DESY 94-001        has not appeared

DESY 94-002        A novel approach to confront electroweak
KEK-TH-375         data and theory
KEK preprint 93-159 K. Hagiwara, S. Matsumoto, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
KANAZAWA-94-19     D. Haidt, DESY
YUMS 94-22         C.S. Kim, Dept. of Phys., Yonsei Univ., Seoul,
SNUTP 94-82        Korea
September 1994

DESY 94-003        Preservation of beam loss induced quenches,
January 1994       beam lifetime and beam loss measurements
                   with the HERA-p beam-loss-monitor system
                   K. Wittenburg, DESY

DESY 94-004        Observation of polarization effects in
January 1994       Lambda/c+ semileptonic decay
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-005        Results from the H1 experiment at HERA
January 1994       A. De Roeck, DESY

DESY 94-006        Grand unification for mirror fermions
ITP-Budapest-      F. Csiskor, DESY and Inst. for Theor. Phys.,
Rep. No. 505       Eötvös Univ., Budapest
hep-ph/9401290     I. Montvay, DESY
January 1994

DESY 94-007        Analysis and development of stochastic
hep-lat/9401024    multigrid methods in lattice field theory
January 1994       M. Grabenstein, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-008        Do deep inelastic scattering data favor
hep-ph/9401291     a light gluino?
January 1994       J. Blümlein, J. Botts, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-009        Inclusive particle production at HERA:
January 1994       resolved and direct quasi-real photon
                   contributions in next-to-leading order QCD
                   B.A. Kniehl, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-010        Single top quark production at LEP200?
KEK 93-179         E. Boos, M. Sachwitz, H.J. Schreiber,
KEK CP-012         S. Shichanin, DESY-IfH
INP MSU 93-30/322  A. Pukhov, Nucl. Phys. Inst., Moscow State
January 1994       Univ., Russia
                   V. Ilyin, T. Ishikawa, T. Kaneko, S. Kawabata,
                   Y. Kurihara, Y. Shimizu, H. Tanaka, KEK,
                   Tsukuba, Japan

DESY 94-011        Beauty physics in lattice gauge theory
WUB 94-04          R. Sommer, DESY
January 1994

DESY 94-012        First measurement of the charged current
January 1994       cross section at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-013        Quantum chaos
January 1994       F. Steiner, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-014        Fluctuations in quantum electrodynamics with
January 1994       boundary conditions at finite temperature
                   D. Robaschik, E. Wieczorek, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-015        Hard processes at HERA: Theoretical status
February 1994      D. Bödeker, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-016        The triple Regge limit of diffractive
February 1994      dissociation in deep inelastic scattering
                   J. Bartels, M. Wüsthoff, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-017        Exact evolution equation for
HD-THEP-93-41      scalar electrodynamics
February 1994      M. Reuter, DESY
                   C. Wetterich, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 94-018        Path integral discussion for
hep-th/9402121     Smorodinsky-Winternitz potentials:
February 1994      I. Two- and three dimensional Euclidean space
                   C. Grosche, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   G.S. Pogosyan, A.N. Sissakian, Lab. of Theor.
                   Physics, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia

DESY 94-019        delta'-function perturbations and Neumann
hep-th/9402110     boundary-conditions by path integration
February 1994      C. Grosche, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-020        Quantum effects on Higgs-boson production
RAL/94/021         and decay due to Majorana neutrinos
hep-ph/9402314     B.A. Kniehl, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
February 1994      A. Pilaftsis, Rutherford Appleton Lab., Chilton,
                   Didcot, Oxon, UK

DESY 94-021        Strong coupling expansion for scattering
hep-lat/9402014    phases in Hamiltonian lattice field theories:
February 1994      I. The (d+1)-dimensional Ising model
                   B. Dahmen, DESY

DESY 94-022        HERA physics
February 1994      G. Wolf, DESY

DESY 94-023        Exotic particle searches, photoproduction
February 1994      and diffraction in DIS at HERA
                   N. Harnew, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Oxford, UK

DESY 94-024        Universal signatures of quantum chaos
February 1994      R. Aurich J. Bolte, F. Steiner, II. Inst. f.
                   Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-025        Finite temperature effective potential to
hep-ph/9403219     order g**4, lambda**2 and the electroweak
February 1994      phase transiton
                   Z. Fodor, A. Hebecker, DESY

DESY 94-026        Astrophysical searches for exotic phenomena
UCLA/94/TEP/9      in ultrahigh energy neutrino-nucleon
hep-ph/9403214     scattering
March 1994         D.A. Morris, Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, USA
                   A. Ringwald, DESY

DESY 94-027        There are no causality problems for Fermi's
hep-th/9403027     two atom system
March 1994         D. Buchholz, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   J. Yngvason, Sci. Inst., Univ. of Iceland,

DESY 94-028        Eigenvalues of the Laplacian and
March 1994         of the Hecke operators for PSl(2,Z)
                   G. Steil, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-029        Observation of gamma gamma --> phi rho0
March 1994         and gamma gamma --> phi omega
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-030        Inclusive charged particle cross sections
March 1994         in photoproduction at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-031        Towards a dynamical solution of the
HLRZ 94-13         strong CP problem
hep-lat/9403012    G. Schierholz, DESY and HLRZ
March 1994

DESY 94-032        Measurement of total partial photon proton
March 1994         cross sections at 180 GeV
                   center of mass energy
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-033        Energy flow and charged particle spectra
March 1994         in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-034        Resummations in hot scalar electrodynamics
ITP-UH-01/94       U. Kraemmer, A.K. Rebhan, DESY
hep-ph/9403301     H. Schulz, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
March 1994

DESY 94-035        Production and decay of the standard model
WIS-94/15/MAR-PH   Higgs boson at LEP200
hep-ph/9404220     E. Gross, G. Wolf, Dept. of Particle Phys.,
March 1994         Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, Israel
                   B.A. Kniehl, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-036        Dependence of electroweak parameters on
hep-ph/9403386     the definition of the top quark mass
March 1994         B.A. Kniehl, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-037        About loop states in supergravity
gr-qc/9403034      H.-J. Matschull, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
March 1994         Univ. HH

DESY 94-038        The Ernst equation on a Riemann surface
gr-qc/9405032      D. Korotkin, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor.
March 1994         Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-038        A periodic analog of the Schwarzschild solution
gr-qc/9403029      D. Korotkin, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor.
March 1994         Phys., Univ. HH
                   (report number non-authorized)

DESY 94-039        The infancy of particle accelerators:
March 1994         Life and work of Rolf Wideröe
                   P. Waloschek, DESY

DESY 94-040        Kinetic vs. thermal-field-theory
TUW-93-23          approach to cosmological perturbations
gr-qc/9403032      A.K. Rebhan, DESY
March 1994         D.J. Schwarz, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Techn. Univ. Wien, Austria

DESY 94-041        Some aspects of pion physics in the
March 1994         Nambu- and Jona-Lasinio model and
                   chiral Lagrangians
                   R. Tegen, DESY

DESY 94-042        Inclusive jet production at HERA:
hep-ph/9403391     Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to
March 1994         the resolved and direct photon contribution
                   D. Bödeker, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
                   USA and II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   G. Kramer, S.G. Salesch, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-043        Gauge invariant treatment of the
hep-ph/9403391     electroweak phase transition
March 1994         W. Buchmüller, Z. Fodor, A. Hebecker, DESY

DESY 94-044        O(alpha**2 L**2) radiative corrections to
hep-ph/9403342     deep inelastic e p scattering for
March 1994         different kinematical variables
                   J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-045        Confinement in three dimensions and
hep-ph/9403388     the electroweak phase transition
March 1994         W. Buchmüller, Z. Fodor, DESY

DESY 94-046        Overrelaxation algorithm for
hep-lat/9403024    coupled gauge-Higgs systems
March 1994         Z. Fodor, K. Jansen, DESY

DESY 94-047        Comparison of cone and event decomposition
March 1994         jet algorithms in resolved photon reactions
                   A. Valkarova, Nucl. Center, Charles Univ.,
                   Praha, Czech Rep.
                   G. Knies, DESY

DESY 94-048        Further development of the ZEUS expert
March 1994         system: Computer science foundations of
                   M. Flasinski, DESY

DESY 94-049        The Lake Baikal telescope NT-36:
BAIKAL 93-15       A first deep underwater multistring array
March 1994         Presented by R. Wischnewski for the BAIKAL

DESY 94-050        Track reconstruction and background
BAIKAL 93-16       rejection in the Baikal neutrino telescope
March 1994         Presented by C. Spiering for the BAIKAL

DESY 94-051        Standard-model predictions for W pair
March 1994         production in electron-positron collisions
                   W. Beenakker, DESY
                   A. Denner, Phys. Inst., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 94-052        Study of D0 and D+ decays into final
March 1994         states with two or three kaons
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-053        Proceedings of the XXVII international
March 1994         symposium Ahrenshoop on the theory of
                   elementary particles
                   D. Lüst, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   G. Weigt, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-054        Worldline Green functions for
HD-THEP-94-7       multiloop diagrams
hep-th/9403158     M.G. Schmidt, CERN and Inst. f. Phys., Univ.
March 1994         Heidelberg
                   C. Schubert, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-055        Beam tests and calibration of the H1
March 1994         liquid argon calorimeter with electrons
                   H1 Calorimeter Group

DESY 94-056        Scaling behaviour of jet shapes in
March 1994         p p and e p collisions
                   G. Kramer, S.G. Salesch, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-057        Top-down approach to unified
hep-ph/9404226     supergravity models
March 1994         R. Hempfling, DESY

DESY 94-058        Periodic-orbit theory of the number
March 1994         variance Sigma**2(L) of strongly chaotic
                   R. Aurich, F. Steiner, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-059        On bosonization of 2-D conformal
HUB-IEP-94/3       field theories
hep-th/9403081     O. Andreev, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.,
March 1994         Berlin

DESY 94-060        A remark on the Q**2 evolution of
April 1994         intrinsic charm in the proton
                   Yu.A. Golubkov, Moscow State Univ., Russia

DESY 94-061        Can the supersymmetric mu parameter be
hep-ph/9404257     generated dynamically without
April 1994         a light singlet?
                   R. Hempfling, DESY

DESY 94-062        Leptonic signals from off-shell Z boson
hep-ph/9404295     pairs at hadron colliders
April 1994         C. Zecher, DESY
                   T. Matsuura, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   J.J. van der Bij, Fakultät f. Phys.,
                   Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Freiburg

DESY 94-063        Observation of jet production in
April 1994         deep inelastic scattering with a
                   large rapidity gap at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-064        Symmetry properties of the effective action
hep-th/9403082     for high-energy scattering in QCD
April 1994         R. Kirschner, DESY-IfH
                   L.N. Lipatov, St. Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Gatchina, Russia
                   L. Szymanowski, Soltan Inst. for Nucl. Stud.,
                   Warsaw, Poland

DESY 94-065        Spacetime quantization induced by
April 1994         classical gravity
                   S. Doplicher, Dipart. di Mat., Univ. di Roma
                   "La Sapienza", Italy
                   K. Fredenhagen, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH
                   J.E. Roberts, Dipart. di Mat., Univ. di Roma
                   "Tor Vergata", Italy

DESY 94-066        Two- and three-point functions in
HU Berlin-IEP-94/2 Liouville theory
hep-th/9403141     H. Dorn, H.-J. Otto, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-
April 1994         Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-067        On the renormalization of
HU Berlin-IEP-94/4 nonrenormalizable interactions
April 1994         N.V. Krasnikov, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.,

DESY 94-068        Impedances in lossy elliptical
April 1994         vacuum chambers
                   A. Piwinski, DESY

DESY 94-069        Reconstruction of the decay
April 1994         B- --> D1(2414)0 pi-
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-070        Chaos in a Coulombic Muffin-Tin potential
April 1994         S. Brandis, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-071        Superselection sectors with infinite
April 1994         statistical dimension
                   K. Fredenhagen, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-072        Leptoquark pair production at e p colliders
hep-ph/9404321     J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
April 1994         E. Boos, DESY-IfH and Inst. of Nucl. Phys.,
                   Moscow State Univ., Russia
                   A. Pukhov, Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Moscow State
                   Univ., Russia

DESY 94-073        On the uniqueness of the equilibrium
April 1994         state for an interacting fermion gas
                   at high temperatures and low densities
                   C.D. Jäkel, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Wien

DESY 94-074        Galilei invariant molecular dynamics
April 1994         G. Hörmann, Inst. f. Math., Univ. Wien
                   C.D. Jäkel, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-075        Universal dynamics of complex adaptive
April 1994         systems: Gauge theory of things alive
                   G. Mack, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-076        Threshold effects in two-photon decays
BUDKERINP-94-39    of Higgs particles
hep-ph/9405301     K. Melnikov, Novosibirsk State Univ., Russia
April 1994         M. Spira, DESY
                   O. Yakovlev, DESY and Budker Inst. for Nucl.
                   Phys., Novosibirsk, Russia

DESY 94-077        tau - mu - e universality in tau decays and
MPI-Ph/94-28       constraints on the slepton masses
DFPD 94/TH-27      P.H. Chankowski, Istituto Naz. di Fisica Nucl.,
hep-ph/9405281     Sez. di Padova and Depart. di Fisica "Galileo
May 1994           Galilei", Padova, Italy
                   R. Hempfling, DESY
                   S. Pokorski, MPI f. Phys., Werner-Heisenberg-
                   Institut, München

DESY 94-078        On the fine-tuning problem in minimal SO(10)
hep-ph/9405252     SUSY GUT
May 1994           R. Hempfling, DESY

DESY 94-079        Localization in lattice gauge theory and
hep-lat/9405005    a new multigrid method
May 1994           M. Bäker, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-080        Moduli spaces and target space duality
HUB-IEP-94/6       symmetries in (0,2) Z(N) orbifold theories
hep-th/9405002     with continuous Wilson lines
May 1994           G. Lopes Cardoso, D. Lüst, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   T. Mohaupt, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-081        Search for the QCD ground state
HD-THEP-94-6       M. Reuter, DESY
hep-ph/9405300     C. Wetterich, Inst. Theor. Phys.,
May 1994           Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 94-082        Renormalisation scale uncertainty in the
TSL/ISV-94-0096    DIS 2+1 jet cross-section
hep-ph/9405367     G. Ingelman, DESY and Dept. of Radiation Sci.,
May 1994           Uppsala University, Sweden
                   J. Rathsman, DESY

DESY 94-083        Two-loop O(alpha-s G(F) m(t)**2) corrections
hep-ph/9405299     to the fermionic decay rates of the
May 1994           standard-model Higgs boson
                   B.A. Kniehl, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-084        Test of a forward neutron calorimeter
June 1994          for the ZEUS experiment at HERA
                   S. Bhadra, W. Frisken, K. Furutani, York Univ.,
                   Toronto, Canada
                   M. Brkic, G. Levman, J.F. Martin, Univ. of
                   Toronto, Canada
                   D. Hanna, McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec,
                   U. Holm, B. Krebs, T. Neumann, I. Inst. f. Exp.,
                   Univ. HH
                   B. Loehr, M. Rohde, DESY

DESY 94-085        An analysis of the long-term stability
May 1994           of the particle dynamics in hadron
                   storage rings
                   O.S. Brüning, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 94-086        Single leptoquark production at
UCD-94-17          hadron colliders
UMN-TH-1258/94     J. Ohnemus, Phys. Dept., Univ. of Calif., Davis,
hep-ph/9406235     USA
May 1994           S. Rudaz, T.F. Walsh, School of Phys. and
                   Astronomy, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
                   P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 94-087        Analysis of spin depolarizing effects
May 1994           in electron storage rings
                   M. Böge, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 94-088        Numerical simulations and the strength
hep-lat/9405021    of the electroweak phase transition
May 1994           Z. Fodor, J. Hein, K. Jansen, A. Jaster,
                   I. Montvay, DESY
                   F. Csikor, Inst. for Theor. Phys., Eötvös Univ.,
                   Budapest, Hungary

DESY 94-089        Branching ratio and direct CP-violating
ZU-TH 14/94        rate asymmetry of the rare decays
hep-ph/9406421     B --> K* gamma and B --> rho gamma
June 1994          C. Greub, D. Wyler, Univ. Zürich, Switzerland
                   H. Simma, DESY

DESY 94-090        Regge asymptotics of scattering
hep-th/9404158     with flavour exchange in QCD
June 1994          R. Kirschner, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-091        The anti-b b pair production and the Higgs
June 1994          signal in the reaction e+ e- --> e+ e-
                   anti-b b at LEPII and NLC energies
                   E. Boos, DESY-IfH and Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Moscow State Univ., Russia
                   M. Sachwitz, H.J. Schreiber, DESY-IfH
                   S. Shichanin, DESY-IfH and Inst. for High
                   Energy Phys., Protvino, Moscow Region

DESY 94-092        Massive (p,q)-supersymmetric sigma models
DAMTP-R/94/9       revisited
hep-th/9406015     G. Papadopoulos, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
June 1994          Univ. HH
                   P.K. Townsend, DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

DESY 94-093        Semi-analytical approach to four-fermion
CERN-TH.7295/94    production in e+ e- annihilation
hep-ph/9406340     D. Bardin, CERN and JINR, Dubna, Moscow
June 1994          Region, Russia
                   M. Bilenky, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region and
                   D. Lehner, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH
                   A. Olchevski, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region

DESY 94-094        Measurement of the absolute branching
June 1994          fractions for D0 decays into
                   K- pi+, K- pi+ pi+ pi-, anti-K0 pi+ pi-
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-095        Heavy baryons
MZ-THEP-94-08      J.G. Körner, D. Pirjol, Inst. f. Phys.,
hep-ph/9406359     Johannes Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz
June 1994          M. Krämer, DESY and Inst. f. Phys., Johannes
                   Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz

DESY 94-096        Implications for supersymmetric dark matter
KEK-TH-400         detection from radiative B decays
KEK Preprint 94-44 F.M. Borzumati, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
MAD/PH/835         Univ. HH
hep-ph/9406390     M. Drees, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Wisconsin,
June 1994          Madison, USA

DESY 94-097        Semi-analytical approach to Higgs
CERN-TH. 7305/94   production at LEP 2
LMU 08/94          D. Bardin, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region,
hep-ph/9406273     Russia and CERN
June 1994          A. Leike, Sektion Phys.,
                   Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ., München
                   T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-098        Effective meson Lagrangian with
HUB-IEP-94/8       chiral and heavy quark symmetries
hep-ph/9406220     from quark flavor dynamics
June 1994          D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   R. Friedrich, H. Reinhardt, Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. Tübingen

DESY 94-099        A multidimensional unfolding method
June 1994          based on Bayes' theorem
                   G. D'Agostini, Univ. di Roma "La Sapienza",
                   and INFN, Roma, Italy

DESY 94-100        The first measurement of the Michel
June 1994          parameter eta in tau decays
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-101        A model independent analysis of the
June 1994          Z lineshape
                   S. Kirsch, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-102        Two-loop O(alpha(s) G(F) m(t)**2) correction
hep-ph/9410319     to the H --> anti-b b decay rate
October 1994       B.A. Kniehl, Max-Planck-Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Werner-Heisenberg-Inst., München
                   M. Spira, DESY

DESY 94-103        The proton collimation system of HERA
June 1994          M. Seidel, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 94-104        The GSO projection, BRST cohomology and
ITP-UH-05/94       picture-changing in N=2 string theory
June 1994          J. Bischoff, S.V. Ketov, O. Lechtenfeld, Inst.
                   f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover

DESY 94-105        Initial state radiation to off-shell
hep-ph/9407232     Z0 pair production in e+ e- annihilation
June 1994          D. Lehner, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-106        On E(10) and the DDF construction
hep-th/9406175     R.W. Gebert, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor.,
June 1994          Univ. HH

DESY 94-107        Probing lumps of Wee partons in
hep-ph/9407217     deep inelastic scattering
June 1994          W. Buchmüller, DESY

DESY 94-108        Path integral discussion for
July 1994          Smorodinsky-Winternitz potentials:
                   II. The two- and three-dimensional sphere
                   C. Grosche, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   G.S. Pogosyan, A.N. Sissakian, Bogolubov
                   Lab. of Theor. Phys., JINR, Dubna, Russia

DESY 94-109        Massless particles, electromagnetism,
hep-th/9411174     and Rieffel induction
June 1994          N.P. Landsman, U.A. Wiedemann, II. Inst. f.
                   Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-110        Determination of the radiative decay
July 1994          width of the eta/c meson
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-111        Measurement of the decay fractions of
July 1994          D* mesons
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-112        New results from the H1 experiment at HERA
July 1994          on jets, the proton structure function,
                   rapidity gap events, charged current
                   cross section and searches for new particles
                   T. Greenshaw, Liverpool Univ., UK
                   M. Hapke, R. Prosi, DESY
                   K. Müller, Phys.-Inst., Univ. Zürich,

DESY 94-113        Global aspects of symmetries in
hep-th/9406176     sigma models with torsion
July 1994          G. Papadopoulos, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH and Imperial College, London

DESY 94-114        BFKL versus O(alpha-s**3) corrections to
SCIPP 94/17        large-rapidity dijet production
hep-ph/9407359     V. Del Duca, DESY
July 1994          C.R. Schmidt, Santa Cruz Inst. for Particle
                   Phys., Univ. of Calif., USA

DESY 94-115        Model independent QED corrections to
CERN-TH. 7339/94   the process e p --> e X
IC/94/154          A. Akhundov, Int. Centre for Theor. Phys.,
hep-ph/9407266     Trieste, Italy and Inst. of Phys., Acad. Sci.,
July 1994          Baku, Azerbaijan
                   D. Bardin, CERN and Lab. for Theor. Phys.,
                   JINR, Dubna, Russia
                   L. Kalinovskaya, Lab. for Theor. Phys., JINR,
                   Dubna, Russia
                   T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-116        Localized endomorphisms of the chiral
July 1994          Ising model
                   J. Böckenhauer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-117        Comparison of energy flows in deep
July 1994          inelastic scattering events with and
                   without a large rapidity gap
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-118        Kanonische Formulierung von Gravitations-
July 1994          und Supergravitationstheorien
                   (Canonical formulation of gravity- and
                   H.-J. Matschull, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 94-119        Test of internal halo targets in the
July 1994          HERA proton ring
                   C. Hast, Inst. f. Phys., Univ. Dortmund
                   K. Ehret, W. Hofmann, S. Khan, K.T. Knöpfle,
                   M. Reber, J. Rieling, M. Spahn, J. Spengler,
                   T. Lohse, MPI f. Kernphys., Heidelberg
                   V. Pugatch, Inst. for Nucl. Research, Ukrainian
                   Acad. of Sci., Kiev, Ukraine

DESY 94-120        Determination of the structure of tau
July 1994          decays in the reaction e+ e- --> tau+ tau-
                   --> rho+ anti-nu/tau rho- nu/tau and a
                   precision measurement of the
                   tau-neutrino helicity
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-121        A measurement of the electronic widths
July 1994          Gamma(e e) of the Upsilon(1s), Upsilon(2s),
                   and Upsilon(4s) resonances, and of the
                   total decay width Gamma of the Upsilon(4s)
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-122        Thermodynamic and multifractal formalism
July 1994          and the Bowen-series map
                   O. Rudolph, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-123        Higgs boson production at the LHC
GPP-UdeM-TH-95-16  M. Spira, II. Inst. f Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
CERN-TH/95-30      A. Djouadi, Montreal Univ., DESY Hamburg
hep-ph/9504378     D. Graudenz, CERN Geneva
December 1994      P.M. Zerwas, DESY Hamburg

DESY 94-124        Next-to-leading order fragmentation
hep-ph/9407347     functions for pions and kaons
July 1994          J. Binnewies, B.A. Kniehl, G. Kramer, II. Inst.
                   f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-125        SMATASY: A program for the model
hep-ph/9408365     independent description of the Z resonance
July 1994          S. Kirsch,T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-126        Compact lattice QED with staggered
HU Berlin-IEP-94/11 fermions and chiral symmetry breaking
hep-lat/9407009    A. Hoferichter, V.K. Mitrjushkin,
July 1994          M. Müller-Preussker, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-127        Signals for supersymmetry at HERA
hep-ph/9405253     H. Dreiner, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Eidgenöss.
July 1994          Techn. Hochschule ETH, Zürich
                   P. Morawitz, Dept. of Phys., Oxford Univ., UK

DESY 94-128        Azimuthal angle decorrelation in
SCIPP 94/20        large-rapidity dijet production at
hep-ph/9408239     the Tevatron
August 1994        V. Del Duca, DESY
                   C.R. Schmidt, Santa Cruz Inst. for Particle
                   Phys., Univ. of Calif., USA

DESY 94-129        Transiton from SU(2)L x SU(2)R x U(1)(B-L)
July 1994          representation to SU(2)L x U(1)Y by
                   q-deformation and the corresponding
                   classical breaking term of chiral U(2)
                   R. Bönisch, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-130        Beam tests of prototype fiber detectors
July 1994          for the H1 forward proton spectrometer
                   J. Bähr, K. Hiller, B. Hoffmann, H. Lüdecke,
                   A. Menchikov, R. Nahnhauer, H.E. Roloff,
                   F. Tonisch, R. Völkert, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-131        Recombination effects in the structure
July 1994          function evolution at low x. Can they
                   be observed at HERA?
                   K. Golec-Biernat, Dept. of Theor. Phys., Inst.
                   of Nucl. Phys., Krakow, Poland
                   M.W. Krasny, LPNHE, IN2P3-CNRS, Univ.
                   Paris VI et VII, France and High Energy Phys.
                   Lab., Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Krakow, Poland
                   S. Riess, II. Inst. Exp., Univ. HH

DESY 94-132        Nonabelian Debye screening in oneloop
hep-ph/9408262     resummed perturbation theory
August 1994        A.K. Rebhan, DESY

DESY 94-133        Deep inelastic scattering events with
July 1994          a large rapidity gap at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-134        Reggeon interactions in perturbative QCD
hep-th/9407085     R. Kirschner, DESY-IfH
August 1994

DESY 94-135        Renormalization group flow in a general
ITP-UH-10/94       gauge theory
hep-th/9407086     H. Skarke, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
August 1994

DESY 94-136        Direct photon production at LEP and HERA
August 1994        G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
hep-ph/9407360     Inclusive photoproduction of hadrons
                   at HERA
                   B.A. Kniehl, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-137        Physics from the first year of H1 at HERA
MPI-PhE/94-20      C. Kiesling, MPI f. Phys., München
August 1994

DESY 94-138        A search for heavy leptons at HERA
August 1994        H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-139        Measurement of the polarization in
August 1994        the decay B --> J/psi K*
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-140        Diffractive photoproduction of jets with
KEK-TH-407         a direct pomeron coupling at HERA
KEK Preprint 94-77 B.A. Kniehl, H.-G. Kohrs, G. Kramer, II. Inst.
hep-ph/9408340     f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
August 1994

DESY 94-141        Observation and superselection in
hep-th/9411173     quantum mechanics
August 1994        N.P. Landsman, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-142        The geometric Schwinger model on the torus.
August 1994        II.
                   H. Joos, DESY
                   S.I. Azakov, Inst. of Phys., Azerbaijan Acad. of
                   Sci., Baku and Inst. Adv. Stud. in Basic Sci.,
                   Gaveh Zang, Zanjan, Iran

DESY 94-143        Measurement of the proton structure
August 1994        function F2 from the 1993 HERA data
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-144        Leptoquark production at high energy
August 1994        e+ e- colliders
                   J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   E. Boos, Dept. of Nucl. Phys., Moscow State
                   Univ., Russia

DESY 94-145        Topological zero modes in Monte Carlo
hep-lat/9408017    simulations
August 1994        H. Dilger, DESY

DESY 94-146        Low energy effective actions with
August 1994        composite fields
                   M. Grabowski, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-147        Summary of the Eilat workshop
August 1994        F. Sciulli, Columbia Univ., New York

DESY 94-148        Bounds on radii and magnetic dipole
hep-ph/9409457     moments of quarks and leptons
August 1994        from LEP, SLC and HERA
                   G. Köpp, IIIA Phys. Inst., RWTH Aachen
                   D. Schaile, CERN
                   M. Spira, P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 94-149        Small x contributions to the
hep-ph/9408377     structure function F(L)(x,Q**2)
August 1994        J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-150        Spectrum of the Dirac operator and
HUB-IEP-94/12      multigrid algorithm with dynamical
KL-TH 19/24        staggered fermions
hep-lat/9408013    T. Kalkreuter, FB Physik, Univ. Kaiserslautern
August 1994        and FB Physik der Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-151        Compact lattice QED with Wilson fermions
HU Berlin-IEP-94/13 A. Hoferichter, V.K. Mitrjushkin,
hep-lat/9408014    M. Müller-Preussker, Inst. f. Phys.,
August 1994        Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   T. Neuhaus, Fakultät f. Phys., Univ. Bielefeld
                   H. Stüben, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f.
                   Informationstechnik Berlin

DESY 94-152        On the subtleties of arithmetical
August 1994        quantum chaos
                   R. Aurich, F. Scheffler, F. Steiner, II. Inst.
                   f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-153        Photoproduction of J/psi mesons at HERA
August 1994        H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-154        A search for leptoquarks and squarks
August 1994        at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-155        Low x physics and perturbative
hep-ph/9408258     Regge asymptotics
August 1994        R. Kirschner, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-156        Null-Killing vector dimensional reduction
LPTENS 94/21       and Galilean geometrodynamics
hep-th/9412002     B. Julia, Lab. de Phys. Théorique de l'ENS,
November 1994      Paris, France
                   H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-157        Metaplectic spinor fields and
September 1994     global anomalies
                   M. Reuter, DESY

DESY 94-158        How many N=4 strings exist?
ITP-UH-13/94       S.V. Ketov, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ.
hep-th/9409020     Hannover
September 1994

DESY 94-159        Simulating the electroweak phase
hep-lat/9409017    transition in the SU(2) Higgs model
September 1994     Z. Fodor, J. Hein, K. Jansen, A. Jaster,
                   I. Montvay, DESY

DESY 94-160        Recent results from e p scattering at HERA
September 1994     T. Haas, DESY (Representing the H1 and
                   ZEUS Collaborations)

DESY 94-161        New examples for Wightman fields
hep-th/9410027     on a manifold
September 1994     M. Köhler, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-162        Diffractive vector meson production
RAL-94-058         at large momentum transfer
hep-ph/9501376     J.R. Forshaw, RAL, Chilton, Didcot, UK
September 1994     M.G. Ryskin, Nucl. Phys. Inst., Gatchina,
                   St. Petersburg, Russia

DESY 94-163        Transverse momentum distributions
SCIPP 94/27        in large-rapidity dijet production at
hep-ph/9410341     the Tevatron
October 1994       V. Del Duca, DESY
                   C.R. Schmidt, Univ. of Calif., Santa Cruz, USA

DESY 94-164        Characterizing invariants for local
ESI 132(1994)      extensions of current algebras
hep-th/9409165     K.-H. Rehren, II. Inst. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
September 1994     Y.S. Stanev, I.T. Todorov, Erwin Schrödinger
                   Internat. Inst. for Math. Phys., Wien, Austria
                   and Inst. for Nucl. Research and Nucl. Energy,
                   Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., Sofia, Bulgaria

DESY 94-165        Effects of weak self-interactions in
ENSLAPP-A-487/94   a relativistic plasma on cosmological
TUW-94-18          perturbations
gr-qc/9409055      H. Nachbagauer, ENSLAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux
September 1994     A.K. Rebhan, DESY
                   D.J. Schwarz, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., TU Wien

DESY 94-166        The (0+,1+) heavy meson multiplet in
HUB-IEP-94/14      an extended NJL model
hep-ph/9409298     D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, Inst. f. Phys.,
September 1994     Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   R. Friedrich, H. Reinhardt, Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. Tübingen

DESY 94-167        Duality symmetries and supersymmetry
HUB-IEP-94/18      breaking in string compactifications
hep-th/9409095     G. Lopes Cardoso, D. Lüst, Inst. f. Phys.,
September 1994     Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   T. Mohaupt, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-168        Tau decays
September 1994     A. Golutvin, ITEP, Moscow, Russia

DESY 94-169        Hard scattering processes in high energy
September 1994     gamma-induced reactions
                   G. D'Agostini, Dipart. di Fisica, Univ. di
                   Roma "La Sapienza", Italy

DESY 94-170        CP violation and strong phases from
hep-ph/9410406     penguins in B- --> P P and B- --> V P
September 1994     decays
                   G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   W.F. Palmer, Dept. of Phys., Ohio State Univ.,
                   Columbus, USA
                   H. Simma, DESY

DESY 94-171        The first achievement of longitudinal
September 1994     spin polarization in a high energy
                   electron storage ring
                   D.P. Barber, DESY

DESY 94-172        Theoretical update of the semileptonic
TUM-T31-68/94      branching ratio of B mesons
UAB-FT-348         E. Bagan, P. Gosdzinsky, Dept. de Fisica
hep-ph/9409440     and Inst. de Fisica D'Altes Energies, IFAE,
October 1994       Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
                   P. Ball, TU München, Garching
                   V.M. Braun, DESY

DESY 94-173        Decomposition of representations of CAR
hep-th/9410017     induced by Bogoliubov endomorphisms
October 1994       J. Böckenhauer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-174        Conformal Haag-Kastler nets, pointlike
October 1994       localized fields and the existence
                   of operator product expansions
                   K. Fredenhagen, M.Jörß, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-175        A search for excited fermions in
October 1994       electron proton collisions at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-176        Inclusive jet differential cross sections
October 1994       in photoproduction at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-177        Evidence for W exchange in charmed
October 1994       baryon decays
                   ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-178        Deep inelastic structure functions from HERA
October 1994       G. Wolf, DESY

DESY 94-179        Instanton-induced production of QCD jets
PSU/TH/150         I.I. Balitsky, Phys. Dept., Penn State Univ.
hep-ph/9410271     V.M. Braun, DESY
October 1994

DESY 94-180        How to solve path integrals in
November 1994      quantum mechanics
                   C. Grosche, F. Steiner, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-181        Ioffe-time distributions instead of parton
hep-ph/9410318     momentum distributions in description
October 1994       of deep inelastic scattering
                   V. Braun, DESY
                   P. Górnicki, Polish Acad. of Sci., Warsaw
                   L. Mankiewicz, Polish Acad. of Sci, Warsaw

DESY 94-182        A novel approach to error function
hep-ex/9501007     minimization for feedforward neural networks
October 1994       R. Sinkus, I. Inst. Exp., Univ. HH

DESY 94-183        The ZEUS calorimeter first level trigger
WISC-EX-94-334     W.H. Smith, I. Ali, B. Behrens, C. Fordham,
October 1994       C. Foudas, A. Goussiou, M. Jaworski,
                   T. Kinnel, J. Lackey, P. Robl, S. Silverstein,
                   Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
                   J.W. Dawson, D.A. Krakauer, R.L. Talaga,
                   J.L. Schlereth, Argonne Nat. Lab., USA

DESY 94-184        Gauge theory of things alive and
hep-lat/9411059    universal dynamics
October 1994       G. Mack, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-185        The process e+ e- --> l l q q at LEP and
CERN-TH. 7478/94   NLC
LMU 18/94          D. Bardin, CERN and JINR, Dubna, Moscow
hep-ph/9410361     A. Leike, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München
October 1994       T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-186        Phase space properties of charged fields
hep-th/9410185     in theories of local observables
October 1994       D. Buchholz, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   C. D'Antoni, Dipart. di Matemtica, Univ. di
                   Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy

DESY 94-187        New results from HERA on deep inelastic
October 1994       scattering at low x, the proton structure
                   function, jets in photoproduction,
                   heavy flavour production and production
                   and searches for new particles
                   V. Brisson, H. Hufnagel, C. Kleinwort,
                   T. Köhler, G. Rädel,
                   Members of the H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-188        Domain wall fermions and chiral
hep-lat/9410018    gauge theories
October 1994       K. Jansen, DESY

DESY 94-189        Multiloop calculations in the string
HD-THEP-94-25      inspired formalism: The single
hep-th/9410100     spinor-loop in QED
October 1994       M.G. Schmidt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   C. Schubert, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-190        On gravitational dressing of
HU Berlin-IEP-94/21 renormalization group beta-functions
hep-th/9410084     beyond lowest order of perturbation theory
October 1994       H. Dorn, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-191        New experimental results at HERA
MPI-PhE/94-23      M. Kuhlen, Werner-Heisenberg-Inst., München
October 1994       (representing the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations)

DESY 94-192        Extraction of the gluon density of the
October 1994       proton at small x
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-193        Infrared fixed points and fixed lines
hep-ph/9411241     in the top-bottom-tau sector in
October 1994       supersymmetric grand unification
                   B. Schrempp, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Kiel
                   and DESY

DESY 94-194        Compensating calorimeters with inorganic
November 1994      active media for improved electron detection
                   T. Tymieniecka, Univ. of Warsaw, Poland

DESY 94-195        Recent results from the H1 experiment
H1-11/94-401       at HERA
November 1994      H.-U. Martyn, I. Phys. Inst., RWTH Aachen

DESY 94-196        Universality and the approach to
CERN-TH.7447/94    the continuum limit in lattice gauge
HUB-IEP-94/16      ALPHA Collaboration
ROM2F 94-46
November 1994

DESY 94-197        Towards the phenomenology of
hep-ph/9411217     QCD-instanton induced particle
November 1994      production at HERA
                   A. Ringwald, F. Schrempp, DESY

DESY 94-198        Observation of hard processes in
November 1994      rapidity gap events in gamma p
                   interactions at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-199        The Geroch group in the Ashtekar
gr-qc/9411018      formulation
November 1994      S. Mizoguchi, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-200        Naive nonabelianization and resummation
UM-TH-94-37        of fermion bubble chains
hep-ph/9411229     M. Beneke, Randall Lab. of Phys., Univ. of
November 1994      Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
                   V.M. Braun, DESY

DESY 94-201        A note on the QCD corrections to
MPI-PH/94-81       forward-backward asymmetries of
UdeM-GPP-TH-94-09  heavy-quark jets in Z decays
hep-ph/9411386     A. Djouadi, Univ. de Montréal, Canada
October 1994       B. Lampe, MPI f. Phys.,
                   Werner-Heisenberg-Inst. f. Phys., München
                   P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 94-202        Phase structure and phase transition of
hep-ph/9411334     the SU(2) Higgs model in three dimensions
November 1994      W. Buchmüller, O. Philipsen, DESY

DESY 94-203        A new simulation algorithm for lattice
hep-lat/9411016    QCD with dynamical quarks
November 1994      B. Bunk, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   K. Jansen, M. Lüscher, H. Simma, DESY
                   B. Jegerlehner, MPI f. Phys., München
                   R. Sommer, CERN

DESY 94-204        New results from HERA...
November 1994      Presented at the 27th International Conference
                   on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, 20-27 July
                   1994 by Members of the ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-205        Nets of subfactors
hep-th/9411077     R. Longo, Univ. di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
November 1994      K.-H. Rehren, II. Inst. f. Theor., Univ. HH

DESY 94-206        Dynamical parton distributions of the
DO-TH 94/24        proton and small-x physics
December 1994      M. Glück, E. Reya, Inst. Phys., Univ. Dortmund
                   A. Vogt, DESY

DESY 94-207        Inelastic J/psi photoproduction
MZ-TH/94-28        M. Krämer, Inst. f. Phys.,
TTP 94-20          Johannes Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz
hep-ph/9411372     J. Zunft, P.M. Zerwas, DESY
November 1994      J. Steegborn, Inst. f. Theor. Teilchenphys.,
                   Univ. Karlsruhe

DESY 94-208        On the local equilibrium condition
hep-th/9411094     H. Heßling, DESY
November 1994

DESY 94-209        Beyond affine Kac-Moody algebras
November 1994      in string theory
                   R.W. Gebert, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 94-210        Observation of hard scattering in
hep-ex/9501011     photoproduction events with a
November 1994      large rapidity gap at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 94-211        A new approach to spin & statistics
hep-th/9412130     B. Kuckert, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
November 1994

DESY 94-212        Squark production at the Tevatron
hep-ph/9412272     W. Beenakker, R. Höpker, M. Spira,
November 1994      P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 94-213        Spectral statistics in the quantized
November 1994      cardioid billiard
                   A. Bäcker, F. Steiner,
                   II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   P. Stifter, Abt. f. Quantenphysik, Univ. Ulm

DESY 94-214        On the role of non-periodic orbits in
November 1994      the semiclassical quantization of
                   the truncated hyperbola billiard
                   R. Aurich, T. Hesse, F. Steiner,
                   II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-215        Photoproduction physics at HERA
November 1994      B.D. Burow, II. Inst. Exp., Univ. HH
                   M. Erdmann, Phys. Inst., Univ. Heidelberg
                   R. Kaschowitz, III. Phys. Inst., RWTH Aachen
                   S. Levonian, DESY and Lebedev Phys. Inst.,
                   Moscow, Russia
                   L. Stanco, Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Univ.
                   and INFN, Padova, Italy

DESY 94-216        Complete initial state radiation to
hep-ph/9411321     off-shell Z0 pair production in
November 1994      e+ e- annihilation
                   D. Bardin, D. Lehner, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-217        Jet identification based on probability
November 1994      calculations using Bayes' theorem
                   C. Jacobsson, L. Jönsson, M. Nyberg-Werther,
                   Phys. Dept., Univ. of Lund, Sweden
                   G. Lindgren, Dept. of Math. Statistics, Univ. of
                   Lund, Sweden

DESY 94-218        Search for signatures of dilepton
November 1994      gauge bosons in HERA and LEPII-LHC
                   K. Sasaki, DESY and Yokohama Nat. Univ.,
                   K. Tokushuku, S. Yamada, Y. Yamazaki, Inst.
                   of Nucl. Study, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan

DESY 94-219        The physics of free electron lasers:
November 1994      An introduction
                   E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidmiller, JINR, Dubna,
                   Moscow Region, Russia
                   M.V. Yurkov, Automatic Systems Corporation,
                   Samara, Russia

DESY 94-220        Determination of the strong coupling
November 1994      constant from jet rates in deep
                   inelastic scattering
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-221        An improved heat kernel expansion from
HD-THEP-94-26      worldline path integrals
hep-th/9411177     D. Fliegner, P. Haberl, M.G. Schmidt, Inst. f.
November 1994      Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg
                   C. Schubert, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-222        The electroweak phase transition:
hep-lat/9411052    A non-perturbative lattice investigation
November 1994      F. Csikor, Inst. for Theor. Phys., Eötvös Univ.,
                   Budapest, Hungary
                   Z. Fodor, J. Hein, K. Jansen, A. Jaster, DESY
                   I. Montvay, DESY and CERN

DESY 94-223        Improved actions, the perfect action,
MS-TP1-94-14       and scaling by perturbation theory
hep-th/9411191     in Wilson's renormalization group:
November 1994      the two dimensional O(N)-invariant
                   non linear sigma-model in the
                   hierachical approximation
                   C. Wieczerkowski, Inst. f. Theor. Phys. I, Univ.
                   Y. Xylander, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-224        Moduli dependent non-holomorphic
HUB-IEP-94/20      contributions of massive states to
UPR-634T           gravitational couplings and C**2-terms
hep-th/9410056     in Z(N)-orbiflold compactifications
November 1994      G. Lopes Cardoso, D. Lüst, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   B.A. Ovrut, Dept. of Phys., Pennsylvania Univ.,
                   Philadelphia, USA

DESY 94-225        On the reaction of four-dimensional
HUB-IEP-94/23      n=2,4 - supersymmetric string
hep-th/9411095     backgrounds to integrable models
November 1994      G. Lopes Cardoso, D. Lüst, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-226        Perfect 3-dimensional lattice actions for
hep-lat/9505008    4-dimensional quantum field theories at
December 1994      finite temperature
                   U. Kerres, G. Mack, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. Hamburg
                   G. Palma, Santiago de Chile Univ.

DESY 94-227        Towards a lattice calculation of the
HLRZ 94-64         nucleon structure functions
FUB-HEP/94-15      M. Göckeler, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum
HUB-IEP-94/30      Jülich
hep-lat/9412055    R. Horsley, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum
December 1994      Jülich and DESY
                   M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.,
                   H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Univ. Leipzig
                   P. Rakow, Freie Univ., Berlin
                   G. Schierholz, DESY and HLRZ, c/o
                   Forschungszentrum Jülich

DESY 94-228        Exact solution of master equations
December 1994      for a simple model of self-organized
                   biological evolution
                   Yu.M. Pismak, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-229        Theta vacua, confinement and the 
HLRZ 94-63         continnuum limit
hep-lat/9412083    G. Schierholz, DESY and HLRZ, c/o
December 1994      Forschungszentrum Jülich

DESY 94-230        Is a knot classification possible?
December 1994      C. Aneziris, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-231        On the kinematic reconstuction of
hep-ex/9412004     deep inelastic scattering at HERA:
December 1994      The Sigma method
                   U. Bassler, G. Bernardi, LPNHE, Univ.
                   Paris VI-VII, France

DESY 94-232        Photoproduction of jets at HERA:
December 1994      Comparison of next-to-leading
                   order calculation with ZEUS data
                   M. Klasen, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor.
                   Phys., Univ. HH
                   S.G. Salesch, DESY and Inst. f. Phys., Univ.

DESY 94-233        Strongly interacting Higgs sector
hep-lat/9412034    without technicolor
December 1994      C. Liu, J. Kuti, Dept. of Phys.,
                   Univ. of Calif., San Diego, La Jolla, USA
                   K. Jansen, DESY

DESY 94-234        The performance of the ZEUS calorimeter
December 1994      J.A. Crittenden, Phys. Inst., Univ. Bonn
                   (for the ZEUS Calorimeter Group)

DESY 94-235        Gluon radiation off scalar stop particles
December 1994      W. Beenakker, R. Höpker, P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 94-236        Strong coupling expansion for scattering
hep-lat/9412080    phases in hamiltonian lattice
December 1994      field theories:
                   II. SU(2) gauge theory in (2+1) dimensions
                   B. Dahmen, DESY

DESY 94-237        The 10-D chiral null model and the
hep-th/9412162     relation to 4-D string solutions
December 1994      K. Behrndt, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-238        Experimental techniques and physics
December 1994      in a polarized storage ring
                   M. Düren, Phys., Inst., Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg
                   K. Zapfe, DESY

DESY 94-239        On the quark-antiquark potential at
December 1994      short distances
                   P. Altevogt, IBM, Heidelberg
                   F. Gutbrod, DESY

DESY 94-240        On the gluon plasmon self-energy at O(g)
ITP-UH 20/94       F. Flechsig, H. Schulz, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
hep-ph/9501229     Univ. Hannover
December 1994

DESY 94-241        Gutzwiller's octagon and the triangular
December 1994      billiard T*(2,3,8) as models for the
                   quantization of chaotic systems by
                   Selberg's trace formula
                   H. Ninnemann, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH

DESY 94-242        Rigorous bounds on survial times in
December 1994      circular accelerators and efficient
                   computation of fringe-field transfer maps
                   G.H. Hoffstätter, Michigan State Univ., East
                   Lansing, USA

DESY 94-243        On a possibility to construct gamma-gamma
December 1994      collider at TESLA
                   E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidmiller,
                   Yu.N. Ulyanov,
                   Automatic Systems Corporation, Samara, Russia

DESY 94-244        How does the BFKL pomeron couple to quarks?
hep-ph/9501204     J. Bartels, H. Lotter, M. Wüsthoff, II. Inst. f.
December 1994      Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   J.R. Forshaw, Rutherford Appl. Lab., Chilton,
                   Didcot, Oxon, UK
                   L.N. Lipatov, DESY and St. Petersburg Nucl.
                   Phys. Inst., Gatchina, Russia
                   M.G. Ryskin, St. Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Gatchina, Russia

DESY 94-245        The BFKL pomeron in deep inelastic
hep-th/9501314     diffractive dissociation near t=0
December 1994      J. Bartels, H. Lotter, M. Wüsthoff, II. Inst.
                   f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 94-246        Search for rare B decays
December 1994      ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 94-247        Single spin asymmetries in proton-proton
hep-ph/9501270     and proton-neutron scattering at 820 GeV
December 1994      W.-D. Nowak, DESY-IfH

DESY 94-248        Observation of an e+ p --> mu+ X event
December 1994      with high transverse momenta at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 94-249        Pseudoscalar correlators and the problem
HU BERLIN-IEP-94/27 of the chiral limit in the compact
hep-lat/9412005    lattice QED with Wilson fermions
December 1994      A. Hoferichter, V.K. Mitrjushkin,
                   M. Müller-Preußker,
                   Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-250        New algorithm for gauge fixing in SU(2)
HU BERLIN-IEP-94/29 lattice gauge theory
WUB 94-35          G.S. Bali, Bergische Univ., Gesamthochschule,
hep-lat/9412027    Wuppertal
December 1994      V. Bornyakov, Inst. for High Energy Phys.,
                   Serpukhov, Russia
                   M. Müller-Preußker, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   F. Pahl, Freie Univ., Berlin

DESY 94-251        Miscellaneous results on the electroweak
HU BERLIN-IEP-94/31 phase transition
December 1994      E.-M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   A. Schiller, Fakultät f. Phys. u.
                   Geowissenschaften, Univ. Leipzig

DESY 94-252        Topological structures around the thermal
HU BERLIN-IEP-94/32 phase transition of pure SU(3) gauge
December 1994      theory studied on a Quadrics Q16
                   E.-M. Ilgenfritz, M. Müller-Preußker, Inst. f.
                   Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   E. Meggiolaro, Fakultät f. Phys.,
                   Univ. Bielefeld

DESY 94-253        The line shape of the Z boson
hep-ph/9501215     T. Riemann, DESY-IfH
December 1994

DESY 94-254        A self consistent study of the phase
hep-lat/9501033    transition in the scalar electroweak
December 1994      theory at finite temperature
                   U. Kerres, G. Mack, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH
                   G. Palma, Dpto. de Fisica, Univ. de Santiago
                   de Chile, Chile

DESY 94-255        Threshold corrections and symmetry
HUB-IEP-94/50      enhancement in string compactifications
hep-th/9412209     G. Lopes Cardoso, D. Lüst, Inst. f. Phys.,
December 1994      Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   T. Mohaupt, DESY-IfH

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