Monday, June 17, 16:00 -
18:40 // Sm.Rm.4 |
Chair: Reinhold Rückl (Würzburg) |
Sabine Riemann (DESY-Zeuthen) |
20' |
Searches for Extra Dimensions at LEP and the LC |
Laurent Duflot (Orsay) |
20' |
Searches for Extra Dimensions at the Tevatron |
Ilya Korolkov |
20' |
Search for Extra Dimensions at the LHC |
Apostolos Pilaftsis (Manchester) |
20' |
LEP Constraints on Minimal
5-Dimensional Extensions of the Standard Model |
Konstantin Matchev (Florida) |
20' |
Phenomenology of Universal Extra Dimensions |
Thomas G. Rizzo (SLAC) |
| 20' |
Effects of Radion Mixing on the Properties of the Higgs Boson |
John Gunion (UC Davis) |
20' |
The scalar (Higgs-radion) sector of the Randall Sundrum model |
JoAnne L. Hewett (SLAC) |
20' |
Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions |
Tuesday, June 18, 16:30
- 19:30 // Sm.Rm.4 |
Chair: JoAnne Hewett (SLAC) |
Stephen Godfrey (Carleton) |
20' |
Signals for Non-Commutative Field Theories at High Energy Colliders |
Gabriele Travaglini (Durham) |
20' |
Non Commutativity, Supersymmetry breaking and Model Building |
Huitzu Tu (DESY) |
20' |
Mini black hole formation in TeV-scale gravity models |
Panagiota Kanti (CERN) |
20' |
Greybody factors for scalar emission from higher-dimensional black holes |
Kingman Cheung (Taiwan) |
20' |
Black hole, string ball, p-brane production at hadronic supercolliders |
Yuri Shirman (Cal Tech) |
20' |
Small instanton amplitudes in compactified gauge theories |
Stefan Groot Nibbelink (Bonn) |
20' |
Instabilities in 5-dimensional supersymmetric orbifold models |
Jose Espinosa (Madrid) |
20' |
Unconventional low-energy supersymmetry in a Randall-Sundrum world |
Patrick Fox (Univ. Washington) |
20' |
Gauge Extended Supersymmetry and Supersoft SUSY Breaking |
Wednesday, June 19, 16:10
- 18:30 // Sm.Rm.4 |
Chair: Thomas Rizzo (SLAC) |
Keith R. Dienes (Arizona) |
20' |
Shape versus Volume: Rethinking the Properties of Large Extra Dimensions |
Jay Wacker (UC Berkeley) |
20' |
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from Theory Space |
Vicente Di Clemente (Southampton) |
20' |
Supersymmetry and Electroweak Breaking in Extra Dimensions |
Nikolaos Irges (Madrid) |
20' |
Finite Higgs Mass in Orbifold Models with Broken Gauge Symmetry |
Emanuel Katz (Univ. Washington) |
20' |
The Littlest Higgs |
Adam Falkowski (Warsaw) |
20' |
Soft Electroweak breaking from hard Supersymmetry breaking |
Matthias Klein (SLAC) |
20' |
Effective Lagrangians in Pseudo-Supersymmetry |
Saturday, June 22, 15:00
- 17:00 // Sm.Rm.61 |
Chair: Marc Besancon (CEA Saclay) |
Graham Kribs (Wisconsin) |
20' |
Unification into product GUT gauge theories |
Yukihiro Mimura (Oklahoma State) |
20' |
Orbifold Breaking of Left-Right Symmetry |
Lisa Everett (CERN) |
20' |
Oddities of Extra Dimensions |
Stefan Huber (DESY) |
20' |
Flavor Physics and Warped Extra Dimensions |
Jisuke Kubo (Kanazawa) |
20' |
Suppressing FCNC and CP-violating phases with Extra Dimensions |
Jeonghyeon Song (KIAS) |
20' |
Kaluza-Klein gravitino production with a single
photon at e+ e- |