DESY 96-001        Inclusive Hadron Production in Photon-Photon
MPI/PhT/96-002     Collisions at Next-to-Leading Order
hep-ph/9601278     J. Binnewies, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
January 1996       B.A. Kniehl, MPI f. Phys., Werner-Heisenberg-Inst. f. Phys.,

DESY 96-002        Measurement of Elastic Phi Photoproduction
hep-ex/9601009     at HERA
January 1996       ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-003        The Status of Lattice Calculations of the
HUB-EP-96/1        Nucleon Structure Functions
HLRZ 2/96          M. Göckeler, H. Oelrich, P. Rakow, HLRZ, c/o
hep-lat/9601007    Forschungszentrum Jülich
January 1996       R. Horsley, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys.,
                   Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Fakultät f.
                   Geowissenschaften, Univ. Leipzig
                   G. Schierholz, DESY and HLRZ, c/o
                   Forschungszentrum Jülich

DESY 96-004        Path Integral Solution for Natanzon
January 1996       Potentials
                   C. Grosche, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-005        Color-Octet Contributions to J/psi
hep-ph/9601276     Photoproduction
January 1996       M. Cacciari, M. Krämer, DESY

DESY 96-006        An Evolutionary Picture for Quantum Physics
quant-ph/9601017   R. Haag
January 1996

DESY 96-007        Standard Model Higgs Search in the Reactions
January 1996       e+ e- --> b anti-b + 2 fermions at LEPII and
                   NLC Energies
                   E. Boos, DESY-IfH and Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Moscow State Univ., Russia
                   M. Sachwitz, H.J. Schreiber, DESY-IfH
                   S. Shichanin, DESY-IfH and Inst. for High
                   Energy Phys., Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia

DESY 96-008        A Matrix S for all Simple Current Extensions
IHES/P/96/8        J. Fuchs, DESY
NIKHEF/96-001      A.N. Schellekens, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
hep-th/9601078     C. Schweigert, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
January 1996

DESY 96-009        An Orientation Selective Neural Network and
hep-ex/9602006     its Application to Cosmic Muon Identification
January 1996       H. Abramowicz, DESY and Tel Aviv Univ., Israel
                   D. Horn, U. Naftaly, C. Sahar-Pikielny,
                   Tel Aviv Univ., Israel

DESY 96-010        Faddeev Equation for Heavy Baryons in the
HUB-EP-95/28       Quark-Diquark Picture
hep-ph/9601257     D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
January 1996       C. Kettner, H. Reinhardt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ Tübingen

DESY 96-011        Deep-Inelastic Electroproduction of Neutrons
hep-ph/9601291     in the Proton Fragmentation Region
January 1996       B. Kopeliovich, B. Povh, MPI f. Kernphys., Heidelberg
                   I. Potashnikova, Lab. of Nucl. Problems, JINR, Dubna, Russia

DESY 96-012        Constraining the Proton's Gluon Density by
hep-ph/9601352     Inclusive Charm Electroproduction at HERA
January 1996       A. Vogt, DESY

DESY 96-013        H1 Backward Upgrade with a SPACAL Calorimeter:
January 1996       the Hadronic Section
                   H1 SPACAL Group

DESY 96-014        Energy Flow in the Hadronic Final State of Diffractive
hep-ex/9602001     and Non-Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
January 1996       H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-015        Physics with ARGUS
January 1996       The ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 96-016        Effective Average Actions and Nonperturbative
hep-th/9602012     Evolution Equations
January 1996       M. Reuter, DESY

DESY 96-017        On the Mass Spectrum of the SU(2) Higgs Model in
OUTP-95-40P        2+1 Dimensions
hep-lat/9602006    O. Philipsen, M. Teper, Univ. of Oxford, UK
February 1996      H. Wittig, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-018        Measurement of the Diffractive Cross Section in
hep-ex/9602010     Deep Inelastic Scattering
February 1996      ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-019        Soft Colour Interactions and the Diffractive
hep-ph/9602227     Structure Function
February 1996      A. Edin, J. Rathsman, Dept. of Rad. Sci.,
                   Uppsala Univ., Sweden
                   G. Ingelman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ.,
                   Sweden and DESY

DESY 96-020        Next-to-Leading Corrections to the BFKL Equation
hep-ph/9602287     from the Gluon and Quark Production
February 1996      V.S. Fadin, Budker Nucl. Phys. Inst. and
                   Novosibirsk State Univ., Russia
                   L.N. Lipatov, Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Gatchina, Russia and DESY

DESY 96-021        Standard Model Stability Bounds for New Physics
SCIPP-96-04        within LHC Reach
IEM-FT-123/96      J.A. Casas, Santa Cruz Inst. of Particle Phys.,
hep-ph/9603227     Univ. of Calif., USA
March 1996         J.R. Espinosa, DESY
                   M. Quiros, CSIC, Madrid, Spain

DESY 96-022        SUSY-QCD Decays of Squarks and Gluinos
hep-ph/9602378     W. Beenakker, Lorentz Inst., Univ. of Leiden, The Netherlands
February 1996      R. Höpker, P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 96-023        Elastic Electroproduction of rho0 and J/psi Mesons at
hep-ex/9602007     Large Q**2 at HERA
February 1996      H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-024        Self-Consistent Calculation of Real Space Renormalization
hep-lat/9602014    Group Flows and Effective Potentials
February 1996      M. Griessl, G. Mack, Y. Xylander, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
                   Univ. HH
                   G. Palma, Univ. de Santiago de Chile, Chile

DESY 96-025        Flavor Singlet Contribution to the Structure
hep-ph/9603204     Function g1 at Small-x
February 1996      J. Bartels, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   B.I. Ermolaev, A.F. Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Inst.,
                   St. Petersburg, Russia
                   M.G. Ryskin, Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst.,
                   Gatchina, St. Petersburg, Russia

DESY 96-026        Quark-Antiquark Production in DIS Diffractive
ANL-HEP-PR-96-11   Dissociation
hep-ph/9602363     J. Bartels, H. Lotter, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
February 1996      Univ. HH
                   M. Wüsthoff, High Energy Div.,
                   Argonne Nat. Lab, USA

DESY 96-027        Investigation on the Long Term Behaviour of Damage
February 1996      Effects and Corresponding Defects in Detector Grade
                   Silicon after Neutron Irradiation
                   T. Schulz, FB Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-028        Complete Initial State QED Corrections to Off-Shell
hep-ph/9602409     Gauge Boson Pair Production in e+ e- Annihilation
February 1996      D. Bardin, D. Lehner, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-029        Probing Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Mechanism at the
VPI-IHEP-95-18     LHC: A Guideline from Power Counting Analysis
TUIMP-TH-95/68     H.-J. He, DESY and Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., USA
MSUHEP-50825       P.-Y. Kuang, CCAST, Beijing and Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China
hep-ph/9509278     C.-P. Yuan, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA
January 1996

DESY 96-030        Higher Level WZW Sectors from Free Fermions
hep-th/9602116     J. Böckenhauer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
February 1996      J. Fuchs, DESY

DESY 96-031        Lattice Operators for Moments of the Sructure Functions
HLRZ 96-11         and their Transformation under the Hypercubic Group
HUB-EP-96/4        M. Göckeler, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and
hep-lat/9602029    RWTH Aachen
February 1996      R. Horsley, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Fakultät f. Phys. u. Geowissenschaften
                   Univ. Leipzig
                   P. Rakow, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
                   G. Schierholz, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and DESY

DESY 96-032        Asymptotic Distributions on Super Riemann Surfaces
ASI-TPA/3/96       C. Grosche, TU Clausthal and II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
February 1996      Univ. HH

DESY 96-033        On the Interbasis Expansion for the Kaluza-Klein
ASI-TPA/4/96       Monopole System
JINR E2-96-97      C. Grosche, TU Clausthal and II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
February 1996      Univ. HH
                   S.S. Pogosyan, A.N. Sissakian, Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor.
                   Phys., JINR, Dubna, Russia

DESY 96-034        Perturbative Renormalization of Lattice Bilinear Quark
HLRZ 96-13         Operators
HUB-EP-96/5        M. Göckeler, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and
hep-lat/9603006    RWTH Aachen
March 1996         R. Horsley, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.,
                   H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Fakultät f. Phys. u. Geowissenschaften,
                   Univ. Leipzig
                   P. Rakow, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
                   G. Schierholz, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and DESY

DESY 96-035        Inclusive One- and Two-Jet Cross Sections in
hep-ph/9602418     gamma gamma Reactions at e+ e- Colliders
February 1996      T. Kleinwort, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-036        Associated Jet Production at HERA
CERN-TH/96-83      J. Bartels, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
ANL-HEP-PR-96-23   V. Del Duca, Dept. of Phys. and Astronomy, Univ. of
EDINBURGH-96-2     Edinburgh, Scotland
hep-ph/9604272     A. De Roeck, DESY
March 1996         D. Graudenz, CERN
                   M. Wüsthoff, Argonne Nat. Lab, USA

DESY 96-037        Elastic and Inelastic Photoproduction of J/psi
hep-ex/9603005     Mesons at HERA
March 1996         H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-038        Flow of the Coarse Grained Free Energy for Crossover
CAU-THP-95-38      Phenomena
CERN-TH/96-67      S. Bornholdt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Kiel
HD-THEP-96-05      P. Büttner, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
cond-mat/9603129   N. Tetradis, CERN
March 1996         C. Wetterich, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 96-039        A Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Proton Structure
hep-ex/9603004     Function F2(x; Q**2) at HERA
March 1996         H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-040        On the Twist-2 Contributions to Polarized Structure
hep-ph/9603397     Functions and New Sum Rules
March 1996         J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   N. Kochelev, Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor. Phys., JINR, Dubna
                   Moscow Region, Russia

DESY 96-041        On the Resummation of alpha ln**2(x) Terms for Non-Singlet
hep-ph/9603450     Structure Functions in QED and QCD
March 1996         J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   A. Vogt, DESY

DESY 96-042        Implementation of Symanzik's Improvement Program for
hep-lat/9603008    Simulations of Dynamical Wilson Fermions in Lattice QCD
March 1996         K. Jansen, C. Liu, DESY

DESY 96-043        Transient Beam Loading Compensation in Traveling Wave
March 1996         Linear Accelerators
                   N. Holtkamp, A. Jöstingmeier, DESY

DESY 96-044        A New Calculation of the NLO Energy-Energy Correlation
hep-ph/9603385     Function
March 1996         G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys, Univ. HH
                   H. Spiesberger, DESY

DESY 96-045        The LPS Trigger System
March 1996         F. Benotto, M. Costa, A. Staiano, A. Zampieri, INFN, Torino, Italy
                   M. Bollito, P. Isoardi, E. Pernigotti, R. Sacchi, P.P. Trapani,
                   Univ. of Torino, Italy
                   H. Larsen, T. Massam, C. Nemoz, INFN, Bologna, Italy

DESY 96-046        Measurement of the Q**2 Dependence of the Charged
hep-ex/9603009     and Neutral Current Cross Sections in
March 1996         e+- p Scattering at HERA
                   H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-047        Violations of Universality in a Vectorlike Extension
hep-ph/9604214     of the Standard Model
April 1996         I. Montvay, DESY

DESY 96-048        The Complete |Delta(S)| = 2 Hamiltonian
TUM-T31-86/96      in the Next-to-Leading Order
hep-ph/9604330     S. Herrlich,DESY-IfH
April 1996         U. Nierste, Phys.-Dept., TU München, Garching

DESY 96-049        Working Group Report on the Structure of the Proton
DTP/96/20          B. Badelek, Inst. of Exp. Phys., Warsaw Univ. and Phys. Inst.
hep-ph/9604345     Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden
March 1996         J. Bartels, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   N. Brook, Dept. of Phys. and Astronomy, Univ. of Glasgow, UK
                   A. De Roeck, A. Vogt, DESY
                   T. Gehrmann, A.D. Martin, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Durham, UK
                   M. Lancaster, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Oxford, UK

DESY 96-050        The Singlet Contribution to the Structure Function
WUE-ITP-96-008     g1(x; Q**2) at Small x
hep-ph/9606254     J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
May 1996           A. Vogt, DESY and Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 96-051        Kink States in P(phi)(2)-Models
hep-th/9604075     (An Algebraic Approach )
April 1996         D. Schlingemann, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-052        Baryogenesis and Lepton Number Violation
hep-ph/9604229     M. Plümacher, DESY
April 1996

DESY 96-053        Active Stabilization of Mechanical Quadrupole Vibrations
April 1996         for Linear Colliders
                   C. Montag, DESY

DESY 96-054        Physical and Unphysical Effects in the Mixed
SWAT/88            SU(2)/SO(3) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9604008    P.W. Stephenson, Univ. of Wales and DESY-IfH
April 1996

DESY 96-055        Photoproduction of D*+- Mesons in Electron-Proton
hep-ex/9604005     Collisions at HERA
April 1996         H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-056        A Search for Squarks of Rp-Violating SUSY at HERA
hep-ex/9604006     H1 Collaboration
April 1996

DESY 96-057        LEPTO 6.5 - A Monte Carlo Generator for Deep Inelastic
hep-ph/9605286     Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
April 1996         G. Ingelman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden and DESY
                   A. Edin, J. Rathsman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden

DESY 96-058        AROMA 2.2 - A Monte Carlo Generator for Heavy Flavour
hep-ph/9605285     Events in ep Collisions
April 1996         G. Ingelman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden and DESY
                   J. Rathsman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden
                   G.A. Schuler, DESY

DESY 96-059        MAJOR 1.5 - A Monte Carlo Generator for Heavy Majorana
hep-ph/9605287     Neutrinos in ep Collisions
April 1996         J. Rathsman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden
                   G. Ingelman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden and DESY

DESY 96-060        Unified Description of Rapidity Gaps and Energy Flows
hep-ph/9605281     in DIS Final States
April 1996         A. Edin, J. Rathsman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden
                   G. Ingelman, Dept. of Rad. Sci., Uppsala Univ., Sweden and DESY

DESY 96-061        Double-Logarithmic Scaling of the Structure Function
hep-ph/9605428     F2 at Small x
May 1996           W. Buchmüller, D. Haidt, DESY

DESY 96-062        Two Topics in b Physics
CERN-TH/96-100     J.L. Rosner, DESY
April 1996

DESY 96-063        On the Asymptotic Behaviour of F2(x; Q**2)
hep-ph/9605276     A. De Roeck, DESY
April 1996         M. Klein, T. Naumann, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-064        Dominant Two-Loop Corrections to the MSSM Finite
IEM-FT-122/96      Temperature Effective Potential
hep-ph/9604320     J.R. Espinosa, DESY
April 1996

DESY 96-065        Renormalization of the Topological Charge in
hep-th/9604124     Yang-Mills Theory
April 1996         M. Reuter, DESY

DESY 96-066        On the Scaling of the Electroweak Interface Tension
MS-TPI-96-7        at Finite Temperature
hep-lat/9605009    J. Hein, DESY
May 1996           J. Heitger, Inst. f. Theor. Phys. I, Univ. Münster

DESY 96-067        Measurement of the Reaction gamma* p --> Phi p in Deep
hep-ex/9604008     Inelastic e+ p Scattering at HERA
April 1996         ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-068        Connection between Feynman Integrals Having Different
JINR E2-96-62      Values of the Space-Time Dimension
hep-th/9606018     O.V. Tarasov, DESY-IfH
May 1996

DESY 96-069        Instantons or Monopoles? Dyons
HLRZ 96-22         V. Bornyakov, Inst. for HEP, Protvino, Russia
hep-lat/9605019    G. Schierholz, DESY and HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
April 1996

DESY 96-070        Representation Theory of Lattice Current Algebras
q-alg/9604017      A.Yu. Alekseev, Uppsala Univ., Sweden and ETH - Hönggerberg,
April 1996         Zürich, Switzerland
                   L.D. Faddeev, Steklov Math. Inst., St. Petersburg, Russia
                   J. Fröhlich, ETH - Hönggerberg, Zürich, Switzerland
                   V. Schomerus, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH and Res. Inst.
                   for Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ., Japan

DESY 96-071        All Loop Finiteness of the Four-Dimensional Donaldson-
ITP-UH-05/96       Nair-Schiff Non-Linear Sigma-Model
hep-th/9604141     S. V. Ketov, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
April 1996

DESY 96-072        The Sugawara Generators at Arbitrary Level
hep-th/9604155     R.W. Gebert, K. Koepsell, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor.
April 1996         Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-073        Properties of HERA Events from DIS on Pions
INP Cracow 1725/PH in the Proton
hep-ph/9606294     M. Przybycien, Faculty of Phys. and Nucl. Techn., Cracow, Poland
April 1996         A. Szczurek, Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Cracow, Poland
                   G. Ingelman, Uppsala Univ. and DESY

DESY 96-074        Mixing Angle of Scalar Mesons and Kaon Polarizability
April 1996         in a Chiral Quark sigma-Model
                   D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, M.K. Volkov, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-
                   Univ., Berlin

DESY 96-075        Nonperturbative Expansion in QCD and e+ e-
April 1996         Annihilation into Hadrons at Low Energies
                   D. Ebert, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   I.L. Solovtsov, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin and
                   Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor. Phys., JINR, Dubna, Russia
                   O.P. Solovtsova, Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor. Phys., JINR,
                   Dubna, Russia

DESY 96-076        Measurement of the F2 Structure Function in Deep Inelastic
hep-ex/9607002     e+ p Scattering Using 1994 Data from
June 1996          the ZEUS Detector at HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-077        Large Transverse Momentum Jet Production and DIS
hep-ph/9605210     Distributions of the Proton
May 1996           M. Klasen, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-078        A Tracking Algorithm for the Stable Spin Polarization
acc-phys/9605001   Field in Storage Rings Using Stroboscopic Averaging
May 1996           K. Heinemann, G.H. Hoffstätter, DESY

DESY 96-079        The Equivalence Theorem and its Radiative Correction-
FERMILAB-PUB-      Free Formulation for all R(xi) Gauges
96/048-T           H.-J. He, DESY
hep-ph/9609326     W.B. Kilgore, Dept. Theor. Phys., Fermilab, USA
September 1996

DESY 96-080        Nonperturbative Evolution Equation for Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9605030     M. Reuter, DESY
May 1996

DESY 96-081        Quantum Liouville Field Theory as Solution of a Flow Equation
HD-THEP-96-11      M. Reuter, DESY
hep-th/9605039     C. Wetterich, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg
May 1996

DESY 96-082        A Search for Selectrons and Squarks at HERA
hep-ex/9605002     H1 Collaboration
April 1996

DESY 96-083        Simulating the Massive Schwinger Model with Chiral
hep-lat/9605011    Defect Fermions
May 1996           A. Jaster, DESY

DESY 96-084        Seeking the Equation of State of Non-Compact Lattice QCD
FUB-HEP/96-06      M. Göckeler, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen
HLRZ 96-26         R. Horsley, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
HUB-EP-96/14       V. Linke, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Freie Univ. Berlin
ZIB preprint SC 96-5    P.E.L. Rakow, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
hep-lat/9605035    G. Schierholz, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and DESY
May 1996           H. Stüben, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f. Info.technik, Berlin

DESY 96-085        Azimuthal Distribution of Quark-Antiquark Jets in DIS
ANL-HEP-PR-96-39   Diffractive Dissociation
hep-ph/9605356     J. Bartels, C. Ewerz, H. Lotter, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
May 1996           M. Wüsthoff, Argonne Nat. Lab., USA

DESY 96-086        Chiral Symmetry and O(a) Improvement in Lattice QCD
CERN-TH/96-138     M. Lüscher, DESY
MPI-PhT/96-38      S. Sint, P. Weisz, MPI f. Phys., München
hep-lat/9605038    R. Sommer, CERN
May 1996

DESY 96-087        NLO Predictions for the Growth of F2 at
hep-ph/9605395     Small x and Comparison with Experimental Data
May 1996           C. Lopez, F. Barreiro, F.J. Yndurain, Depto.
                   Fisica Teorica, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

DESY 96-088        Deep-Inelastic Final States in a Space-Time Description
BNL-63102          of Shower Development and Hadronization
CERN-TH/96-105     J. Ellis, CERN
hep-ph/9605425     K. Geiger, Phys., Dept., BNL, Upton, USA
June 1996          H. Kowalski, DESY

DESY 96-089        Universal Spacing for Heavy Quarkonium Dissociation
CERN-TH/96-128     J.L. Rosner, CERN, DESY and Univ. of Chicago, USA
May 1996

DESY 96-090        The Partonic Structure of the Photon: Photoproduction
May 1996           at the Lepton-Proton Collider HERA
                   M. Erdmann, Phys. Inst., Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 96-091        Isomonodromic Quantization of Dimensionally Reduced
hep-th/9605144     Gravity
May 1996           D. Korotkin, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-092        Bounded Bose Fields
hep-th/9605156     K.-H. Rehren, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
May 1996

DESY 96-093        Observation of Events with an Energetic Forward Neutron
hep-ex/9606006     in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
May 1996           ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-094        Dijet Angular Distributions in Direct and Resolved
hep-ex/9605009     Photoproduction at HERA
May 1996           ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-095        Possible Measurements of Single and Double Spin
hep-ph/9605411     Asymmetries with HERA-N(pol.)
May 1996           W.-D. Nowak, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-096

DESY 96-097        On the Consistent Effect Histories Approach to
quant-phys/9605037 Quantum Mechanics
May 1996           O. Rudolph, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-098        Some Automorphisms of Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras
IHES/M/96/32       J. Fuchs, DESY
q-alg/9605046      U. Ray, DPMMS, Univ. of Cambridge, UK
May 1996           C. Schweigert, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France

DESY 96-099        A New Approach to the Momentum Expansion of Multiloop
JINR E2-96-174     Feynman Diagrams
hep-ph/9606238     O.V. Tarasov, DESY-IfH
June 1996

DESY 96-100        The Coefficient eta(3) of the |Delta(S)| = 2 Hamiltonian
hep-ph/9606242     in the Next-To-Leading Order
June 1996          S. Herrlich, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-101        Higgs and Top Production in the Reaction
hep-ph/9610424     gamma e --> nu b anti-b W at TeV Linear Collider Energies
June 1996          E. Boos, A. Pukhov, Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Moscow State Univ., Russia
                   M. Sachwitz, H.J. Schreiber, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-102        Thermodynamics Potential with Condensate Fields in
June 1996          an SU(2) Model of QCD
                   D. Ebert, V.Ch. Zhukovsky, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.,
                   A.S. Vshivtsev, Moscow State Inst. of Radiotechnics,
                   Electronics and Automatics, Moscow, Russia

DESY 96-103        Further Analysis of the BFKL Equation wiht Momentum
MC-TH-96/18        Cutoffs
hep-ph/9606293     M.F. McDermott, DESY
June 1996          J.R. Forshaw, Dept. of Phys. and Astronomy, Univ. of
                   Manchester, UK

DESY 96-104        Study of Charged-Current ep Interactions at
hep-ex/9606014     Q**2 > 200 GeV**2 with the ZEUS Detector at
June 1996          HERA
                   ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-105        O(a) Improvement of the Axial Current in Lattice QCD
MPI-PhT/96-47      to One-Loop Order of Perturbation Theory
hep-lat/9606016    M. Lüscher, DESY
June 1996          P. Weisz, MPI f. Phys., München

DESY 96-106        B Decays, Flavour Mixings and CP Violation in the
hep-ph/9606324     Standard Model
June 1996          A. Ali, DESY

DESY 96-107        Theoretical Higgs Mass Bounds in the Standard Model
IEM-FT-96-133      and Supersymmetric Extensions
hep-ph/9606316     J. R. Espinosa, DESY
June 1996

DESY 96-108        Proton Structure Functions in the Dipole Picture of
T96/043            the BFKL Dynamics
hep-ph/9605389     H. Navelet, R. Peschanski, S. Wallon, Ch. Royon, Centre
June 1996          d'Etudes de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

DESY 96-109        Top Quark and Higgs Boson Masses: Interplay between
hep-ph/9606386     Infrared and Ultraviolet Physics
May 1996           Barbara Schrempp, Inst. f. Theor. Phys, Univ. Kiel and DESY
                   Michael Wimmer, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Kiel

DESY 96-110        Status and Prospects for Lattice Calculations in Heavy
hep-ph/9606371     Quark Physics
June 1996          H. Wittig, DESY-IfH and HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich

DESY 96-111        Z0 Search in e+ e- Annihilation
LMU-02/96          A. Leike, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München
hep-ph/9607306     S. Riemann, DESY-IfH
June 1996

DESY 96-112        A Partial Wave Analysis of the Reaction
June 1996          gamma gamma --> pi+ pi- pi0
                   The ARGUS Collaboration

DESY 96-113        3-Dimensional Lattice Studies of the Electroweak Phase
UL-NTZ 23/96       Transition at M(Higgs) ~ 70 GeV
HUB-IEP-96-18      M. Gürtler, H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Inst f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Leipzig
hep-lat/9605042    E.-M. Ilgenfritz, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
June 1996          J. Kripfganz, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 96-114        Bosonic Thermal Masses in Supersymmetry
FTUV/96-37         D. Comelli, Departament de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Valencia, Spain
IFIC/96-45         J.R. Espinosa, DESY
June 1996

DESY 96-115        An Investigation of Stochastic Cooling in the Framework
acc-phys/9607001   of control theory
June 1996          O. Meincke, DESY

DESY 96-116        A Renormalization Group Approach to Self-Organized
June 1996          Criticality
                   B. Mikeska, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 96-117        Quantum Double Actions on Operator Algebras and Orbifold
hep-th/9606175     Quantum Field Theories
June 1996          M. Müger, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-118        Superselection Sectors of so(N) Wess-Zumino-Witten Models
hep-th/9607016     J. Böckenhauer, FB Physik, Univ. HH
June 1996

DESY 96-119        Some Topics in Beam Dynamics of Storage Rings
June 1996          H. Mais, DESY

DESY 96-120        On the Resummation of the alpha ln**2(z) Terms
WUE-ITP-96-027     for QED Corrections to Deep-Inelastic ep
hep-ph/9611214     Scattering and e+ e- Annihilation
October 1996       J. Blümlein, S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
                   A. Vogt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 96-121        Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to
hep-ph/9606484     g - 2 of the Leptons and alpha(M(Z))
June 1996          F. Jegerlehner, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-122        Strangeness Production in Deep-Inelastic Positron-
hep-ex/9607010     Proton Scattering at HERA
June 1996          H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-123D      e+ e- Collisions at TeV Energies: The Physics Potential
June 1996          Part D: Proc. of the Workshop - Annecy, Gran Sasso,
                   Hamburg, February 1995 to September 1995
                   P.M. Zerwas (ed.), DESY

DESY 96-124        Conformal Internal Symmetry of 2d sigma-Models
LPTENS 96/38       Coupled to Gravity and a Dilaton
hep-th/9608082     B. Julia, CNRS-ENS, Paris, France
August 1996        H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-125        Tracing QCD - Instantons in Deep Inelastic Scattering
hep-ph/9607238     A. Ringwald, F. Schrempp, DESY
July 1996

DESY 96-126        Gluon Radiation in Diffractive Electroproduction
SLAC-PUB-7204      W. Buchmüller, M.F. McDermott, DESY
hep-ph/9607290     A. Hebecker, SLAC, USA
July 1996

DESY 96-127        A Preliminary Lattice Study of the Glue in the Nucleon
HUB-EP-96/32       M. Göckeler, J.W. Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt/M.
hep-lat/9608017    H. Oelrich, P.E.L. Rakow, DESY-IfH
June 1996          G. Schierholz, DESY et al.

DESY 96-128        On the Physics Potential of Polarized Nucleon-Nucleon
INFNCA-TH 9616     Collisions at HERA
hep-ph/9608393     M. Anselmino, Univ. of Torino
August 1996        E. Andreeva, MEPHI, Moscow, Russia
                   V. Korotkov, S. Nurushev, IHEP, Protvino, Russia
                   F. Murgia, Univ. of Cagliari, Italy
                   W.-D. Nowak, DESY-IfH
                   O. Teryaev, A. Tkabladze, JINR, Dubna, Russia

DESY 96-129        Gauge Fixing, Zero-Momentum Modes and the Calculation of
HU Berlin-EP-96/21 Masses on a Lattice
hep-lat/9606014    V.K. Mitrjushkin, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
July 1996

DESY 96-130        Quantization of Coset Space sigma-Models
hep-th/9607095     Coupled to Two-Dimensional Gravity
July 1996          D. Korotkin, H. Samtleben, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-131        The Evolution of Unpolarized and Polarized Structure
WUE-ITP-96-016     Functions at Small x
hep-ph/9608470     J. Blümlein, S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
August 1996        A. Vogt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 96-132        Small-x Physics in Perturbative QCD
hep-ph/9610276     L.N. Lipatov, Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst., Gatchina, Russia
July 1996

DESY 96-133        New Limits on the Mass of Neutral Higgses in
FTUV/96-43         General Models
IFIC/96-51         D. Comelli, Departament de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Valencia, Spain
IEM-FT-136/96      J.R. Espinosa, DESY
July 1996

DESY 96-134        Curvature Expansion for the Background-Induced
hep-th/9605086     Gluondynamics String
July 1996          D.V. Antonov, D. Ebert, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   Yu.A. Simonov, ITEP, Moscow, Russia

DESY 96-135        Heavy Baryons in the Relativistic Quark Model
hep-ph/9607314     D. Ebert, R.N. Faustov, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
July 1996          V.O. Galkin, Russ. Acad. of Sci., Scientific Council for
                   Cybernetics, Moscow, Russia
                   A.P. Martynenko, V.A. Saleev, Samara State Univ., Russia

DESY 96-136        Conformal Quantum Field Theory: From Haag-Kastler Nets
July 1996          to Wightman Fields
                   M. Jörss, FB Physik, Univ. HH

DESY 96-137        Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on the Lattice
hep-lat/9607035    I. Montvay
July 1996

DESY 96-138        Inclusive D0 and D*+- Production in Deep
hep-ex/9607012     Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
July 1996          H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-139        The Presampler for the Forward and Rear Calorimeter
hep-ex/9609006     in the ZEUS Detector
July 1996          ZEUS Presampler Group

DESY 96-140        CP Violation and Flavour Mixing in the Standard Model -
UdeM-GPP-TH-96-38  1996 Update
hep-ph/9607392     A. Ali, DESY
July 1996          D. London, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada

DESY 96-141        Recent Developments in Fermion Simulation Algorithms
hep-lat/9607051    K. Jansen, DESY
July 1996

DESY 96-142        First Results with Non-Perturbative Fermion Improvement
HUB-EP-96/23       M. Göckeler, RWTH Aachen and HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
hep-lat/9608049    R. Horsley, M. Ilgenfritz, Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
July 1996          H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Fakultät f. Geowissenschaften, Univ. Leipzig
                   H. Oelrich, P. Rakow, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
                   G. Schierholz, HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich and DESY
                   P. Stephenson DESY-IfH

DESY 96-143        An Observation on F2 at Low x
hep-ph/9609203     A. De Roeck, DESY
August 1996        E.A. De Wolf, Univ. Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium

DESY 96-144        Onium Production
hep-ph/9609236     M. Cacciari, DESY
August 1996

DESY 96-145        Heavy Quarks Photoproduction
hep-ph/9608414     M. Cacciari, DESY
August 1996

DESY 96-146        Charmed Mesons Fragmentation Functions
LNF-96/037(P)      M. Cacciari, DESY
LBNL-39175         M. Greco, Univ. di Roma III and INFN, Lab. di Frascati, Italy
hep-ph/9608213     S. Rolli, INFN-Pavia and LBL, Univ. of Calif., USA
July 1996          A. Tanzini, Univ. die Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy

DESY 96-147        Associated J/psi + gamma Photoproduction as a
RAL-96-094         Probe of the Colour-Octet Mechanism
hep-ph/9611324     M. Cacciari, DESY
November 1996      M. Greco, Fracati INFN and Univ. di Roma, Italy
                   M. Krämer, Chilton Rutherford Lab., UK

DESY 96-148        Estimating the Sensitivity of LHC to Electroweak Symmetry
TUIMP-TH-96/78     Breaking: Longitudinal/Goldstone Boson Equivalence as
MSUHEP-60615       a Criterion
hep-ph/9611316     H.-J. He, DESY and Virginia Polytechnic and State Univ., USA
July 1996          Y.-P. Kuang, CCAST, Beijing, China
                   C.-P. Yuan, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA

DESY 96-149        DIPSI: a Monte Carlo Generator for Elastic Vector Meson
hep-ph/9610286     Production in Charged Lepton-Proton Scattering
August 1996        M. Arneodo, Univ. di Torino and Univ. della Calabria, Italy
                   L. Lamberti, Univ. di Torino and INFN, Italy
                   M. Ryskin, Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst., Gatchina, Russia

DESY 96-150        Squark and Gluino Production at Hadron Colliders
CERN-TH/96-215     W. Beenakker, Inst. Lorentz, Rijksuniv. Leiden
hep-ph/9610490     R. Höpker, P.M. Zerwas, DESY
October 1996       M. Spira, CERN

DESY 96-151        Lattice Computation of Structure Functions
HLRZ 96-55         M. Göckeler, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., J.W. Goethe-Univ.,
HUB-EP-96/38       Frankfurt/M.
hep-lat/9608046    G. Schierholz, DESY et al.
August 1996

DESY 96-152        The Drell-Yan Process and Deep Inelastic Scattering
HUB-EP-96/37       from the Lattice
hep-lat/9609039    M. Göckeler, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., J.W. Goethe-Univ.,
August 1996        Frankfurt/M.
                   H. Oelrich, P.E.L. Rakow, DESY-IfH
                   G. Schierholz, DESY et al.

DESY 96-153        Low-Lying Eigenvalues of the Wilson-Dirac Operator
hep-lat/9608048    K. Jansen, C. Liu, DESY
August 1996        H. Simma, D. Smith, Dept. of Phys. & Astronomy,
                   Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland

DESY 96-154        Basis invariants in non-Abelian gauge theories
hep-th/9701124     U. Müller, DESY-IfH
December 1996

DESY 96-155        Complete Determination of the Singularity Structure
hep-th/9608056     of Zeta Functions
August 1996        E. Elizalde, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-156        Symplectic Thin-Lens Transfer Maps for SIXTRACK:
August 1996        Treatment of Bending Magnets in Terms of the Exact
                   D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G. Ripken, DESY
                   F. Schmidt, CERN

DESY 96-157        Some New Results in O(a) Improved Lattice QCD
CERN-TH/96-217     M. Lüscher, DESY
hep-lat/9608049    S. Sint, P. Weisz, MPI f. Phys., München
August 1996        R. Sommer, CERN and DESY-IfH
                   H. Wittig DESY-IfH and HLRZ, c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich
                   U. Wolff, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin

DESY 96-158        Baryon Asymmetry and Neutrino Mixing
hep-ph/9608308     W. Buchmüller, M. Plümacher, DESY
August 1996

DESY 96-159        Measurement of Elastic omega Photoproduction at HERA
hep-ex/9608010     ZEUS Collaboration
August 1996

DESY 96-160        Charged Particle Multiplicities in Deep Inelastic
hep-ex/9608011     Scattering at HERA
August 1996        H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-161        Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in ep Collisions
hep-ex/9704018     at 300 GeV Center of Mass Energy
August 1996        ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-162        Studies of Diffractive Interactions Using the H1 Detector
August 1996        P.R. Newman, School of Phys. and Space Res., Univ. of
                   Birmingham, UK
                   S. Tapprogge, Inst. f. Hochenergiephys., Univ. Heidelberg
                   J. Theissen, III. Physikal. Inst. B, RWTH Aachen
                   A. Valkarova, Nucl. Center of Charles Univ., Prague
                   S. Schiek, G. Schmidt, II. Inst. Exp., Univ. HH
                   B. Clerbaux, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

DESY 96-163        Search for Excited Fermions with the H1 Detector
hep-ex/9609008     H1 Collaboration
August 1996

DESY 96-164        Blockspin Transformations for Finite Temperature Field
hep-lat/9608121    Theories with Gauge Fields
August 1996        U. Kerres, Univ. HH

DESY 96-165        (4,4) Superfield Supergravity
ITP-UH-15/96       S.V. Ketov, C. Unkmeir, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
hep-th/9608131     S.-O. Moch, DESY
August 1996

DESY 96-166        An Affine String Vertex Operator Construction at
hep-th/9608014     Arbitrary Level
August 1996        R.W. Gebert, H. Nicolai, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-167        The Unmasking of Thermal Goldstone Bosons
hep-th/9608139     D. Buchholz, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.
August 1996        J. Bros, CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

DESY 96-168        The gamma* gamma* Total Cross Section and the BFKL Pomeron
hep-ph/9608401     at e+ e- Colliders
August 1996        J. Bartels, H. Lotter, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
                   A. De Roeck, DESY

DESY 96-169        Higher Order Mode Damping by Artificially Increased
August 1996        Surface Losses
                   M. Dohlus, H. Hartwig, N. Holtkamp, DESY
                   S. Ivanov, V. Kaljuzhny, MEPI, Moscow, Russia
                   A. Naboka, INR, Moscow, Russia

DESY 96-170        Soft Gluon Radiation in Higgs Boson Production at the LHC
CERN-TH/96-231     M. Krämer, DESY
hep-ph/9611272     E. Laenen, M. Spira, CERN
November 1996

DESY 96-171        The H1 Lead/Scintillating-Fibre Calorimeter
August 1996        H1 SPACAL Group

DESY 96-172        Theoretical Uncertainties in the QCD Evolution of
INLO-PUB-17/96     Structure Functions and their Impact on alpha(s)(M(Z)**2)
WUE-ITP-96-017     J. Blümlein, S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
hep-ph/9609217     W.L. van Neerven, Inst. Lorentz, Rijksuniv. Leiden,
August 1996        The Netherlands
                   A. Vogt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 96-173        The Light Hadron Mass Spectrum with Non-Perturbatively
HLRZ 96-32         O(a) Improved Wilson Fermions
HUB-EP-96/48       G. Göckeler, J.W. Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt and RWTH Aachen
hep-lat/9609008    R. Horsely, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ. Berlin
August 1996        H. Perlt, A. Schiller, Inst. Theor. Phys., Univ. Leipzig
                   P. Rakow, P. Stephenson, DESY-IFH and HLRZ
                   G. Schierholz, DESY-IfH, HLRZ and DESY

DESY 96-174        Leptoquark Pair Production in Hadronic Interactions
hep-ph/9610408     J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
October 1996       E. Boos, A. Kryukov, DESY-IfH and Moscow State Univ., Russia

DESY 96-175        On the Twist 2 and Twist 3 Contributions to the
hep-ph/9612318     Spin-Dependent Electroweak Structure Functions
December 1996      J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   N. Kochelev, DESY-IfH and Bogoliubov Lab. Theor. Phys., JINR,

DESY 96-176        On the Classification of Decoherence Functionals
gr-qc/9608066      O. Rudolph, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
August 1996

DESY 96-177        Restoring Reality for the Self-Dual N=2 String
ITP-UH-19/96       J. Bischoff, O. Lechtenfeld, Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
hep-th/9608196     Univ. Hannover
August 1996

DESY 96-178        Stop Decays in SUSY-QCD
hep-ph/9610313     W. Beenakker, Inst. Lorentz, Rijksuniv. Leiden,
October 1996       The Netherlands
                   R. Höpker, T. Plehn, P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 96-179        Diffractive Interactions
hep-ex/9609009     V. Del Duca, Dept. of Phys. & Astronomie, Univ. of Edinburgh
August 1996        E. Gallo, INFN, Firenze, Italy
                   P. Marage, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

DESY 96-180        Non-Perturbative O(a) Improvement of Lattice QCD
CERN-TH/96-218     M. Lüscher, DESY
HUB-EP-96-46       S. Sint, SCRI, The Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, USA
MPI-PhT/96-75      R. Sommer, DESY-IfH and CERN
FSU-SCRI-96-101    P. Weisz, MPI-Inst. f. Phys., München
hep-lat/9609035    U. Wolff, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
September 1996

DESY 96-181        From Conformal Haag-Kastler Nets to Wightman Functions
hep-th/9609020     M. Jörss, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
August 1996

DESY 96-182        The OSp(32|1) Versus OSp(8|2) Supersymmetric M-Brane
ITP-UH-18/96       Action from Self-Dual (2,2) Strings
hep-th/9609004     S.V. Ketov, Inst. f. Phys., Univ. Hannover
September 1996

DESY 96-183        Study of Elastic rho0 Photoproduction at HERA Using the
hep-ex/9609003     ZEUS Leading Proton Spectrometer
August 1996        ZEUS Collaboration

DESY 96-184        Photons and Pomerons in Photoproduction at HERA
September 1996     U. Mallik, Phys. and Astronom. Dept., Univ. of Iowa, USA

DESY 96-185        Structure Functions
Edinburgh 96/24    R.D. Ball, Dept. Phys. and Astron., Univ of Edinburgh, UK
hep-ph/9609309     A. De Roeck, DESY
August 1996

DESY 96-186        Analog Optical Transmission of Fast Photomultiplier
astro-ph/9611102   Pulses Over Distances of 2 km
August 1996        A. Karle et al., DESY-IfH

DESY 96-187        Measuring Chiral Parameters in the Strongly Interacting
hep-ph/9609334     W System at a Linear Collider
September 1996     W. Kilian, DESY

DESY 96-188        Classical Solutions in Lattice Gauge Theories
HUB-EP-96/31       V.K. Mitrjushkin, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
August 1996

DESY 96-189        O(alpha) QED Corrections to Neutral Current Polarized
hep-ph/9612435     Deep-Inelastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering
December 1996      D. Bardin, DESY-IfH and Dubna JINR, Russia
                   J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   P. Christova, DESY-IfH and Univ. of Shoumen, Bulgaria
                   L. Kalinovskaya, Dubna JINR, Russia and Univ. of Shoumen, Bulgaria

DESY 96-190        The Complete |Delta(S)| = 2 Hamiltonian in the Next-to-
hep-ph/9609376     Leading Order and its Phenomenological Implications
September 1996     S. Herrlich, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-191        High p(T) Charm Photoproduction
hep-ph/9609335     G. Abbiendi, DESY
September 1996     J.M. Butterworth, Univ. College London, UK
                   R. Graciani, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

DESY 96-192        Analysis of Electroweak Precision Data and Procpects
KEK-TH-512         for Future Improvements
hep-ph/9706331     K. Hagiwara, KEK, Tsukuba and Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
June 1997          D. Haidt, DESY
                   S. Matsumoto, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

DESY 96-193        The First Evidence for Three-Jet Events in
September 1996     e+ e- Collisions at PETRA - First Direct
                   Observation of the Gluon
                   P. Söding, B. Wiik, G. Wolf, DESY
                   S. L. Wu, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

DESY 96-194        Deep-Inelastic Production of Heavy Quarks
CERN-TH/96-256     E. Laenen, CERN
FSU-HEP-960910     M. Buza, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ITP-SB-96-51       B.W. Harris, Phys. Dept., Florida State Univ., USA
INLO-PUB-19/96     Y. Matiounine, J. Smith, SUNY Stony Brook, USA
hep-ph/9609351     R. Migneron, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Canada
September 1996     S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
                   W.L. van Neerven, Inst. Lorentz, Univ. of Leiden, The Netherlands

DESY 96-195        Inklusive 1- und 2-Jet-Wirkungsquerschnitte in
September 1996     Photon-Photon-Kollisionen in nächstführender
                   Ordnung der QCD
                   T. Kleinwort, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-196        WZW Fusion Rings in the Limit of Infinite Level
IHES/P/96/47       J. Fuchs, DESY
hep-th/9609124     C. Schweigert, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
September 1996

DESY 96-197        Prospects for Measuring Delta(G) from Jets at HERA
hep-ph/9610315     with Polarized Protons and Electrons
September 1996     A. De Roeck, DESY
                   J. Feltesse, F. Kunne, DAPNIA, CE Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
                   M. Maul, A. Schäfer, C.Y. Wu, J.W. Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt/Main
                   E. Mirkes, Inst. f. Theor. Teilchenphys., Univ. Karlsruhe
                   G. Rädel, CERN

DESY 96-198        Recent Developments in Radiative Corrections at HERA
hep-ph/9609399     D. Bardin, DESY-IfH and Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor. Phys.,
September 1996     JINR, Dubna, Russia
                   J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
                   P. Christova, Konstantin Preslavsky Univ. of Shoumen, Bulgaria
                   L. Kalinovskaya, Bogoliubov Lab. of Theor. Phys., JINR,
                   Dubna, Russia

DESY 96-199        A Detailed Comparison of NLO QCD Evolution Codes
INLO-PUB-20/96     J. Blümlein, S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
WUE-ITP-96-018     M. Botje, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
hep-ph/9609400     C. Pascaud, F. Zomer, LAL, Univ. de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
September 1996     W. L. van Neerven, Lorentz Inst., Univ. of Leiden, The Netherlands
                   A. Vogt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Würzburg

DESY 96-200        Online Readout and Control Unit for High-speed / High
September 1996     Resolution Readout of Silicon Tracking Detectors
                   J. Bürger, K. Hansen, W. Lange T. Nowak S. Prell,
                   W. Zimmermann, DESY

DESY 96-201        Color-Singlet and Color-Octet Contributions to
hep-ph/9609416     J/psi Photoproduction
September 1996     M. Krämer, DESY

DESY 96-202        Instantons in Deep-Inelastic Scattering - The Simplest
hep-ph/9609445     Process -
September 1996     S. Moch, A. Ringwald, F. Schrempp, DESY

DESY 96-203        Instanton-Induced Processes in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
hep-ph/9610213     A. Ringwald, F. Schrempp, DESY
October 1996

DESY 96-204        Photoproduction of Jets at HERA in Next-to-Leading
September 1996     Order QCD
                   M. Klasen, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-205        The Heavy-Flavour Contribution to Proton Structure
FSU-HEP-960917     K. Daum, Rechenzentrum, Univ. Wuppertal
CERN-TH/96-262     S. Riemersma, DESY-IfH
hep-ph/9609478     B.W. Harris, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, USA
September 1996     E. Laenen, CERN
                   J. Smith, SUNY, New York, USA

DESY 96-206        Power Corrections in the Decay Rate and Distributions
HUPD-9615          in B --> X(s) l+ l- in the Standard Model
hep-ph/9609449     A. Ali, G. Hiller, DESY
September 1996     L.T. Handoko, T. Morozumi, Hiroshima Univ., Japan

DESY 96-207        Dynamical Wilson Fermions and the Problem of the Chiral
HU Berlin-EP-96/36 Limit in Compact Lattice QED
hep-lat/9608053    A. Hoferichter, V.K. Mirtrjushkin, M. Müller-Preussker, Inst. f.
September 1996     Phys., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
                   H. Stüben, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f. Informationstechnik Berlin

DESY 96-208        Generalization of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Equations
hep-th/9610066     A.Yu. Alekseev, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
September 1996     A. Recknagel, ETH - Hönggerberg, Zürich, Switzerland
                   V. Schomerus, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH

DESY 96-209        QED Radiative Corrections in Exclusive rho0 Leptoproduction
hep-ph/9606240     K. Kurek, Univ. of Warsaw Branch, Poland
September 1996

DESY 96-210        Large-p(T) Photoproduction of D*+- Mesons
CERN-TH/96-274     in ep Collisions
MPI/PhT/96-103     B.A. Kniehl, MPI f. Phys., Werner-Heisenberg-Inst., München
hep-ph/9610267     G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
October 1996       M. Spira, CERN

DESY 96-211        Constraints on Supersymmetric Models from the Muon
CERN-TH/96-271     Anomalous Magnetic Moment
hep-ph/9610233     M. Carena, CERN and DESY
October 1996       G.F. Giudice, C.E.M. Wagner, CERN

DESY 96-212        Predictions for Anomalous tau+ tau- gamma Production
hep-ph/9610437     at LEP 1
October 1996       J. Biebel, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-213        Deep Inelastic Scattering with Tagged Photons at HERA
hep-ph/9612203     D. Bardin, DESY-IfH and Bogoliubov Lab. Techn. Phys., JINR,
November 1996      Russia

DESY 96-214        Extended NJL Model for Light and Heavy Mesons without
HUB-EP-96/40       q - anti-q Thresholds
hep-ph/9608223     D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, Inst. f. Phys. Humboldt-Univ., Berlin
October 1996       H. Reinhardt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Tübingen

DESY 96-215        Measurement of Charged Particle Transverse Momentum
hep-ex/9610006     Spectra in Deep Inelastic Scattering
October 1996       H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-216        Electroweak Phase Transition and Neutrino Masses
hep-ph/9610335     W. Buchmüller, DESY
October 1996

DESY 96-217        Development of the H1 Backward Silicon Strip Detector
October 1996       W. Eick, DESY-IfH et al.

DESY 96-218        Deep Inelastic Physics with H1
hep-ph/9610398     M. Klein, DESY-IfH
October 1996

DESY 96-219        Vector Leptoquark Pair Production in e+ e- Annihilation
hep-ph/9610506     J. Blümlein, DESY-IfH
October 1996       E. Boos, A. Kryukov, DESY-IfH and Moscow State Univ., Russia

DESY 96-220        Azimuthal Dependence of Forward-Jet Production in DIS
ANL-HEP-PR-96-46   in the High-Energy Limit
Edinburgh 96/26    J. Bartels, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. HH
hep-ph/9610450     V. Del Duca, Dept. of Phys. and Astronomy, Edinburgh, Scotland
October 1996       M. Wüsthoff, Argonne Nat. Lab., USA

DESY 96-221        Analytical Solution of the SL(2,R)/U(1) WZNW Black Hole
hep-th/9702095     Model
December 1996      U. Müller, G. Weigt, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-222        Non-Perturbative Determination of the Axial Current
OUTP 96-64P        Normalization Constant in O(a) Improved Lattice QCD
CERN-TH/96-312     M. Lüscher, DESY
FSU-SCRI-96-116    S. Sint, SCRI, The Florida State Univ., USA
hep-lat/9611015    R. Sommer, CERN and DESY-IfH
November 1996      H. Wittig, Univ. of Oxford, UK

DESY 96-223        Inclusive Two-Jet Production in Photon-Photon Collisions:
hep-ph/9610506     Direct and Resolved Contributions in Next-to-Leading
October 1996       Order QCD
                   T. Kleinwort, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-224        Scale Influence on the Energy Dependence of Photon-Proton
hep-ex/9611004     Cross Sections
October 1996       H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-225        Constant External Fields in Gauge Theory and the
IASSNS-HEP-96/90   Spin 0, 1/2, 1 Path Integrals
HD-THEP-96/17      M. Reuter, DESY
HUB-EP-96/13       M.G. Schmidt, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg
hep-th/9610191     C. Schubert, Inst. for Adv. Study, Princeton and
October 1996       Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin

DESY 96-226        A Global chi**2 Analysis of Electroweak Data in SO(10)
CERN-TH/96-316     T. Blazek, S. Raby, Ohio State Univ., USA
hep-ph/9611217     M. Carena, CERN
November 1996      C.E.M. Wagner, CERN and DESY

DESY 96-227        A Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Approach to the
cond-mat/9610218   Bak-Sneppen Model
October 1996       B. Mikeska, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-228        On the Algebraic Theory of Kink Sectors: Application to
October 1996       Quantum Field Theory Models and Collision Theory
                   D. Schlingemann, FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-229        On Stern-Gerlach Forces Allowed by Special Relativity and
physics/9611001    the Special Case of the Classical Spinning Particle of
October 1996       Derbenev-Kondratenko
                   K. Heinemann, DESY

DESY 96-230        Energy Fluctuation Analysis in Integrable Billiards in
November 1996      Hyperbolic Geometry
                   C. Grosche, II. Inst. f. Teor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg and TU Clausthal

DESY 96-231        Weak C* Hopf Symmetry
q-alg/9611007      K.-H. Rehren, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg
November 1996

DESY 96-232        Bottom-Up Approach and Supersymmetry Breaking
CERN-TH/96-241     M. Carena, CERN and DESY
TUM-HEP-260/96     P. Chankowski, C.E.M. Wagner, CERN
SFB-375/126        M. Olechowski, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., TU München
hep-ph/9612261     S. Pokorski, Inst. of Theor. Phys., Warsaw Univ., Poland and
December 1996      Max-Planck-Inst. f. Physik, Werner-Heisenberg-Inst., München

DESY 96-233        GENTLE/4fan v. 2.0: A Program for the Semi-Analytic Calculation
hep-ph/9612409     of Predictions for the Process e+ e- --> 4f
December 1996      D. Bardin, J. Biebel, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH
                   D. Lehner, Fak. f. Phys., Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Freiburg
                   A. Leike, Sekt. Phys., Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München

DESY 96-234        QCD and the Structure of the Proton
MPI-PhE/96-23      M. Kuhlen, Max-Planck-Inst. f. Physik, Werner-Heisenberg-Inst.,
hep-ex/9611008     München
November 1996

DESY 96-235        Future Physics at HERA
November 1996      Proceedings, Workshop, Hamburg, 25.9.1995-31.5.1996
                   G. Ingelman, A. De Roeck, R. Klanner, DESY

DESY 96-236        Determination of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function
hep-ex/9611017     FL (x; Q**2) at Low x
November 1996      H1 Collaboration

DESY 96-237        Disorder Operators, Quantum Doubles, and Haag Duality in
hep-th/9611131     1 + 1 Dimensions
November 1996      M. Müger, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-238        The Space-Time Picture of the Wee Partons and the AGK
hep-ph/9612226     Cutting Rules in Perturbative QCD
November 1996      J. Bartels, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg
                   M.G. Ryskin, St. Petersburg Nucl. Phys. Inst., Russia

DESY 96-239        The Evolution of the Nonsinglet Twist-3 Parton Distribution
NTZ 42/96          Function
hep-ph/9611452     B. Geyer, D. Müller, Fak. f. Phys. u. Geowiss., Univ. Leipzig
November 1996      D. Robaschik, DESY-IfH

DESY 96-240        has not appeared, superseded by DESY-97-065

DESY 96-241        Magnetic Screening in the High Temperature Phase of the
HD-THEP-96-50      Standard Model
hep-ph/9612286     W. Buchmüller, DESY
December 1996      O. Philipsen, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Heidelberg

DESY 96-242        Path Integral Discussion for Super-Integrable Potentials:
November 1996      IV. The Three-Dimensional Hyperboloid
                   C. Grosche, Inst. Theor. Phys., TU Clausthal and II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.

DESY 96-243        QED and Electroweak Corrections to Deep Inelastic Scattering
hep-ph/9611426     D. Bardin, DESY-IfH and Bogoliubov Lab. Theor. Phys., JINR, Russia
November 1996      J. Blümlein, T. Riemann, DESY-IfH
                   P. Christova, Univ. of Shoumen, Bulgaria
                   L. Kalinovskaya, Bogoliubov Lab. Theor. Phys., JINR, Russia

DESY 96-244        Solitons, Monopoles, and Duality: from Sine-Gordon to
ITP-UH-23/96       Seiberg-Witten
hep-th/9611209     S.V. Ketov, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
November 1996

DESY 96-245        Poisson Realization and Quantization of the Geroch Group
gr-qc/9611061      D. Korotkin, H. Samtleben, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg
November 1996

DESY 96-246        Inclusive Two-Jet Production at HERA: Direct and Resolved
hep-ph/9611450     Cross Sections in Next-to-Leading Order QCD
November 1996      M. Klasen, G. Kramer, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-247        Gluinos on the Lattice: Quenched Calculations
hep-lat/9612003    G. Koutsoumbas, Phys. Dept., Nat. Techn. Univ., Athens, Greece
November 1996      I. Montvay, DESY

DESY 96-248        B Decays in the Standard Model - Status and
hep-ph/9612262     Perpectives
December 1996      A. Ali, DESY

DESY 96-249        Integrable Classical and Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9612065     H. Nicolai, D. Korotkin, H. Samtleben, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys.,
December 1996      Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-250        Twining Characters and Orbit Lie Algebras
IHES/M/96/79       J. Fuchs, DESY
NIKHEF 96-030      U. Ray, IHES, Bur-sur-Yvette, France
UCB-PHT-96/56      B. Schellekens, NIKHEF/FOM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
LBNL-39653         C. Schweigert, LBL, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
December 1996

DESY 96-251        Fixed Point Resolution in Conformal Field Theory
NIKHEF-96-032      J. Fuchs, DESY
UCB-PTH-96/57      B. Schellekens, NIKHEF/FOM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
LBNL-39689         C. Schweigert, LBL, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
December 1996

DESY 96-252        A Study of the Gluon Propagator in SU(2) Lattice Gauge
December 1996      Theory
                   F. Gutbrod, DESY

DESY 96-253        Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in e+ e- Collisions
BUTP-96/28         C. Greub, DESY
hep-ph/9612340     P. Minkowski, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Bern
December 1996

DESY 96-254        Production of charged Higgs boson pairs in
CERN-TH-97-137     gluon gluon collisions
hep-ph/9707430     A. Krause, T. Plehn, DESY
July 1997          M. Spira, CERN
                   P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 96-255        Decays of W Bosons to Charginos and Neutralinos
hep-ph/9702386     J. Kalinowski, DESY and Warsaw Univ., Poland
December 1996      P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 96-256        Strongly interacting vector bosons at TeV e+- e-
hep-ph/9708310     linear colliders
August 1997        E. Boos, Darmstadt Tech. Hochsch. and Moscow State University
                   H.J. He, DESY,   C.P. Yuan, Michigan State University
                   P.M. Zerwas, DESY

DESY 96-257        Four-jet signal at LEP2 and supersymmetry
CERN-TH-96-352     M. Carena, CERN and DESY
hep-ph/9612334     G.F. Giudice, S. Lola, C.E.M. Wagner, CERN
December 1996

DESY 96-258        Charm Electroproduction Viewed in the Variable-Flavour
NIKHEF/96-027      Number Scheme versus Fixed-Order Perturbation Theory
ITP-SB-96-66       M. Buza, NIKHEF/UVA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
INLO-PUB-22/96     Y. Matiounine, State Univ. New York at Stony Brook, USA
hep-ph/9612398     J. Smith, DESY
                   W.L. van Neerven, Lorentz Inst., Leiden Univ., The Netherlands

DESY 96-259        Mixed (Open/Closed) N=(2,2) String Theory as an Integrable
ITP-UH-25/96       Deformation of Self-Duality
hep-th/9612170     S.V. Ketov, Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hannover
December 1996

DESY 96-260        Production of Charm Quark Jets in DIS Diffractive
hep-ph/9612415     Dissociation
December 1996      H. Lotter, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-261        Quantum Moduli Spaces of Flat Connections
q-alg/9612037      A.Yu. Alekseev, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
December 1996      V. Schomerus, II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-262        Phenomenology of the BFKL Pomeron and Unitarity
hep-ph/9705288     Corrections at Low x
December 1996      H. Lotter, FB Physik, Univ. Hamburg

DESY 96-263        Chiral Phase Transitions in Strong Chromomagnetic Fields
HUB-EP-96/65       at Finite Temperature and Dimensional Reduction
hep-ph/9701323     D. Ebert, V.Ch. Zhukovsky, Inst. f. Phys., Humboldt-Univ.
December 1996      zu Berlin

DESY 96-264        Particle Identification with Neutral Networks Using a
December 1996      Rotational Invariant Moment Representation
                   R. Sinkus, Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel
                   T. Voss, DESY

DESY 96-265        An SDH-based Optical Transmission-System for Applications
December 1996      in the High-Energy Physics
                   M. Reinecke, K. Hansen, DESY

DESY 96-266        A Fast and Precise Method to Solve the Altarelli-Parisi
December 1996      Equations in x Space
                   C. Pascaud, F. Zomer, LAL, Orsay, France

DESY 96-267        Dimensional Structural Constants from Chiral and Conformal
SPbU-IP-96-34      Bosonization of QCD
HUB-EP-96/64       A.A. Andrianov, D. Ebert, T. Feldmann, Inst. F. Phys.,
hep-ph/9702338     Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin
December 1996      V.A. Andrianov, St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia

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