E-Preprints nucl-th/9607 at DESY

 Paper: nucl-th/9607001
From: kelly(at)beezel.UMD.EDU (Kelly)
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 96 11:41:31 -0400   (137kb)

Title: Nuclear Transparency to Intermediate-Energy Protons
Author: James J. Kelly (University of Maryland)
Comments: uuencoded gz-compressed tar file containing revtex and bbl files and
  5 postscript figures, totalling 31 pages. Uses psfig
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C54 (1996) 2547-2562
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607003
From: mattiell(at)bnlnth.phy.bnl.gov (Raffaele Mattiello)
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 16:27:53 -0400   (63kb)

Title: Nuclear Clusters as a Probe for Expansion Flow in Heavy Ion Reactions at
Authors: R. Mattiello (BNL,SUNY), H. Sorge (SUNY), H. St\"ocker and W. Greiner
  (J.W.G.-Univ. Frankfurt am Main)
Comments: 38 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX type, eps used, subm. to Phys. Rev. C
Report-no: BNL-63137
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C55 (1997) 1443-1454
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607003 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607004
From: Sergio Scopetta < >scopetta(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 12:17:50 +0200 (MET DST)   (30kb)

Title: Polarization Phenomena in Small-Angle Photoproduction of e+e- Pairs and
  the GDH Sum Rule
Authors: A.I. L'vov (Moscow), S. Scopetta (Perugia and Mainz), D. Drechsel, S.
  Scherer (Mainz)
Comments: 6 pages, Latex2e, style file sprocl.sty included in submission; 2
  figures generated by pstricks.sty included in submission; to appear in the
  Proceedings of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand,
  June 26-29 1996
Report-no: MKPH-T-96-15
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607005
From: effenbg(at)tp4.physik.uni-giessen.de
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 96 18:02:40 +0200   (100kb)

Title: Photoabsorption on nuclei
Authors: M. Effenberger, A. Hombach, S. Teis and U. Mosel
Comments: 26 pages Latex including 9 postscript figures
Report-no: UGI-96-13
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A613 (1997) 353-370
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607006
From: ramos(at)ecm.ub.es (Angels Ramos)
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 19:38:28 +0100   (76kb)

Title: Neutron and proton spectra from the decay of $\Lambda$ hypernuclei
Authors: A. Ramos (1), M.J. Vicente-Vacas (2) and E. Oset (2) ((1) University
  of Barcelona, (2) University of Valencia)
Comments: 30 pages, 12 Postscript figures, uuencoded file, ReVTeX, epsf.sty
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C55 (1997) 735-744
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607007
From: krmpotic(at)venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar (KRMPOTIC Francisco)
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 96 21:19:11 EST   (18kb)

Title: Non-collapsing quasiparticle random phase approximation for nuclear
  double-beta decay
Authors: F. Krmpotic, A. Mariano, T.T.S. Kuo, E.J.V. de Passos and A.F.R. de
  Toledo Piza
Comments: 8 pages, latex, 1 postscript figure; to appear in Fizika
Journal-ref: Fizika B5 (1996) 93
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607009
From: krmpotic(at)venus.fisica.unlp.edu.ar (KRMPOTIC Francisco)
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 96 12:39:11 EST   (93kb)

Title: Violation of the Ikeda sum rule and the self-consistency in the
  renormalized quasiparticle random phase approximation and the nuclear
  double-beta decay
Authors: F. Krmpotic, T.T.S. Kuo, A. Mariano, E.J.V. de Passos and A.F.R. de
  Toledo Piza
Comments: 16 pages, latex, 3 postscript figures
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A612 (1997) 223-238
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607013
From: BURGIO(at)vaxfct.ct.infn.it
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 12:01:32 +0200 (CET-DST)   (54kb)

Title: Microscopic Nuclear Equation of State with Three-Body Forces and Neutron
  Star Structure
Authors: M. Baldo, G.F. Burgio (University of Catania and INFN Sezione di
  Catania) and I. Bombaci (University of Pisa and INFN Sezione di Pisa)
Comments: LaTeX, 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures included
Report-no: INFN-CT-08/96
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607014
From: konopka(at)th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de (Jens Konopka)
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 10:43:20 +0200   (44kb)

Title: Microscopic calculation of expanding nuclear matter
Authors: Jens Konopka, Horst Stoecker, and Walter Greiner
Comments: LaTeX, 10 pages, 4 low-resolution eps-figures, a high resolution
  PostScript version of the paper is available at
  this url. To appear in the
  proceedings of the 1st Catania Relativistic Ion Studies (CRIS '96), Catania
  (Italy), May 27-31 1996
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607015
From: konopka(at)th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de (Jens Konopka)
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 11:00:52 +0200   (64kb)

Title: Collective flow in heavy ion reactions and the properties of excited
  nuclear matter
Authors: J. Konopka, S.A. Bass, M. Bleicher, M. Brandstetter C. Ernst, L.
  Gerland, W. Greiner, S. Soff, C. Spieles, H. Stoecker, H. Weber, L.A.
Comments: LaTeX, 12 pages, 8 low-resolution eps-figures, a high resolution
  PostScript version of the paper is available at
  this url. Invited talk given
  by H. Stoecker, to appear in the proceedings of the 1st Catania Relativistic
  Ion Studies (CRIS '96), Catania (Italy), May 27-31 1996
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607016
From: kph168(at)ikp187.ikp.kfa-juelich.de
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 17:38:21 +0200   (38kb)

Title: Threshold meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions
Authors: J. Haidenbauer, Ch. Hanhart and J. Speth
Comments: 15 pages, 10 figures, contribution to the workshop MESON96, Cracow,
  Poland, 10-14 May 1996
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B27 (1996) 2893-2910
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607017
From: Charles Gale < >gale(at)hep.physics.mcgill.ca<
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 14:49:24 -0400 (EDT)   (118kb)

Title: Links Between Different Models for Multifragmentation
Authors: S. Das Gupta, J. Pan, I. Kvasnikova, C. Gale
Comments: 11 pages, ReVTeX type. 10 Postscript figures (included)
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607018
From: Anette Loenarz < >loenarz(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 12:42:46 +0200 (MET DST)   (28kb)

Title: General introduction to Compton scattering
Authors: D. Drechsel (University of Mainz)
Comments: 13 pages, Latex, including 3 postscript figures; to appear in the
  proceedings of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand,
  June 26-29, 1996
Report-no: MKPH-T-96-16
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607019
From: Jurgen Schaffner < >schaffne(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 19:36:39 +0200 (MET DST)   (25kb)

Title: Hyperon-rich Matter and Kaons in Matter
Authors: J. Schaffner (1), J. Bondorf (1), I.N. Mishustin (1 and 2) ((1) Niels
  Bohr Institute, (2) Kurchatov Institute)
Comments: 9 pages, 3 Postsrcipt figures, uses epsf.sty, to be published in the
  Proceedings of the International Conference on Strangeness in Hadronic
  Matter, Budapest, Hungary, May 15-17, 1996
Report-no: NBI preprint Nr. 96-39
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607019 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607022
From: siwang(at)quark.UMD.EDU
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 96 23:23:00 -0400   (35kb)

Title: Meson-Baryon-Baryon Vertex Function and the Ward-Takahashi Identity
Authors: Siwen Wang and Manoj K. Banerjee (University of Maryland, College
  Park, MD USA)
Comments: A 20 pages Latex file and 16 Postscript figures in an uuencoded
  format. Use epsf.sty to include the figures into the Latex file
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C54 (1996) 2883-2893
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607025
From: Kevin L. Mitchell < >mitchell(at)alph02.triumf.ca<
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 15:53:55 MDT   (135kb)

Title: Pion Loop Contribution to Rho-Omega Mixing and Mass Splitting
Authors: K. L. Mitchell (TRIUMF) and P. C. Tandy (Kent State U.)
Comments: 30 pages, 10 figures, RevTeX document with PostScript figures,
Report-no: TRI-PP-96-25, KSUCNR-02-96
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C55 (1997) 1477-1491
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607026
From: VANKOLCK(at)alpher.npl.washington.edu
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 19:51:07 PDT   (38kb)

Title: Meson Exchange and Pion Rescattering Contributions to the Cross Section
  for $pp\to pp\pi^0$
Authors: U. van Kolck, G.A. Miller, and D.O. Riska
Comments: 18 pages, latex, 3 ps figures
Report-no: DOE/ER/40427-15-N96
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B388 (1996) 679-685
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607028
From: rakitsa(at)kiaat.unisa.ac.za (SA Rakityanski)
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 14:20:23 +0200   (17kb)

Title: Exact method for locating potential resonances and Regge trajectories
Authors: S. A. Sofianos and S. A. Rakityansky
Comments: RevTeX, 19 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J.Phys.A
Journal-ref: J.Phys. A30 (1997) 3725-3738
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607029
From: Josef Sollfrank < >sollfran(at)rock.helsinki.fi<
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 16:08:34 +0300 (EET DST)   (144kb)

Title: Hydrodynamical Description of 200 A GeV/c S+Au Collisions: Hadron and
  Electromagnetic Spectra
Authors: Josef Sollfrank (Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Helsinki,
  Finland), Pasi Huovinen, Markku Kataja, P.V. Ruuskanen (Department of
  Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland), Madappa Prakash (Physics
  Department, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA), Raju Venugopalan (National Institute
  for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, USA)
Comments: Uses REVTeX, 48 pages, 13 Postscript figures
Report-no: HU-TFT-96-08; JYFL 96-9; SUNY-NTG-96-25;
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C55 (1997) 392-410
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607033
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >bzk(at)dxnhd1.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:58:47 +0200 (MET DST)   (44kb)

Title: Inelastic $J/\Psi$ Photoproduction off Nuclei: Gluon Enhancement or
  Double Color Exchange?
Authors: J. Huefner (Un. Heidelberg), B.Z. Kopeliovich (MPI Heidelberg), Al.B.
  Zamolodchikov (Un. Montpellier)
Comments: Latex file, 23 pages including 5 Postscript figures
Report-no: MPI H-V26-1996
Journal-ref: Z.Phys. A357 (1997) 113-120
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607034
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >bzk(at)dxnhd1.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 17:47:00 +0200 (MET DST)   (37kb)

Title: Towards Study of Color Transparency with Medium Energy Electron Beams
Authors: J. Huefner (Un. Heidelberg), B.Z. Kopeliovich (MPI Heidelberg)
Comments: Latex file, 7 pages including 4 Postscript figures. To appear in the
  Proceedings of the Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, DESY, September 25,
  1995 -- May 31, 1996
Report-no: MPI H-V27-1996
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607035
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >bzk(at)dxnhd1.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:59:36 +0200 (MET DST)   (44kb)

Title: Interplay of Soft and Hard Interactions in Nuclear Shadowing at High
  $Q^2$ and Low x
Authors: B.Z. Kopeliovich and B. Povh (MPI Heidelberg)
Comments: Latex file, 8 pages including 4 Postscript figures. To appear in the
  Proceedings of the Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, DESY, September 25,
  1995 -- May 31, 1996
Report-no: MPI H-V28-1996
Journal-ref: Z.Phys. A356 (1997) 467-470
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607036
From: Boris Kopeliovich < >bzk(at)dxnhd1.mpi-hd.mpg.de<
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 12:10:42 +0200 (MET DST)   (88kb)

Title: Hadronization in Nuclear Environment
Authors: B.Z. Kopeliovich (MPI Heidelberg), J. Nemchik and E. Predazzi (INFN
Comments: Latex file, 7 pages including 6 Postscript figures. To appear in the
  Proceedings of the Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, DESY, September 25,
  1995 -- May 31, 1996
Report-no: MPI H-V29-1996
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607037
From: Wu Yuanfang < >wuhan(at)hef.kun.nl<
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 96 8:16:21 METDST   (10kb)

Title: Source Function Determined from HBT Correlations by the Maximum Entropy
Authors: Wu Yuanfang and Ulrich Heinz
Comments: 12 pages,  revtex
Report-no: TPR-96-13 [University of Regensburg Preprint] DUKE-TH-96-119 [Duke
  University Preprint] HZPP-96-6 [Huazhong Normal University Preprint]
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607040
From: Herbert Muether < >ptimu01(at)ptdec4.tphys.physik.uni-tuebingen.de<
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 19:09:15 +0200 (MET DST)   (182kb)

Title: A Microscopic Energy- and Density-Dependent Effective Interaction and
  its Test by Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering
Authors: G. Bartnitzky, H. Clement, P. Czerski, H. M\"uther, F. Nuoffer, J.
Comments: 8 pages 3 Figures included, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: Tugrad 96-0701
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B386 (1996) 7-11
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607041
From: J.A.Tjon(at)fys.ruu.nl (John Tjon)
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 1996 20:41:25 +0200 (MET DST)   (46kb)

Title: O(4) Expansion of the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation
Authors: Taco Nieuwenhuis and J.A. Tjon (Institute for Theoretical Physics,
  Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Comments: 21 pages, revtex
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607042
From: root < >root(at)qgp.phy.uct.ac.za<
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 14:16:06 +0000 ()   (48kb)

Title: Hadronic Ratios and the Number of Projectile Participants. Thermal
  hadron production in Si-Au collisions
Authors: Jean Cleymans and Azwinndini Muronga
Comments: 5 pages LaTeX2e, 4 figures in Postscript format
Report-no: UCT-TP 230/96
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B388 (1996) 5-9
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607043
From: ZPLI(at)carnot.phys.cmu.edu
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 9:58:10 -0400 (EDT)   (7kb)

Title: The $\eta^\prime$ Photoproduction off the Nucleon in the quark model
Author: Zhenping Li
Comments: 8 pages in latex form, plus 2 ps. figures can be obtained from the
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607044
From: Boris Tomasik t2044 < >boris.tomasik(at)rphs1.physik.uni-regensburg.de<
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 19:14:03 +0200   (125kb)
Date (revised): Wed, 11 Jun 1997 19:26:05 +0200

Title: Yano-Koonin-Podgoretskii Parametrisation of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss
Authors: Y.-F. Wu, U. Heinz, B. Tomasik, U.A. Wiedemann (Regensburg)
Comments: 38 pages, REVTeX, 11 PS-figures, to be published in Z.Phys.C
Report-no: TPR-96-12, HZPP-96-7
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607045
From: tomohiro MITSUMORI < >94td21(at)cc.saga-u.ac.jp<
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:53:46 +0900   (12kb)

Title: Quark condensate in nuclear matter based on Nuclear Schwinger-Dyson
Author: Tomohiro Mitsumori, Nobuo Noda, Hiroaki Kouno, Akira Hasegawa and
  Masahiro Nakano
Report-no: SAGA-HE-107-96
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C55 (1997) 1577-1579
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607046
From: "Prof. Jochen Wambach" < >wambach(at)crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de<
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 10:49:47 +0200   (11kb)

Title: The quark condensate at finite temperature
Authors: G. Chanfray, M. Ericson and J. Wambach
Comments: Latex 14 pages + 1 figure (postscript)
Report-no: IKDA 96/20
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B388 (1996) 673-678
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607047
From: sibirt(at)theorie.physik.uni-giessen.de
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 96 15:11:18 +0200   (176kb)

Title: Heavy Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus Reactions with Empirical
  Spectral Functions
Authors: A. Sibirtsev, W. Cassing and U. Mosel (Giessen Univ.)
Comments: 18 pages, LaTeX, plus 14 postscript figures, submitted to Z. Phys. A
Report-no: UGI-96-14
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 Paper: nucl-th/9607048
From: Daniel Phillips < >phillips(at)efr.UMD.EDU<
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:53:21 -0400 (EDT)   (9kb)
Date (revised): Fri, 1 Nov 1996 12:21:23 -0500 (EST)

Title: How short is too short? Constraining zero-range interactions in
  nucleon-nucleon scattering
Authors: Daniel R. Phillips and Thomas D. Cohen (University of Maryland)
Comments: 5 pages, RevTeX
Comments: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B. Minor changes to
  the text have been made in order to clarify the scope of the paper
Report-no: DOE/ER/40762-092, U.Md.PP#97-008
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B390 (1997) 7-12
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
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N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607048 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607050
From: Andreas Metz < >metz(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 15:02:43 +0200 (MET DST)   (18kb)

Title: Virtual Compton Scattering off the nucleon in the linear sigma model
Authors: A. Metz and D. Drechsel (University of Mainz, Germany)
Comments: 6 pages, Latex, 1 Postscript figure, uses sprocl.sty (included), talk
  given at the 'Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering' (Clermont-Ferrand, June
  1996), to appear in the conference proceedings
Report-no: MKPH-T-96-17
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of nucl-th/9607050.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607050 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607051
From: Guy Chanfray < >chanfray(at)ipnl.in2p3.fr<
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 96 10:21:46 METDST   (214kb)

Title: Pions in the nuclear medium
Authors: G. Chanfray
Comments: 13 pages, latex, 8 figures eps (talk given at the Workshop, MESON'96,
  Cracow, Poland, 14 May 96)
Report-no: LYCEN 9623
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Polon. B27 (1996) 3203-3220
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of nucl-th/9607051.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607051 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607055
From: david(at)darss.mpg.uni-rostock.de
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 96 17:44:11 +0200   (38kb)

Title: Dilepton Enhancement by Thermal Pion Annihilation in the CERES
Author: H.-J. Schulze, D. Blaschke
Comments: 9 pages, RevTex, 4 eps figures, To appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report-no: MPG-VT-UR 85/96
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B386 (1996) 429
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of nucl-th/9607055.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607055 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607056
From: Harold W. Fearing < >fearing(at)mimulus.triumf.ca<
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 14:40:27 -0700 (PDT)   (14kb)

Title: Virtual Compton scattering off spin-zero particles at low energies
Authors: H. W. Fearing and S. Scherer
Comments: 15 pages, LaTeX, using revtex
Report-no: TRI-PP-96-28, MKPH-T-96-18
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of nucl-th/9607056.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607056 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9607058
From: Jurgen Schaffner < >schaffne(at)alf.nbi.dk<
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 18:13:14 +0200 (MET DST)   (37kb)

Title: In-medium Production of Kaons at the Mean-Field Level
Authors: J. Schaffner, J. Bondorf (Niels Bohr Institute), I.N. Mishustin (Niels
  Bohr Insitute & Kurchatov Institute)
Comments: 32 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses Revtex and epsf.sty
Report-no: NBI 96-41
The complete Postscript Version of this paper is also available locally. However to conserve disk space this version might be "staged" to tape.
Access the local version of nucl-th/9607058.

N.B. You can find the full abstact of nucl-th/9607058 at the arXiv Preprint server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 04. August 1997.