DESY 74-001 New Form of Vector Meson Dominance and the Dependence on the Vector Meson Mass Squared C. Iso DESY Tokyo Inst. Tech. S. Iwai, H. Kanasugi Tokyo Inst. Tech. Y. Miyata Tokyo U. of Education DESY 74-002 Covariant Perturbation Expansion in Chiral Theories with Pions and Nucleons M. Daniel Hamburg U. R.R. Horgan DESY DESY 74-003 Alternatives to the Veneziano Amplitude E. Weimar Freie U., Berlin DESY 74-004 Asymptotic Behavior at Exceptional Momenta Hans-Jurgen Thun Hamburg U. DESY 74-005 Electroproduction in a Streamer Chamber: Multiplicities, Inclusive Cross-Sections and Production of rho0 and omega Mesons V. Eckardt, H.J. Gebauer, P. Joos, A. Ladage, H. Meyer, B. Naroska, D. Notz, W.J. Podolsky, P. Stein, G. Wolf, S. Yellin DESY G. Drews, J. Knobloch, H. Nagel, E. Rabe, C. Sander, H. Spitzer, K. Wacker Hamburg U. DESY 74-006 Absorption Corrections in a Mueller-Regge Analysis of Inclusive Photoproduction and Electroproduction N.S. Craigie, G. Kramer Hamburg U. DESY 74-007 Electromagnetic Properties of Hadrons in a Relativistic Quark Model M. Bohm CERN H. Joos, M. Krammer DESY DESY 74-008 The Significance of Conformal Inversion in Quantum Field Theory K. Koller DESY DESY 74-009 Eikonal Expansion of the Scattering Amplitude in Impact Parameter Representation U. Weiss DESY DESY 74-010 Quark Fragmentation Functions in Hadronic and Deep Inelastic Single Particle Inclusive Processes B. Flume-Gorczyca DESY DESY 74-011 Photoproduction of rho0, omega and pi- Mesons on Deuterons at Energies Between 1-GeV and 5-GeV Aachen-Bonn-Hamburg-Heidelberg-Munich Collaboration DESY 74-012 A New Approach to Evaluate Sputter - Ion Pump Characteristics H. Hartwig, J. Kouptsidis DESY DESY 74-013 Charged Particle Fluctuations in e+ e- Collisions T.F. Walsh DESY DESY 74-014 Pi0-Electroproduction on Hydrogen Near Threshold at Four Momentum Transfers of 0.2-GeV**2, 0.4-GeV**2 and 0.6-GeV**2 P. Brauel, F.W. Busser, Th. Canzler, D. Cords, W.R. Dix, R. Felst, Guenter Grindhammer, W.-D. Kollmann, H. Krehbiel, J. Meyer, G. Weber DESY Hamburg U. DESY 74-015 The Invariance of the s Matrix Under Point Transformations in Renormalized Perturbation Theory R. Flume DESY DESY 74-016 Time-Reversal-Invariance-Like Relations for Spin Effects in Compton Scattering from Nucleons G.V. Dass DESY Rutherford H. Fraas Wurzburg U. DESY 74-017 A Coupled Channel Analysis of the Reactions gamma + gamma --> pi + pi and gamma + gamma --> K + anti-K K. Sundermeyer DESY DESY 74-018 Quasielastic electron Scattering (e, e' p) and (e, e' D) from Li-6 in a Coincidence Experiment F.H. Heimlich, E. Rossle Freiburg U. M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U. Karlsruhe U., EKP J.K. Bienlein, J. Bleckwenn, H. Dinter DESY DESY 74-019 Analysis of pi + n --> K + Lambda and anti-K + n --> pi + Lambda Using Fixed t Dispersion Relations, Fesr and Duality R.C.E. Devenish DESY C.D. Froggatt Nordita B.R. Martin University Coll. London DESY 74-020 High-Energy electron Scattering from Li-6 and C-12 F.H. Heimlich Freiburg U. M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U. Karlsruhe U., EKP J.K. Bienlein, J. Bleckwenn, H. Dinter DESY DESY 74-021 Definitions and Selected Applications of Feynman-Type Integrals Jan Tarski Hamburg U. DESY 74-022 Momentum Distribution of Bound State Protons Derived from Quasifree electron Scattering on C-12 M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U. Karlsruhe U., EKP J.K. Bienlein, J. Bleckwenn, H. Dinter DESY F.H. Heimlich Freiburg U. DESY 74-023 Off Diagonal Generalized Vector Dominance and Inelastic e p Scattering H. Fraas, B.J. Read, D. Schildknecht Wurzburg U. Daresbury DESY DESY 74-024 Dual Quarks and Parton Quarks S. Kitakado DESY DESY 74-025 Stichel Relations in the Mueller-Regge Theory of Inclusive Photoproduction and Electroproduction N.S. Craigie, G. Kramer Hamburg U. DESY 74-026 Isospin Bounds and Bose Condensation in e+ e- Annihilation R.C.E. Devenish, K. Koller, T.F. Walsh DESY D.H. Schiller Hamburg U. DESY 74-027 Field Theoretic Model for the Pion Form-Factor. 1. Formalism F. Gutbrod, U. Weiss DESY DESY 74-028 Possible Nucleon Resonance Admixture in the Deuteron P. Benz, P. Soding DESY Hamburg U. DESY 74-029 Feynman Type Integrals for Spin and the Functional Approach to Quantum Field Theory Jan Tarski Hamburg U. DESY 74-030 Dual Light-Cone Model Predictions for Total and Inclusive e+ e- Annihilation G. Schierholz Hamburg U. M.G. Schmidt Heidelberg U. DESY 74-031 Representation Theory of the Universal Covering of the Euclidean Conformal Group and Conformal Invariant Green's Functions G. Grensing DESY DESY 74-032 Electroexcitation of Nucleon Resonances on Protons and Neutrons M. Kobberling, J. Mortiz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U. Karlsruhe U., EKP J. Bleckwenn DESY F.H. Heimlich Freiburg U. DESY 74-033 Nucleon Resonance Production in e+ e- Annihilation into anti-n n pi A.C. Hirshfeld Dortmund U. G. Kramer Hamburg U. D.H. Schiller DESY Hamburg U. DESY 74-034 Equilibrium States of Infinite Quantum Systems Ewa B. Trych-Pohlmeyer Hamburg U. DESY 74-035 Integrable Cylinder Functionals for an Integral of Feynman Type Detlev Buchholz, Jan Tarski Hamburg U. DESY 74-036 Large Momentum Behavior of the Feynman Amplitudes in the phi**4 in Four-Dimensions Theory K. Pohlmeyer Hamburg U. DESY 74-037 Abelian Gauge Invariance of Nonabelian Gauge Theories Richard A. Brandt New York U. Wing-Chiu Ng DESY SUNY, Stony Brook DESY 74-038 Infrared Behavior in Nonabelian Gauge Theories Richard A. Brandt New York U. Wing-Chiu Ng DESY SUNY, Stony Brook DESY 74-039 Comments on Generalized Vector Dominance D. Schildknecht DESY DESY 74-040 Delta++ pi- - Electroproduction Near Threshold and the Q**2 Dependence of the Contact Interaction P. Joos, A. Ladage, H. Meyer, D. Notz, P. Stein, G. Wolf, S. Yellin DESY C. Benz, G. Drews, D. Hoffmann, J. Knobloch, W. Kraus, H. Nagel, E. Rabe, C. Sander, W.-D. Schlatter, H. Spitzer, K. Wacker, P. Winkler Hamburg U. I.J. Bloodworth, C.K. Chen, J. Knowles, D. Martin, J.M. Scarr, I.O. Skillicorn, K. Smith Glasgow U. DESY 74-041 Characterization of Particles by Means of Local Observables in the Relativistic Quantum Theory Volker Enss Hamburg U. DESY 74-042 Do Recent e+ e- Annihilation Data Imply Violations of Scaling in Deep Inelastic electron Scattering? S. Iwai, D. Schildknecht DESY DESY 74-043 Do We See Anomalous Dimensions in e+ e- Inclusive Annihilation at Q=4-GeV? V. Rittenberg DESY Rockefeller U. D.H. Schiller Hamburg U. DESY 74-044 Graphical Rules for the Diagonalization of the Feynman Denominator H. Trute Hamburg U. DESY 74-045 Production of Hyperons by Virtual Photons T. Azemoon, I. Dammann, C. Driver, D. Luke, G. Specht DESY K. Heinloth Bonn U. H. Ackermann, E. Ganssauge Philipps U. Marburg F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 74-046 Backward Production of pi0 by Virtual Photons T. Azemoon, D. Luke, G. Specht DESY H. Ackermann, E. Ganssauge Philipps U. Marburg F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 74-047 Relations Between the Electroexcitation of Nucleon Resonances and the Deep Inelastic Continuum for Proton and Deuteron Targets M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U. Karlsruhe U., EKP J. Bleckwenn DESY F.H. Heimlich Freiburg U. DESY 74-048 The Components of nu W-2 and SU(6)-w Breaking in Deep Inelastic Scattering B. Flume-Gorczyca, S. Kitakado DESY DESY 74-049 Renormalization of Gauge Field Theories with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Unitary Gauge R. Flume Hamburg U. DESY 74-050 Is Vector Dominance Still Alive? D. Schildknecht DESY DESY 74-051 Predictions of the Relativistic Quark Model for e+ e- Annihilation Into omega pi0 M. Bohm CERN M. Krammer DESY DESY 74-052 On the Masses and Leptonic Decay Widths of New Vector Mesons M. Bohm CERN M. Krammer DESY DESY 74-053 Synthesis of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction at Low-Energies and High-Energies G. Schierholz Hamburg U. DESY 74-054 Remarks on New Meson States S. Kitakado, S. Orito, T.F. Walsh DESY DESY 74-055 New Hadronic Degree of Freedom, e+ e- Annihilation and Deep Inelastic Scattering D. Schildknecht, F. Steiner DESY Hamburg U. DESY 74-056 Lessons on e+ e- Annihilation from Simple Chain Emission Models N.S. Craigie Hamburg U. T.F. Walsh DESY DESY 74-057 Photoproduction and the Nonrelativistic Quark Model I.M. Barbour, R.G. Moorhouse Glasgow U. W.A. Malone DESY DESY 74-058 Pomeron Factorization and the Reaction gamma + n ---> phi + n G.V. Dass DESY Rutherford H. Fraas Wurzburg U. DESY 74-059 A Measurement of Large Angle e+ e- Scattering at the 3100-MeV Resonance DASP Collaboration DESY 74-060 Confirmation of the New 3700-MeV Narrow Resonance in e+ e- - Collisions L. Criegee, H.C. Dehne, G. Franke, G. Horlitz, W. Krechlok, G. Knies, E. Lohrmann, H. Mehrgardt, R. Schmitz, T.N. Ranga Swamy, U. Timm, P. Waloschek, G.G. Winter, S. Wolff, W. Zimmermann DESY DESY 74-061 Electroproduction of eta Mesons in the Region of the Resonance S11 (1535) J.-C. Alder, F.W. Brasse, W. Fehrenbach, Joerg Gayler, R. Haidan, G. Glo, S.P. Goel, V. Korbel, W. Krechlok, J. May, M. Merkwitz, R. Schmitz, W. Wagner DESY DESY 74-062 A Measurement of Collinear and Nearly Collinear Photon Pairs Produced by e+ e- Annihilation at the 3100-MeV Resonance DASP Collaboration DESY 74-063 The Width of psi (3105) S. Kitakado DESY S. Orito Munich, Max Planck Inst. T.F. Walsh DESY DESY 74-064 J (3.1), psi-prime (3.7): How About Color? M. Krammer, D. Schildknecht, F. Steiner DESY Hamburg U.

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