DESY 90-001 ON THE IMPACT OF LINEAR COUPLING ON NONLINEAR DYNAMICS G. Ripken, F. Willeke DESY DESY 90-002 A MEASUREMENT OF pi0 pi0 PRODUCTION IN TWO PHOTON COLLISIONS SLAC-PUB-5163 Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 90-003 THE MATHEMATICS OF THE STRING ALGEBRA Hans-Werner Wiesbrock Hamburg U. DESY 90-004 N PARTICLE PROBLEM IN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND THE FUNCTIONAL LEGENDRE TRANSFORMS Yu.M. Pismak Hamburg U. DESY 90-005 CHARGE SCREENING AND AN UPPER BOUND ON THE RENORMALIZED CHARGE IN LATTICE QED Martin Luscher DESY DESY 90-006 THE STANDARD MODEL PREDICTION FOR THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENT OF ITP-UH-14-89 THE ELECTRON F. Hoogeveen Hannover U. DESY 90-007 SEMICLASSICAL ANALYSIS OF THE WEAK COUPLING LIMIT OF SU(2) LATTICE GAUGE THEORY: THE EXTREME INFRARED REGION Jochen Bartels, Bernd Raabe Hamburg U. Tai Tsun Wu Harvard U. DESY 90-008 SEARCH FOR HADRONIC b ---> u DECAYS ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-009 RANDOM WALK APPROXIMATION IN A CHIRAL YUKAWA MODEL AND GLOBAL NTUA-6-89 SYMMETRIES K. Farakos, G. Koutsoumbas Natl. Tech. U., Athens I. Montvay DESY DESY 90-010 HOW TO CALCULATE THE ELASTIC SCATTERING MATRIX IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION Martin Luscher DESY Ulli Wolff Kiel U. Bielefeld U. DESY 90-011 DIGGING V (b u) / V (b c) OUT OF SEMILEPTONIC B DECAYS DOE/ER/01545-436 G. Kramer Hamburg U. William F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 90-012 PRODUCTION OF CHARMED MESONS IN gamma gamma INTERACTIONS WIS-90/7-PH Tasso Collaboration DESY 90-013 GLOBAL JET PROPERTIES AT 14-GeV TO 44-GeV CENTER-OF-MASS ENERGY IN e+ e- ANNIHILATION TASSO Collaboration DESY 90-014 INTERFACE TENSION IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS FROM FIELD THEORY Gernot Munster Hamburg U. DESY 90-015 PHOTON - GLUON FUSION AT HERA: MEASUREMENT OF THE FRACTIONAL MOMENTUM OF THE GLUON IN LOW Q**2 EVENTS G. D'Agostini, D. Monaldi Rome U. INFN, Rome DESY 90-016 QCD CORRECTIONS TO THE W DECAY WIDTH WITHIN A NEW DIMENSIONAL REGULARIZATION SCHEME Christoph Greub DESY DESY 90-017 ABELIAN CHERN-SIMONS THEORIES ON S**3 Antoine Coste Marseille, CPT Michel Makowka DESY DESY 90-018 EXACT THEORY FOR THE QUANTUM EIGENSTATES OF THE HADAMARD-GUTZWILLER MODEL R. Aurich, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 90-019 SOME TOPICS IN e p SCATTERING AT HERA. 1. PARTON DISTRIBUTIONS IN THE NUCLEON K. Charchula, M. Krawczyk Warsaw U. H. Abramowicz DESY A. Levy Tel Aviv U. DESY 90-020 CONVERGENT MULTIGRID POLYMER EXPANSIONS AND RENORMALIZATION FOR EUCLIDEAN FIELD THEORY Andreas Pordt Hamburg U. DESY 90-021 USING SQUEEZED LIGHT TO IMPROVE THE SENSITIVITY OF TERRESTRIAL ITP-UH-1/90 AXION PRODUCTION AND DETECTION EXPERIMENTS F. Hoogeveen Hannover U. DESY 90-022 CP VIOLATING CORRELATIONS IN THE REACTION e+ e- ---> HADRONS HD-THEP-90-02 Jurgen G. Korner MZ-TH/90-02 Mainz U., Inst. Phys. J.P. Ma DESY R. Munch, O. Nachtmann, R. Schopf Heidelberg U. DESY 90-023 COMPUTER SIMULATION OF ELECTRON AVALANCHES IN ARGON - METHANE FILLED WIRE CHAMBERS J. Groh, E. Schenuit, H. Spitzer Hamburg U. DESY 90-024 AN INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPUTERS T. Woeniger DESY DESY 90-025 MEASUREMENT OF RESONANCE PRODUCTIONS IN THE REACTIONS gamma gamma ---> pi0 pi0 AND gamma gamma ---> pi0 eta JADE Collaboration DESY 90-026 QUANTUM INTEGRABILITY OF PERTURBED VIRASORO DEGENERATE CONFORMAL MODELS M. Niedermaier Hamburg U. DESY 90-027 A SCALAR FERMION MODEL IN THE LIMIT OF INFINITELY HEAVY FERMIONS L. Lin, J.P. Ma, I. Montvay DESY DESY 90-028 ENDOMORPHISMS AND QUANTUM SYMMETRY OF THE CONFORMAL ISING MODEL Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 90-029 RENORMALIZATION GROUP FLOW IN QED: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SCHWINGER-DYSON EQUATIONS Paul E.L. Rakow DESY DESY 90-030 PHASE DIAGRAM OF A LATTICE SU(2) x SU(2) SCALAR FERMION MODEL HLRZ-90-14 WITH NAIVE AND WILSON FERMIONS Wolfgang Bock, Asit Kumar De, Karl Jansen, Jiri Jersak, Thomas Neuhaus, Jan Smit Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC Bielefeld U. Amsterdam U. DESY 90-031 THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE GLUON-GLUON SUBPROCESS TO THE DRELL-YAN K FACTOR T. Matsuura Hamburg U. R. Hamberg, W.L. van Neerven Leiden U. DESY 90-032 OBSERVATION OF THE DECAY D(s)+ ---> eta-prime pi+ ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-033 STUDY OF p p AND LAMBDA LAMBDA PRODUCTION IN e+ e- ANNIHILATION AT 10-GeV CENTER-OF-MASS ENERGY ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-034 OBSERVATION OF SPIN PARITY 2+ DOMINANCE IN THE REACTION gamma gamma ---> rho0 rho0 NEAR THRESHOLD ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-035 A U(1)-L x U(1)-R SYMMETRIC YUKAWA MODEL IN THE SYMMETRIC PHASE K. Farakos, G. Koutsoumbas Natl. Tech. U., Athens L. Lin, J.P. Ma, I. Montvay DESY G. Munster Hamburg U. DESY 90-036 MEASURING HADRONIC CURRENTS AND WEAK COUPLING CONSTANTS IN tau M. Feindt Hamburg U. DESY 90-037 SHIELDING PROPERTIES OF IRON AT HIGH-ENERGY PROTON ACCELERATORS STUDIED BY A MONTE CARLO CODE K. Tesch, J.M. Zazula DESY DESY 90-038 OBSERVATION OF THE EXCLUSIVE DECAY B ---> e neutrino D* AND SLAC-PUB-5250 SEARCH FOR B ---> e neutrino pi0 Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 90-039 GLOBAL PROPERTIES OF PION PRODUCTION IN THE REACTION gamma TAUP-1797-90 gamma ---> 3 pi+ 3 pi- CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-040 HAAG DUALITY IN CONFORMAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Detlev Buchholz, Hanns Schulz-Mirbach Hamburg U. DESY 90-041 HERACLES: AN EVENT GENERATOR FOR e p INTERACTIONS AT HERA ENERGIES INCLUDING RADIATIVE PROCESSES: VERSION 1.0 A. Kwiatkowski, H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. H.J. Mohring Leipzig U. DESY 90-042 WEAK BOSON PLUS JET PRODUCTION IN 2nd ORDER QCD Fernando T. Brandt, G. Kramer, Su-Long Nyeo Hamburg U. DESY 90-043 SIMULATION OF STATISTICAL SYSTEMS WITH NOT NECESSARILY REAL AND POSITIVE PROBABILITIES Thomas Kalkreuter Hamburg U. DESY 90-044 THE OCTONIONIC S MATRIX PAR-LPTHE-90-20 H.J. de Vega Nordita Paris U., VI-VII H. Nicolai Hamburg U. DESY 90-045 MONTE CARLO INVESTIGATION OF THE TRANSITION EFFECT J. del Peso, E. Ros DESY DESY 90-046 EXCLUSIVE HADRONIC DECAYS OF B MESONS ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-047 MEASUREMENT OF THE ASYMMETRY OF b QUARK PRODUCTION IN e+ e- ANNIHILATION OF s**(1/2) = 35-GeV TASSO Collaboration DESY 90-048 MULTISTATE SPIN GLASSES, NEURAL NETWORKS AND GENERALIZED SUBGRAPH POLYNOMIALS Dirk Graudenz Hamburg U. DESY 90-049 FUNDAMENTAL IRREVERSABILITY AND THE CONCEPT OF EVENTS Rudolf Haag Hamburg U. DESY 90-050 PHOTON DIFFRACTIVE DISSOCIATION IN DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING M.G. Ryskin St. Petersburg, INP DESY DESY 90-051 UNQUENCHED INVESTIGATION OF FERMION MASSES IN A CHIRAL FERMION HLRZ-90-29 THEORY ON THE LATTICE Wolfgang Bock, Asit K. De Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC DESY 90-052 ANOMALOUS ASPECTS OF THE CHIRAL QUANTUM GRAVITY IN TWO-DIMENSIONS Thilo Berger, Izumi Tsutsui Hamburg U. DESY 90-053 RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS TO CHARGED CURRENT DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING AT HERA H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. DESY 90-054 First observation of the reaction gamma gamma ---> pi (2) ---> SLAC-PUB-5254 pi0 pi0 pi0 Crystall Ball Collaboration DESY 90-055 Exact and approximate formulae for heavy flavor production in C90/03/11 hadronic collisions G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 90-056 Quantum chaos in the hyperbola billiard M. Sieber Hamburg U. F. Steiner Hamburg U. Paris U., VI-VII DESY 90-057 Coinciding versus noncoinciding: Is the topological spin statistics theorem already proven in quantum mechanics? Ralf D. Tscheuschner Hamburg U. DESY 90-058 The Maslov index in Chern-Simons quantum mechanics ITP-UH-3/90 M. Reuter Hannover U. DESY 90-059 Determination of the Michel parameter in tau decay ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-060 Pomeron and odderon in QCD and a two-dimensional conformal field theory L.N. Lipatov DESY DESY 90-061 Angular correlations for semileptonic D meson decays G. Kopp Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. G. Kramer, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 90-062 Study of a chiral U(1) scalar fermion model on the lattice C90-05-14.1 Lee Lin, Jian Ping Ma, Istvan Montvay DESY Gernot Munster Hamburg U. DESY 90-063 Measurement of XI(c) production in e+ e- annihilation at 10.5-GeV center-of-mass energy ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-064 QCD corrections to heavy quark production in hadron hadron ITP-SB-90-46 collisions W. Beenakker, W.L. van Neerven Leiden U. R. Meng, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. J. Smith SUNY, Stony Brook DESY 90-065 On the geometrical meaning of braid statistics in Hermann Hessling, Ralf D. Tscheuschner Hamburg U. DESY 90-066 Rho0 production in the reaction gamma gamma ---> 3 pi+ 3 pi- TAUP-1801-90 and search for gamma gamma ---> rho0 rho0 (1700) CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-067 How strong are weak interactions in the multi - TeV range? A. Ringwald, C. Wetterich DESY DESY 90-068 Observation of a new eta pi0 pi0 resonance at 1900-MeV/c**2 in SLAC-PUB-5266 two photon scattering Crystall Ball Collaboration DESY 90-069 Measurement of two photon production of rho0 omega JADE Collaboration DESY 90-070 Asymptotic scaling in 2-D O(n) nonlinear sigma models Ulli Wolff Kiel U. DESY 90-071 Gauge boson polarization effects in hadronic collisions C90-03-18 G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 90-072 Structure functions, parton distributions and QCD tests at PHE-90-08 HERA Johannes Blumlein DESY, Zeuthen Gerhard A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 90-073 Mirror Fermion production in e p collisions F. Csikor DESY Eotvos U. DESY 90-074 The Gluon propagator in QCD in two-dimensions: Gauge independence of its singularity structure Daniel Cangemi Lausanne U. Michel Makowka DESY DESY 90-075 The ZEUS vertex detector readout electronics G. Barbagli Florence U. U. Camerini, I. D'Antone, P. Giusti, G. Iacobucci, B. Lisowski, R. Nania, V. O'Shea, R. Timellini INFN, Bologna P. Caniato, P.G. Pelfer INFN, Florence G. Castellini, A. Fort, A. Gabbanini, M. Tesi, V. Vignoli Florence, IROE F. Cindolo Frascati DESY 90-076 Production of light vector mesons at LEP K.J. Abraham NIKHEF, Amsterdam J.J. van der Bij DESY DESY 90-077 Goldstone bosons and finite size effects: A Numerical study of HLRZ-90-09 the O(4) model PITHA-90-1 A. Hasenfratz Arizona U. K. Jansen Julich, NIC J. Jersak Julich, NIC Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. H.A. Kastrup Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. C.B. Lang Graz U. H. Leutwyler Bern U. T. Neuhaus Bielefeld U. DESY 90-078 Manufacture of readout boards for a liquid Argon calorimeter J. Antos, J. Ban, J. Ferencei, P. Murin, J. Spalek, P. Stefan Kosice, IEF J. Cvach, I. Herynek, J. Hladky, V. Kohl, V. Simak, P. Staroba, J. Strachota, P. Zavada Prague, Inst. Phys. S. Valkar, A. Valkarova, J. Zacek Charles U. DESY 90-079 Determination of the tau-neutrino helicity ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-080 Implementation of second order QCD three jet matrix elements in Monte Carlo generators for e+ e- annihilation G. Kramer Hamburg U. N. Magnussen Wuppertal U. DESY 90-081 The On-shell limit of bosonic off-shell string scattering amplitudes J. Bolte, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 90-082 The Selberg trace formula for bordered Riemann surfaces J. Bolte, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 90-083 Finite size scaling analysis of the constraint effective potential computed from multigrid Monte Carlo Guillermo Palma Hamburg U. DESY 90-084 Fermions in two (1+1)-dimensional anomalous gauge theories: The chiral Schwinger model and the chiral quantum gravity Thilo Berger Hamburg U. DESY 90-085 The Continuum limit of QED: Renormalization group analysis and HLRZ-90-048 the question of triviality M. Gockeler, R. Horsley Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC E. Laermann, U.J. Wiese Julich, NIC Paul E.L. Rakow DESY G. Schierholz Julich, NIC DESY R. Sommer Wuppertal U. DESY 90-086 Measurement of pi0 and eta meson production in e+ e- SLAC-PUB-5301 annihilation at s**(1/2) near 10-GeV Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 90-087 A Measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons produced by e+ e- collisions at s**(1/2) = 36.3-GeV JADE Collaboration DESY 90-088 Study of inclusive semileptonic B meson decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-089 A Comparison of measured jet cross-sections with QCD calculations for e+ e- annihilation JADE Collaboration DESY 90-090 Angular correlations of four jets in e+ e- annihilation: Asymmetries and the three gluon vertex Dirk Michelsen Hamburg U. DESY 90-091 A Numerical study of the small x behavior of deep inelastic PHE-90-010 structure functions in QCD Jochen Bartels, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. J. Blumlein DESY, Zeuthen DESY 90-092 Shape of the constraint effective potential HLRZ-90-054 M. Gockeler BUTP-90-28-BERN Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC H. Leutwyler Bern U. DESY 90-093 Limits on the electron compositeness from the Bhabha scattering ROME-951-1990 at PEP and PETRA C90-03-04 G. D'Agostini Rome U. INFN, Rome DESY 90-094 Limits on axion and light Higgs boson production in Upsilon SLAC-PUB-5307 Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 90-095 Three jet production in deep inelastic electron - proton scattering to order alpha-s**2 Dirk Graudenz Hamburg U. DESY 90-096 Higher order leading logarithmic QED corrections to deep inelastic e p scattering at very high-energies J. Kripfganz, H.J. Mohring Leipzig U. H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. DESY 90-097 Periodic orbits on the regular hyperbolic octagon R. Aurich Hamburg U. E.B. Bogomolny Landau Inst. F. Steiner Paris U., VI-VII DESY 90-098 W, Z plus jet production at p anti-p colliders Fernando T. Brandt, G. Kramer, Su-Long Nyeo Hamburg U. DESY 90-099 Baryon number violation in high-energy collisions RU-90-40 Glennys R. Farrar Rutgers U., Piscataway Rui-bin Meng Hamburg U. DESY 90-100 Test of a prototype of the ZEUS backing calorimeter Ignacy M. Kudla, R.J. Nowak, R. Walczak, A.F. Zarnecki Warsaw U. H. Abramowicz DESY DESY 90-101 Baryons in the heavy quark effective theory HUTP-90-A047 Thomas Mannel DESY Winston Roberts, Zbigniew Ryzak Harvard U. DESY 90-102 Inclusive photon energy spectrum in rare B decays Ahmed Ali, C. Greub DESY DESY 90-103 A New heavy flavor generator in e p collisions G. Abbiendi, L. Stanco Padua U. INFN, Padua DESY 90-104 Renormalization group flow in QED C90-07-28 Paul E.L. Rakow DESY DESY 90-105 A U(1)-L x U(1)-R symmetric Yukawa model in the phase with spontaneously broken symmetry L. Lin, I. Montvay, H. Wittig DESY G. Munster Hamburg U. DESY 90-106 Isospin analysis of CP asymmetries in B decays UDEM-LPN-TH24-REV Michael Gronau UDEM-LPN-TH-24 Technion DESY David London Montreal U. DESY 90-107 Comparison of parton distributions and structure functions for the proton H. Abramowicz, K. Charchula DESY M. Krawczyk Warsaw U. A. Levy Tel Aviv U. DESY 90-108 The Eigenvalue spectra in Z(2) x Z(2) and SU(2) x SU(2) fermion HLRZ-90-42 Higgs models GUTPA-90-5-1 Ian Barbour Glasgow U. Julich, NIC Wolfgang Bock Julich, NIC Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Christine Davies Glasgow U. Asit K. De Julich, NIC Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. David Henty Glasgow U. Jan Smit Amsterdam U. Thomas Trappenberg Julich, NIC Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 90-109 Silicon detectors for calorimetry: Developments for H1 at HERA G. Lindstrom, M. Eberle, I. Fedder, E. Fretwurst, U. Pein, V. Riech, Hendrik Schatz, M. Seidel, R. Wunstorf, C. Zeitnitz Hamburg U. N. Croitoru, R. Darvas, A. Seidman Tel Aviv U. R. Bottger, H. Scholermann Braunschweig, Phys. Tech. Bund. DESY 90-110 A Measurement of the pi0, eta and eta-prime electromagnetic form-factors CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-111 Irrational free field resolutions for W(sl(n)) and extended Sugawara construction M. Niedermaier Hamburg U. DESY 90-112 Heavy flavor production at HERA simulation with a new Monte Carlo event generator G. Abbiendi, L. Stanco Padua U. INFN, Padua DESY 90-113 Intrabeam scattering in presence of linear coupling A. Piwinski DESY DESY 90-114 Fractal dimensions from a three-dimensional intermittency analysis in e+ e- annihilation CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-115 Comment on 'Path integral on spherical surfaces in D-dimensions and on group spaces' C. Grosche Imperial Coll., London F. Steiner Paris U., VI-VII DESY 90-116 Flux quantization and quantum mechanics on Riemann surfaces in an external magnetic field J. Bolte Hamburg U. F. Steiner Paris U., VI-VII DESY 90-117 Two photon production of eta pi pi final states C90-09-03 Karl-Heinz Karch DESY DESY 90-118 QED at strong coupling HLRZ-90-080 G. Schierholz C90-07-28 Julich, NIC DESY DESY 90-119 On the relation between the phonon spectrum and the specific heat F. Steiner Paris U., VI-VII DESY 90-120 Deformations of superRiemann surfaces H. Ninnemann Hamburg U. DESY 90-121 Reconstruction of semileptonic b ---> u decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-122 A Note on gluon distribution at small x K. Charchula, M. Krawczyk DESY DESY 90-123 Deep inelastic Compton scattering at the e p collider HERA DTP-90-70 A.C. Bawa, M. Krawczyk DESY W.James Stirling Durham U. DESY 90-124 B meson factories: Physics, machines and detectors C90-05-28.1 H. Kolanoski Dortmund U. DESY 90-125 How to determine all the angles of the unitarity triangle from TECHNION-PH-90-26 B(d)0 ---> D K(s) and B(s)0 ---> D0 UDEM-LPN-TH-34 Michael Gronau Technion DESY David London. Montreal U. DESY 90-126 Stochastic cluster algorithms for discrete Gaussian (SOS) TAUP-1836-90 models H.G. Evertz Florida State U., SCRI M. Hasenbusch Kaiserslautern U. M. Marcu Hamburg U. Tel Aviv U. K. Pinn Hamburg U. Munster U., ITP S. Solomon Hebrew U. DESY 90-127 Phenomenology of geometrical flavor interactions at TeV energies A. Ringwald, F. Schrempp, C. Wetterich DESY DESY 90-128 Some snapshots of new CELLO and Crystal Ball results on gamma C90-08-02 gamma reactions Michael Feindt Hamburg U. DESY 90-129 A Complete calculation of the order alpha-s**2 correction to the Drell-Yan K factor R. Hamberg, W.L. van Neerven Leiden U. T. Matsuura Hamburg U. DESY 90-130 Electron state Bremsstrahlung processes e p ---> gamma e p (X) at HERA A.A. Akhundov Baku, Inst. Phys. D.Yu. Bardin Dubna, JINR L.V. Kalinovskaya Gomel State Tech. U. DESY 90-131 Two particle states on a torus and their relation to the scattering matrix Martin Luscher DESY DESY 90-132 The Canonical structure of maximally extended supergravity in three-dimensions H. Nicolai Hamburg U. DESY 90-133 Recent Crystal Ball results on resonance formation in gamma C90-07-08 gamma reactions J.K. Bienlein DESY DESY 90-134 Periodic universe and condensate of pseudoGoldstone field A.A. Anselm St. Petersburg, INP DESY 90-135 A Fokker-Planck treatment of coupled synchrobetatron motion in proton storage rings under the influence of cavity noise G. Ripken DESY E. Karantzoulis Sincrotrone Trieste DESY 90-136 Calorimetry at the LHC LAPP-EXP-90-11 J. Colas LAL-90-68 Annecy, LAPP IC-HEP-90-11 R. Klanner C90-10-04 DESY J.P. Repellin Orsay, LAL T.S. Virdee Imperial Coll., London DESY 90-137 Cross-section measurement and spin parity analysis of the reaction gamma gamma ---> omega rho CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-138 Observation of the decays D(s)- ---> phi e- anti-neutrino and D- ---> K*0 e- anti-neutrino ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-139 Form-factor analysis and unitarity effects in D ---> K* lepton neutrino G. Kopp Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. G. Kramer, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 90-140 Electroweak multiparticle production at TeV energies? Christof Wetterich DESY DESY 90-141 Electroproduction of Majorana neutrinos W. Buchmuller, C. Greub DESY DESY 90-142 Scalar fermion models with mirror pairs of fermion fields Lee Lin, Istvan Montvay, Hartmut Wittig DESY Gernot Munster Munster U., ITP DESY 90-143 Direct photon production in gamma gamma collisions BU-TH-90-3 Manuel Drees, Rohini M. Godbole DESY DESY 90-144 Using neural networks to identify jets in hadron hadron LU-TP-90-13 collisions C90-06-25.2 Pushpalatha Bhat Fermilab Leif Lonnblad Lund U. Karlheinz Meier DESY Katsuhito Sugano Argonne DESY 90-145 Characteristics of radiative events in deep inelastic e p scattering at HERA A Kwiatkowski, H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. H.J. Mohring Leipzig U. DESY 90-146 Two photon couplings of scalar and tensor mesons C90-09-03 Michael Feindt, Jens Harjes Hamburg U. DESY 90-147 The Optimization of the electrostatic field inside the ZEUS forward drift chambers: Calculations and measurements M.P. Dobberstein Bonn U. F. Krawczyk, M. Schafer-Jotter Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 90-148 Five jet production in deep inelastic e p scattering A. Dabelstein Hamburg U. DESY 90-149 A Search for substructure of leptons and quarks with the CELLO detector CELLO Collaboration DESY 90-150 Unquenched investigation of fermion masses in the SU(2)-L x HLRZ-90-91 SU(2)-R fermion Higgs model C90-10-08 Wolfgang Bock Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC DESY 90-151 On the problem of scalar mesons in QCD A. Bodyulkov St. Petersburg State U. V. Novozhilov Hamburg U. DESY 90-152 Analytic evaluation of the effective impedance for coupled bunch instabilities K. Balewski, R.D. Kohaupt DESY DESY 90-153 Structure functions at small x: New physics at HERA C90-08-02 Jochen Bartels C90-09-10.4 Hamburg U. C90-10-01.2 C90-10-04 C90-10-24 DESY 90-154 Very energetic photons at HERA A.C. Bawa, Maria Krawczyk DESY DESY 90-155 Observation of the decay tau ---> rho pi pi tau-neutrino ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-156 Heavy quark physics in e p collisions at LEP + LHC FTUAM-EP-90-03 Ahmed Ali C90-10-04 DESY F. Barreiro, J.F. de Troconiz Madrid, Autonoma U. G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. J.J. van der Bij Amsterdam U. DESY 90-157 Determination of the branching ratios of anti-B0 ---> D*+ D*(s)- and D(s) ---> phi pi ARGUS Collaboration DESY 90-158 Projective block spin transformations in lattice gauge theories Thomas Kalkreuter Hamburg U. DESY 90-159 Advances in lattice QED HLRZ-90-101 G. Schierholz C90-10-08 Julich, NIC DESY DESY 90-160 Gluon extraction from charm and bottom production at LEP / LHC FTUAM-EP-90-04 K.J. Abraham C90-10-04 NIKHEF, Amsterdam H. Jung Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. J.F. de Troconiz Madrid, Autonoma U. DESY 90-161 Spectrum of the effective SU(3) Hamiltonian in a small volume computed by path integral Monte Carlo Hendrik Tiedemann Hamburg U. DESY 90-162 Polarization effects in heavy Lambda decays HUTP-90-A068 Thomas Mannel Harvard U. DESY Winston Roberts, Zbigniew Ryzak Harvard U. DESY 90-163 Length of calorimeters and effect of absorbers in front of C90-10-04 calorimeters Jurgen Kruger Hamburg U. DESY 90-164 A Profile of the final states in B ---> X(s) gamma and an estimate of the branching ratio BR (B ---> K* gamma) Ahmed Ali, C. Greub DESY DESY 90-165 Production and detection of light bosons using optical ITP-UH-5-1990 resonators F. Hoogeveen, T. Ziegenhagen Hannover U. DESY 90-166 O (alpha-s**2) corrections to high q(T) polarized gauge boson MZ-TH-90-29 production at hadron colliders TKP-90-19 E. Mirkes Karlsruhe U. J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 90-167 Small x physics at LEP / LHC C90-10-04 Jochen Bartels, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 90-168 Heavy to light transitions in the heavy quark limit and the determination of |V(ub)| G. Kramer, G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. T. Mannel DESY DESY 90-169 DESY 90-02 Positron recycling in high-energy linear colliders J. Rossbach DESY

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