DESY 77-001 Electron-Positron Interactions C76-07-05.1-2 B.H. Wiik, G. Wolf DESY DESY 77-002 Radiative Decays of the J/psi and Evidence for a New Heavy Resonance DASP Collaboration DESY 77-003 The Three Photon Final State Produced in e+ e- Collision at 3.6-GeV and at the psi-prime DASP Collaboration DESY 77-004 Radiative Corrections to the Leptonic Decays of the Charged Heavy Leptons Ahmed Ali, Z.Z. Aydin Hamburg U. DESY 77-005 1/N Expansions in p (phi**2) in Four-Dimensions Epsilon Theory. 1. Massless Theory, 0 K. Symanzik DESY DESY 77-006 Small Angle Compton Scattering on Hydrogen and Deuterium L. Criegee, G. Franke, A. Giese, Th. Khal, G. Poelz, U. Timm, H. Werner, W. Zimmermann DESY DESY 77-007 Small Angle Photon Scattering on Complex Nuclei L. Criegee, G. Franke, A. Giese, T. Khal, G. Poelz, U. Timm, H. Werner, W. Zimmermann DESY DESY 77-008 Gauge Fields on Coset Spaces JHU-HET 774 G. Domokos, S. Kovesi-Domokos DESY John Hopkins U. DESY 77-009 Omega-Meson Production by Virtual Photons P. Joos, A. Ladage, H. Meyer, P. Stein, G. Wolf, S. Yellin DESY C.K. Chen, J. Knowles, D. Martin, J.M. Scarr, I.O. Skillicorn, K. Smith Glasgow U. C. Benz, G. Drews, D. Hoffmann, J. Knobloch, W. Kraus, H. Nagel, E. Rabe, C. Sander, W.-D. Schlatter, H. Spitzer, K. Wacker Hamburg U. DESY 77-010 Comments on Charmed Baryon Pair Production in e+ e- Annihilation J.G. Korner Hamburg U. M. Kuroda DESY DESY 77-011 Inclusive Hadron Production by e+ e- Annihilation for s Between 13-GeV**2 and 25-GeV**2 DASP Collaboration DESY 77-012 Production of Charged Kaons by e+ e- Collisions Between s**(1/2) = 3.6-GeV and 5-GeV DASP Collaboration DESY 77-013 Regge Spectra, Symmetry Breaking Effects and Decays of Old and New Mesons in Dual Resonance Amplitudes Masaaki Kuroda DESY Bing-Lin Young DESY Ames Lab Iowa State U. DESY 77-014 Inclusive K0(s) Production in e+ e- Annihilation at Energies of 3.6-GeV to 5.0-GeV PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-015 A Note on the Inverse Scattering Problem in Quantum Field Theory Detlev Buchholz, Klaus Fredenhagen Hamburg U. DESY 77-016 Absence of Spontaneous Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories M. Luscher Hamburg U. DESY 77-017 Inclusive J/psi Production in e+ e- Annihilation in the Energy Range from 4.0-GeV to 5.0-GeV PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-018 Limitation of the Luminosity by Satellite Resonances A. Piwinski DESY DESY 77-019 Recent Results on e+ e- Annihilation from PLUTO at DORIS Hinrich Meyer Wuppertal U. DESY 77-020 On Bunch Lengthening and the Particle Distribution in electron Storage Rings W. Hardt, R.D. Kohaupt DESY DESY 77-021 Recent Experimental Results from DESY D. Cords, G. Weber DESY DESY 77-022 Separation of Sigma-L and Sigma-u in pi+ Electroproduction Above the Resonance Region P. Brauel, T. Canzler, D. Cords, R. Felst, Guenter Grindhammer, M. Helm, W.-D. Kollmann, H. Krehbiel, M. Schadlich DESY Hamburg U. DESY 77-023 Charged and Neutral Current Production of Delta (1236) J.G. Korner Hamburg U. T. Kobayashi Tokyo U. of Education C. Avilez Mexico U. DESY 77-024 Anomalous Muon Production in e+ e- Annihilation as Evidence for Heavy Leptons PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-025 Evidence for Heavy Leptons from Anomalous mu e Production in e+ e- Annihilation PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-026 Electroproduction and Photoproduction of Vector Mesons and Generalized Vector Meson Dominance H. Fraas Wurzburg U. M. Kuroda DESY DESY 77-027 Rho Recurrences in J/psi --> 3 pi Z.Z. Aydin Hamburg U. DESY 77-028 An Experimental Study of the anti-Neutron-Light Nucleus Annihilation at 1.4-GeV/c H.-J. Besch, H.W. Eisermann, G. Noldeke, W. Vollrath Bonn U. D. Waldren CERN H. Kowalski DESY H.-J. von Eyss, H. von der Schmitt Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys. DESY 77-029 Description of All Conserved Topological Currents Which Depend on the Fields and their First Space-Time Derivatives P. Halfar Hamburg U. DESY DESY 77-030 The Decay Chi (3.45) --> pi+ pi- x (2.83): A Test of Charm anti-Charm Dynamics Mario Greco Frascati M. Krammer DESY DESY 77-031 Depolarization Effects in PETRA B.W. Montague DESY DESY 77-032 SO(4) Symmetric Solutions of Minkowskian Yang-Mills Field Equations M. Luscher Hamburg U. DESY 77-033 Stability Properties of Equilibrium States Rudolf Haag, Ewa Trych-Pohlmeyer Hamburg U. DESY 77-034 A Possible Identification of Chi (3.45) with a Timelike c anti-c Excitation H. Krasemann Hamburg U. DESY M. Krammer DESY DESY 77-035 Review of Heavy Leptons in e+ e- Annihilation Gunter Flugge DESY DESY 77-036 On the Origin of Inclusive electron Events in e+ e- Annihilation Between 3.6-GeV and 5.2-GeV DASP Collaboration DESY 77-037 Decoupling of Higher Vector Mesons and Charmed Meson Production in e+ e- Annihilation J.G. Korner Hamburg U. M. Kuroda, G. Schierholz DESY DESY 77-038 Physics with Large electron-Proton Colliding Rings C.H. Llewellyn-Smith Oxford U. B.H. Wiik DESY DESY 77-039 SU(4) Weak Currents and their Experimental Implications T.C. Yang DESY DESY 77-040 Comparison of Inelastic electron and Positron Scattering Cross-Sections on C-12 and Al-27 S. Hartwig, F.H. Heimlich, G. Huber, E. Rossle Freiburg U. J. Bleckwenn DESY M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U., EKP Karlsruhe U. P. David, H. Mommsen Bonn U. DESY 77-041 On the Semileptonic Decay of Charmed Hadrons DASP Collaboration DESY 77-042 Elastic pi0 Electroproduction Above the Resonance Region Christoph Berger, R. Buhring, G. Dick, R. Grigull, H. Meyer-Wachsmuth, W. Wagner Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. H. Ackermann, T. Azemoon, W. Gabriel, H.D. Mertiens, H.D. Reich, G. Specht DESY E. Ganssauge Philipps U. Marburg F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 77-043 (1+1)-Dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics as an Illustration of the Hypothetical Structure of Quark Field Theory P. Becher, H. Joos DESY DESY 77-044 Evidence for the F Meson DASP Collaboration DESY 77-045 QED Background to Heavy Lepton Production in e+ e- Annihilation F. Gutbrod, Z.J. Rek DESY DESY 77-046 Jets and Hadron Balls in e+ e- G. Eichmann, F. Elvekjaer, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY DESY 77-047 Electroproduction of Neutral Pions and Test of the Quark-Parton Model Christoph Berger, R. Buhring, G. Dick, R. Grigull, W. Wagner Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. H. Ackermann, T. Azemoon, W. Gabriel, H.D. Mertiens, H.D. Reich DESY F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 77-048 Continuity Equations for the Classical Euclidean Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma-Models H. Eichenherr, K. Pohlmeyer Heidelberg U. DESY 77-049 Inclusive Spectra of Electroproduced K+ Mesons H. Ackermann, T. Azemoon, W. Gabriel, D. Luke, H.D. Mertiens, H.D. Reich, G. Specht DESY E. Ganssauge Philipps U. Marburg F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 77-050 Measurement of the Branching Ratios for the Decays J/psi (3.1) PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-051 SU(4) Weak Currents T.C. Yang DESY DESY 77-052 Recent Results on e+ e- Annihilation at DORIS Uwe Timm DESY DESY 77-053 Experimental Results in Photoproduction Christoph Berger Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 77-054 Semileptonic Decays of the F Mesons and the Ensuing Lepton Spectrum Ahmed Ali Hamburg U. T.C. Yang DESY DESY 77-055 Shadowing Effect in Inelastic electron Scattering on C-12 and Al-27 Nuclei at Small Four Momentum Transfer S. Hartwig, F.H. Heimlich, G. Huber, E. Rossle Freiburg U. J. Bleckwenn DESY M. Kobberling, J. Moritz, K.H. Schmidt, D. Wegener, D. Zeller Karlsruhe U., EKP Karlsruhe U. P. David, H. Mommsen Bonn U. DESY 77-056 Measurement of the Photoproduction Phases of the rho, omega, LNF-78/1-P and phi Mesons S. Bartalucci, S. Bertolucci, J.K. Bienlein DESY Frascati M. Fiori DESY Frascati Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore P. Giromini, R. Laudan, E. Metz, C. Rippich, A. Sermoneta DESY Frascati DESY 77-057 SO(2) Symmetric Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Minkowskian and Euclidean O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model K. Meetz DESY Bonn U. DESY 77-058 Quark and Color Confinement Through Dynamical Higgs Mechanism C77-06-20.2-2 G. Mack Hamburg U. DESY 77-059 Experimental Confirmation of the 1100-MeV Structure and First Observation of the Leptonic Decay of the rho-prime (1250) S. Bartalucci, S. Bertolucci, J.K. Bienlein, M. Fiori, P. Giromini, R. Laudan, E. Metz, C. Rippich, A. Sermoneta DESY Frascati DESY 77-060 Measurement of the Real Part of the Virtual Compton Amplitude Mass Range 1500-MeV < m < 2000-MeV S. Bartalucci, S. Bertolucci, J.K. Bienlein, M. Fiori, P. Giromini, R. Laudan, E. Metz, C. Rippich, A. Sermoneta DESY Frascati DESY 77-061 High-Energy p p Scattering in the Additive Eikonal Quark Model J. Daboul Ben Gurion U. of Negev Z.J. Rek DESY DESY 77-062 Application of Veneziano Model to Charm Meson Systems Ahmed Ali, Z.Z. Aydin Hamburg U. DESY 77-063 High Spin Meson Decays in the Dual Resonance Model with Nondegenerate Regge Trajectories M. Kuroda, T.F. Walsh DESY Bing-Lin Young Ames Lab Iowa State U. DESY 77-064 Determination of the Longitudinal and the Transverse Part in pi+ Electroproduction H. Ackermann, T. Azemoon, W. Gabriel, H.D. Mertiens, H.D. Reich, G. Specht DESY F. Janata, D. Schmidt Wuppertal U. DESY 77-065 Scattering of Massless Lumps and Nonlocal Charges in the Two-Dimensional Classical Nonlinear Sigma Model M. Luscher Hamburg U. K. Pohlmeyer Heidelberg U. DESY 77-066 Bunch Lengthening in DORIS C77-07-11.1-19 R.D. Kohaupt DESY DESY 77-067 N Soliton Solutions of the Classical Two-Dimensional Minkowskian O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model P. Halfar Hamburg U. DESY DESY 77-068 Three Gluon Jets as a Test of QCD K. Koller Munich U. T.F. Walsh Wuppertal U. DESY DESY 77-069 Charged Hadron Multiplicities and Inclusive pi- Distributions in Inelastic e p Scattering C.K. Chen, J. Knowles, D. Martin, J.M. Scarr, I.O. Skillicorn, K. Smith Glasgow U. P. Joos, A. Ladage, H. Meyer, P. Stein, G. Wolf, S. Yellin DESY C. Benz, G. Drews, D. Hoffmann, J. Knobloch, W. Kraus, H. Nagel, E. Rabe, C. Sander, W.-D. Schlatter, H. Spitzer, K. Wacker Hamburg U. DESY 77-070 Results from DESY-Heidelberg NaI Lead Glass Detector W. Bartel, P. Dittmann, P. Duinker, J. Olsson, L. O'Neill, D. Pandoulas, P. Steffen DESY U. Fritscher, J. Heintze, G. Heinzelmann, R.D. Heuer, R. Mundhenke, H. Rieseberg, A. Wagner Heidelberg U. DESY 77-071 Hadron Production by Electrons in the Deep Inelastic Region CLNS-378 I. Cohen, R. Erickson, F. Messing, E. Nordberg, R. Siemann, J. Smith-Kintner, P. Stein Cornell U., LNS G. Drews, W. Gebert, P. Joos, A. Ladage, H.J. Nagel, P. Soding DESY Hamburg U. A. Sadoff Ithaca Coll. DESY 77-072 Measurement of the J/psi Radiative Decay Into F0 (1270) gamma PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-073 Separation of Sigma-L and Sigma-T in eta-Electroproduction at the Resonance S11 (1535) F.W. Brasse, W. Flauger, Joerg Gayler, V. Gerhardt, S.P. Goel, C. Gossling, R. Haidan, M. Merkwitz, D. Pock, H. Wriedt DESY DESY 77-074 Results from PLUTO Gerhard Knies DESY DESY 77-075 Two Gluon Jets from Upsilon-prime (10) M. Krammer DESY H. Krasemann DESY Hamburg U. DESY 77-076 Weak Decays of Charmed Particles and Heavy Leptons T.F. Walsh Wuppertal U. DESY DESY 77-077 Hadron Production by Virtual Photons in the Quark Fragmentation Region J.M. Scarr, C.K. Chen, J. Knowles, D. Martin, I.O. Skillicorn, K. Smith Glasgow U. P. Joos, A. Ladage, H. Meyer, G. Wolf DESY G. Drews, J. Knobloch, H. Nagel, E. Rabe, W.-D. Schlatter, H. Spitzer, K. Wacker Hamburg U. DESY 77-078 Evidence for the tau --> Neutrino rho pi Decay Mode PLUTO Collaboration DESY 77-079 The Properties of Charmonium and Charm Particles Herwig Schopper DESY Hamburg U. DESY 77-080 Trimuons from Charm Bing-Lin Young Ames Lab Iowa State U. T.F. Walsh Wuppertal U. DESY T.C. Yang Massachusetts U., Amherst DESY 77-081 Measurements of tau Decay Modes and a Precise Determination of the Mass DASP Collaboration

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