DESY 93-001        e+ e- linear colliders: Physics prospects
January 1993       P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-002        A silicon backward tracking detector and trigger for the H1
January 1993       experiment at the e p collider HERA
                   H. Henschel, U. Harder, H. H. Kaufmann, M. Klein, P. Kostka,
                   W. Lange, H. Lippold, J. Meissner, M. Winde
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-003        A partial wave analysis of the decay D0 --> K0(S) pi+ pi-
January 1993       ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-004        The large N limit and the high temperature phase transition
hep-ph/9301271     for the phi**4 theory
January 1993       M. Reuter, N. Tetradis
                   Hamburg DESY
                   C. Wetterich
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-005        Measurement of inclusive semileptonic B decays with the
January 1993       ARGUS detector
                   A. Nau
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-006        Running gauge coupling in three dimensions and the
HD-THEP-92-62      electroweak phase transition
January 1993       M. Reuter
                   Hamburg DESY
                   C. Wetterich
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-007        Multigrid Monte Carlo with higher cycles in the sine-Gordon
hep-lat/9301011    model
January 1993       M. Grabenstein, B. Mikeska
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-008        The eventbuilder of the ZEUS experiment
February 1993      U. Behrens, L. Hagge, W. O. Vogel
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-009        Global observables in local quantum physics
January 1993       K. Fredenhagen
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-010        Single jet photoproduction at HERA in next-to-leading order
January 1993       QCD
                   G. Kramer, S. G. Salesch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-011        Infinite momentum frame calculation of semileptonic heavy
hep-ph/9701212     Lambda/b --> Lambda/c transitions including HQET improvements
February 1993      B. Koenig, J. G. Koerner
                   Mainz Univ.
                   M. Kraemer
                   Hamburg DESY,  Mainz Univ.
                   P. Kroll
                   Wuppertal Univ.

DESY 93-012        Supersymmetric threshold corrections to the Higgs sector in
February 1993      the minimal supersymmetric model
                   R. Hempfling
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-013        Theory of elementary particles
February 1993      Proceedings, 26th International Symposium Ahrenshoop,
                   Wendisch-Rietz, Germany, September 9-13, 1992
                   B. Doerfel (ed.)
                   Berlin Humboldt Univ.
                   E. Wieczorek (ed.)
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-014        First measurements at HERA of deep inelastic scattering at
February 1993      low x
                   A. De Roeck
                   Hamburg DESY
                   M. Klein
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-015        Sphaleron transitions in the symmetric phase of the standard
February 1993      model
                   O. Philipsen
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-016        Rare B decays in the standard model
ZU-TH-4-93         A. Ali
IKDA-93-5          Hamburg DESY
February 1993      C. Greub
                   Zuerich Univ.
                   T. Mannel
                   Darmstadt Tech. Hochsch.

DESY 93-017M        Search for leptoquarks with the ZEUS detector
March 1993         ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-018        Quantum symmetry in quantum theory
February 1993      V. Schomerus
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-019        Diffractive W and Z production at p anti-p colliders and the
February 1993      pomeron parton content
                   P. Bruni
                   Bologna INFN
                   G. Ingelman
                   Hamburg DESY,  Uppsala Univ.

DESY 93-020        The H1 forward muon spectrometer
February 1993      P. Biddulph
                   Manchester Univ.
                   H. I. Cronstroem
                   Lund Univ.
                   P. Finnegan, J. M. Foster, S. Gilbert
                   Manchester Univ.
                   V. Hedberg et al.
                   Lund Univ.

DESY 93-021        The weak - electroweak phase transition
hep-ph/9303251     W. Buchmueller, Z. Fodor, T. Helbig, D. Walliser
February 1993      Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-022        CKM parameter fits, the B/s0 - anti-B/s0 mixing ratio x(s)
UDEM-LPN-TH-138    and CP violating phases in B decays
February 1993      A. Ali
                   Hamburg DESY
                   D. London
                   Montreal Univ.

DESY 93-023        Emittance damping considerations for TESLA
March 1993         K. Floettmann, J. Rossbach
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-024        Fluctuations of the Casimir pressure and the quantization of
March 1993         electrodynamics
                   D. Robaschik
                   Leipzig Univ.
                   E. Wieczorek
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-025        Is the chiral phase transition in noncompact lattice QED
FUB-HEP-6-93       driven by monopole condensation?
HLRZ-93-12         M. Goeckeler
hep-lat/9303001    Aachen Tech. Hochsch.,  Juelich NIC
March 1993         R. Horsley
                   Juelich NIC
                   P. E. L. Rakow
                   Berlin Freie Univ.
                   G. Schierholz
                   Juelich NIC,  Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-026        An experiment to study CP violation in the B system using an
March 1993         internal target at the HERA proton ring
                   W. Hofmann
                   Heidelberg MPI Kernphys.

DESY 93-027        A note on the BFKL pomeron and the 'hot spot' cross-section
March 1993         J. Bartels, H. Lotter
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-028        Unitarity corrections to the Lipatov pomeron and the four
March 1993         gluon operator in deep inelastic scattering in QCD
                   J. Bartels
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-029        A search for leptoquarks, leptogluons and excited leptons in
March 1993         H1 at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-030        Observation of two jet production in deep inelastic
ANL-HEP-PR-93-54   scattering at HERA
March 1993         ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-031        Nonlinear canonical spin: Orbit dynamics in storage rings:
March 1993         Normal forms and the n(vec.) axis.
                   D. P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. Ripken
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-032        First order electroweak phase transition
March 1993         W. Buchmueller, Z. Fodor
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-033        Radiative corrections to e+ e- --> Z h0 and Z --> gamma h0
March 1993         in the minimal supersymmetric model
                   R. Hempfling
                   Hamburg DESY
                   B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-034        Inclusive particle production at HERA: Higher order QCD
hep-ph/9303308     corrections to the resolved quasireal photon contribution
March 1993         F. M. Borzumati, B. A. Kniehl, G. Kramer
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-035        Off-shell W pair production in e+ e- annihilation: Initial
BI-TP-93-09        state radiation
hep-ph/9507277     (Revised Jul. 1995)
July 1993          D. Yu. Bardin, M. S. Bilenky
                   Zeuthen DESY,  Dubna JINR
                   A. Olchevski
                   Dubna JINR
                   T. Riemann
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-036        Bounds on the renormalized couplings in an SU(2)L x SU(2)R
MS-TPI-93-01       symmetric Yukawa model
SHEP-92-93-15      L. Lin
hep-lat/9303012    Muenster Univ.
March 1993         I. Montvay
                   Hamburg DESY
                   G. Muenster, M. Plagge
                   Muenster Univ.
                   H. Wittig
                   Southampton Univ.

DESY 93-037        Symmetry scattering for SU(2,2) and its applications
March 1993         R. F. Wehrhahn
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   A. O. Barut
                   Colorado Univ. Boulder

DESY 93-038        High spin polarization at the HERA electron storage ring
April 1993         D. P. Barber, M. Boege, H. D. Bremer, R. Brinkmann,
                   E. Gianfelice-Wendt, R. Kaiser et al.

DESY 93-039        Heavy Majorana neutrinos at e p colliders
TSL-ISV-93-0081    G. Ingelman
March 1993         Uppsala Univ.,  Hamburg DESY
                   J. Rathsman
                   Uppsala Univ.

DESY 93-040        Integrability conditions for potential flow of the
ITP-UH-03-93       renormalization group
March 1993         B. P. Dolan
                   Hannover Univ.

DESY 93-041        Potential flow of the renormalization group in a simple two
ITP-UH-04-93       component model
hep-th/9307023     B. P. Dolan
March 1993         Hannover Univ.

DESY 93-042        Q creation and annihilation tensors for the two parameters
March 1993         deformation of U(SU(2))
                   R. F. Wehrhahn
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   D. Vraceanu
                   Bucharest Univ.

DESY 93-043        On the exact operator formalism of two-dimensional Liouville
UT-KOMABA-93-6     quantum gravity in Minkowski space-time
hep-th/9305023     Y. Kazama
March 1993         Tokyo Univ. Komaba
                   H. Nicolai
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-044        Some studies on arithmetical chaos in classical and quantum
April 1993         mechanics
                   J. Bolte
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-045<        Compton scattering off black body radiation and other
June 1993          backgrounds of the HERA polarimeter
                   M. Lomperski
                   Wisconsin Univ. Madison

DESY 93-046        Idealized multigrid algorithm for staggered fermions
hep-lat/9304004    T. Kalkreuter
April 1993         Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-047        Results from pion calibration runs for the H1 liquid argon
April 1993         calorimeter and comparisons with simulations
                   H1 Calorimeter Group

DESY 93-048        Double J/psi production: A probe of gluon polarization?
May 1993           S. P. Baranov
                   Moscow Inst. Phys. AS,  Hamburg DESY
                   H. Jung
                   Aachen Tech. Hochsch.

DESY 93-049        Towards finiteness without supersymmetry
ITP-UH-2-93        H. Skarke
TUW-93-04          Hannover Univ.
March 1993

DESY 93-050        Space-time supersymmetry of extended fermionic strings in
ITP-UH-1-93        2+2 dimensions
hep-th/9302091     S. V. Ketov
February 1993      Hannover Univ.

DESY 93-051        A monopole solution in open string theory
hep-th/9304096     K. Behrndt
March 1993         Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-052        Kaons in flavour tagged B decays
April 1993         ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-053        ECFA Workshop on a European B-Meson Factory: B Physics
ECFA-93-151        Working Group report. Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg,
March 1993         Germany, October 29-30, 1992
                   R. Aleksan (ed.)
                   Saclay CEN
                   A. Ali (ed.)
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-054        Search for rare B meson decays into D/s+ mesons
April 1993         ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-055        High energy asymptotics of multicolor QCD and
April 1993         two-dimensional conformal field theories
                   L. N. Lipatov
                   St. Petersburg Inst. Nucl. Phys. AS,  Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-056        A test of the Lorentz structure of semihadronic tau decays
April 1993         H. Thurn, H. Kolanoski
                   Dortmund Univ.

DESY 93-057        Quantum eigenstates of a strongly chaotic system and the
April 1993         scar phenomenon
                   R. Aurich, F. Steiner
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-058        Nonlinear problems in accelerator physics
April 1993         H. Mais
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-059        Emittance growth and proton beam lifetime in HERA
May 1993           F. Zimmermann
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-060        Radiative kaon decays and CP violation
hep-ph/9305330     A. A. Belkov, A. V. Lanyov
May 1993           Dubna JINR
                   A. Schaale
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-061        A proposal for a differential calculus in quantum mechanics
UTS-DFT-93-10      E. Gozzi
hep-th/0306205     Trieste Univ.,  Trieste INFN
May 1993           M. Reuter
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-062        A new way to set the energy scale in lattice gauge theories
hep-lat/9310022    and its applications to the static force and alpha(s) in
May 1993           SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
                   R. Sommer
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-063        Fast simulation of longitudinal hadron shower profiles in
May 1993           the ZEUS calorimeter
                   A. F. Zarnecki
                   Warsaw Univ.

DESY 93-064        Higgs bosons: Intermediate mass range at e+ e- colliders
MAD-PH-749         V. D. Barger
UDEM-LPN-TH-093-143  Wisconsin Univ. Madison
NUHEP-TH-93-12     K. Cheung
hep-ph/9306270     Northwest. Univ. Evanston
June 1993          A. Djouadi
                   Montreal Univ.
                   B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-065        A determination of the CKM matrix element ratio
ZU-TH-11-93        |V(ts)|/|V(cb)| from the rare B decays B --> K* + gamma and
May 1993           B --> X/s + gamma
                   A. Ali
                   Hamburg DESY
                   C. Greub
                   Zuerich Univ.

DESY 93-066        A geometrical interpretation of renormalization group flow
ITP-UH-05-93       B. P. Dolan
May 1993           Hannover Univ.

DESY 93-067        The renormalization group equation as an equation for Lie
ITP-UH-06-93       transport of amplitudes
hep-th/9307024     B. P. Dolan
May 1993           Hannover Univ.

DESY 93-068        Hadronic energy distributions in deep inelastic electron
ANL-HEP-PR-93-74   proton scattering
May 1993           ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-069        Higgs phenomenology at one loop in the standard model
August 1993        B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-070        Nuclearity, split property and duality for the Klein-Gordon
May 1993           field in curved space-time
                   R. Verch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-071        What HERA tells us about the photon
June 1993          P. J. Bussey
                   Glasgow Univ.

DESY 93-072        Relativistic corrections to photoproduction of J/psi
ZU-TH-12-93        H. Jung, D. Kruecker
June 1993          Aachen Tech. Hochsch.
                   C. Greub, D. Wyler
                   Zuerich Univ.

DESY 93-073        Canonical quantum supergravity in three dimensions
gr-qc/9306018      H. J. Matschull, H. Nicolai
June 1993          Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-074        Gauge invariant formulation of the S, T, and U parameters
DFPD-93-TH-43      G. Degrassi
NYU-TH-93-06-05    Padua Univ.
June 1993          B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   A. Sirlin
                   New York Univ.

DESY 93-075        Search for excited electrons using the ZEUS detector
June 1993          ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-076        Beam tests of the ZEUS barrel calorimeter
ANL-HEP-PR-94-15   ZEUS Barrel Calorimeter Group
June 1993

DESY 93-077        New results from the H1 experiment at HERA on
June 1993          photoproduction, deep inelastic scattering and searches for
                   new particles
                   M. Erdmann
                   Hamburg DESY
                   H. Kuester
                   Aachen Tech. Hochsch.
                   S. Levonian
                   Hamburg DESY,  Moscow Inst. Phys. AS
                   Y. Sirois
                   Paris Ec. Polytech.
                   C. Vallee
                   Paris VI-VII Univ.

DESY 93-077A       Momentum distribution of partons from resolved photons
June 1993          H1 Collaboration
                   M. Erdmann
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-077B       Jets in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
June 1993          H1 Collaboration
                   H. Kuester
                   Aachen Tech. Hochsch.

DESY 93-077C       Low and medium p(T) photoproduction at HERA
June 1993          H1 Collaboration
                   S. Levonian
                   Hamburg DESY,  Moscow Inst. Phys. AS

DESY 93-077D       A direct search for new particles in H1 at HERA
June 1993          H1 Collaboration
                   Y. Sirois
                   Paris Ec. Polytech.

DESY 93-077E       First measurement of the proton F2 structure function at HERA
June 1993          C. Vallee
                   Paris VI-VII Univ.

DESY 93-078        The H1 liquid argon calorimeter system
June 1993          H1 Calorimeter Group

DESY 93-079        Theoretical predictions for W pair production
CERN-TH-6928-93    W. Beenakker
hep-ph/9306315     Hamburg DESY
June 1993          A. Denner
                   CERN Geneva

DESY 93-080        Gluon plasma frequency: The next-to-leading order term
ITP-UH-8-93        H. Schulz
hep-ph/9306298     Hannover Univ.
June 1993

DESY 93-081        Absorptive corrections to structure functions at small x
June 1993          J. Bartels
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   M. G. Ryskin
                   St. Petersburg Inst. Nucl. Phys. AS

DESY 93-082        N = 2 superWeyl symmetry, superLiouville theory and
ITP-UH-18-93       superRiemannian surfaces
hep-th/9306140     S. V. Ketov
June 1993          Hannover Univ.
                   S. O. Moch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-083        Equations of motion for effective Lagrangians and penguins
hep-ph/9307274     in rare B decays
July 1993          H. Simma
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-084        Inclusive production of K*(892), rho(770)0, and omega(783)
July 1993          mesons in the Upsilon energy region
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-085        Searching for supersymmetry in high energy photon proton
hep-ph/9307206     scattering
June 1993          W. Buchmueller, Z. Fodor
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-086        Finite temperature effective potential for the Abelian Higgs
hep-ph/9307268     model to the order e**4, lambda**2
June 1993          A. Hebecker
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-087        Deep inelastic scattering at low x results from the H1
July 1993          experiment
                   H1 Collaboration
                   A. De Roeck
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-088        Theoretical problems of Higgs boson physics at the next
July 1993          linear collider
                   B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-089        Complete tree level calculation of the reaction e+ e- -->
July 1993          mu+ mu- b anti-b and the Higgs boson signal at LEP-200 and
                   NLC energies
                   E. Boos
                   Moscow State Univ.
                   M. Sachwitz, H. J. Schreiber
                   Zeuthen DESY
                   S. Shichanin
                   Serpukhov Inst. High Energy Phys.

DESY 93-090        The decay b --> s gamma in the MSSM revisited
hep-ph/9310212     F. M. Borzumati
August 1993        Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-091A       The online central data acquisition system of ZEUS
July 1993          ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   I. H. Park
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-091B       The application of transputers in the ZEUS experiment
July 1993          ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   D. M. Gingrich
                   Edmonton Alberta Univ.,  Vancouver TRIUMF

DESY 93-091C       The ZEUS eventbuilder: Experience with a distributed real
July 1993          time parallel transputer system
                   ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   U. Behrens, L. Hagge, W. O. Vogel
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-091D       ZEX: An expert system for ZEUS
July 1993          ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   U. Behrens, M. Flasinski, L. Hagge, K. Ohrenberg
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-091E       Architecture of the ZEUS third level trigger system
UTPT-93-23         D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, S. Bhadra, F. Chlebana,
July 1993          M. Crombie, R. S. Orr, C. R. Sampson, R. Teuscher
                   Toronto Univ.

DESY 93-091F       Online selection of physics events in the ZEUS third level
UTPT-93-24         trigger
July 1993          ZEUS TLT Group

DESY 93-091G       The design of the ZEUS backing calorimeter data acquisition
July 1993          and trigger system
                   ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   J. M. Pawlak
                   Warsaw Univ.
                   J. Milewski
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-091H       Online optimization of electron spin polarization at HERA
July 1993          ZEUS Data Acquisition Group
                   F. Zetsche
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   W. Brueckner, M. Dueren
                   Heidelberg MPI Kernphys.

DESY 93-092        Yukawa coupling unification with supersymmetric threshold
July 1993          corrections
                   R. Hempfling
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-093        Observation of events with a large rapidity gap in deep
July 1993          inelastic scattering at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-094        Critical exponents from effective average action
HD-THEP-93-28      N. Tetradis
hep-ph/9308214     Hamburg DESY
July 1993          C. Wetterich
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-095        The longitudinal structure function F(L)(x,Q**2) at small x
July 1993          J. Bluemlein
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-096        Searches for new particles at HERA
July 1993          F. Schrempp
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-097        On the measurement of the proton structure at small Q**2
July 1993          J. Bluemlein
                   Zeuthen DESY
                   G. Levman
                   Toronto Univ.
                   H. Spiesberger
                   Bielefeld Univ.

DESY 93-098        Rare supersymmetric top quark decays
hep-ph/9308354     F. M. Borzumati
August 1993        Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-099        Supersymmetric top quark decays
hep-ph/9310348     F. M. Borzumati
April 1993         Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-100        Measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in
July 1993          photoproduction at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-101        Observation of a new charmed baryon
July 1993          ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-102        Implications of radiative corrections for the supersymmetric
July 1993          Higgs search at the NLC
                   R. Hempfling
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-103        The H1 detector at HERA
July 1993          H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-104        A model independent determination of the inclusive
July 1993          semileptonic decay fraction of B mesons
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-105        Heavy quark physics in photoproduction and leptoproduction
July 1993          processes at HERA and lower energies
                   A. Ali
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-106        Calculation of jet shapes in gamma p collisions at HERA
July 1993          G. Kramer, S. G. Salesch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-107        Photoproduction of multi-jet events at HERA: A Monte Carlo
July 1993          simulation
                   J. M. Butterworth
                   Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park
                   J. R. Forshaw
                   Chilton Rutherford Lab.

DESY 93-108        A determination of two Michel parameters in purely leptonic
August 1993        tau decays
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-109        Partons and QCD effects in the pomeron
July 1993          G. Ingelman
                   Hamburg DESY,  Uppsala Univ.

DESY 93-110        Measurement of the proton structure function F2 in e p
August 1993        scattering at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 93-111        Experimental constraints on the scale of new physics in top
LMU-04-93          condensate models
hep-ph/9308346     R. Bonisch
August 1993        Muenchen Univ.
                   A. Leike
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-112        Physics at e+ e- linear colliders
August 1993        P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-113        SUSY Higgs production at proton colliders
UDEM-LPN-TH-93-168  M. Spira
LBL-34598          Hamburg DESY
September 1993     A. Djouadi
                   Montreal Univ.
                   D. Graudenz
                   Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
                   P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-114        A precise determination of the running coupling in the SU(3)
CERN-TH-6996-93    Yang-Mills theory
hep-lat/9309005    M. Luescher, R. Sommer
September 1993     Hamburg DESY
                   P. Weisz
                   Muenchen MPI Phys.
                   U. Wolff
                   CERN Geneva

DESY 93-115        A new view of the Virasoro algebra
hep-th/9308144     K. H. Rehren
August 1993        Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-116        Subfactors and coset models
hep-th/9308145     K. H. Rehren
July 1993          Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-117        Measurement of the proton structure function F2(x,Q**2) in
August 1993        the low x region at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-118        Cosmological string solutions in 4 dimensions from 5d black
hep-th/9308131     holes
August 1993        K. Behrndt
                   Zeuthen DESY
                   S. Foerste
                   Berlin Humboldt Univ.

DESY 93-119        Response of mesh type photomultiplier tubes in strong
August 1993        magnetic fields
                   J. Janoth, A. Lindner, A. Walther, D. Wegener
                   Dortmund Univ.
                   R. D. Appuhn, V. Korbel
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-120        Introduction to vertex algebras, Borcherds algebras, and the
hep-th/9308151     Monster Lie algebra
September 1993     R. W. Gebert
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-121        Calibration of the forward and rear ZEUS calorimeter using
August 1993        cosmic ray muons
                   U. Behrens
                   Hamburg DESY
                   G. Cases
                   Madrid Auton. Univ.
                   A. Freidhof
                   Freiburg Univ.
                   A. Fuertjes
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   J. Mitchell
                   Montreal McGill Univ.
                   K. Molthagen
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   B. Surrow, T. Tsurugai
                   Hamburg DESY
                   R. Yoshida
                   Bristol Univ.

DESY 93-122        New linear systems for 2d Poincare supergravities
hep-th/9309052     H. Nicolai
September 1993     Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-123C       e+ e- collisions at 500-GeV: The physics potential
December 1993      Proceedings, Workshops, Munich, Germany, November 20, 1992,
                   Annecy, France, February 15-16, 1993,
                   Hamburg, Germany, April 2-3, 1993
                   P.M. Zerwas (ed.)
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-124        Structure functions and parton distributions in deep
August 1993        inelastic lepton hadron scattering at high energies
                   J. Bluemlein
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-125        Physical states in d = 3, N = 2 supergravity
THU-93-19          B. de Wit
gr-qc/9309006      Utrecht Univ.
September 1993     H. J. Matschull, H. Nicolai
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-126        An application of modular inclusion to quantum field theory
September 1993     in curved space-time
                   S. J. Summers
                   Florida Univ. Gainesville
                   R. Verch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-127        Hodoscope readout with space-time mapping through an optical
September 1993     pipeline
                   A. Bamberger, E. Boehler, W. Kroeger, S. Soeldner-Rembold
                   Freiburg Univ.

DESY 93-128        High temperature phase transitions without infrared
HD-THEP-93-36      divergences
hep-ph/9309257     N. Tetradis
September 1993     Hamburg DESY
                   C. Wetterich
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-129        Weak and superweak processes at HERA
September 1993     W. Buchmueller
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-130        B+L violating rates in the symmetric phase of the standard
September 1993     model
                   O. Philipsen
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-131        New perturbative upper bound on M(H) from fermionic Higgs
MAD-TH-93-07       decays at two loops
hep-ph/9310205     L. Durand, K. Riesselmann
September 1993     Wisconsin Univ. Madison
                   B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-132        QED and QCD corrections to leptoquark production at e+ e-
September 1993     colliders
                   J. Bluemlein
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-133        A portable high quality random number generator for lattice
hep-lat/9309020    field theory simulations
September 1993     M. Luescher
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-134        Anomalous fermion number violation and numerical simulations
hep-lat/9309018    I. Montvay
October 1993       Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-135        On the determination of the b --> c handedness using
hep-ph/9310263     nonleptonic Lambda/c decays
September 1993     B. Koenig, J. G. Koerner
                   Mainz Univ.
                   M. Kraemer
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-136        Operator product expansion of the energy momentum tensor in
HU-BERLIN-IEP-93-4  2D conformal field theories on manifolds with boundary
hep-th/9309079     H. Dorn, V. Preuss
September 1993     Berlin Humboldt Univ.

DESY 93-137        A measurement of multi-jet rates in deep inelastic
October 1993       scattering at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-138        Higgs production in p p collisions: QCD corrections
October 1993       M. Spira
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-139        Dijet production at large rapidity intervals
SCIPP-93-35        V. Del Duca
hep-ph/9311290     Hamburg DESY
December 1993      C. R. Schmidt
                   Calif. Univ. Santa Cruz

DESY 93-140        On the path integral in imaginary Lobachevsky space
hep-th/9310162     C. Grosche
October 1993       Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-141        Path integration and separation of variables in spaces of
hep-th/9311001     constant curvature in two and three dimensions
October 1993       C. Grosche
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-142        Adiabatic perturbation theory: Semiclassical limit of the
October 1993       reflection coefficient on a potential barrier
                   G. Firica
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-143        Electromagnetic calorimetry with lead fluoride crystals
October 1993       R. D. Appuhn, T. Deckers, H. Kolanoski, A. Lindner,
                   S. Spielmann, A. Walther et al.

DESY 93-144        How well do lattice simulations reproduce the different
hep-lat/9312041    aspects of the geometrical Schwinger model?
October 1993       H. Dilger
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   H. Joos
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-145        Sum over histories representation for the causal Green
hep-th/9311018     function of free scalar field theory
October 1993       O. Rudolph
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-146        Scaling violations of the proton structure function F2 at
October 1993       small x
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 93-147        Aspects of the cosmological electroweak phase transition
hep-ph/9311346     D. Boedeker
November 1993      Hamburg Univ.
                   W. Buchmueller, Z. Fodor, T. Helbig
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-148        A new approach to the problem of dynamical quarks in
hep-lat/9311007    numerical simulations of lattice QCD
November 1993      M. Luescher
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-149        A study of anti-B0 --> D*+ l- anti-nu and B0 anti-B0 mixing
November 1993      using partial D*+ reconstruction
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 93-150        Status of standard model predictions and uncertainties for
November 1993      electroweak observables
                   B. A. Kniehl
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-151        Observation of direct processes in photoproduction at HERA
ANL-HEP-PR-94-14   ZEUS Collaboration
November 1993

DESY 93-152        Effective average action for gauge theories and exact
HD-THEP-93-40      evolution equations
November 1993      M. Reuter
                   Hamburg DESY
                   C. Wetterich
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-153        Radiative corrections to leptoquark pair production in e+ e-
October 1993       annihilation
                   J. Bluemlein
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-154        Model independent Z' constraints at future e+ e- colliders
hep-ph/9311356     A. Leike
November 1993      Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-155        On the manifestations of particles
hep-th/9511023     D. Buchholz
November 1993      Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-156        The interest in studying beauty baryon in p N interactions
November 1993      at HERA
                   H. Albrecht
                   Hamburg DESY
                   A. Fridman
                   Hamburg DESY,  Paris VI-VII Univ.
                   O. Mai
                   Hamburg DESY
                   T. Oest, W. Schmidt-Parzefall
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   R. Kinnunen
                   Helsinki Univ.

DESY 93-157        Neutral current physics with the tau lepton at LEP
November 1993      S. Kirsch
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-158        Results from the ZEUS experiment at HERA
November 1993      H. Abramowicz
                   Rehovot Weizmann Inst. Sci.
                   R. Klanner
                   Hamburg DESY
                   J. F. Martin
                   Toronto Univ.

DESY 93-159        Test beam results from the prototype L3 silicon microvertex
INFN-AE-93-21      detector
November 1993      A. Adam, O. Adriani, S. P. Ahlen, G. Ambrosi, E. Babucci,
                   L. Baksay et al.

DESY 93-160        New results from ZEUS on e p collisions at HERA
November 1993      ZEUS Collaboration
                   N. A. Pavel
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-161        Investigations toward the development of polarized and
November 1993      unpolarized high intensity positron sources for linear
                   K. Floettmann
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-162        Two loop radiative corrections to the upper limit of the
TTP-93-35          lightest Higgs boson mass in the minimal supersymmetric model
hep-ph/9401219     R. Hempfling
November 1993      Hamburg DESY
                   A. H. Hoang
                   Karlsruhe Univ. ITTP

DESY 93-163        Strongly interacting Higgs sector and W pair production in
HD-THEP-93-22      e+ e- collisions
November 1993      W. Bernreuther
                   Hamburg DESY
                   T. Schroeder
                   Heidelberg Univ.

DESY 93-164A       Fermion number violation and a two-dimensional Higgs model
hep-lat/9311037    I. Montvay
October 1993       Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-164B       Topological features in a two-dimensional Higgs model
hep-lat/9311040    I. Montvay
December 1993      Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-165        On the Schroedinger functional in QCD
hep-lat/9312079    S. Sint
December 1993      Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-166        has not appeared

DESY 93-167        Application of neural networks in the ARGUS experiment for
November 1993      the analysis of B and tau physics
                   M. Joswig, H. Kolanoski, S. Kublun, H. Thurn, D. Wegener,
                   S. Westerhoff
                   Dortmund Univ.

DESY 93-168        Hadronic tau decays
November 1993      H. Kolanoski
                   Dortmund Univ.

DESY 93-169        Initial state radiation corrections to off-shell W pair
CERN-TH-7102-93    production in e+ e- annihilation
November 1993      D. Yu. Bardin
                   CERN Geneva,  Dubna JINR
                   M. S. Bilenky
                   Dubna JINR,  Bielefeld Univ.
                   A. Olshevsky
                   Dubna JINR
                   T. Riemann
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-170        Higgs physics at e+ e- linear colliders
December 1993      P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-171        The interquark potential: A QCD lattice analysis
BI-TP-93-69        K. D. Born
December 1993      Aachen Tech. Hochsch.
                   E. Laermann
                   Bielefeld Univ.
                   R. Sommer, P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY
                   T. F. Walsh
                   Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis

DESY 93-172        Spin dependence of the heavy quark potential: A QCD lattice
BI-TP-93-74        analysis
December 1993      K. D. Born
                   Aachen Tech. Hochsch.
                   E. Laermann
                   Bielefeld Univ.
                   T. F. Walsh
                   Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis
                   P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-173        gamma gamma production of nonstrongly interacting SUSY
UCD-93-39          particles at hadron colliders
hep-ph/9402302     J. Ohnemus
December 1993      Calif. Univ. Davis
                   T. F. Walsh
                   Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis
                   P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-174        Prospects of measuring the parity of Higgs particles
TTP-93-41          M. Kraemer
hep-ph/9404280     Mainz Univ.
December 1993      J. H. Kuehn, M. L. Stong
                   Karlsruhe Univ. ITTP
                   P. M. Zerwas
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-175        On the use of the covariance matrix to fit correlated data
December 1993      G. D'Agostini
                   Rome I Univ.,  Rome INFN

DESY 93-176        Design, construction and test results of the ZEUS forward
November 1993      tracking detector
                   B. Bock, H. Dabbous, B. Gutjahr, H. Hartmann, M. Herzog,
                   S. Kramarczyk et al.

DESY 93-177        On the existence of a first order phase transition at small
IKP-TUW-9311401    vacuum angle theta in the CP(3) model
hep-lat/9312019    S. Olejnik
December 1993      Wien Tech. Univ.
                   G. Schierholz
                   Hamburg DESY,  Juelich NIC

DESY 93-178        The present status of noncompact lattice QED
FUB-HEP-93-20      M. Goeckeler
HLRZ-93-74         Juelich NIC
hep-lat/9312057    R. Horsley
December 1993      Juelich NIC,  Hamburg DESY
                   P. E. L. Rakow
                   Berlin Freie Univ.
                   G. Schierholz
                   Hamburg DESY,  Juelich NIC
                   H. Stueben
                   Berlin Freie Univ.

DESY 93-179        The leptonic decay constants of anti-Q q mesons and the
PSI-PR-93-23       lattice resolution
WUB-93-39          C. Alexandrou
hep-lat/9312051    Villigen PSI
December 1993      S. Guesken
                   Wuppertal Univ.
                   F. Jegerlehner
                   Villigen PSI
                   K. Schilling, G. Siegert
                   Wuppertal Univ.
                   R. Sommer
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-180        Phase structure and chiral limit of compact lattice QED with
HU-BERLIN-IEP-93-6  Wilson fermions
hep-lat/9312033    A. Hoferichter, V. K. Mitrjushkin, M. Mueller-Preussker
October 1993       Berlin Humboldt Univ.
                   T. Neuhaus
                   Bielefeld Univ.

DESY 93-181        The geometric Schwinger model on the lattice
December 1993      H. Dilger
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-182        Hard diffractive scattering in high energy e p collisions
December 1993      and the Monte Carlo generation RAPGAP
                   H. Jung
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-183        The reaction e+ e- --> neutrino anti-neutrino b anti-b and
December 1993      the Higgs signal at LEP-200 and NLC
                   E. Boos
                   Moscow State Univ.
                   M. Sachwitz, H. J. Schreiber
                   Zeuthen DESY
                   S. Shichanin
                   Serpukhov Inst. High Energy Phys.

DESY 93-184        Minimal U(1) gauge fields in two dimensions
hep-lat/9312039    I. Montvay
December 1993      Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-185        Electron / pion separation with the H1 LAr calorimeters
December 1993      H1 Calorimeter Group

DESY 93-186        Jets in deep inelastic scattering
OHSTPY-HEP-E-93-021  I. H. Park
DOE-ER-01545-615   Ohio State Univ. Columbus
December 1993

DESY 93-187        Diffractive hard scattering at e p and p anti-p colliders
December 1993      P. Bruni
                   Bologna INFN
                   G. Ingelman
                   Hamburg DESY,  Uppsala Univ.

DESY 93-188        The analytic structure of the anomalous dimension of the
December 1993      four gluon operator in deep inelastic scattering
                   J. Bartels
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   M. G. Ryskin
                   St. Petersburg Inst. Nucl. Phys. AS

DESY 93-189        Synchrotron sidebands of betatron coupling resonances
December 1993      A. Piwinski
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-190        Study of jet reconstruction algorithms for HERA e p collider
December 1993      events
                   V. Hedberg, C. Jacobsson, L. Joensson
                   Lund Univ.
                   G. Ingelman
                   Hamburg DESY,  Uppsala Univ.

DESY 93-191        Twisting the N = 2 string
ITP-UH-24-93       S. V. Ketov, O. Lechtenfeld
hep-th/9312150     Hannover Univ.
January 1994       A. J. Parkes
                   Edinburgh Univ.

DESY 93-192        CP violation and strong phases from penguins in B+- --> V V
hep-ph/9402227     decays
December 1993      G. Kramer
                   Hamburg Univ.
                   W. F. Palmer
                   Ohio State Univ. Columbus
                   H. Simma
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-193        Exclusive radiative B decays in the light cone QCD sum rule
CERN-TH-7118-93    approach
MPI-PH-93-97       A. Ali
hep-ph/9401277     CERN Geneva
December 1993      V. M. Braun
                   Muenchen MPI Phys.
                   H. Simma
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-194        Observations concerning the magnitude of t anti-t threshold
NYU-TH-93-12-01    effects on electroweak parameters
hep-ph/9401243     B. A. Kniehl
December 1993      Hamburg Univ.
                   A. Sirlin
                   New York Univ.

DESY 93-195        Spectroscopy and renormalization group flow of a lattice
FUB-HEP-93-14      Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
HLRZ-93-51         A. Ali Khan
hep-lat/9401012    Juelich NIC
December 1993      M. Goeckeler
                   Juelich NIC,  Aachen Tech. Hochsch.
                   R. Horsley
                   Juelich NIC,  Hamburg DESY
                   P. E. L. Rakow
                   Berlin Freie Univ.
                   G. Schierholz
                   Juelich NIC,  Hamburg DESY
                   H. Stueben
                   Berlin Freie Univ.

DESY 93-196        Photoproduction of jets at HERA with open order photons up
December 1993      to order O(alpha alpha(s)**2)  (In German)
                   S. G. Salesch
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-197        Lepton nucleon scattering at high energies
December 1993      W. Buchmueller
                   Hamburg DESY

DESY 93-198        Stochastic beam dynamics in storage rings
December 1993      A. Pauluhn
                   Hamburg Univ.

DESY 93-199        Scintillating fiber target detectors for future generation
December 1993      neutrino experiments
                   R. Nahnhauer
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-200        High precision particle tracking with a fiber detector at
December 1993      the HERA e p collider
                   J. Baehr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Luedecke, A. Menchikov,
                   R. Nahnhauer, M. Pohl, H. E. Roloff, R. Voelkert
                   Zeuthen DESY

DESY 93-201        Investigation of position sensitive photomultipliers for
December 1993      scintillating fiber readout
                   J. Baehr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Luedecke, A. Menchikov,
                   R. Nahnhauer, M. Pohl, H. E. Roloff, R. Voelkert
                   Zeuthen DESY

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