DESY 91-001 Measurements of the branching ratios for the decays tau ---> SLAC-PUB-5403 hadron pi0 neutrino and tau ---> hadron pi0 pi0 neutrino HEN-334 Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 91-002 Gravitational effects of light scalar particles Thomas Helbig DESY DESY 91-003 Measurement and analysis of the reaction gamma gamma ---> 3 pi+ 3 pi- JADE Collaboration DESY 91-004 Characteristics of leptonic signals for Z boson pairs at hadron colliders T. Matsuura Hamburg U. J.J. van der Bij Amsterdam U. DESY 91-005 Fast simulation of electromagnetic showers in the ZEUS calorimeter J. del Peso DESY E. Ros Hamburg U. DESY 91-006 Studies of multi - hadronic final states in photon-photon interactions CELLO Collaboration DESY 91-007 Gravitational anyonization ITP-UH-1-91 M. Reuter Hannover U. DESY 91-008 Berry phase contribution to the vacuum persistence amplitude: ITP-UH-2-91 Effective action approach Walter Dittrich Tubingen U. Martin Reuter Hannover U. DESY 91-009 Local behavior of exactly solvable potentials R.F. Wehrhahn Hamburg U. DESY 91-010 Infinite Abelian subalgebra of W(sl(n)) M. Niedermaier Hamburg U. DESY 91-011 Phase structure of a U(1)-L x U(1)-R symmetric Yukawa model Lee Lin, Istvan Montvay, Hartmut Wittig DESY DESY 91-012 On neutrons in uranium scintillator calorimeters (one neutron Monte Carlo) T. Tymieniecka Warsaw U. DESY 91-013 Mini - jets and large hadronic backgrounds at e+ e- BU-TH-91-2 supercolliders Manuel Drees DESY Rohini M. Godbole Mumbai U. DESY 91-014 Exclusive rare B decays in the heavy quark limit Ahmed Ali, T. Mannel DESY DESY 91-015 Numerical analysis of tunneling paths in constant field SU(2) lattice gauge theory Jochen Bartels, Oliver S. Bruning, B. Raabe Hamburg U. DESY 91-016 On the Hawking radiation associated with an Oppenheimer-Snyder collapsing star H. Salehi Hamburg U. DESY 91-017 On the quantization of chaos M. Sieber, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-018 On the determination of the photon structure function of the proton at HERA Darmstadt-Siegen Collaboration DESY 91-019 A Spin parity analysis of gamma gamma ---> rho+ rho- ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-020 An SU(2)-L x SU(2)-R symmetric Yukawa model in the symmetric phase Lee Lin, Hartmut Wittig DESY DESY 91-021 Critical acceleration of finite temperature SU(2) gauge simulations R. Ben-Av Weizmann Inst. H.G. Evertz Florida State U., SCRI M. Marcu Tel Aviv U. Hamburg U. S. Solomon Hebrew U. DESY 91-022 Recent Crystal Ball results on resonance formation in C91-03-17 photon-photon collisions K.H. Karch DESY DESY 91-023 Inclusive production of D0, D+ and D*+ (2010) mesons in B decays and nonresonant e+ e- annihilation at 10.6-GeV ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-024 Selberg's zeta function and the quantization of chaos C. Matthies, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-025 The Realm of the vacuum Detlev Buchholz Hamburg U. Rainer Wanzenberg Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 91-026 Construction and beam test of the ZEUS forward and rear PRC-91-02 calorimeter ZEUS Collaboration DESY 91-027 Influence of magnetic fields on the response of a uranium scintillator sampling calorimeter J. Mainusch Hamburg U. F. Corriveau, R. Klanner DESY G. Levman Toronto U. DESY 91-028 Intermittency and Bose-Einstein correlations in e+ e- C91-03-17 annihilation O. Podobrin DESY DESY 91-029 Factorization of bosonic string scattering amplitudes J. Bolte, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-030 The Hyperbola billiard: A Model for the semiclassical quantization of chaotic systems Martin Sieber Hamburg U. DESY 91-031 The Monte Carlo program LESKO-F for deep inelastic e+- p ---> TPJU-4-91 line S. Jadach CERN W. Placzek Jagiellonian U. DESY 91-032 New universality class for superconducting order parameter M.I. Dobroliubov Moscow, INR S.Yu. Khlebnikov DESY DESY 91-033 Periodic instantons and scattering amplitudes S.Yu. Khlebnikov DESY V.A. Rubakov, P.G. Tinyakov Moscow, INR DESY 91-034 Heavy Majorana neutrinos in electron - positron and electron - proton collisions W. Buchmuller, C. Greub DESY DESY 91-035 Constraints on dynamical symmetry breaking mechanisms from electroweak data Ahmed Ali, G. Degrassi DESY DESY 91-036 Transverse and longitudinal multibunch feedback systems for PETRA M. Enert, D. Heins, J. Klute, R.D. Kohaupt, K.H. Matthiesen, J. Meinen, H. Musfeldt, S. Patzold, K.H. Richter, J. Rummler, H.P. Scholz, M. Schweiger, M. Sommerfled, J. Thiess DESY DESY 91-037 QuasiHopf quantum symmetry in quantum theory Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 91-038 Two-dimensional gravities and supergravities as integrable C91-02-27 system H. Nicolai Hamburg U. DESY 91-039 Associate production of a heavy quark and a gauge boson at e+- DTP-91-16 p colliders Manuel Drees DESY C.S. Kim Durham U. DESY 91-040 Color confinement, abelian dominance and the dynamics of HLRZ-91-37 magnetic monopoles in SU(3) gauge theory F. Brandstater, U.J. Wiese Julich, NIC G. Schierholz Julich, NIC DESY DESY 91-041 Asymptotic solutions of the evolution equation for the HD-THEP-91-09 polarized nucleon structure function g-2 (x, Q**2) Ahmed Ali DESY Vladimir M. Braun Heidelberg U. St. Petersburg, INP G. Hiller Hamburg U. DESY 91-042 WZW superconformal blocks from three-dimensions Ian N. McArthur Hamburg U. DESY 91-043 Field operators for anyons and plektons Karl-Henning Rehren Hamburg U. DESY 91-044 From Classical periodic orbits to the quantization of chaos R. Aurich, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-045 A Practical introduction to electroweak radiative corrections C91-01-02 Manuel Drees DESY DESY 91-046 General asymmetric neural networks and structure design by genetic algorithms Stefan Bornholdt DESY Dirk Graudenz Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 91-047 A Canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage rings D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. Ripken DESY DESY 91-048 HERWIG: A Monte Carlo event generator for simulating hadron CAVENDISH-HEP-91-26emission reactions with interfering gluons. Version 5.1 - April 1991 G. Marchesini Parma U. INFN, Parma B.R. Webber Cambridge U. G. Abbiendi Padua U. INFN, Padua I.G. Knowles Glasgow U. M.H. Seymour Cambridge U. L. Stanco Padua U. INFN, Padua DESY 91-049 A Mechanism generating axion hair for Kerr black holes ITP-UH-3-91 M. Reuter Hannover U. DESY 91-050 On the possibility of resonances in longitudinally polarized vector boson scattering Helene G.J. Veltman DESY M.J.G. Veltman Michigan U. DESY 91-051 Measurement of the direct photon spectrum from Upsilon (1S) SLAC-PUB-5400 decays Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 91-052 Signatures of unstable particles in finite volume Martin Luscher DESY DESY 91-053 Neutrino masses, neutral vector bosons and the scale of B-L breaking W. Buchmuller, C. Greub DESY P. Minkowski Bern U. DESY 91-054 Heavy quark production in p anti-p interaction at collider energies E.M. Levin, M.G. Ryskin DESY St. Petersburg, INP Yu.M. Shabelski, A.G. Shuvaev St. Petersburg, INP DESY 91-055 Observations of Lambda(charm)+ semileptonic decay ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-056 A Measurement of tau (B+) / tau (B0) from the lepton and dilepton rates in Upsilon (4S) decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-057 Some topics in e p scattering at HERA: 2. Parton distributions in the photon H. Abramowicz Warsaw U. K. Charchula, A. Levy DESY M. Krawczyk Warsaw U. U. Maor Tel Aviv U. DESY 91-058 On semileptonic B decays into longitudinally polarized rho mesons Panagiotis Manakos Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. Thomas Mannel Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY DESY 91-059 Renormalization scheme dependence and infrared behavior in e+ UM-TH-91-06 order of perturbative QCD J. Chyla Prague, Inst. Phys. A. Kataev Michigan U. S. Larin Moscow, INR DESY 91-060 Quasiquantum group symmetry and local braid relations in the conformal Ising model Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 91-061 Bounds on the top mass from Z decays into b quarks C91-03-10 Abdelhak Djouadi Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY DESY 91-062 Dirac versus Wigner: Towards a universal particle concept in local quantum field theory D. Buchholz, M. Porrmann, U. Stein Hamburg U. DESY 91-063 Successful inflation in scalar tensor theories of gravity D. Walliser DESY DESY 91-064 Small x singlet structure functions from the nonlinear GLR equation V.T. Kim St. Petersburg, INP M.G. Ryskin DESY St. Petersburg, INP DESY 91-065 Heavy quark production in parton model and in QCD E.M. Levin, M.G. Ryskin DESY St. Petersburg, INP Yu.M. Shabelski, A.G. Shuvaev St. Petersburg, INP DESY 91-066 The Measurement of D+(s) and D+ meson decays into anti-K*+ anti-K*0 ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-067 tau decays: An Experimental review C90-09-24.1 Christian M. Kiesling Munich, Max Planck Inst. DESY 91-068 A Parametrization of sigma-T (gamma* p) above the resonance region Q**2 >= 0 H. Abramowicz Warsaw U. E.M. Levin, A. Levy DESY U. Maor Tel Aviv U. DESY 91-069 Parametrization of parton distributions in the photon H. Abramowicz Warsaw U. K. Charchula, A. Levy DESY DESY 91-070 Blockspin and multigrid for staggered fermions in nonAbelian gauge fields T. Kalkreuter, G. Mack, M. Speh Hamburg U. DESY 91-071 Theory of multibunch feedback systems R.D. Kohaupt DESY DESY 91-072 Branching ratios and CP asymmetries in the decay B ---> V V G. Kramer Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 91-073 Semilocal evolution of singlet structure function for GLAP and GLR equation M.W. Krasny Saclay Cracow, INP E.M. Levin, M.G. Ryskin DESY St. Petersburg, INP DESY 91-074 High-energy behavior in a nonAbelian gauge theory. 3. Multiple discontinuities and particle ---> multi - reggeon vertices Jochen Bartels Hamburg U. DESY 91-075 Search for radiative B meson decays SLAC-PUB-5401 Crystall Ball Collaboration DESY 91-076 Search for D0 and B0 decays into pi0 pi0 SLAC-PUB-5449 Crystall Ball Collaboration DESY 91-077 First evidence of chi(c) production in B meson decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-078 QCD corrections to final state photon Bremsstrahlung in e- e- annihilation G. Kramer Hamburg U. B. Lampe Leiden U. DESY 91-079 A Semiclassical approach to quantum gravity Hadi Salehi Hamburg U. DESY 91-080 Rare decays of B mesons Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 91-081 Intercalibration of the ZEUS high resolution and backing calorimeters ZEUS-BAC Collaboration DESY 91-082 Staircase functions, spectral rigidity and a rule for quantizing chaos R. Aurich, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-083 Plastic scintillators in magnetic fields D. Blomker, U. Holm Hamburg U. R. Klanner, B. Krebs DESY DESY 91-084 Measurement of exclusive one prong and inclusive three prong branching ratios of the tau lepton ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-085 Associate J / psi + gamma production: A Clean probe of gluon densities Manuel Drees Hamburg U. C.S. Kim Durham U. DESY 91-086 Constraints on anomalous W W gamma and W W gamma gamma couplings at 500-GeV linear e+ e- collider S.Y. Choi, F. Schrempp DESY DESY 91-087 Generalized nuclearity conditions and the split property in quantum field theory Detlev Buchholz Hamburg U. Jakob Yngvason Iceland U. DESY 91-088 The Average action for scalar fields near phase transitions Christof Wetterich DESY DESY 91-089 Measurement of the decay of the Upsilon (1S) and Upsilon (2S) SLAC-PUB-5402 resonances to muon pairs Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 91-090 A Practicable gamma(5) scheme in dimensional regularization MZ-TH-91-23 J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY D. Kreimer, K. Schilcher Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY 91-091 A Measurement of asymmetry in the decay lambda(c)+ ---> lambda pi+ ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-092 Measurement of R and determination of the charged particle multiplicity in e+ e- annihilation at s**(1/2) around 10-GeV ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-093 The Package PAKPDF version 1.1 of parametrizations of parton distribution functions in the proton K. Charchula DESY DESY 91-094 Resonance formation in gamma gamma collisions C91-07-25 Karl-Heinz Karch DESY DESY 91-095 Semileptonic decays of bottom baryons at LEP Thomas Mannel DESY Gerhard A. Schuler Hamburg U. DESY 91-096 Testing anomalous W W gamma couplings in radiative charged current e p scattering T. Helbig DESY H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. DESY 91-097 Forward backward asymmetry of dilepton angular distribution in RU-91-8-B the decay b ---> s l+ l- Ahmed Ali, T. Mannel DESY T. Morozumi Rockefeller U. DESY 91-098 Scaling laws, renormalization group flow and the continuum HLRZ-91-71 limit in noncompact lattice QED FUB-HEP-91-9 M. Gockeler, R. Horsley Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC Paul E.L. Rakow Freie U., Berlin G. Schierholz Julich, NIC DESY R. Sommer CERN DESY 91-099 Ground state projection multigrid for propagators in four-dimensional SU(2) gauge fields Thomas Kalkreuter Hamburg U. DESY 91-100 KRONOS: A Monte Carlo event generator for higher order HERA Harald Anlauf Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. Hans D. Dahmen Siegen U. Panagiotis Manakos Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. Thomas Mannel Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY Thorsten Ohl Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 91-101 The HERA physics program C91-05-06.3 D.H. Saxon Glasgow U. DESY 91-102 Effects of heavy majorana neutrinos and neutral vector bosons on electroweak observables W. Buchmuller, C. Greub, H.G. Kohrs DESY DESY 91-103 Dispersion relations for vacuum polarization functions in MAD-PH-670 electroweak physics Bernd A. Kniehl Wisconsin U., Madison DESY Alberto Sirlin New York U. DESY 91-104 Higgs radiation off top quarks in high-energy e+ e- colliders TUM-T31-19-91 A. Djouadi DESY Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. J. Kalinowski Munich, Tech. U. P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 91-105 QCD corrections to the H Z gamma coupling M. Spira Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. A. Djouadi Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 91-106 Measuring the weak isospin of B quarks D. Schaile Freiburg U. P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 91-107 Higgs boson production in e gamma collisions DTP-91-54 Kaoru Hagiwara KEK-TH-301 Durham U. HUPD-9114 KEK, Tsukuba KEK-PREPRINT-91-101I. Watanabe Hiroshima U. P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 91-108 Top quark physics at e+ e- linear colliders C91-09-09.3 P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 91-109 Signals of new gauge bosons C91-09-09.3 A. Djouadi DESY A. Leike, T. Riemann DESY, Zeuthen D. Schaile Freiburg U. C. Verzegnassi Zurich, ETH DESY 91-110 Nucleon structure function at small x C91-07-25 E.M. Levin DESY St. Petersburg, INP DESY 91-111A S matrix approach to the Z line shape PHE-91-10 A. Leike, T. Riemann hep-ph/9508390 DESY, Zeuthen J. Rose Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 91-111 CELLO results on multiparticle production C91-06-25.1 O. Podobrin DESY DESY 91-112 A Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of charmed hadrons ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-113 On the general theory of quantized fields C91-07-30.1 K. Fredenhagen Hamburg U. DESY 91-114 Physics on future gamma p and gamma e colliders at TeV energy scale and computer system CompHEP E. Boos, M. Dubinin, V. Edneral, V. Ilyin, A. Pukhov, V. Savrin Moscow State U. G. Jikia, S. Shichanin Serpukhov, IHEP S. Sultanov Baku, Inst. Phys. DESY 91-115 Two loop quantum gravity ITP-SB-91-52 A.E.M. van de Ven Hamburg U. SUNY, Stony Brook DESY 91-116 KMS states for Dirac quantum field in Rindler space-time G. Mihalache Hamburg U. DESY 91-117 Determination of the longitudinal structure function at HERA SACLAY-DPHPE-91-11 from radiative events M.W. Krasny Saclay Cracow, INP W. Placzek Jagiellonian U. DESY H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. DESY 91-118 Third threshold in the weak interactions? J.J. van der Bij Freiburg U. Helene G.J. Veltman DESY DESY 91-119 Heavy baryons in the heavy quark effective theory MZ-TH-91-35 J.G. Korner C91-06-25 Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY G. Thompson Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY 91-120 A Hyperbolic Lie algebra from supergravity PRINT-91-0422 (HAMBURG)H. Nicolai Hamburg U. DESY 91-121 Production of D(s)+ mesons in B decays and determination of f(D(s)) ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-122 Measurement of the decay B- ---> D*0 l- anti-neutrino ARGUS Collaboration DESY 91-123 Polarization effects in exclusive semileptonic Lambda(c) and MZ-TH-91-05 Lambda(b) charm and bottom baryon decays J.G. Korner, M. Kramer Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY DESY 91-124 Small x physics B. Badelek Warsaw U. K. Charchula DESY M. Krawczyk Warsaw U. J. Kwiecinski Cracow, INP DESY 91-125 Existence of primary fields as a generalization of the Luscher-Mack theorem Ludmil K. Hadjiivanov Hamburg U. DESY 91-126 Analysis of the eta pi0 pi0 final state in photon-photon SLAC-REPRINT-1992-063collisions Crystal Ball Collaboration DESY 91-127 Statistical models based on conditional probability distributions Rajamani S. Narayanan DESY DESY 91-128 Radiative corrections for associated Z H production at future e+ e- colliders Bernd A. Kniehl DESY DESY 91-129 Path Integration on hyperbolic spaces IMPERIAL-TP-90-91-35C. Grosche Hamburg U. DESY 91-130 Selberg supertrace formula for superRiemann surfaces: Elliptic IMPERIAL-TP-90-91-37and parabolic conjugacy classes, and Selberg superzeta functions C. Grosche Hamburg U. DESY 91-131 Heavy quark symmetry at large recoil MZ-TH-91-33 J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY P. Kroll Wuppertal U. DESY 91-132 QCD corrections to charm quark production in deep inelastic neutrino scattering G. Kramer Hamburg U. B. Lampe Leiden U. DESY 91-133 Observables, superselection sectors and gauge groups C91-07-16.1 Klaus Fredenhagen Hamburg U. DESY 91-134 Polarization and CP asymmetries in the decays B ---> K* psi, K* omega and K* rho G. Kramer Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 91-135 Charges in quantum field theory C91-07-30.1 Karl-Henning Rehren Hamburg U. DESY 91-136 Quantum symmetry associated with braid group statistics. 2. C91-07-16 Karl-Henning Rehren Hamburg U. DESY 91-137 B decays: Introduction Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 91-138 Prospects for charm physics with H1 detector at HERA C91-06-25 F. Ould-Saada Hamburg U. DESY 91-139 B anti-B mixing H. Schroder DESY DESY 91-140 Signals of new gauge bosons at future e+ e- colliders CERN-TH-6350-91 A. Djouadi ETH-TH-91-43 DESY LMU-91-05 A. Leike Munich U. DESY, Zeuthen T. Riemann DESY, Zeuthen CERN D. Schaile Freiburg U. C. Verzegnassi Zurich, ETH DESY 91-142 A New rule for quantizing chaos R. Aurich, C. Matthies, M. Sieber, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-143 Analysis of elastic scattering at low momentum transfer Jon Pumplin Michigan State U. DESY DESY 91-144 Quantum symmetry in quantum theory C91-07-16.1 Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 91-145D Scalar and tensor meson production in two photon collisions: C91-08-12 Results on light quark spectroscopy H. Kolanoski Dortmund U. DESY 91-145C The a1 resonance in tau decays (ARGUS results) C91-08-12 H. Kolanoski Dortmund U. DESY 91-145B CELLO results on gamma gamma ---> pi+ pi-: Results on light C91-08-12 quark spectroscopy Jens Harjes Hamburg U. DESY 91-145A Resonance formation in gamma gamma collisions: As observed with C91-08-12 the crystal ball detector: Results on light quark spectroscopy J.K. Bienlein DESY DESY 91-146 A Fokker-Planck treatment of stochastic particle motion within approximation D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, H. Mais, G. Ripken DESY DESY 91-147 Lepton - hadron correlations to O(alpha-s**2) in (2+1) jet production at electron - proton colliders T. Brodkorb Mainz U., Inst. Phys. J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY DESY 91-148 W(sl(n)): Existence, Cartan basis and infinite Abelian C91-07-16.1 subalgebras Max R. Niedermaier Hamburg U. DESY 91-149 Evidence for the accumulation of tunneling paths in SU(2) lattice gauge theory B. Raabe Hamburg U. DESY 91-150 Applications of periodic orbit theory C91-05-28 M. Sieber Hamburg U. DESY 91-151 Thermal equilibrium during the electroweak phase transition Nikolaos Tetradis DESY DESY 91-152 Scaling behavior of small volume physics in SU(2) lattice gauge HLRZ-97-91 theory F. Gutbrod DESY DESY 91-153 Status report of a 500-GeV S band linear collider study K. Balewski, M. Bieler, W. Bothe, K. Bredehoft, R. Brinkmann, S. Choroba, B. Dwersteg, M. Ebert, A. Febel, R. Fischer, K. Flottmann, B. Holzer, H. Jurgensen, J. Kouptsidis, H. Kumpfert, F. Loffler, M. Marx, H. Narciss, R. Neumann, F. Peters, M. Peters, P. Pillat, J. Rossbach, G. Schumann, W. Schwarz, S. Vilcins, G.A. Voss, M. Werner, S. Wipf, H. Wumpelmann DESY H.G. Beyer, M. Dehler, M. Dohlus, F. Ebeling, P. Hahne, N. Holtkamp, R. Klatt, F. Krawczyk, V. Tsakanov, U. Van Rienen, R. Wanzenberg, T. Weiland, H. Wolter Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 91-154 Measurement of hot spots inside the proton at HERA and LEP/LHC Jochen Bartels Hamburg U. A. de Roeck Munich, Max Planck Inst. M. Loewe Chile U., Catolica DESY 91-155 Probing W W gamma and W W gamma gamma couplings with C91-02-04 high-energy photon beams S.Y. Choi, F. Schrempp DESY DESY 91-156 Asymptotic distribution of the pseudoorbits and the generalized Euler constant gamma Delta for a family of strongly chaotic systems R. Aurich, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 91-157 Acceptance rates in multigrid Monte Carlo hep-lat/9204016 Martin Grabenstein Hamburg U. Klaus Pinn Munster U., ITP DESY 91-158 The MC++ event generator toolkit: Version 0 LU-TP-91-35 Leif Lonnblad DESY Anders Nilsson Lund U.

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