Henri Poincare 1 (2006) 101-172
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 Paper: hep-th/9812151
From: Stephane Gourmelen < >gourmele(at)ipnl.in2p3.fr<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:59:54 GMT   (13kb)

Title: N=2 supersymmetric pseudodifferential symbols and super W-algebras
Authors: Stephane Gourmelen
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages
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 Paper: hep-th/9812152
From: Marotta Raffaele < >Raffaele.Marotta(at)na.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 17:42:57 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 28 Jan 1999 13:55:42 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Prescriptions for Off-Shell Bosonic String Amplitudes
Authors: L. Cappiello, A. Liccardo, R. Pettorino, F. Pezzella (Dipartimento di
  Scienze Fisiche, Universita' di Napoli and I.N.F.N., Sezione di Napoli) and
  R. Marotta (Nordita, Copenhagen)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop
  "Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification", Corfu
  (Greece), 20-26 September 1998. Eq. (12) and numerical factors in eqs. (13)
  and (16) corrected; some minor changes and references added
Report-no: NORDITA-98/77 HE, DSF-TH-98/46
Journal-ref: Lect.Notes Phys. 525 (1999) 466-474
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 Paper: hep-th/9812153
From: Nathan Jacob Berkovits < >nberkovi(at)ift.unesp.br<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:03:26 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Superspace Action for the First Massive States of the Superstring
Authors: N. Berkovits and M.M. Leite (IFT/UNESP, Sao Paulo)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages harvmac tex
Report-no: IFT-P.004/99
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B454 (1999) 38-42
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 Paper: hep-th/9812154
From: Kristin Foerger < >foerger(at)cpht.polytechnique.fr<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:30:57 GMT   (21kb)

Title: On Heterotic/Type I Duality in d=8
Authors: K. Foerger (Ecole Polytechnique)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, Latex, To appear in the proceedings of "Quantum Aspects of
  Gauge Theories, Supersymmetries and Unification", Corfu, September 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812155
From: Matthias Klein < >mklein(at)sigerico.ft.uam.es<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:47:24 GMT   (33kb)

Title: More Confining N=1 SUSY Gauge Theories From Non-Abelian Duality
Authors: Matthias Klein
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 46 pages, Latex
Report-no: FTUAM-98/29; IFT-UAM/CSIC-98-29
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B553 (1999) 155-204
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 Paper: hep-th/9812156
From: Jose Socorro Garcia Diaz < >socorro(at)ifug4.ugto.mx<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 20:03:47 GMT   (35kb)

Title: The wave function of the universe and spontaneaus breaking of
Authors: O. Obreg\'on, J.J. Rosales, J. Socorro and V.I. Tkach
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figure, revtex
Report-no: IFUG-98-35
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 Paper: hep-th/9812157
From: Xinrui Hou < >xhou(at)physics.spa.umn.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 20:15:24 GMT   (9kb)

Title: A Quasi-Exactly Solvable N-Body Problem with the sl(N+1) Algebraic
Authors: Xinrui Hou, M. Shifman
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: Latex, 12 pages
Report-no: TPI-MINN 98/27-T, UMN-TH-1731/98
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A14 (1999) 2993-3004
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 Paper: hep-th/9812158
From: Ralph Blumenhagen < >blumenha(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 21:02:18 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:45:53 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:43:45 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Orientifolds of Non-Supersymmetric Asymmetric Orbifolds
Authors: Ralph Blumenhagen and Lars Goerlich
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 18 pages, 3 figures, TeX; model changed from SU(2)^4 to SO(8)
  lattice, massless spectra changed
Report-no: HUB-EP-98/76
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 601-616
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 Paper: hep-th/9812159
From: Akikazu Hashimoto < >aki(at)itp.ucsb.edu<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:54:54 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Supergravity Solutions for Localized Intersections of Branes
Authors: Akikazu Hashimoto
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 15 pages, 1 figure
Report-no: NSF-ITP-98-127
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 018
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 Paper: hep-th/9812160
From: Pietro Fre < >fre(at)to.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:41:41 GMT   (115kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Feb 1999 14:56:15 GMT   (115kb)

Title: BPS Black Holes in Superegravity
Authors: Riccardo D'Auria (Poliecnico of Torino), Pietro Fre' (University of
Categories: hep-th astro-ph gr-qc
Comments: LaTeX, 132 pages, Book.sty. Lecture Notes for the SIGRAV Graduate
  School in Contemporary Relativity, Villa Olmo, Como First Course, April 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812161
From: Itzhak Bars < >bars(at)physics1.usc.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 00:54:26 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 23 Feb 1999 02:51:44 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Supersymmetric Two-Time Physics
Authors: I. Bars, C. Deliduman, D. Minic
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex, 18 pages
Report-no: USC-98/HEP-B6
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 125004
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 Paper: hep-th/9812162
From: Sebastian Jaimungal < >jaimung(at)physics.ubc.ca<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 22:17:27 GMT   (67kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 6 Jan 1999 21:53:10 GMT   (67kb)

Title: Topological Holography
Authors: Viqar Husain and Sebastian Jaimungal (British Columbia U.)
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: LaTeX 10 pages, 1 figure using epsfig, typo in eqn.(15) corrected
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 061501
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 Paper: hep-th/9812163
From: Zurab Kakushadze < >zurab(at)bohr.harvard.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 06:45:54 GMT   (37kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 5 Jan 1999 23:11:06 GMT   (37kb)

Title: TeV-scale Supersymmetric Standard Model and Brane World
Authors: Zurab Kakushadze
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 38 pages, revtex, minor misprints corrected, a few clarifying
  remarks, acknowledgments and references added
Report-no: HUTP-98/A087, NUB 3190
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B552 (1999) 3-40
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 Paper: hep-th/9812164
From: Shin'ichi Nojiri < >snojiri(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:11:36 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Sat, 16 Jan 1999 08:03:53 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Induced wormholes due to quantum effects of spherically reduced matter
  in large N approximation
Authors: S. Nojiri, O. Obregon, S.D. Odintsov, and K.E. Osetrin
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX file, 2 eps figures, 9 pages, few misprints are corrected,
  numerics are changed
Report-no: NDA-FP-54
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B449 (1999) 173-179
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 Paper: hep-th/9812165
From: Konstadinos Sfetsos < >Konstadinos.Sfetsos(at)cern.ch<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:14:10 GMT   (13kb)

Title: On (multi-)center branes and exact string vacua
Authors: Konstadinos Sfetsos
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, latex; To be published in the proceedings of the Quantum
  Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, Greece,
  20-26 September 1998
Report-no: CERN-TH/98-408
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 Paper: hep-th/9812166
From: Anastasios Petkou < >petkou(at)catbert.physik.uni-dortmund.de<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:57:20 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 29 Dec 1998 15:07:12 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v3): Sun, 7 Mar 1999 19:58:26 GMT   (14kb)

Title: On the Free-Energy of Three-Dimensional CFTs and Polylogarithms
Authors: A. C. Petkou and M. B. Silva Neto
Categories: hep-th cond-mat hep-ph
Comments: Latex, 13 pages, 2 eps figures; v2 typos corrected; v3 Expanded
  discussion of the results, added references
Report-no: DO-TH 98/21, CBPF-NF-080/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B456 (1999) 147-154
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 Paper: hep-th/9812167
From: Marek Pawlowski < >Marek.Pawlowski(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 11:41:36 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Hamiltonian Reduction of General Relativity and Conformal Unified Theory
Authors: M. Pawlowski, V. N. Pervushin, V. I. Smirichinski
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 19 pages, latex, 1 figure (eps), submited to Classical and Quantum
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 Paper: hep-th/9812168
From: Magnus Holm < >holm(at)fy.chalmers.se<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 13:56:59 GMT   (44kb)

Title: New insights in brane and Kaluza--Klein theory through almost product
Authors: Magnus Holm
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex file, 58 pages, 2 figures
Report-no: Goteborg-ITP-98-21
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 Paper: hep-th/9812169
From: Klaus Behrndt < >behrndt(at)physik.hu-berlin.de<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 13:16:47 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 16:46:57 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Orbifolds of AdS(3) and fixpoints of the CFT
Authors: Klaus Behrndt
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages, LaTeX; minor corrections; refs added
Journal-ref: Fortsch.Phys. 48 (2000) 15-18
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 Paper: hep-th/9812170
From: < >mario.tonin(at)pd.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 17:38:24 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Action for IIB Supergravity in 10 dimensions
Authors: G. Dall'Agata, K. Lechner and M. Tonin
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX, Talk given at "Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories,
  Supersymmetry and Unification", Greece, September 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812171
From: Kimball A. Milton < >milton(at)phyast.nhn.ou.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 17:52:00 GMT   (4kb)

Title: Can the QCD Effective Charge Be Symmetrical in the Euclidean and the
  Minkowskian Regions?
Authors: K.A. Milton and I.L. Solovtsov
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 5 pages, REVTeX
Report-no: OKHEP-98-12
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 107701
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 Paper: hep-th/9812172
From: Ori Ganor < >origa(at)puhep1.princeton.edu<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 22:13:48 GMT   (30kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:07:57 GMT   (31kb)

Title: Instantons on a Non-commutative $T^4$ from Twisted (2,0) and
  Little-String Theories
Authors: Yeuk-Kwan E. Cheung, Ori J. Ganor, Morten Krogh and Andrei Yu.
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: 32pp TeX, minor corrections
Report-no: PUPT-1826, ITEP-TH-68/98
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B564 (2000) 259-284
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 Paper: hep-th/9812173
From: Manuel Asorey < >asorey(at)saturno.unizar.es<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 19:38:58 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Unstable Bundles in Quantum Field Theory
Authors: M. Asorey, F. Falceto and G. Luzon
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, AMS-TeX
Journal-ref: Contemp.Math. 219 (1998) 1
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 Paper: hep-th/9812174
From: Manuel Asorey < >asorey(at)saturno.unizar.es<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 20:17:36 GMT   (36kb)

Title: Maximal Non-Abelian Gauges and Topology of Gauge Orbit Space
Authors: M. Asorey
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 31 pages, harvmac, 1 figure
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 399-424
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 Paper: hep-th/9812175
From: Hugo Compean < >Hugo.Compean(at)fis.cinvestav.mx<
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 22:20:34 GMT   (11kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 3 Mar 1999 19:51:45 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Dual Description of Supergravity MacDowell-Mansouri Theory
Authors: H. Garcia-Compean, A. Nieto, O. Obregon, C. Ramirez
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 16 pages, LaTeX file, no figures, minor comments and one reference
Report-no: CINVESTAV-IPN 55/98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 124003
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 Paper: hep-th/9812176
From: Peter Orland < >orland(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 15:14:38 GMT   (70kb)

Title: Barrier penetration in 1+1-dimensional O(n) sigma models
Authors: E. Moreno (CCNY and Baruch, CUNY), P. Orland (Niels Bohr Inst. and
  Baruch, CUNY)
Categories: hep-th cond-mat hep-lat
Comments: 45 pages, latex, eight eps figures (three in color)
Report-no: NBI-HE-98-41
Journal-ref: JHEP 9904 (1999) 002
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 Paper: hep-th/9812177
From: Asato Tsuchiya < >tsuchiya(at)funpth.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:56:00 GMT   (24kb)

Title: USp(2k) Matrix Model: Schwinger-Dyson Equations and Closed-Open String
Authors: H. Itoyama, A. Tsuchiya
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 22 pages, 13 figures
Report-no: OU-HET 306
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 1371-1390
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 Paper: hep-th/9812178
From: Martin Reuter < >reuter(at)thep.physik.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 08:10:34 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Background-Quantum Split Symmetry and Phase-Space Path-Integrals
Authors: M. Reuter
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 4 pages, latex
Report-no: MZ-TH 98-51
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 Paper: hep-th/9812179
From: Detlev Buchholz < >buchholz(at)theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 13:19:05 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 4 Jan 1999 23:27:56 GMT   (10kb)

Title: On the Implementation of Supersymmetry
Authors: Detlev Buchholz
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: Latex, 9 pages, prose improved, typos corrected
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Lect.Notes Phys. 539 (2000) 211-220
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 Paper: hep-th/9812180
From: A. Demichev < >mcvisito(at)pcu.helsinki.fi<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:41:21 GMT   (31kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:14:18 GMT   (31kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:16:07 GMT   (31kb)

Title: Quantum Field Theory on Noncommutative Space-Times and the Persistence
  of Ultraviolet Divergences
Authors: M. Chaichian, A. Demichev and P. Presnajder
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 31 pages, Latex, minor typos corrected
Report-no: HIP-1998-77/TH
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B567 (2000) 360-390
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 Paper: hep-th/9812181
From: Gagik Ter-Gazarian < >gago(at)bao.sci.am<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:59:55 GMT   (33kb)

Title: The Operator Manifold Formalism. I
Authors: G.T.Ter-Kazarian (Byurakan Observatory)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTex, 30 pages
Report-no: BAO/98/01
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 Paper: hep-th/9812182
From: Gagik Ter-Gazarian < >gago(at)bao.sci.am<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 16:21:22 GMT   (43kb)

Title: The Operator Manifold Formalism. II. Physical Applications
Authors: G.T.Ter-Kazarian (Byurakan Observatory)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTex, 42 pages
Report-no: BAO/98/02
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 Paper: hep-th/9812183
From: Savvidis < >savvidy(at)argo.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 17:08:14 GMT   (14kb)

Title: The QCD string and the generalised wave equation
Authors: G. K. Savvidy
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages LaTeX, uses lamuphys.sty and bibnorm.sty,; Based on talks
  given at the 6th Hellenic School and Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics,
  Corfu, Greece, September 19-26, 1998 and at the International Workshop
  "ISMP", Tbilisi, Georgia, September 12-18, 1998
Report-no: DEMO-HEP 98/26 Dec.98
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 Paper: hep-th/9812184
From: Lorenzo Cornalba < >cornalba(at)ctpa03.mit.edu<
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 17:45:43 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Matrix Representations of Holomorphic Curves on $T_{4}$
Authors: L. Cornalba (Princeton U.)
Categories: hep-th math.QA
Comments: 29 pages
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: JHEP 0008 (2000) 047
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 Paper: hep-th/9812185
From: Minoru Hirayama < >hirayama(at)jodo.sci.toyama-u.ac.jp<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 08:46:31 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 2 Apr 1999 06:23:58 GMT   (10kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 16 Apr 1999 08:01:09 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Consistency Conditions of the Faddeev-Niemi-Periwal Ansatz for the SU(N)
  Gauge Field
Authors: M. Hirayama, M. Kanno, M. Ueno (Toyama University), H. Yamakoshi
  (Toyama National College of Technology)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: PTP Tex, 15 pages, Eq.(3.18) inserted
Report-no: TOYAMA 101
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 1135-1146
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 Paper: hep-th/9812186
From: Ragoucy E. < >ragoucy(at)lapp.in2p3.fr<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 09:05:10 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Yangians, finite W-algebras and the Non Linear Schrodinger hierarchy
Authors: M. Mintchev, E. Ragoucy, P. Sorba and Ph. Zaugg
Categories: hep-th math.QA
Comments: LaTeX2e, 10 pages, Talk presented by E. Ragoucy at ACTP-Nankai
  Symposium on Yang-Baxter systems, non linear models and their applications,
  Seoul (Korea) October 20-23, 1998
Report-no: LAPTH-711/98-Conf
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A32 (1999) 5885-5900
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 Paper: hep-th/9812187
From: Mike Teper < >m.teper1(at)physics.oxford.ac.uk<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 15:20:44 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Glueball masses and other physical properties of SU(N) gauge theories in
  D=3+1: a review of lattice results for theorists
Authors: Michael Teper (Oxford)
Categories: hep-th hep-lat hep-ph
Comments: LaTeX, 28 pages, not submitted for publication
Report-no: OUTP-98-88P
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 Paper: hep-th/9812188
From: Y. Lozano < >Y.Lozano(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 12:51:11 GMT   (22kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:58:42 GMT   (22kb)

Title: The Kaluza-Klein Monopole in a Massive IIA Background
Authors: Eduardo Eyras and Yolanda Lozano
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 29 pages, Latex file, 2 figures, typo and reference corrected,
  version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Report-no: UG-21/98, SPIN-98/15
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B546 (1999) 197-218
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 Paper: hep-th/9812189
From: Carlos Castro < >castro(at)hubble.cau.edu<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 15:48:44 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:14:21 GMT   (8kb)

Title: p-Brane Quantum Mechanical Wave Equations
Authors: Carlos Castro
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, revised Tex file
Report-no: APCTP-98-028
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 Paper: hep-th/9812190
From: Thomas Heinzl < >heinzl(at)tpi.uni-jena.de<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:22:18 GMT   (215kb)

Title: Light-Cone Dynamics of Particles and Fields
Authors: Thomas Heinzl
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 166 pages, 7 figures, accepted as habilitation thesis by Faculty of
  Physics, University of Regensburg
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 Paper: hep-th/9812191
From: David Kastor < >kastor(at)het.phast.umass.edu<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 20:38:07 GMT   (9kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:17:12 GMT   (10kb)

Title: Electric Dipole Moment of a BPS Monopole
Authors: David Kastor and Euy Soo Na
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, references and note added
Report-no: UMHEP-457
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 025002
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 Paper: hep-th/9812192
From: Pierre Mathieu < >pmathieu(at)phy.ulaval.ca<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 20:22:22 GMT   (280kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 22 Feb 1999 14:16:30 GMT   (280kb)

Title: On Principal Admissible Representations and Conformal Field Theory
Authors: P. Mathieu and M.A. Walton
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Harvmac (b mode : 32 p; l mode: 36 p), 5 figures, some minor
  reformulations, references added and typos corrected
Report-no: LAVAL-PHY-98-29
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B553 (1999) 533-558
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 Paper: hep-th/9812193
From: Volker Schomerus < >vschomer(at)x4u2.desy.de<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 20:55:38 GMT   (4kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:33:26 GMT   (5kb)

Title: D-branes in the WZW model
Authors: A.Yu. Alekseev and V. Schomerus
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 2 pages, LaTeX
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 061901
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 Paper: hep-th/9812194
From: Vladimir Dobrev < >vladimir.dobrev(at)tu-clausthal.de<
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:33:00 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:52:26 GMT   (23kb)

Title: Intertwining Operator Realization of the AdS/CFT Correspondence
Authors: V.K. Dobrev
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 25 pages, TEX file using harvmac.tex; v2: misprints corrected; to
  appear in Nuclear Physics B
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B553 (1999) 559-582
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 Paper: hep-th/9812195
From: Andreas Wisskirchen < >wisskirc(at)avzw02.physik.uni-bonn.de<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 01:07:36 GMT   (80kb)

Title: Landau-Ginzburg Vacua of String, M- and F-Theory at c=12
Authors: Monika Lynker, Rolf Schimmrigk and Andreas Wisskirchen
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX, 33 pages, 10 PostScript figures using epsfig and psfig
Report-no: BONN-TH-98-13
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B550 (1999) 123-150
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 Paper: hep-th/9812196
From: Clifford V. Johnson < >cvj(at)pa.uky.edu<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 04:49:34 GMT   (130kb)

Title: Etudes on D-Branes
Authors: Clifford V. Johnson
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 56 pages, 12 figures, latex (with sprocl+psfig)
Report-no: UK/98-19
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 Paper: hep-th/9812197
From: Hagen Kleinert < >kleinert(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 08:26:19 GMT   (45kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:43:44 GMT   (105kb)

Title: Seven-Loop Critical Exponents from Strong-Coupling phi^4-Theory in Three
Authors: Hagen Kleinert
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Author Information under
  this url . Latest update of
  paper also at
  this url 
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 085001
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 Paper: hep-th/9812198
From: Kuiroukidis < >kuirouki(at)astro.auth.gr<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 08:50:47 GMT   (299kb)

Title: String Propagation in Bianchi Type I models: Dynamical anisotropy
  Damping and Consequences
Authors: A. Kuiroukidis, K. Kleidis and D. B. Papadopoulos
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 37 pages, 11 figures
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 Paper: hep-th/9812199
From: Wlodzimierz Piechocki < >Wlodzimierz.Piechocki(at)fuw.edu.pl<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 09:41:59 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 11:53:43 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Massless particle in 2d spacetime with constant curvature
Authors: George Jorjadze and W{\l}odzimierz Piechocki
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures, submitted for publication;
  Representation defined by Eqs.(3.11-3.13) is not a new one. It was discovered
  earlier: Mikhail Plyushchay,J.Math.Phys.34(1993)3954
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B448 (1999) 203-208
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 Paper: hep-th/9812200
From: < >Marco.Billo(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:28:12 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Ramond-Ramond (boundary) states
Authors: M. Billo and R. Russo
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Talk presented at the 2nd Conference on
  Quantum aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu,
  Greece, 21-26 September 1996
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/59, NEIP-98-020
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 Paper: hep-th/9812201
From: Michael Rudolph < >michael.rudolph(at)itp.uni-leipzig.de<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 12:52:48 GMT   (165kb)

Title: String Theory and Beyond
Authors: M. Rudolph
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 25 pages, 11 figures
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 Paper: hep-th/9812202
From: < >dowker(at)a3.ph.man.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:29:44 GMT   (25kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 08:50:55 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Effective actions on the squashed three-sphere
Authors: J.S.Dowker
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 23 pages, JyTeX. Conclusion slightly amended, one equation and minor
  misprints corrected
Report-no: Imperial/TP/98-99/27
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 1937-1953
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 Paper: hep-th/9812203
From: Gerard 't Hooft < >G.tHooft(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:25:31 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:19:12 GMT   (27kb)

Title: The Glorious Days of Physics - Renormalization of Gauge theories
Authors: Gerard 't Hooft
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 21 pages plain TeX, 4 figures PostScript. Small cosmetic - yet
  important - changes were made in the original manuscript
Report-no: SPIN-1998/18
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 Paper: hep-th/9812204
From: Gerard 't Hooft < >G.tHooft(at)phys.uu.nl<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:31:14 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:23:19 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Topological Aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics
Authors: Gerard 't Hooft
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages plain TeX, 1 figure PostScript. Erice lecture notes Aug/Sept
  1998. Small cosmetic - yet important - changes were made in the original
Report-no: SPIN-1998/19
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 Paper: hep-th/9812205
From: Bobby Samir Acharya < >R.Acharya(at)qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:46:59 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 4 Jan 1999 18:12:11 GMT   (20kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:09:25 GMT   (20kb)

Title: M theory, Joyce Orbifolds and Super Yang-Mills
Authors: B.S. Acharya
Categories: hep-th
Comments: v2: A careless error which appeared at the end of section four and
  propagated to section six has been corrected. (The mistake was to identify
  the Coxeter number of the gauge group with the order of a certain finite
  group). The results are unchanged. Some references have also been added. v3:
  A previously unrecognised monodromy recognised. New monodromy free examples
  added. 21 pages, Latex
Report-no: QMW-PH-98-42
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 3 (1999) 227-248
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 Paper: hep-th/9812206
From: Danny Birmingham Staff < >dannyb(at)ollamh.ucd.ie<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:05:29 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 23 Apr 1999 15:55:43 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Geometrical Finiteness, Holography, and the BTZ Black Hole
Authors: Danny Birmingham, Conall Kennedy, Siddhartha Sen, and Andy Wilkins
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, Latex, Version to appear in Physical Review Letters
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 4164-4167
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 Paper: hep-th/9812207
From: Jeanne De Jaegher < >jeanne.dejaegher(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:06:35 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Dilaton transformation under abelian and non-abelian T-duality in the
  path integral approach
Authors: J.De Jaegher, J. Raeymaekers, A. Sevrin and W. Troost
Categories: hep-th
Comments: latex, 20 pages, no figures
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/47, VUB/TENA/98/11
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B548 (1999) 563-584
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 Paper: hep-th/9812208
From: Timur D. Bakeyev < >bakeev(at)mi.ras.ru<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:08:09 GMT   (7kb)

Title: A simplified version of Higher Covariant Derivative regularization
Authors: T. D. Bakeyev
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 8 pages, LATEX
Report-no: MSU-12-98
Journal-ref: Theor.Math.Phys. 122 (2000) 355-362; Teor.Mat.Fiz. 122 (2000)
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 Paper: hep-th/9812209
From: Tamas Hauer < >hauer(at)mit.edu<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:00:14 GMT   (64kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 6 Aug 1999 23:54:00 GMT   (64kb)

Title: Uncovering Infinite Symmetries on [p,q] 7-branes: Kac-Moody Algebras and
Authors: Oliver DeWolfe, Tamas Hauer, Amer Iqbal and Barton Zwiebach
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 44 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps figures, minor typos corrected
Report-no: MIT-CTP-2808
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 3 (1999) 1835-1891
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 Paper: hep-th/9812210
From: Chris Hull < >C.M.Hull(at)qmw.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:23:58 GMT   (10kb)

Title: The Non-Perturbative SO(32) Heterotic String
Authors: C.M. Hull
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 Pages, Tex, Phyzzx Macro
Report-no: QMW-PH-98-43
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B462 (1999) 271-276
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 Paper: hep-th/9812211
From: Patrick E. Dorey < >P.E.Dorey(at)durham.ac.uk<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 20:25:51 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Anharmonic oscillators, the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, and nonlinear
  integral equations
Authors: Patrick Dorey and Roberto Tateo
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, Latex 2e, uses amssymb, cite
Report-no: DTP-98/81, ITFA 98-41
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A32 (1999) L419-L425
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 Paper: hep-th/9812212
From: Gordon Chalmers < >chalmers(at)sgi2.hep.anl.gov<
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:18:41 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 23 Dec 1998 04:42:39 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 19 Jan 1999 19:10:23 GMT   (24kb)

Title: Degeneration of ALF D_n Metrics
Authors: G. Chalmers, M. Rocek, S. Wiles
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 14 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, minor corrections, to appear in JHEP
Report-no: ANL-HEP-PR-98-140, ITP-SB-98-72
Journal-ref: JHEP 9901 (1999) 009
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 Paper: hep-th/9812213
From: F. A. Dilkes < >fad(at)julian.uwo.ca<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:55:38 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 24 Feb 1999 22:24:36 GMT   (34kb)

Title: A New Approach to Axial Vector Model Calculations II
Authors: F. A. Dilkes, D. G. C. McKeon and Christian Schubert
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Sequel to hep-th/9807072, references added, some clarifications and
  corrections, 29 pages, RevTex, 8 diagrams using epsfig.sty
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-98/104 ; LAPTH-710/98
Journal-ref: JHEP 9903 (1999) 022
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 Paper: hep-th/9812214
From: Myrzakulov Ratbay < >cnlpmyra(at)satsun.sci.kz<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 07:56:45 GMT   (5kb)

Title: On Some Sigma Models with Potentials and the Klein-Gordon Type Equations
Authors: R.Myrzakulov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, Latex, no figures
Report-no: CNLP-1995-06
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 Paper: hep-th/9812215
From: Hendry Izaac Elim < >hendry202(at)cyberlib.itb.ac.id<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:00:19 GMT   (7kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 24 Dec 1998 01:08:00 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Soliton Solution of the Integrable Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger
  Equation of Manakov Type
Authors: Freddy P. Zen and Hendry I. Elim
Categories: hep-th math.DS nlin.PS nlin.SI patt-sol solv-int
Comments: 11 pages
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Dynamical Systems; Pattern Formation
  and Solitons; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
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 Paper: hep-th/9812216
From: Ming Yu < >yum(at)itp.ac.cn<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:06:44 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Light-Cone Gauge Quantization of String Theories on $AdS_3$ Space
Authors: Ming Yu and Bo Zhang
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex, 23 pages, 0 figures
Report-no: AS-ITP-98-16
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B551 (1999) 425-449
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 Paper: hep-th/9812217
From: Jerzy Przeszowski < >jprzeszo(at)ippt.gov.pl<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:19:20 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Canonical Quantization for the Light-Front Weyl Gauge
Authors: Jerzy A. Przeszowski (IFTR PAC, Warsaw)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 18 pages, no figures
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 Paper: hep-th/9812218
From: Shinji Hirano < >hirano(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:21:05 GMT   (29kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:06:34 GMT   (29kb)

Title: AdS_7/CFT_6 Correspondence and Matrix Models of M5-Branes
Authors: Hidetoshi Awata, Shinji Hirano
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 30 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, some typos are corrected in particular in
  section 4
Report-no: YITP-98-85
Journal-ref: Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 3 (1999) 147-176
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 Paper: hep-th/9812219
From: Chong-Sun Chu < >cschu(at)tao.fm.sissa.it<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:41:27 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:34:47 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 30 Mar 1999 22:48:14 GMT   (16kb)

Title: Noncommutative Open String and D-brane
Authors: Chong-Sun Chu and Pei-Ming Ho
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTex, 19 pages. v2: two references added; more results added in sec.
  4 which extends the agreement with Matrix model for the D2 case (original
  version) to the general Dp case (v2) for any value of p. v3: further
  clarifying remarks added in sec. 3 in response to the referee suggestion for
  clearer presentation; final version to appear in NPB
Report-no: NEIP-98-022
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B550 (1999) 151-168
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 Paper: hep-th/9812220
From: Piet Claus < >Piet.Claus(at)fys.kuleuven.ac.be<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:06:05 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Near-Horizon Supergravity Superspace
Authors: Piet Claus
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the "mid-term TMR meeting
  on Quantum Aspects Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification", Corfu, September
  20-26, 1998
Report-no: KUL-TF-98/60
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 Paper: hep-th/9812221
From: Zhukovsky Vladimir < >zhukovsk(at)th180.phys.msu.su<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 12:25:11 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 19 Jan 2000 13:56:42 GMT   (6kb)

Title: One-loop Energy Corrections in the Nonabelian Gauge Field Theory in 2+1
Authors: V.Ch.Zhukovsky, N.A.Peskov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 7 pages, LATEX (corrected) Published in Vest. Mosk. Univ., Fiz.
  Astron., N2, 60, 1999 (corrections to be published)
Journal-ref: Moscow Univ.Phys.Bull. 54N2 (1999) 79-82;
  Vestn.Mosk.Univ.Fiz.Astron. 54N2 (1999) 60-61
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 Paper: hep-th/9812222
From: Ademir eugenio de Santana < >santana(at)fis.ufba.br<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 13:14:22 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Spinorial density matrix equation and gauge covariance
Authors: F.C. Khanna, A.E. Santana, A. Matos Neto, J.D.M. Vianna and T. Kopf
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTex, 17 pages
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 Paper: hep-th/9812223
From: Ademir eugenio de Santana < >santana(at)fis.ufba.br<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:23:53 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Galilei covariance and (4,1) de Sitter space
Authors: A. E. Santana, F. C. Khanna and Y. Takahashi
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 99 (1998) 327-336
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 Paper: hep-th/9812224
From: Eduardo Eyras < >E.A.Eyras(at)phys.rug.nl<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:05:43 GMT   (51kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 17 Aug 1999 16:37:46 GMT   (53kb)

Title: Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges
Authors: E. Bergshoeff, E. Eyras, R. Halbersma, C.M. Hull, Y. Lozano, J.P. van
  der Schaar
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 43 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, uses html.sty, version to appear in Nucl.
  Phys. B
Report-no: UG-15/98, QMW-PH-98-39, SPIN-98/14
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B564 (2000) 29-59
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 Paper: hep-th/9812225
From: Eduardo Eyras < >E.A.Eyras(at)phys.rug.nl<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:41:52 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Brane Actions and String Dualities
Authors: Eduardo Eyras and Yolanda Lozano
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 11 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; To be published in the proceedings of the
  TMR-meeting "Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and
  Unification", Corfu, Greece, September 1998
Report-no: UG-24/98, SPIN-98/16
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 Paper: hep-th/9812226
From: Hugo Garcia Compean < >compean(at)ias.edu<
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:23:00 GMT   (27kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:08:33 GMT   (27kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 19 May 1999 18:07:14 GMT   (27kb)

Title: D-branes in Orbifold Singularities and Equivariant K-Theory
Authors: Hugo Garcia-Compean
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 32 pages, harvmac file, no figures, version to appear in Nucl.Phys.B
Report-no: IASSNS-HEP-98/106
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B557 (1999) 480-504
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 Paper: hep-th/9812227
From: Yukiko Ohtake < >ohtake(at)het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp<
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 05:34:27 GMT   (314kb)

Title: String Junctions and the BPS Spectrum of N=2 SU(2) Theory with Massive
Authors: Yukiko Ohtake
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, LaTex, 5 figures
Report-no: UTHEP-395
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 102 (1999) 671-684
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 Paper: hep-th/9812228
From: Zhukovsky Vladimir < >zhukovsk(at)th180.phys.msu.su<
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 13:21:43 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Radiative Effects in Gauge Models with Homogeneous Condensate and Curved
Authors: V.Ch.Zhukovsky, V.V.Khudyakov, I.V.Mamsurov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 6 pages, LATEX Talk presented at the Fourth International Workshop on
  Quantum Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig
  University, Leipzig, September 1998
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 Paper: hep-th/9812229
From: Harutada Sato < >H.Sato(at)thphys.uni-heidelberg.de<
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 19:20:39 GMT   (32kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:30:59 GMT   (35kb)

Title: World-line approach to the Bern-Kosower formalism in two-loop Yang-Mills
Authors: Haru-Tada Sato and Michael G. Schmidt (Heidelberg U.)
Categories: hep-th hep-ph
Comments: 37(+1) pages, details added for section 2
Report-no: HD-THEP-98-64
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B560 (1999) 551-586
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 Paper: hep-th/9812230
From: Supriya Kar < >supriya(at)fy.chalmers.se<
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 22:15:15 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 28 Dec 1998 14:22:54 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v3): Tue, 11 May 1999 13:42:46 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Path-Integral Formulation of Dirichlet String in General Backgrounds
Authors: Supriya Kar
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 23 pages, LaTex, corrected typos, added reference, version to appear
  in Nuclear Physics B
Report-no: Goteborg-ITP-98-20
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B554 (1999) 163-182
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 Paper: hep-th/9812231
From: Okumura Yoshitaka < >okum(at)isc.chubu.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 06:41:58 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Lagrangian Formulation of Connes' Gauge Theory
Authors: Hiromi Kase, Katsusada Morita and Yoshitaka Okumura
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 9 pages, PTPTEX.sty
Report-no: CHUBU-9603
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 1093-1103
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 Paper: hep-th/9812232
From: Ryu Sasaki < >ryu(at)yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp<
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 08:07:41 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Calogero-Moser Models III: Elliptic Potentials and Twisting
Authors: A.J. Bordner, R. Sasaki (YITP, Kyoto)
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI solv-int
Comments: LaTeX2e with amsfonts.sty, 36 pages, no figures
Report-no: YITP-98-76
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Exactly
  Solvable and Integrable Systems
Journal-ref: Prog.Theor.Phys. 101 (1999) 799-829
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 Paper: hep-th/9812233
From: Grigorii A. Vilkovisky < >vilkov(at)sci.lebedev.ru<
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 02:07:49 GMT   (43kb)

Title: Vacuum amplification of the high-frequency electromagnetic radiation
Authors: G. A. Vilkovisky (Lebedev Institute)
Categories: hep-th gr-qc
Comments: 64 pages including 2 figures. Latex 2.09. Figures by METAFONT, 300
  DPI. Execute the file "arttotal.tex"
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 065012
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812233 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812234
From: S. C. Woon < >scw21(at)cus.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 20:27:10 GMT   (72kb)

Title: Introduction to Pseudo-Group
Authors: S.C. Woon (U. of Cambridge)
Categories: hep-th gr-qc math-ph math.GR math.MP quant-ph
Comments: 15 pages, 10 figures (17 eps files), LaTeX, \usepackage[dvips]
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Group Theory
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 Paper: hep-th/9812235
From: Richard Szabo < >szabo(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 19:02:25 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Spectral Geometry of Heterotic Compactifications
Authors: David D. Song and Richard J. Szabo
Categories: hep-th gr-qc math-ph math.MP math.QA
Comments: 14 pages LaTeX
Report-no: NBI-HE-98-43
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 16 (1999) 3013-3024
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 Paper: hep-th/9812236
From: A. Yu. Babansky < >arxi(at)quantum.bitp.kiev.ua<
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 15:36:15 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Effects of Boson-Vacuum Polarization by a Singular Magnetic Vortex
Authors: Yu. A. Sitenko (BITP, Ukraine) and A. Yu. Babansky (BITP, Ukraine)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, LaTex
Journal-ref: Phys.Atom.Nucl. 61 (1998) 1594-1602; Yad.Fiz. 61N9 (1998) 1706-1714
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812236 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812237
From: Ofer Aharony < >oferah(at)physics.rutgers.edu<
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:08:45 GMT   (17kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 14:43:28 GMT   (31kb)

Title: Note on the Quantum Mechanics of M Theory
Authors: Ofer Aharony and Tom Banks
Categories: hep-th
Comments: JHEP latex, 16 pages; minor changes in the description of generic
  little string theory states
Report-no: RU-98-52
Journal-ref: JHEP 9903 (1999) 016
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Access the local version of hep-th/9812237.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812237 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812238
From: Kas < >kas(at)depni.npi.msu.su<
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:15:26 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence
Authors: A. S. Koshelev, O. A. Rytchkov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX, 10 pages
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B450 (1999) 368-376
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812238 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812239
From: Washington Taylor < >wati(at)mit.edu<
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:19:34 GMT   (62kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 9 Feb 1999 14:55:44 GMT   (62kb)
Date (revised v3): Wed, 14 Apr 1999 01:33:05 GMT   (63kb)

Title: Supergravity currents and linearized interactions for Matrix Theory
  configurations with fermionic backgrounds
Authors: Washington Taylor and Mark Van Raamsdonk
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 71 pages, LaTeX; v2: added references, fixed minor typos v3: minor
  errors fixed, comments added
Report-no: PUPT-1828, MIT-CTP-2810
Journal-ref: JHEP 9904 (1999) 013
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812239 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812240
From: Jan de Boer < >deboer(at)thsrv.lbl.gov<
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 19:09:48 GMT   (17kb)

Title: Large N Elliptic Genus and AdS/CFT Correspondence
Authors: Jan de Boer
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: LBNL-42655
Journal-ref: JHEP 9905 (1999) 017
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812240 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812241
From: Cihan Saclioglu < >sacliogl(at)boun.edu.tr<
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 12:55:30 GMT   (6kb)

Title: Monopole Condensates in Seiberg-Witten Theory
Authors: C. Saclioglu
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 10 pages
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B454 (1999) 315-318
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812241 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812242
From: Sergey Prokushkin < >prok(at)td.lpi.ac.ru<
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:02:04 GMT   (15kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 1 Feb 1999 14:24:02 GMT   (15kb)

Title: 3D Higher-Spin Gauge Theories with Matter
Authors: Sergey Prokushkin and Mikhail Vasiliev (Lebedev Physics Institute)
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LaTeX, 14 pages, no figures; minor corrections
Report-no: FIAN/TD/27-98
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812242 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812243
From: Benedetto Scoppola < >benedetto.scoppola(at)roma1.infn.it<
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:45:32 GMT   (39kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 2 Mar 1999 13:47:12 GMT   (40kb)

Title: Renormalization group approach to interacting polymerised manifolds
Authors: P.K. Mitter and B. Scoppola
Categories: hep-th cond-mat
Comments: 90 pages, Plain tex file. Updated version with more detailed
  introduction and added references
Journal-ref: Commun.Math.Phys. 209 (2000) 207-261
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812243 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812244
From: Olaf Lechtenfeld < >lechtenf(at)itp.uni-hannover.de<
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 17:41:25 GMT   (15kb)

Title: Manifestly invariant actions for harmonic self-dual gauge theory
Authors: Olaf Lechtenfeld and Boris Zupnik
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 16 pages, no figures
Report-no: ITP-UH-36/98, JINR E2-98-382
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812244 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812245
From: Jorge Gamboa < >jgamboa(at)lauca.usach.cl<
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 17:56:26 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Remarks on Gauge-Invariant Variables and Interaction Energy in QED
Authors: Patricio Gaete
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 13 pp., Revtex 3.0
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 127702
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812245 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812247
From: Lukyanov Sergei < >sergei(at)pion.rutgers.edu<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 03:13:14 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 20:19:33 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Spectral determinants for Schroedinger equation and Q-operators of
  Conformal Field Theory
Authors: V. Bazhanov, S. Lukyanov, A. Zamolodchikov
Categories: hep-th cond-mat math.QA
Comments: 9 pages, harvmac.tex, typos corrected
Report-no: RU-99-01
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Quantum Algebra
Journal-ref: J.Statist.Phys. 102 (2001) 567-576
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 Paper: hep-th/9812248
From: Soo-Young Lee < >sylee(at)genphys.kyungnam.ac.kr<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 06:11:19 GMT   (21kb)

Title: Effect of dissipation on the decay-rate phase transition
Authors: Soo-Young lee, Hungsoo Kim, D. K. Park, Chang Soo Park, Jae Kwan Kim
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 12 pages, 3figures
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812248 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812249
From: Zupnik B. M. < >zupnik(at)thsun1.jinr.ru<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 12:15:12 GMT   (8kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:27:16 GMT   (9kb)

Title: Constrained superpotentials in harmonic gauge theories with 8
Authors: B.M. Zupnik
Categories: hep-th
Comments: LATEX file, 9 pages, version published in Teor. Mat. Fiz
Journal-ref: Theor.Math.Phys. 120 (1999) 1087-1093; Teor.Mat.Fiz. 120 (1999)
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of hep-th/9812249.

N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812249 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812250
From: Alexander Gorsky < >gorsky(at)heron.itep.ru<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 13:56:14 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Integrability of the RG flows and the bulk/boundary correspondence
Authors: A.Gorsky
Categories: hep-th
Comments: Latex, 16 pages
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812250 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812251
From: Bert Schroer < >schroer(at)physik.fu-berlin.de<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 14:30:26 GMT   (23kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:21:36 GMT   (26kb)

Title: Modular Constructions of Quantum Field Theories with Interactions
Authors: B. Schroer and H.-W. Wiesbrock (FU-Berlin, Germany)
Categories: hep-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: 25 pages tcilatex, errors corrected and the relation of light ray
  reductions of factorizable models explained in more details
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics
Journal-ref: Rev.Math.Phys. 12 (2000) 301-326
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of hep-th/9812251 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: hep-th/9812252
From: Jonathan Mark Evans < >j.m.evans(at)damtp.cam.ac.uk<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 17:58:02 GMT   (11kb)

Title: The No-ghost Theorem and Strings on AdS_3
Authors: J. M. Evans, M. R. Gaberdiel, M. J. Perry
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX
Report-no: DAMTP-1998-172
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 Paper: hep-th/9812253
From: Eugene Perevalov < >pereval(at)abel.math.harvard.edu<
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 22:42:07 GMT   (19kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:10:06 GMT   (19kb)

Title: On the Hypermultiplet Moduli Space of Heterotic Compactifications with
  Small Instantons
Authors: Eugene Perevalov
Categories: hep-th
Comments: 17 pages, plain Tex; error corrected, references added
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 Paper: hep-th/9812254
From: Zahid Zakir < >zahid(at)in.edu.uz<
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 00:20:58 GMT   (6kb)
Date (revised v2): Fri, 17 Oct 2003 08:03:54 GMT   (5kb)

Title: The Theory of Stochastic Space-Time. 1. Gravitation as a Quantum
Authors: Zahid Zakir (CTPA)
Categories: hep-th gr-qc quant-ph
Comments: Published in: ''Z.Zakir (2003) Structure of Space-Time and Matter.
  CTPA, Tashkent.''
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Martin Köhler, 20. November 2006.