DESY 92-001 Higgs and Yukawa theories on the lattice Istvan Montvay DESY DESY 92-002 Gluon density determination from open charm events at HERA FTUAM-EP-92-01 R. van Woudenberg C91-10-29 NIKHEF, Amsterdam F. Ould-Saada Hamburg U. F. Barreiro, J. del Peso, J.F. de Troconiz Madrid, Autonoma U. Y. Eisenberg, C. Glasman, U. Karshon, A. Montag Weizmann Inst. S. Egli Zurich U. DESY 92-003 Results on radiation hardness of silicon detectors up to C91-05-26 neutron fluences of 10**15-n/cm**2 R. Wunstorf, M. Benkert, N. Claussen, N. Croitoru, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindstrom, T. Schulz Hamburg U. DESY 92-004 W W gamma couplings from single W production in polarized e+ e- collisions O. Philipsen DESY DESY 92-005 Technibaryon production at p p colliders UCMFT-10-91 Antonio Dobado Madrid U. Juan Terron DESY DESY 92-006 Unconstrained SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills classical mechanics B. Dahmen, B. Raabe Hamburg U. DESY 92-007 Direct CP asymmetries in the decays B ---> V V from an effective weak Hamiltonian G. Kramer Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 92-008 Search for charm production in direct decays of the Upsilon ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-009 Z0 ---> d(i) anti-d(j) CP asymmetry in a model with an extra FTUV-92-5 vector - like singlet quark IFIC-92-5 J. Roldan DESY F.J. Botella, J. Vidal Valencia U. DESY 92-010 High precision verification of the Kosterlitz-Thouless C91-11-05-1 scenario hep-lat/9207019 Martin Hasenbusch Kaiserslautern U. Mihail Marcu Hamburg U. Tel Aviv U. Klaus Pinn Munster U., ITP DESY 92-011 New leptons, quarks and leptoquarks in high-energy e+ e- C91-09-09.3 annihilation W. Buchmuller DESY DESY 92-012 Crossing the entropy barrier of dynamical zeta functions R. Aurich, J. Bolte, C. Matthies, M. Sieber, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 92-013 Search for neutrinoless tau decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-014 Nonlinear QCD effects in the pomeron parton dynamics TSL-ISV-91-0055 G. Ingelman Uppsala U. DESY K. Janson-Prytz Uppsala U. DESY 92-015 Selforganizing criticality, large anomalous mass dimension and NSF-ITP-92-58I the gauge hierarchy problem S. Bornholdt, C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-016 Energy level statistics of an integrable billiard system in a SISSA-34-92-FM rectangle in the hyperbolic plane C. Grosche SISSA, Trieste DESY 92-17 Elastic and diffractive photoproduction of J / psi mesons CERN-TH-6403-92 Gerhard A. Schuler FTUAM-EP-92-04 CERN Juan Terron DESY DESY 92-018 Lagrangians and anomaly candidates of D = 4, N=1 rigid ITP-UH-3-92 supersymmetry Friedemann Brandt Hannover U. DESY 92-18 Photon - proton total cross-section and the reaction gamma p CERN-TH-6415-92 Gerhard A. Schuler FTUAM-EP-92-05 CERN Juan Terron DESY DESY 92-019 Heavy quark symmetry at large recoil: The Case of baryons MZ-TH-91-34 J.G. Korner WU-B-91-31 Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY P. Kroll Wuppertal U. DESY 92-020 Geometry from general statistics C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-021 Radiative corrections to Higgs production from Z decay Bernd A. Kniehl DESY DESY 92-022 Matrix element calculation of quark Bremsstrahlung in O (alpha C91-12-02.1 alpha s) G. Kramer, H. Spiesberger Hamburg U. DESY 92-023 Right-handed currents and heavy neutrinos in high-energy e p ZU-TH-9-92 and e+ e- scattering W. Buchmuller DESY C. Greub Zurich U. DESY 92-024 The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the two parameter quantum algebras SU-p,q(2) in the Lowdin-Shapiro approach R.F. Wehrhahn, Yu.F. Smirnov Hamburg U. DESY 92-025 The Schrodinger functional: A Renormalizable probe for CERN-TH-6410-92 nonAbelian gauge theories hep-lat/9207009 Martin Luscher, Rajamani Narayanan DESY Peter Weisz Munich, Max Planck Inst. Ulli Wolff CERN DESY 92-026 Hard photoproduction of multiparticle hadronic final states C91-09-23.2 E. Paul Bonn U. DESY 92-027 Multiplicity structure of inclusive diffraction in pi+ p and K+ p interactions at 250-GeV/c EHS-NA22 Collaboration DESY 92-028 J / psi production mechanisms and determination of the gluon FTUAM-EP-92-02 density at HERA C91-10-29 H. Jung Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. G.A. Schuler Hamburg U. J. Terron DESY DESY 92-029 Exclusive semileptonic decays of B mesons to D mesons ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-030 Calculations of the photon dose behind concrete shielding of high-energy proton accelerators D. Dworak, K. Tesch DESY J.M. Zazula CERN DESY 92-031 Renormalized loop expansion for the gauge covariant constraint effective Higgs potential on the lattice G. Palma Hamburg U. DESY 92-032 Renormalization scales in electroweak physics: and Photon C91-12-02.1 radiation in the dipole model and in the Ariadne program Bernd A. Kniehl, Leif Lonnblad DESY DESY 92-033 Solutions to the Gribov-Levin-Ryskin equation in the nonperturbative region Jochen Bartels Hamburg U. E. Levin DESY DESY 92-034 Propagators in magnetic string backgrounds calculated by C91-09-23.5 shifting the angular operator Hans Jurgen Kaiser DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-035 Symmetry scattering on the hyperboloid SO(2,1)/SO(2) in different coordinate systems R.F. Wehrhahn Hamburg U. Yu.F. Smirnov, A.M. Shirokov Moscow State U. DESY 92-036 Selfstabilization of collective instabilities Jorg Feikes DESY DESY 92-037 Average action for the Higgs model with Abelian gauge symmetry ITP-UH-1-92 M. Reuter Hannover U. C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-038 Structure functions and QCD tests at HERA J. Blumlein, M. Klein DESY DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-039 Action of truncated quantum groups on quasiquantum planes and a quasiassociative differential geometry and calculus Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 92-040 A Quantitative investigation of the pomeron TAUP-1948-92 E. Gotsman hep-ph/9209218 Tel Aviv U. E.M. Levin DESY St. Petersburg, INP U. Maor Tel Aviv U. DESY 92-041 HELENA: A Beauty factory in Hamburg H. Albrecht, G. Bohm, H. Ehrlichmann, E. Michel, Hannelies Kluge, S. Nowak, M. Reidenbach, W. Reinsch, H. Schroder, H.D. Schulz, M. Walter, R. Wurth, K. Balewski, B. Dwersteg, A. Febel, A. Gamp, G. Hemmie, S. Herb, R.D. Kohaupt, J. Rummler, H. Hartwig, G. Jacobs, J.P. Jensen, H. Kaiser, J. Kouptsidis, D. Kramer, M. Marx, G. Meyer, H. Musfeldt, H. Narciss, B. Oentrich, S. Patzold, A. Piwinski, D. Proch, J. Sekutowicz, K. Sinram, H. Wumpelmann, F. Willeke DESY H. Kolanoski, R. Mankel, B. Spaan, D. Wegener Dortmund U. W. Schmidt-Parzefall Hamburg U. P. Hanke, J. Stiewe Heidelberg U. S. Ball, C. Geyer, W. Hofmann, B. Holzer, E. Jaeschke, S. Khan, K.T. Knopfle, M. Spahn, J. Spengler Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. P. Grosse-Wiesmann CERN K. Strahl Karlsruhe U. V. Cindro, G. Kernel, S. Korpar, P. Krizan, E. Kriznic, A. Stanovnik, M. Staric Stefan Inst., Ljubljana Ljubljana U. M. Danilov, A. Droutskoy, B. Fominykh, A. Nepeipivo, A. Rostovtsev, I. Tikhomirov, Yu. Zaitsev Moscow, ITEP R. Kotthaus, E. Lorenz Munich, Max Planck Inst. G. Wormser Orsay, LAL H. Kapitza Carleton U. J. Chauveau Paris U., VI-VII Paris U., VI-VII R. Aleksan Saclay R. Horisberger PSI, Villigen DESY 92-042 Angular correlations in the decays B ---> V V using heavy quark IKDA-92-8 symmetry G. Kramer Hamburg U. T. Mannel Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 92-043 The Decay of strange bottom into vector mesons G. Kramer Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 92-044 Aspects of two photon physics at linear e+ e- colliders BU-92-1 Manuel Drees hep-ph/9203219 DESY Rohini M. Godbole Mumbai U. DESY 92-045 Simulation of a presampler response with CALOR: A Comparison with experimental data C. Zeitnitz, G. Lindstrom, E. Fretwurst, V. Riech Hamburg U. T.A. Gabriel Oak Ridge T. Handler Tennessee U. DESY 92-046 ARIADNE version 4: A Program for simulation of QCD cascades implementing the color dipole model Leif Lonnblad DESY DESY 92-047 Anomalous dimension of the twist four gluon operator and pomeron cuts in deep inelastic scattering E.M. Levin DESY St. Petersburg, INP M.G. Ryskin, A.G. Shuvaev St. Petersburg, INP DESY 92-048 Rare decays B ---> X(d) gamma in the standard model ZU-TH-11-92 Ahmed Ali DESY C. Greub Zurich U. DESY 92-049 Exclusive nonleptonic charm baryon decays MZ-TH-91-07 J.G. Korner, M. Kramer Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY DESY 92-050 A New determination of the B0 - anti-B0 oscillation strength ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-051 Particles and propagators in relativistic thermo field theory Jacques Bros Saclay Detlev Buchholz Hamburg U. DESY 92-052 Evidence for the production of the charmed, doubly strange baryon omega(c) in e+ e- annihilation ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-053 Quantum symmetry for pedestrians Gerhard Mack, Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 92-054 Scale dependence of the average potential around the maximum in phi**4 theories N. Tetradis, C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-055 Noncritical strings in Robertson-Walker space-time hep-th/9204078 K. Behrndt DESY DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-056 A Search for D0 ---> K+ pi- ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-057 A New look at Goldstone's theorem Detlev Buchholz Hamburg U. Sergio Doplicher Rome U. Roberto Longo, John E. Roberts Rome U.,Tor Vergata DESY 92-058 Rare B decays in QCD C91-06-17 Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 92-059 Jet photoproduction at HERA in next-to-leading order QCD D. Bodeker DESY DESY 92-060 Radiation hardness of silicon detectors for future colliders C92-02-24.2 E. Fretwurst, N. Claussen, N. Croitoru, G. Lindstrom, B. Papendick, U. Pein, Hendrik Schatz, T. Schulz, R. Wunstorf Hamburg U. DESY 92-061 Arithmetical chaos and violation of universality in energy level statistics J. Bolte, G. Steil, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 92-062 Mass spectra of supersymmetric particles and experimental bounds Francesca Borzumati Hamburg U. DESY 92-063 T odd and CP odd triple momentum correlations in the exclusive MZ-TH-92-04 semileptonic charm meson decay D ---> K* (K pi) lepton lepton-neutrino J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY K. Schilcher, Y.L. Wu Mainz U., Inst. Phys. DESY 92-064 Quality control and calibration of the ZEUS forward and rear calorimeters with Co-60 sources U. Behrens, G. Gloth, H. Kammerlocher, B. Krebs, R. Kruger, F. Meyer, K. Wick Hamburg U. D. Gilkinson, D. Hanna, L.W. Hung McGill U. DESY 92-065 Jet production in two photon collisions at present and future C92-03-22.1 e+ e- colliders Manuel Drees DESY DESY 92-066 First measurement of HERA luminosity by ZEUS lumi monitor ZEUS Luminosity Monitor Group DESY 92-067A Local couplings, double insertions and the Weyl consistency condition Elisabeth Kraus DESY Klaus Sibold Munich, Max Planck Inst. DESY 92-067 Optimization of central particle tracking at future hadron CERN-PPE-92-69 colliders C. D'Ambrosio, T. Gys, H. Leutz CERN U. Gensch, S. Schlenstedt DESY DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-068 Quasiquantum group covariant q oscillators Volker Schomerus Hamburg U. DESY 92-069 Product of states C91-09-27 Klaus Fredenhagen Hamburg U. DESY 92-070 Effective field theories hep-lat/9205013 G. Mack, T. Kalkreuter, G. Palma, M. Speh Hamburg U. DESY 92-071 Bilocal field approach and semileptonic heavy meson decays hep-ph/9208261 Yu.L. Kalinovsky Dubna, JINR L. Kaschluhn DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-072 Dynamical symmetry as a tool to understanding properties of supersymmetric partner potentials. Example of so(2,1) symmetry R.F. Wehrhahn Hamburg U. Ian L. Cooper Newcastle upon Tyne U. DESY 92-073 Photon induced reactions at HERA C92-03-22.1 Aharon Levy DESY Tel Aviv U. DESY 92-074 Measurement of inclusive baryon production in B meson decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-075 Prospects for measuring the B(s)0 - anti-B(s)0 mixing ratio UDEM-LPN-TH-95 x(s) Ahmed Ali DESY D. London Montreal U. DESY 92-076 Mass and width of unstable gauge bosons Helene G.J. Veltman DESY DESY 92-077 New results on D0 decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-078 Real and virtual photon contributions to inelastic e p CERN-TH-6519-92 scattering MPI-PH-91-113 Francesca Borzumati Hamburg U. Gerhard A. Schuler CERN DESY 92-079 Resonances in K(l4) decays Markus Finkemeier Hamburg U. DESY 92-080 High-energy behavior of total cross-sections in weak interactions M. Pindor Warsaw U. R. Raczka Soltan Inst., Swierk C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-081 Constituent quarks and total cross-sections at LHC / SSC Jon Pumplin Michigan State U. DESY DESY 92-082 Measurement of the decay tau- ---> rho- tau-neutrino ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-083A New Crystal Ball data on resonance formation by gamma gamma C92-03-22.1 collisions J.K. Bienlein DESY DESY 92-083B Representation of results on gamma gamma formation of C92-03-22.1 resonances by helicity amplitudes J.K. Bienlein DESY DESY 92-084 The Calculations of the magnetic field and forces in the ZEUS detector F. Corriveau McGill U. DESY 92-085 Heavy quark physics at HERA C92-04-06.1 Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 92-086 A Measurement of the tau mass ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-087 One loop corrections to the lightest Higgs mass in the minimal eta model with a heavy Z-prime D. Comelli Trieste U. C. Verzegnassi DESY Trieste U. INFN, Trieste DESY 92-088 A Setup for precise measurements of scintillating fiber bundles system M. Gruwe, C. Mommaert Brussels U., IIHE J.P. Fabre, B. Friend, W. Flegel, J. Panman, S. Reunaud, G. Stefanini, K. Winter CERN J. Bahr, A. Bischoff, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, W. Lange, H. Ludecke, R. Nahnhauer, W.D. Nowak, M. Pohl, H.E. Roloff, K. Sulanke DESY DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-089 Prompt photon energy spectra in B decays and determination of ZU-TH-23-92 the CKM matrix elements Ahmed Ali DESY C. Greub Zurich U. DESY 92-090 B decays: An Overview C92-03-22 Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 92-091 Statistical properties of highly excited quantum eigenstates of a strongly chaotic system R. Aurich, F. Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 92-092 Mirror fermions in chiral gauge theories hep-lat/9205023 I. Montvay DESY DESY 92-093 The high temperature phase transition for phi**4 theories N. Tetradis, C. Wetterich DESY DESY 92-094 Kinematics of multigrid Monte Carlo hep-lat/9207003 Martin Grabenstein Hamburg U. Klaus Pinn Munster U., ITP DESY 92-095 Direct and resolved photon contribution to inelastic e p C92-04-06.1 scattering. W+ production at HERA: A Case study Francesca Borzumati Hamburg U. DESY 92-096 Computation of the running coupling in the SU(2) Yang-Mills CERN-TH-6566-92 theory hep-lat/9207010 Martin Luscher DESY Rainer Sommer, Ulli Wolff CERN Peter Weisz Munich, Max Planck Inst. DESY 92-097 KROWIG, Version 1.0: Interfacing KRONOS and HERWIG or higher hep-ph/9207220 states Thorsten Ohl DESY DESY 92-098 The Dipole model structure functions LU-TP-92-21 Bo Andersson Lund U., Dept. Theor. Phys. Leif Lonnblad DESY DESY 92-099 Aspects of canonical gravity and supergravity C92-02-17 H. Nicolai, H.J. Matschull Hamburg U. DESY 92-100 On the spectral densities of hot gluons ITP-UH-5-92 Hermann Schulz Hannover U. DESY 92-101 The Neutralino relic density in minimal N=1 supergravity SLAC-PUB-5860 Manuel Drees hep-ph/9207234 DESY Mihoko M. Nojiri SLAC DESY 92-102 On the effect of the t anti-t threshold on electroweak NYU-TR-92-09-04 parameters Bernd A. Kniehl DESY Alberto Sirlin New York U. DESY 92-103 Quark / gluon jet discrimination at HERA Jon Pumplin Michigan State U. DESY DESY 92-104 Periodic orbits in arithmetical chaos Jens Bolte Hamburg U. DESY 92-105 The Spectrum of the conserved charges in affine Toda theories Max R. Niedermaier Hamburg U. DESY 92-106 On the origin of the enhancement of CP violating charge C92-08-06 asymmetries in K+- ---> 3 pi decays predicted from chiral theory hep-ph/9305333 A.A. Belkov, A.V. Lanyov Dubna, JINR G. Bohm, A. Schaale DESY, Zeuthen D. Ebert Humboldt U., Berlin DESY 92-107 Joint angular decay distributions in exclusive weak decays of heavy mesons and baryons P. Bialas Jagiellonian U. J.G. Korner Mainz U., Inst. Phys. M. Kramer DESY Mainz U., Inst. Phys. K. Zalewski Cracow, INP DESY 92-108 Improving multigrid and conventional relaxation algorithms for hep-lat/9207016 propagators Thomas Kalkreuter Hamburg U. DESY 92-109 Screening of large exotic scales in the light Higgs mass bound INFN,-TRIESTE for a general class of supersymmetric models D. Comelli Trieste U. C. Verzegnassi DESY Trieste U. DESY 92-110 Hadronization of quark flavor dynamics including three quark forces D. Ebert Humboldt U., Berlin L. Kaschluhn DESY DESY 92-111 Numerical simulation of heavy fermions in an SU(2)-L x SU(2)-R hep-lat/9207021 symmetric Yukawa model C. Frick, T. Trappenberg Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC L. Lin, G. Munster, M. Plagge Munster U., ITP I. Montvay, H. Wittig DESY DESY 92-112 A Determination of the Z b anti-b vertex correction from LEP data A. Blondel Ecole Polytechnique A. Djouadi DESY C. Verzegnassi DESY Trieste U. INFN, Trieste DESY 92-113 Radiative rare B decays into higher K resonances IKDA-92-23 Ahmed Ali, Thorsten Ohl hep-ph/9208207 DESY Thomas Mannel Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch. DESY 92-114 Unitarity corrections to the Lipatov pomeron and the small x region in deep inelastic scattering in QCD Jochen Bartels Hamburg U. DESY 92-115 Screening in the lattice Schwinger model Hermann Dilger DESY DESY 92-116 Excited fermions at e+ e- and e P colliders ENSLAPP-A-385-92 F. Boudjema Annecy, LAPP A. Djouadi DESY J.L. Kneur Bielefeld U. DESY 92-117 On the kinetics of the electroweak phase transition C92-05-25.1 W. Buchmuller, T. Helbig DESY DESY 92-118 Selberg trace formula for bordered Riemann surfaces: SISSA-139-92-FM of Maass laplacians Jens Bolte Hamburg U. Christian Grosche SISSA, Trieste DESY 92-119 An Algebraic characterization of vacuum states in Minkowski space Detlev Buchholz Hamburg U. Stephen J. Summers Florida U. DESY 92-120 Recent developments of the ZEUS pipeline SLAC-REPRINT-1992-044A. Caldwell, J. Parsons, W. Sippach C92-05-19 Nevis Labs, Columbia U. S. Bottcher, C. Coldewey, R. Klanner, U. Kotz DESY R. Kluit NIKHEF, Amsterdam D. Freytag SLAC DESY 92-121 Introduction to radiation backgrounds in a B factory C92-04-06.2 Shaukat Khan Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. DESY 92-122 Parton density at small x(B) C92-06-09 E.M. Levin DESY St. Petersburg, INP DESY 92-123A-B e+ e- Collisions at 500-GeV: the Physics Potential. France, June 10-11, 1991, Hamburg, Germany, September 2-3, 1991 P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-124 Observation of the decay D(s1) (2536) ---> D*0 K+ ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-125 Analysis of the decay tau- ---> pi- pi- pi+ tau-neutrino and determination of the a1 (1260) resonance parameters ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-126 Neural multigrid for gauge theories and other disordered hep-lat/9209021 systems M. Baker, T. Kalkreuter, G. Mack, M. Speh Hamburg U. DESY 92-127 A Measurement of sigma(t) (gamma p) at s**(1/2) = 210-GeV ZEUS Collaboration DESY 92-128 Higgs bosons at future colliders C92-05-25.1 Abdelhak Djouadi DESY DESY 92-129 Experiences at HERA with the H1 data acquisition system C92-09-21 W.J. Haynes DESY Rutherford DESY 92-130 DESY 92-130.Erratum The Decay B ---> D pi lepton neutrino using chiral and heavy quark symmetry G. Kramer Hamburg U. W.F. Palmer Ohio State U. DESY 92-131 The Semiclassical stability of de Sitter spacetime ITP-UH-9-92 C. Busch arXiv:0803.3204 Hannover U. DESY 92-132 Quantization rules for strongly chaotic systems R. Aurich, J. Bolte Hamburg U. DESY 92-133 Superselection sectors in low dimensional quantum field theory C92-02-17 Klaus Fredenhagen Hamburg U. DESY 92-134 Meson diquark bosonization in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and C92-06-29.3 in QCD D. Ebert Humboldt U., Berlin L. Kaschluhn DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-135 Higher order QCD corrections to inclusive particle production hep-ph/9211305 in p anti-p collisions Francesca Borzumati, Bernd A. Kniehl, G. Kramer Hamburg U. DESY 92-136 The HERA polarimeter and the first observation of electron spin polarization at HERA D.P. Barber, H.D. Bremer, M. Boge, R. Brinkmann, W. Bruckner, C. Buscher, M. Chapman, K. Coulter, P.P.J. Delheij, M. Duren, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, P.E.W. Green, H.G. Gaul, H. Greissmann, O. Hausser, R. Henderson, T. Janke, H. Kaiser, R. Kaiser, P. Kitching, R. Klanner, P. Levy, H.C. Lewin, M. Lomperski, W. Lorenson, L. Losev, R.D. McKeown, N. Meyners, B. Micheel, R. Milner, A. Mucklich, F. Neunreither, W.D. Nowak, P.M. Patel, K. Rith, C. Cholz, E. Steffens, M. Veltri, M. Vetterli, W. Vogel, W. Wander, D. Westphal, K. Zapfe, F. Zetsche DESY Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. MIT, LNS Argonne TRIUMF Alberta U. Hamburg U. Simon Fraser U. Munster U. Wisconsin U., Madison Caltech Lebedev Inst. DESY, Zeuthen McGill U. DESY 92-137 Formulae and figures for basic two-body QCD processes in e p interaction T. Tymieniecka NIKHEF, Amsterdam Warsaw U. A.F. Zarnecki Warsaw U. DESY 92-138 Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction at HERA ANL-HEP-PR-92-99 M. Derrick, D. Krakauer, S. Magill, B. Musgrave, J. Repond, K. Sugano, R. Stanek, R.L. Talaga, J. Thron Argonne, PHY F. Arzarello, R. Ayed, G. Barbagli, G. Bari, M. Basile, L. Bellagamba, D. Boscherini, G. Bruni, P. Bruni, G. Cara Romeo, G. Castellini, M. Chiarini, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo, F. Ciralli, A. Contin, S. D'Auria, C. Del Papa, F. Frasconi, P. Giusti, G. Iacobucci, G. Laurenti, G. Levi, Q. Lin, B. Lisowski, G. Maccarrone, A. Margotti, T. Massam, R. Nania, C. Nemoz, F. Palmonari, G. Sartorelli, R. Timellini, Y. Zamora Garcia, A. Zichichi Bologna U. INFN, Bologna A. Bargende, F. Barreiro, J. Crittenden, H. Dabbous, K. Desch, B. Diekmann, M. Geerts, G. Geitz, B. Gutjahr, H. Hartmann, J. Hartmann, D. Haun, K. Heinloth, E. Hilger, H.P. Jakob, S. Kramarczyk, M. Kuckes, A. Mass, S. Mengel, J. Mollen, H. Musch, E. Paul, R. Schattevoy, B. Schneider, J.L. Schneider, R. Wedemeyer Bonn U. A. Cassidy, D.G. Cussans, N. Dyce, Helen F. Heath, B. Foster, R. Gilmore, G.P. Heath, M. Lancaster, T.J. Llewellyn, J. Malos, C.J.S. Morgado, R.J. Tapper, S.S. Wilson Bristol U. R.R. Rau Brookhaven A. Bernstein, A. Caldwell, I. Gialas, J.A. Parsons, S. Ritz, F. Sciulli, P.B. Straub, L. Wai, S. Yang Nevis Labs, Columbia U. T. Barillari, M. Schioppa, G. Susinno Calabria U. INFN, Cosenza W. Burkot, J. Chwastowski, A. Dwurazny, A. Eskreys, B. Niziol, Z. Jakubowski, K. Piotrzkowski, M. Zachara, L. Zawiejski Cracow, INP P. Borzemski, K. Eskreys, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, J. Kulka, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac AGH-UST, Cracow T. Kedzierski, A. Kotanski, M. Przybycien Jagiellonian U. L.A.T. Bauerdick, U. Behrens, J.K. Bienlein, C. Coldewey, A. Dannemann, K. Dierks, W. Dorth, G. Drews, P. Erhard, M. Flasinski, I. Fleck, A. Furtjes, R. Glaser, P. Gottlicher, Tobias M. Haas, L. Hagge, W. Hain, D. Hasell, H. Hultschig, G. Jahnen, P. Joos, M. Kasemann, R. Klanner, W. Koch, U. Kotz, H. Kowalski, J. Labs, A. Ladage, B. Lohr, M. Lowe, D. Luke, J. Mainusch, O. Manczak, M. Momayezi, S. Nickel, D. Notz, I. Park, K.U. Posnecker, M. Rohde, E. Ros, U. Schneekloth, J. Schroeder, W. Schulz, F. Selonke, E. Tscheslog, T. Tsurugai, F. Turkot, W. Vogel, T. Woeniger, G Wolf, C. Youngman DESY H.J. Grabosch, A. Leich, A. Meyer, C. Rethfeldt, S. Schlenstedt DESY, Zeuthen R. Casalbuoni, S. De Curtis, D. Dominici, A. Francescato, M. Nuti, P. Pelfer Florence U. INFN, Florence G. Anzivino, R. Casaccia, I. Laakso, S. De Pasquale, S. Qian, L. Votano Frascati A. Bamberger, A. Freidhof, T. Poser, S. Soldner-Rembold, G. Theisen, T. Trefzger Freiburg U. N.H. Brook, P.J. Bussey, A.T. Doyle, J.R. Forbes, V.A. Jamieson, C. Raine, D.H. Saxon Glasgow U. G. Gloth, U. Holm, H. Kammerlocher, B. Krebs, T. Neumann, K. Wick, A. Hofmann, W. Kroger, J. Kruger, E. Lohrmann, J. Milewski, M. Nakahata, N. Pavel, G. Poelz, R. Salomon, A. Seidman, W. Schott, B.H. Wiik, F. Zetsche Hamburg U. T.C. Bacon, I. Butterworth, C. Markou, D. McQuillan, D.B. Miller, M.M. Mobayyen, A. Prinias, A. Vorvolakos Imperial Coll., London T. Bienz, H. Kreutzmann, U. Mallik, E. McCliment, M. Roco, M.Z. Wang Iowa U. P. Cloth, D. Filges Julich, Forschungszentrum L. Chen, R. Imlay, S. Kartik, H.J. Kim, R.R. McNeil, W. Metcalf Louisiana State U. G. Cases, L. Hervas, L. Labarga, J. del Peso, J. Roldan, J. Terron, J.F. de Troconiz Madrid, Autonoma U. F. Ikraiam, J.K. Mayer, G.R. Smith Manitoba U. F. Corriveau, D.J. Gilkinson, D.S. Hanna, L.W. Hung, J.W. Mitchell, P.M. Patel, L.E. Sinclair, D.G. Stairs, R. Ullmann McGill U. G.L. Bashindzhagian, P.F. Ermolov, Yu.A. Golubkov, V.A. Kuzmin, E.N. Kuznetsov, A.A. Savin, A.G. Voronin, N.P. Zotov Moscow State U. S. Bentvelsen, A. Dake, J. Engelen, P. de Jong, S. de Jong, M. de Kamps, P. Kooijman, A. Kruse, H. van der Lugt, V. O'Dell, J. Straver, A. Tenner, H. Tiecke, H. Uijterwaal, Joseph Cornelis Vermeulen, L. Wiggers, E. de Wolf, R. van Woudenberg, R. Yoshida NIKHEF, Amsterdam B. Bylsma, L.S. Durkin, C. Li, T.Y. Ling, K.W. McLean, W.N. Murray, S.K. Park, T.A. Romanowski, R. Seidlein Ohio State U. G.A. Blair, J.M. Butterworth, J. Byrne, R.J. Cashmore, Amanda M. Cooper-Sarkar, R.C.E. Devenish, D.M. Gingrich, P.M. Hallam-Baker, N. Harnew, T. Khatri, K.R. Long, P. Luffman, Ian C. McArthur, P. Morawitz, J. Nash, S.J.P. Smith, N.C. Roocroft, F.F. Wilson Oxford U. G. Abbiendi, R. Brugnera, R. Carlin, F. Dal Corso, M. De Georgi, U. Dosselli, C. Fanin, F. Gasparini, S. Limentani, M. Morandin, M. Posocco, L. Stanco, R. Stroili, C. Voci Padua U. INFN, Padua J.N. Lim, B.Y. Oh, J. Whitmore Penn State U. M. Bonori, U. Contino, G. D'Agostini, M. Guida, M. Iori, S. Mari, G. Marini, M. Mattioli, D. Monaldi, A. Nigro Rome U. J.C. Hart, N.A. McCubbin, T.P. Shah, T.L. Short Rutherford E. Barberis, N. Cartiglia, C. Heusch, B. Hubbard, J. Leslie, J.S.T. Ng, K. O'Shaughnessy, H.F. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden UC, Santa Cruz E. Badura, J. Biltzinger, H. Chaves, M. Rost, R.J. Seifert, A.H. Walenta, W. Weihs, Gunter Zech Siegen U. S. Dagan, R. Heifetz, A. Levy, D. Zer-Zion Tel Aviv U. T. Hasegawa, M. Hazumi, T. Ishii, S. Kasai, M. Kuze, Y. Nagasawa, M. Nakao, H. Okuno, K. Tokushuku, T. Watanabe, S. Yamada INS, Tokyo M. Chiba, R. Hamatsu, T. Hirose, S. Kitamura, S. Nagayama, Y. Nakamitsu Tokyo Metropolitan U. M. Arneodo, M. Costa, M.I. Ferrero, L. Lamberti, S. Maselli, C. Peroni, A. Solano, A. Staiano Turin U. INFN, Turin M. Dardo Turin U., Alessandria David C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, M. Brkic, B.D. Burow, F.S. Chlebana, M.B. Crombie, G.F. Hartner, G.M. Levman, J.F. Martin, R.S. Orr, J.D. Prentice, Cortney R. Sampson, G.G. Stairs, R.J. Teuscher, T.S. Yoon Toronto U. F.W. Bullock, C.D. Catterall, J.C. Giddings, T.W. Jones, A.M. Khan, J.B. Lane, P.L. Makkar, D. Shaw, J. Shulman University Coll. London K. Blankenship, J. Kochocki, B. Lu, L.W. Mo Virginia Tech. K. Charchula, J. Ciborowski, J. Gajewski, G. Grzelak, M. Kasprzak, M. Krzyzanowski, K. Muchorowski, R.J. Nowak, J.M. Pawlak, K. Stojda, A. Stopczynski, R. Szwed, T. Tymieniecka, R. Walczak, A.K. Wroblewski, Janusz Andrzej Zakrzewski, A.F. Zarnecki Warsaw U. M. Adamus Warsaw, Inst. Nucl. Studies H. Abramowicz, Y. Eisenberg, C. Glasman, U. Karshon, A. Montag, D. Revel, E.E. Ronat, A. Shapira Weizmann Inst. I. Ali, B. Behrens, U. Camerini, S. Dasu, C. Fordham, C. Foudas, A. Goussiou, M. Lomperski, R.J. Loveless, P. Nylander, M. Ptacek, D.D. Reeder, W.H. Smith, S. Silverstein Wisconsin U., Madison William R. Frisken, K.M. Furutani, Y. Iga York U., Canada DESY 92-139 QCD: Testing basic properties in jet physics C91-11-26 P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-140B The H1 detector at HERA C92-08-06 F.W. Brasse DESY DESY 92-140A First results from the H1 experiment at HERA C92-08-06 Franz Eisele DESY DESY 92-141 ZEXP: Expert system for ZEUS problem analysis, theoretical background and first results Ulf Behrens DESY Mariusz Flasinski DESY Siegen U. Lars Hagge DESY DESY 92-142 Hard scattering in gamma p interactions H1 Collaboration DESY 92-143 Search for Z-prime S. Riemann DESY DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-144 ZFITTER: An Analytical program for fermion pair production C92-08-06 Tord Riemann DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-145 On the Diffractive dissociation in hard scattering model at HERA energies S.P. Baranov Lebedev Inst. DESY N.P. Zotov Moscow State U. DESY DESY 92-146 Investigation of the decays anti-B0 ---> D*+ lepton- anti-neutrino and anti-B ---> D** lepton- anti-neutrino ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-147 A Renormalization group invariant line and infrared attractive top - Higgs mass relation B. Schrempp Kiel U. F. Schrempp DESY DESY 92-148 On the cross calibration of calorimeters at e p colliders J. Blumlein, M. Klein DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-149 QCD corrections to Higgs boson production at proton proton LBL-33154 colliders D. Graudenz LBL, Berkeley Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. M. Spira Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. DESY P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-150K Use of code synthesis in ZEUS: Use of the Godel C92-09-21 metasynthesizer P.M. Hallam-Baker Oxford U. DESY DESY 92-150J Computing at ZEUS C92-09-21 H. Kowalski DESY DESY 92-150I Run control system of ZEUS online data acquisition C92-09-21 I. Park DESY DESY 92-150H Online background reduction in the ZEUS third level trigger UTPT-92-21 David C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, C92-09-21 F. Chlebana, M. Crombie, G. Hartner, R.S. Orr, Cortney R. Sampson, R. Teuscher Toronto U. DESY 92-150G A High speed DMA extender for the ZEUS third level trigger UTPT-92-22 Silicon Graphics 4D/35S processors C92-09-21 David C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, F. Chlebana, M. Crombie Toronto U. M. Nagy Silicon Graphics, Mtn. View R.S. Orr, Cortney R. Sampson, G. Stairs, R. Teuscher Toronto U. DESY 92-150F The Use of the ZEUS offline event reconstruction code in the UTPT-92-20 ZEUS third level trigger system C92-09-21 David C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, F. Chlebana, M. Crombie, G. Hartner, R.S. Orr, Cortney R. Sampson, R. Teuscher Toronto U. DESY 92-150E The ZEUS third level trigger hardware architecture and the PUPT-92-19 control system C92-09-21 David C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, F. Chlebana, M. Crombie, R.S. Orr, Cortney R. Sampson, R. Teuscher Toronto U. DESY 92-150D The Eventbuilder of the ZEUS experiment C92-09-21 Ulf Behrens, Mariusz Flasinski, Lars Hagge, Wolfgang O. Vogel DESY DESY 92-150C Initial experience with the ZEUS central tracking detector C92-09-21 second level trigger and data acquisition system J. Butterworth, A. Byrne, R. Devenish, D. Gingrich, P. Hallam-Baker, Ian C. McArthur, J. Nash, N. Roocroft, S. Topp-Jorgensen Oxford U. DESY 92-150B The ZEUS trigger system C92-09-21 W.H. Smith Wisconsin U., Madison K. Tokushuku INS, Tokyo L.W. Wiggers Nikhef, Amsterdam DESY 92-150A The ZEUS data acquisition system C92-09-21 C. Youngman DESY DESY 92-150 ZEUS contributed papers to CHEP'92 C92-09-21 DESY 92-151 First order phase transitions in scalar electrodynamics W. Buchmuller, T. Helbig, D. Walliser DESY DESY 92-152 B0 anti-B0 mixings and rare B decays C92-08-06 Ahmed Ali DESY DESY 92-153 Heat kernel calculation of the quark determinant and computer hep-ph/9305329 algebra A.A. Belkov, A.V. Lanyov Dubna, JINR D. Ebert Humboldt U., Berlin A. Schaale DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-154 Quantum mechanics inversion for symmetry scattering R.F. Wehrhahn, Yu.B. Melnikov Hamburg U. DESY 92-155 Inclusive production of charged pions, kaons and protons in upsilon (4S) decays ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-156 On the Existence of point - like localized fields in C92-09-06.1 conformally invariant quantum physics M. Jorss Hamburg U. DESY 92-157 Determination of the running coupling in the SU(2) Yang-Mills C92-09-15 theory from first principles M. Luscher DESY R. Narayanan Rutgers U., Piscataway R. Sommer, U. Wolff CERN P. Weisz Munich, Max Planck Inst. DESY 92-158 Multigrid methods for the computation of propagators in gauge hep-lat/9212021 fields Thomas Kalkreuter Hamburg U. DESY 92-159 The ZEUS uranium calorimeter: Main characteristics and first NIKHEF-H-92-15 operating experience C92-09-29 R. Yoshida NIKHEF, Amsterdam DESY 92-160 Total photoproduction cross-section measurement at HERA energies H1 Collaboration DESY 92-161 Yet another way to obtain low temperature expansions for PRINT-92-0521 discrete spin systems hep-lat/9211052 C. Vohwinkel DESY DESY 92-162 Measurement of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering at HERA H1 Collaboration DESY 92-163 Oblique radiative corrections from Majorana neutrinos Bernd A. Kniehl Hamburg U. Hans-Gunter Kohrs DESY DESY 92-164 Observation of deep inelastic scattering at low x H1 Collaboration DESY 92-165 Measurement of the time development of particle showers in a uranium scintillator calorimeter A. Caldwell, L. Hervas, J.A. Parsons, F. Sciulli, W. Sippach, L. Wai Nevis Labs, Columbia U. DESY 92-166 Photon diffractive dissociation in deep inelastic scattering FERMILAB-PUB-92-334-TE. Levin Fermilab M. Wusthoff Hamburg U. DESY 92-167 CP violation in semiinclusive decays B0 ---> K(s) X (c anti-c) J. Bernabeu Valencia U. DESY C. Jarlskog Stockholm U. DESY DESY 92-168 Exploring the SUSY Higgs sector at e+ e- linear colliders: A UDEM-LPN-114-92 Synopsis A. Djouadi DESY Montreal U. J. Kalinowski Warsaw U. P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-169 Heavy quark production in two photon collisions Manuel Drees Wisconsin U., Madison M. Kramer DESY Mainz U., Inst. Phys. J. Zunft, P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-170 Two photon decay widths of Higgs particles UDEM-LPN-TH-111 A. Djouadi hep-ph/9305335 Montreal U. M. Spira, P.M. Zerwas DESY DESY 92-171 An Exponentially increasing spectral form-factor K(tau) for a class of strongly chaotic systems R. Aurich Hamburg U. M. Sieber Weizmann Inst. DESY 92-172 Baryogenesis and the scale of B-L breaking W. Buchmuller DESY T. Yanagida Tohoku U. DESY 92-173 Numerical study of radiative corrections in the low Q**2 region hep-ph/9212222 at HERA K. Charchula DESY J. Gajewski Warsaw U. DESY 92-174 Inclusive production of eta-prime (958) and f0 (975) mesons in the upsilon energy region ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-175 Leptonic QED corrections to the process e p ---> e X in hep-ph/9507278 Jaquet-Blondel variables Arif A. Akhundov Baku, Inst. Phys. Dmitri Yu. Bardin, Lida Kalinovskaya Dubna, JINR Tord Riemann DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-176 Test of a position sensitive photomultiplier for fast scintillating fiber detector readout J. Bahr, B. Hoffmann, H. Ludecke, R. Nahnhauer, M. Pohl, H.E. Roloff DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-177 The Pomeron structure in DIS and gluon recombination effects TSL-ISV-92-0077 G. Ingelman DESY Uppsala U. K. Prytz Uppsala U. DESY 92-178 Deep inelastic scattering on intrinsic charm quarks in the proton G. Ingelman DESY Uppsala U. L. Jonsson, M. Nyberg Lund U. DESY 92-179 The Tachyon in a linear expanding universe hep-th/9212099 K. Behrndt DESY, Zeuthen DESY 92-180 Initial study of deep inelastic scattering with ZEUS at HERA ZEUS Collaboration DESY 92-181 ARCLUS: A New jet clustering algorithm inspired by the color dipole model L. Lonnblad DESY DESY 92-182 A Fifth order perturbative solution to the Gribov-Lipatov TPJU-21-92 equation hep-th/9511029 M. Przybycien DESY Jagiellonian U. DESY 92-183 Mass spectrum and bounds on the couplings in Yukawa models with MS-TPI-92-28 mirror fermions SHEP-92-93-08 L. Lin, G. Munster, M. Plagge hep-lat/9212015 Munster U., ITP I. Montvay, H. Wittig DESY C. Frick, T. Trappenberg Julich, NIC DESY 92-184 Observation of xi(c)0 semileptonic decay ARGUS Collaboration DESY 92-185 Towards a multigrid scheme in SU(2) lattice gauge theory F. Gutbrod DESY DESY 92-186 On the quantum equivalence principle Hermann Hessling Hamburg U. DESY 92-187 The Axial baryonic charge and the spin content of the nucleon: HLRZ-92-103 A Lattice investigation R. Altmeyer DESY M. Gockeler Aachen, Tech. Hochsch. Julich, NIC R. Horsley Julich, NIC E. Laermann Bielefeld U. G. Schierholz DESY Julich, NIC DESY 92-188 QCD corrections to inclusive jet photoproduction via direct photons D. Bodeker Hamburg U. DESY 92-189 Classification of solvable Feynman path integrals SISSA-1-93-FM Christian Grosche hep-th/9302053 SISSA, Trieste Frank Steiner Hamburg U. DESY 92-190 First results from HERA Guenter E. Wolf DESY DESY 92-191 Quantum deformed geometry on phase space UTS-DFT-92-33 E. Gozzi Trieste U. INFN, Trieste M. Reuter DESY

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