E-Preprints nucl-th/9802 at DESY

 Paper: nucl-th/9802001
From: Ralf Rapp < >rapp(at)tonic.physics.sunysb.edu<
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 01:23:05 GMT   (145kb)

Title: Theoretical Interpretation of Low-Mass Dileptons
Authors: J. Wambach and R. Rapp
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 12 pages LaTeX, incl. 12 ps-/eps-figures and espcrc1.sty
Report-no: SUNY-NTG-98-03
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 171-182
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802001 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802002
From: Henning Heiselberg < >hh(at)nordita.dk<
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:30:00 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Freeze-out from HBT and Coulomb Effects
Authors: Henning Heiselberg (Nordita)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages, proc. of QM'97, Tsukuba, Japan
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 479c-482c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802006
From: Yuki Asakawa < >yuki(at)nuc-th.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp<
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 06:16:54 GMT   (147kb)

Title: Non-Central Heavy-Ion Collisions are the Place to Look for DCC
Authors: M. Asakawa (Nagoya University), H. Minakata (Tokyo Metropolitan
   University), B. Muller (Duke University)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages (Latex), 3 embedded ps figures, espcrc1 style, talk given at
   Quark Matter 97, December 97, Tsukuba, Japan
Report-no: DPNU-98-04, TMUP-HEL-9802, DUKE-TH-98-158
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 443c-446c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802009
From: Papp Zoltan < >pz(at)indigo.atomki.hu<
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 15:06:07 GMT   (12kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 20 Apr 1998 12:02:07 GMT   (12kb)

Title: Compactness of the set of Faddeev and Lippmann--Schwinger equations for
   the three-body Coulomb problem
Authors: Z. Papp
Categories: nucl-th math-ph math.MP
Comments: 4 pages, 1 ps figure, considerably rewritten
Subj-class: Nuclear Theory; Mathematical Physics
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802010
From: Gregor Penner < >gregor.penner(at)physik.uni-giessen.de<
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 13:31:40 GMT   (84kb)

Title: Pion Electroproduction and Pion-induced Dileptonproduction on the Nucleon
Authors: Gregor Penner, Thomas Feuster and Ulrich Mosel
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, talk given at the XXXVI International Winter
   Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Report-no: UGI-98-5
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802013
From: < >kph168(at)ikp338.ikp.kfa-juelich.de<
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 17:23:56 GMT   (41kb)

Title: Production of $\omega$-mesons in proton-proton collisions
Authors: K. Nakayama, A. Szczurek, C. Hanhart, J. Haidenbauer, and J. Speth
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 17 pages, 7 figures
Report-no: FZJ-IKP(TH)-1998-02
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 1580-1587
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802015
From: David A. Brown < >dbrown(at)nscl.msu.edu<
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 23:27:34 GMT   (471kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 5 Feb 1998 14:36:25 GMT   (471kb)

Title: Partons in Phase Space
Authors: David A. Brown and Pawel Danielewicz
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 65 pages, including 19 figures and 2 tables. Uses aps.sty,
   eqsecnum.sty, amssymb.sty, revtex.sty and graphicx.sty. Submitted to Phys.
   Rev. D. Added report no. and corrected typo on p. 9
Report-no: MSUCL-1090
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 094003
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802016
From: Yasushi Nara < >ynara(at)hadron16.tokai.jaeri.go.jp<
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 06:59:26 GMT   (38kb)

Title: A Parton-Hadron Cascade Approach in High-energy Nuclear Collisions
Authors: Yasushi Nara (JAERI)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 4 pages (Latex), 3 embedded ps figures, espcrc1 style, talk given at
   Quark Matter 97, December 97, Tsukuba, Japan
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 555c-558c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802017
From: Boris Blankleider < >phbb(at)daria.ph.flinders.edu.au<
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 16:17:35 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Unified model of the relativistic piNN and gamma-piNN systems
Authors: B. Blankleider, A. N. Kvinikhidze (Flinders University)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: Contribution to Proceedings, APCTP Workshop on Astro-Hadron Physics
   "Properties of Hadrons in Matter", Seoul, Korea, 25-31 October 1997, to be
   published by World Scientific. 7 pages, revtex, epsf, 3 Postscript figures
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802018
From: Edward G. Nikonov < >nikonov(at)cv.jinr.ru<
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 12:30:20 GMT   (198kb)

Title: A Mixed Phase Model and the 'Softest Point' Effect
Authors: E.G.Nikonov, A.A.Shanenko and V.D.Toneev
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 32 pages, 10 figures
Journal-ref: Acta Phys.Hung.New Ser.Heavy Ion Phys. 8 (1998) 89-122
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802019
From: Alexander Sibirtsev < >Alexandre.Sibirtsev(at)theo.physik.uni-giessen.de<
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 13:04:27 GMT   (60kb)
Date (revised v2): Mon, 9 Feb 1998 10:53:55 GMT   (60kb)

Title: Strangeness production in proton-proton collisions
Authors: A. Sibirtsev and W. Cassing (Giessen Uni.)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 33 pages, LaTeX, including 14 ps-figures
Report-no: IFUJ, IFJ-1787/PH and UGI-98-6
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802020
From: Gianni Salme' -Sanita' < >gslm(at)iss.infn.it<
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 15:55:20 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Deep inelastic scattering and final state interaction in an exactly
   solvable relativistic model
Authors: E. Pace (Rome University), G. Salme` (INFN-Rome), F.M. Lev (JINR-Dubna)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 26 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. C (May 1998)
Report-no: INFN-ISS 97/11
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 2655-2668
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802021
From: Piotr Bozek < >bozek(at)frodo.tphys.uni-heidelberg.de<
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 16:29:20 GMT   (37kb)

Title: Transport theory with self-consistent confinement related to the
   lattice data
Authors: P. Bozek, Y.B. He, J. Hufner
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, 12 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 3263-3270
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802025
From: Alexander Sibirtsev < >Alexandre.Sibirtsev(at)theo.physik.uni-giessen.de<
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 12:44:28 GMT   (24kb)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:50:21 GMT   (25kb)

Title: Final State Interactions in the Near-Threshold Production of Kaons from
   Proton-Proton Collisions
Authors: A. Sibirtsev and W. Cassing (Giessen Uni.)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX, including 5 ps-figures, UGI-98-7
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802028
From: Timothy D. Shoppa < >shoppa(at)alph02.triumf.ca<
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 21:08:46 GMT   (213kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 17 Mar 1998 00:39:41 GMT   (212kb)
Date (revised v3): Thu, 19 Mar 1998 19:28:10 GMT   (46kb)
Date (revised v4): Tue, 14 Apr 1998 17:57:51 GMT   (212kb)

Title: Direct capture astrophysical S factors at low energy
Authors: B. K. Jennings, S. Karataglidis, and T. D. Shoppa
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 8 pages including 2 figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 579-581
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802030
From: Jurgen Schaffner < >schaffne(at)nta2.lbl.gov<
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:58:57 GMT   (45kb)

Title: Strange Phases in Neutron Stars
Authors: Juergen Schaffner-Bielich and Norman K. Glendenning
Categories: nucl-th astro-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the International Workshop XXVI
   on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Nuclear Astrophysics,
   Hirschegg, Austria, January 11-17, 1998
Report-no: LBNL-41322
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802033
From: Matthias Lutz < >mlutz(at)clri6a.gsi.de<
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:25:52 GMT   (235kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 27 May 1998 14:25:11 GMT   (226kb)

Title: Dynamics of kaons in nuclear matter
Authors: M.F.M. Lutz (GSI, Darmstadt)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 15 pages, 8 figures, Talk dedicated to Mannque Rho on the occasion
   of his 60th birthday
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802034
From: Klaus Kinder-Geiger < >klaus(at)qcd.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:52:35 GMT   (50kb)

Title: Flash of photons from the early stage of heavy-ion collisions
Authors: Dinesh K. Srivastava and Klaus Geiger
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 4 pages including 3 postscript figures
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 1734-1737
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802035
From: Roelof Bijker < >bijker(at)nuclecu.unam.mx<
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 20:43:51 GMT   (20kb)

Title: Exactly solvable models of baryon structure
Authors: R. Bijker (ICN-UNAM, Mexico) and A. Leviatan (Hebrew U., Israel)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 22 pages, 3 tables and 9 figures, invited talk at `XXI Symposium on
   Nuclear Physics', Oaxtepec, Mexico, January 5-8, 1998
Journal-ref: Rev. Mex. Fis. 44 S2 (1998) 15-22
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802036
From: Stephen E. Vance < >svance(at)nt1.phys.columbia.edu<
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 23:23:13 GMT   (19kb)

Title: Baryon Junction Stopping at the SPS and RHIC via HIJING/B
Authors: Stephen E. Vance (1), Miklos Gyulassy (1) and Xin-Nian Wang (2) ((1)
   Columbia University, (2) LBNL)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: Proceedings for Quark Matter 97; 4 pages, 1 eps-figure
Report-no: CU-TP-878
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 395c-398c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802037
From: Dmitri Kharzeev < >kharzeev(at)phyppro1.phy.bnl.gov<
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 23:35:31 GMT   (22kb)

Title: Theoretical Interpretations of J/Psi Suppression: A Summary
Authors: D. Kharzeev
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 13 pages, 1 figure, invited plenary talk at Quark Matter'97
   Conference, Tsukuba, Japan
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 279c-290c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802038
From: < >gegelia(at)daria.ph.flinders.edu.au<
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 07:54:04 GMT   (7kb)

Title: Chiral Perturbation Theory Approach to NN Scattering Problem
Authors: J. Gegelia
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 8 pages(LaTeX), no figures. Contribution to Workshop on Perturbative
   Methods in Quantum Field Theory, Adelaide, Australia, 2-13 February 1998
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802039
From: L. Jaede < >jae(at)i04kths.desy.de<
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 11:31:06 GMT   (123kb)

Title: Consistent description of NN and pi-N interactions using the solitary
   boson exchange potential
Authors: L. Jaede (University of Hamburg)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 29 pages RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, further information at
   this url 
Report-no: KTH 9801
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 96-107
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802043
From: Shi-Lin Zhu < >zhusl(at)itp.ac.cn<
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 02:19:20 GMT   (8kb)

Title: Electromagnetic decays of vector mesons as derived from QCD sum rules
Authors: Shi-lin Zhu(1,2), W.-Y.P. Hwang (3) and Ze-sen Yang(1) ((1) Physics
   Department, Peking University, (2) Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia
   Sinica, (3) Physics Department, National Taiwan University)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: To appear in Phys. Lett. B
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B420 (1998) 8-12
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802044
From: James J. Griffin < >griffin(at)kaon.umd.edu<
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 23:57:57 GMT   (89kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 17 Feb 1998 01:02:51 GMT   (89kb)

Title: The APEX/EPOS Quandary: the Way Out via Low Energy Studies
Authors: James J. Griffin (Physics, University of Maryland,College Park)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, LaTex2E, 4 (epsfig) postscript figures in text
Report-no: U. MD PP 98-045
Journal-ref: Proc. 8th Int'l Conf. on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna,
   Italy, June 9-14, 1997, pp. 493-502; ed. E. Gadioli
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802046
From: Josef Sollfrank < >josef.sollfrank(at)rphs1.physik.uni-regensburg.de<
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 10:30:05 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Canonical Strangeness Enhancement
Authors: J. Sollfrank, F. Becattini, K. Redlich, H. Satz
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 4 pages, Proceedings of Quark Matter 97, to be published in NPA
Report-no: BI-TP 98/03, TPR-98-07
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 399c-402c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802049
From: Matthias Burkardt < >burkardt(at)weizen.nmsu.edu<
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 21:08:36 GMT   (39kb)

Title: Mesons in Nuclei in the Light-Front Mean Field Approximation and
   Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Authors: M. Burkardt (New Mexico State University) and G.A. Miller (University
   of Washington)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 9 pages, REVTEX
Report-no: NT@UW-98-7
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802050
From: John N. Bahcall < >jnb(at)ias.edu<
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 13:49:23 GMT   (48kb)

Title: Solar Neutrinos: Where We Are, What We Need
Authors: John N. Bahcall
Categories: nucl-th nucl-ex
Comments: 20 pages, RevTeX file. To appear in the Proceedings of the 15th
   International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The
   Netherlands, 22--26 July 1997, ed. J. C. S. Bacelar, A. E. L. Dieperink, and
   R. A. Malfliet (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers). Related material at
   this url 
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A631 (1998) 29c-41c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802053
From: Karmanov Vladimir A. < >karmanov(at)sci.lebedev.ru<
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 13:26:10 GMT   (26kb)

Title: The nucleon wave function in light-front dynamics
Authors: V.A. Karmanov
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 35 pages, Latex, Submitted to Nucl. Phys. A
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A644 (1998) 165-200
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802056
From: Ina Sarcevic < >ina(at)physics.arizona.edu<
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 18:32:28 GMT   (18kb)

Title: Partonic Picture of Nuclear Shadowing at Small x
Authors: Ina Sarcevic
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: Latex plus 3 PostScript figures, 4 pages, Talk presented at Quark
   Matter '97, Tsukuba, Japan, Dec 1-6, 1997 (to appear in Nucl. Phys. A (Proc.
Report-no: AZPH-TH-98-10
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A638 (1998) 531c-534c
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802058
From: Pedro Bicudo < >bicudo(at)herakles.ist.utl.pt<
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 11:45:02 GMT   (113kb)
Date (revised v2): Wed, 20 Jan 1999 13:47:58 GMT   (108kb)

Title: A new Perspective on the Scalar meson Puzzle, from Spontaneous Chiral
   Symmetry Breaking Beyond BCS
Authors: Pedro Bicudo (CFIF and Dep. Fis., Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, Portugal)
Categories: nucl-th cond-mat hep-ph
Comments: 17 pages, Revtex, 8 eps figures, and several eps diagrams in equations
Report-no: FISIST/3-98/CFIF
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C60 (1999) 035209
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802059
From: Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay < >mukhon(at)rpi.edu<
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 22:10:49 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Inclusive Neutrino Scattering in C-12: Implications for nu_mu to nu_e
Authors: S. K. Singh (U. Valencia), Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay (RPI) and E. Oset
   (U. Valencia)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, Latex. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Report-no: RPI-98-N115, FTUV/98/19, IFIC/98/19
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 2687-2692
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 Paper: nucl-th/9802060
From: Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay < >mukhon(at)rpi.edu<
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 22:34:55 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Inclusive Muon Capture in Light Nuclei
Authors: Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay (RPI), H. C. Chiang (U. Valencia), S. K. Singh
   (U. Valencia) and E. Oset (U. Valencia)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 11 pages, Latex, no figures. Submitted to Phys.Lett.B
Report-no: RPI-98-N116, FTUV/98/20, IFIC/98/20
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B434 (1998) 7-13
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802060 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802061
From: Lisa Kurth Kerr < >kurth(at)mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 02:26:19 GMT   (38kb)

Title: Pion-Nucleus Scattering at Medium Energies with Densities from Chiral
   Effective Field Theories
Authors: B. C. Clark, R. J. Furnstahl, L. Kurth Kerr, John Rusnak, S. Hama
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 9 pages
Journal-ref: Phys.Lett. B427 (1998) 231-234; Erratum-ibid. B486 (2000) 272
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802061 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802062
From: Hartmuth Arenhoevel < >arenhoev(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:35:58 GMT   (246kb)

Title: Electroweak Processes in Few-Nucleon Systems
Authors: H. Arenhoevel (Mainz, Germany)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 56 pages latex including 42 postscript figures, Lectures held at the
   Int. Workshop on Few-Body Problems in Nuclear Physics and Related Fields,
   ECT$^\ast$, Trento, Italy, September 8-27, 1997
Report-no: MKPH-T-98-3
Journal-ref: Few Body Syst. 26 (1999) 43-98
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802062 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802063
From: Lothar Tiator < >tiator(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:57:09 GMT   (63kb)

Title: Analysis of eta production using a generalized Lee model
Authors: J. Denschlag (Universitaet Innsbruck), L. Tiator and D. Drechsel
   (Universitaet Mainz)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 17 pages LATEX including 13 Figurs, submitted to Z. Phys. A
Report-no: MKPH-T-98-2
Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. A3 (1998) 171-181
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802063 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802064
From: Lothar Tiator < >tiator(at)kph.uni-mainz.de<
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:48:56 GMT   (45kb)

Title: Eta photoproduction
Authors: L. Tiator, G. Knoechlein (Universitaet Mainz) and C. Bennhold (The
   George Washington University)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 9 pages LATEX including 5 Figurs, Proc. of the GW/TJNAF Workshop on
   N* Physics, 1997, to be published in pi-N Newsletters
Report-no: MKPH-T-98-4
Journal-ref: PiN Newslett. 14 (1998) 70-78
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802064 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802067
From: Daniel Phillips < >phillips(at)fermi.umd.edu<
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 17:42:52 GMT   (52kb)

Title: Electron-deuteron scattering in a current-conserving description of
   relativistic bound states: formalism and impulse approximation calculations
Authors: D.R. Phillips, S.J. Wallace (University of Maryland), N.K.Devine
   (General Sciences Corporation)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 42 pages, RevTeX
Report-no: DOE/ER/40762-146, U. of Md PP# 98-095
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 2261-2282
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802067 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802068
From: < >csong(at)faisun.kent.edu<
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 19:30:45 GMT   (13kb)

Title: Medium effect on photon production in ultrarelativistic nuclear
Authors: Chung-sik Song and George Fai
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 21 pages, REVTEX + 9 figures (ps file)
Report-no: KSUCNR-101-98
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 1689-1697
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802068 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802069
From: James V. Steele < >jsteele(at)pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu<
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 00:11:32 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 24 Feb 1998 02:17:20 GMT   (26kb)
Date (revised v3): Fri, 20 Mar 1998 17:09:39 GMT   (27kb)
Date (revised v4): Wed, 29 Apr 1998 17:37:13 GMT   (27kb)

Title: Regularization Methods for Nucleon-Nucleon Effective Field Theory
Authors: James V. Steele and R. J. Furnstahl
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 16 pages, 8 figures included in paper, REVTeX, minor changes
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A637 (1998) 46-62
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802069 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802071
From: Norbert Kaiser < >Norbert_Kaiser(at)physik.tu-muenchen.de<
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 13:11:12 GMT   (134kb)

Title: Peripheral NN-Scattering: Role of Delta-Excitation, Correlated Two-Pion
   and Vector Meson Exchange
Authors: N. Kaiser, S. Gerstendoerfer and W. Weise
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 25 pages, 9 figures in ps, submitted to Nuclear Physics A
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. A637 (1998) 395-420
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802071 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802074
From: Stephen Vance < >svance(at)nt1.phys.columbia.edu<
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:03:40 GMT   (16kb)
Date (revised v2): Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:36:45 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Observation of Partial U_A(1) Restoration from Two-Pion Bose-Einstein
Authors: Stephen E. Vance (1), Tamas Csorgo (1 and 2) and Dmitri Kharzeev (3)
   ((1) Columbia Univ., (2) MTA KFKI RMKI, (3) RIKEN-BNL)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected and content revised
Report-no: CU-TP-880
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 2205-2208
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802074 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802075
From: Martin Savage < >savage(at)phys.washington.edu<
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:55:55 GMT   (81kb)
Date (revised v2): Sun, 5 Apr 1998 22:08:32 GMT   (81kb)

Title: Two-Nucleon Systems from Effective Field Theory
Authors: David B. Kaplan, Martin J. Savage and Mark B. Wise
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 28 pages, 10 figures, latex. Corrected some typos
Report-no: DOE/ER/40561-352-INT98-00-5, NT@UW-98-08, CALT-68-2161
Journal-ref: Nucl.Phys. B534 (1998) 329-355
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802075 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802078
From: Ian Towner < >towner(at)mips2.phy.queensu.ca<
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 15:33:12 GMT   (38kb)

Title: 8Li electron spectrum versus 8B neutrino spectrum: implications for the
   Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Authors: G. Jonkmans, I.S. Towner and B. Sur (Queen's University, and AECL,
   Chalk River)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: revtex
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 1278-1287
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802078 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802079
From: Gianni Salme' -Sanita' < >gslm(at)iss.infn.it<
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 13:59:23 GMT   (38kb)

Title: Nucleon generalized polarizabilities within a relativistic Constituent
   Quark Model
Authors: B. Pasquini (University of Pavia) and G. Salme` (INFN-Rome)
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 14 pages and three figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev. C
   (May 1998)
Report-no: INFN-ISS 97/17
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 2589-2596
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802079 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802084
From: Johan J. de Swart < >swart(at)sci.kun.nl<
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 15:51:29 GMT   (18kb)

Title: The Status of the Pion-Nucleon Coupling Constant
Authors: J. J. de Swart, M. C. M. Rentmeester, R. G. E. Timmermans
Categories: nucl-th hep-ph
Comments: 19 pages, latex2e with a4wide.sty, more information is available at
   this url . Invited talk at FBXV, Groningen, The
   Netherlands, July 22-26, 1997. Invited talk at MENU97, Vancouver, B.C.,
   Canada, July 28 - August 1, 1997
Report-no: THEF-NYM-97.1, KVI 1318
Journal-ref: PiN Newslett. 13 (1997) 96-107
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802084 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

 Paper: nucl-th/9802085
From: Gammal < >gammal(at)if.usp.br<
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:35:23 GMT   (18kb)

Title: The Nuclear Sigma Term in the Skyrme Model: Pion-Nucleus Interaction
Authors: A.Gammal (Instituto de Fisica da Universidade de Sao Paulo) and T.
   Frederico (Departamento de Fisica,ITA, Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial)
Categories: nucl-th
Comments: 16 pages (latex), 3 figures (eps),  e-mail: gammal@if.usp.br and
Journal-ref: Phys.Rev. C57 (1998) 2830-2838
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N.B. You can find the full abstract of nucl-th/9802085 at the arXiv Preprint Server. - (German mirror).

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Martin Köhler, 21. November 2006.